The elephant is a majestic and graceful animal revered in different cultures. The science of studying symbolism and signs claims that each culture created its own amulets based on the worship of this animal. As a symbol, the elephant carries deep meaning for all nations.


The meaning of the elephant figurine in different cultures

In different cultures and beliefs, there are special attributes that contribute to imparting magical powers. There are a huge number of them, but each of them has its own purpose. The elephant as a symbol is most often depicted in three ancient cultures: Chinese, African and Indian. But over time, the elephant talisman spread to many corners of the globe.

Elephant symbol in feng shui

The teachings of Feng Shui have a large number of mysterious symbols and amulets, but special significance is attached to the image of an elephant. Thanks to this, it is credited with natural nobility and stone stability.

Having an elephant figurine in the house has a beneficial effect on the internal atmosphere and allows you to attract a positive attitude and good luck. For a more effective result, it is recommended to place it towards a star with good potential. Typically, the south-east and north-west sides of the house are suitable for such a place. Being on these sides, the figurine will project energy onto the head of the family to support his spirit. If you want to preserve the accompanying luck, it is better to turn the elephant figurine with its trunk inside the apartment.

In the practice of Feng Shui, an elephant figurine as a talisman does not need to be charged with additional energy; it was originally created in the form of a strong talisman.

It is worth mentioning separately that the teaching speaks not only about the symbol of this animal, but also about how many there should be to achieve certain goals.

Thus, if you decide to purchase figurines, you should find out the value of their quantity:

  1. One figurine. It encourages striving, unity with the natural principle, gives clarity of mind, the opportunity to more deeply feel the influence of living forces. Helps achieve balance in relation to the internal and material world.
  2. Three figures are a symbol of the foundation, the heavenly foundation. Three elephants connect a person with Heaven and Earth. The presence of three figures in life will provide what is necessary to achieve balance, bring peace of mind, and serve as a guide to the life-giving forces of nature.
  3. Seven figures. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is known that the Complete Heavenly Cycle is associated with the symbol of seven elephants. The moon goes through all its phases in seven days, of which there are the same number in a week. It is this number that is compared with perfection and completeness.

Elephant symbol in Chinese culture

For the Chinese people, it equates inner strength and flow of energy. The myths use the image of an elephant warrior fighting terrible spirits. For example, near the tombs of the Ming Dynasty, huge stone figures of this animal, standing upright and kneeling, guard the path leading to the tombs. There is another Chinese legend that says that childless women turn to these elephants and ask for the opportunity to continue their family.

China considers the elephant a symbol of positivity and a bright attitude towards life, and interest in development.

So, the following qualities were compared with him:

  • foresight;
  • cunning;
  • efficiency;
  • understanding;
  • success in business;
  • passion;
  • the ability to stand up for yourself.

Elephant and its designation in Indian culture

The elephant is a key figure in Indian mythology and occupies an overwhelming part of ethnic culture. This is explained by the fact that the animal is equated with a deity. Hindus admire the restraint and wisdom of the giant and tend to venerate him along with other sacred animals. According to established tradition, elephants have been considered the pillar of the world since ancient times.

It’s incredibly interesting what the elephant became a symbol of here:

  • amazing wisdom;
  • holy war;
  • pride.

The image of an elephant is endowed with deep meaning and is used throughout the state. It is customary to decorate temples and houses with it in the form of wall paintings and embroidery on clothes.

Even more awe-inspiring is the veneration of the god Ganesh, who personifies invulnerability and caution. Buddhism claims that he was born with the head of an elephant, and his purpose is to protect humanity.

The elephant in India, as the king of animals, has absorbed the features that distinguish a worthy ruler:

  • perfection;
  • mental abilities;
  • prudence;
  • peacefulness.

Elephant in African culture

In Africa, this animal means only positivity, and is associated with the following qualities:

  • sincerity;
  • endurance;
  • virtue;
  • high mental abilities;
  • noble upbringing;
  • logical mindset;
  • instinct;
  • loyalty to one's convictions;
  • longevity;
  • success in worldly affairs.

African peoples were subjected to numerous attacks by conquerors and colonization of territories. Due to the events that took place, a mentality was formed with a specific interpretation of the symbolic meaning of the elephant figure. It was then that the powerful and heavy religion of Voodoo was born, which later turned into ritual magic. Witchcraft and symbolism have been an integral part of African cultural life.

Particular attention was paid to unity with nature and the animal world. The symbolism used in Africa implied differences in the color of the sign. Thus, the Gray and White Elephant stood out, each in their own way endowed with numerous supernatural powers and incredible potential. For some, the Gray Elephant, depicted standing on its hind legs, meant the beginning of the battle and the readiness to fight to the end. Many banners of the troops were decorated with such images to maintain the spirit of the soldiers.

Others saw a second type of symbol in the White Elephant with its trunk rising upward. This sign indicated the achievement of a goal and triumph in business. This theory is based on ancient drawings and paintings of caves telling about battles involving these majestic and brave animals. After the battle, fallen elephants were given honor and praise, just like humans.

Elephant in Thai culture

Since ancient times, Thailand has chosen the figure of an elephant as the symbol of its country. For many centuries, elephants lived on an equal basis with ordinary people and helped with housekeeping. But, as in other cultures, there were sometimes warriors in which these animals were indispensable as weapons.

The elephant was also valuable at the royal court, as it was considered a symbol of power, divinity and inaccessibility. History indicates that during the reigns of all the kings of Thailand, it was a luxury and an indicator of the dignity of the ruler. Thanks to the honors received, the White Elephant symbol was depicted on the Thai flag until the early nineteenth century. At present, the image has been preserved only on the banner of the Royal Navy.

Elephants in Thailand are the country's national treasure; they are declared sacred animals.

The Thai people see in him the personification of the three main tenets of Thailand:

  • beliefs;
  • your life;
  • king.

Elephants are so revered and idolized that they have thoroughly taken the place of an ethnic sign, even the official Order of the White Elephant has been established. This department recognizes the merits of people who have shown courage and achieved success in battle. Given this fact, it is not surprising that images of elephants are everywhere. They decorated the streets of churches, embroidered clothes and painted dishes.

Elephant in European culture

Elephants were not so common in Europe, so they were considered magical creatures. In this regard, they were depicted as guardians of the gates to heaven or hell. As a symbol, the image of the elephant has not been seen on a large scale. Knowledge about the meaning of something is extremely poor and superficial.

The fact is that since time immemorial the elephant has been known as an imaginary creature, but this did not stop believing Europeans from christening it with the sign:

  • peace of mind;
  • royal grandeur;
  • awareness of one's own importance;
  • great wisdom;
  • fortitude;
  • animal power;
  • self-esteem.

Initially, this animal was depicted as a mythological monster, gifted with the power of flight, and was even depicted with angelic wings. Later, in the wave of battles, the crusaders began to use images of the elephant as a sign on coats of arms and banners.

In the video filmed by the Hello Answer channel, the authors reveal the symbolic meaning of the elephant.

Types of elephant figurines

The teachings of Feng Shui advocate the presence of two figurines of different elephants in the house at the same time. One will serve as a magnet for positive energy, the second as a barrier protecting the home from evil and stupid thoughts.

Elephant with trunk raised

If a person wants to bring material wealth into his life and learn how to rationally distribute financial resources, then a figurine of an elephant raising its trunk to the sky is a suitable option. His powers will help you gain a clear mind and rational thoughts, especially in financial matters. If there is harmony and prosperity in the house, you can put a figurine of an elephant with its trunk facing the room. This way it will retain positive energy inside the home, preventing it from slipping out.

A figurine of an elephant with its trunk raised will cleverly bring consistency to property matters. And also this figure will become an assistant and protector from troubles in work situations. To get support higher powers you need to install a figurine of a small elephant or place a landscape with an image of an animal behind your back.

In ancient times, the raised trunk of an elephant meant the presence of fortitude. The roar emitted by the trunk announced the victory cry, thereby personifying the trait of the winner, and symbolized power.

Elephant with trunk down

An elephant with its trunk down, according to popular belief, protects women and gives them the powers of motherhood. That is why women who are desperate to give birth or conceive a child are recommended to use the energy of an elephant figurine with a lowered trunk. For such cases, it is recommended to purchase a figurine of a mother elephant with several cubs. It should be located in the southeast, in the area of ​​luxury and prosperity.

The opinions of people who practice Feng Shui are divided into supporters of the positive power of the figurine and those who consider its influence ill-fated. Therefore, you can maintain neutrality and buy a figure of an elephant with a baby elephant.

