Today, unfortunately, situations are common when a contractor misses the deadline for the delivery of a project, significantly exceeds the budget included in the estimate, or even builds in violation of all sorts of standards. Such problems can be avoided if strict construction control is carried out over the contractor and his actions are analyzed at each stage of the work. For this purpose, there are special organizations whose specialists are well aware of all the nuances of legislation and construction. Thanks to their control, you can be sure that all work is completed on time and in accordance with all established rules. Who has the right to exercise construction control, what goals does it pursue and in what order is it carried out? We answer all the most important questions.

What is the legislative basis for construction control?

Construction control during the construction of buildings, their reconstruction and major renovation is a mandatory condition for conducting and delivering work. At the legislative level, construction control is regulated by Art. 53 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Law obliges construction control, but gives the right to choose the one who will implement it. This can be done by the customer himself, the contractor or a third organization. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 749) precisely allows the customer of construction work to delegate control to a third-party organization (legal entity or private entrepreneur), to which a number of requirements are put forward. The Regulations on Construction Control (No. 468 dated June 21, 2010) describe all the nuances that must be followed.

It turns out that construction control is a whole complex of activities, the purpose of which is to accurately adhere to the estimate and deadlines for completing work during the reconstruction of buildings. Construction control also checks whether the contractor uses the materials described in the estimate, whether he violates construction standards, and how well he completes all the work.

The customer can carry out construction control himself (here, rather, it is appropriate to talk about technical control), but this requires thorough knowledge, so it is often a task control on the contractor's work lies with the contractor himself. This is stated in the contract construction documents that the customer signs with him. It is convenient for the customer that he does not need to hire someone else for control, but is this approach profitable? An unscrupulous contractor, receiving essentially unlimited control, can replace expensive materials with cheaper ones, include work in the estimate, the fact of which is difficult to verify, overestimate the volume of work and the amount of building material - there are a lot of schemes to gain additional benefits. In some, the bulk of the profit comes from such not entirely honest sources. Construction control carried out by the contractor himself, of course, will cover up such fraud.

Independent organization, which can also carry out construction control, will allow the customer to save about 15% of the estimated cost of work. Yes, you will have to conclude additional contracts and pay the cost of third-party work, but even despite this, the benefit received by the customer is obvious. That is why today it is common to hire independent organizations to carry out construction control.

What are the purposes of building control?

Construction control services involve carrying out comprehensive checks all types of work. The report indicates compliance with all rules and regulations, and the construction of the structure occurs in compliance with deadlines and costs.

The objectives of monitoring construction activities are as follows::

  • ensuring the quality of construction work. Mistakes made by the contractor at different stages of building construction can affect subsequent operation (distortions, flooding, leaks and other not very pleasant consequences). It is worth noting that the contractor sometimes makes mistakes in technology not on purpose, but due to lack of competence. Be that as it may, construction control is needed to promptly identify the fact of a violation of the work technology and correct everything;
  • ensuring the use of those materials that are provided for in the estimate. The scheme, when the estimate indicates a material of higher quality and more expensive, and secretly from the customer, a cheaper analogue is purchased and used, is well known. It is clear that such a substitution can lead to a deterioration in the performance characteristics of buildings, environmental standards and cause very big problems in the future, not to mention the fact that the developer loses a considerable amount of money. Construction control checks that exactly the materials and structures specified in the estimate are used;
  • budget control. The contractor may inflate the cost or include something unnecessary, leading the developer to significant and unjustified costs. Construction control checks the correctness of the estimate and promptly identifies intentional or unintentional errors;
  • ensuring compliance with specified deadlines both all work and individual stages.

By using construction control services, the customer can be sure that all work will be completed within the timeframe specified by the contractor, and the constructed structure will comply with all legal requirements, which will avoid problems with Rostechnadzor. In addition, construction control is also significant cost savings, because the contractor will not have a chance to replace some materials with others or deliberately increase the cost of the estimate. In some cases, savings reach an incredible 30-50%. In addition, it will be possible to avoid problems such as settlement or collapse of the building, the appearance of cracks and other troubles. In this case, the controlling organization plays the role of an intermediary auditor.

Where should construction control be applied?

