Planning for a child doesn't always go as smoothly as you imagined. You may follow all the rules and regulations, but the nature of the body is unpredictable, and successful conception depends on a number of factors. But don't give up too soon! Remember: a marriage is considered infertile if pregnancy does not occur after a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. If your preparation for pregnancy lasts less than this time, there is no need to treat anything yet, but a woman needs to be examined outside of pregnancy, every six months. Sometimes it is only an incorrect lifestyle that prevents you from conceiving a child, and to cope with the problem it is enough to change it. However, if pregnancy has not occurred after a year of diligent attempts, then you should worry about treatment. In case of infertility, the symptoms are not pronounced. It is almost impossible to identify it based on your general health, so consult a doctor.

Who's to blame?

Infertile marriage occurs in approximately 10-20% of cases, but if you fall into this category, do not despair. First you need to correctly assess the situation, finding out what is the reason for your failures.

Infertility happens:

  • feminine
  • masculine
  • mixed
  • inexplicable

The inability to get pregnant is not always the woman’s fault; in a third of cases, the cause is a violation of spermatogenesis or other pathologies in the man. In the mixed form, infertility is a consequence of the combination of two factors - male and female. Therefore, both potential parents must undergo a medical examination. The unexplained form is so called because no cause of infertility may be identified.

Causes of infertility

Causes of female infertility

Firstly, it is worth keeping in mind that the causes of infertility may not be pathologies, but other factors, for example:

  • Age. The older a woman is, the lower the chance of getting pregnant and the higher the chance of miscarriage. Nowadays, the problem is quite relevant due to the declining interest of young people in traditional marriage: young couples are delaying the birth of children.
  • Unbalanced nutrition. Both increased weight (obesity) and insufficient weight (dystrophy) interfere with conception, and, in addition, are contraindications for pregnancy.
  • Smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction also kill the chances of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby.

If you are okay with all this, then the reason lies in one or a combination of different pathologies in the woman’s body. Infertility may be associated with malformations of the reproductive system, damage to the genital organs, endocrine disorders, severe intoxications; mental, neurological disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Genetic, chromosomal and immune factors and their combination play a certain role.

Ovulation disorder - the main cause of infertility, occurring in 40% of cases. Ovulation may be completely absent, or it occurs, but the egg is incapable of fertilization. These problems may occur due to dysfunction of the ovaries or the brain structures that control the ovaries.

In 30% of cases the cause of infertility is obstruction or partial patency of the fallopian tubes. The tubes can be blocked (which prevents the egg from meeting the sperm) or “spoiled” (for example, frequent hydroturbation wears out the cilia that cover the walls of the tubes, which move the embryo towards the uterus). These problems arise mainly due to sexually transmitted infections.

Cervical problems. In healthy women, the cervical canal is completely filled with mucus, which is necessary so that sperm can easily cross the cervix and reach the egg. If her chemical composition is disrupted, the sperm will be stuck halfway. This usually happens as a result of sexually transmitted infections, deterioration of the mucus-producing glands, erosion or inflammation of the cervix. Cervical erosion and cervical canal polyps may be the only cause of infertility and require mandatory removal before infertility treatment begins.

Endometriosis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of abnormal formations of the uterine mucosa (adhesions) on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, lower pelvic organs, bladder and vagina and provokes the release of a substance in the body that prevents conception.

Pathologies of the uterus and polycystic disease. Uterine defects include: malformations, inflammatory processes, fibroids, fibroids, fibroids, polyps and tumor-like formations - cysts.

Preparing for pregnancy and searching for the causes of infertility in a woman should include the following examinations:

  • analysis for sexually transmitted infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • blood hormone test;
  • endometrial biopsy;
  • determination of fallopian tube patency
  • antisperm antibody test.

