In search of the ideal housing, a person usually carefully selects options depending on the number of rooms, area, premises, price, distance from the metro, work, study. Do you often wonder which floor is better to live on for your health? Unfortunately, not often. In our article we will tell you which floor is better to live on from a health point of view, and we will examine the question of whether it is harmful to live on a high floor.

Is it bad to live on a high floor?

Modern buildings are moving higher and higher, and living and working in skyscrapers is considered very prestigious. When choosing an apartment or office, you should definitely think about which floor is more useful to live on. First, we will learn about the bad things about living on a high floor.

Research on whether it is harmful to live on high floors suggests that in this case a person loses a full sense of gravity. As a result, the development of phobias, apathy, and decreased immunity. On high floors, the charge of the electromagnetic field, necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, is lost. This can lead to constant headaches, drowsiness, and depression.

Living on a high floor is also dangerous because it is not recommended to open windows. Accordingly, there is a need to constantly ventilate the room using air conditioners. This leads to dry air and the appearance of bacteria in the filter.

It makes no sense to live on a high floor in Moscow, despite the stunning panoramas. Unfortunately, the capital has foggy days most of the time. Therefore, from a high floor you will see only clouds and fog. This makes people feel uncomfortable, as if you are in a confined space.


What else is harmful about living on a high floor? Maximum concentration of radio waves that negatively affect the health of the body. The disadvantage of living on a high floor especially affects the elderly and children. Think about the fact that if the elevator suddenly breaks down, it will be quite difficult to climb to a high floor.

There are also advantages to living on a high floor. If you are wondering which floor has less dust and no exhaust gases, then the answer is undoubtedly on the top floors. There is clean air on high floors, especially in Moscow. In addition, there is less noise on a high floor.

Which floor is more environmentally friendly?

When choosing an apartment, people who care about their health and the health of loved ones should definitely think about which floor is not harmful to live on. So let's think about which floor is better to live on and why for health reasons.

  • Which floor has clean air? From the point of view of air purity, apartments located on the 5th-7th floor are optimal. Since exhaust gases do not reach the 5th floor, and after the 7th floor harmful substances from enterprises accumulate. Therefore, the dirtiest air is on floors 1-5 and 7 and above. If you live higher up, try to do wet cleaning more often and follow sanitation rules;
  • Which floor has more oxygen? The percentage of oxygen on the first floors is higher than on the last. To purify the air, start indoor plants with a large leaf area. Ventilate your apartment to reduce the amount of harmful substances.

Thus, you can independently draw your own conclusion about which floor to live on is good for your health. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of altitude for people choosing an apartment near the road. Which floor is more environmentally friendly to live next to a highway is the first question you should ask yourself. This is especially true for residents of the capital, who often ask the question: “Which floor is better to live on near the Moscow Ring Road.” In your case, it is better to choose the upper floors, starting from 5-7. It is important to install soundproof windows.

On which floor should hypertensive and epileptic patients live?

If you suffer from hypertension, then with the question of which floor is better to live on if you have hypertension, it is best to consult a doctor. It is important that the elevator always works.

Epileptics often think about which floor is better to live on. There is no clear answer here. It all depends solely on your state of health and doctor’s recommendations. However, epileptics are advised to live on the lower floors.

Which floor is it good to live on: doctors’ opinions

Answering the question: “Which floor is better to live on and why?” scientists and doctors give clear recommendations, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each floor:

  • From 1st to 4th floors - if the elevator breaks down for both a young and an elderly person, this is not critical. Except for the presence of bags, the climb is easy to overcome. An obvious disadvantage is the accumulation of exhaust gases due to cars. Many people cite the fact that there is greenery or a small park near the house. Grass in the shade of houses and trees does not grow very well, thereby accumulating dust. The risk of robbery and fire hazard increases. Separately, it is worth noting the non-compliance with sanitary standards by management companies in multi-storey buildings. Odor and fungus may appear on the first floors. Scientists have found that residents of lower floors are almost twice as likely to suffer from lung diseases, and one third more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, than their neighbors on high floors.
  • Gold medal in the rating “Which floor is better to live on for health?” feel free to get from 5th to 7th floors. Minimum amount of savings. It is better to buy an apartment on these floors for your health.
  • Why is it harmful to live on a high floor? From the 7th floor, exhaust gases emitted by pipes from enterprises begin. Living on these floors is clearly contraindicated for asthmatics. The advantages of a good stay on a high floor are the view, definitely. Low risk of theft. Frequent complaints about the feeling that the house is “shaking” due to the wind can be a concern in housing on high floors.

