Government support for small businesses is an important area economic policy: Today in Russia there are more than 5.5 million small and medium-sized businesses, which account for 21% of the country's Gross Domestic Product. It is planned that by 2030 the share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP Russian Federation will reach 45%. That is why diverse government support for small businesses has entered its active phase. About what types of business assistance exist in our country, what subsidies entrepreneurs in Moscow and regions of Russia can count on - in our next material.

State small business support program 2016: financing issues

Let's start with the not so good news: federal subsidies for programs to support small and medium-sized businesses for 2016 are being significantly reduced. According to preliminary information from the Ministry of Economic Development of our country, only 11 billion rubles will be allocated for the entire program next year, while in 2014 this amount was more than 20 billion, and in 2015 – almost 17 billion rubles. These funds will be divided among all constituent entities of Russia on the basis of competitive procedures. Due to a noticeable reduction in support, the regions of the country will have to independently determine the priority areas of business activity for financing. In other words, public funds will go to really important areas of the economy: agriculture, trade, provision of utilities and household services, social entrepreneurship, innovation activities and others.

But, meanwhile, in our country, every small and medium-sized business has the right to count on diverse support from the state - this is regulated by various regulations and first of all Federal law No. 209-FZ. Different programs have their own validity period, terms of provision and budget. In each region of our country, the relevant authorized body is responsible for the implementation of state support measures for small businesses. You can find a complete list of them on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Small business development in 2016: subsidies, programs, grants

There are different forms of support for small businesses, in addition to financing, cash subsidies or grants. This, for example, provides training and internship programs for aspiring entrepreneurs, accounting and legal services for small and medium-sized businesses on free terms, preferential rental of premises and many others. Small businesses in our country are supported under certain programs by both government and non-government organizations. But every entrepreneur has the right to take advantage of free help. For example, the opening of a business in 2015 in the regions is helped by funds for supporting small and medium-sized businesses (state or municipal), employment services, investment and guarantee funds, business schools, technology parks and other institutions. Let's briefly look at some of the forms of support that these organizations provide.

  • Grants for small business development 2015-2016. This measure of state support is provided, as a rule, by regional authorities. Priority is given to aspiring businessmen from among the disabled, the unemployed, young people, large families and other social categories. The conditions for receiving grants in each region may be different; specially created commissions review applications, but there are conditions for receiving money. This is a sufficient number of jobs, the amount of revenue, mandatory registration of an enterprise, a certain field of activity of a small or medium-sized business and other aspects. Such support for small businesses 2015 is currently very popular among entrepreneurs: the amount of cash grants can reach 300 thousand rubles.
  • Guarantee funds to support small businesses. As part of small business support programs, Guarantee Funds help entrepreneurs obtain bank loans. They provide guarantees for various types of contracts. The guarantee fund funds, as a rule, are generated from the federal and regional budgets. In each subject of the country, guarantee funds are issued under certain conditions and if the borrower meets a number of requirements.
  • Regional Venture Funds support the most promising projects. The purpose of the work of regional venture funds this is the selection and financing of innovative or the most promising business projects in the scientific and technical field (startups). Funds for the development of venture funds are allocated from the federal and regional budgets, the rest of the money comes from investments from private investors. Often financing in venture funds is carried out upon transfer of a share authorized capital your company, but there may be other conditions for providing this type of government support.
  • Help for entrepreneurs from multifunctional centers. This type of free government support for business will start in Russia next year. At the MFC you will be able to get advice on subsidies for business, prepare all the necessary documentation, and resolve legal, financial and other issues with competent specialists.
  • Opportunities of business incubators for businesses. The so-called “Business incubators” also support businesses, especially innovative projects. . Entrepreneurs, especially start-ups, can receive financial assistance here, find premises for work (on preferential terms), advice on various fields of activity and many other types of services.
  • Business schools to help small businesses. No less powerful support for new small businesses is provided by “Business Schools”, most of which are state-owned and free (for example, on the basis of Employment Centers). Here, those who want to start their own business are taught the basics of doing business, the secrets of marketing and promotion. Training takes place in the form of lectures and seminars, and at the end, students defend their business plans in front of experts. As a rule, the best projects are subsequently provided with government financial support or investments are made in them.
  • Subsidies are a popular type of government support. The most popular type of government support for small and medium-sized businesses in our country among beginning entrepreneurs is receiving subsidies. We will consider which enterprises and what types of subsidies can apply for in the next section.