Causes of male infertility

There is such a concept - male fertility, that is, the ability to bear children. Fertility is influenced by many factors, but spermatogenesis (the development of normal and mature sperm) is fundamental. From a fertilization perspective, sperm motility is as important as sperm count. Men with low sperm counts can be fertile as long as their sperm have high motility. Fertility is also affected by the volume of seminal fluid and the morphology (structure) of the sperm. The causes of impaired fertility can be diseases of the genital organs, the most common is called varicocele - the presence of varicose veins in the testicles. Factors provoking the appearance of the disease:

  • protein malnutrition,
  • avitaminosis,
  • testicular injuries,
  • professional factors.

There is also an immunological form male infertility: This is when the body produces antibodies to testicular tissue or sperm. This happens due to injury to the testicles.

In the obstructive form of infertility, there is an obstacle on the way of sperm from the testicles to the urethra: a cyst or tumor of the genital or nearby organs, an adhesion that remains after an inflammatory or infectious process, a scar after surgery, etc.

A man's examination should be the first step when searching for the causes of infertility. In addition to a general examination and examination of a patient with infertility, an analysis of the level of hormones in the blood, a spermogram (ejaculate analysis), and an ultrasound of the genital organs are carried out. A spermogram analysis is done after 3-5 days of abstinence and abstinence from alcohol for a week.

Other causes of infertility

Combination of several reasons

If a patient has any cause of infertility, this does not exclude the presence of other possible causes of infertile marriage. A combination of infertility factors is observed quite often, which should be taken into account when choosing the most optimal treatment method.

Wine for two

Often the cause of infertility is immunological incompatibility of partners. The reaction of the female immune system is reminiscent of an allergy: when a sperm enters a woman’s body, it is perceived by her immune system as a foreign agent. The body begins to actively fight it, producing special substances - antisperm antibodies. As a result of this struggle, sperm become immobile and cannot fertilize the egg. However, this does not mean that due to incompatibility you are not destined to have children; you need to be thoroughly examined and discuss possible treatment options with your doctor.

Unexplained infertility

In approximately 10% of cases, doctors are powerless to name the exact cause of infertility and then talk about unexplained infertility, or infertility of unknown origin. Otherwise it is called idiopathic infertility. They talk about it when all the tests and examinations completed by a couple show a positive result, but conception does not occur. Of course, this is a very difficult diagnosis, or rather its absence is perceived psychologically more difficult than a sentence. And again, you can’t despair, modern medicine also treats unexplained infertility.

Prevention of infertility

Taking into account the fact that many factors of infertility are not congenital, but acquired, they can be avoided with timely prevention.

Of course, the first element of prevention is the right lifestyle. You have no idea how bad habits affect, say, male fertility. An unbalanced diet, smoking and alcohol rob you of your chances of getting pregnant.

It is necessary to undergo regular examination by a gynecologist (once every six months), to prevent inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, which can occur as a result of childhood infections (scarlet fever, measles) or after abortion, childbirth, or surgery on the pelvic organs.

Marriage hygiene can also be considered as prevention of infertility. Physiologically, a woman’s body can be prepared for motherhood at the age of 18-20 years, but not during puberty. Therefore, early sexual activity can lead to disruption of all functions of the female body. Early sexual activity in young men can cause impotence.

Sometimes the causes of infertility can be psychological in nature. For various reasons, a woman may feel so severe stress that the natural functions of the body are disrupted. Also, a woman (less often a man) may subconsciously develop negative attitude to pregnancy, and therefore the body itself does not allow conception to occur. Therefore, an element of prevention should be the preservation emotional state women and her awareness of the beauty of motherhood. A woman in a stressful state should find an option to release energy and relax. As a possible prevention option, physical activity and, through the company of expectant mothers, the woman will restore spiritual harmony.

Our great-grandmothers got married early, stayed home and had children. Modern women completely different - they strive to make a career, get married much later, postponing motherhood until later. Today, the incidence of sexually transmitted infections is also increasing. Many girls start smoking in adolescence without thinking about the consequences. Quite a few of them have overweight. Are all the problems listed above related to infertility? Yes, definitely! In our article we will talk about what factors influence a woman’s ability to get pregnant, and also talk about methods of preventing infertility.

