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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Remens is a homeopathic medicinal product intended for the treatment of menstrual irregularities and manifestations of menopausal syndrome in women associated with hormonal imbalance with estrogen deficiency. Remens is also effective as part of complex therapy for inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, such as endometritis and adnexitis.

Remens - composition, names and forms of release

Currently, Remens is available in two dosage forms: drops for oral administration and pills for resorption. Both forms - drops and tablets - contain the same active ingredients, therefore, in terms of the spectrum of therapeutic action, they are exactly the same.

Homeopathic lozenges Remens in everyday speech are often called simply “Remens tablets”, since this designation of the dosage form is convenient for doctors, pharmacists and women. Homeopathic drops are also simply called “Remens drops”.

Drops are available in glass bottles of 20 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml, and tablets are available in packs of 12, 24, 36 and 48 pieces. Remens drops are a clear, uncolored liquid with a slight yellow tint and a faint specific odor of plant components. Sometimes the liquid may be light yellow in color. Remens tablets are round, with a flat top and bottom surface, yellowish in color and without any specific odor. The tablets are beveled and scored, and may have inclusions of various colors and sizes.

Remens drops and tablets contain the following active ingredients:

  • Cimicifuga D1;
  • Sanguinaria (Sanguinaria) D6;
  • Pilocarpus (Jaborandi) D6;
  • Secretion of the cuttlefish gland (Sepia) D12;
  • Venom of the Surukuku snake (Lachesis) D12.
The Latin letter and number next to the name of the component indicate the degree of its dilution in which it is included in Remens. The larger the number next to the Latin letter, the stronger the dilution of the active component. The fact is that in the composition of any homeopathic medicine, including Remens, all active components are contained in a very small dosage, literally in trace quantities. Homeopathic specialists believe that the effect of such drugs is based not on the properties of the active component itself, but on energy-information structures formed by solvent molecules and carrying information about the active substance.

Remens drops contain water and ethyl alcohol as auxiliary components. And the tablets contain lactose monohydrate, potato starch and magnesium stearate as auxiliary components.

Remens - therapeutic effect

The active substances of Remens have a regulatory effect on the hormonal balance of the female body and set up the optimal mechanism of interaction in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian system. The fact is that the production of sex hormones, and accordingly, all the functions of the female body that depend on it (menstrual, sexual, reproductive) are determined by the work of the ovaries. And the work of the ovaries, in turn, is regulated by tropic hormones (FSH, LH, etc.) synthesized by the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland receives a signal to produce and release a certain amount of tropic hormones from the hypothalamus. Thus, the normal functioning of the ovaries is determined by the excellent and correct interaction between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. Remens restores the normal functioning of the pituitary-hypothalamus-ovarian system and, thereby, eliminates various menstrual dysfunctions in women.

Remens restores the regularity of the menstrual cycle, relieves pain during menstruation and normalizes the volume of blood lost (reduces with heavy periods and increases with scanty ones). In addition, the drug eliminates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as irritability, tearfulness, low mood, swelling, breast engorgement, skin rashes, low performance, headaches, dizziness, pressure surges, etc.

In perimenopausal women, Remens eliminates specific menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, migraines, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, depression, weight gain and pressure surges. In addition, the drug creates optimal conditions to adapt a woman’s body to age-related hormonal changes, thereby improving overall well-being and preventing premature aging.

When Remens is used as part of complex therapy for inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, the drug accelerates recovery due to its anti-inflammatory effect and normalization of hormonal balance, and also prevents relapses and the transition of the pathology to a chronic form.

Indications for use

Remens is indicated for use if a woman has the following diseases or states:
  • As part of complex therapy for various disorders of the menstrual cycle (irregular cycle, painful periods, absence of menstruation, etc.);
  • Premenstrual syndrome (irritability, tearfulness, low mood, swelling, breast engorgement, skin rashes, low performance, headaches, dizziness);
  • Menopausal syndrome (hot flashes, sweating, headache, palpitations, irritability, sleep disturbances, depression, pressure surges, etc.);
  • Endometritis;
  • Adnexitis.

