Not so long ago, potatoes were declared a product extremely harmful to the waistline. It was advised to limit it in the diet due to starch and a high glycemic index.

However, a number of studies have rehabilitated potatoes in the eyes of nutritionists. The root vegetable not only satisfies hunger remarkably, but also helps maintain normal weight.

Why shouldn't you give up potatoes while on a diet?

The vegetable contains a large amount of fiber, which gently cleanses the intestines without irritating the walls of the digestive canal. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, potatoes are not inferior to black currants and oranges. Amino acids are in a good ratio and are easily absorbed by the body. Vitamin B6 in its composition stimulates metabolic processes.

Useful for heart patients due to its high potassium content.

Potatoes also contain a lot of mineral components - iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus.

There is even a special diet for hypertensive patients and heart patients. During the day you need to eat only baked potatoes without salt; tea and water are allowed as drinks. Just not milk. After a couple of days of this menu, the swelling disappears and the patients’ well-being improves.

Even a large amount of starch has its advantages: thanks to it, potatoes have anti-sclerotic properties, that is, they cleanse blood vessels of “bad” cholesterol.

During storage and during cooking, potato starch is partially destroyed, therefore, the glycemic index of the finished dish decreases.

The belief of many that potatoes are very high in calories is fundamentally wrong. 100 grams of boiled root vegetables contain only 73-80 kcal; in combination with a vegetable salad, a serving of potatoes will relieve hunger for a long time. However energy value flies up when roasting tubers and becomes about 400 kcal.

Research confirms that potatoes are not dangerous for your figure.

American scientists (Illinois, USA) conducted an interesting experiment. 90 overweight volunteers were divided into 3 groups. For 12 weeks, the first group ate foods with a high glycemic index, but consumed a low amount of calories. The second group ate vegetables and fruits, but in large portions. Participants in the third group did not track calories, eating a little of everything.

All volunteers ate a serving of boiled or baked potatoes without oil every day. The result was surprising: all participants lost approximately the same number of kilograms. This allowed the researchers to conclude that harmful effects potatoes on the figure is greatly exaggerated.

The product perfectly satisfies hunger

Another study belongs to Australian scientists from Sydney, who derived a conditional index of food saturation. The higher it is, the better product copes with hunger.

The satiety index was selected experimentally: participants in the experiment ate a portion of some product with a calorie content of 240 kcal and monitored their hunger every 15 minutes.

The saturability of white bread (100%) was taken as a conventional unit. Potatoes have overtaken many products in the “satiety index”, leaving behind rolled oats, brown rice and whole grain bread. Its saturation rate was 323%.

For reference: Sweets and baked goods have the lowest satiety. The index for croissants, muffins and waffles is 47-65%.

Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that “properly” cooked potatoes help you forget about hunger for a long time and contain a small amount of calories.

Which potatoes are useful during a diet?

The common belief that potatoes are bad for your figure when losing weight is based on the fact that most of our compatriots love to eat fried potatoes. Boiled and baked vegetable is appropriate during a diet.


Properly cooked potatoes are acceptable for weight loss.

The largest amount of all useful substances is concentrated in the peel, so you need to boil the root vegetable without removing the skin.

The amount of fiber in the dish is the same as in bananas. Dietary fiber helps cleanse the intestines of harmful compounds, remove cholesterol, and relieve constipation.

The calorie content of the dish is 80 kcal.


During the diet, it is better to eat potatoes, crushed along with the broth. Greens or greens are suitable as a dressing. skim milk. To reduce the glycemic index, it is kept in cold water before cooking..


This is one of the most healthy dishes with low calorie content. It is recommended to cook it without oil, baking it in the oven for 50 minutes.

To lose weight Do not eat root vegetables with mayonnaise, lard, fatty fish and meat. It is better to combine it with salad, boiled or stewed vegetables (cabbage, zucchini), and leafy greens.

A figure-safe portion is 200 grams per day.

Fried potatoes and chips

Can you get better from fried potatoes? Without a doubt, yes.

Their calorie content rises to 300-400 kcal, and the satiety index decreases by 3 times compared to boiled root vegetables.

French fries made from frozen semi-finished products are especially harmful to your figure.. During freezing, starch crystallizes and is difficult to digest in the intestines. The work of bacteria involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates is also blocked. Often, eating this dish will lead to weight gain.

Massive misconceptions about the usefulness of certain products have always existed.

There was a time when tomatoes were considered poisonous. In the book " Complete Guide on gardening" (XVIII century) it is said: "Tomatoes are extremely harmful, as they drive those who eat them crazy." Time has dispelled this myth. But popular rumor continues to give rise to new and new speculations about the harmful and healthy food. Let's try to dispel some of them.

