Each of us can be scared to think about the thought that our other half might cheat on us. But what can you do, such situations are not uncommon in the world of our concrete jungle. So, why do you dream about betrayal?

Try to abstract yourself and remember everything that the dream so sweetly whispered to you. We must understand what to attribute each detail of this dream to. As a rule, such a dream is the embodiment of your whims. If you do not satisfy them, a period of depression will set in, which will not be easy to cope with, but you can overcome it within yourself.

Interpretation of dreams according to individual situations and circumstances

The dreamer will have to work hard with his subconscious, you must synchronize with it. Once you manage to do this, you will be able to extract from the dream as much information as possible, which will be useful for predicting and describing your harmful character traits in order to eliminate them.

So, if you managed to connect with your consciousness, we can move on to the most interesting thing - the direct interpretation, which can vary from dream book to dream book and from dreamer to dreamer. We immediately recommend stopping excessive impressionability and not taking all interpretations seriously, because these are simple dreams. Look down:

  • If you dreamed that you were cheating on your own boyfriend. Such a dream foreshadows a lie that will pour out of your mouth, but with the best intentions. However, you will not notice any positive feedback after such an action, only aggression and anger towards you.
  • It so happens that your boyfriend cheated on you. A dangerous omen that can be described as either a betrayal on the part of the guy or a change in your plans. If you want to get married, then you should not make hasty conclusions, since both of you, most likely, will not get from life what you want with all your heart.
  • The guy dreamed that his girlfriend cheated on him. A surprisingly good dream, which marks the positive attitude of the other half towards the man, there is no need to lower your defenses and take a break in the relationship, everything is coming to a good end - a wedding or eternal love, it all depends on the partners.
  • If a man dreamed of his betrayal of his beloved. Not the best dream, which symbolizes both the dreamer’s activity and incontinence; you often make promises and forget about them, you cannot keep your word and do not fulfill your obligations. IN real life you often fail to achieve your goals.
  • Another level - a wife cheats on her husband in a dream. If you had a dream with a similar plot, then you should not panic or somehow project this situation onto real life, since it only carries a good unique omen that you will be able to find another way to solve your problem and come to an agreement.
  • You see hubby committing adultery in a dream. Seeing your husband in a dream with similar circumstances is a terrible pain, but in somnology everything is much more complicated, and such a dream does not symbolize betrayal in real life, but rather, on the contrary, it is a symbol of your cohesion, you trust your husband so much that your subconscious reproduces without problems this plot is impossible.
  • See your wife committing sin with another. But for a man, this is an extremely bad omen, you should watch your wife and not let her go, most likely, you have already exhausted the limit, and she does not have enough patience, you should be more attentive to her.
  • A husband cheats on his wife in a man's dream. Cheating on your beloved wife in your own dream means having too great ambitions, which have no application in real life. Most likely, you greatly regret your choice and refuse to accept the consequences, but everyone has the right to make mistakes, don’t forget.
  • To his wife and sister. Yes, it also depends on who the betrayal happened to. If the object of adultery was a relative of your wife, then you should not engage in adventures or make rash decisions for some time after a dream with a similar plot, since you will not be able to control the consequences.
  • See your wife commit adultery with your brother. IN in this case the dream has nothing to do with your wife’s consciousness in real life, but your brother clearly hasn’t received news for a long time that could at least somehow tell about your life. You haven’t communicated for a long time, and both of you are getting bored, but you prefer to hide this fact.
  • You saw your husband committing fornication with your own sister. This dream is similar to the conflict between two male brothers described above, but it is much deeper. Most likely, you are really afraid that such an act will take place and you will have to conflict with your sister over your hubby, which will lead to a split.
  • Adultery with an acquaintance or colleague of the husband. You will have to act as a conflict mediator and demonstrate remarkable diplomatic skills in order to leave dirty laundry in the air. If you cannot, then the split of the family will certainly no longer become a nightmare, but a great reality and truth, which certainly follows after dreams.
  • Strikebreaking of a man with an acquaintance of his wife or girlfriend. A bad omen that foretells to the male dreamer diseases and various ailments, including those related to gender. If you care about your health, then it is better to carry out prevention.