Subsidizing small businesses in Moscow and the regions in 2016

Municipal and state funds for supporting small and medium-sized businesses currently operate in almost all Russian regions of the country. Their goal is to conduct an examination of entrepreneurial projects, finance and support the most promising of them. Let's consider the options and conditions for providing subsidies using the example of the Russian capital. Of course, Moscow entrepreneurs can count on financial assistance from a number of organizations - support for small businesses in Moscow is implemented to the maximum. For these purposes, in 2012, the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Small Business” was created here, providing businesses with a number of subsidies. Moscow entrepreneurs can apply for funds in the amount of up to 5 million rubles. To do this, you need to contact the institution for advice, then fill out a number of documents. A prerequisite for receiving subsidies from the state to start a business is that all entrepreneurs must report on the use of the funds received within the prescribed period.

Dear readers! For representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of trade and services, we have developed a special program "Business.Ru", which allows you to maintain full warehouse accounting, trade accounting, financial accounting, and also has a built-in CRM system. There are both free and paid plans.

In general, it should be noted that support for small businesses in Moscow in 2015 is especially relevant: we all know that business is now going through difficult times. The consumer market in both Moscow and the regions is significantly narrowing, and the planning of company activities is complicated by the instability of the economic situation in the country. Availability large quantity types of subsidies for opening a small business in Moscow in 2015 does not mean that developing a business in the capital is the easiest. This is also increasing competition, especially since each type of subsidy for small businesses is provided under different conditions. Let's look at some of them.

Subsidies for starting a small business 2016

The amount is up to 500 thousand rubles, provided from the capital’s budget. Funds can be used to equip company premises and workplaces, purchase software or other fixed assets for the operation of the enterprise. Also, according to the conditions for issuing funds, the money can be used to rent an office in Moscow, purchase raw materials or materials, but the purchase amount should not exceed 20% of the total amount of the requested subsidy. A prerequisite for receiving this type of state support for small businesses in Moscow is that no more than two years must have passed since the registration of the enterprise, no more than 250 people must work in the company, and the legal entity must be registered with the tax authorities and have no tax arrears, fees and other obligatory payments.

Subsidies for loan interest reimbursement

Subsidy to reimburse part of the costs of leasing payments

This support for small businesses in Moscow is certainly in demand: the amount of this type of subsidy reaches 5 million rubles, and funds are issued subject to a financial lease agreement valid no earlier than 2013–2014. The targeted use of funds for the development of small businesses in Moscow must also be confirmed by the entrepreneur in a few months. To do this, you will need to provide the appropriate documentation.

You can learn more about the procedure for receiving subsidies for opening a small business in the capital in 2016 on the website of the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow” or by personally contacting this organization. The relevant authorized bodies operate in each region of our country - they also provide various types subsidies for starting a small business.

Many people cannot start their own business due to lack of start-up capital. This is a serious obstacle that prevents budding entrepreneurs from realizing their plans. In this case, government financial support becomes a good help. You will learn how to receive a subsidy from the state for small businesses in 2018 from this article.

Types of subsidies

First of all, it should be noted that a subsidy for small businesses from the state is not a credit or a loan. Entrepreneur receives cash free of charge, but only on the condition that he spends them for their intended purpose.

If you want to receive a business subsidy from the state, you need to draw up in advance detailed plan actions, as well as calculate possible costs and future profits. All expense items should be described in as much detail as possible. In this case, officials will clearly understand what you want to spend the money on and, most likely, will make a positive decision. After an individual entrepreneur spends money, he must report for it to regulatory authorities. Documents confirming their intended use must be attached to the report.

Government programs to support small businesses are an excellent option for those who don’t know.

They can have different target orientations:

  • Training of employees at courses;
  • Loan payments;
  • For rental payments;
  • Upgrades of fixed assets;
  • Grants for the implementation of a business plan;
  • For patenting.

Distribution of funds among regions is carried out on a competitive basis. The list of events aimed at supporting start-up businessmen expands every year.

Types of subsidies are established by each subject of the Russian Federation individually.

State assistance can be of the following types:

  • Opening your own business – 60 thousand rubles;
  • Support for entrepreneurs – 25 thousand rubles;
  • Assistance to start a business for an entrepreneur who is disabled, unemployed or single parent minor child – 300 thousand rubles.