1 Potato. It is believed that potatoes (as well as pasta) make you gain weight quickly. This is wrong.

Nutritionists insist that people get fat not from pasta or potatoes, but from the fatty sauces with which we flavor dishes made from these products. Potato starch, on the contrary, promotes good digestion and speeds up the exchange.

New potato juice is used to treat the thyroid gland. The presence of vitamins B and P in it makes it effective in the fight against depression and insomnia.

2 Black coffee. It is believed that drinking this drink is almost as harmful as smoking. Coffee supposedly causes insomnia, increases blood pressure, negatively affects the heart, and makes bones fragile. But modern research has revealed a lot of amazing beneficial properties of coffee:

Moderate coffee consumption calms stress and reduces the risk of heart attack;

stimulates the respiratory center of the brain, which makes breathing easier for asthmatics;

reduce the risk (by more than half!) of liver cancer, some forms diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease.

Coffee (and sweet coffee) even makes a person slimmer! Danish scientists found that the risk of gaining weight among subjects who drank coffee with two pieces of sugar was 40% lower than among those who refused it.

As for poor sleep, for those who drink coffee regularly, even a few cups before bedtime will only calm their nerves and, therefore, help them fall asleep.

3 Salt. In the old days in Rus' it was believed that “he who begins a meal with salt and ends it with salt protects himself from seventy-two diseases, including madness and leprosy.” Today this opinion has changed to the diametrically opposite: “Salt is white poison.” In fact, the problem is not the salt itself, but the amount of salt consumed.

The daily salt intake for adults is approximately 5-6 grams. And on average we consume 9.5 grams of it. Because of this excess, salt has now been elevated to the category of poisons. And excessive consumption is primarily due to the fact that people do not know how much salt is contained in natural products. It is believed that you hide the salt shaker away and the problem is solved. However, only 10-15 percent of salt ends up on the table after cooking. The rest is already contained in natural products.

4 Oil. It is believed that vegetable oil has less calories and is therefore more suitable for those who want to lose weight.

In reality, things are not quite like that. Everything, of course, depends on the type of oil. Often vegetable fats contain even more calories than animals. So, for example, in 100 g vegetable oil- 900 kcal, while the same amount of cream contains only 750 kcal.

But what vegetable oils are really useful for is their content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is the so-called vitamin F - a unique substance that prevents the “overgrowth” of blood vessels. It is believed that vegetable oil is the only natural product that can reverse the disease and dissolve atherosclerotic plaque.

An adult needs to consume at least 20-30 grams of vegetable oils daily.

5 Chocolate. It is believed that it makes you fat, it causes tooth decay, and has a bad effect on the heart. All this is far from the truth.

Yes, a chocolate bar contains up to 500 kilocalories (with our daily norm of 1800-2000 kcal). So no need to eat kilograms of chocolate! And holes in teeth appear not because of sweets, but because teeth are poorly brushed after eating... But chocolate, on the contrary, is good for teeth. Recent studies have shown that cocoa contains antibacterial components that fight dental caries, and tannins contained in chocolate prevent the development of dental bacteria.

Research presented to the European Society of Cardiology shows that polyphenols contained in cocoa beans have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. They promote more efficient blood flow, thereby reducing the workload on the heart.

Research conducted by Harvard University (USA) has proven that people who eat chocolate live longer.

Chocolate contains a chemical compound that has a stimulating effect. It's about about the same substance that our brain produces when we are happy or “in love.” So this sweetness really brings joy to people.

By the way

Dark dark chocolate without any fillings or additives is the healthiest. It contains twice as many antioxidants, which protect our body's cells from damage caused by free radicals. The average antioxidant intake should be 23 mg/day.

100 grams of dark chocolate contains 90 mg of antioxidants,

40 grams of chocolate contains as many antioxidants as a glass of red wine.


As you can see, rumors about the harmfulness of some products are greatly exaggerated. However, you should not hope that you can become happy only by eating chocolate, or avoid heart disease with the help of coffee. Remember that food is not medicine.

For many years, potatoes were vetoed in our house. If we ate it, it was only in restaurants as a side dish, on holidays or in soup.

Imagine my surprise when, in the homeland of pasta, in one of the restaurants, I asked for something dietary as a side dish for meat and they brought me boiled potatoes. Not grilled vegetables (which are usually served with butter), not green salad(which will not fill you up), but boiled potatoes.

The restaurant cook told me that potatoes are very useful product. It is nutritious, you can’t eat too much of it, and is rich in magnesium, vitamins B, C, K. And yet, it does not make you fat. Can you imagine the size of my eyes at this moment... Potatoes don't make you fat...?!