How famous personalities and dream books interpret dreams

  • Small Veles dream book. And immediately a sudden interpretation from the most famous Slavic dream book - a fire awaits you in your fortress, in your house. Yes, such phenomena are not uncommon after dreams with betrayal or other human vices that appeared in the dream, so you should be prepared.
  • Sorceress Medea. According to this great woman’s dream book, you will be drawn into a conflict. And, as a rule, adultery, according to this dream interpreter, foreshadows not betrayal in reality, but a threat from the outside - betrayal and conflicts, including in the workplace, on the street, or on public transport.
  • Esotericist Tsvetkov. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, you lack such internal qualities as a rigid core and determination. It is difficult for you to resist temptations, which leads to most problems in your life.
  • Dream book of the 21st century. If you had such a dream, then you should pay attention to your surroundings, since dreams with a similar plot are a clear omen of a threat that comes from outside. You need to deal with your weaknesses as quickly as possible, before your opponent or enemy takes advantage of this and strikes.

If you dreamed that you cheated, it means that something similar happened to you in real life. It is possible that this is not yet the fact of betrayal, but an intention that you are carefully considering.

What good can cheating bring you? After all, living with the idea that you cheated and not being able to say it directly is not at all stimulating.

If you want to change only so that later you can openly declare this to your other half, we doubt that your future life will be friendly.

If you suddenly dreamed that your loved one cheated on you, this indicates that in reality you are worried about this possibility and are tormented by groundless suspicions.

Don’t suffer and don’t wet your pillow with tears, but talk frankly with the person.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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What does the dream mean? Treason

Commit treason - you will be accused of illegal actions;

For a woman - you will not be able to hold back the love of your husband, allowing your anger and irritation to break out;

Give love to your husband’s friend - your husband will be indifferent to you;

Seducing a young man means the danger of divorce and loneliness due to provocative frivolous behavior;

Overcoming your temptation is a favorable dream;

Giving in to temptation is a bad omen;

Cheating on your loved one - You will deceive a loved one, but remember: not every lie is a salvation;

A loved one is cheating on you - your trust is very easy to abuse;

For a married man - cheating on his wife with a prostitute - your behavior causes ridicule from others;

Repent of betrayal - you are not satisfied with the current state of your affairs and will begin to do everything possible and impossible to change it;

Cheating on your loved one out of revenge means happiness in family life;

For a young woman - happiness, success in a relationship with her loved one, but this will not bring you any satisfaction.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Treason

If you dream that you were almost ready to commit adultery, but at the last minute you still coped with this temptation, it means.

Your future life will be the path of virtue, and on this path happiness and prosperity await you, and your plans and undertakings will be realized in the most successful way.

If in a dream you commit treason, this is a sad sign of impending misfortunes.

Waiting for love will be fruitless, and the collapse of hopes will make you suffer greatly.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about Treason

If you dream that you have taken the path of treason, then expect the failure of your plans and humiliation.

A dream in which you steadfastly resist temptation means success in your affairs and plans.

Cheating on your spouse in a dream foreshadows danger from fire.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does Treason mean in a dream?

If you dreamed that you cheated on someone, then in real life something similar happened or should happen to you. At least you are already seriously thinking about it. Perhaps you want to change only so that you can openly declare it to your other half. Well, your relationship will clearly not improve after this.

If you suddenly dreamed that your loved one cheated on you, then in reality you are worried about this possibility. Don’t be tormented by groundless suspicions, don’t suffer, but rather, talk frankly with the person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Treason

Have you been cheated on or betrayed - such a dream can be a harbinger of great obstacles and difficulties that you can only overcome with the help of true friends.

To be a traitor yourself means you will find yourself in a situation in which you will be forced to deceive a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does Treason mean in a dream?

Such a dream warns that in real life you will worry that your chosen one will betray you or commit treason.

However, your fears are unfounded.

It’s better to talk to him frankly - perhaps then you can calm down.

To change yourself in a dream means that you, apparently, have started an affair on the side.

However, think before you continue: what can betraying the person who loves you bring you? Hardly anything good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

Meaning of sleep Treason

If you dreamed that you cheated: perhaps in reality you have such a sin.

Maybe it's not the fact of cheating yet, but the intention that you are considering.

If you dreamed that someone cheated on you, it means that in reality you are very worried about this possibility, and you are most likely tormented by groundless suspicions.

Instead of suffering in silence, talk openly with your loved one.

Sometimes a direct question, asked, as they say, head-on, can clarify the real state of affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

What does the dream predict? Treason

Seeing betrayal means your loved one is cheating on you in reality.

Betrayal to survive betrayal - your lover (beloved) is unfaithful to you (unfaithful).

If you yourself are cheating on someone, cheat on your loved one in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

The meaning of the dream Treason

Cheating on friends and loved ones in your dream: warns of possible failures in something important to you. Perhaps there are serious miscalculations in your plans for the future, or you are simply overestimating your capabilities.

At the same time, such a dream does not mean at all that in reality you are surrounded by people capable of betrayal and treachery.