A figurine of an elephant, symbolizing wisdom and stability, can be a beautiful and symbolic gift for any celebration.

Feng Shui meaning of seven elephants

In the teachings of Feng Shui, numbers are given great importance. Regarding the number of elephants in the house, seven or three are considered auspicious. According to numerology, seven is a number with favorable energy. The number seven represents pure perfection. Therefore, when placing a figurine of seven elephants in your home, expect seven times more positive energy to flow into your hearth.

Having pleased a dear person with such a souvenir, you can point out his valuable qualities and show respect for his person. Seven elephants have a special impact on the owner, with their help the luxury sector is revitalized. According to Feng Shui, this means an endless stream of financial luck. Life will be filled with passion and harmony.

The seven elephants are also known to be used as a center for attracting an auspicious star, known as the Flying Star. It will bring peace and harmony to all areas of a person’s life. The number seven will work to complete all the things you have started.

Where is the best place to place an elephant figurine?

The place where to place it must be selected carefully, since the strength and intensity of the impact of its energy depends on this.

Some best options:

  1. Windowsill. If it seems that luck has run out and you need to return it, you need to place the figurine on the windowsill, placing its trunk towards the window. With this arrangement, the elephant will be like a conductor between the outside world and internal energy. It will take living energy from the outside and give it to the owner. Having felt the stabilization of your affairs, you need to consolidate the result by turning the souvenir elephant in the opposite direction - with its trunk towards you.
  2. Against front door. In this place there are two elephants. They are used as guards, so they can keep an eye on everyone who enters and weaken bad thoughts. This is especially useful if there are enemies whose presence is a burden. This way you can preserve a favorable state for a long time.
  3. Near sharp corners. Every home has sharp corners that carry negative energy. To reduce the impact on household members, you need to place a figurine in the opposite direction from each corner. Thus, there will be a decrease in the number of quarrels and troubles in the family.
  4. By the bed. A figurine near the bed or on a shelf in the bedroom will give strong family ties. You will instantly feel the onset of balance and harmony in your life together.
  5. At work. Placing your favorite elephant figurine in the work area will help increase your productivity and give you confidence in the future. Soon success will come and every step will be appreciated by your superiors.
  6. Children's room. An elephant figurine will personify the strength contained in this animal and will add perseverance in studies and all endeavors.
  7. Dark places. If you want to achieve prosperity and ensure the well-being of your household, leave the figurine in dark places in your opinion. In this form, the figurine will serve as a guiding ray of light and will ward off dark forces.
  1. Southeast. This direction is responsible for the financial and material well-being of the inhabitants of the house. If you need to improve it, use your compass to determine the southeast side and place the elephant there.
  2. Northwest. If you need to support the head of the family in solving problems, or to make such a patron appear, install the figurine in the northwest direction of the apartment.
  3. East. Health is the main aspect for family happiness. You can ensure good health for your loved ones, as well as the absence of illnesses, with the help of a figurine in the eastern side of the house.

To maintain love and peace in the house, it is recommended to leave the elephant figurine on the windowsill, with its trunk towards the starry sky. They say that admiring the falling stars will feed on their beneficial energy.

How to activate the elephant figurine

Possible implementation options:

  1. Hang decorations on the elephant's neck. Both jewelry and costume jewelry are suitable. Elephants are accustomed to living in luxury and, as a sign of gratitude, will take upon themselves the patronage of their owner.
  2. Place a beautiful, brightly colored napkin or felt stand under the figurine’s feet. For a greater spiritual connection with the amulet, create the product yourself. The sewn napkin will absorb the energy of the owner, which will connect with the magic of the elephant and will work with redoubled force.
  3. Carry on a conversation with the figure. Sharing experiences means trusting. It is also worth asking for a figurine to fulfill your wish. This method will immediately convey the request to higher powers.

The meaning of the elephant amulet

In the cultures of many countries around the world, jewelry and body designs with the image of an elephant are common. Moreover, the fashion for the image of this animal has not gone away for many centuries.

Amulets are found in the form of various decorations that have a specific meaning, for example:

  1. A ring with an elephant endows its owner with strength, prudence and wisdom, and jewelry with its hair promises victory in amorous affairs.
  2. A bracelet with the heads of two elephants will provide a woman with attention from representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
  3. A pendant or pendant with an elephant will heal emotional wounds and bring happiness.

In the culture of Asian and African countries, tattooing with an image of an elephant is common. It suits people with a strong and strong-willed character, making them even stronger and more self-confident. The elephant is such a powerful symbol that it can charge and harmonize space from any direction and in any manifestation.

Figurine from Thailand

The meaning of the elephant figurine in one interesting teaching called Feng Shui has a very interesting interpretation. Knowing everything about the elephant figurine can significantly improve your life if you use it correctly.

It will be very useful to learn everything about the elephant figurine, which is idolized by the Chinese teaching called Feng Shui. Using this knowledge, you can make positive changes in your life.

In the East, the elephant is considered an example of longevity and modesty. Elephants live on average from 60 to 100 years, and they die not from age, but due to complete tooth decay, which does not allow them to eat and causes starvation.

In Chinese art, the elephant appears very rarely, but always represents power, invincibility and intelligence. Buddhists consider the elephant a sacred animal and it is included in the seven treasures of the faith.

Elephants built from stone on the tombs of members of the Ming dynasty serve as objects of worship for women undergoing difficulties in bearing children. These unfortunate people come to the elephants and beg them for help in creating heirs.

In the Greco-Roman Empire, the elephant was considered a stronghold of wisdom, a religious animal that worshiped the stars and the sun. The ancient Romans associated the elephant with triumph, glory and longevity. He personified the victory won over death.

In Europe, in ancient times, the elephant was a fabulous animal; it was believed that one could meet it only in myths. In the paintings of medieval artists, the elephant appears only in heaven. During the Crusades, the elephant was featured on coats of arms.

The elephant has been idolized since ancient times in India, China and Africa. The image of this ancient powerful animal is present on the attributes and symbols of power of these states. The sages of antiquity were convinced that all rulers should possess such character traits as wisdom and intelligence, insight and patience, peacefulness and kindness.

The leadership qualities of an elephant are expressed in its enormous willpower, ability to withstand physical stress and cope with obstacles that are inaccessible to others.

This explains the fact that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the elephant is a talisman, its image is given great importance, it is represented by various sculptural solutions and paintings.

The meaning of the elephant figurine in the teachings of Feng Shui is a symbol of constancy and prosperity, which are its main properties. This wonderful animal represents energy, dominion and high position in society. An elephant's trunk can attract success and beneficial energy into your home from the outside.

It is advisable to place the elephant on the windowsill, turning its trunk towards the positive star. If the trunk is directed deeper into the room, this means that success is already present in the house. An elephant figurine perfectly neutralizes the negative energy of corners and all sharp elements inside the home.

The location of the elephant amulet does not depend on any specific cardinal directions, however, it is best to place it in the southeast or northwest. In these places, the power of the elephant will help attract a patron to the home and support the head of the family.

The elephant is considered the most effective amulet in the Feng Shui system, so it is not necessary to increase its power. If you have an irresistible desire to please your benefactor and please him, additional decoration is acceptable. You can attach a chain or beads to the trunk, or sprinkle the saddle or even the entire figure with dazzling rhinestones.

If the elephant is drawn in the picture, you can attach cypress, sandalwood or amber beads or rosary to the frame. Inappropriate jewelry made of ivory will bring aggression and negativity. In Feng Shui there are different elephants: single, paired, in groups, with their trunks raised up or down.

The amulet is made from all kinds of materials: bronze, ceramics, bones, fabric (soft toys). The miraculous properties of these amulets differ in their specific focus. Elephants, whose action involves attracting wealth and all kinds of prosperity, must necessarily be with their trunks raised up.

Such a talisman will protect owners from thoughtless spending and extravagance, and will reward them with restraint and prudence in matters of spending money. An elephant next to a baby elephant symbolizes motherhood and is needed by those people who are just planning the appearance of heirs, as well as by those who already have children.

This amulet has a beneficial effect on relationships between representatives of different generations in the family, protecting children from all sorts of troubles. Women experiencing difficulties conceiving and having children should keep such a double figurine in the bedroom. There is an opinion that in order to give birth to a boy, a woman needs to touch the elephant figurine by the tail; faith in the power of the amulet will certainly give the expected result.

The most powerful amulet is considered to be a group of seven elephants. The number seven is present for a reason. Its power is well known from mysterious sources, proven by astrological teachings and numerological theories.

