Batman: Arkham Origins, the harsh superhero everyday life of the Dark Knight is extremely varied and intense. Within just a couple of days, Batman manages to cleanse the criminal faces of all kinds of criminal elements of the city of Gotham, and restore the infrastructure of his native streets, and conduct a dozen detective investigations - with the collection of evidence, forensic examination and extracting testimony from suspects. In all this turmoil, it’s not difficult to get confused - and that’s when we come to the rescue.

In this material you will find the most important tips for passing Batman: Arkham Origins, solutions to the most difficult problems, as well as a useful video that will allow you to complete the game 100%. With this guide, you can easily deal with all the troubles of Gotham - so that Bruce Wayne can finally have a human rest for Christmas.

First, there are a few simple, but very important points to understand about Batman: Arkham Origins that you should know. Follow these tips and your Dark Knight will not leave the villains a single chance.

Respond to requests for help as often as possible. As you move around Gotham, you will now and then receive operational information about the riots going on right now. Since such troubles usually occur in close proximity to your current position, it is better not to ignore them. As a rule, you are required to appear at the scene of a crime and beat all opponents - the work is dust-free, fast and profitable. On the one hand, you will receive experience for every help, and on the other hand, such encounters will quickly teach you how to fight effectively in Arkham Origins. The benefits of the latter can hardly be overestimated.

Not everything you see can be immediately acquired. All kinds of trophies, secrets and alternative paths that you encounter during the game will not necessarily be available to you at that very moment. Very often, in order to receive a particular reward, you will be required to have one or another gadget or ability that is unlocked during the course of the story campaign. This means that the best time to collect, for example, Enigma data blocks is after completing the story part of the game, when you have collected the entire arsenal of the Dark Knight.

Stealthy passage gives much more experience than confronting opponents head-on. If possible, try to stun enemies without being noticed - after a little practice, you will certainly be able to do this easily and naturally. The secretive Dark Knight will gain experience much faster, and as a result, new abilities.

Stealth is good, but strong armor is better. To make your life easier, first of all upgrade Batman's armor. First for close combat, and then - ballistic. This way, you will ensure better survivability in the early stages of the game and save yourself a lot of nerves in battles. No matter how skilled you are at stealth, Arkham Origins will often force you to fight dozens of bandits in open combat - it's best to be prepared for this.

It's important for Batman to fight well. Based on the results of each skirmish with enemies, you will be given a certain amount of experience. The battle rating is influenced by the following points: the maximum length of the chain of hits (or combo multiplier), the amount of damage received (it is better to minimize it), the variety of gadgets used in battle. In other words, you will gain the most experience if you do not “miss” blows, while using your entire arsenal in the fight.

Don't hesitate to complete side quests. Capturing villains and destroying their plans is generously rewarded with a large amount of experience, as well as new abilities for Batman. Side quests will not only help extend the fun of Batman: Arkham Origins, but will also allow you to come face to face with the most famous characters of the DC Universe.

Complete the Dark Knight System Challenges whenever possible. The achievements built into the game itself, on the one hand, will help you better understand certain aspects of the game mechanics (for example, you can practice moving around Gotham or stealth), and on the other hand, they will give you a lot of experience upon completion.


During the course of Batman: Arkham Origins you will meet many villains of varying degrees of lousiness. Some of them can cause a lot of problems for a novice player. Read below about where the main difficulties may arise.

How to defeat Deathstroke

Deathstroke, one of the first bosses in Batman: Arkham Origins, is a good test of your reactions. The main difficulty in the battle with him is to hit and counterattack in a timely manner. It is very important to take your time and press the counterstrike key only when the corresponding indicator lights up above Deathstroke's head. If he counters too early or too late, Batman will receive a rousing slap from one of the most skilled melee fighters in the DC Universe.

How to defeat Bane

We will meet Bane in battle twice. During the first battle, the player is required to dodge Bane's strongest blows and respond in a timely manner with lightning-fast series. In general, your first meeting with him should not cause you much trouble if you have successfully beaten ordinary opponents before.