The subsidy is issued not only for opening, but also for business development. In addition to financial support, you can also receive other types of state aid:

  • Renting commercial real estate, special equipment or land plots at low rates, and in some cases even free;
  • Preferential bank loans;
  • Subsidizing fixed assets for the purchase of equipment or leased equipment.

Funds that support start-up entrepreneurs employ specialists who provide free legal support for businesses and help with accounting.

How to get help?

To get money to start a business from the state in 2018, you need to go through a difficult and long path. By law, any unemployed person who is registered with the employment center can apply for such assistance. To do this, you need to provide a ready-made business plan. It should indicate the type of activity, information about production equipment and technologies, suppliers of raw materials, etc. It is also necessary to calculate the approximate cost of the project, taking into account government subsidy and own capital.

If you have high hopes for this money, you should carefully prepare from all sides. Initially, the business plan is reviewed by an expert commission, which gives it a professional assessment. If your proposal does not seem strong enough or illiterate, you will most likely be rejected. Therefore, before submitting an application, you need to make sure that your project does not have vulnerabilities:

  • Sphere. It is best to start your own business in the manufacturing or innovation industry;
  • Means. Indicate in the application what you want to spend the subsidy on;
  • Jobs. If you plan to hire 5 workers, this will give you certain advantages;
  • Qualification. If your team has at least 3 years of experience in the selected industry, you will receive additional points during the assessment.

After you submit all the documents to the department for promoting self-employment of citizens at the employment center, you need to open an account to which the state subsidy for the development of small businesses will be transferred. If your plan is approved, you can register with tax office. You will spend no more than five days to register an individual entrepreneur. After receiving the certificate, you need to submit the following package of documents to the employment center:

  • Passport;
  • Business plan;
  • Application for assistance.

These documents are needed to conclude an agreement between the state and the entrepreneur. Financial assistance will be transferred to your account within a month from the date of signing the agreement.

Reasons for refusal of financial assistance

Let's figure out how to get money for business from the state free of charge in 2018 and at the same time avoid refusal. The most common reason why a subsidy may be refused is the inconsistency of the business plan with the areas of activity whose development is a priority for the state. Therefore, if you have not decided yet, pay special attention to the following areas:

  • Agriculture;
  • Innovation sphere;
  • Education;
  • Medicine;
  • Tourism.

There are certain areas of activity that are not subject to subsidies:

  • Gambling business;
  • Banking services;
  • Insurance;
  • Issuance of loans.

If a person requests too much money, the government service can significantly reduce it or refuse to provide assistance. The fund that issues subsidies makes a decision within 6 months from the date of submission of the application. Therefore, if you really need financial support, apply to several different funds at the same time.

Another common reason for refusal to receive a subsidy from the state to open a small business is a dubious, weak project, when considering which many questions arise. Before making a positive decision, members of the commission must make sure that the financial resources given to you will be used strictly for their intended purpose. It should also be remembered that the state does not finance projects that will be implemented outside our country. An unemployed person who was already receiving a subsidy may also no longer count on government support.

Before applying for a subsidy, you must first find out in order to choose the right direction of activity. After this, carefully develop a business plan and collect all the necessary documents.

Features of receiving a subsidy

The main feature of small business subsidies from the state in 2018 is that you will not have to return the money received, since it is given free of charge. But the state must receive in return new jobs in small enterprises and another strong cell in the economy.

An entrepreneur who signs a subsidy agreement must understand that by doing so he assumes certain obligations. The most important of them is the provision of reporting with documentary evidence of the intended use of the subsidy. The report must be submitted to the tax office within 3 months after receiving financial assistance.

As confirmation you can use:

  • Paid payment orders;
  • Checks;
  • Receipts and any other payment documents.

The report must fully comply with all points of the finished business plan. If an entrepreneur cannot fully or partially confirm the intended use of funds, he will have to return all the money in full. There is one more small nuance in the terms of the agreement, which excludes the emergence of fly-by-night companies opened with public money. By agreement, the entrepreneur who received the subsidy must work for at least 1 year.

Before you receive money for small business development from the state in 2018, you need to familiarize yourself with all the features of issuing subsidies in order to avoid problems in the future.

Video: how to get a subsidy for a business?

What can the subsidy be spent on?