Instructions for use

Remens drops - instructions for use

Drops should be taken half an hour before or an hour after meals. The required number of drops is added to a tablespoon, after which it is taken either pure or diluted with still drinking water. Before swallowing the drops, they must be held in the mouth for 30 seconds. In order to maximize the therapeutic effect, Remens is recommended to be taken between meals.

On initial stages treatment in order to quickly relieve painful symptoms, Remens drops are recommended to be taken every 30 to 60 minutes, but a maximum of 8 times a day. For each such appointment, it is allowed to take 8–10 drops. Taking Remens every 30 to 60 minutes is acceptable for a maximum of three days in a row, after which they switch to using the drug in therapeutic dosages no more than three times a day. If the condition improves before the end of three days, then switch to taking Remens in therapeutic dosages three times a day earlier.

At the beginning of therapy with Remens drops, a woman may experience increased symptoms of the disease, which is normal, does not pose any threat and does not require discontinuation of the drug. After a short period of time, the severity of the symptoms will begin to weaken, and gradually they will completely disappear.

If a woman develops symptoms of liver damage while taking Remens, such as jaundice, dark urine, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, weakness, then you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

The solution contains various plant and animal components, and therefore, during storage, turbidity, weakening of odor and taste may appear, which are not evidence of a decrease in the severity of the pharmacological properties of the drug. If these signs appear, Remens solution can be taken according to the usual regimen.

The drops contain ethyl alcohol, so they are not recommended for people suffering from alcoholism, epilepsy, stomach or liver diseases.

Remens tablets - instructions for use

Tablets should be taken half an hour before or an hour after meals. The tablet is placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way. In order to maximize the therapeutic effect, the tablets should be taken between meals.

In the initial stages of the disease, you can take one tablet every 30 to 60 minutes, but no more than 4 times during the day. In total, this intake of Remens - one tablet every 30 - 60 minutes, can be continued for a maximum of three days. After three days, you should definitely switch to taking Remens twice a day. If a person’s condition has improved in less than three days, then the transition to taking Remens twice a day is made earlier.

Remens tablets contain lactose, so they should not be taken by women who are intolerant to milk sugar (for example, galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome). In this case, you should take Remens only in drops.

Remens tablets contain herbal ingredients, so their taste and color may change during storage, which does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Dosages of Remens for various diseases

Let's consider the dosage, frequency and duration of use of the drug for various diseases and conditions separately.

There are practically no negative reviews about Remens for menopause. Women who speak negatively about the drug indicate that it did not completely eliminate all manifestations of menopause, or that the effect had to wait quite a long time. Another reason for negative reviews about Remens is that after discontinuation, its effects are not fully maintained and some of the symptoms of menopause return.

Reviews for cycle violations

In most cases, reviews of Remens for cycle disorders are positive, which is associated with the high effectiveness of the drug. Thus, girls who took Remens noted that the menstrual cycle normalized quite quickly, and their periods were much easier. Moreover, the drug normalized the cycle against the background of various reasons that provoked its disruption, for example, ovarian cysts, delay, stress, withdrawal of oral contraceptives, etc. In addition, women in reviews indicate that Remens is an excellent alternative to hormonal drugs, which in most cases they do not want and are afraid to take.

There are quite a few negative reviews about Remens for cycle disorders. Such reviews are due to the ineffectiveness of the drug in this particular case or the return of the problem after discontinuation of Remens.

