It is important to know which knife is considered a bladed weapon when you purchase such an item for yourself or as a gift. The main thing is not to make a mistake, because otherwise serious problems with the law may arise - even criminal liability. For this reason, you need to clearly understand what kind of bladed weapon is, what kind of knife anyone can purchase without additional certificates and permits, what responsibility is provided for carrying a bladed weapon.

Definition of edged weapon

When understanding the question of which knife is considered a bladed weapon, you need to know the following. This type includes weapons designed primarily to hit a target using muscular force when approaching an opponent directly.

In order to thoroughly understand which knife is considered a bladed weapon, it would not be amiss to refer to the law “On Weapons”. There this definition already contained in the first article.

Checkers, daggers, sabers, dirks, Finnish knives, stilettos, brass knuckles, as well as some types of knives are definitely considered cold weapons. In general, all objects that in one way or another can be used to defeat a living target, be it a person or an animal.

Classification of edged weapons

The weapons that this article is devoted to are conventionally divided into several groups.

Firstly, this is a piercing weapon. In this case, damage is caused primarily by poking strikes. As a rule, piercing weapons are divided into bladed and polearm. These are rapier, stiletto, dagger, and sword, which are extremely dangerous to life and health.

Secondly, this is a piercing weapon. These include a dagger, a sword, a bayonet and some types of knives.

Thirdly, slashing weapons. This category includes a battle axe, a berdysh, a labrys, a tomahawk, a beard-shaped axe, and a valashka.

Fourthly, crushing weapons. These are bo, buzdykhan, mace, flail, club, war hammer, nunchucks, brass knuckles, morning star, tonfa, telescopic baton.

What is every citizen allowed to have?

If you decide to get a knife, you should know in what cases it can be mistaken for a dangerous edged weapon. By Russian laws, it does not include items intended for household and industrial use. First of all, these are kitchen, penknives, gardening and shoe knives. They can be in any home; no permits are required to wear them.

In the event that doubts arise whether a particular knife should be considered a bladed weapon or not, a forensic examination is assigned, which can give an unambiguous answer.

It is worth remembering that, by law, any citizen of our country has the right to purchase hunting weapons, including bladed weapons, only with the appropriate permit. This procedure is spelled out in Article No. 13 of the Law “On Weapons”.

Hunters and Cossacks

When such a purchase is made, a corresponding entry is made in the buyer’s hunting license.

Some Cossacks also have the right to purchase and have bladed weapons on hand. Along with the Cossack uniform, they are allowed to have bladed weapons, which may also correspond to some of the national costumes of the peoples of our state. Most often, permission can be obtained to carry sabers, daggers and knives.

The attributes of national costumes are determined by the federal government. At the same time, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate license to purchase and store these weapons.

Thus, if you are neither a hunter, nor a Cossack, nor a wearer of a certain national costume, then you are not entitled to any bladed weapons.

Prohibited bladed weapons

At the same time, there are varieties of bladed weapons that are prohibited in principle. In our country, brass knuckles, boomerangs, shurikens, flails, as well as other items that can be used as impact, crushing and throwing weapons are strictly prohibited. Such samples are prohibited from being used both for official and, especially, civilian use.

Also, the Law “On Weapons” prohibits the circulation of bladed weapons, as well as blades and blades whose length is more than 90 millimeters. It is prohibited to circulate edged weapons in which the blade is automatically removed from the handle after pressing the corresponding button, and then automatically locked. Here is the answer to the question whether a butterfly knife is considered a bladed weapon. It falls under this category, so its circulation and carrying is prohibited.

Liability provided

Our country provides for liability for the illegal carrying of bladed weapons. Until 2003, this crime fell under Article 222 of the Criminal Code.

Recently, additions have been made to the Code of Administrative Offences. Now, as a rule, a citizen is brought to administrative responsibility for illegal bladed weapons. A fine of 500 to two thousand rubles is provided. As well as the seizure of such weapons.