Public money should be used only for its intended purpose. An entrepreneur who received a subsidy must account for every penny. To understand where finances can be used, before receiving money from the state for business development in 2018, you need to carefully study the terms of the agreement.

So, what can you spend your money on:

  1. Purchase of equipment. It is placed on the balance sheet for 3 years, so you do not have the right to sell or give away the equipment during this period;
  2. No more than 20% of the total amount can be spent on renting an office or industrial premises;
  3. Purchase of licensed software;
  4. Obtaining the necessary licenses;
  5. Purchase of consumables and raw materials (20% of the total amount).

Before applying for government assistance, decide to correctly distribute cash flows.

How to draw up a business plan to receive a subsidy?

Developing a business plan is very important point, which you should pay special attention to. If you are sure that your idea is a good idea, you need to convince the officials who decide on issuing government assistance.

Let's consider the main principles of drawing up a business plan:

  • Try to express your thoughts simply and clearly, without specific terms;
  • Use accurate numbers as much as possible. If you want to make 2 million rubles in profit in the first year of operation, indicate in your business plan how you can achieve this;
  • The project must contain a clear development strategy. Describe the expected distribution channels, projected demand for products, etc. Also, do not forget to indicate how much money you plan to spend on implementing the idea;
  • A well-drafted action plan is the easiest way to receive a business subsidy from the state.

Do not forget that the money received as part of the subsidy must be spent within one year. If your company goes bankrupt for some reason, you will be forced to return all the funds spent.

According to static research, 70% of people who want to start their own business don't get beyond talking.

And only 30% of the population have such serious intentions that they are ready to devote all their time to the development of a certain activity.

The importance of small business for the country

The development of the state’s economy largely depends on small businesses, since:

  • It is an important sector of the economy. These subjects tolerate external changes more easily. The general economic decline in Russia in the early 90s was compensated precisely by such enterprises and their ability to quickly adapt to new market conditions. State institutions were unable to cope with the competition, which is why they collapsed or were subjected to privatization.
  • Small business is the main source of tax deductions. Small companies create budgets at different levels. They pay taxes to the budget, create jobs, and provide the population with the opportunity to earn money. By the way, this group of taxpayers is more reliable than representatives of large businesses.
  • Small businesses are developing innovative technologies. Some organizations are interested in the development of new scientific and technical inventions. Such activities are welcomed by the state, so entrepreneurs can count on subsidies and additional subsidies.
  • They provide employment to people, which has a positive effect on the unemployment rate. A small number of employees contributes to team cohesion, which is not always observed in large enterprises. This increases work motivation and improves work results. No less important is the fact that socially unstable segments of the population can apply for employment, namely: youth, women, immigrants, etc. It is here that you can gain the necessary experience and rise through career ladder and self-realization.

Main problems of entrepreneurs

An absolutely natural reaction of a person who decides to engage in any new activity is fear. Just as a small child is afraid to take the first step, an adult is afraid of the unknown. It is, of course, impossible to completely get rid of fear, but it is necessary to reduce its boundaries. To do this, it’s worth talking to more successful entrepreneur, gain experience from him.

Every person expects to receive a good income. The main problem of many beginning businessmen is finding a money niche.

It is much more correct to devote oneself to the area in which a person has certain knowledge, skills and abilities, and in which he shows interest.

After identifying a suitable niche, you need to think about where to start and which direction is the most correct. Of course, it will not be possible to do everything without errors, but careful analysis is half the success.

After the start of activity, various questions begin to arise related to choosing the best one, determining the optimal cost, attracting additional funds and their correct distribution. Communication with a successful businessman can solve problems.

Every entrepreneur should learn the “Pareto principle”: 20% of actions lead to 80% of results.

Consequently, only 20% are primary and important, and the remaining 80 cannot be called particularly significant. In general, all your efforts should be directed only to those actions that lead to results.

Another problem for novice businessmen is lack of discipline. Before starting your own business, you need to make sure of your own burning desire, otherwise success is unlikely to be achieved.

What kind of support is provided?

Any developing project needs investments, which can be asked from the state.

So, the Moscow government is ready to provide half a million rubles to newly opened businesses. This type of subsidy is a free provision of funds from the city budget to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, which partially or fully reimburses the businessman’s expenses.

Small and medium-sized companies that were registered no more than 2 years ago can apply for this subsidy to the Moscow government.