Age and fertility

Fertility in women is the ability to become pregnant and bear a child. Those between the ages of 20 and 30 are more likely to conceive a child. It is known that approximately a third of women over 35 years of age have problems with pregnancy, and by the age of 40 this figure rises to 50%.

Of course, the decision to have a child and start a family is a very personal choice, but every woman should understand: the older she is, the more difficulties may arise when trying to get pregnant.

The most common causes of female infertility

Infertility is a diagnosis given to a woman who is unable to become pregnant within a year. Experts consider one of the symptoms to be atypical menstrual cycles, which may be too short (up to 21 days) or too long (35 days or more).

There are many reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant naturally, but doctors highlight:

  1. Ovulation disorder. Characterized by irregular ovulation cycles (the release of an egg into the fallopian tube). Occurs due to polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure, hypothalamic dysfunction, excess prolactin, etc.

  1. Endometriosis. With this disease, the endometrial tissue lining the uterus begins to grow greatly and prevents the fertilization of the egg.
  2. Poor patency of the fallopian tubes.
  3. Benign tumors (fibroids), scars and inflammation in the uterus.
  4. Unusual shape of the uterus from birth.
  5. Narrowing or stenosis of the cervix caused by injury or a hereditary malformation.
  6. Thick cervical mucus that does not allow sperm to pass through.

  1. Poor egg quality. It is mainly determined in women over 35 years of age.
  2. Obesity, which often causes irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

Diagnostics and tests

If you cannot get pregnant for a long period of time, contact a gynecologist-reproductologist and endocrinologist. A qualified doctor will prescribe:

  • Ovulation testing, in which a blood test is performed for hormones: LH (luteinizing hormone), progesterone, prolactin.

  • Hysterosalpingography is a procedure that involves examining the genital organs using X-ray or ultrasound scanning. The resulting images may highlight abnormalities or blockages in the fallopian tubes.
  • Laparoscopy. A thin optical tube is inserted into the organs through a small incision, which gives an idea of ​​what is inside. It can be used to detect adhesions, irregularities in the fallopian tubes or scars due to endometriosis.

What will help improve reproductive health

When discussing infertility in women, one cannot help but say that to increase fertility, sometimes it is enough to change your lifestyle.

Here are a few simple tips to save functional state female reproductive system:

  1. Support normal weight . A balanced diet, moderate physical activity, and good sleep together will help get rid of excess body weight, restore thyroid function and the regularity of the menstrual cycle, as well as improve general condition health.

  1. Reduce your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol. Simply cutting down or eliminating caffeinated and alcoholic drinks can have a beneficial effect on a couple's ability to get pregnant.
  2. Don't smoke. We've all heard that smoking can lead to cancer and heart disease, but this bad habit also negatively affects the ability to have children. Thus, studies conducted in the UK showed that 13% of female infertility is caused by smoking. Women who smoke increase the risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).
  3. Practice safe sex and personal hygiene. Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea are major causes of infertility. Using condoms during sex with a casual partner will help prevent contracting STIs.

Home remedies for prevention

To enhance fertility, you can use traditional methods:

  • Pomegranate helps maintain the normal condition of the uterine mucosa and improves blood flow. To restore fertility, mix half a teaspoon of finely ground seeds and fruit bark in a glass of milk and drink the resulting mixture twice a day.

  • Cinnamon is useful for polycystic ovary syndrome. The plant powder is eaten 1 teaspoon per day or mixed with a glass of milk for oral administration.
  • Blueberry tea is used to treat infertility in women. To do this, brew 1 teaspoon of fruit in a glass of boiling water, filter and drink once a day for several weeks.

  • Dates are a delicacy that is eaten for better conception and fetal nutrition throughout pregnancy. From 6 to 8 dates are consumed every day as a snack or in the form of a smoothie or additive to yogurt.
  • Yoga classes improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and help improve the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin D is synthesized by the body under the influence of sunlight. Spend 10 minutes in the sun every morning and eat foods rich in vitamin D: eggs, cheese, fish and grains.

Infertility is a very exhausting problem to deal with, both emotionally and physically. It is important to consult a doctor on time, follow preventive measures and believe that you will definitely be able to conceive and bear a healthy baby!