The opinions of doctors regarding which floor is useful to live in Moscow and other cities boil down to the fact that the most comfortable level for living is the level from the 1st to the 7th floor. Pay special attention to the view from the window, especially if you have a child. This has a significant impact on the child's psyche.

Before making an exact decision regarding an apartment on a high floor, be sure to visit it in different weather conditions. Try to stay in it for at least an hour to get used to it and see how your body reacts. Be sure to ride the elevator several times.

Today we told you which floor is good for your health to live on. Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Researchers tried to determine what altitude life has the most beneficial effect on human well-being.

Researchers from the UK have found that there is a direct connection between a person’s well-being and the floor on which he lives. They even named the development of which diseases is promoted by living at a particular altitude.

According to information portal « Russians in London“, the 1st and 2nd floors of residential buildings are the best for people’s health. The higher, the worse. The 7th floor, according to scientists, is the extreme in terms of comfortable well-being.

Researchers have linked this effect of altitude on human health to the fact that the planet's magnetic field becomes weaker as it moves away from the surface. That is why they believe that it is better to live as low as possible.

For people who own apartments on upper floors residential buildings occur more often cardiovascular diseases, problems with the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the immune system and nervous system.

Interestingly, the data of British doctors contradicts the conclusions of international ecologists who believe that life on higher floors is safer for health. They attribute this to less human exposure to carbon monoxide and other harmful substances.

Swiss scientists from the University of Bern also say the same. According to the website of the television and radio company "Mir", these specialists studied the statistical data of 1.5 million residents of Switzerland for 8 years and came to the conclusion that the life expectancy of people living below the 8th floor is 22 percent less than that of those who live high.

Scientists have found that residents of lower floors are almost twice as likely to die from respiratory diseases. Lung cancer is 22% more common among them than among those living at high altitudes, and cardiovascular diseases are one third more common.

Interestingly, the Swiss, like environmentalists, associate better health residents of high floors with cleaner environment. They also note that great value has constant use of stairs rather than elevators. Walking uphill improves your health.

It is quite difficult to draw any clear conclusions and make recommendations to residents of large cities based on these conflicting studies. It seems that all scientists would agree with one thing: living in a private wooden house located in nature, far from sources of pollution.

In general, it is not some external circumstances that are decisive for a person’s well-being, but his own positive attitude. In the article Optimism is the best medicine for the cardiovascular system, we talked about the amazing findings of American scientists on this topic.

When buying an apartment, few people think about which floor they will get. The main condition when buying is that it is not expensive, has a good area and is close to shops and the metro.

But some people, before buying an apartment in a high-rise building, still sometimes think about the questions: which floor is better to live on, where is it safer, more comfortable and more convenient - on the ground floor or somewhere higher? Let's look at these issues together.

Realtors, knowing the specifics of the real estate market, and knowing that buyers do not like the first and last floors, take advantage of this fact by varying housing prices. Therefore, the higher the apartment is in a multi-storey building, the more expensive it is, not counting the apartments on the top floor.

The first and last floors are not in high demand in the real estate market, so their cost is often 10-15% lower than the cost of apartments of the same size in this building, but on a higher floor. In old houses, for example in Khrushchev-era buildings, the difference in cost can reach 20%.

Considering the statistics of demand for apartments in a classic high-rise building (according to a social survey), we can note the following buyer preferences:

  • 55% of respondents prefer to live on the upper floors;
  • 21% of respondents would not like to live on the first and last floors;
  • and only 11% would prefer to live from the 1st to the 5th floor.

Unlike our compatriots, Europeans do not share such preferences. They believe that living above the 5th floor is very uncomfortable and even dangerous to health.

The truth is somewhere in the middle. Each floor has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In this article we will look at each floor and determine which floor is better to live on.

Which floor should I choose?

Before making the final choice, you need to compare all the floors, studying their positive and negative sides.

1st floor. Advantages

If you look from a security point of view, the 1st floor is the safest. Indeed, in the event of a fire or earthquake, residents will very quickly be able to leave the apartment and go outside.