According to legislative documents, the scope of application of construction control is construction, reconstruction and overhaul of buildings and structures. It is appropriate and necessary to apply construction controls when we're talking about about such objects:

Which organization can be trusted to carry out construction control?

The safety of the buildings being constructed mainly depends on the qualifications of the inspection organization. In order for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to engage in such activities, he must obtain permission from a self-regulatory organization (SRO). The list of demands she puts forward is quite impressive, which is not surprising.

If a legal entity claims to carry out construction control, then the staff must have at least 7 employees, including at least 2 managers. For individual entrepreneurs, the number of employees is less – 5 people. The organization carrying out construction control must have a number of specialized specialists on its staff, incl. design engineer, estimator, architect, surveyor, specialists in ventilation systems, plumbing and electrical work. The manager must have a higher education and at least 7 years of experience in the construction industry.

What are the responsibilities of the supervisory authority?

The supervision process is a complex multi-stage work. The sooner it starts, the greater the chances of getting a strong and high-quality building in the end.. For this reason, it is important to contact specialists as early as possible. initial stages construction of the structure, at the planning stage, and complete the inspection after the facility is put into operation. The work begins only after all the conditions have been discussed and the client has signed an agreement, which specifies the rights and obligations of both the customer and the inspection organization. All checks are carried out by a group of professionals, each of whom specializes in a certain area, or by one engineer - much depends on the scale and specifics of the work.

The responsibilities of the company that carries out construction control include:

  • checking design documentation and its compliance with standards;
  • checking the estimate;
  • control over compliance with the work schedule;
  • quality control of building materials, availability of certificates for them;
  • quality control of work performed and their compliance with regulatory documents;
  • control over compliance with the rules for storing building materials;
  • control over the implementation of the scope of work established by the project;
  • identification and elimination of violations;
  • acceptance of individual stages of work from the customer with the signing of relevant documents;
  • control over compliance with occupational safety and health regulations;
  • control of executive documentation.

Responsible specialists regularly provide the customer with reports on the inspections carried out so that the developer can monitor the progress of construction in real time and immediately respond in the necessary manner if something happens.

What is the control procedure?

One of the main features of construction control is step check. Some contractors may hide the true results of each stage of construction by subsequent ones. As a result, in the future, you will either have to go back and correct errors, or, if they were not noticed in time, the durability of the building is in question.

Inspection of construction work includes the following stages:

The regulatory body, ideally, should monitor the progress of construction from the design stage to the commissioning of the facility. And, and the construction, and the creation of the box with subsequent work on cladding and communications, and the final inspection of the object - all this is equally important if the goal is to build a high-quality, reliable and maximally safe building in all respects.

The frequency of monitoring inspections is determined by the project and the level of complexity of the work. After each inspection, reporting documents are drawn up, which include a description of violations and excerpts from regulatory documents that indicate the fact of violations, supporting photographs, work schedules and financial calculation tables. If building control begins to work when some work has already been carried out, it is advisable to carry out a preliminary inspection of the building.

Construction control is not only a check of compliance with technology, but also peace of mind for the customer and the prevention of unexpected financial expenses. Not all clients have a thorough understanding of construction technologies. Contractors know this, which is why unscrupulous companies and teams often do not fulfill a number of conditions and do not carry out certain types of work on time. Hence the missed deadlines, untimely commissioning, and many other problems. It is for these reasons that customers invite third parties independent experts for construction supervision.

Construction control work is carried out on the basis of Art. 53 of the Town Planning Code, which describes all the rules for carrying out this set of works.

When is construction inspection necessary?

IN legislative acts It has been established that such expert measures as construction control of construction projects must be carried out when one of the following events occurs regarding a capital construction project:

  • Construction of a new facility.
  • Repair and reconstruction of the existing building.
  • Major repairs of a building, structure or their component part.

These points do not apply to small construction projects, and construction control for them is not regulated by law.

Who should carry out control work?

The initiator of construction control and activities to analyze the construction process is the customer. It is in his interests to control the extent to which the contractor complies with all standards, technical documentation, estimates and work rules. The customer also determines which expert group to connect to this process. In some cases, the customer can control this work himself, but this takes a lot of time.

In addition, it requires specialized expertise in many areas. Therefore, it is much easier to attract outside specialists who not only understand this issue, but also have the appropriate documents to confirm their competence.

