Scenario for the ABC of Security event


  • To consolidate children's knowledge about safety rules at home, on the street, in nature.
  • Strengthen the ability to provide basic medical care,
  • Promote the development of caution and prudence.
  • Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.
  • Cultivate concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to listen to a friend’s answer without interrupting.

The progress of the holiday

Presenter 1: Hello guys! Today we have gathered in this room to talk about safety rules.

There are rules in the world
All children should know them.
Now we'll hit the road,
To a country where rules live.

The song “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together...”

Presenter 2: So, we have found ourselves in the country of Safety Rules.

Presenter 1: I have an envelope with riddles in my hands...

House on legs
There is a window in the middle.
Zasv e the window is rolling -
A movie will appear. (
TV .)

He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach,
How his engine hums,
He swallows both dust and rubbish. ( Vacuum cleaner .)

In the summer, our dad brought
There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Homes in summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruit. ( Fridge )

The ship is sailing,
Now back, now forward. ( Iron .)

This is a miracle device
It washes everything.
He is the housewife's assistant
What a miracle, guess what. (Washing machine)

I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!” ( Kettle )

Presenter 2: What must you do after ironing clothes, watching TV, or listening to a tape recorder?

(I listen to the children's answers.)

- That's right, you need to turn off the electrical appliance.

Presenter 1: What can happen if you pull a wire or stick your finger or other object into an outlet? (Electric shock may occur and a fire may occur).

Presenter 2:

You, my friend, must remember:
Be careful with the outlet!
You shouldn't play with her
Stick a hairpin, stick a nail there -
It will end in disaster:
The current in the socket is very bad!!!

Presenter 1:

If suddenly a disaster occurs,
If there is heavy smoke,
Don't get lost and don't ever be afraid -
Dial “01” on the phone.

Presenter 2: Let's play now. I will start a line of poetry, and you will finish it.

  • One, two, three, four, who's on fire...(in the apartment).
  • Smoke suddenly rose in a column, who didn’t turn it off...( iron ).
  • A red glow ran. Who's with the matches...( played).
  • Where people are careless with fire, there a ball will soar into the sky,
  • The evil one will always threaten us there...( fire).
  • Who threw strangers into the fire...( items).
  • Every citizen remember this number...( 01 ).
  • I saw smoke - don’t yawn and firefighters... ( call).

The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds.
Re-enactment of the meeting between Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.

Presenter 2: Guys, do you remember the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood? Did Little Red Riding Hood know the Wolf? Is it possible to talk to someone you don't know? What could happen? ( Children's answers).

– Do you understand, Little Red Riding Hood, what the children said? You cannot talk to strangers on the street and tell them about yourself!

Presenter 1:

Be careful
Dear guys:
To strangers
No need to trust!

If you are with me
They will invite you to visit
Or some candy for you
They will give you something tasty
Better run back
Get away from them quickly
And warn
All my friends...

Presenter 2: Little Red Riding Hood, what's in your basket?

Little Red Riding Hood:Mushrooms. I collected them for my grandmother.

Presenter 1: Guys, what types of mushrooms are there? (Edible and poisonous).

Presenter 2: Let's help Little Red Riding Hood: we'll give her the edible mushrooms and leave the poisonous ones in the clearing. Guys, why can’t we destroy poisonous mushrooms?(Children's answers.) That's right, forest dwellers are treated with them.

Game “Edible - Inedible”

(Cards with images of edible and poisonous mushrooms are classified.)

It's dark because of the forest,
Terrible, huge,
Swam out sparkling
Above the neighboring house
Thunder roared,
Like a bunch of stones
We went down a steep slope.
Came unexpectedly
Hurricane wind
Made an angry noise
And he left for his life.
On the glass with a ringing sound
The rain started pouring down,
Drowned in puddles, -
That's where it stopped.
Old people ate
Suddenly they turned green.
In puddles - windows
The sun began to shine.

Presenter 1: Guys, remember, you cannot stand under tall and lonely objects during a thunderstorm!