Monetary support can be spent:

  • to purchase the necessary funds to conduct activities;
  • for the arrangement and equipment of workplaces;
  • for the purchase of raw materials and necessary materials (no more than 30% of the total amount);
  • payment of rental payments.

Monetary assistance from the state is provided in accordance with the following main condition: the bulk of the funds received must be spent on the needs of the company.

Types of subsidies and grants

To receive government subsidies, a new entrepreneur must consistently perform the following steps:

  1. Register with the employment center.
  2. Collect and provide the necessary package of documents confirming.
  3. Submit to the employment service agent a business plan that details the goals that require government support.

This help provided once and only if the employment center failed to select a suitable workplace for the person. The amount of the subsidy is equal to the amount of the annual unemployment benefit.

Another way to receive assistance is to submit documents to local authorities in accordance with your place of residence. The amount of support here is much larger, although it is also more difficult to obtain - the competition is higher.

Federal subsidies are provided by the Fund for Assistance to Small Enterprises in the Field of Science and Technology. To the most profitable programs include:

  • "Start". Any company that has been on the market for no more than 2 years and has not yet sold its product has the right to apply for participation (the amount of annual revenue should not exceed 0.3 million rubles). Research and development activities can be financed with a maximum of 6 million rubles. in 3 years.
    The program is provided for several areas: biotechnology, innovative medicine, IT, development of innovative equipment and materials. After the entire amount of the subsidy has been paid, annual revenue must increase to the amount of assistance provided, and the number of employees with their main place of work in the enterprise must be at least half of the total number of workers.
  • "Development". This program is intended for companies that form their own niche and have their own history scientific work and a certain level of funds flow. The program allows you to receive up to 15 million rubles, but not more than the amount of personal funds invested in the activity. The assistance is aimed at increasing revenue and profitability.

Among the departmental programs are:

  • Two programs for the agricultural industry aimed at supporting farmers and developing livestock. Such grants can be spent on building livestock farms, purchasing animals, and improving everyday life.
  • A program that seeks to support organizations engaged in high-tech production, as well as introducing science into various business processes. To request funds, please contact the Ministry of Education.
  • The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for the development of folk crafts. With government assistance, it is possible to purchase raw materials, organize logistics and significantly promote the fishery. Enterprises that are not included in the list of organizations engaged in folk crafts, which are supported by federal funds, cannot count on funding.

As part of regional programs, a company that does not owe anything to the state can count on the following assistance:

  • Subsidies for starting your own business. Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur who registered no more than 1 year ago can apply for support. In Moscow, up to 500 thousand rubles are allocated, in the regions - up to 300 thousand. An increased subsidy can be issued to enterprises engaged in innovation activities. You can spend money on purchasing fixed assets, paying rent, providing jobs and purchasing raw materials.
  • Subsidies for the acquisition of fixed assets on lease. Each individual region has its own rules for issuing this amount: either for depositing down payment, either for full repayment of the lease debt, or for both purposes. The amount of assistance varies from 300 thousand to 10 million rubles. (the final amount depends on the cost of fixed assets).
  • Loan subsidies. Such assistance does not provide compensation for the body of the loan; its subject is part of the interest for the use of credit money.
  • Subsidies for participation in exhibitions– the region compensates the company for the money spent on participation in such an event.

Many of the nuances of various forms of support are discussed in the following video:

Where and how to look for help from the state?

Small businesses that need financial assistance must take part in a competitive selection process. He needs not only to collect a package of statutory and registration documents, but also to carefully fill out a special application, the information of which will be the basis for selecting program participants.

Each significant criterion earns a certain point. Based on the results obtained, the most worthy candidate who deserves state support is selected.

The main evaluation criteria include:

  • number of jobs created;
  • efficiency for the budget (amount of taxes and fees);
  • social level of business;
  • a number of other specific parameters.

An aspiring businessman must provide a carefully developed business plan with detailed information about the purposes of receiving support, main costs, payback period and profitability.

In addition, an entrepreneur can turn to local governments for help, although the competitive basis here is much more pronounced, since many want to receive help, but the state cannot invest in everyone.

Latest innovations

Based on current trends, we can safely say that there will be even more government programs aimed at supporting business. This area of ​​the economy is considered the highest priority, so it is beneficial for the state to expand and consolidate it.

Several new solutions are aimed at the tax industry, labor relations, business insurance and the work of credit institutions.