It is interesting that it is precisely the compensated seizure that is provided for. This means that the weapon will be sold and the proceeds will be returned to the owner minus any costs incurred.

In recent years, new aspects have appeared in the criminal code. If quite recently the illegal possession and acquisition of bladed weapons was punishable by up to two years in prison, now you can only go to jail for illegal sales. This is punishable by up to two years in prison.

Criminal liability for the illegal manufacture of bladed weapons has been retained, also for a term of up to two years. But for carrying or storing it you will only pay an administrative fine.

How to distinguish edged weapons?

Currently, two regulatory documents in Russia regulate the circulation of such weapons. These are GOST “Survival Knives” and GOST “Hunting Knives and Daggers”. If you check these documents, you will accurately determine which knife is considered a bladed weapon in Russia.

The knife is structurally as similar as possible to a bladed weapon, and besides, almost any knife can be used as a dangerous weapon if desired, so the line between them is barely perceptible. The main thing is that for a knife to be officially considered a bladed weapon, it must contain absolutely all the design features related to this type. In addition, there should not be a single factor that would exclude it from the category requiring special permission to acquire and store such an item. Having deeply delved into this issue, you can easily determine for yourself which knife is considered a bladed weapon.

Characteristic signs

The first key sign for a dangerous edged weapon is the length of its blade. It’s worth deciding right away that professionals call the blade the metal warhead of a knife or other bladed weapon. It contains one or more blades that are part of this strip. In this case, only the sharp sharpened edge, which belongs to the warhead of a bladed weapon, is considered a blade. It looks like a rib at an acute angle.

In order to measure the length of the blade and understand how long the knife is not considered a bladed weapon, it is necessary to accurately calculate the distance from the tip to the limiter. If the latter is absent, then the length is measured to the black on the handle or the front end of the sleeve. If a folding knife has a permanent stop, which is necessary to open the blade itself, the length should be measured exactly up to this stop.

There are strict parameters for such dangerous weapons. The length of the blade must be at least 90 millimeters. Now you know what size knife is considered a bladed weapon. However, not a single document specifies the standard length of the blade. So there is no answer to the question of how long a knife blade is considered a bladed weapon. You should only pay attention to the blade.

We can conclude that if you have a knife in your hands, the blade length of which is at least one millimeter less than 90, then rest assured that it will not be classified as a bladed weapon. It can only be called structurally similar to a dangerous knife, but cannot be classified as a bladed weapon.

Thickness and hardness

The next two important features are the parameters of the butt and blade. In order to understand which knife is considered a cold weapon in Russia, it is necessary to measure the thickness of the butt. This should be done in the thickest part of the blade itself. If the thickness is at least 2.6 millimeters and no more than six millimeters, then this is a cold civilian bladed weapon.

Interestingly, you can often find a thickness of 2.4 millimeters. This parameter was not taken by chance. GOST “Cutting and skinning knives” separately states that it is allowed to use a handle on a knife if the thickness of the blade does not exceed 2.4 millimeters. This is what many knife manufacturers use, focusing specifically on this parameter.

The hardness of a blade for edged weapons must be at least 42 Rockwell units. Obviously, you are unlikely to be able to measure this parameter at home. But, as a rule, this information is indicated on the blade itself by the manufacturer. Therefore, you can easily determine which knife blade is considered a bladed weapon.

This parameter applies to all types of knives without exception. If the hardness is 42 units or higher, then it is definitely a bladed weapon.

Safety handle

Another sign that will help you understand that you have a bladed weapon in your hands is the presence of a safety handle. It should have a limiter or, at a minimum, a sub-finger notch.

The limiter should stand out by 5 millimeters. No less. If there are two such limiters, then together they should not exceed the parameter of 5 millimeters.

The same applies to the sub-finger notch in the absence of a limiter. But if there are several finger grooves, their total depth should not be less than 4 millimeters.

If your knife has neither one nor the other, then it cannot in any way be considered a bladed weapon.