Probably, almost every girl from childhood hears from parents, educators and teachers phrases like: “Take care of yourself, you will have more children.” Yes, as you know, it is easier to maintain health than to improve it, and it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it.

And, perhaps, many of us, as adults, scolded ourselves for inflammation of the appendages acquired in our youth (from the desire to chat longer with girlfriends on a cold bench), cold kidneys (the result of trying to please all the boys in the area with our fashionable outfits), etc. But the result of such events can be long months of treatment in adulthood, difficult experiences and other diseases of our fragile female system.

I want to talk about the prevention of infertility in women and I want this knowledge (and not just moral teaching in the form of the above phrases) to be instilled in girls from childhood.

Prevention of infertility in girls

Yes, don’t be surprised, prevention of reproductive disorders should be carried out from childhood, and consists of preventing diseases of the intimate organs, which often occur as a result of past illnesses, such as influenza, rubella, diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever. They affect the process of follicle formation in the ovaries and disrupt the maturation of the reproductive apparatus in girls, which can lead to primary infertility. And purulent inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) and other infections that destroy a girl’s young body lead (but not always!) to the fact that the ovaries begin to produce little female sex hormones.

Girls are at risk cranial injuries and inflammation of the membranes of the brain caused by infections.

Some advice for girls

You can also suspect impending problems with conception in a young girl. Early onset of menstruation (before 10 years) or quite late (after 16). Heavy menstruation (lasting more than a week) or very scanty (lasting 1-2 days). You should also be concerned if your periods are irregular or painful.

But, it seems to me, the most modern advice to girls is that you don’t need to get carried away with diets, because along with unnecessary kilograms (i.e., fatty tissue), you can also lose your menstruation. It is known that adipose tissue is an important collector of hormones, including estrogens. Another result of diets is a narrowing of the size of the uterus and ovaries and, subsequently, infertility.

And no matter how fashionable it may be in our time to start early sexual activity, still female body completely ready for it at the age of 18-20, but not at the time when puberty occurs. Early sexual activity can result in the failure of all functions of the female body.

How to avoid infertility in adulthood

Timely identification and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female internal genital organs resulting from abortions, surgical interventions in the pelvic organs, and childbirth must be carried out. Otherwise, this will subsequently lead to the formation of adhesions in the uterine appendages and disruption of the patency of the fallopian tubes.

In case of violation anatomical structure or delayed development of the correct formation of the genital organs, together with concomitant diseases, can also lead to infertility.

To all this we add the negative impact of various gynecological diseases on the formation of sexual dysfunction. It is because of this that the prevention of gynecological diseases is indispensable for a woman’s health. Following these rules will help you with this:

And it’s not difficult to guess what contributes to the problems:

  • presence of promiscuous sex life;
  • frequent change of partners;
  • unauthorized use of contraceptives;
  • douching with various chemicals;
  • sexual activity during the menstrual cycle;
  • frequent abortions.

Remember that the sooner rehabilitation therapy is carried out, the greater the chances of achieving a positive treatment outcome. After all, some patients come to the doctor if they have been infertile for ten years or more, when they are already over thirty years old, then even with the use of the newest treatment methods it will be difficult to achieve an effect.

And one last piece of advice, or rather a request to you, dear women and girls - do not avoid preventive examinations from specialists, do not be lazy yourself, at least once a year, to visit your gynecologist - after all, this is the most real opportunity to diagnose and treat infertility in a timely manner. And remember, our health is determined not only by heredity and living conditions, but also by caring for ourselves and our loved ones.

Primary infertility in women is a condition in which a woman has never been pregnant, and we're talking about about any pregnancy (ectopic, spontaneous miscarriage, abortion or childbirth). Prevalence of this pathological condition is growing steadily, leading to serious socio-medical consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the couple in order to determine the cause of infertility and carry out targeted treatment.