The economic situation in the country is such that the state is forced to retain small entrepreneurs with guaranteed demand for their goods and services. For example, a certain percentage of government purchases is established by law. institutions of goods from small businesses.

In accordance with the presidential decree, it is planned to form a state corporation for the development of small businesses. The basis of this organization should be the Credit Guarantee Agency. The main task of the corporation is to create stable and long-term demand for goods offered by representatives of this class of business.

In addition, the Ministry of Economic Development has been tasked with developing a strategy aimed at developing mid-level businesses. The validity period of this program is 15 years. In August 2015, only the first stage was completed. If successfully implemented, by 2030 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs will occupy about 45% of the state's GDP instead of today's 21%.

If you are just planning to start your own business, state support for small businesses in 2016 will be a good opportunity to receive the funds necessary for the development of the project.

The state helps beginning businessmen by providing comprehensive support and offering many programs. Most often these are subsidies for small businesses. Free training for entrepreneurs is also provided. In addition, the state provides assistance in obtaining loans and invites entrepreneurs to take part in exhibitions. Such programs operate in all regions.

In 2016, the government allocated about 17 billion rubles for business development. These funds were allocated to the regions. Today, many events are held specifically to help entrepreneurs.

How to get help

There are businessmen who still have not received help from the state. But many entrepreneurs simply do not know that such an opportunity exists. State support for small businesses in 2016 will allow entrepreneurs to start their own business. You can learn about all current programs from organizations and departments that are responsible for the development of this area. In addition, you will find information about programs in regional and municipal administrations.

Support for entrepreneurs is provided in various areas. Most often it is expressed in the issuance of cash grants and subsidies to entrepreneurs. In addition, businessmen are trained. It is carried out absolutely free of charge, or with minimal costs on their part.

Businessmen are provided with assistance in signing a leasing agreement. Participation in a business incubator is possible. This will be of interest to those businessmen who want to find office space.

Help is also provided in the following cases:

  1. When providing services on an outsourcing basis. It's about about accounting and legal services. Specialists provide assistance free of charge, or significantly reduce the cost of services.
  2. Entrepreneurs receive discounts and can take part in fairs and exhibitions on preferential terms.
  3. Businessmen are provided with assistance in purchasing or renting production sites that are municipally owned.

If you want to take part in the program, you must first check whether it is available in your area.
Almost every municipality has its own activities.

There are different types of support for small businesses non-profit organizations. Commercial companies are actively participating. They are the link between the state and business structures. Such organizations are engaged in the implementation of the activities provided for in the program.

These are many venture funds, the largest investment companies. Banks and public organizations became partners of the state. The system includes business schools and other educational institutions.

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State aid instruments

Tools for providing assistance to businessmen are divided into direct and indirect. The latter may include tax breaks on payments to the local budget. They are introduced at the initiative of regional authorities. But it must be said that such benefits do not exist everywhere.

Tools include organizing infrastructure for doing business and creating business incubators.
If you decide to start your own business, take funds for business development from the state. This can be done in different ways.

Subsidies. If you have just completed registration, received the status of an individual entrepreneur, or became the founder of an LLC, then you have the right to receive a subsidy. Please note that only those entrepreneurs who have been in business for no more than 2 years can receive assistance.

Remember that each region has its own rules for receiving subsidies. Choose those programs that operate in the region where the business is registered.

In addition, there are several basic conditions that must be met. These include the following points:

  • An entrepreneur can spend funds only in accordance with established rules;
  • all expenses must be clearly documented.

When the reporting period ends, you must submit receipts, invoices and other documents to the regulatory authority. Any improper use of funds or their insufficient utilization may lead to a demand for the return of money to the budget. This rule applies to situations where a businessman cannot document expenses.

It should be taken into account that it is unlikely that it will be possible to open a business entirely with state money. But you can get funds, because the state provides co-financing.

A businessman can receive one-time financial assistance. You can get money to start your own project from the Federal Employment Service. This is possible within the framework of a special program that was developed to enable citizens who have become unemployed to start their own business.

The program provides for the entrepreneur to fulfill the following points:

  1. A citizen must obtain unemployed status by registering. If all the offers made by the employment service are not suitable for the person, then you can move on to the next stage.
  2. You need to declare that you want to open a small business. You may be offered free training and assistance in preparing a business development plan. When it is approved, you will register, receive the status of an individual entrepreneur, or become the founder of an LLC.
  3. When the employment center receives documents from the Federal Tax Service, you need to sign an agreement. A very important point when receiving the amount is reporting.