Sharpened Blade

Another factor that will help determine whether a knife is classified as a bladed weapon or not is the sharpness of the blade. In order to determine how sharp a knife is, you should not resort to household methods. If it cuts paper, it means it's sharp. This approach is subjective and amateurish. It is better to adhere to GOST.

If you follow this document, then a sharpened knife is considered such if it can be used to cut a birch branch with a thickness of 10 to 12 millimeters, with a humidity of about 12 percent. At the same time, do this at least five times, and the cut should remain without nicks and as smooth as possible.

Also, many experts are guided by the fact that a sharpened knife has a cutting edge. It is often used by ordinary people and even representatives law enforcement agencies, in order to find out in the field whether this particular knife can be mistaken for a dangerous weapon.

To summarize, it is worth recognizing that, knowing all the signs of such a weapon, it will not be difficult to establish what the knife you own is. True, all this is relevant only for the legal market; contraband products and homemade knives, of course, will not correspond to this description.

Cold steel in Belarus

In order to avoid problems with the law in a neighboring republic, it is worth knowing which knife is considered a bladed weapon in Belarus. In this country, the laws are similar to Russian ones.

Only hunters are allowed to own and carry bladed weapons (and then only with permission). They are allowed to have bladed weapons. An exception is also made for those who have a license to store collectible weapons and display them in compliance with all safety measures.

All others are strictly prohibited from having bladed weapons. In Belarus, the circulation and transportation of brass knuckles, boomerangs, flails, as well as other shock-crushing and throwing objects is prohibited.

After reading this article, you will be able to determine exactly in which cases a knife is considered a bladed weapon.

It seems like a simple question, but let's turn to the letter of the law and visualize it.

Signs of edged weapons. Parameters and characteristics of knives that are not edged weapons (in accordance with GOSTs).
The requirements below should apply to knives manufactured both industrially and homemade, both Russian and foreign. However, a lot depends on the expert conducting the examination; as you know, the law can be interpreted very differently, and the expert is also a person, he has superiors to whom he must obey, a wife who must be fed, and personal hostility (or vice versa, affection ) cannot be excluded.

In accordance with GOSTs, knives that meet the following requirements (at least one) are not considered weapons:

Knives whose blades are not adapted for stabbing are not weapons:

1. Knives without a tip. The tip can be replaced with any tool (screwdriver, chisel more than 3 mm wide), or rounded.

The edge of the knife blade is deliberately blunted and has a plane more than 3 mm wide.

This is the only sign that classifies these products into the household household category. (you must remember that when sharpening the edge of the blade, the parameters of the product change and these knives can easily turn into edged weapons with all the ensuing consequences).

2. Knives with an edge located above the spine line by more than 5 mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 2

Approximate diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 2. It should be noted that knives that meet this characteristic have no restrictions on the length of the blade and the presence of finger stops.

This Tanto style knife has a blade length of 188 mm and a tip located above the butt line by more than 5 mm.

The knife has a blade length of 210 mm and the tip is located above the butt line by more than 5 mm.

3. Knives with a maximum deflection of the blade spine of more than 5 mm for a blade length of up to 180 mm and more than 10 mm for a blade length of more than 180 mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 3

4. Knives with a spine concave by more than 5 mm, with a length of up to 180 mm.

5. Knives with a concave angle of more than 10mm. butt, with a blade length of more than 180mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 6

The knife, at a distance of 1/3 of the blade's length from the tip, has a sharpened hook designed for ripping skins, cutting nets, cutting slings, and whatever your imagination dictates.

7. Knives in which the amount of deflection of the butt and the upper part of the handle of the knife, which has the shape of an arc in the form of a “rocker”, upward from the conventional straight line connecting the tip of the blade and the upper end of the handle, exceeds 15 mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 7

8. Knives with a blade shorter than 90mm.

A set of two daggers with a blade length of 80 mm each.

9. Knives in which the blade and spine, or the main one and the one made on the spine, converge at an angle of more than 70 degrees.