Becoming a cheater yourself in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream shows that in difficult situation you may not have enough mental strength to cope with a difficult task, which is why things may go downhill.

Even if in reality you do not consider yourself a hero, believe me: you can do great things.

Interpretation of dreams from

Find out from the online dream book what Treason dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Cheating in a dream: interpretation from 100 dream books

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of Treason and what does it mean:

Betrayal - If in a dream you find out that you have been cheated on or betrayed, such a dream may be a harbinger of great obstacles and difficulties that you can only cope with with the help of true friends.

Being a traitor yourself in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a situation in which you will be forced to deceive a loved one.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Treason in a dream?

Treason - To dream that you have committed treason foretells that you will be brought to court for committing illegal acts. For a woman, such a dream means that she will lose her husband’s favor due to the fact that she will be unable to restrain her harsh temper, allowing irritation to take over her at the slightest opportunity. If you dreamed of your wife cheating on her husband with his friend, the husband will undeservedly ignore her, cruelly trampling on her rights. If she dreamed that she was tempting her to cheat young man, the threat of being abandoned by her husband hangs over her.

For a young girl, such a dream about betrayal foreshadows a fall and base desires, the satisfaction of which she will seek in dubious pleasures. To dream that you are resisting the temptation to commit treason is always good sign. Giving in to the temptation of cheating is bad. If a person has chosen low ideals, negative energy is concentrated around him, which awakens base desires in him. Similar dreams about betrayal are most often the result of the corrupting influence of our passions. If a person adheres to high ideals, his soul is illuminated by high, divine principles, which protect him from lustful dreams. A person who denies the existence and power of evil spirits does not possess secret, occult knowledge. Did not the dark magicians, contemporaries of the pharaohs, or Simon the Magician, also known as Simon the Medicine Man, oppose the righteous? A person who dreams of infidelity should be wary of a scandal.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Betrayal?

Dream about betrayal - A girl cheating in a dream - in reality the dream is interpreted exactly the opposite. You and your girlfriend will have a wonderful relationship, enjoy it. In fact, you are very much afraid that the girl will cheat on you, and you think about it even in your sleep. Maybe you should start trusting your loved one and showing her more attention? Even if you don’t feel it, the fear of losing your beloved girl is growing in your subconscious. You need to change your behavior, otherwise you risk losing your loved one.

Seeing a girl betraying you in a dream if you had a quarrel with her the day before means that a quick and successful reconciliation awaits you. For a girl, a dream about her own betrayal means the same fear of losing her beloved guy. In reality, you should reduce your ambitions and treat your partner with tenderness, otherwise you will lose his affection.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about betrayal?

Betrayal - Seeing your betrayal in a dream means Fire.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To have a dream about Treason, what does it mean?

Dream about infidelity - Adultery can relate not only to family matters. She may report betrayal or conspiracy directed against you. To resist adultery and temptation in a dream means success in business and fulfillment of desires. To commit treason is to face life's difficulties.

Intimate dream book

Betrayal - Seeing a loved one cheating with someone you know in a dream means the collapse of hopes and expectations. However, we do not recommend getting too upset, because your sexual ambitions were too high. Be more modest and also more attentive to your partner. Only in this case will you truly understand what the joy of love is. Your own betrayal means that you want a thrill. But it is very likely that you will find a lot of trouble instead.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

How does the dream book interpret Treason?

Dream about betrayal - If you dream about betrayal, this is a bad sign. In reality, you will not have enough inner strength, perseverance and zeal to cope with the problems that appear with a certain frequency. Refusing a seducer in a dream and avoiding betrayal is a sign of a strong personality and strong-willed character.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Treason

Treason - If you dreamed of betrayal, perhaps in reality you have such a sin. Maybe it's not the fact of cheating yet, but the intention that you are considering. If you dreamed that they cheated on you, it means that in reality you are very concerned about this possibility, and you are tormented by groundless suspicions. Instead of suffering in silence, talk openly with your loved one. Sometimes a direct question, asked, as they say, head-on, can clarify the real state of affairs.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Seeing betrayal in a dream:

Treason - Commit treason - your worries will increase; to be betrayed is the end of all sorrows.

Esoteric dream book

Cheating in a dream:

Betrayal - You dreamed of betrayal of your husband or wife - do not doubt their fidelity, do not be jealous. Your betrayal is a matter of remorse, not necessarily due to adultery. Other types of betrayal (in war, friend) - are you not sure about someone? Your intuition is not deceiving you.

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

You dream of Treason

Dream about betrayal - Treason indicates approaching problems. You may lose respect and become desperate.