For most of us, potatoes are one of the staple foods. But those who are always losing weight (like me) are sure: apart from starch, which is harmful to the figure, there is nothing useful in it. As it turned out, in terms of the content of nutrients, potatoes will give a head start to many vegetables and fruits.

Contrary to the opinion of some nutritionists, you should not exclude potatoes from your diet. You just need to learn how to cook it.

About potatoes

So, per 100 g of product, potatoes contain:

vitamin C - 20 mg (almost a third of the daily requirement, the same as in black currant);

potassium salts - 568 mg (more than in mushrooms or bananas, daily potassium intake - 4700 mg);

Selenium - 0.3 mcg (more than in seeds and nuts, daily value - 50 mcg).

And also: B vitamins, beneficial amino acids, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, silicon, bromine, iodine, cobalt.

Calorie content of the dish per 100 g:

Boiled young potatoes without salt - about 80 kcal.

Mashed potatoes with milk and butter - about 100 kcal.

Fried potatoes, fries - 300-350 kcal.

Chips - 500 and more.

Glycemic index of potatoes

GI is an indicator that reflects the speed at which a particular product is broken down in your body and converted into glucose, the main source of energy. The faster the product breaks down, the higher its glycemic index. Low GI foods stay in the stomach and intestines for a long time, breaking down gradually, without causing a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. Slow absorption ensures a longer feeling of fullness. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, choose products with low glycemic index(GI).

Potatoes have a medium glycemic index.

The problem with potatoes is that they quickly raise your blood sugar levels, so you want to eat more and more of them. And if these are potatoes with sauce or fried in oil...hence the problems. It is simply impossible to eat less than a frying pan of potatoes.

Some scientific facts:

British nutritionists called potatoes the most healthy dietary product, safe for your figure, if you do not overdo it with a portion.

The American Dietetic Association, in a study, found that people who regularly eat potatoes get much more potassium and vitamin C than those who refuse them.

An experiment by Joe Vinson from Scranton, Pennsylvania proved that potatoes do not make you fat.

Of the 18 people who ate 6-8 potatoes for lunch and dinner for a month, no one gained weight. In addition, the subjects' blood pressure decreased.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of potatoes is their rather high carbohydrate content (about 40 g per 100 g) due to starch. But potato starch has an anti-sclerotic effect, that is, it reduces the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, you can now buy potatoes from foreign farmers with a lower carbohydrate content...down to 8-11 g per 100 g.

How to eat potatoes without gaining weight

The myth that potatoes are an unhealthy product is due to the fact that for most people, their favorite dishes are fried potatoes, potatoes with a rich sauce and generously seasoned with butter and sour cream. The calorie content of such a dish is several times higher than the calorie content of just boiled potatoes.

Baked or boiled potatoes (preferably in their skins) 2-3 times a week in moderate portions are useful for almost everyone.

Do not keep peeled potatoes in water for a long time; they quickly lose their valuable properties. It is best to immediately throw freshly peeled potatoes into a pan of already boiling water.

Medium and small potatoes have much more nutrients. Too large a fruit size indicates its saturation with nitrates and growth accelerators.

Thin, flaky potato skin indicates that it is not ripe. You need to choose a root vegetable with a thick peel; it should be smooth without peeling.

High-quality potatoes should not have sprouts; they “suck” the life force from the fruit.

Vitamins and taste qualities product depend on the color of the tubers. White potatoes have less starch than yellow potatoes, so they take longer to cook. Pink varieties are used mainly for making salads - they are denser than others. And purple fruits are considered a delicacy because they have an unusual nutty flavor.

Under no circumstances should you purchase sick, frozen or “green” potatoes.

In order not to gain weight from potato dishes, nutritionist Anna Chui recommends not to overuse them for dinner: “In the afternoon, a person’s ability to process carbohydrates, which includes potatoes, is reduced. The best time for potatoes is lunch.

Bake potatoes in their jackets, do not add any sauces.

The combination of potatoes with other products is very important. best friend on the plate - vegetables, vegetable salad. For light dinner Root lettuce is great."

For variety, you can make potato cutlets. Make mashed potatoes (for 400 g of potatoes - 1 egg and 10 g of butter, a little salt). Form it into cutlets and bake them in the oven.

Normal mashed potatoes You can diversify with a spoon of horseradish or truffles. The puree will acquire a different taste and will go perfectly with light fish.

In a word - eat potatoes, pure potatoes, and not related products.

    Nutritionists say an unequivocal yes. One of the reasons is starch, which is naturally present in the product. Next, it is necessary to note the method of preparation, because additional high-calorie ingredients are used when frying. And combining potatoes with other products is not always beneficial in terms of diet.