A talisman in the form of seven elephants guarantees the owners of the home wealth, love, success and all kinds of prosperity. The snow-white elephant is the protector of the home, shielding it from negative energy that destroys the family. A group of three elephants symbolizes the power of higher powers: heaven, earth and humanity.

The owner of the house will experience harmony and normalization of all areas of life if he places three elephant figures side by side. The figurine of an elephant mounted on gold coins with a monkey or toad sitting on its back represents constancy and prosperity. It helps your career skyrocket.

The money toad and the elephant have double the power of the amulet and have a beneficial effect on the owner. It is not often that you see a figurine of an elephant with its trunk down in residential buildings. For some peoples, this arrangement of the trunk represents longevity. This talisman is used by all people expecting the birth of a child.

A good sign in every home will be an elephant carrying Buddha on its back. Such a figurine can be placed in that part of the house where all household members gather together. The amulet attracts happiness and prosperity. Specific places in the house are associated with certain areas of life. The location of the elephant figurine depends on the problems that its owners have to solve.

A separate elephant or a pair of these powerful animals will certainly be placed opposite the front door or next to it. Elephants attract success with the help of their trunk, give prosperity and protect property. Located on the window, they attract cash flows into the family.

A pair of elephants is kept on the bedside table in the couple's bedroom, as these figures preserve love and fidelity between people. To protect the family from destruction and interference from strangers, you can place an elephant and a female elephant on the table in the office space.

An elephant figurine attracts well-being to children if it stands on a table in the nursery. This wonderful animal will stimulate increased performance of a growing son or daughter.

It is advisable to place the figurine with its trunk facing the child. On the table in the office, an elephant figurine is necessary for the successful implementation of all projects conceived in this place.

You need to believe in elephants, treat them with respect, choosing suitable places for them in the house, and then they will definitely bring happiness and good luck. It is unacceptable for the amulet to be near a faulty item.

These wonderful figurines will be a beneficial and pleasant gift for those who wish well-being and prosperity.

Now, knowing the meaning of elephant figurines, you can make appropriate adjustments to your life and thereby attract great luck, success, health and wealth. Go ahead and let everyone succeed.

The elephant is one of the significant symbols of the teachings of Feng Shui. In Asian countries this wise, hardworking animal is still revered. In Buddhism, the elephant is one of the sacred animals. And for good reason. After all, an elephant figurine located in the house can change the life of its owner for the better. So what properties does an elephant figurine have, and where is the best place to install it to attract good luck to your home?

Feng Shui meaning of an elephant figurine

What does an elephant in the house symbolize? Many qualities are attributed to the elephant, here are the main ones:

  • Wisdom, patience, kindness, strength, desire for peace.
  • Stability, reliability, and well-being in all areas of life.
  • Luck, endurance, longevity.

In addition to the qualities listed above, an elephant figurine can literally attract good luck into the house, just as a real living elephant draws in water with its trunk.

Even a small elephant can bring trust, love, harmony and warmth to your home. In addition, such a figurine promotes the influx of positive energy, which in the teachings of Feng Shui is called Qi energy.

An elephant, placed in a prominent place in your home, can protect household members from negative energy and eliminate problems and conflicts that exist in the family. In addition, this Feng Shui symbol is a literal generator of luck and stability.

Since an elephant is a standing animal, an elephant figurine can create a solid foundation for a sustainable lifestyle.

In addition to the above, it is believed that the elephant talisman is able to help its owner refrain from immoderate, thoughtless spending.

It is believed that an elephant with its trunk raised and bent upward promises wealth, and with its trunk down - motherhood.

You can install one or more figures in your house. What do the different numbers of elephants mean?

Of course, you can install a larger number of figurines, but it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation.

What types of elephant figurines are there?

If you have at least once looked into stores with Feng Shui goods, you could personally see that there are many options for elephant figurines. How do they differ from each other, and which one is better to buy?

How to make an elephant figurine work

It's no secret that in order for a figurine to begin to properly serve its owner, it needs to be activated, that is, made to start working. What ways are there to do this?

  • Hang some jewelry on the elephant's neck. For example, a chain or beads. Elephants love decorations very much, and they will definitely thank their owner for decorating them.
  • Place the elephant figurine on a bright, catchy napkin or rug. The ideal option is when you sew a rug or knit a napkin yourself. First of all, elephants love everything bright. Secondly, the product you created with your own hands will be literally saturated with your energy, which will allow the elephant to feel your desires and needs.
  • Talk to the elephant figurine. From time to time, when you are alone at home, you can talk to the figurine, wiping dust from it, for example. Share your problems with the elephant, express your desires out loud, and then the figure will respond to your requests faster.

Where to put the elephant figurine

Where you place the purchased figurine will determine which aspects of your life it will most impact.

  • If you want to attract good luck and prosperity to your home, place the elephant on the windowsill with its trunk facing the street. In this case, the elephant will, as it were, use its trunk to gather good luck from the outside and give it to you. However, keep in mind, as soon as you feel the beneficial effects of the figurine, you should immediately turn the elephant with its trunk inside your home. This way, you will keep the favorable energy attracted by the elephant inside your home.
  • If you are afraid of unpleasant visitors bringing negativity into your home, install two elephant figurines opposite the front door so that they seem to be looking at those entering. This way you can protect your home from negative energy.
  • If there are many sharp corners in your home, your home may be filled with a lot of negative energy - Sha. To neutralize this effect of sharp corners, place an elephant figurine opposite them. And all the negative energy will be broken into the figures.
  • If you want, with the help of an elephant, to find a stable financial situation, you should “settle” the elephant in the south-eastern part of your apartment.
  • To support the head of the family or to attract a powerful patron to the family, place an elephant figurine in the northwestern part of your home.
  • In order to strengthen family relationships, add love to them and strengthen fidelity, place two elephant figurines on the bedside chest of drawers in your bedroom. Changes won't be long in coming!
  • By installing an elephant figurine in your office on the table, you will immediately notice that you have begun to achieve much greater success in all your endeavors and projects. In addition, an elephant on the desktop is able to protect its owner from negative energy from colleagues and superiors.
  • In order to increase a child’s performance and attract good luck to him, install an elephant figurine in the children’s room. It is best to place it on the table where the child studies.
  • To improve the health of your household, place an elephant figurine in the eastern part of your home.
  • If there are places in your house or apartment where a large number of things accumulate, it is likely that there is an accumulation of large quantity negative Sha energy. In order to neutralize its impact on your family members, install an elephant figurine in this place.
  • If you want your elephant to always “work” for your benefit, bring only good luck, success, health and material well-being, and not carry negative energy, do not install the figurine in dark corners and dark places, in ugly places, next to torn wallpaper, broken sockets, etc. In addition, there should not be any non-working items in need of repair near the elephant. All these things carry negative energy that can drown out the positive energy of Qi.

Once you have studied all the information presented, you have probably decided why you need the elephant figurine, for what purposes you will purchase it, and in what part of your home you will install it. Don’t forget to activate it and clean it from dust in a timely manner. Then the elephant will truly bring all the benefits that exist in the world! Good luck and prosperity to you!

The symbolic image of an elephant can be attributed to oriental symbols. The elephant symbolizes strength, wisdom and prudence. In India, Africa and even China, the elephant is a symbol of royal power and represents the qualities that a ruler should have: dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, as well as loyalty, peacefulness, longevity, prosperity, happiness. In the countries of Asia and Africa, the elephant as a symbol plays the same role as the eagle or lion in the countries of Europe and America.

In India, the elephant is still considered a sacred animal. It symbolizes sacred wisdom, royal dignity, invincible power and prudence. In a word, the elephant is the personification of those qualities that man so lacks. Currently, the image of an elephant is present on the state emblem of India.

In Buddhism, the elephant symbolizes stability and spiritual knowledge, and is also revered as a sacred animal. A white elephant appeared to Queen Maya in a dream, which announced the birth of Buddha; since then, the white elephant has been an attribute of Buddha.

For the Chinese, the elephant is a symbol of strength, prudence, insight, supreme power, and also symbolizes longevity and overcoming death.

In the Greco-Roman tradition, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom and serves as an attribute of Mercury Mercury, the emblem of wisdom. The Roman writer Pliny calls the elephant a religious animal, worshiping the Sun and stars, purifying itself at the new moon, when, bathing in the river, it calls on Heaven. The ancient Romans associated the elephant with victory; in art, the elephant personified Glory. At the same time, the elephant symbolized longevity, immortality, and victory over death.