During the second encounter, the battle will be divided into two parts. If the first one goes through exactly the same scenario as described above, then the second part will make you tinker a little. Under the influence of Venom, Bane cannot be attacked head-on - Batman is forced to attack him covertly, using ventilation, floor gratings and electrical circuits. Please note that Bane will not fall for the same trick twice, so you will have to be as creative as possible. You can watch the successful battle with the pumped-up Bane in the video attached below.

How to defeat the Mad Hatter

The entire boss fight takes place in the Hatter's world of illusions: in order to defeat the villain, you just need to reach the end of the stage using your gadgets and wits. But this is easier said than done - several insidious traps and non-obvious scenes can very well become a problem for the player. How to overcome all this - again, in the video.

How to defeat Firefly

One of the final bosses of Batman: Arkham Origins. However, the battle is quite simple - if you know which gadgets to use at one time or another in the battle.

How to open costumes

Batman: Arkham Origins features a wide selection of Batman costumes - each one not only changes your appearance, but also provides certain advantages. Costumes are unlocked for certain actions and achievements in the game, and you can change your armor in the appropriate section of the Batcave. Here's what you need to do to unlock costumes for all occasions.

Batman- given at the beginning of the game.

Batman One Million Skin- register in the WBID service.

New 52 Graphic- Capture all the villains on the Most Wanted list.

Dark Knight- pass all the tests.

Noel- find all Enigma data blocks.

Injustice- get all the medals in the challenges.

Blackest Night- get a level in multiplayer.

Enigma caches

To complete Batman: Arkham Origins, you will need to collect all the Enigma data blocks that the villain has hidden well throughout Gotham. Interrogating Enigma agents will help you find out their location (they are marked on the city map), and this series of videos will help you figure out how to get to them.


If you don’t know how to complete a task, find the necessary item, or defeat this or that boss in the game, then you are welcome to the section Walkthrough. Here we publish a wide variety of videos of each level, collaborating with users on YouTube.

For each walkthrough, we attach a small plot description of the game and a list of missions so that you can immediately become aware of the events described in the game. In addition, we mention the author of the walkthrough with an active link to his channel so that you can subscribe to other user broadcasts.

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While in the Bowery area, you will hear conversations on the police radio. Someone fell out of the hotel. We need to inspect the crime scene and find out the details of the fall. Having arrived at the crime scene, we identify the victim, and then we reproduce the crime. We climb onto the roof and from the footprints on the roof we understand that someone pushed the poor guy. Now you need to find a case with documents. The case will be lying on the drainpipe. We also learn the killer's name: Robert Haynes. We ask Alfred for the location of the criminal and go to catch him. Robert will not be alone, but with friends. We scatter our friends, and interrogate Robert. This case is closed.

Crime scene. Shooting at Dixon Dock:

As we fly over the Dixon Docks, we will hear police talking about a shooting at the Dixon Dock. We need to go and investigate. First of all, we analyze the corpse. The victim was journalist Owen Grant. We reconstruct the course of events and then analyze the camera. We send the evidence to Alfred and go to catch the criminal. We scatter his friends, and then interrogate the suspect. Case closed.

Crime scene. Fire in Coventry:

You will receive this task after examining the body of soldier Bane in the morgue. Fly to the Coventry area and listen to the police message. Fly to the place and analyze the body. Having obtained all the evidence, head to the Penguin's ship and beat Qin Li and his friends. The case is now closed.

Crime scene. Road accident in Burnley:

We will receive a tip on this investigation after completion storyline. We arrive at the crime scene and scan the covered body. A special forces soldier was killed. His entire group is now under investigation. We have to find out what he was doing here. Having dealt with the evidence, we understand that the suspect is one of the former squad of the murdered man. He hangs out on the roof with his friends. We beat DeMarco and his friends, then interrogate them and close the case.

Crime scene. Amusement park beating:

We will receive it after completing the case “Road Hit in Burnley”. We arrive at the place. We scan the body and other evidence. Suspect: Andrew Carter. We go to his coordinates, beat him and interrogate him. Case closed.

Crime scene. Shooting in Crime Alley:

We will receive a tip on this investigation after the completion of the cases: “Road collision in Burnley” and “Beating at the amusement park”. There was a shooting in Crime Alley and now there are two corpses there. Doesn't remind you of anything? We arrive at the crime scene. The crime is reminiscent of the incident that happened to little Bruce. The parents are dead, but nothing was stolen. This was not an attempted robbery. We study the evidence, tear out the bars and scan the cartridge case. Suspect name: Ian Chase. We arrive at the coordinates, beat and interrogate Ian. The matter is over.