For many years, the problem of menopause has attracted the attention of many scientists, doctors, people interested in medicine, and women themselves. Menopause is a period of transition from maturity to a state of gradual decline of the body. In addition to the typical physiological changes occurring in a woman’s body, its course also has its own individual characteristics. The emergence of some psychological and physiological problems negatively affecting the quality of life and relationships with others. Many women begin to develop chronic diseases, for example, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. Features of the menopause period are very important from the point of view of prevention and early detection of cancer and diseases characteristic of later life, such as osteoporosis and age-related urinary incontinence. Of course, it should be recognized that from the point of view of biology, menopause is a natural physiological process caused by age-related changes, but its course is greatly influenced by factors such as heredity, diet, body weight, the presence of bad habits such as smoking, insufficient motor activity. This question is extremely important, since according to demographic studies, the number of elderly people in the world is constantly increasing.

Changes in the body

The onset of menopause is closely related to the decrease in hormonal activity of the ovaries, which occurs between the ages of 48 and 55 years. At this time, most women have irregular menstrual flow, with a pronounced transition period; only about 10% of women note a regular cycle before the last menstruation. After the age of 40, for several years before the onset of menopause, cycles without ovulation appear more often and their duration lengthens. There is a gradual decline in ovarian function, and the release of estrogen decreases. Hormonal changes during menopause lead to a lack of ovulation, irregular menstruation, heavy menstrual bleeding, the occurrence of benign and malignant tumors, hormone-dependent and other diseases of the reproductive organs.

When menopause occurs, symptoms typical for this period appear. These include paroxysmal sweating and hot flashes, psychological phenomena: mood swings, tendency to depression, irritability, anxiety; somatic phenomena: palpitations, sexual dysfunction. Typical disorders associated with decreased estrogen secretion are atrophic changes. They concern the skin, mucous membranes, and pelvic floor muscles. Vaginal dryness is a concern and susceptibility to infections increases. Features of the course of menopause are very important for identifying susceptibility to diseases in old age, especially osteoporosis, possibly Alzheimer's disease.

Unpleasant sensations and ways to relieve them

Every woman experiences menopause differently. In many cases, this process provokes severe discomfort, and sometimes even pain. During menopause, a woman may experience a feeling of loss of control over her own body. Nowadays, however, there are many ways that can reduce unpleasant symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are very popular now.

The most common symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, dizziness, depression, and neurosis. These symptoms are very unpleasant, however, there are ways to relieve them with the help of appropriate homeopathic remedies recommended by many experts. By using homeopathic medicines for menopause, it is definitely possible to alleviate symptoms and prevent the development of most complications that may arise in the period after menopause: atherosclerosis, osteoporosis or various heart diseases.

Women during menopause are recommended to have regular physical exercise, wearing comfortable clothes, sleeping in a spacious, well-ventilated bedroom, minimizing stress. However, physical activity should be reasonable and not tiring, otherwise, instead of the expected positive effect, a woman will only experience anxiety, fatigue, irritability and loss of strength.

Homeopathy for menopause is an excellent choice, allowing you to significantly alleviate the symptoms of the natural decline of the physiological functions of the body. The use of homeopathic medicines to reduce the symptoms of menopause is not accompanied by any side effects. The woman does not expose herself to any risk. However, homeopathic medicines should be selected and used in such a way as to act according to the different stages of a woman's passage through menopause. These products should be interchangeable and varied, in which case a positive effect will be felt after just a few days of use.

When treating symptoms of menopause and menopause with homeopathy, you should consult your gynecologist. Most of them are positive about the use natural remedies. There are a number of doctors who believe that homeopathy is not medicine and, as an unscientific method, does not make sense when applied to the treatment of any diseases and ailments. At the same time, homeopathic and herbal remedies for menopause have been successfully used for many years and bring visible effects.

Currently, there are many popular natural-based drugs. Let's present a small list here homeopathic medicines, used for menopause, recommended by experts and deservedly good reviews consumers:


A medicinal drug in the form of tablets with a complex effect. A homeopathic medicine used to treat symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.

Contains plant (sanguinaria canadensis, bitter ignia, cedron), mineral (sulfur, metal tin) and animal (contents of cuttlefish ink sac, sururuku snake venom) components.