The specialist, being hired by the customer, has the following powers in accordance with the Civil Code:

  • Observe and control the progress of construction work, filling out construction documentation, reporting to the customer.
  • Resolve any issues with contractors regarding construction work, and make decisions on them on behalf of and on behalf of the customer.

A specialist can be any legal entity or private entrepreneur who has a certificate for conducting expert work in the construction field. Certificates are issued by self-regulatory organizations.

Objectives of construction control

If you look at it in general terms, the purpose of construction control is to provide the customer with complete information about how the construction process is proceeding, whether schedules, estimates and technical documentation are being followed. But in a broader sense, construction control sets itself several tasks at once:

  • Monitoring the quality of construction work and its effectiveness.
  • Ensuring that only approved building materials are used during construction.
  • Tracking construction costs, ensuring that the estimate that was originally drawn up is not exceeded by the contractor without permission.

Control over the quality of construction and its compliance with regulations and standards.

Each of these areas requires not only careful monitoring, but also constant monitoring, which the customer cannot do on his own. This will also protect the customer, since the contractor will not be able to deceive the expert either on the cost of the work or on the timing of its completion.

The specialist primarily protects the interests of the customer, as well as his cash. This is work that is needed precisely by the customers themselves, who are interested in ensuring that the construction is carried out properly and completed on time.

What problems can construction control solve?

Carrying out construction control during construction will make it possible to solve a number of questions and problems that the customer may have. Few of the people who hire contractors realize what methods and methods exist in the construction business for inflating prices, for inappropriate savings and for other ways in which the customer can be deceived.

If you know all the intricacies of this area, you can avoid many problems and achieve exceptional quality of construction work. Experts in the construction field will help you with this. They will help solve such pressing problems:

  • If the contractors allowed the building to settle unevenly. If everything is left as is, then in the future cracks, deformations and collapses may appear, which can cause injury to people inside. This happens when construction norms and rules are violated, and this should not be allowed; the problem must be eliminated at the very beginning.
  • Inflated price for work. Contractors often include in the price their additional economic interest, which goes beyond the profit margin. At times, the price can be artificially inflated by almost 50%. An expert can immediately determine this and can suggest where to put pressure on the contractor to reduce the price.
  • When documentation on technical issues is maintained incorrectly by workers. In this situation, they will have the opportunity to hide their flaws, simplifications of technology and other violations, which can then lead to serious consequences. All documentation has its own regulations, and the expert will ensure that they are not violated at any stage of construction.
  • Violations of the strength characteristics of the building structure. Due to improper masonry or other elements, collapses may occur.
  • Violations of environmental standards. Moreover, there are two points in mind here. The first is the environmental friendliness and safety of building materials used in construction. There are many cheap materials that are toxic and cannot be used for capital construction. Also, here we mean the moment of influence on environment, and the negative impact on nature from the construction site.
  • Delaying deadlines. In order to get more money for working days, contractors may miss project deadlines, and thereby they will underestimate its profitability. Experts strictly monitor how the work is performed and are responsible for this moment.

Objects for which construction control needs to be carried out

To fully understand the activities of an expert, you first need to understand in which area he works and why this is so. In fact, there is a list of objects for which construction control is simply mandatory. These include the following groups of buildings:

  • Industrial buildings that can be used and intended for any branch of production.
  • Objects of cultural heritage that are on a special municipal register, and at the same time are subject to reconstruction or major repairs.
  • Shopping and entertainment centers, regardless of their focus and location, since they belong to buildings of mass attendance.
  • Office buildings containing many offices of various companies.
  • Hotels and other accommodation facilities (both urban and suburban).
  • Residential buildings (for example, apartment buildings).

We can say that control during construction is a procedure that focuses its attention mainly on ensuring the quality of construction, and it covers all those areas and areas of construction that have large budgets. This is important, since with a large budget, contractors are more tempted to inflate prices or extend the delivery time of the project, which will lead to a decrease in the economic effect for the customer.

However, the objects listed above are not the only ones for which construction control can be carried out. The customer can decide for himself that he needs it for any other type of construction, even if supervision is not required by law.

And the buildings mentioned above are subject to mandatory control. Moreover, the control process and all documentation on it are strictly regulated by law, so here the customer simply has no choice but to hire an expert.