Intimate dream book

Adultery in a dream – A dream about adultery means impending changes in the dreamer’s life. The nature of the changes depends on the specific events seen in the dream.

  • If a man dreams of cheating on his other half, the dream can be interpreted as: unwillingness to put up with current circumstances; subconscious premonition that the promise will not be fulfilled; a symbolic image of the changes that have occurred in the dreamer’s personality.
  • In the same case, if a man sees his wife cheating, such a dream symbolizes: surprise at the changes that have happened to someone he knows; changes in your life that, however, remained unnoticed by you; uncertainty about the sincerity and reliability of a person.
  • For a woman, a dream about adultery, in which she cheats, has the meaning: the desire for independence from her husband; fatigue from everyday hassles; desire to change the existing state of affairs.
  • If a woman sees that she has been cheated on, the meaning of the dream is as follows: resistance to the changes that the husband is trying to implement; reluctance to change, take something into account, follow advice; expression of resentment towards a sexual partner (the reason for this may be the most insignificant).

Over the entire era of human existence, a persistent prejudice has developed that attributes the so-called polygamous nature to men, and monogamous nature to women (that is, it is recognized that the stronger sex is prone to polygamy, while the weaker sex is inclined to communicate with only one man and to be faithful to the chosen partner). However, as studies have shown, men are no more polygamous than women, and the monogamy of the latter does not depend at all on their nature, but on greater prudence and the desire for stability and tranquility.

Love dream book

What does betrayal mean to the dreamer?

Treason - If in a dream you are planning betrayal with a young man or seducing him, this foreshadows fundamental changes in your personal life. Most likely, you will leave your spouse for new love. If you are not yet married, but in a dream you saw yourself cheating on your spouse, you will have many sexual partners, which will bring mixed feelings of pleasure and disappointment. However, you can still do right choice and settle on the person who will make you happy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Treason from your dream

Dream about betrayal - Treason, cheating - Towards fidelity in a love relationship.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Treason?

Treason - A dream in which you saw a loved one betraying you can be interpreted as a reflection of your inner emotional state. This is simply a reflection of your fears, which in reality you carefully hide under the guise of a strong-willed independent person. In fact, you need more attention than your loved one can give.

Dreaming about the betrayal of a loved one in a dream means an inevitable cooling of the relationship. Perhaps your loved one is really interested in someone, and you feel or notice it. However, more often than not, dream books interpret dreams about betrayal precisely as the presence of unfounded fears of a breakup, real betrayal, or betrayal. Such a dream suggests that you have been deceived many times before, leaving severe psychological trauma. Now you turn on your defenses, fearing that you will no longer be able to survive betrayal. Relax and drive away bad thoughts - you probably have no reason for real concern.

Modern dream book


Betrayal of a loved one - If a man sees betrayal in a dream, this is a dream that foreshadows a strong relationship. If a woman dreams of her lover’s betrayal, expect quarrels in the family and conflicts at work. This dream about cheating may be an omen that the person you used to trust will let you down. Intentionally or not, he will set you up, and you will have to endure shame in front of your superiors and financial losses.

Try not to get too close to people, at least when it comes to work. Caution and coldness in the professional field, and warm emotional relationships in the family circle - this is what will help keep the situation under control.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Treason?

Treason - If you had a dream about betrayal, you lack attention from your partner, the warmth of the relationship. Such a dream about betrayal is interpreted as a reminder of a betrayal that has already happened or a situation where it could have happened, but you did not allow it. Subconsciously, you allow your partner to cheat. Perhaps this is caused by dissatisfaction in sexual relationships or a temporary cooling of feelings. It is worth diversifying your relationships, including sexual ones, in order to stabilize your emotional state and avoid deep depression.

If you dreamed about your betrayal, it means that something similar happened in real life. It is possible that this is not yet the fact of betrayal, but an intention that you are carefully considering. What good can treason bring? After all, living with the idea that you cheated and not being able to say it directly is not at all stimulating. If you want to change only so that later you can openly declare this to your other half, we doubt that your future life will be friendly. If you suddenly dreamed about your loved one’s betrayal, this indicates that in reality you are worried about this possibility and are tormented by groundless suspicions. Don’t suffer and don’t wet your pillow with tears, but talk frankly with the person.

Cheating on a loved one speaks of your personal insolvency and complexes. You are afraid that your chosen one will prefer someone else to you, although there is probably no reason for real fear. Such a dream about betrayal speaks of a woman’s desire to enter into a sexual relationship with another man, a tendency to cheat. In this case, the betrayal of a loved one is presented by your subconscious through sleep as an excuse for your desire. You cannot decide to be the first to commit betrayal and, therefore, you secretly hope that your lover will do it. A dream about a loved one cheating on you symbolizes sexual dissatisfaction.