It has an anti-inflammatory, calming and stimulating effect. Use 1 tablet under the tongue three times a day for 3-6 weeks. If necessary, you can use it for a longer period, since this product is well tolerated.

Klimaxan Homeopathic

Made on the basis of such natural ingredients as black cohosh or black cohosh root, venom of the Brazilian sururucu viper, venom of the honey bee.

The drug eliminates vegetative-vascular disorders caused by hormonal disorders characteristic of the preceding and subsequent periods of menopause.

Has a moderate sedative effect. It has virtually no contraindications for use and combines well with other medications. Relieves headaches, depression, hot flashes, sweating, sleep disturbances, and attacks of tachycardia.

Available in the form of granules or tablets, taken twice a day for two to six months. The course of treatment can be repeated after some time.


Includes in small homeopathic doses such active components as black cohosh, sanguinaria canadensis, pilocarpus, cuttlefish gland secretion, sururuku snake venom.

This remedy alleviates such unpleasant sensations that accompany the onset of menopause, such as hot flashes, attacks of dizziness, irritability, sudden mood swings, tachycardia, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. Prevents the further development of a tendency to obesity and premature aging of the body. Does not cause addiction, has no contraindications and side effects.

It is a liquid for internal use. To achieve the desired effect, the duration of use should be at least six months, 10 drops three times a day. It is also possible to undergo multiple courses of therapy at intervals of a month.


An exclusively herbal preparation made from an extract of nettle leaves, St. John's wort, thyme, oregano, centaury, shepherd's purse, calendula, celandine, and hawthorn flowers.

Facilitates the course of pathological manifestations of menopause by stimulating work endocrine system, gives a sustainable effect of normalizing hormonal disorders without causing negative side effects. Helps reduce excess weight, the normal course of metabolic processes in the body, removes excess fluid. Prevents the formation of tumors. Gives reliable and lasting results. During treatment it can be used either separately or in combination with other drugs. During clinical trials, no side effects were identified.

Taken in the form of 30-50 drops per 50-100 ml of water, depending on the degree of hormonal disorders, before or after meals. Can be used for a long time.

The choice is yours!

Of course, now there are still a huge number of ways and means designed to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. An individual, thoughtful approach is always necessary, one that can not harm, but improve a woman’s condition during such a period of life. Naturally, the decision to use this or that product should be made only after carefully studying all the reviews and after consulting with a specialist.

Today we can talk about a steady increase in demand for various homeopathic medicines. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the overdoses that occur, as well as poisoning with traditional medicines. As an alternative to chemical drugs, consumers began to turn their attention to natural, natural medicines.

The modern market offers homeopathic remedies for all existing diseases. The quality and effectiveness of these natural products are confirmed by the international certificates and diplomas attached to them.

The emergence of homeopathy

In the history of medicine there is information about the possibility of treating like with like. Even Hippocrates considered this principle one of the main components of medical practice. However, only after several centuries did these approaches begin to be used in medicine.

The term “homeopathy” was first introduced in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. This German doctor, in the work he wrote, outlined a new approach to research practice, as well as the purpose, use and manufacture of such medicines, which were not within the scope of traditional pharmacy practice.

The essence of homeopathy

What is this teaching and what is its main task? Homeopathy is one of the areas of alternative medicine. Doctors who follow its principles use highly diluted drugs to treat patients. What is their purpose? can cause in a healthy person the manifestation of symptoms similar to the symptoms of a particular disease. At the same time, the main principle of this direction comes to work, which states that like can only be cured by like. By prescribing this or that natural remedy, the doctor strives to get his patient back on his feet in the shortest possible time.