In addition, it is easier and faster to bring large items into an apartment on the 1st floor, and some can even be brought in through the window. And delivery to your doorstep is always free.

From the ground floor apartment it is convenient to keep an eye on a parked car left in front of the windows. In time to see and drive away the young hooligans who are trying to twist something out of it, for example a brand name, or worse, a wheel.

Residents of the first floor often plant their own small garden in the front garden, where they plant flowers and shrubs. Some even manage to plant tomatoes and sow dill and parsley.

The first floor is especially valuable, when you can exit directly from the apartment not through the entrance, but through another exit, straight into your own mini-kindergarten. There is a bench and table, a flower bed, and even a swing for a child. It’s like a personal plot of land attached to a city apartment. This is very rare in new high-rise projects, but it still happens.

In the event of a water supply failure, you will not flood your neighbors below, and you will not have to make repairs to them at your own expense if your fault is proven. On the other hand, you may become a victim of flooding from neighbors above, and there is no escape from it.

Another advantage is the fact that children can run around the apartment and stomp their feet as much as they want, even play football; nervous neighbors from the bottom floor will not come running with a scandal, since no one lives below you.

And one last plus: on the first floor the walls are always thicker than on subsequent floors, so audibility will be lower (this does not apply to apartments in panel buildings).

Disadvantages of the 1st floor

Since apartments on the ground floor are very popular with thieves, a considerable amount will be spent on protection from intruders: bars on the windows, good door with high-quality locks and even, in extreme cases, an alarm system.

In old houses, for example in Khrushchev-era buildings, the first floors are much colder than in apartments located above. It can still be heard bad smell dampness from the basement. In new houses there may not be such problems, but in buildings 20-40 years old the basement becomes a real problem. Besides the unpleasant smell, cold and dampness, there is always something leaking there. After all, all communications are located in the basement, the pipes have not been changed since the house was built, since housing and communal services are on their last legs and do not want to deal with it. Therefore, in the basement either the sewerage system or the hot water pipe will burst. All these odors penetrate through the cracks into the apartment on the ground floor, and sometimes even higher, causing a lot of trouble for the residents.

If a garbage disposal is installed in the house, it becomes a real curse for residents living on the first floor. On the upper floors you cannot hear the waste from the garbage chute, but on the first floor, especially in the summer heat, it emits such a stench that it is difficult to bear. But every person wants to breathe fresh air.

Not only are basements and garbage disposals sources of stench and dampness, but they also harbor small and nasty creatures such as mice and cockroaches.

Well, the last argument against the first floor is the constantly spit-stained entrance, since all the residents living above and their guests pass by your doors, who also make a lot of noise and even smoke. I will also have curious types peeking into your windows. And if there is a bench under your window, then be patient, because you will not have peace day or night - someone will always be cracking seeds on it and talking loudly, especially on warm summer nights, when many people cannot sleep.

You will never need an elevator on the ground floor, but you still have to pay for it along with the rest of the residents living above. These are the rules. Scandals still erupt in some buildings when residents of the first floors refuse to pay for the repair of a broken elevator, since they never use it. But what can you do?

2nd floor

The second floor, like the first, is quite safe in case emergency situations, because it is not high. It’s good for elderly people and families with children to live on the second floor, especially if there is no elevator, then it doesn’t take long to get to the apartment on foot.

But still, it has its drawbacks, which include noise from alarms and fireworks, from which even noise-absorbing windows cannot help; dust getting into all the cracks; curious passers-by looking in the windows; noise from children's playgrounds and from noisy young people who love to sit on a bench under the windows of the house; mosquitoes and flies flying into the windows, if there is no air conditioning, loud slamming of the entrance door.

3rd floor

Previously, when in most cases five-story buildings were built, the 3rd floor was considered the golden mean. It was not difficult to get there even without an elevator; the smells and dampness from the basement no longer reach such a height. It is only difficult to bring in heavy furniture or other household appliances yourself, as well as take them downstairs.

4-6 floors

These floors are much quieter and calmer than the lower ones. The smell of exhaust gases from cars is no longer felt, and dust also does not get through the windows. True, without an elevator it is already difficult to climb to such a height, especially for older people.

7th floor

For a modern high-rise building, the seventh floor is the best option if the elevator operates normally. There is no noise from the street, no exhaust smells, and there is no fear of heights. If you feel bad at heights, or are afraid of them, then you should not live above the seventh floor.