10. Knives are thicker than 5-6mm.

11. Knives without a sharpened blade(the descents are displayed, but the RC is missing).

Knives with a handle that does not provide a reliable hold when pricking:

The absence of stops (limiters for fingers) on this dagger makes its handle dangerous in the event of a stabbing blow; this is the only sign classifying this product as a household item, etc. If you add stops to its design, the dagger becomes a 100% melee weapon, you can even “don’t go to a fortune teller..” (fans of improvements need to remember this point).

12. Knives with handles shorter than 70mm.

This butcher knife has a handle length of 40 mm. It also corresponds to feature No. 8 since it has a blade 70 mm long.

13. Knives with a barrel-shaped handle, in which the difference between the maximum diameter in the middle part of the barrel-shaped handle and the minimum diameter in the pommel area does not exceed 8 mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 13

The dagger has a border between the maximum diameter in the middle part of the barrel-shaped handle and the minimum diameter in the pommel area of ​​no more than 8 mm.

14. Knives with a single (one-sided, or two-sided in total) limiter or a single finger groove less than 5 mm.

15. Knives that have more than one notch or limiter, their size should be less than 4 mm.

In a knife for diving and extreme tourism, the heel of the blade, which acts as a limiter, is deliberately narrowed and has a thickness of 3.5 mm, while thickening of the blade towards the tip is allowed (the thickness of the butt of the knife is 4.0+ mm).

Knives that do not provide the required strength of the blade or the entire structure:

16. Knives with blades whose hardness is less than 25HRC.

The hardness of the blade of this replica bayonet does not exceed 25HRC.

17. Knives with a developed stop or finger groove, with a blade length of up to 150 mm and a thickness of less than 2.5 mm.

This feature includes a huge number of knives, including those of excellent quality. All knives with a straight blade (up to 150 mm), a pronounced edge (the angle of convergence of the blade and spine is less than 70 degrees), developed finger stops or finger grooves and are freely sold in the Russian Federation, have a spine thickness of less than 2.5 mm (usually 2.2 -2.4), otherwise it is no longer possible to sell freely, while the hardness of the blade has no restrictions. Such knives are considered as supposedly “not providing the necessary strength of the blade or the entire structure,” all this is very relative; a knife with a spine thickness of 2.2 mm is able to help out its owner in almost any situation.

And in conclusion I would like to say the following: A man armed with a dagger is less dangerous than a man armed with an idea. Remember this)) Peace and goodness to everyone!

The knife has been an integral “companion” of man for hundreds of years. Today their range is quite large. Some of them can be freely used in everyday life, and some are classified as edged weapons (hereinafter abbreviated as SW) and are prohibited for sale without a license. It is often difficult to determine which knife is considered a bladed weapon?

Cold steel: definition, signs, classification

This term means a weapon that does not use the energy of compressed gas or flammable explosives, or electricity to cause damage. It is divided into several basic categories - manual, throwing. In general, simple or, when used in self-defense, can be regarded as chemical weapons, although according to the law it may not be one.

So, GOST R 51500-99 and GOST R51548-2000 clearly define knives with signs of edged weapons. Let's study them briefly.

1. The length of the blade, which is measured from the tip of the blade (edge) to the stop, should not be shorter than 90 (mm). For models, this distance is calculated from the stop to the tip.

2. The butt, in the thickest part, must be in the range: 2.4 (mm) - 6 (mm).

3. Hardness below 42 HRC (Rockwell scale) automatically excludes knives that are not edged weapons from this list. This applies to all types (, etc.) without exception.

4. Safety handle, which has a limiter or recess for the finger, protruding 5 mm or more. With several limiters, the indentation must be at least 5 mm. If only sub-finger grooves are present, then their depth must be at least 4 mm (each). In the absence of the above structures, the product is not classified as chemical equipment.

5. An important point is sharpening the blade, with which, according to GOST, the blade must cut a branch with a diameter of: 10mm - 12mm (at least 5-6 times). The edges of the cut should be smooth and neat.