Causes of infertility

A history of primary absence of pregnancy may be associated with the following causative factors:

  • endometriosis and infertility is a common tandem, as it has a complex mechanism of fertility disorders (it is associated with the development of adhesions, immune changes, hormonal imbalance, etc.);
  • consequences of previous abortions, in which cervical and uterine infertility factors often occur;
  • hormonal disorders that develop after emergency contraception(postinor is a drug with a large dose of hormones that prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg);
  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs in women;
  • consequences of previous operations that lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • immune infertility, which may be associated with damage to the egg, sperm or fertilization processes;
  • hormonal disorders due to various genital and extragenital reasons, in which there is no ovulation;
  • idiopathic infertility, in which to establish possible reason this pathological condition is not possible. In this case, most likely, we are talking about the lack of a complete examination of the woman and man as a result of various reasons (imperfection of the diagnostic base).

Diagnostic search for infertility

Anovulation (lack of ovulation) is the most common cause of infertility. Therefore, the diagnostic search for primary infertility begins with this causative factor. Based on this feature, three fundamentally different forms are distinguished, which determine one or another treatment tactics. With this in mind, it is customary to highlight:

  • normogonadotropic anovulatory infertility - the level of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones produced by the pituitary gland remains within normal limits;
  • hypogonadotropic anovulatory infertility – the level of pituitary tropic hormones is reduced;
  • hypergonadotropic anovulatory infertility, in which there is an increase in the level of hormones synthesized by the pituitary gland.

Therefore, at the first stage of diagnosing infertility, it is recommended to determine the blood levels of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, as well as progesterone and estradiol, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal disorders are usually associated with certain clinical and anamnestic data. This may be a postinor taken for the purpose of emergency contraception, menstrual irregularities, etc.

Principles of infertility treatment

Primary treatment depends on the causative factor. Taking into account the main treatment tactics, it is advisable to distinguish the following categories of primary infertility:

  • anovulatory, including post-infertility-associated infertility;
  • infectious-dependent;
  • adhesive;
  • endometriosis-associated;
  • idiopathic infertility.

Let's look at what infertility treatment looks like in each of these groups. For anovulatory infertility, which also develops if postinor is taken to prevent unwanted pregnancy, treatment is based on the following principles:

  • correction of existing hormonal changes;
  • after this, ovulation is stimulated so that several eggs mature and one of them is released;
  • support of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and also when pregnancy occurs, it is indicated to continue taking hormonal therapy.

Treatment of infertility caused by infectious and inflammatory processes involves the use of the following drugs:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics, taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • immunostimulants;
  • vitamin preparations;
  • hormonal drugs, if there are certain disorders in hormonal background, especially if Postinor was previously taken after unprotected intercourse.

In the event that there is adhesive obstruction of the fallopian tubes, laparoscopic intervention is indicated. Its purpose is to dissect adhesions that compress the fallopian tube from the outside, and plastic surgery is also performed for deformities of the fallopian tube. The effectiveness of the treatment in this case depends on the degree of the adhesive process. The higher it is, the less chance of pregnancy.

Primary infertility associated with endometriosis involves complex therapy aimed at eliminating existing disorders. The main principles of treatment in this case are:

  • treatment of hormonal disorders (combined oral contraceptives, purely progestin drugs, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, antigonadotropins can be prescribed);
  • dissection of adhesions, if any;
  • stimulation of ovulation and support of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, since there is almost always relative or absolute progesterone deficiency.

However, the greatest difficulties arise in the treatment of immune and idiopathic infertility. Typically, in such a situation, the use of assisted reproduction methods is indicated.

Prevention of infertility in women

A large place in preserving women's reproductive health is given to preventive measures. These include the following:

  • treatment of concomitant diseases in women;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • protection from unwanted pregnancy (postinor is not recommended for this purpose; preference should be given to planned contraception);
  • prevention of abortions (both medical and traditional), the consequences of which in relation to reproductive function are extremely negative;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • adherence to a sexual culture that reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area;
  • timely treatment and observation by a gynecologist and other specialists.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that primary infertility is a serious problem that has serious medical and social consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to begin a diagnostic search as early as possible, which allows us to clarify the possible cause of this pathological condition. Having identified the underlying disease, it is possible in most cases to carry out effective treatment.