Difference from pharmacological

How do natural remedies differ from conventional medicines that are offered to us in pharmacies? The action of medications used in traditional medicine is not aimed at treatment, but at eliminating the main symptoms of the disease. The homeopathic medicine taken by a person has a completely different effect. What does it mean? This medicine will not remove the symptom, which is not a disease at all, but only its manifestation. It will only support the body, which itself knows how to eliminate pathology; in the fight it will give new strength for the emergence of a full-fledged response to the disease. This will speed up the entire treatment process.

In other words, the homeopathic remedy plays the role of a specific signal. It modifies or triggers human health without exhibiting a direct bactericidal, virusostatic or other effect.

What is included in homeopathic medicines

You can purchase natural alternative medicine in pharmacies. At the same time, the list is quite extensive, and the price is quite reasonable. However, to effectively use these drugs, you need to have an idea of ​​their uniqueness and the differences that they have in comparison with traditional medicines.

Many people believe that the composition contains only plants. However, this is not true. Many other biological materials are also used to produce these products. Among them are organs and tissues of mollusks, insects and animals, as well as metals and mineral elements.

Production of homeopathic medicines

The preparation of these natural remedies has a complex and very intricate technology, consisting of alternations, shaking, weighing and dilution. All medicines included in the list of homeopathic medicines are obtained by repeated dilution of the main substance. This process is carried out in water or alcohol, which act as solvents. This is then followed by grinding the resulting substance naturally.

Different types of dilution can be used in the process when preparing a homeopathic medicine. What does it mean? A dilution of 10 times is indicated by the symbol “D”, and a dilution of 100 times by “C”. Each of these types indicates the content of the active substance in the solution.

Breeding is carried out repeatedly. For example, each subsequent “D” solution will contain ten times less active substance than the previous one, and “C”, respectively, one hundred.

The standard list of homeopathic medicines includes remedies in medium and low dilutions. However, sometimes you can find medications that contain very little active substance. When creating them, a high (C30) degree of dilution was used.

Release form and use

The standard list of homeopathic medicines includes products for internal use, made in the form of granules and extracts. The latter form is considered the most effective in its effect on the body.

Before taking homeopathic medicines, the list and description of these natural remedies must be studied. This will help you choose the right direction of treatment and get rid of the disease faster.

Homeopathic medicines are universal. They can be used not only for oral administration, but also for making compresses, rinses and lotions. Homeopathic specialists talk about the complete safety of the drugs they recommend. These natural medicines will not cause side effects and allergic reactions. Overdose is also impossible with their use. In this regard, homeopathic medicines are prescribed to patients of any age, including newborns. They will not harm pregnant women, nursing mothers, or the elderly.


Homeopathic remedies of domestic production are divided into two large groups:


Multicomponent or complex.

The first type of homeopathic remedies is prescribed only by a doctor in the appropriate field. The specialist will write a prescription based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Complex drugs are often prescribed by traditional medicine doctors as general tonics. natural supplements. You do not need a prescription to purchase these medications.

Cold treatment

Getting rid of a runny nose or flu using homeopathic remedies is not at all difficult. A properly selected drug will improve health within a few days after the onset of the disease.

When prescribing the right remedy, the homeopathic doctor pays attention to the patient’s specific symptoms. In addition, the specialist places a certain emphasis on the individual characteristics of the patient. All these factors together lead to the fact that a doctor may prescribe different homeopathic remedies for different patients suffering from a cold or flu. Let's look at some of them.

Thus, during the onset of the disease, when pain occurs in the throat area, muscle weakness and extreme fatigue appear, accompanied by elevated temperature, a homeopathic remedy such as Gelsemium is often prescribed. It should be taken every two hours. Recovery may occur on the same day.

In more severe forms of the disease, when viscous yellow mucus forms in the ears and paranasal sinuses, it is recommended to take a remedy such as Kalibich along with the medicine Gelsemium. These homeopathic remedies for colds should be taken ten minutes apart.

If dry skin develops and gets worse at night, it is recommended to take a homeopathic remedy such as Bryonla. This will eliminate the need to use antibiotics.