For each group of buildings, you can find either a separate expert who specializes, say, exclusively in hotels, or a universal expert. All branches of construction have the same codes, with minor differences, so a good expert will know all the areas you may need to know.

How is control carried out?

The procedure for carrying out construction control is strictly regulated by legal norms, since, first of all, this is an expert activity that must fit into a certain regulatory framework. You can find the regulations that regulate the activities of the expert both on his website and in other sources.

The most important document, which is a reference book for an expert, is the regulation on construction control, which was approved by the government of the Russian Federation. This document regulates the conduct of expert work, as well as many other subtleties and nuances that arise during the work.

It is important for the customer to familiarize himself with the contents of this document. Just as an expert controls the contractor's actions, the customer can control the expert's actions. You can make sure that not a single document necessary for the further delivery of the project will be missed by the expert, and that he will control every area of ​​the work.

In addition, familiarization with the expert’s work rules will remove a number of questions that usually arise from the customer’s misunderstanding of why this or that procedure is being done. This often happens from a desire to save money. But believe me, you cannot save on expert activities, especially if the object needs to be handed over to a state commission.

Who is in charge of control?

So, you need to figure out what construction control means, who carries it out and who is responsible for it. you must understand that, first of all, this is an expert activity, and most often it requires the presence of an entire expert team, in which everyone will perform their function and deal with their specific issues.

To ensure that expert supervision work is carried out fully and in accordance with all the rules, it is necessary to invite a commission of several multidisciplinary specialists. The composition of such a working group is determined individually for each object, as is its size. However, there are some general recommendations that are recommended to be followed no matter what kind of property is being built or renovated. At the request of the customer, this list can be supplemented by other specialists whom he deems necessary.

In general, without taking into account the specifics of the project, the composition of the working expert group for the supervision of construction work looks like this:

  • Engineer for general construction work. This is an expert who understands building materials, construction work, work regulations and documentation. He carries out general control and inspection of construction at all sites, even those covered by other experts. Often he is the head of the expert group.
  • Electrical engineer. This is a specialist who understands the design and installation of electrical networks in buildings. He checks how high-quality materials are used, how well the electrical layout matches the plan, etc.
  • A plumbing engineer typically oversees the installation of drains and plumbing fixtures. He is responsible for ensuring that all work is completed as accurately as possible and in accordance with the construction or repair plan.
  • A ventilation engineer controls how ventilation is installed, how its repair is organized, and to what extent this is consistent with the design documentation. It also checks what materials are used by the contractor, what quality they are, etc.
  • Specialist in economic issues. His task is to check the estimate provided by the contractor, to make sure that it is drawn up correctly and that there is no room for unforeseen expenses. The expert also makes sure that the cost of the work was not inflated on purpose in order to get more money from the client. During the implementation of the project, the specialist monitors costs and draws up a schedule that must coincide with the plan.
  • The design engineer is primarily concerned with the control of design documents and the conformity between them and the work carried out on the project.

What do experts do?

In order to answer the customer on all points, experts must check whether there were any defects or violations that are not consistent with the design documents or regulations.

They carry out checks at a frequency that is set individually for each project, according to standards. If the customer wants inspections to be carried out more often, he can schedule them as often as he wants, but not less often than required by the rules. Experts keep special logs and create reports on their basis, which they provide to the customer, and which reflect all violations, data on their elimination and other important information.

Approaches to monitoring construction processes are regularly changed, supplemented and adjusted in order to improve quality. The need for reliable and durable construction projects is due to the understandable desires of the responsible authorities to ensure an appropriate level of safety for buildings in use. To fulfill this condition, technical supervision is used today, which is a set of rules and regulations governing the activities of construction experts. Formed commissions, using legal and technological tools, assess the quality of work activities and construction materials.

Basic concepts of construction control

To understand the structure of the execution of the controlling construction participants, it is necessary to understand individual concepts. For example, the general customer of construction is the person who provides financing for the project. This support includes the development of design documentation and the direct construction of the facility with a supervisory function. There is also the concept: Unlike the customer, the contractor is often a construction and installation company that is a legal entity. The range of functions of this construction participant includes the direct technical implementation of capital construction projects. It is the contractor’s activities that are subject to control by supervisory authorities. These functions at a lower level are also performed by the developer, who may be part of the contractor's organization. This person owns the territory on which the construction is taking place. It also carries out construction and installation work.