"Dangerous List"

Enigma headquarters

In this area we are interested in the headquarters of Enigma. We arrive at the mark, feel for a weak spot in the cover, break through it and go through the door. We carry on a dialogue with Enigma and approach the door with the control panel. You can't hack it, you can't destroy your computer. So we are looking for Enigma’s assistants and knocking information out of them.

Right at the exit from the building we see the informant. We beat him and get information about the location of the incriminating evidence. Now we walk around the map and collect them, and also beat up other informants.

The mission starts after Penguin leaves the ship. On the way out, we will hear Anarky, an extremist who is trying to destroy the government and Gotham. Another candidate for Batman's capture. Anarky will send his partner, who will say that there are three bombs planted in Gotham, and we need to defuse them. We go to the location of the first bomb. We have about 3 minutes to get to the bomb, defuse the enemies, and then the bomb itself.

After this, we head to the second anarchist in Coventry and talk to him. We repeat the steps to defuse the first bomb: fly, hit, defuse. We head to the third anarchist and talk to him. After that the same scheme.

Having learned that you have decided to defuse all the bombs and save the corrupt society, Anarky calls you to the courthouse for a battle. Well, we have to go. In the courthouse we deal with Arki and his henchmen. Arki turns out to be an ordinary child, but Batman still ties him up and leaves him to the police. You can also listen to his passionate speech about the situation in Gotham, and then leave the courthouse. This completes the task.

After the mission at the police station and meeting with Barbara Gordon, she will contact you and ask you to destroy the boxes of weapons that the Penguin has. The data will be in your GPS locator. We arrive at the place, neutralize the guards and use the destructor to destroy the weapons. As a reward for this task you will receive containers for multiplayer.

Mad Hatter

Coming out of the sewers after the Lacey Towers case, you will notice three people wearing strange masks and singing nonsense. After a while they will pass out, and the Mad Hatter will contact us. He has a hostage. We need to save her. We go to the Hatter's lair, there will be a logo in the form of a green hat. Don't miss it. Come inside. The door to the Hatter is closed, pull out the grate and jump into the ventilation shaft. Jump out on the other side and knock out the guards, then interrogate the Hatter and... you will find yourself in Wonderland. Run along the path, and then, avoiding electrical traps, move on. Shoot down 6 lanterns and walk along the bridge to the ledge, jump onto it and crawl along the next ledges.

1) This will take you to the first room. The exit is as follows: left door, center door, right door.

2) In the second room, beat the enemies, and when the mirror crumbles, leave this room.

3) In the third room, go all the way and use the gel to explode the image of a clown. Use the raft to get to the other side, to the next room.

4) In the fourth room, grab the ledge, duck down, go up the stairs, go down the cable and run away from the blade into another room.

5) In the fifth room, use Deathstroke's claw to make a cable, climb up it and hit the clock, then make another cable and go out into the next room.

6) In the sixth room, jump from ledge to ledge, dodging the dial and go into the next room.

7) In the seventh room, use the hook to pull yourself onto the bowl and lower it, then jump into the ventilation. The Hatter is already swearing and crying. Go up to his room, stun him with a reverse batarang and knock him out with a right to the jaw. Alice is saved, the Hatter is lying down, the police are on their way. Let's leave here.

As you leave the bank, you will see a stroller with crying coming from it. Approach her and see that the stroller is empty, and Shiva will attack you from behind. A friend of Batman's, by the way. You will not fight with her, she will say that an innocent person may die in Gotham and Batman must save him. We arrive at the mark and hear screams. This is from the shopping center, so let's go there. There is a policeman hanging in the shopping center and an electric swimming pool underneath him. Let's try to save him. We go to the left side and cut down the shield. Three ninjas will attack us, apparently a gift from Shiva. We get rid of them and, using Deathstroke’s claw, make a cable and move to the other side. On the other side we cut down the shield and again fight with Shiva’s friends. After this, we release the policeman and talk to him. Thanks to the knowledge gained, we scan the area for evidence and leave the building. On the street we follow the evidence and find the covered corpse of a policeman. Shiva will attack from behind - we counterattack and talk to her.