If there is only one tree
In the field rises,
Then stand under it in a thunderstorm
People are prohibited!

If lightning strikes him
It will accidentally hit
There's no one alive
He won’t leave you nearby...

Presenter 2: Let's remember, guys, how to behave if you suddenly get lost?

Physical education lesson “I once got lost”

I once got lost -(feign fear)
I just quickly guessed -(lightly hit yourself on the forehead, smile),
Looked here and there -(turns),
I don’t have a mother - that’s the problem -(spread your arms to the sides below),
I ran to the right -(running in place)
My mother was not found -(hand with a “visor”),
I ran to the left -(running in place)
My mother was not found -(hand with a “visor”),
I turned around -(turn around yourself)
Maybe I'll see suddenly -(hand with a “visor”),
No. I decided to stand -(cross your arms over your chest)
And wait for mom there.

Presenter 1: Did the boy do the right thing? If you are lost, there is no need to run anywhere. Stand and wait. They will definitely find you.

Presenter 2: Now imagine that you fell while walking. And you have an abrasion on your knee. From the items offered to you (iodine, cotton wool, syringe, brilliant green, thermometer, tablets, bandage), you need to select those that are needed to treat the wound.

Game exercise “Give first aid for an abrasion”

Presenter 1: Which plant leaves treat abrasions and scratches? ( Children's answers).

Presenter 2:

Along the road, plantains grow here and there.
The poor plantain is all trampled, look.
He creeps low at your feet, have pity on him, my friend.
A sufferer himself, he is not averse to helping someone else’s misfortune.
It can serve well if someone gets hurt.
Once you apply the leaf, the wound will heal.

Presenter 2: Guys, what number should you call if someone is seriously ill?

Little Red Riding Hood:And I found the package. It's New Year's, probably a gift. Let's see!

Presenter 1: Wait, wait. Is this your package? No.

Presenter 2: Guys, you can’t take anyone’s packages. You need to put it down and call the police. What is the police phone number? ( 02)

Presenter 1:

Unknown items
Don't pick it up!
No boxes, no bags
Don't even look
And call adults for help,
To find out
What to do with such a find?
What to do?

Can be very dangerous
Here's the package...
If you're not careful
Expect problems and troubles!

Presenter 2:

On our street
Cars, cars.
Baby cars,
The cars are big.
Freight trucks are in a hurry,
Cars are snorting,
They hurry, they rush,
As if alive.

Presenter 1: Guess the riddle:

Explains to pedestrians
How to cross the road.
He lights the signals
Helps us along the way.(Traffic light)

Presenter 2:

Our house is a traffic light,
We are three siblings
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.

The strictest red light
If it's burning,
Stop! There is no further road
The path is closed to everyone.

So that you can cross calmly,
Listen to our advice:
Wait! You'll see yellow soon
There is light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light
It will flash ahead.
He will say: “There are no obstacles,
Go boldly!”

Presenter 1: Guys, did you remember the safety rules well?

You always remember the rules
So that trouble doesn't happen suddenly,
And trouble did not come.
And somewhere suddenly I found you.
And you not only need to know them,
And constantly do it.

Presenters 2: At this point our event can be considered closed.

(Together) - Take care of yourself!

Natalia Yakovleva
Scenario for the event fire safety"Be careful with fire!"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire.


Introduce fire safety rules and teach them to comply with them. teach correct actions in case of fire;

To bring to the consciousness of children the impossibility of frivolous and careless handling of fire;

Cultivate a sense of caution when handling fire.

Equipment: projector, presentation "Be careful with fire!"

Progress of the event

Leading. Hello guys! Today we will talk about fire safety rules. fire is a long-time friend of man. With the help of fire you can cook food, light the stove (slide 2). but if the fire is handled carelessly. then a fire may occur. Fire is a destructive force that brings disaster. The flame that breaks free destroys everything in its path: forests, fields, houses. And it can be impossible to stop it (slide 3).

Children go out and read poetry(slide 4).