Dreaming about your own betrayal leads to internal impulses to change your own life, moral fatigue, sexual dissatisfaction. If you dreamed of betrayal of your lover, such a dream is interpreted as a sign of fidelity and strength family relations. If you dreamed that you were cheating with a stranger, perhaps soon you will actually have a fleeting romance. Cheating with a friend or acquaintance - you do not trust your chosen one, suspecting him of deception. Most likely, your fears and suspicions are unfounded. Try to better understand your loved one and not focus on possible betrayal on his part.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Treason?

Treason - A dream about betrayal can mean the collapse of plans, a break in relationships, or divorce. If you dreamed of cheating on your husband, you will soon find yourself in a humiliating position. For a man, betrayal portends a breakdown in family relationships and problems at work.

Feng Shui dream book

Treason: interpretation of the image

Treason - Seeing yourself committing betrayal is a symbol of insult and unhappiness. Seeing another committing treason is a big and unexpected disaster.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

  • Treason - If there is betrayal in a dream, it warns that in reality you will be worried about the possibility of betrayal on the part of your chosen one. In most cases, such fears are unfounded. You shouldn’t beat yourself up over a dream about betrayal; it’s better to talk to your loved one frankly and try to save the relationship.
  • If a person trying to build a career dreams of cheating on his wife with a call girl, he should be wary of rash and frivolous actions and words.
  • Dreaming about the vile betrayal of a loved one means that in reality you will receive unpleasant news, as well as the emergence of difficulties in unforeseen situations.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Cheating on your husband or wife - your lover secretly wants to cheat.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Treason - someone cheats on you - this means a family quarrel.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Dream about betrayal - Finding out in a dream about your husband’s betrayal is a dream in your hand, it is quite possible.

If you dreamed that you cheated, such a dream suggests that lies and betrayal may come from you. Perhaps in real life you will actually cheat on your partner soon. You should change your attitude towards your lover if you dreamed that you cheated on him. You are a strong-willed personality, however, your domineering character, while helping you in your career and life, can become a fatal link to a break in relationships.

Treason according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you cheated, it means that something similar happened to you in real life. It is possible that this is not yet the fact of betrayal, but an intention that you are carefully considering. What good can cheating bring you? After all, living with the idea that you cheated and not being able to say it directly is not at all stimulating. If you want to change only so that later you can openly declare this to your other half, we doubt that your future life will be friendly.

If you suddenly dreamed that your loved one cheated on you, this indicates that in reality you are worried about this possibility and are tormented by groundless suspicions. Don’t suffer and don’t wet your pillow with tears, but talk frankly with the person.

Treason according to Vanga's dream book

Interpretation of the dream: My betrayal - dreams of a collapse of plans, a break in relationships, a divorce. If you dreamed that you were cheating on your husband, you will soon find yourself in a humiliating position. A man dreams of betrayal as a sign of discord in family relationships and problems at work.

Treason according to Hasse's dream book

Commit treason - your worries will increase; to undergo is the end of all sorrows.

Treason according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Cheating on friends and loved ones in your dream warns of possible failures in some matter important to you. Perhaps there are serious miscalculations in your plans for the future, or you are simply overestimating your capabilities. At the same time, such a dream does not mean at all that in reality you are surrounded by people capable of betrayal and treachery.

Becoming a cheater yourself in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream shows that in a difficult situation you may not have enough mental strength to cope with a difficult task, which is why things may go downhill.

Treason according to the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing your own I. - to the real fulfillment of the dream.

Treason according to the Spring Dream Book

Seeing your husband or wife cheating in a dream means that your lover secretly wants to cheat on you.

Treason according to the Summer Dream Book

If you dream that you are being cheated on, this means a family quarrel.

Treason according to the Autumn Dream Book

Finding out in a dream that your husband is cheating on you is a dream come true; it is quite possible.

Treason according to the dream book of Simon Canaanite

Commit treason - your worries will increase; to undergo is the end of all sorrows.

Treason according to the Esoteric Dream Book

Your husband or wife is cheating on you - do not doubt their fidelity, do not be jealous. You cheat out of remorse, not necessarily because of adultery. Other types of betrayal (in war, of a friend) you are not sure about someone and your intuition does not deceive you.

Treason according to Azar's dream book

being betrayed is the end of all sorrows

commit treason - your worries will increase

Treason according to the dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

(to you) - loyalty;

(you changed) - losses.

in marriage - danger of fire;

commit - anxiety will intensify;

They cheated on you - the end of sorrows.