In legislation Russian Federation Chemical weapons are classified into several types:

    combat, usually used in state and private paramilitary structures

    official, used in law enforcement agencies

    civilian, for hunting, sports, self-defense

What knife is not considered a bladed weapon?

Now let’s look at the other side - the signs by which knives are not classified as “edged weapons”.

1. First of all, these are models without a point. On some () it is made in the form of a blunt, “screwdriver” head.

2. The tip is located 5mm above the butt, or the butt is bent by more than 5mm with a blade length of 180mm (>10mm at 180mm +)

3. Concave spine by 5 mm for blade lengths up to 180 mm, and by 10 mm for blade lengths of 180 mm or more.

4. There is a hook on the butt

5. Blade, less than 90mm in size.

6. Thickness from 6mm

7. Models with missing blade sharpening

8. Handle without stops (length shorter than 70mm), preventing injury from stabbing

9. The thickness of the handle stop is less than 2.5 mm, with a blade length of up to 150 mm

10. Material of manufacture that does not provide a sufficient level of strength, as in those made of plastic, soft aluminum.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note that the legislation on edged weapons is often adjusted and supplemented, and therefore some points may change. Having this information “in hand”, we can say with confidence whether the knife belongs to a bladed weapon or not..

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 115 Published 11/14/2019

Man constantly uses knives in his life. Some of them can be freely used and stored, while others are prohibited from being freely available by law and a license is required to sell and purchase them. There are certain signs of edged weapons on a knife in Russia, which are strictly recorded by the Russian Federation State Standards.

An example of a knife considered a bladed weapon.

Types of bladed weapons

Melee weapons have a variety of classifications, and there is no generally accepted order. In common parlance, the definitions used by law enforcement agencies in their activities are more often used:

  • as intended. Divided into combat and civilian. In the first version, these weapons are used in military, combat, operational and service operations by state paramilitary organizations. In the second version, it is used by some subjects for self-defense, hunting, and while playing sports. Serves as an addition to the national costume of some nationalities of the Russian Federation;
  • manufacturing method. It can be produced in several ways: at a factory - the product meets technical requirements, standards, a marking is applied to the product, by handicraft method - made by gunsmiths in accordance with a certain standard, sample, the manufacturer can put his own brand, homemade - people without special professional skills are engaged in production or, they remake the weapon by adding elements to it or eliminating existing ones;
  • by production location. These weapons are produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers;
  • according to the established standard. There are standard and non-standard products;
  • by damaging effect. There are chopping bladed weapons, piercing-cutting, piercing, piercing-cutting, impact-crushing, throwing weapons, combined action;
  • according to the features of the structural device. There are non-bladed and bladed melee weapons;
  • according to the design features of the blade. Weapons come with one blade or two blades.

The main signs of edged weapons

The characteristics that influence whether a knife belongs to a bladed weapon are specified in GOST R 51500-99 “Hunting knives and daggers. General technical conditions”. The criteria are valid for all knives, be it a folding tool or a katana:

  • blade length not less than 90 mm;
  • butt thickness from 2.7 mm to 6 mm;
  • safety handle;
  • blade hardness of at least 25 units on the Rockwell scale (scale mark - C);
  • the blade must be sharpened.

Hunting knife “Tour”.

Officially, a knife is considered a full-fledged edged weapon only if it meets all five points on the list. Which opens up a lot of room for maneuver. And such knives can well be used for self-defense. However, the harsh realities are such that a match with even one sign may be of interest to legal authorities.

What knives are considered edged weapons?

An edged weapon is a military, hunting or sports knife, in the manufacture of which the force of explosives, electricity or gas is not used. According to the law, this definition sounds somewhat different. IN regulatory documents According to Russian legislation, this term means a weapon that is designed to hit a target using human muscle power.

It is worth noting that not every item has the right to be called a weapon. In order to receive this name, it must strictly comply with certain parameters. Household, industrial and sports equipment that are structurally similar are not weapons.