1. Hello adults, hello children

We are faced with the biggest problem in the world

With the problem of fires. with the problem of trouble

The planet asks, help!

2. Fire can be different -

Pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or gold.

Very kind, very evil.

3. Evil fire is the fire of a fire,

Evil fire is the fire of war!

From the merciless heat

The days are dark, the fields are black.

4. Inhabitants of the globe

Citizens of any country

The evil fire must be extinguished.

Leading. Fire and matches -

All this is not a game!

If you want to be sure, listen then.

1st grade performance. Performance of the song "Song about a fire"

Leading. Man's friend is fire.

Just don’t touch him in vain!

If you play around,

Then troubles cannot be avoided -

The fire is not good for you. (slide 5)

Performance of 1b grade. Scene "You can't joke with fire"

1st. What should you and I do?

2nd. To do something bad like that?

1st. Oh! I think I came up with an idea (takes a matchbox out of his pocket). Let's build a fire together!

2nd. That's great! Come on (they take out matches and try to light them).

Firefighter. What are you doing here?

1st. (drops the box). What are you shouting? Is there a fire or something?

Firefighter. If I didn’t show up on time, there would be a fire!

2nd. Oh-oh-oh! Because of some little match?


The match is not big in height,

Can do a lot of evil

Remember firmly friends

That you can't joke with fire.

1st. We didn’t even know that a little match could be a big hooligan.

Leading. Guys, in order to avoid a terrible disaster - a fire, you need to know the fire safety rules and always remember them. And riddles will help us with this.

1. It burns very brightly

It makes you feel warm and even hot,

But don't touch him

It will burn you. (fire)

2. A coal fell on the floor,

The wooden floor was burned,

Don't look. don't wait, don't wait.

And fill it up. (water)

3. In case of fire, he is your savior,

Always keep it at home. (fire extinguisher)

4. You can use it to find out where the trouble is,

It can be seen even from afar!

We are in a hurry to help immediately

If we see it in the sky. (smoke)

5. I saw the smoke, don’t yawn and the firefighters. (call)

6. And so that it doesn’t happen

There is trouble in your house.

Listen to the adults. (Always)

Leading. What else needs to be done to prevent a fire? 1st grade students will tell us about this. (slide 6)

1st grade students read poetry

1. Don’t play with a match, my friend!

Remember, she is small.

But not much from a match

The house might burn to the ground.

2. Everyone knows what an iron is

A kind but serious friend.

Anyone who is familiar with an iron does not play with an iron!

3. Sparkler is a dangerous fire

And you better not touch him without his mother!

4. Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire,

Maybe there's a big problem

For buildings and people.

5. Give this advice to your friends

It's just that everyone can

When leaving, turn off the lights and devices too.

Leading. Guess the riddle:

The fire swept away, they are stronger.

he is strong, they are stronger

Don't scare them with fire

They are no strangers to fire. (firefighters)(slide 7)

Leading. Guys, what should a firefighter be like? Very brave and courageous people - firefighters - are sent to fight fires. Rushing into fire and smoke to save people, they often forget about their own lives. Their main goal is to save a person.

2a class performance. Poem "We are firefighters"(slide 8)

In a bright red car

We are rushing forward.

The work is hard and dangerous.

Waiting for us firefighters.

Howl of a piercing siren

Can stun

We will be both water and foam

We are putting out the fire.

And people in trouble

We can help

After all, we will fight fire

Boldly day and night.

Leading. Guys, if there is a fire, what number should we call the fire brigade (01) What do you think? why - 01 (because the number is short, because in a fire every minute counts; the number is easy to remember and can be quickly dialed on the phone dial).

Every citizen should know

Firefighter number "01" (slide 9)

Speech by 2b class. Performing a song based on the song "We wish you happiness"

In a world where sometimes

A very, very terrible problem

Someone lost with fire and a fire started.

In case of fire 01 call,

Give me the exact address of the house,

And firefighters will instantly come to your aid.

We ask you very much, friends.

Never play with fire.

Don't play with the match, and turn off the iron.