All of the listed participants in the construction process are united by a supervisory function. In essence, the customer’s construction control over construction consists of regular inspections, the frequency of which is determined by the contract. As for supervision itself, it is aimed at determining the quality of work performed during the construction of target facilities. Based on the survey results, appropriate estimates are given based on the requirements of the construction design documentation. In this case, not only basic building materials and installation structures, but also the results can be subjected to technical analysis engineering surveys. By comparing the obtained data with regulations and standards, an assessment is made of the quality of safety of structures and buildings.

Control in capital construction

Capital construction is the widest platform for the practice of using control schemes in terms of design and implementation of repair and installation work. This is due to the fact that during the implementation of such objects it is assumed that most construction activities will be carried out, which must be subject to control in accordance with regulations. However, this does not mean at all that the customer’s construction control over construction should be comprehensive and cover all stages of the project. Often, and partly in order to save money, developers involve specialists in this profile at specific stages. For example, if you need to control the supply of building materials. IN in this case the control service will check the labels, markings and certification documents for the supplied products in terms of their compliance with the design recommendations. On the contrary, the supply of materials can be monitored by the customer independently, and complex and high-tech processes for installing engineering equipment will be taken over by supervisory authorities.

A special place is occupied by the stage of preparation for construction. At this stage, design developments are underway and that is, a different kind of control is required, which also includes an analysis of legal properties. In addition, capital construction ends with the customer preparing documents for commissioning. To eliminate formal inconsistencies with the technical passport before submitting documents for state registration They also conduct an examination with the involvement of supervisory services.

Technical supervision services

As the requirements for capital development projects, which make up the bulk of city real estate, increased, control over the implementation processes of such projects also became stricter. Previously, these tasks fell on construction control, carried out by special commissions from city planning authorities. The disadvantage of such formations was the extremely low quality of the control function. And this is not to mention the fact that the very organization of their work did not imply an integrated approach to assessing the quality of the target object. In most cases, commissions visited the site when analyzing project documentation and after completion of construction. The situation changed dramatically when control began to be carried out in accordance with new standards of the supervisory service. They not only supervise capital construction in technical and legal aspects, but can also act as assistants to project implementers. The fact is that supervisory organizations are licensed through registration in self-regulating professional associations, with which specialists in the field of design, geodesy, architecture, installation areas, etc. can interact. That is, if necessary, such services can provide the customer with a full range of services during construction with basic execution and the primary task of quality control.

Tasks and functions of technical supervision

Nevertheless, the main tasks of the controlling enterprise come down to organizing and ensuring the effective work of supervisory representatives. The supervision service must monitor the implementation of repair and construction activities in order to further achieve the established standards. At the same time, participants in the control process are required to draw up statements of the volume of work performed, which in the future will allow the development of estimate documentation. It has already been said above that the customer himself can work on the preparation of documents based on the results of inspections. Also, the direct functions of technical supervision include the implementation of systematic checks on financial costs. The fact is that the comprehensive goal of construction control is expressed not only in ensuring the technical quality of the facility. If necessary, the customer can agree with the controlling organization on tracking financial costs. That is, the supervision function in this case will also have the character of a means of optimizing the construction process, which is also relevant today.

Carrying out technical supervision

The actions and organization of work of the supervisory service are determined by regulatory documents and the agreement concluded with the customer. Most often, such services are hired in the format of providing engineering services. In accordance with technical standards, the procedure for conducting construction control during construction involves the appointment of a responsible person who will supervise a specific facility. This person controls the registration for construction, monitors the process of removing the boundaries of the site for development, and participates in the layout of the axes of houses, communications and utility networks.

In this case, basic work is entrusted to divisions of the supervisory organization, which monitor the receipt of laboratory and geodetic examinations, as well as their results. This part of the work also relates to document control. Separately supervised and production processes when performing construction and installation work. Based on the results of the completion of individual operations, a construction control report is drawn up, which indicates the parameters of compliance of the work performed with regulatory or design requirements. Also, an act can be drawn up upon the discovery of defects or the identification of materials or structures that are unsuitable in terms of quality characteristics. In such cases, a procedure for correcting the detected defect is provided. By the way, this is the advantage of conducting operational control, since it allows you to identify deficiencies before completion of construction.