Now you need to come to Sheldon Park in order to fight Shiva. We arrive at the place and go into the building. Shiva will not be alone, but with his minions. Take out on counterattacks. After you remove your health from her, she will talk to you and disappear, but I have a feeling that we will see her again.

Black Mask

The task will become available after you destroy the container with poison at the steel mill. It is necessary to destroy the containers with drugs that Black Mask hid. After destroying the containers, go to the park street and enter the church for a fight with Black Mask. There will be armed people in the church. We deal with them, then we hack the control console and explode the last container with drugs. Now we fight with Black Mask and his people hand-to-hand. After winning the fight, inform the police about Roman Sionis and leave the church. That's it, the mission is over.

You will receive this task after the fight with Copperhead. Alfred will contact us and say that someone is asking for help. We go to the mark and are ambushed by special forces. But the helicopter crashes. We need to find evidence and understand who shot down the plane. Start with the pilot's body, then go up to the roof and scan the propeller. After this, return to the roof and analyze the tail section. Now let's find the ballistic trail from the sniper. The sniper was a special forces soldier, but he would not shoot at his own people. It turns out Deadshot is involved. We follow his trail and find a bullet with coordinates. We drive them into the sequencer and receive a message from Deadshot. We need to go to the bank to clash with Deadshot. We arrive at the bank and immediately, using a destructor, turn off the guns of several people. After this, we methodically remove them one after another, without catching Deadshot’s eye. It's Deadshot's turn. Hit him and try to knock him out. He will dodge your final blow. After the third attempt, Deadshot will run away to the hostage. Find an advantageous position, sneak up behind him and neutralize him. That's it, the mission is over.

As you leave the morgue after analyzing one of Bane's men, you will pick up a police frequency saying that two gangs with chemical weapons are having a skirmish. Need to check. On the spot we see fighters fighting. We break them up and interrogate the only soldier remaining conscious. We go to the amusement park and repeat the same pattern as at the docks. We interrogate the soldier, and then scan the area around the canister. Now you need to come to the My Alibi nightclub in the Coventry area to fight the Bird. At the club we deal with Bird and his friends. After everyone falls, we interrogate the bird and knock it out. You can go, the police will deal with him.

Escaped prisoners

How to get this task? In order to receive this task, do the following:

1) We carry out all the tasks on the dangerous list, the last one being the capture of the Bird.

2) Complete all investigations. The final one will be “Shooting on Crime Alley.

3) Complete the storyline.

Having fulfilled all the conditions, you will receive an incoming call from Gordon asking you to catch 20 prisoners who escaped from Blackgate. All criminals will be marked in GPS. Remember, criminals will have friends who will come to their aid. So check out the area first. Having captured 20 escaped criminals from Blackgate, you will receive a thank you call from Gordon. The mission is over.

You can receive a call from the Hatter after emerging from the sewers after the Lacey Towers case.

There you will be greeted by three rather strangely behaving characters, dressed in bunny masks and singing a very uplifting song with a Christmas motif.

After the song, some devices will work on them, knocking out the poor fellows. And the Hatter himself will contact us and invite us “to a tea party,” which, of course, in our case will not be limited to simply drinking tea.

This is all so because the Hatter is one of Batman’s most colorful enemies, who, although he does not have the slightest serious physical strength, masterfully manipulates human consciousness, as we will very soon see when we visit him.

The Hatter has a hostage that we must rescue - go to his lair, marked with the green hat logo.

Once inside, you will see that the door to the Hatter is closed, so you will have to pull out the grate to get through the ventilation shaft.

Coming out on the other side, you will have to enter into a difficult battle with the Hatter’s wards, who are well equipped with weapons and are generally quite dangerous.

Having killed them all, we begin interrogating the Hatter, who will very soon develop into mild drug addiction (in a figurative sense) - our hero will begin to imagine that he is in Wonderland. The same one from the legendary fairy tale about Alice.

There we first need to go along the path, then we will come across electrical traps. Here you need to be careful and wait for the most convenient moment to rush through them, when they are not active.