We kindly ask you, friends,

Never play with fire.

And if suddenly there is trouble

"Zero one" always call.

Leading. And now for your attention the sketch "The Three Little Pigs"

2nd grade is invited to the stage.

Leading. And now we will play with you. I will ask you questions. and you, if he thinks. that you need to do exactly this, you must answer “This is me. This is me, these are all my friends!”, and if you are sure. that the actions are wrong, you should remain silent.

Who is perky and cheerful, keeping loyalty to the rules.

Protecting your home school from insidious fire?

Which of you plays tricks with fire - admit it honestly?

Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to?

Who among you, noticing smoke, calls “01”?

Who helps firefighters without breaking the rules?

Who is an example for all the guys?

Children come out and read poetry.

1. Know the fire rules without hesitation.

Firefighters strictly follow the rules!

2. Morning, evening and afternoon

Be careful with fire.

3. We wish you good luck in everything

And we ask each of you.

4. About the most important thing - about one thing:

All together: Be careful with fire!

Leading.Guys, try to make fire your friend and never become your enemy. Protect your life, the lives of other people, the house you live in, and the school you attend from fire.

Municipal educational institution

"Elan-Kolenovskaya secondary school No. 1"

Development of an extracurricular activity

"Let's talk

about safety"

Prepared by: Nadezhda Petrovna Sedykh,

primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Elan-Kolenovskaya secondary school No. 1"


Extracurricular event "Let's talk about safety"

Target : developing the belief that compliance with safety rules when handling household items reduces the risk of household injuries, the ability to seek emergency medical help.

Tasks : create a desire to reduce the risk of injury in the home environment. Have an idea that many objects can pose a danger, teach them to recognize situations.

Methodological equipment : cards depicting domestic incidents in accordance with the topic of the lesson, poem “About the Rescue Service” (parts 1-4), sketch “Calling 03”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Updating knowledge about the most common dangers that can await children (choking in the bathtub, getting burned, poisoning, cutting themselves, getting electrical injuries) and about the emergency service.

2.Work with cards about what happened.

3. Summarizing what the children said.

4.Work on the content of the poem about the rescue service:

When there is a fire, there is only one recipe -

Call urgently 01!

If someone breaks into the house,

Breaking through doors with your forehead,

The doors barely hold -

Call 02 quickly!

If something gets in your eye -

The damaged eye is not three,

Call your elders for help

Let them call 03 quickly!

If you burn yourself with an iron -

Do not pour water on the burn.

Head to the phone

And call 03 quickly!

I felt gas in the apartment -

Go to your neighbors - call 04.

5. Why might a fire occur in the house? What household items can cause electrical injury? In what cases can a person drown?

6.Performance of the etude “Calling 03”.

Children take turns “calling” an ambulance. The role of the doctor is played by the teacher, who asks the students various questions: What happened? What signs indicate illness or injury? What did you do before calling? What will you do while waiting for the doctors? What is your home address? How can I come to you?

During the second etude, the role of the doctor is played by students.

What is security? Answer in your own words. Let's read a more precise definition of this word from the dictionary.

Safety is when no threat health and life, there is protection from danger.

Where and what can threaten our health and life? (on the road, on the river in the yard, in the forest)

Right. Where do you and I spend the most time? (at school, at home). Yes, that is, in the place where we live. This means that dangers await us there every day, especially in the absence of adults. Therefore, the second name of the lesson is “Home Alone”. We will hang pictures with dangerous situations under the roof of this house and you will see how many there are.

While the baby is still growing so that he doesn’t get hurt by anything

And he doesn’t go to school, and he didn’t fall out of the window.

Then his adults are always, everywhere

But the baby has already grown up

They take you by the hand. And suddenly you're home alone

Safety is monitored: Do you know how to behave?

So that there are no bruises. Do you know this?

Guys, do you know what can be protection from danger for you? What do you need to know for this? (rules of safe behavior) Therefore, next to the house we will try to collect the sun with rules of behavior that will help us and make our life brighter and more joyful.