Responsibilities of the customer in construction

Before approval of the main documentation for a future project, the customer is required to obtain a positive state expert opinion. Also, by the time reconstruction or repair and installation activities begin, he must have a construction permit. However, there are also cases of exceptions when, instead of permission for work operations, there is a certificate from the local urban planning department, which allows work to be carried out without examination of the project. Again, before work begins, the developer must properly prepare the site. In the future, the customer’s construction control over construction may be transferred to supervisory authorities. At the same time, the control services must supervise the transfer by the customer of documents on the basis of which the performers of technical operations will carry out their tasks. In particular, during the construction of a house, the customer transfers to the contractor documentation with the results of engineering surveys, design and estimate materials, as well as the permitting documents mentioned above.

It should be noted that the customer can, in some way, act as a controlling participant in the process of project implementation, even if he hired a specialized service for this purpose. It is a common practice when technical supervision in its main part, for example, expressed by the incoming inspection of materials, is entrusted to the control service, and the documentation is still carried out by the customer himself or his representatives. There is another nuance regarding the interaction of the customer with the direct performers. Often the work process is organized in such a way that the detection of violations by supervisory authorities is only recorded in documents, but corrections of identified deviations from the rules are not checked. At the same time, control of such situations is included in the list of responsibilities not of the service, but of the customer, who must record in the inspection documents the fact that deficiencies have been eliminated.

Responsibility of the construction customer

The customer is responsible for almost all stages of the project. To begin with, it is worth noting the provision of the preparation of project documentation itself, as well as the passage of state examination. Here, the customer also bears responsibility for the quality of the design solution in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation, including in terms of the rights and obligations that were granted to him by contractual agreements. Further, this person is responsible for carrying out construction control in the sense that he appoints the general contractor involved in the process of performing the work. In addition, in some cases the customer accepts work, the quality of which may not be confirmed by supervisory services. In such situations, he also bears responsibility for quality control of the object.

Responsibilities of the building control service

Representatives of the expert service at the first stages of project implementation carry out input control of the estimate documentation, which also studies in detail the technical materials for the future facility. In particular, experts evaluate the documentation in terms of sufficiency for the implementation of construction and general competence. If necessary, the control service takes measures to revise design and estimate documents, supervises the elimination of detected defects, and prevents deterioration of technical solutions and an unreasonable increase in the cost of the facility. As required by the regulations on carrying out construction control when working with capital facilities, responsible services must also monitor the relationship between the general contractor and material suppliers.

In this regard, the main task of the control service is to prevent builders from using structures and materials that do not meet the requirements of design documentation in terms of their characteristics. The same applies to engineering equipment used in installation work during repair operations. In practice, these tasks are implemented through the organization of the mentioned incoming control, inspection at which allows us to cut off defective and unsuitable construction products. That is, construction and technical control monitors not only the finished results of the work performed, but also creates conditions for ensuring proper quality in solving assigned tasks.

How to choose a supervisory company?

Various criteria are taken into account, from the history of work performed to the qualifications of specialists who will perform specific operations. It is also practiced to use experts from different fields, working individually. For example, such a group will separately analyze technical documentation, geodetic surveys, and control the quality of installation operations and building materials. From a quality point of view, this is a good solution, but a company that comprehensively covers the entire range of work still benefits from a more efficient organization of the control process. You should also consider what documents establish construction control in a particular organization. It is advisable that the organization be guided by the basic set of rules that apply to the standards for monitoring capital construction. But licensed organizations that are members of an SRO may have special standards for performing their tasks, which, however, are also enshrined in current regulatory documents. In any case, at the end the customer receives a comprehensive set of production and technical documentation, which contains a work log, laboratory control results, certificates for building materials, etc.


Often, real estate market participants complain about the large volume of technical and expert procedures that must be completed from the launch of a project to construction to commissioning. However, in terms of quality supervision of basic construction and installation operations, such requirements are justified. Properly organized construction control of the customer during construction allows documenting the proper level of safety of a particular facility. This is very important, first of all, from the point of view of the future operation of the building, but the benefits are not limited to this. Controlling organizations today provide an extensive range of services, which makes it possible to optimize production and construction processes. This is done through more efficient management of design and estimate data and rational selection of technical solutions by people who are truly interested in obtaining a high-quality result.