A slight difficulty will be caused by the place where the bridge is raised - such a chasm cannot be jumped over, but the bridge can be lowered quite simply.

To do this, you need to throw batarangs at the lanterns that are opposite you on the other side of the cliff. The only problem is that it is impossible to do this in one or two passes - Batman can only throw his “projectile” to the lantern from close range.

And the area from which you can throw is regularly supplied electric shock, interrupting for just a few seconds. During these seconds, you must hit at least one lantern with a batarang. If you don’t hit it, it doesn’t matter, everything is cyclical, but you will still have to run back to a safe area.

After all six lanterns are hit, the bridge over the abyss will lower and you can safely walk across it. There will be a ledge behind the bridge - jump on and crawl along similar ledges further.

You will find yourself in a room from which you exit first through the left door, then into the central one, then into the right one.

The next room will be filled with strong opponents in large numbers - as soon as you beat one group, others will immediately appear to replace it. You will have to endure several such “waves”.

As a result, the mirror will crumble, and we will be able to go through it to the next room, where we need to go all the way, and then mine the image of the clown with explosive gel - blow it up.
Proceeding further, you will see the river in its original surroundings - we need to cross it on a kind of raft with the help of a batclaw. Once on the other side, you will enter the next room.

There you need to grab the ledge, then bend down, then climb up the stairs and go down the cable. You will see a dangerous blade - you need to run away from it into the next room.

In it, use the controlled claw obtained in the battle with Deathstroke - you will use it to organize a cable along which you need to climb and hit the clock. Next, make another cable to exit into the next room.

There you will have to jump a little, covering the distances between the ledges and dodging the dial at the same time, after which you will penetrate into the next room.

She will be the last in a difficult confrontation with the Hatter. There you will first need to use a hook to pull yourself onto the bowl to lower it, then jump into the ventilation shaft.

You will hear that the Hatter is already swearing - having gone up to his room, you need to take out a reverse batarang, and then finish him off with your fist. So we saved the hostage and detained the most dangerous criminal - the police are already on the way.

I will divide the side quests as follows:

1) Crimes. Batman picks up a police frequency about a crime that has taken place or is about to take place. We arrive at the place following the arrow and fight with the enemies. The difficulty of fights will increase as the storyline progresses.

2) Repeaters, data blocks, informants, towers. Necessary things to catch Enigma. We destroy repeaters, collect data blocks, interrogate informants about finding data blocks, and climb into the towers and hack them to find repeaters and be able to quickly move in a given district.

3) Training planning in AR mode. We arrive at the place and receive markers along which we need to fly. As the complexity increases, the intricacy of the flight and hassle increase.

These tasks are ones that you can complete yourself, but “Danger List” and “Crime Scene” are best completed together with this guide.


Let's start with investigations.

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Crime scene. Fall in Jezebel Plaza:

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

While in the Bowery area, you will hear conversations on the police radio. Someone fell out of the hotel. We need to inspect the crime scene and find out the details of the fall. Having arrived at the crime scene, we identify the victim, and then we reproduce the crime. We climb onto the roof and from the footprints on the roof we understand that someone pushed the poor guy. Now you need to find a case with documents. The case will be lying on the drainpipe. We also learn the killer's name: Robert Haynes. We ask Alfred for the location of the criminal and go to catch him. Robert will not be alone, but with friends. We scatter our friends, and interrogate Robert. This case is closed.

Crime scene. Shooting at Dixon Dock:

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

As we fly over the Dixon Docks, we will hear police talking about a shooting at the Dixon Dock. We need to go and investigate. First of all, we analyze the corpse. The victim was journalist Owen Grant. We reconstruct the course of events and then analyze the camera. We send the evidence to Alfred and go to catch the criminal. We scatter his friends, and then interrogate the suspect. Case closed.

Crime scene. Fire in Coventry:

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

You will receive this task after examining the body of soldier Bane in the morgue. Fly to the Coventry area and listen to the police message. Fly to the place and analyze the body. Having obtained all the evidence, head to the Penguin's ship and beat Qin Li and his friends. The case is now closed.