7. Work on the topic of the lesson.

a) Drawing up rules of conduct for safety at home together with the teacher.

Now I will read an excerpt from the poem. Can you guess what it's called and
why did the accident happen to the main character? (S.Ya. Marshak “Cat House”)
Mistress and Vasily

Mustachioed old cat

Not carried out soon

Neighbors to the gate. .
Word by word -

And again the conversation

And at home in front of the stove

The fire burned through the carpet.

And a light light

Pine logs

Enveloped, enveloped

Climbed the wallpaper

Climbed onto the table

And scattered in a swarm

Golden-winged bees.

What is the name of the fairy tale? Who wrote it? Why did the cat's house catch fire? What else should you not leave at home unattended? (candles, iron, stove) Listen to the poem the guys prepared.

White fluff curls

They lead a snow round dance

Ice sparkles on the window

Soon it will be New Year.

Colorful toys

Will line up again

Fireworks and firecrackers

They will make the boys happy.

But fire is not just a joke

There's heat coming from him

It causes a very terrible fire

You must remember yourself

What's with the firecrackers, friends?

And with sparklers

We can't joke at all

What holiday is coming soon? What should you not joke with in your home or premises? What's the first rule we'll set? (Don't play with fire!)

Complete the sentences about the rules of the road:
You can cross the road only at ... (pedestrian crossing)
When crossing the street, look first ... (left), and then ... (right)
It is forbidden to... (play and run) near the roadway
The road should only be crossed at ... (green) traffic light
When driving along the roadway, you need to walk along ... (sidewalk)

It’s good that you remember the rules of the road, I hope you will follow all of them so that trouble does not happen to you on the road. (Be careful on the road!)

8. Now let's repeat all the rules for safe behavior of a schoolchild. I will read a poem to you, and if this concerns any of you, then you raise your hands high:
Rumble, hubbub, screams, screeching,
There is hubbub, and din, and noise, and squeaking.
Answer me, am I right?
Is our school like this?
Who is a cheerful band
Going to school every day?
Which one of you comes to class?
An hour late?
Which one of you keeps things in order?
Books, pens and notebooks?
Which one of you, say out loud,
Catching flies in class?
Who homemade their lesson
Does it work on time?
Who, I want to know from you,
Does he really like to play?
Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?
Loves sports and physical education?
Which one of you is a kid?
Walking around dirty from ear to ear?
Who flies forward so quickly
What does the traffic light not see?
Who knows what the red light is?
This means there is no move!

The following situation:

What is burning above us? Without what will the lamp not burn? (without electricity, without current)).

Where is there electricity?? How should we handle objects that contain electricity? (Be careful with outlets and electrical appliances )

It is not enough to know the safety rules, you also need to behave in accordance with them.

If the bell rings, but don't open it to strangers

Look through the peephole first. If there is no peephole then

Find out who came to visit. “Who’s there?” - always ask.

( Don't open the door to strangers )

Look at the following picture. What is shown on it? Guys, we are treated with medications. What could be dangerous from them? Let’s find out from the most famous doctor in the world, whom both adults and children love (let’s call Dr. Aibolit)

Doctor Aibolit:

Hello. kids: That your stomach hurts

Girls and boys. Runny nose, toothache, sore throat, cough?

Why did you call here? Well, a thermometer, an injection

Or are you in trouble? Everything is at hand.

No, Doctor Aibolit, we are healthy, but we called you here to tell you - it’s possible

Without adults, the children should take medicine and treat themselves with it.

Doctor Aibolit:

Pills and tablets But if you are not sick,

You can't secretly swallow! You can't eat pills:

This is what our kids are talking about, swallowing them for no reason.

You must know. It's dangerous for you, friends.

Now, if you get sick -

They will call you a doctor

And adults take a pill

They will bring it to you themselves.

( You cannot take medications without an adult)

Guys, what should we tell Dr. Aibolit? (Thank you)

Well, it's time for me to go.

b) Students independently identify safety rules at home.