Today, not all people are satisfied with hired work - a small income that cannot be regulated independently. To get maximum profit, many decide to open their own business. It can be controlled, take an active part in any transformations, develop and expand. But any business, even a small one, requires initial capital. For those who do not have enough funds to create an enterprise, the state is ready to provide financial and organizational assistance.

What kind of government assistance can small businesses expect?

Russia has adopted a program according to which everyone who decides to become an entrepreneur has a chance to receive a financial state. assistance to small businesses, completely free of charge. The amount of monetary compensation has certain limits, which differ in different regions. Many people have the right to receive such a subsidy, but due to objective circumstances and subjective reasons, not everyone can secure such support. In addition to financial assistance, funds for which come from the state budget, beginning entrepreneurs are offered property assistance. This means the state’s readiness to lease certain property to small businesses at low rates or even free of charge: real estate, technical equipment, land use objects, etc.

Limitations of the government assistance program

Not every entrepreneur can count on assistance from the state in developing a small business. For example, if a person has been registered as an entrepreneur for more than one year, he is no longer subject to this program. Great value has the scope of activity of small businesses, because specially created commissions necessarily consider each application and do not respond positively to everyone. It is also necessary for the entrepreneur to have his own money necessary to start a business. The state will be able to compensate from 40 to 60% of the costs, and often this amount does not exceed 300,000 rubles; the rest will have to be paid from your own wallet. Of course, these are to purchase equipment and create a competitive enterprise, but it is not profitable for the state to fully sponsor businessmen. This is only partial assistance from the state to small businesses, which gives it the opportunity to control the small business system.

Articles for receiving subsidies under government programs

The small business assistance program in Russia includes several articles that involve receiving a subsidy:

  • opening an enterprise;
  • opening a business;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of equipment and computer equipment;
  • obtaining a license;
  • training of specialists;
  • participation in advertising campaigns and exhibitions.

Consultation on these issues can be obtained at employment centers and specialized centers. The regional administration must provide residents with the addresses of these offices.

How to get financial support

If you have already thought about starting your own business, but do not have the necessary amount of money, then you can get help from the state for small businesses. First you need to draw up a business plan and submit it to the employment center for consideration. The amount of the subsidy issued by this organization is 58,800 rubles. (4900 rubles - monthly multiplied by 12 months). The procedure for reviewing a business plan and allocating money can take up to 6 months.

What is needed to receive start-up capital from the state

Firstly, that is, have unemployed status. To do this, you will need the following documents:

  • passport,
  • work book,
  • educational documents, certificates and diplomas,
  • pension insurance certificate,
  • a completed form confirming the average salary for 3 months at the last place of work.

Note that the following are not unemployed:

  • citizens under 16 years of age;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • full-time students;
  • old age pensioners;
  • citizens working under an employment contract or registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • disabled people from non-working groups.

Next, at the employment center you need to write an application to receive a subsidy from the state for the development of small businesses. Think through in detail and draw up a detailed business plan containing many calculations, graphs and tables. Having received approval, you should register as a legal entity (organize an LLC or individual entrepreneur). The tax office will give you a list of documents, copies of which you need to provide. After this, the agreed funds will be credited to your bank account, which can be withdrawn and purchased. necessary equipment specified in the business plan.

A very important point: you will need to provide a financial report to the employment center, which should reflect all costs for equipment, wages employees, contributions to the tax and pension fund. If you received financial assistance for a small business from the state, you need to be responsible for every penny of this amount spent.

Other government assistance options

Possible assistance from the state to small businesses consists not only of issuing money for the creation of an enterprise, it could be repayment of interest on an already taken out loan or the bank issuing a new loan with a reduced interest rate. Today, many banks issue loans to entrepreneurs, and they, in turn, prefer to contact the bank. After all, in this case, they will not have to report where they spent the funds received; they just need to pay a certain amount on time.

The state also organizes so-called business incubators, where you can get qualified assistance both in drawing up a business plan and in training employees in new skills in organizing and running their own business. In addition, in these centers you can rent a room inexpensively and place all your employees there, so they can always turn to experienced professionals for help.

Each of us has the opportunity to receive help and support from the state to create and develop our own business; all that remains is to decide on the direction of activity.