Crime scene. Road accident in Burnley:

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

We will receive a tip on this investigation after the completion of the storyline. We arrive at the crime scene and scan the covered body. A special forces soldier was killed. His entire group is now under investigation. We have to find out what he was doing here. Having dealt with the evidence, we understand that the suspect is one of the former squad of the murdered man. He hangs out on the roof with his friends. We beat DeMarco and his friends, then interrogate them and close the case.

Crime scene. Amusement park beating:

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

We will receive it after completing the case “Road Hit in Burnley”. We arrive at the place. We scan the body and other evidence. Suspect: Andrew Carter. We go to his coordinates, beat him and interrogate him. Case closed.

Crime scene. Shooting in Crime Alley:

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

We will receive a tip on this investigation after the completion of the cases: “Road collision in Burnley” and “Beating at the amusement park”. There was a shooting in Crime Alley and now there are two corpses there. Doesn't remind you of anything? We arrive at the crime scene. The crime is reminiscent of the incident that happened to little Bruce. The parents are dead, but nothing was stolen. This was not an attempted robbery. We study the evidence, tear out the bars and scan the cartridge case. Suspect name: Ian Chase. We arrive at the coordinates, beat and interrogate Ian. The matter is over.

"Dangerous list":

After the investigations, we move on to the “Danger List”.

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Enigma headquarters (dangerous list):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

In this area we are interested in the headquarters of Enigma. We arrive at the mark, feel for a weak spot in the cover, break through it and go through the door. We carry on a dialogue with Enigma and approach the door with the control panel. You can't hack it, you can't destroy your computer. So we are looking for Enigma’s assistants and knocking information out of them.

Right at the exit from the building we see the informant. We beat him and get information about the location of the incriminating evidence. Now we walk around the map and collect them, and also beat up other informants.

Anarky (dangerous list):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

The mission starts after Penguin leaves the ship. On the way out, we will hear Anarky, an extremist who is trying to destroy the government and Gotham. Another candidate for Batman's capture. Anarky will send his partner, who will say that there are three bombs planted in Gotham, and we need to defuse them. We go to the location of the first bomb. We have about 3 minutes to get to the bomb, defuse the enemies, and then the bomb itself.

After this, we head to the second anarchist in Coventry and talk to him. We repeat the steps to defuse the first bomb: fly, hit, defuse. We head to the third anarchist and talk to him. After that the same scheme.

Having learned that you have decided to defuse all the bombs and save the corrupt society, Anarky calls you to the courthouse for a battle. Well, we have to go. In the courthouse we deal with Arki and his henchmen. Arki turns out to be an ordinary child, but Batman still ties him up and leaves him to the police. You can also listen to his passionate speech about the situation in Gotham, and then leave the courthouse. This completes the task.

Penguin (dangerous list):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

After the mission at the police station and meeting with Barbara Gordon, she will contact you and ask you to destroy the boxes of weapons that the Penguin has. The data will be in your GPS locator. We arrive at the place, neutralize the guards and use the destructor to destroy the weapons. As a reward for this task you will receive containers for multiplayer.

Mad Hatter (dangerous list):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Coming out of the sewers after the Lacey Towers case, you will notice three people wearing strange masks and singing nonsense. After a while they will pass out, and the Mad Hatter will contact us. He has a hostage. We need to save her. We go to the Hatter's lair, there will be a logo in the form of a green hat. Don't miss it. Come inside. The door to the Hatter is closed, pull out the grate and jump into the ventilation shaft. Jump out on the other side and knock out the guards, then interrogate the Hatter and... you will find yourself in Wonderland. Run along the path, and then, avoiding electrical traps, move on. Shoot down 6 lanterns and walk along the bridge to the ledge, jump onto it and crawl along the next ledges.

1) This will take you to the first room. The exit is as follows: left door, center door, right door.

2) In the second room, beat the enemies, and when the mirror crumbles, leave this room.

3) In the third room, go all the way and use the gel to explode the image of a clown. Use the raft to get to the other side, to the next room.

4) In the fourth room, grab the ledge, duck down, go up the stairs, go down the cable and run away from the blade into another room.

5) In the fifth room, use Deathstroke's claw to make a cable, climb up it and hit the clock, then make another cable and go out into the next room.

6) In the sixth room, jump from ledge to ledge, dodging the dial and go into the next room.