    You can get fat from everything when you eat too much, when your metabolism is slow and sluggish.

    If everything is fine with you, then you won’t eat a lot of potatoes and won’t gain weight.

    But, for those who are on a diet, counting calories:

    Boiled potatoes 80 kcal

    Fried potatoes 198 kcal

    Young potatoes 57 kcal.

    You see that boiled potatoes are a low-calorie product and are quite Can be used on a low-calorie diet.

    There are people who only have diets and their figure in their heads - so they can’t do anything at all. They have a mess in their heads that makes them fat. Previously, marbled meat was praised and everyone called it the best product. Now they have found ka-ku in nm and it has become the most harmful. The same thing happens with potatoes and other products. All for healthy image life and proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is what costs more. And it has nothing to do with correctness. Over the course of his existence, a person makes fewer and fewer movements and, accordingly, will gain weight from any food eaten. Harm does not come from something (unless it is contraindicated for health reasons), but comes from how and in what quantity it is used. If you assimilate and process what you eat per day, then eat it to your health.

    My personal experience does not confirm this fact. I gained weight in the army on cereals and bread, and then at home on homemade grub, where the basis was more fruits and vegetables, incl. potatoes - lost weight (back to normal). And I was very surprised when one of my friends said that potatoes were poisonous. Why poison? Because it makes you fat.

    It seems to me that the following is happening here. When they get burned, then they blow on cold water. Those. already fat people looking for your harmful product, just in case they included potatoes. It contains starch. Yes, starch is obtained from potatoes, but it is an artificial product, which, like highly refined flour, sugar, and sweetener substitutes in sweet waters, contributes to obesity. Regarding the latter, my experience confirms this.

    Starch is similar to sugar. But sugar is quickly absorbed (it dissolves immediately). Due to long-term processing, starch suppresses the feeling of hunger longer, and this is why potatoes can be useful. But on the other hand, people with health problems are still better off unloading their gastrointestinal tract, i.e. limit your potato consumption.

    Any fried food is harmful. A burnt product is definitely harmful, as is sunflower oil and butter. They oxidize when fried. They say that olive oil is famous for the fact that it hardly oxidizes. But due to the fact that it is more expensive, I think few people use it for frying.

    It is a very common belief that eating potatoes can make you fat quickly.

    As it turned out, this is not entirely true. Potatoes themselves are not very high in calories; 100 grams of potatoes contain only 90 kcal. This is not a lot; bananas have more calories.

    In addition, it has now been discovered that the starch contained in potatoes speeds up metabolism and helps our digestion.

    So, they get fat not from the potatoes themselves, but from various gravies that are poured over the potatoes. And when frying, sunflower or butter, fat, and lard are added to the dish.

    Hence the conclusion is this: you need to lean on boiled or baked potatoes in foil. But it’s better to limit fried potatoes and French fries.

    No, potatoes don’t make you fat. It all depends on how you cook the potatoes. If you are a fan of fried potatoes, then eating them daily will add extra pounds to your diet, since they are usually cooked in lard or vegetable oil, which is very, very high in calories.

    But baked potatoes in their skins are the healthiest - only about 10% of the original amount of potassium is lost, whereas when boiling it is about 50-60%. And there are more vitamins and minerals in baked potatoes than in fried or boiled ones. Calories on average tuber no more than 25-30.

    But this applies to new potatoes. However, over time, the poison solanine accumulates in the tubers, so in winter a large layer of peel should be removed.

    It is also not recommended for people with diabetes or obesity to consume potatoes, as they have a high glycemic index, which causes an increase in blood sugar.

    I have been eating potatoes with caution for many years now. At the same time, I like its flavor in the first dish, but I don’t eat it myself.

    And it would hardly survive such a monster as fried potatoes.

    The whole problem is the starch that potatoes contain. When I think about what the influx of starch will do to my fatness, I immediately stop craving potatoes.

    They get fat from almost anything if they eat it in incredible quantities at night and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Again, potatoes vary. For example, fried will help 100% excess weight, and boiled potatoes in moderation have never harmed anyone.

    Personally, I don’t get better from potatoes. I use it almost every day for cooking. I love you very much fried potatoes, but I know for sure that in 100 gr. Such potatoes have about 300-odd calories. And especially when frying, it absorbs a huge amount of oil, which will hit our liver.

    French fries are especially high in calories (100 grams - 400 calories).

    And if you are counting calories and are afraid of gaining weight from potatoes, then it is better to boil them, bake them, or the most wonderful option - jacket potatoes.