Basically, most of the weapons are represented by knives, swords, and so on. Every knife, even an ordinary kitchen one, can be used as a weapon, since there are structural similarities between them. But in order for this item to be legally recognized by experts as such, it is necessary to have all the signs of a bladed weapon at the same time, as well as the absence of criteria that would remove it from this category.

Is it possible to carry a knife in a car and what will happen to it?

First, you need to determine the type of knife, whether it is a bladed weapon or not. The thing is that there is no punishment for a knife that is not a bladed weapon. And it doesn't matter what he looks like.

Storing a knife in a car.

If a bladed weapon is found in a car, then the liability will be exactly the same as for carrying a bladed weapon. Currently, administrative liability is provided for this - a fine of 500 to 2,000 rubles.

In addition to the administrative fine, the knife will be confiscated, so it is better not to carry collectible Japanese katanas with you. Criminal article There is no charge for storage.

It’s a completely different matter for handmade products. Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is responsible for the manufacture of bladed weapons. There is no need to shout that a “cold” knife is intended for sale. Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is responsible for the sale of bladed weapons.

So if suddenly the knife turns out to be XO, there is no need to inform everyone that it was made by hand. If it is frankly clear that this is not a factory model, it is better to say that it was given as a gift or found. At the very least, you can admit that it was bought.

Is it possible to carry a knife in the city?

If in rural areas the carrying of knives usually does not raise questions, then in the city they are very wary of this. Although, by law, you can carry a whole bunch of different blades with you, be it a folding one or a huge saber.

Law enforcement officers have a particularly negative attitude towards knives. If you flash a knife in front of them, a whole bunch of questions may arise. No one will touch an ordinary, adequate and kindly obedient person, ask him to show his passport, much less search him.

If such a situation happened and a question like “I have a weapon on me” was asked. You just need to answer that there are no weapons, but there are piercing and cutting objects intended for household needs.

What are the differences between household knives and edged weapons?

In principle, knives are divided into household products and edged weapons. CW is structurally designed to hit a target using human muscle power. Due to their design features, household knives are not intended for forceful destruction of targets. In skillful or playful hands, of course, a household product can act as a bladed weapon, but we are talking about in this case We are talking specifically about the design features that determine the specialization of a particular knife.

An example of a household knife.

In accordance with GOST, knives having the following parameters are not considered cold bladed tools:

  1. Models without a point. It is difficult to stab with such a knife, since its tip is rounded. Such an object can perform, for example, the function of a screwdriver.
  2. If the blade is less than 9 cm long.
  3. The tip is located half a centimeter above the butt. In this case it is also difficult to strike.
  4. A knife with a blade half a centimeter below the butt for a length of up to 18 cm and 1 cm below for a length of more than 18 cm.
  5. Items with a handle less than 7 cm.
  6. There is a hook on the butt.
  7. The thickness is more than half a centimeter.
  8. Models whose blades are not sharpened.
  9. The material of the knife is not strong enough.
  10. With a blade length of up to 18 cm, the spine is concave by half a centimeter and by 1 cm at 18 cm or more.

These parameters clearly indicate the differences between a simple knife and a combat one. Before purchasing, it is advisable to measure the key characteristics of the cutting tool, so as not to have problems with the law in the future. It should be taken into account that legislative documents undergo adjustments and additions from time to time.

Parameters and characteristics of knives that are not edged weapons (in accordance with GOSTs).

The idea has long been ripening to write a note about the parameters and characteristics of knives that are not chemical weapons. It was supposed to provide the text with corresponding photos for greater clarity. However, either it took me a long time to plan, or I’m not the only one so smart :)), but such a note turned out to be already written (without me). And it is posted on the online store website . True, hands were itching to supplement the material with the missing photographs and thus make a feasible contribution to the general good of educating the masses regarding the signs of chemical weapons. This is what came out of it.

The requirements below should apply to knives manufactured both industrially and homemade, both Russian and foreign. However, a lot depends on the expert conducting the examination; as you know, the law can be interpreted very differently, and the expert is also a person, he has superiors to whom he must obey, a wife who must be fed, and personal hostility (or vice versa, affection ) cannot be excluded.