If you dream that you have committed treason, in reality you will be accused of illegal actions.

If a woman has such a dream, in real life she will not be able to hold on to her husband’s love, allowing her anger and irritation to break out.

A dream in which she gives love to her husband's friend predicts that in real life her husband will be indifferent to her.

If she seduces a young man, in reality she is in danger of divorce and loneliness due to provocative frivolous behavior.

A favorable dream is one in which you have overcome your temptation.

Giving in to temptation in a dream is a bad omen.

If in a dream you cheat on your loved one, you will soon deceive your loved one. But remember that not every lie is a white lie.

To see in a dream how a loved one is cheating on you means that your trust is very easy to abuse.

If a married man dreamed that he was cheating on his wife with a prostitute, it means that his behavior causes ridicule from others.

Seeing yourself repenting of betrayal means that you are not satisfied with the current state of your affairs and will begin to do everything possible and impossible to change it.

If in a dream you cheat on your loved one out of revenge, this portends that you will be very happy in your family life.

For a young woman, such a dream promises happiness and good luck in a relationship with her beloved. But this will not bring her any satisfaction.

Treason according to the Eastern Dream Book

If you cheated on someone at all, be prepared to be accused of illegal actions.

If you cheated on your husband with his best friend- expect indifference on the part of your spouse.

Cheating on a loved one means deception on your part.

If you dreamed that they were cheating on you - beware - your trust could be abused.

Treason according to Catherine the Great's dream book

Treason - If a man sees his adultery in a dream, then he should be prepared for some kind of trial, which, most likely, will not end in his favor; most likely, he will be brought to court due to Adultery; Let this person, as a commandment, remember the saying: Do not renounce prison or scrip.

Treason according to the Feng Shui dream book

Adultery - Seeing yourself in such a situation is a symbol of insult and misfortune. Seeing another is a big and unexpected misfortune.

Treason according to the Love Dream Book

Adultery (marital infidelity) - If in a dream you are planning an extramarital affair with a young man or seducing him, this foreshadows fundamental changes in your personal life. Most likely, you will leave your spouse for new love. If you are not yet married, but in a dream you saw yourself cheating on your spouse, you will have many sexual partners, which will bring mixed feelings of pleasure and disappointment. However, you can still make the right choice and settle on the person who will make you happy.

Treason according to the Everyday Dream Book

At best, such a dream for a man can mean a quarrel with his wife. If a woman sees her betrayal in a dream, this is a sure sign of trouble in the house due to the fault of this woman: in the family, in everyday life, she is so capricious, touchy, demanding of others (but not of herself) that she is simply unbearable; and even the most patient person is unable to endure it for a long time. In order to save the family (if, of course, the family is dear to this woman), a woman must look at herself from the outside and change her attitude towards loved ones.

A bad dream, when in it a woman cheats on her husband with his friend, the husband can leave this woman. If a woman in a dream dreamed of a young man or even hit on him, it means a major quarrel with her husband; Moreover, this quarrel can cause the collapse of the family. When unmarried girl cheats on her lover in a dream - she must be prepared that not today or tomorrow she will be humiliated and her lover will not be able to save her from humiliation.

Treason according to the Modern Dream Book

Cheating on a loved one? If a man dreams of betrayal, this is a dream that foretells a strong relationship. If a woman dreams that her lover has cheated on her, expect quarrels in the family and conflicts at work. This dream may be an omen that the person you are accustomed to trust will let you down. Intentionally or not, he will set you up and you will have to endure shame in front of your superiors and financial losses. Try not to get too close to people, at least when it comes to work. Caution and coldness in the professional field, and warm emotional relationships in the family circle - this is what will help you keep the situation under control.

Treason according to the dream book of the witch Medea

Cheating – Adultery in a dream can relate not only to family matters. She may report betrayal or conspiracy directed against you. To resist adultery and temptation in a dream means success in business and fulfillment of desires. To commit treason is to face life's difficulties.

Treason according to the Women's Dream Book

Adultery - If a woman dreams that she has cheated on her husband, in real life she should moderate her temper, otherwise she will lose her husband’s affection. If in a dream she cheats on her husband with his friend, perhaps in reality her husband will treat her unfairly. If a woman seduces a young man in a dream, she faces a real danger of divorce from her husband. For a man, a dream about adultery foreshadows failure in business. If a girl has such a dream, humiliation and resentment await her.

Cheating on a loved one? A dream in which you saw your loved one cheating can be interpreted as a reflection of your inner emotional state. This is simply a reflection of your fears, which in reality you carefully hide under the guise of a strong-willed independent person. In fact, you need more attention than your loved one can give you.