7) In the seventh room, use the hook to pull yourself onto the bowl and lower it, then jump into the ventilation. The Hatter is already swearing and crying. Go up to his room, stun him with a reverse batarang and knock him out with a right to the jaw. Alice is saved, the Hatter is lying down, the police are on their way. Let's leave here.

Shiva (dangerous list):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

As you leave the bank, you will see a stroller with crying coming from it. Approach her and see that the stroller is empty, and Shiva will attack you from behind. A friend of Batman's, by the way. You will not fight with her, she will say that an innocent person may die in Gotham and Batman must save him. We arrive at the mark and hear screams. This is from the shopping center, so let's go there. There is a policeman hanging in the shopping center and an electric swimming pool underneath him. Let's try to save him. We go to the left side and cut down the shield. Three ninjas will attack us, apparently a gift from Shiva. We get rid of them and, using Deathstroke’s claw, make a cable and move to the other side. On the other side we cut down the shield and again fight with Shiva’s friends. After this, we release the policeman and talk to him. Thanks to the knowledge gained, we scan the area for evidence and leave the building. On the street we follow the evidence and find the covered corpse of a policeman. Shiva will attack from behind - we counterattack and talk to her.

Now you need to come to Sheldon Park in order to fight Shiva. We arrive at the place and go into the building. Shiva will not be alone, but with his minions. Take out on counterattacks. After you remove your health from her, she will talk to you and disappear, but I have a feeling that we will see her again.

Black Mask (dangerous list):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

The task will become available after you destroy the container with poison at the steel mill. It is necessary to destroy the containers with drugs that Black Mask hid. After destroying the containers, go to the park street and enter the church for a fight with Black Mask. There will be armed people in the church. We deal with them, then we hack the control console and explode the last container with drugs. Now we fight with Black Mask and his people hand-to-hand. After winning the fight, inform the police about Roman Sionis and leave the church. That's it, the mission is over.

Deadshot (dangerous list):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

You will receive this task after the fight with Copperhead. Alfred will contact us and say that someone is asking for help. We go to the mark and are ambushed by special forces. But the helicopter crashes. We need to find evidence and understand who shot down the plane. Start with the pilot's body, then go up to the roof and scan the propeller. After this, return to the roof and analyze the tail section. Now let's find the ballistic trail from the sniper. The sniper was a special forces soldier, but he would not shoot at his own people. It turns out Deadshot is involved. We follow his trail and find a bullet with coordinates. We drive them into the sequencer and receive a message from Deadshot. We need to go to the bank to clash with Deadshot. We arrive at the bank and immediately, using a destructor, turn off the guns of several people. After this, we methodically remove them one after another, without catching Deadshot’s eye. It's Deadshot's turn. Hit him and try to knock him out. He will dodge your final blow. After the third attempt, Deadshot will run away to the hostage. Find an advantageous position, sneak up behind him and neutralize him. That's it, the mission is over.

Bird (dangerous list):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

As you leave the morgue after analyzing one of Bane's men, you will pick up a police frequency saying that two gangs with chemical weapons are having a skirmish. Need to check. On the spot we see fighters fighting. We break them up and interrogate the only soldier remaining conscious. We go to the amusement park and repeat the same pattern as at the docks. We interrogate the soldier, and then scan the area around the canister. Now you need to come to the My Alibi nightclub in the Coventry area to fight the Bird. At the club we deal with Bird and his friends. After everyone falls, we interrogate the bird and knock it out. You can go, the police will deal with him.

Escaped Prisoners (Danger List):

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

Complete walkthrough of side quests in Batman: Arkham Origins

How to get this task? In order to receive this task, do the following:

1) We carry out all the tasks on the dangerous list, the last one being the capture of the Bird.

2) Complete all investigations. The final one will be “Shooting on Crime Alley.

3) Complete the storyline.

Having fulfilled all the conditions, you will receive an incoming call from Gordon asking you to catch 20 prisoners who escaped from Blackgate. All criminals will be marked in GPS. Remember, criminals will have friends who will come to their aid. So check out the area first. Having captured 20 escaped criminals from Blackgate, you will receive a thank you call from Gordon. The mission is over.