We have already learned a lot about dangers and how to prevent them if you are alone at home. Now I want you to try to figure out the remaining rules yourself

safety to those pictures that remained on the board.

(Never engage in conversation with a stranger on the street! Don't lean out of an open window! Be careful with gas! Be careful with sharp objects!)

9. Fixing the material.

a) Conversation about rescue services.

Guys, we tried to remember all the dangerous situations that may arise and figured out how to behave in them. But sometimes, unfortunately, there are times when a misfortune has already happened to us, or we have witnessed someone else’s misfortune, so you should know where to turn in such cases. Look at the board. Let's read the rescue services: gas service, ambulance, police, fire department. Try to remember the phone numbers of these services and help Dunno place them correctly.

01- fire department


03 - ambulance

    Gas service

b) Quiz

Task “Dial the right number” (The guys stand up. The teacher names a dangerous situation, and the children must sit down as many times as the number they dial to call the rescue service.

Situations: The iron caught fire in the house. A stranger constantly calls you on the phone. Your stomach hurts. The house smells of gas. Burglars are trying to break into your house.

6. Task “Memorize and repeat” (The teacher names objects: pencil, needle, axe, tablet, stove, knife. Medicine, scissors, door, gas, window, pen. etc. Children must remember them and repeat what they heard - by heart.)

Announcement of quiz results.

How should we behave at school and at home? What does it mean - carefully? What precautions or safety rules do you remember? What numbers can we call emergency services?

10.Getting students to understand that household hazards can be avoided if certain rules are followed.

11. Students are divided into 2 groups and, in accordance with the cards received, discuss how to avoid the situation shown in the picture. Then each group offers its own rules for safe behavior in the proposed situation.

12. The practical ability to see a situation when it is necessary to call service 03 is clarified.

13. Generalization of knowledge. "Auction of Ideas".

Lesson results .

What new did you learn? What will you do in this or that situation?

Concert and game program “Ogonyok”, 2nd grade

Leading: Friends! Our small team “Ogonyok” welcomes all the second-graders gathered in the hall. It's nice that our “Ogonyok” attracted you all here!


Have you heard? Today on Mira Street

The fireman walked from apartment to apartment.

He walked in the morning, and he walked during the day.

I was looking for who was playing with fire yesterday.


Yesterday the kids were playing by the barn,

The fire was lit, and the barn was gone.

And it all started unexpectedly like this:

Svetlana threw the ball into the attic,

Valerka, Svetlana's old friend,

I climbed into the attic and found a box...


“The boys were probably smoking on the sly,”

Valerka thought, “and they forgot the matches.”

Valerka put the box in his pocket.

He rolled down the stairs like a bun.

He gave the ball to Svetlana. Said to the kids:

“Let’s make a fire in the yard!”


"Let's!" - Sveta clapped her hands.

“We’ll get into trouble for this,” said Seryozha. —

A fire is not a toy: there can be a fire...

Guys! There’s no need to light a fire!”

But Sveta reacts to this, just like a boy,

She said to Seryozha: “You’re just a coward!”

Leading: Guys! Which one do you think was right? You judged correctly, but, unfortunately, neither Sveta nor Valera listened to Seryozha’s advice and this is what came of it.


In the corner behind the barn, sitting by the fire,

The child looks at the fire, barely breathing...

And the flames are getting higher. And the flame is getting brighter...

The fire burns hotter and hotter...


The fire got closer to the barn.

The fire spread along the wall to the roof,

He licked the rough boards once, twice,

The woodshed burst into flames with a torch.


From a small spark in the hands of children

Such fires lead to fires.

Student: Children often suffer from fires. Especially when they do not listen to parental orders and, left alone in the apartment, play with matches and turn on electrical appliances and gas stoves. A fire occurs and children may die in the fire and smoke.

1st student: Fire services and the Ministry of Emergency Situations then come to the aid of people. Sirens blaring alarmingly, fire trucks rush to the scene of the fire.