In medieval Europe, the elephant, along with the unicorn, was considered a mythical animal found only in fairy tales. The elephant can be seen in paintings depicting paradise, and since the time crusades enemy of dragons. It was believed that dragons hunted elephant calves, and according to legend, St. George defeated the dragons in the vicinity of the city of Coventry. The image of an elephant appears on coats of arms. For Europeans, the elephant is the personification of wisdom and non-aggressive power.

Later, this idea was reflected in the Christian tradition, where the elephant becomes a symbol of Christ’s victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake.

Elephant Symbol

elephant - a symbol of protection from evil forces

The positive symbolic meaning of the elephant can also be illustrated by the fact that burned elephant wool or bones were used to protect against demonic, evil forces. The “bashfulness” of elephants, as a result of which they conceive offspring only in water (secretly), was revered in Ancient China. In Europe, the elephant, along with the unicorn, was classified as a unique animal found only in fairy tales. In paintings depicting paradise, the elephant appears quite often, and since the Crusades its image has appeared on coats of arms (Counts von Helfenstein, the shield-bearer on the coat of arms of Oxford). In 1464, the Order of Elephants was formed in Denmark. Until 1910, the white elephant was the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Siam (Thailand).

In depth psychology, the elephant, because of its trunk, is considered a “phallic symbol,” but also serves as the embodiment of “gray-haired” hereditary wisdom and resting, non-aggressive power. In dreams, the elephant represents a “grounded reality” for people whose life aspirations are not sufficiently realized, and at the same time it appears as some outstanding evidence of the power of life. The elephant is treated similarly as a symbolic animal in China. “Riding an elephant,” as is often demonstrated by the heroes of legends, in Chinese, due to the coincidence in pronunciation, means “happiness.” Layers. Rock art in the grotto of Le Comberelles, France Elephant. Seal impression. Hinduism. OK. 2000 BC e. Words: Elephant-headed Hindu god of wisdom Ganesha - iconic bronze sculpture Layers falls with sawn wood. W. H. von Hochberg, 1675


The ivory tower symbolizes inaccessibility and, moreover, the feminine principle.

In Christianity, it means the Virgin Mary, purity, integrity and moral strength. Elephant - a symbol of love, eternity, wisdom, supreme power

The elephant is a symbol of love, an ancient and useful animal.

The elephant is a symbol of moderation, compassion, eternity, and supreme power.

In India, the white elephant is considered the incarnation of Ganesha (the elephant-headed god), the god of wisdom, happiness and literature, and symbolizes the taming of passions, as Ganesha holds his own trunk in his hand.

In addition, the elephant symbolizes strength, insight and longevity. The elephant is the mount of Indian rulers and the Hindu god of thunder and rain, Indra. The elephant symbolized the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, prudence, intelligence and peacefulness.

In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, the white elephant has become a symbol of fertility and rainfall. For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. Queen Maya learned of the imminent birth of her son, the future Buddha, in a prophetic dream in which a charming little white elephant entered her.

As a symbol of wisdom, the elephant was an attribute of the ancient Roman god Mercury.

An elephant trampling a snake is a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil. It was believed that the elephant abstains from sex during the female's long pregnancy, so in Europe it was made a symbol of chastity and devotion in love. Hindu legend says that elephants once flew, but were cursed and lost this gift. Another legend (described by R. Kipling) says that the elephant used to have a short trunk. Once a crocodile grabbed an elephant by the trunk, the elephant managed to escape, but the trunk stretched and remained that way forever. Strength, insight, longevity, prosperity, happiness; symbol of royal power in India, China and Africa. The elephant was a majestic mount not only of Indian rulers, but also of the Hindu god of thunder and rain, Indra. Ga-nesha, the elephant-headed god of happiness, was also considered the patron of wisdom and literature. The elephant symbolized not only the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, intelligence, prudence, but also peace, abundant harvests, fruitful showers, that is, everything good and positive that was in the life of Hindus. In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, the white elephant became a similar symbol of fertility and rainfall. The white elephant had a sacred meaning in Buddhism. Queen Maya learned of the imminent birth of her son, the future Buddha, in a prophetic dream in which a charming little white elephant entered her. For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability.

The elephant was an attribute of the ancient Roman god Mercury, as an emblem of wisdom. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory (in the visual arts it personified Glory); this was later reflected in the Christian tradition, in which the elephant became a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake. Medieval beliefs that the elephant abstained from sex during the long period of its mate's pregnancy made it a symbol of chastity, devotion and love in Europe. The elephant's enormous bulk and clumsiness have now become metaphorical, but there is a wonderful Hindu legend that elephants once flew, but lost this gift after they were cursed by a hermit whose home, built in the trunk of a banyan tree, they accidentally destroyed upon landing.

Elephant - a symbol of power and grace

The Belarusian Union of Designers developed a series of grandiose projects this year. An exhibition "Sign. Logo", dedicated to the problems of modern graphics, is being prepared. Its origins go back to the Vitebsk art school of the beginning of the century. Although the official date of birth of domestic design is considered to be the mid-60s - then such a department was created at the Belarusian Academy of Arts.

As the president of the union, Dmitry Sursky, said, today about 60 of the 300 members of the union work in the field of graphics. Many of them will take part in the exhibition. A lot of archival and fresh materials will be presented here. The outwardly meager palette of symbols hides a lot of secrets of ancient wisdom, because the language of symbols originated in rock inscriptions primitive man. Some geometric shapes, colors and compositions had meaning already in those days.

Some of them are accepted as standard throughout the world, others only in certain countries. Thus, a triangle means space everywhere, and a stylized image of an elephant is a symbol of grace only in India. In other regions of the planet, this animal is associated with strength and power. It’s not easy to “read” logos correctly – sometimes it can be compared to the intricate metaphors of avant-garde art. This is probably why the opening ceremony of the exhibition is planned to be combined with a celebration of “related” arts - pantomime, body art, tattooing. The best salons in the city will introduce you to the latest trend.

According to preliminary data, the exhibition "Sign. Logo" will be held in November. A data bank for publishing the catalog is currently being formed. The "anthology" of national design will be continued by an exhibition of posters. Some of them belong to the union - they were donated by authors, theaters, and the Belarus publishing house. By the way, “industrial” artists first appeared at enterprises only in the early 50s. Perhaps, a little later, residents of Poland and Russia will become acquainted with the exhibition of our posters and logos. Some of the exhibits are planned to be presented on the premises of Belarusian embassies in some countries. The plan will be realized with the help of the state - almost 600 million rubles were allocated to the Union of Designers by the Confederation of Creative Unions. The union gallery was restored using the same funds. Teachers from the Faculty of Design at the Academy of Arts will be among the first to show their work in the new hall.

Elephant - symbol positive character The elephant, a symbol of positive character, is used in Asia as a royal mount and is highly valued for its intelligence and cunning. The white elephant, which heralded the birth of Buddha, became a symbol of the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. In Hinduism, Ganesha, the god of literature and wisdom, has the head of an elephant. In ancient China, the elephant was also a symbol of strength and intelligence. And in the Western ancient world, an exotic animal was seen as an attribute of the god Mercury - the embodiment of hereditary wisdom and non-aggressive power. Thanks to its longevity, the elephant symbolizes overcoming death. Medieval books extol the chastity of elephants. They are often found in images of heaven and on coats of arms (after the Crusades). In 1464, the Order of the Elephants was formed in Denmark. The white elephant was the symbol of the Kingdom of Siam (now Thailand). In China, they believe that riding an elephant in a dream means happiness.

The giant elephant, about 3.6 m high and sometimes weighing up to 7 tons, requires living space. Every day he needs 600 kg of greens and 100 liters. water. Before Europeans came to Africa, there were about 2 million elephants on the continent. In the 19th century uncontrolled hunting of these animals almost led to their complete extinction. But while elephants are disappearing in some countries, there are too many of them in others. For example, in the national parks of Kenya and Cameroon, which giant animals chose as their refuge, by 1970 there were almost no trees left - everything was eaten by elephants.

The government of Rwanda, a small African republic that lives largely on agriculture, was forced to issue a special decree according to which, in order to save the national park, all elephants were removed from it. This operation was carried out with exceptional humanity. To ensure that the road did not tire the animals too much, they were transported to their new “residence” by air, suspended by a cable from a helicopter. So the governments of some African countries are trying to do everything possible to preserve these animals. African animals need to be protected so that future generations of people will be grateful to those who in our time fought to preserve the modern fauna.

Elephant - a symbol of strength, patience, fidelity

A beast of burden that the Romans came to know during the Punic Wars; since then it has been associated with military victory. Therefore, the chariot of GLORY is driven by elephants (see also TRIUMPH). The elephant is an attribute of personified Africa (one of the FOUR PARTS OF THE WORLD): she may wear the head of an elephant as a kind of headdress. An elephant in a tent, one warrior pulls back the curtain to show the elephant to another - FABRIZIA LUSCIN.