However, the doctor, based on the patient’s specific symptoms, may prescribe other homeopathic medicines that will produce the maximum effect in each specific situation. The right medicine will help you get rid of them already on the first day of their manifestation.

Hormonal drugs

What are the main causes of thyroid cysts, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, infertility, nodular goiter? The appearance of these pathologies occurs due to an imbalance in the body.

The balance of hormones in women is disrupted by pregnancy and menstrual cycles, as well as breastfeeding. Stress and poor nutrition can cause pathology. Some hormone-dependent diseases also occur in men. They just happen much less frequently.

Regular doctors treat a specific organ. However, the cause of the pathology itself is not eliminated. Discharged large number hormonal pharmacological agents that create even more disturbances in the body.

How to regulate the functioning of all glands and organs? To do this, it is recommended to take homeopathic remedies. They will effectively and quickly get rid of the pathology and will not cause any side effects. The list of such remedies includes: Sepia and Lanchesis, Actea racemosa, Glonoin and many others. But it is worth remembering that the specific drug for the patient must be prescribed by a doctor. This will allow you to eliminate the existing problem as effectively as possible.

Natural remedies for allergies

Today, a large number of people suffer from this pathology. Some of them feel the symptoms of the disease only during a certain period of the year, while for others the disease has already entered the chronic stage.

Treatment is based on general principle of this direction. It says that like is cured by like. Application of traditional medications turns out to be ineffective. They only relieve the main symptoms without bringing complete recovery. In contrast, homeopathic medicines:

Not addictive;

Allow the body to develop resistance to allergens;

Do not require dose increase.

In the fight against allergies, a specialist may recommend the following homeopathic remedies:

Allium flail;

Ambrosia artemifolia;

Apis mellifica;

Arum triphyllum, etc.

Independent selection of a remedy is possible only in case of minor allergic reactions. In this case, the absence of a positive result will indicate that the choice of drug was made incorrectly.

To relieve unpleasant symptoms, which are often inevitable with the onset of menopause, treatment with special hormonal drugs is prescribed. But there is a real alternative to hormones - homeopathic remedies. Despite the fact that the course of treatment is long, and unpleasant symptoms do not go away immediately, it is better to start treatment and prevention of menopausal syndrome with homeopathy.

The effect of homeopathic remedies

Menopause in gynecology is not considered a disease. This is just a physiological stage that occurs with a decrease in the level of female sex hormones. With changes in hormonal levels, a woman is bothered by prolonged menstrual flow, surges in blood pressure, hot flashes, sweating, mood swings, and vaginitis. A woman who has entered menopause automatically enters a risk group for myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus the second type, osteoporosis.

Homeopathic remedies are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

They cannot be considered fully a medicine. By acting on the body, homeopathy remedies activate the protective, regulatory and compensatory properties of the body, alleviate symptoms and trigger natural mechanisms aimed at recovery.

Homeopathic medicine works on the principle of “like cures like” and the principle of “infinitesimal doses”. Natural substances are introduced into the body in small doses, which, when taken in large doses, provoke the development of a particular disease. Thus, the process of powerful immunocorrection is launched, and the body is adjusted to recovery.

There is a theory in medical science that homeopathy is a kind of placebo. But, as practice shows, in most cases, its use in the treatment and prevention of diseases gives positive dynamics. For many years, homeopathy has been widely used to treat dermatological diseases, specific immune reactions, diseases gastrointestinal tract, respiratory systems.

In recent years, homeopathic medicines for menopause, diseases of the endocrine system and hematopoietic organs have become especially popular and in demand.

Homeopathy remedies for menopause

IN full list homeopathy preparations for the treatment and prevention of menopause include more than 150 items.

The most popular “top three” approved by doctors and patients.


Manufacturer: Croatian pharmaceutical company Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d. Available in capsules. The main active ingredients of the drug: dry red clover extract and four types of plant isoflavones.