Leading: In one of his stories, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote about dogs that help carry children out of burning buildings. You have sheets of printed text on your desks. (It is advisable to find books with this text. L.N. Tolstoy. “Fire Dogs”) Now you will read the text and then answer several questions.

“It often happens that in cities during fires, children are left in houses and they cannot be pulled out, because they hide from fear and are silent, and from the smoke it is impossible to see them. Dogs in London are trained for this. These dogs live with firefighters, and when a house catches fire, the firefighters send the dogs to look for children. One such dog in London saved twelve children; her name was Bob.

One time the house caught fire. And when the firefighters arrived at the house, a woman ran out to them. She cried and said that there was a two-year-old girl left in the house. The firefighters sent Bob. Bob ran up the stairs and disappeared into the smoke. Five minutes later he ran out of the house and brought the girl in his teeth by the shirt. The mother rushed to her daughter and cried with joy that her daughter was alive. The firefighters caressed the dog and examined it to see if it was burned; but Bob was eager to go back into the house. The firefighters thought there was something else alive in the house and let him in. The dog ran into the house and soon ran out with something in its mouth. When the people looked at what she was carrying, they all burst out laughing: she was carrying a large doll.

Why is it difficult to find children in a burning room during a fire? Is it possible to hide under a table, bed or closet during a fire? How should you behave correctly if a fire starts and there are no adults in the house? How did the dog save the girl? Are dogs nowadays used to search for people during a fire? Why did the people in the story laugh, despite the tragedy of the situation?

Leading: And now we will play a game called “Unique Phrase”. Three people must go up on stage. Repeat after me one after another three magic phrases:

“Don’t touch the matches—there’s fire in the matches!” (Player repeats)

“Matches are not toys!” (Repeat)

“Don’t you play around with matches yourself?” (The player usually says: “No, I’m not being naughty”)

- Well, you were wrong! My last phrase was: “Aren’t you playing around with matches yourself?”

It’s the second player’s turn to repeat the phrases:

— The girl forgot to turn off the iron.

- This could lead to a fire.

- Repeat it louder. (Typically, the player repeats the previous phrase, not the last sentence)

Now the last player repeats the phrases:

— The boys lit a fire in the yard.

- And I put out this fire.

- Well done! Get a prize! (The child is usually silent and really waits for the prize, without repeating the phrase itself)

1st student:

Know the fire rules without hesitation,

Firefighters strictly follow the rules!


Rule one applies to everyone.

This rule is the most important!

On the street and in the room

You always remember about him -

Don't touch the matches, there's fire in the matches!

1st student:

The second rule is easy to remember,

Be careful with electrical appliances!

With iron and kettle,

With a hotplate and a soldering iron!


Electricity and gas in our everyday life are great!

But they are flammable!

Be careful with gas -

Gas can cause a fire!

1st student:

Remember this night and day,

Be careful with fire!

Leading: I suggest playing another game, “The Best Fire Truck Driver.” I have small toy cars in my hands.

The firefighter's car serves its purpose well.

Any fire, any fire will be extinguished.

I ask two boys to come on stage who dream of becoming firefighters when they grow up. You have to sit on the chairs and pull the cars towards you by winding the string around the pencils. Who will pull the car to him faster? (Dance to the music)

— We give the winner a balloon. Do you know why?

And we didn’t give this ball for nothing.

Previously, if there was a fire, they would notify by balloon...

(S. Ya. Marshak)

— How else were they notified about the fire? (They rang church bells, beat them with a thick iron rod on a piece of metal)


On the market square at the fire tower

24/7 fireman at the booth

I looked around: north, south, west, east -

Is there any smoke visible?


And if he saw a fire, carbon monoxide smoke floating.

He raised the signal balloon over the fire tower.

And two balls, and three balls soared upward, it happened,

And so the team left the fire yard.


The alarm bell woke up the people, the pavement shook,

And the daring team rushed forward with a roar.

Now you don’t need a tower, just call

And report the fire to the nearest area.

Together: Let every citizen remember:

Firefighter number 01.