A symbol of strength, fidelity, patience, wisdom, marital fidelity. The white elephant is solar. In Buddhism, it is dedicated to Buddha, since a white elephant appeared to Queen Maya and announced the birth of the royal ruler of the world. The white elephant is also the Jewel of the Law, the “vahana” of the bodhisattva. This is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness. Akshobhya sits on a white elephant. The elephant skin represents ignorance. For the Chinese, it symbolizes strength, prudence, insight, energy, and supreme power. In Christianity, this is a symbol of Christ, the enemy of the serpent, trampling his but- Fig. 163. Layers at the base of the world. goy. It also personifies chastity and goodwill.

In Greco-Roman culture it is an attribute of Mercury; symbol of intelligence. Pliny calls the elephant a religious animal, worshiping the Sun and stars, purifying itself at the new moon by bathing in the river and calling on Heaven. In Roman art it meant longevity, immortality, victory over death. In Hinduism, the elephant is the animal ridden by Ganesha; a symbol of the influence of sacred wisdom, prudence, royal dignity, invincible power, longevity, reason. Indra, the guardian of the East, rides on the elephant Airavata. The world runs on elephants.

Elephant - a symbol of longevity, overcoming death

The elephant is an animal with a symbolic meaning of a positive nature; used in Asia as a royal mount and highly prized for its intelligence and cunning. The white elephant heralded the birth of Gautama Buddha and, accordingly, is a symbol of bodhisattva (bodhisattva), the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. In Hinduism, Ganesha, the god of artistic literature and wisdom in general, has an elephant’s head, although with only one tusk, and is a deity who makes up the retinue of the god Shiva and leads it. In ancient China, the elephant was a symbol of strength and intelligence, just as it was in the Western ancient world, where this intelligent exotic animal was seen as an attribute of the god Mercury. Because of its longevity, the elephant symbolizes longevity, overcoming death.

In the early Christian “Physiologus” and in the Middle Ages books about animals, the chastity of elephants is extolled, because their sexual potency is supposedly activated only by using mandrake root. It is also said that the female elephant gives birth to her cubs only in the swamp, while the male elephant guards her from dangerous snakes. If an elephant gets stuck leaning against a sawn tree and falls, even twelve other elephants will not be able to rescue it until the baby elephant pushes it up with its trunk from below.

The symbolism is clearly visible, for example, from the following mythological passage: Adam and Eve in paradise did not know any sexual life until they ate an apple (mandrake fruit), after which they matured to know each other as sexual partners; as a result, Eve gave birth to Cain “on the troubled waters.” Neither the law nor the Iroroki could correct the fallen Adam, but only Christ, the “spiritual and blessed elephant (elephant).” The opinion about the clumsiness of elephants, which in antiquity was also attributed to moose, is represented in the book of Baroque emblems by Hochberg (1675) with the following verse: “The Elephant leaned against the tree that had the notch, so as not to fall... Who trusts the world as foolishly , He, slamming like an elephant, makes us laugh to our heart's content." The text of “Physiologus” states that if an elephant is attacked by a blood-sucking snake, then it, weakened, falls to the ground and, dying, crushes the snake with its mass. “Be vigilant, man, so that the snake does not overtake you... and does not suck the true faith out of you, so that you do not perish with it” and so that you do not hear at the Last Judgment: “Get away from me, wretched ones, go to fire prepared for the devil and his angels!"

Elephant - a symbol of royal power

Strength, insight, longevity, prosperity, happiness; symbol of royal power in India, China and Africa. The elephant was a majestic mount not only of Indian rulers, but also of the Hindu god of thunder and rain, Indra. Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of happiness, was also considered the patron of wisdom and literature. The elephant symbolized not only the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, intelligence, prudence, but also peace, abundant harvests, fruitful showers, that is, everything good and positive that was in the life of Hindus. In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, the white elephant became a similar symbol of fertility and rainfall. The white elephant had a sacred meaning in Buddhism. Queen Maya learned about the imminent birth of her son, the future Buddha, in a prophetic dream in which a charming little white elephant entered her. For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. Elephant - symbol of wisdom

The elephant was an attribute of the ancient Roman god Mercury, as an emblem of wisdom. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory (in the visual arts it personified Glory); this was later reflected in the Christian tradition, in which the elephant became a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake. Medieval beliefs that the elephant abstained from sex during the long period of pregnancy of its female made it a symbol of chastity, devotion and love in Europe. Elephants once flew!

The huge mass and clumsiness of the elephant have now become metaphorical, but there is a wonderful Hindu legend that

elephants once flew, but lost this gift after they were cursed by a hermit whose home, built in the trunk of a banyan tree, they accidentally destroyed upon landing.

Elephant - a symbol of good luck

In Myanmar, the most undeniable symbol of good luck is the white elephant.

Every culture has its own symbols of happiness and good luck. In Myanmar, for example, the most undeniable symbol of good luck is the white elephant. Yesterday, the country's military government announced the capture of this rare and amazing animal. According to a government representative, this is an undoubted sign of the country's future prosperity. All official media reported reports and images of the eight-year-old white elephant, 1.8 meters tall, Reuters reported.

A stunning description appeared in all media: “the animal is strikingly different from its other relatives: in the rain its skin is pale pink, and in sunny weather it becomes reddish.” In addition, local newspapers write that “according to documents collected by knowledgeable people, the white elephant brings peace, stability, prosperity and abundant harvest to the nation, and also protects against all risks and dangers.” The elephant was transported to the capital Yangon because, according to an old legend, a ruler who owns a white elephant will achieve success in leading the country. And this will not hurt Myanmar: the military government has been in power since 1962, and since then the country has been practically isolated from the outside world. Experts believe that its economy has been destroyed, human rights are being violated, and the opposition is being persecuted. But there are white elephants roaming there, turning pink when it rains.

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui has long taken root in our country, becoming something commonplace and natural. Today, teaching advises placing elephant figurines in the house, but what the true meaning of an elephant figurine is is still not known to many. Let's try to find out.

What does an elephant souvenir mean?

It all started with a story that once, the husband of a very wasteful lady asked for help from a Feng Shui master. He was upset by the fact that a lot of hard work to adequately support the family is not at all appreciated by his wife, and she spends money left and right. The sage, who listened attentively, advised his husband to buy an amulet in the shape of an elephant.

The gentleman’s careless wife liked this figurine, she placed it in her boudoir and regularly admired it, and sometimes even spoke to it. After some time, the husband began to notice a dramatic change. The lady stopped spending indiscriminately cash, having become more economical, and, which made me very happy, she independently put forward the idea of ​​saving part of her income for essential purchases. Frequent quarrels and omissions stopped between the spouses, and their relationship began to personify peace and harmony.

Meaning in the religion of ancient China

For many ancient teachings, the elephant is one of the most revered animals; it is also characterized by such qualities as:

  • wisdom of character,
  • patient character
  • kind soul,
  • peaceful attitude
  • strong start.

The very meaning of the elephant figurine can have several interpretations. But its main and main characteristics remain stability, reliability and well-being. “Feng Shui baby elephants are delighted with all kinds of outfits and decorations, and therefore, to appease the animal, hang real decorations from its trunk or saddle, and put a beautiful bedding at its feet.”

Where is the best place to put it?

The most correct place for such an amulet is the windowsill. You can also place the figurine in different parts of the house, but the maximum disclosure of all its properties is maximally manifested in the south-eastern or north-western wing of the apartment.

Different options and all kinds of positions

The meaning of the elephant's magical properties comes from its pose, what it is made of and the total number of figures. Particular attention is drawn to the figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk, the meaning of which can also be interpreted in different ways. In this case, if its nose is turned outward and in the direction of any favorable constellation, then its main goal will be to attract good luck and prosperity, and when the trunk looks deep into the house itself, it tells you that success has already settled and lives here.

Such a nose turned up will attract financial and material well-being. If there is a tiny elephant near the elephant, your desire to have a child will be fulfilled, or you will be able to establish a relationship with a teenager. But the most revered of all is the composition of 7 elephants. For Feng Shui, this number has a huge magical property and will give you full of love, wealth, prosperity and good luck.

While the figurine of an elephant with a lowered trunk does not have a very good meaning, which is otherwise completely unfair. In fact, this amulet is nothing more than a symbol of fertility and abundance. For the correct operation of such a talisman, it is better to place it in the eastern wing of the home, if it is a bedroom or a children's room.