Cheating on a loved one leads to an inevitable cooling of the relationship. Perhaps your loved one is really interested in someone, and you feel or notice it. However, more often than not, dream books interpret dreams about betrayal precisely as the presence of unfounded fears of a breakup, real betrayal, or betrayal. Such a dream suggests that you have been deceived many times before, leaving severe psychological trauma. Now you turn on your defenses, fearing that you will no longer be able to survive betrayal. Relax and drive away bad thoughts - you probably have no reason for real concern.

Treason according to the Old Russian Dream Book

in marriage - danger of fire.

Cheating according to the dream book of relationships

Treason - such a dream warns that in real life you will worry that your chosen one will betray you or commit treason. However, your fears are unfounded. It’s better to talk to him frankly - perhaps then you can calm down.

To change yourself in a dream means that you, apparently, have started an affair on the side. However, think before you continue: what can betraying the person who loves you bring you? Hardly anything good. Better try to maintain your relationship with your partner.

Treason according to the online dream book

If you dream of your spouse cheating, this dream may concern not only your family. The dream book says that it can also indicate to you betrayal and conspiracy against you.

If you dreamed that your chosen one was revealing his betrayal to you, in reality he has sincere and high feelings for you, he does not even allow the thought of betraying you or hurting you.

If you oppose her, you will have good luck in your work, and all your dreams will come true.

You dreamed that you were about to cheat on your partner, but for some reason you suddenly changed your mind - in the future your life will be virtuous, luck and wealth await you, and all your plans and ideas will come true.

Still cheated in a dream - a lot of grief awaits you. The love will not be mutual, and because of the collapsed hopes you will be very worried.

You have been betrayed - you should be wary, someone is abusing your trust.

If a spouse dreams that he has committed treason with a corrupt girl, soon all his acquaintances and colleagues will ridicule him.

If you dreamed that you committed treason out of revenge, your family life will be long and very happy.

Seeing your own spouse betraying you in a dream means some events that will become turning points in your destiny, after which everything will go completely differently than before.

If such a vision visits someone who is dissatisfied with the real state of affairs

If in a dream you were overtaken by the betrayal of your chosen one, know that in real life this will definitely not threaten you, she will never betray you.

The woman saw her own infidelity

Treason according to the Universal Dream Book

Cheating can symbolize a conflict between your responsibilities and your desires. Is there an area of ​​your life where you are experiencing conflict between what you want and what you owe?

Cheating in a dream can also mean that you are attracted to qualities that you have not yet discovered in yourself.

Treason according to the American Dream Book

Cheating is a conflict between responsibilities and desires. Attraction to those qualities of another person that you have not yet discovered in yourself.

Treason according to Morozova's dream book

The one who cheats on you in a dream will in reality remain faithful.

If you cheat, losses await you.

Treason according to Sivananda's Vedic dream book

Treason indicates that problems are approaching. You may lose respect and fall into a state of despair.

Treason according to the Old English Dream Book

If you dream that you were almost ready to commit adultery, but at the last minute you still coped with this temptation, it means that your future life will be the path of virtue, and on this path happiness and prosperity await you, and your plans and undertakings will be in the most successful way will be incarnated.

If in a dream you commit treason, this is a sad sign of impending misfortunes. Waiting for love will be fruitless, and the collapse of hopes will make you suffer greatly.

Treason according to the Lunar Dream Book

Cheating in marriage is a danger of fire, fire.

Treason according to the Russian dream book

Becoming a traitor means unexpected bad news;

cheated on you - deception, lies in your relationship

Treason according to the 21st century dream book

If in a dream you find out that you have been cheated on or betrayed, such a dream may be a harbinger of great obstacles and difficulties that you can only overcome with the help of true friends.

To be a traitor yourself in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a situation in which you will be forced to deceive a loved one.

Treason according to Longo's dream book

If you dreamed that you cheated, perhaps in reality you have such a sin behind you. Maybe it's not the fact of cheating yet, but the intention that you are considering.

If you dreamed that someone cheated on you, it means that in reality you are very worried about this possibility and you are most likely tormented by groundless suspicions. Instead of suffering in silence, talk openly with your loved one. Sometimes a direct question, asked, as they say, head-on, can clarify the real state of affairs.

Treason according to Denise Lynn's short dream book

Conflict between responsibilities and desires.

Attraction to those qualities of another person that you have not yet discovered in yourself.

Treason according to the dream book Veles

Treason - possible fire.