Leading: Why do you think this number is the easiest to remember? Why do firefighters choose this difficult profession?


Firefighter sirens wailed at midnight,

The window is engulfed in a bright flame,

I want to rush to help people,

But this is just everything on the movie screen.


And with a hot flame, and with a greedy flame,

Not everyone is given the opportunity to fight in life.

We will be firefighters, brave firefighters,

And we decided this a long time ago!

Leading: Very often, fires occur due to the fault of very young children, whom parents leave unattended or entrust to their older brothers and sisters to look after the kids.

1st student:

The girl was left in the apartment, the girl was locked.

They locked up the girl, but forgot to hide the boxes from the child...

Mom didn’t tell me to touch the matches, she didn’t tell me to, but she left...

The girl squatted down and lit a match on the box!


The dancing, alluring light flashed mischievously and went out...

The naughty girl really wanted to see the light one more time...

She struck! And the small flame danced again, trembling in his hand...

The girl looked with wide open eyes, barely breathing...

Get through to the expected miracle"


And it, nimble, is getting closer, only the little naughty girl doesn’t know it...

- Be careful! “But the girl doesn’t hear, the girl looks at the light.”

- Be careful! - But the girl laughs... the light stung like a wasp!

The little girl understood: the flame is burning. Egoza dropped the match...


There are toys on the floor in disarray: a doll, a bear, cubes, a horn...

The horse's mane caught fire... suddenly a cardboard cockerel burst into flames!

The flame rushed angrily towards the girl...

- What have you done, fidget? —

The girl recoiled in fear, her eyes filled with horror.

Boy: And we will also tell you about one inquisitive little boy, Seryozha.

1st student:

Both dad and mom scold Seryozha -

They don’t tell my son to play around with matches.

One day he stole a match from the table,

it caught fire and burned him.

2nd student:

Seryozha began to cry, and dad said:

You see, the light has punished you!

Matches bite, don’t you dare touch them!

If you touch it again, it will bite more painfully...

3rd student:

Seryozha blew softly on his finger.

Seryozha looked inquisitively at dad:

I won't do it anymore, but you explain

Why don't they bite you?

4th student:

And dad answered:

The matches are afraid of us.

We know how to handle fire.

When you grow up, you will also learn...

Leading: Now let’s check your attentiveness and how prepared you are to behave correctly in the event of a fire. I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison at the right place: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

—Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire?

- How many of you, noticing the smoke, say: “Fire! We're on fire!"

- Which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and afternoon?

— Who, sensing gas in the apartment, will call 04?

- Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to?

- Who, children, hides matches from their little sister at home?

Leading: Now we invite you to complete the sentences.

- A piece of coal jumped from a match and... (set the rug on fire).

- Don’t stand there as an observer, fill the coal with... (water).

- The stove is burning - don’t touch it, because there is... (fire) in it.

- The naughty man with matches was naughty, the naughty one went to the hospital... (got it).

The height of a small, thin matchstick,

Just don’t touch matches... (habit).

1st student:

Don't light the fire yourself

And don't let others!

Even a little sparkle

Not far from the fire.

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire.

Maybe there's a big problem

For buildings and people!


The naughty sisters found out by chance,

Where did mom hide the matches from them?

One day the sisters were left alone -

A box of matches was found in the cupboard...

1st student:

The fire spread across the carpet to the window.

He climbed onto the curtain and jumped like a cat!

On a shelf, on a closet, on a sofa, on a chest,

And everything burned like a torch around.


The sisters hid under the bed in fear

And there they hid from the fire, barely breathing.

And the flames are getting closer. And the flame is here

He will lick his naughty sisters with his tongues.

1st student:

But suddenly someone opened the window wide.

A minute passes, another passes...

Covering your face with your sleeve from the fire.

The boy handed the child out the window,

And again he hurriedly stepped into the fire!

Choking in the smoke, a brave boy

He carried the second child out of the flames.

Leading: For such a feat, the medal “For Courage in Fire” was approved. But it would be better if there were no situations where children had to be rescued from a fire.