In their structure, plant isoflavones are similar to female hormone estrogen. Feminal has anticarcinogenic properties and prevents the development of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. The drug has a cumulative effect, so the course of treatment lasts from one month to two years.

Feminal is indicated for unstable psycho-emotional states, attacks of headaches with dizziness, sleep disorders, hypersensitivity mammary glands caused by the onset of menopause.


Manufacturer: Russian pharmaceutical company "V-Min+"

Available in tablets. The main active ingredients of the drug: soy isoflavonoids, extracts of black cohosh and nettle leaves, wild yam, provitamins.

Black cohosh extract is an estrogen-like component that preserves the elasticity and conductivity of blood vessels and capillaries, normalizes processes in nervous tissues, and stabilizes the functioning of the ovaries.

Thanks to soy isoflavonides, the drug normalizes hormonal balance and improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Wild yam extract replaces the hormone progesterone, which is missing during menopause, and makes it possible to eliminate heavy menstrual flow in premenopausal women.

Nettle leaf extract replenishes the body with vitamins B, E, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid. The plant component strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity, prevents calcium from being washed out of bone structures, and has a moderate diuretic effect.

The homeopathic drug Extravel is indicated for menopausal unstable blood pressure, migraine-like headaches, and a tendency to depression.

Extravel is considered one of the best homeopathic remedies for menopausal hot flashes and other vasomotor symptoms.

Treatment with a non-hormonal antimenopausal drug lasts about a year. The first noticeable improvements in the condition are observed within two to three weeks from the start of treatment.


Manufacturer: Austrian pharmaceutical concern Richard Bittner AG

Available in tablets and oral drops. The main active ingredients that make up the drug:

  1. Black cohosh extract is an estrogen-like component. Stabilizes ovarian function, improves blood circulation.
  2. Sanguinaria is a plant phytoestrogen that acts as a replacement component of the estrogen hormone.
  3. Snake venom is an immunostimulating component that promotes better blood circulation and accelerates metabolic processes.
  4. The secretion of the cuttlefish gland cleanses blood vessels, improves reproductive function genitals.

It is known that with the development of menopause, a drop in hormone levels leads to an inevitable increase in body fat.

Together, the components included in the composition are able to normalize and control weight. Remens prevents obesity.

Popular drugs also include Qi-Klim Klimadinon, Klimaksan, Sepia Comp, Klimakt-Hel (with the main active ingredient black cohosh), Ledis Formula “Menopause” based on passionflower and spirulina extracts.

Pros and cons

Homeopathic remedies do not contain synthetic hormones. The composition is completely natural: plant phytohormones, vitamins, mineral components, poisons, and other secretions of animal and plant origin.

Non-hormonal antimenopausal drugs help cope with hot flashes, feelings of heat, sleep disturbances, dry mucous membranes, emotional instability, and increased sweating.

Homeopathy has a number of other advantages:

  • Contains only natural, natural ingredients.
  • Does not have a negative effect on the body, does not have side effects.
  • Allowed for pregnant women, children and the elderly.
  • Affordable.
  • The action is soft, gradual and safe.
  • Does not participate in metabolic processes and do not accumulate in the body.

Disadvantages of homeopathic medicines:

  • Contraindicated in severe pathologies.
  • Incompatible with synthetic drugs.
  • Incompatible with other types of therapy.
  • A successful course of treatment can only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced and qualified homeopathic physician.

If a woman is seen by a cardiologist and is taking antihypertensive medications, homeopathic treatment is contraindicated.

For most women, homeopathy for menopause is effective, safe, and does not produce unwanted side effects. But if it happens that homeopathic treatment did not give positive dynamics, and the doctor insists on hormone replacement therapy, you should not refuse. Many prejudices, myths and “horror stories” about hormonal treatment of menopause are not a reason to give up a healthy, fulfilling life, good health and mood. Modern hormonal treatment is not only effective, but also quite safe.