The right feng shui material

A variety of materials can be suitable for such a talisman. True craftsmen often use ceramic chips,

  • bronze,
  • natural stone,
  • bone base.

Real animal bones or tusks should not be used to create or decorate a figurine.

In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, much attention is paid to talismans. According to ancient Asian mythology, figurines of animals and gods attract good luck in business and have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. One of these talismans in Feng Shui is the elephant.

It should be noted that the elephant is revered in many Asian countries. The image of this animal can be found on coins, religious attributes and symbols of power.

What does this big beast represent? Is it possible to use his image and image in the form of a figurine to obtain the desired benefits?


According to Feng Shui, an elephant shaped figurine is a strong talisman, attracting positive Qi energy into the house. The elephant is a symbol of peace, kindness, wisdom, trust and harmony.

The main purpose of this talisman is to protect the home from negative energy and create an atmosphere of peace and stability in the space.

  • A talisman in the shape of an elephant is suitable for those who are not patient and restless enough. He will help with studies and achieving your goals, will protect you from hasty decisions.
  • The elephant will be an excellent talisman for those who need improve your health. In Asian countries, this animal is considered a symbol of health and longevity. It gives a strong body and a strong spirit, and also activates vital energy.
  • Elephant mascot is excellent suitable for athletes. In addition to patience and wisdom, the animal is also very hardy. And this quality is necessary for everyone who plays sports.
  • This amulet is also interpreted as a symbol of peace. He will help find harmony with yourself and the people around you, resolve and eliminate all conflicts and quarrels and become a more balanced person. In Feng Shui there are many variations of the elephant figurine. This talisman can be depicted with its trunk raised either up or down. How are these figures different?

Trunk up

Elephants with trunk raised represent well-being and prosperity. A figurine with such an elephant will help attract money and protect you from theft and thoughtless expenses.

The owner of such a talisman will become more serious in financial matters, will begin to look at the surrounding reality more soberly, and will certainly know how to properly manage your money. The elephant will protect the welfare of its owner.

It is often customary to hang something on an elephant’s trunk in order to enhance its magical power. This is absolutely forbidden to do this, since by doing this you show disrespect for the talisman. In Feng Shui, the trunk of an elephant is a conductor of Qi energy, so nothing should hang or lie on the figurine.

trunk down

Elephants with their trunk down are considered symbols of bad luck. But this is not far from the case. The position of the trunk does not have a negative effect if you know where to place this talisman.

If an elephant’s trunk raised up represents the road along which positive Qi energy comes into the house, then a trunk lowered down, on the contrary, takes away negative energy in space. This figurine also symbolizes longevity, fertility and abundance.

What are the types of elephant figurines according to Feng Shui?

In addition to the position of the trunk, elephant figurines in China also differ in color and number. In Feng Shui, there are four more varieties of this talisman, knowing the meaning of which, you can easily find a suitable amulet.

  • White elephant summoned protect your home from negative energy, and strengthens family ties.
  • A figurine of a mother elephant with a baby elephant is considered talisman of motherhood. This amulet will be good for both childless couples and families with children. The figurine will protect children and help strengthen the bond between adults and children.
  • Three elephants mean unity of heaven, earth and man. Such a talisman helps to find luck and harmony in all areas of life.
  • A figurine of seven elephants attracts good luck, health, mutual understanding, money and love to the home.

Where to put

An elephant figurine will actively work to attract all benefits only if it stands in the right place. In order to choose the location of the talisman, it is important to first decide on your goals: do you want money or love, do you want to attract good luck or protect your home from negative energy. It is also very important which direction the elephant’s trunk is turned.

Statuette standing at the front door, will protect the house from thieves, evil people and negative energy. In this case, the elephant's trunk should be turned towards the door. If the elephant, on the contrary, looks towards the apartment and stands with its tail towards the door, then it will be able to attract good luck and money into the house.

elephant mascot, southeast facing, will become a strong money talisman, a guarantee of stability and prosperity for the whole family. Elephant located in the northwest, will enhance the energy of the owner of the house, the head of the family.

It will also improve the health of all men in the house. If the amulet is in the house of a single woman, then it will be able to attract a strong patron and protector into her life. In the bedroom, in the bedside area, it is best to place two elephants as a symbol of love and fidelity.

If you feel tension and negative energy in the house, then try placing several elephants in the corners of the apartment at night so that the trunk is turned into a corner. According to Feng Shui, all the negative energy of space is concentrated in the corners. And this talisman can cleanse your home of negativity.

On the desktop

This figurine can often be found in offices, since the elephant is perhaps the most common talisman for a successful career and attracting wealth. The energy of calm and confidence that the figure radiates helps both businessmen and ordinary workers.

Standing on the desktop, it helps make important decisions, thinking and analyzing all the nuances. The elephant protects against hasty and emotional actions and decisions, wrong actions and mistakes. Granting to its owner wisdom and balance, the talisman helps achieve your goals.

If on the desktop the elephant is turned with its trunk towards the face of its owner, then it will influence him directly: give strength, wisdom and knowledge. If the elephant looks at the space around him, then his influence will spread to all the people around him.

In conclusion I would like to note inadmissibility of using some figurines in the form of elephants. You cannot buy or give an ivory figurine. Such an elephant amulet in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of failure and even death. Also, you should not keep a figurine of an elephant in your house, which is decorated with other symbols of good luck according to Feng Shui.

On the shelves of souvenir shops you can often see a figurine of an elephant with a coin in its trunk or with a toad on its back. Such elements, in fact, should enhance the effect of the talisman. But in reality they lead to an imbalance of energy.

The elephant is one of the most majestic animals on earth. He is loved and revered in many countries. The elephant is a symbol of eternal wisdom, prudence and good nature. It is the emblem of supreme power and embodies all the qualities necessary for a wise ruler.

Elephant in nature

Elephants are the largest land mammals. In nature, they mainly live in Africa and Asia. In terms of intelligence, these powerful animals can be compared with monkeys and dolphins. They live in groups, which include females and calves; elephants form separate herds.

The nutrition of animals depends on their habitat. In natural conditions they eat leaves and tree bark, and in captivity they eat hay. Giants do not refuse delicacies; they happily eat tree fruits, cookies and candies. In total, while in the wild, these animals eat 300 kg of leaves per day.

Elephant in different cultures

Thanks to its majestic appearance and well-developed intelligence, elephants have earned the respect of representatives of various countries and beliefs. For Christians, the elephant is a symbol of the victory of light over darkness, and for Buddhists it is a symbol of wisdom and prudence. Among the peoples of India, it symbolizes health, strength and longevity. This animal has not escaped the attention of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, which has developed a whole system of using the image of elephants to attract good luck and prosperity.

Elephant in Christianity and Buddhism

The ancient Romans considered the elephant a symbol of the god Mercury. Its impressive size instilled respect and admiration in the souls of people. Alexander the Great himself, understanding the power of these animals, used their strength during his campaigns in India. Later, the image of an elephant crushing a snake became associated in Christianity with the victory of good over evil.

The white elephant symbol is an integral part of Buddhism. This animal is closely associated with the birth of the Buddha himself. There is a legend that Queen Maya, the future mother of Buddha, saw in a dream the image of a white elephant that entered her right side. When the next morning she told her husband about her visions, he ordered the wise astrologers to explain them. The elders prophesied to the spouses the birth of a child who was destined to become either a great king or an Enlightened hermit.

And so it happened - the great Enlightened One was born, who told the world about his teachings. He had many followers and admirers. And it is no coincidence that many of the Buddha’s parables and sermons were associated with these majestic animals. In Buddhism, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge, kindness, love, compassion and stability.

Elephant in Hinduism

Let's figure out what the elephant symbolizes in Hinduism. In India, it is believed that the ancestor of all elephants is the mythical animal Airavata. It represents a huge elephant with four tusks and seven trunks. Airavata served as the riding and fighting animal of the god Indra. There are several legends about his birth.

The first of them says that Airavata came out of the World Ocean. The second legend tells that this animal was born from the shell of the World Egg of Brahma. Together with him, seven more elephants appeared, who became the patrons of the seven parts of the world. Airavat took patronage over the eighth, this majestic animal received the East.

In Indian culture, the image of an elephant is associated with a god whose name is Ganesha. This deity is one of the most famous and beloved in India. He is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant. Often Ganesha holds his trunk in his hand, which is a symbol of taming passions. In the drawings, the god is depicted with four arms, a large belly and one tusk, and next to him you can see a book that symbolizes knowledge and wisdom.