1. Construction control is carried out during the construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects in order to verify the compliance of the work performed with the design documentation (including decisions and measures aimed at ensuring compliance with energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for equipping the capital construction facility with metering devices for the energy resources used ), requirements of technical regulations, results of engineering surveys, requirements for construction, reconstruction of a capital construction project, established on the date of issue of the urban planning plan submitted for obtaining a construction permit land plot, as well as the permitted use of the land plot and restrictions established in accordance with land and other legislation Russian Federation.

2. Construction control is carried out by the person carrying out the construction. In the case of construction, reconstruction, major repairs on the basis of a construction contract, construction control is also carried out by the developer, technical customer, person responsible for the operation of the building, structure, or regional operator, or by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity engaged by them on the basis of a contract. The developer or technical customer, on his own initiative, may involve the person preparing the design documentation to check the compliance of the work performed with the design documentation.

2.1. In relation to individual capital construction projects, the construction, reconstruction of which is planned to be carried out in whole or in part at the expense of federal budget, The Government of the Russian Federation, in cases established by it, decides to carry out construction control by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning, or a state body subordinate to the said body (budgetary or autonomous) institution.

3. The person carrying out construction is obliged to notify the state construction supervision authorities about each case of emergency situations at a capital construction site.

4. In the process of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a capital construction project by the person carrying out the construction (the person carrying out the construction, and the developer, technical customer, the person responsible for the operation of the building, structure, or a regional operator in the case of construction, reconstruction, major repairs on the basis of a construction contract), control must be carried out over the implementation of work that affects the safety of the capital construction project and in accordance with the technology of construction, reconstruction, major repairs, control over the implementation of which cannot be carried out after the completion of other work, as well as over safety building structures and sections of engineering support networks, if elimination of deficiencies identified during construction inspection is impossible without dismantling or damaging other building structures and sections of engineering support networks, ensuring that said work, structures and sections of networks comply with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation . Before monitoring the safety of building structures, control must be carried out over the implementation of all work that affects the safety of such structures and, in accordance with the technology of construction, reconstruction, and major repairs, control over the implementation of which cannot be carried out after performing other work, as well as in cases provided for in the design documentation and the requirements of technical regulations, tests of such structures must be carried out. Based on the results of monitoring the implementation of the specified works, the safety of the specified structures, sections of engineering support networks, inspection reports of the specified works, structures, sections of engineering support networks are drawn up.

5. If, based on the results of the inspection, deficiencies in the works, structures, sections of engineering support networks specified in Part 4 of this article are identified, the developer or technical customer may require monitoring of the implementation of the specified work, the safety of the specified structures, sections of the engineering support networks again after eliminating identified deficiencies. Inspection reports for such work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks should be drawn up only after the identified deficiencies have been eliminated.

6. In cases where the implementation of other work specified in part 4 of this article must begin more than six months from the date of completion of the relevant control, control over the implementation of work that affects the safety of the capital construction facility and in accordance with construction technology, reconstruction, major repairs, control over the implementation of which cannot be carried out after other work has been completed, as well as over the safety of building structures and sections of engineering support networks, if elimination of deficiencies identified during construction control is impossible without dismantling or damaging other building structures and sections networks of engineering and technical support must be carried out again with the preparation of appropriate acts.

7. Comments of the developer, technical customer, person responsible for the operation of the building, structure, or regional operator, persons involved by them to carry out construction control, preparing project documentation, about the shortcomings of the work during construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a capital construction project must be formalized in writing. An act on the elimination of these shortcomings is drawn up, which is signed by the person who made comments about these shortcomings and the person carrying out the construction.

7.1. After completion of construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project, an act is signed confirming the compliance of the parameters of the respectively constructed or reconstructed capital construction project with the requirements of the design documentation (including decisions and measures aimed at ensuring compliance with energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for equipping the capital construction project with metering devices for the energy resources used ), the person carrying out construction (the person carrying out construction, and the developer or technical customer in the case of construction, reconstruction on the basis of a construction contract, as well as the person carrying out construction control, in the case of carrying out construction control on the basis of a contract), except in cases implementation of construction, reconstruction of individual housing construction projects, garden houses.

8. The procedure for conducting construction control is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.