Female infertility is a special condition of an adult woman’s body caused by a number of reasons, in which she becomes unable to bear children. Doctors make this diagnosis if the couple’s sex life is normal, the man is healthy, but there has been no pregnancy for a year, and the family does not use contraceptives.
Infertility is not considered a disease, but for many women this state of affairs is unacceptable. They feel the need to give birth and become a mother. Many are trying to understand what happened and somehow change the situation.
There can be many reasons that cause such a condition as infertility. Fortunately, you can find a solution to most of these delicate problems, the main thing is not to give up and seek help from a specialist in time.

The female body is quite complex, and therefore any changes in it can have a negative impact on the possibility of conception. The most significant of them are:

  1. Hormonal disorders.
  2. They cause various disruptions in a woman’s menstrual cycle, which in turn leads to problems in the functioning of the ovaries and improper maturation of eggs. It becomes difficult to get pregnant in such a situation.

  3. Age.
  4. The older a woman gets, the less likely she is to conceive quickly. It is so arranged by nature that the best period for the birth of a child is determined between 19 and 25 years. Attempts to delay late date the moment of motherhood can lead to great difficulties.

  5. Frequent overwork, stress.
  6. The modern lifestyle forces a woman to work a lot, which is why she often lacks sleep, gets tired, and cannot fully rest and relax. Constant tension can provoke a number of diseases in her body, including infertility.

The causes of infertility can also be hidden behind purely medical problems. Various diseases of the female genital area can become a huge obstacle to a woman’s desire to become a mother. The most significant among them are:

  • inflammatory processes of the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  • partial or complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • previous abortions and uterine injuries;
  • cysts and tumors of various origins;
  • defective development of the genital organs.

In addition, impaired metabolism, and, as a consequence, excess weight expectant mother are the cause of female infertility in 12% of cases. Separately, it is necessary to note cases when, despite the full physical health of a woman and a man, they do not have children. Psychological problems play a big role here, without resolution of which the desired pregnancy may never occur.

Signs and degrees of female infertility

Alarming signs that may hint to a woman about problems in her body are any irregularities in the menstrual cycle. U healthy woman There cannot be too heavy or, conversely, very scanty periods. Another reason to think about it is painful periods. You don’t need to get used to them as the norm, because they are not. The cessation of the menstrual cycle is also a very bad signal. He says that somewhere in the body there was a malfunction. The absence of ovulation does not allow the possibility of becoming pregnant at all. In all these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In medicine, a distinction is made between relative and absolute infertility. In the first case, the prognosis is favorable and the disease causing infertility can be cured, and all symptoms will disappear irrevocably. In the second case, nothing can be corrected, since irreversible processes have already occurred in the body.

Diagnosis and treatment of female infertility

To fully treat the disease, you will first need to undergo a diagnostic examination. Moreover, both men and women will need to do this. Diagnosis includes ultrasound, blood tests for various infections and hormones. The prescribed treatment depends on the result.

If no physiological reasons There are no problems that interfere with conception, the doctor may recommend that the couple try planned intercourse. If ovulation is incorrectly calculated, it is worth making more accurate calculations and, as a rule, the troubles will disappear by themselves. A special test that resembles the same test for pregnancy will help. You should not refuse a visit to a psychoanalyst; this practice is quite common today.

In case of hormonal imbalance, you may have to undergo a course of treatment with special drugs. They help to quickly restore normal ovarian activity and restore lost health. To treat female infertility, the doctor may prescribe, for example, Duphaston, Utrozhestan or Clomid tablets.

If you have problems with the patency of the fallopian tubes, IVF (in vitro fertilization) will help, which has become more accessible today and may well be considered as an effective way to combat infertility.

Prevention of female infertility

In the fight against female infertility, much attention should be paid to prevention, which implies the following:

  • eat properly and nutritiously;
  • get enough rest;
  • dress according to the season;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • be selective in choosing partners;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly;
  • If a disease occurs, treat it in time.

As you can see, these are simple rules and any woman can follow them.