In India, there is a legend about ancient elephants that could fly and were cursed by a wizard whose house they accidentally destroyed. Since then, they have lost their wonderful gift and turned into riding and fighting animals.

For Hindus, this majestic animal is a symbol of longevity, prudence and invincible strength. Elephants represent the qualities that a wise ruler should have: dignity, wisdom and prudence.

Elephant in Chinese philosophy

In Chinese culture, the elephant is widely known as a symbol of happiness and good luck thanks to the teachings of Feng Shui. In ancient philosophy, this animal signifies stability and reliability. It is believed that an elephant figurine, located in the house, is capable of “attracting” good luck with its trunk, just as an animal does when it drinks water. The teachings of Feng Shui determine the rules for placing the amulet.

So, if you place a figurine of an elephant on a table or windowsill and point its trunk towards the window, it will draw prosperity and well-being into the house. If the elephant’s trunk is directed inside the room, this means that good luck has already settled in this house. Most often in drawings and in the interior of premises you can see an image of an elephant with its trunk raised up. According to Feng Shui, an elephant with its trunk raised up is a money talisman, which is used to attract money and various material benefits. According to ancient philosophy, to accompany money, a figurine of an elephant with its trunk raised up should be placed in the south-eastern region of the home.

What does the figure of an elephant with its trunk down mean? According to the teachings of Feng Shui, such an elephant figurine as a talisman can be used in the house only if it depicts a mother elephant with a baby elephant. These animals are a good amulet for those who dream of a child. They should be placed in the spouses' bedroom in a bright place. The image of a “lonely” elephant with a lowered trunk is not used according to Feng Shui and is only a funny souvenir.

What does an elephant mean as a symbol

Elephant as a symbol of longevity and prosperity

Elephant as a symbol of good luck, prosperity, prosperity

For those who already have children, a figurine of an animal or a painting with its image will help make the kids lucky and happy. If you want to improve your child's academic performance, place an elephant figurine on the desk where the student studies. A picture of an animal can be hung on the wall in the nursery. Children's elephant toys that can be given to a child can become good mascots.

Symbol meanings

Let's consider what elephants mean as symbols according to the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, depending on their number:

  1. One elephant will bring material well-being, good luck and success in the professional sphere.
  2. Two elephants will help improve relationships between spouses or lovers, and a mother elephant with a little elephant will help to find the happiness of motherhood.
  3. The main thing that three elephants symbolize is harmony and prosperity, and this applies to all areas of human life.
  4. And finally, what does the seven elephant figures mean? The sacred number seven symbolizes harmony in everything. In combination with the elephant symbol, the “seven” will turn the house into a full cup, driving out misfortunes from it and filling it with happiness and prosperity.

Placement of the amulet

For those who don’t know where to hang and where to place elephant amulets, we give little hints:

  1. If you want to ward off uninvited guests and ill-wishers from your home, place figurines of two elephants opposite the front door.
  2. The presence of a large number of sharp corners in the house contributes to the concentration of negative energy. To neutralize its influence, place elephant figurines opposite them.
  3. The northwestern part of the house is the owner's sector. To help him succeed, place an elephant figurine there.
  4. If a loved one has problems at work, you should give him an elephant talisman and ask him to put the amulet on his desk. This will help improve business and contribute to gaining mutual understanding with colleagues and subordinates.
  5. To appease the elephant, give him jewelry and place it on a beautiful napkin.

Jewelry and tattoos

Jewelry and tattoos depicting an elephant are common in many cultures around the world. Moreover, the fashion for the image of this animal has not gone away for many centuries. Let's try to figure out what the elephant symbolizes in this case. A ring with an elephant endows its owner with strength, prudence and wisdom, and jewelry with its hair promises victory in amorous affairs. A bracelet with the heads of two elephants will provide a woman with attention from representatives of the stronger half of humanity, and a pendant or pendant with an elephant will heal mental wounds and bring happiness.

In the culture of Asian and African countries, a tattoo with an image of an elephant is much more common than in our area. It suits people with a strong and strong-willed character, making them even stronger and more self-confident. A tattoo will help a person in a leadership position acquire a set of qualities necessary for a leader: wisdom, prudence, willpower. It will bring health, and therefore longevity.

Elephant in magic

Those who practice fortune telling with wax are familiar with the elephant symbol. For a lonely girl, the appearance of a “wax” elephant is indicated by the following: she will meet a wealthy admirer. If the image of an animal “surfaced” after a question related to business, then stability and prosperity await you in the near period of your life. In general, the appearance of the outline of an elephant in wax fortune telling promises a person a wonderful and happy period of life.

The appearance of an elephant in fortune telling on coffee grounds means that a strong patron will appear in the life of the fortuneteller or that higher powers will favor him. The meaning of the symbol changes depending on where the image of the animal is located. If it is on the edge of the container, then this indicates that an influential person will help the fortuneteller overcome difficulties. The appearance of an animal at the bottom of the cup means material well-being and financial stability.

Since ancient times, humanity has sought protection and craved the support of higher powers. For this, all people were ready to acquire various amulets, amulets, and magical attributes, in the hope of receiving the desired help.

In modern times, despite the progress and rapid development of civilization, every nation tries not to lose ancient traditions and uses ancient knowledge to protect against enemies and troubles, as well as to maintain and develop their own well-being.

In this article we will tell you the meaning of the elephant talisman.

In various cultures and religions, there are special attributes that contribute to imparting magical powers. There are a huge number of them, but each of them has its own purpose. The Elephant talisman, whose meaning is very extensive, is very common in many parts of the world.

Residents of Asian countries are well aware of the symbolic meaning of this animal and even worship it. For Europeans and other peoples, the elephant is an animal representing fertility, strength, talent, knowledge and confidence.

  1. An elephant figurine can become a universal talisman that promotes the development of abilities and well-being, and can reward the owner with good luck and success.
  2. An elephant occupying its proper place in a living space can bring prosperity and stability to the home.
  3. If you place an elephant figurine on a windowsill, the functions performed will depend on its position.
  4. An elephant “looking” at the street invites happiness, joy and good luck into the home. It’s another matter if the figure “looks” into the room; in this position, the talisman protects the peace of the owners.

At first glance, not everyone will notice that amulets can serve different purposes and the reason for this is the location of the elephant’s trunk. A figurine depicting an animal with its trunk raised up symbolizes material well-being, and if the trunk is directed downward, it means that the talisman promotes fertility. That is why you should know the meaning of the symbols so that the object serves for good.

How elephant figurines help – which one is better to choose?

As mentioned, the elephant symbol is significant, but what is very important is the correct choice of image and its location. First you need to decide on the purpose for which the talisman will be intended.

An elephant with its trunk down will be suitable for a woman, since the main meaning of such an amulet is fertility and motherhood. Such a figurine will protect not only the mother, but also her offspring.

A set of figurines resembling a family of elephants gives a positive result and effectively affects the family. If a pair of elephants “lives” in the marital bedroom, then such a talisman will help get rid of problems with conception, even for those who despair of becoming happy parents.

A figurine of an elephant with its trunk raised will be an excellent assistant to a person striving for wealth and prosperity. Such an item will be suitable for both men and women, be they a leader or an exemplary family man.

  • The amulet will serve as a wonderful gift, since elephant figurines are very brightly and impressively decorated, so they can serve as a worthy interior decoration.
  • But a set of seven elephants will truly be a luxurious gift. He is able to attract all the desired benefits much faster and more efficiently, because the number seven has enormous magical properties.

There is an opinion that a figurine or a painting depicting an elephant is the best option for amulets. However, judging by the way the symbol of this animal is used among Asian peoples, we can conclude that it can adequately decorate an image in the form of embroidery on a dress, as well as as jewelry.

But in fact, the choice should be based on your own preferences, the same applies to the number of figures and what image the amulet has. After all, what will the amulet be made of? in this case doesn't matter much.

It could be a picture, a soft toy or a ceramic figurine, the main thing is to correctly place the image of the animal and be filled with great enthusiasm and get everything you want.

Preparing the amulet for work

At all times, in the far reaches of the state of Thailand, the elephant is considered not only a sacred animal, but also a very powerful amulet. Many residents of other territories of the planet were convinced of the strength and power of this amulet. In order for this talisman to help its owner, it must be “revitalized,” that is, activated.

  • To begin with, it should be remembered that the elephant must be decorated, just as it was done in Asian countries, according to their ancient traditions.
  • Not everyone may have on hand the accessories that Asians used to decorate elephants, but beads, pendants, and earrings may well come in handy.
  • If it is possible to wrap a gold or silver chain around the figurine, perhaps the elephant will thank its owner in the near future.