Treason according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

To dream of a loved one cheating with someone you know means the collapse of hopes and expectations. However, we do not recommend getting too upset, because your sexual ambitions were too high. Be more modest and also more attentive to your partner. Only in this case will you truly understand what the joy of love is.

Cheating with someone yourself - you want a thrill. But it is very likely that you will find a lot of trouble instead.

A dream about adultery means impending changes in the dreamer's life. The nature of the changes depends on the specific events seen in the dream.

If a man dreams that he is cheating on his other half, the dream can be interpreted as: 1) unwillingness to put up with the current circumstances; 2) a subconscious premonition that the promise you made will not be fulfilled; 3) a symbolic image of the changes that have occurred in the dreamer’s personality. In the same case, if a man sees his wife cheating on him, such a dream symbolizes: 1) surprise at the changes that have happened to someone he knows; 2) changes in your life, which, however, remained unnoticed by you. 3) uncertainty about the sincerity and reliability of a person. For a woman, a dream about adultery, in which she cheats, has the following meaning: 1) the desire for independence from her husband; 2) fatigue from everyday hassle; 3) the desire to change the existing state of affairs.

If a woman sees that she has been cheated on, the meaning of the dream is as follows: 1) resistance to the changes that the husband is trying to implement; 2) reluctance to change, take something into account, follow advice; 3) expression of resentment towards a sexual partner (the reason for this may be the most insignificant). Over the entire era of human existence, a persistent prejudice has developed that attributes the so-called polygamous nature to men, and monogamous nature to women (that is, it is recognized that the stronger sex is prone to polygamy, while the weaker sex is inclined to communicate with only one man and to be faithful to the chosen partner). However, as studies have shown, men are no more polygamous than women, and the monogamy of the latter does not depend at all on their nature, but on greater prudence and the desire for stability and tranquility.

Treason according to the Gypsy dream book

To experience betrayal in a dream means that your lover is unfaithful to you.

If you yourself cheat on someone in a dream, cheat on your loved one in reality.

Treason according to the dream book 2012

Treason is a reflection of the conflict between “I want” and “I need.”

Treason according to the ABC of dream interpretation

Adultery in a dream can relate not only to family matters. She may report betrayal or conspiracy directed against you.

To resist adultery and temptation in a dream means success in business and fulfillment of desires.

To commit treason is to face life's difficulties.

Hi all. Please help me decipher the dream. It seemed to consist of 4 parts
Part 1. I came to Letual with my mother and grandmother to buy perfume, they bought it at a huge discount and where did it go? I decided to buy it too when the opportunity presented itself. And at that moment, all the perfumes seemed to disappear and only 1 remained, which I liked at first, and then I found another one and they also smelled delicious. Then it turned out that all the sellers were my distant acquaintances, but none of them could give me a discount; only my second Grandmother, who in the dream worked in this store for about 5 years, could do this. While I was waiting for her, other sellers began to put other goods on the shelf: toothpastes, soaps, etc. When she arrived, I asked for a discount, she told me to choose perfume. I sprayed myself with them, but I didn’t like any of the smells anymore and I asked to look for maybe others, but there was nothing left and I left
Part 2. I left the store and saw my younger sister (7 years old) and her friend walking along the road home (and it’s a very long walk and for some reason they don’t cross the road to the opposite side, but walk the way cars drive, then they were going to turn around at the roundabout and go in the right direction) I stopped them and decided to go with them, another of my sisters was there and I asked her to come with us to protect my sister’s friend if anything happened. She agreed. Then the mother of my sister’s friend, who in reality is the mother of another girl, called us and said that she had called a taxi
Part 3. For some reason we were traveling on the bus, I knew that my sisters were nearby, but I didn’t see them. I looked out the back window of the bus, in which, by the way, everyone was standing in the back; my husband was riding there and he had something wrong with his car; it was constantly breaking down. Then everything disappeared.
Part 4. I go home, but it was not our apartment, but my grandmother’s apartment, but in the dream I knew that it was ours. I go with my friend, we go into the room and there are only my friends, my husband, our mutual friend and some other guy. And they all kiss, as I understand it, in turns. My husband and his friend are naked, the rest are in clothes. When we came in, they invited us to join, my friend agreed, although she is dating the guy who was the second one sitting naked. I ran away, started screaming and saying that I didn’t want to know them anymore. One of my friends, she is Azerbaijani, came up to me to calm me down, I started screaming that I didn’t expect this from her, to which she replied that it was her boyfriend who signed some kind of contract in connection with which they had to do this. But I didn't care. I continued to be hysterical, was about to leave, my husband came and began to calm me down, I just shouted at him and that’s all
Then I woke up. What is all this for?