In accordance with GOSTs, knives that meet the following requirements (at least one) are not considered weapons:

Knives whose blades are not adapted for stabbing are not weapons:

1. Knives without a tip. The tip can be replaced with any tool (screwdriver, chisel more than 3 mm wide), or rounded.
Real examples of feature No. 1 from the store!

The blade tip of the Pirat HK5696 survival knife is deliberately made in the form of a screwdriver and has a flat surface more than 3 mm wide. This is the only sign classifying this product as a household item.

This is the only sign that classifies these products into the household household category. (you must remember that when sharpening the edge of the blade, the parameters of the product change and these knives can easily turn into edged weapons with all the ensuing consequences).

2. Knives with an edge located above the spine line by more than 5 mm.

Approximate diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 2. It should be noted that knives that meet this characteristic have no restrictions on the length of the blade and the presence of finger stops.

This Tanto style knife has a blade length of 188 mm and a tip located above the butt line by more than 5 mm.

The Vityaz Cayman knife has a blade length of 210 mm and a tip located above the spine line by more than 5 mm.

3. Knives with a maximum deflection of the blade spine of more than 5 mm for a blade length of up to 180 mm and more than 10 mm for a blade length of more than 180 mm.

4. Knives with a spine concave by more than 5 mm, with a blade length of up to 180 mm.

7. Knives in which the amount of deflection of the butt and the upper part of the handle of the knife, which has the shape of an arc in the form of a “rocker”, upward from the conventional straight line connecting the tip of the blade and the upper end of the handle, exceeds 15 mm.

8. Knives with a blade shorter than 90mm.

9. Knives in which the blade and spine, or the main one and the one made on the spine, converge at an angle of more than 70 degrees.

10. Knives are thicker than 5-6mm.

11. Knives without a sharpened blade (the triggers are removed, but the RK is missing).

Knives with a handle that does not provide a reliable hold when pricking:

The absence of stops (limiters for fingers) on this dagger makes its handle dangerous in the event of a stabbing blow; this is the only sign classifying this product as a household item, etc. If you add stops to its design, the dagger becomes a 100% melee weapon, you can even “don’t go to a fortune teller..” (fans of improvements need to remember this point).

12. Knives with handles shorter than 70mm.

This Harpy butcher knife from NOX has a handle length of 40 mm. It also corresponds to feature No. 8 since it has a blade 70 mm long.

13. Knives with a barrel-shaped handle, in which the difference between the maximum diameter in the middle part of the barrel-shaped handle and the minimum diameter in the pommel area does not exceed 8 mm.

The Vityaz dagger B110-33 has a boundary between the maximum diameter in the middle part of the barrel-shaped handle and the minimum diameter in the pommel area of ​​no more than 8 mm.

14. Knives with a single (one-sided, or two-sided in total) limiter or a single finger groove less than 5 mm.

15. Knives that have more than one notch or limiter, their size should be less than 4 mm.

In the diving and extreme tourism knife "Storm" from SARO, the heel of the blade, which acts as a limiter, is deliberately narrowed and has a thickness of 3.5 mm, while thickening of the blade towards the tip is allowed (the thickness of the butt of the "Storm" knife is 4.0+ mm).

16. Knives with blades whose hardness is less than 25HRC.

17. Knives with a developed stop or finger groove, with a blade length of up to 150 mm and a thickness of less than 2.5 mm.

This feature includes a huge number of knives, including those of excellent quality. All knives with a straight blade (up to 150 mm), a pronounced edge (the angle of convergence of the blade and spine is less than 70 degrees), developed finger stops or finger grooves and are freely sold in the Russian Federation, have a spine thickness of less than 2.5 mm (usually 2.2 -2.4), otherwise it is no longer possible to sell freely, while the hardness of the blade has no restrictions. Such knives are considered as supposedly “not providing the necessary strength of the blade or the entire structure,” all this is very relative; a knife with a spine thickness of 2.2 mm is able to help out its owner in almost any situation.