For those who are lucky enough to have a magic figurine, it would be a good idea to lay a rug or napkin under the elephant’s feet.

But a picture depicting one elephant or a flock is decorated in a special way.

You can use rosaries, chains, amber pendants, beads or semi-precious stones on a cord. These “jewels” are attached to the upper right corner of the picture. You cannot use ivory elements; it goes without saying that the elephant will not like it and the effect will be the opposite, to put it mildly.

How to position the talisman correctly?

How active the amulet will be depends on its location. In Feng Shui, the distribution of symbols into sectors is one of the main tasks. The same applies to the distribution of responsibilities for the amulet. First you need to understand what kind of support is expected from higher powers, and from these considerations you should choose a place for the talisman.

To determine the desired sector, you can use a special scheme that is used in Feng Shui. The south-eastern and north-western sides of the room are most suitable for this amulet.

Those who are lucky enough to take possession of 7 elephants can place them in a sector that requires increased support. Which means help will be provided where you least expect it.

  • You can put a couple of elephants in the bedroom; they will help maintain fidelity and harmony in the relationship.
  • A children's room can be decorated with a soft elephant, which will help the child develop his abilities.

But the elephant figurine, adorning the table, will always remind you that someone is lucky in life, and the elephant, which trumpets its trunk thrown up, is always ready to invite good luck into the house.

But for those who lack luck and who are struggling with financial difficulties, it is better to place the elephant on the windowsill or opposite the door. It is important to position the figurine so that its trunk is directed towards the exit or towards the glass of the window. You can use a couple of amulets for this, then the power of influence will double. You should take care of the decorations, the elephant will like it, and he will thank the owner for it a hundredfold.

Just don’t forget that the elephant likes to take its rightful place, so it should be honorable, which means well-groomed and completely clean. There should be no clutter or dirt anywhere nearby.

Accumulations of unnecessary things also disrupt the favorable atmosphere in the room. And if there are old things in your home that have not been used for a long time, then it is better to get rid of them.

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Since ancient times, almost every country has had an animal that is its symbol. Like many other representatives of the fauna, our distant ancestors endowed the elephant with extraordinary magical powers. Talismans in the form of figurines of this animal can now be seen in almost every apartment. What is it for different nations elephant, a symbol of what does this royal hero represent?

Feng Shui meaning of an elephant figurine

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the elephant is one of the most striking symbols. According to this teaching, there must be a figurine in the house depicting this amazingly majestic and very beautiful animal. The elephant is credited with a number of very valuable qualities that it gives to humans, namely:

  • well-being and stability;
  • wisdom and kindness;
  • reliability and strength;
  • luck and endurance.

It is believed that the figure of an elephant attracts good luck to the house, just as a living elephant draws in water with its trunk. A very small souvenir elephant has the ability to fill your home with warmth and love. To protect household members from negative energy, the elephant must be in a visible place. A what does an elephant mean as a symbol reliability? The fact is that due to its large size, it is an animal that stands firmly on its own two feet. By this analogy, an elephant figurine is believed to have the power to create a strong foundation for a prosperous and sustainable lifestyle.

What is the elephant for Chinese culture?

What is it in China? elephant? Symbol of what does he personify there? This majestic animal in the Celestial Empire is the emblem of the highest power, symbolizing power and enormous strength. A gift of an elephant figurine is considered very valuable in China, as it gives its owner good health and long life. In addition to power, the elephant for the inhabitants of this country is a symbol of such valuable qualities as:

  • prudence;
  • insight;
  • strength and energy.

In China, the elephant is considered a sacred animal, and therefore the attitude towards it in this country is special.

The meaning of the elephant in Indian culture

In the Indian pantheon of gods, the elephant is still revered as deeply as in ancient times. In this country he is given a special, honorable place. In Buddhism, a white elephant is dedicated to Buddha, because it was precisely such an elephant that appeared to Queen Maya with the news that the royal ruler of the world had been born. In India it is also generally accepted that the existence of humanity is possible only as long as these great and calm animals hold the world on their tusks. Elephant in India - symbol deities. The god of happiness, Ganesha, is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant. Young girls turn to him asking for love, and married women turn to him to save their family. Therefore, the elephant here represents love and marital fidelity. Indians decorate not only houses and temples, but also public institutions with figurines of this giant. In addition to figurines, in India there are many images of him in the form of drawings, both in temples and in homes. The inhabitants of this country endow the elephant with the noblest qualities, such as:

  • prudence;
  • the personification of calm;
  • extraordinary deep wisdom;
  • dignity.

In India, as in China, the elephant is a sacred animal. Moreover in India elephant - symbol of the country, as depicted on her coat of arms.

What does the elephant symbolize in African culture?

In African culture, as well as in others, a special place was given to the animal world. The inhabitants of ancient Africa not only used various witchcraft and magical rituals, but also endowed animals living nearby with such abilities. In their opinion, he also had mystical powers. elephant. Symbol of what is this a royal creature for Africans? First of all, the inhabitants of this continent associated the elephant exclusively with positive traits:

  • strong character;
  • deep mind;
  • developed intelligence;
  • logic and intuition;
  • peacefulness and patience;
  • integrity.

It was also a symbol of longevity and prosperity. There is evidence that an elephant standing on its hind legs was an adornment of the banners under which warriors went into battle. But an elephant with its trunk raised was a symbol of victory in Africa. Many frescoes that have survived and survived to this day depict the direct participation of these strong animals in battles.

What does the symbol of an elephant with its trunk raised mean?

Almost all feng shui elephant figurines are made with a raised trunk. Even in ancient times, this beautiful large animal was the personification of strength. The trumpet sound of the voice made by its trunk was considered a victory cry. The elephant is depicted in this form in ancient paintings and frescoes. The trunk raised up symbolizes victory over evil. But if an elephant figurine standing in a house has its trunk raised up, this is a sign of the following signs:

  • material wealth will appear in your life;
  • you can avoid unreasonable spending;
  • it will help you to be prudent and prudent in financial matters.

In a word, such a figurine can bring stability to your financial situation. An elephant will also help you avoid troubles at work. To do this, place a small elephant in your workplace or hang a picture of this animal next to it.

What does an elephant with its trunk down symbolize?

We figured out a little about what an elephant represents: the symbol of what is with a raised trunk, we found out. But there are figures depicting these giants with their trunks down. There are several versions of what such an elephant symbolizes, namely:

  • motherhood;
  • fertility and abundance;
  • longevity.

Some do not accept a figurine depicting an elephant with its trunk down as a talisman, considering its meaning unfavorable. But this is a wrong assumption. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, if after the appearance of such a figurine, troubles began in your family, it is not because the elephant’s trunk is down, but because you have placed it incorrectly in your home.

Elephant figurine is a good gift

Nowadays, elephant figurines are not only confidently returning to our apartments, but it is also customary to give them as gifts. Just before you buy such a gift, you need to decide what kind of souvenir you want it to be. elephant, symbol of what? If you give such a figurine, you need to know exactly what you want to wish for its new owner.

  • If you want to please a woman in a leadership position with such a souvenir, then she needs to buy a silver elephant. Being responsible in her position for the work of her subordinates, it is very important for her to have wisdom in making certain decisions. It is the figurine of a silver elephant that can endow her with such quality.
  • A malachite elephant as a gift is ideal for people who want to start a new stage in their life (find a new job, get an education, open their own business), but are too indecisive for this.
  • A figurine of an elephant made of white marble is an excellent gift for hot-tempered and unbalanced people. This will help them become calmer and more resilient, resistant to life’s adversities.
  • A crystal elephant figurine would be very beautiful as a gift. It must be treated very carefully, since such an elephant is able to take away all adversity from its owner and protect it from the blows of fate.
  • It is customary to give a golden elephant (or a figurine made of another yellow metal) as a talisman to athletes. He helps them get together during the competition and achieve the coveted victory.
  • But an amber elephant is a good gift for a jealous husband or jealous wife. It will definitely help its new owner get rid of this negative quality.


We learned a little about what good qualities people endowed such a cute animal as elephant, symbol of what he personifies. Now everyone is again beginning to believe in the miraculous properties of their figures. Small elephants made by skilled craftsmen have long been no longer considered a sign of philistinism, and collectors pay a lot of money for antique porcelain figurines depicting these and other animals. True, for many, small figurines of elephants in the house made of porcelain, metal, glass or other materials are a decorative element. But the majority still believe in their power and try to place them in their homes, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. The strongest symbol is seven elephants in a row, one smaller than the other. They harmonize perfectly with the decoration of modern apartments, symbolizing good luck and happiness in the house.