8-16 floors

From the height of these floors there is a good view, the apartment receives a lot of light. But for a person who is afraid of heights, this will not bring much joy. On the contrary, it is better not to settle here. The disadvantage of these floors is the frequent problems with water pressure, in most cases in older houses. Residents of new high-rise buildings rarely face such a problem.

Apartments above the 16th floor have good views and a lot of light. But from the point of view fire safety, or in the event of some kind of accident or destruction, quickly lowering from such a height will be problematic. If this is the last or penultimate floor, then help can be provided from the roof.

From the height of the skyscraper, unique views open up and you can watch wonderful sunsets. Just sit in front of the window and photograph beautiful landscapes or dream about meeting the fabulous Carlson, who lives on the roof somewhere very nearby.

Living on the top floor, you will never smell exhaust gases or mold from the basement, and dust and dirt from the street will not reach you either. The height will protect you from noise, even if the house is located at a busy intersection in the center of a big city.

In many new buildings, fireplaces are allowed to be installed in apartments on the top floors, and residents also have the opportunity to relax on the roof. Although this is prohibited, in many houses the roofs have been converted into recreation areas where residents can have fun.

The problem with the last floors is the hot roof in the summer. Despite the presence of a technical floor, during the day the roof can warm up so much that apartment residents can’t breathe. There is a solution - an air conditioner, but it burns a huge amount of electricity, for which you have to pay a tidy sum. Therefore, many have to make a difficult choice: pay or fry.

Roof leaks can also be a big problem, which is especially disappointing when this happens after expensive renovations to an apartment.

Interruptions in water supply during rush hour, or very low pressure, are also a common problem on the top floor, when in the evening all residents begin to intensively use water.

On the upper floors the walls are thinner than on the floors below. Therefore, the apartments have excellent audibility. You can hear everything the neighbors are doing. The difference in wall thickness is made to facilitate the construction of the upper floors, as well as to save building materials. Therefore, the price for a beautiful view from the window is noise from neighbors on both sides of the apartment. But you will never hear the tramp of your neighbors’ feet from above, because your floor is the last.

An interesting fact is that you will hear sounds that are inaudible to your neighbors living below: it could be the sound of the wind, the distant whistle of a diesel locomotive, the sound of an airplane taking off, even the sound of a lawn mower coming from nowhere...

The lower floors are protected from these sounds; they are lost in the foliage of trees and other obstacles that are not present on the upper floors. So, when buying an apartment on the top floor of a high-rise building, get ready to hear the world from a bird's eye view.

The absence of odors from exhaust gases, garbage chutes and a damp basement is compensated by smoke from nearby pipes industrial enterprises. Some residents react very strongly to the constant vibration inherent in high-rise buildings, which can worsen general condition body, cause headaches or even lead to depression or frequent mood swings.

To ensure that the air in your apartment is always clean, you need to refrain from smoking in it. Plant several large plants for additional oxygen production. The champion among plants in producing oxygen is Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue). Plants need to be frequently sprayed and washed with leaves, as wet leaves absorb carbon dioxide much more intensely than dry leaves.

Hoods also need to be cleaned regularly. Usually they accumulate so much dust and dirt that they do not allow air to pass through at all.

The apartment needs to be ventilated often, even though the house may be located nearby in the roadway. By opening the windows, you will reduce the amount of harmful substances in the stagnant air, the apartment will be saturated with fresh oxygen.

Many carpets in the apartment collect dust and dirt, animal hair and dander, which is very difficult to clean with a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, it is better to get rid of them.

Regular wet cleaning allows you to get rid of dust and harmful substances contained in it. Curtains and curtains need to be washed often, as they also accumulate dust, especially those made of synthetic material.


After weighing all the pros and cons, it will be easier for you to make a choice on which floor is better to live on.

The best choice, if possible, is still private house, but if this is a high-rise building, then, putting clean air, good views from the windows and the absence of noise as the main thing in your choice, it is better to give preference to floors from the 5th to the 9th.

When choosing housing in Moscow or another locality in the country, each person pays attention to a set of standard factors: the location of the apartment or house (distance from the place of work or study, bus stop, metro station), the size of the room in the new building, the number of rooms, cost, floor. And only occasionally can one ask the question: “Which floor will be better to live on for health in 2019?”

Scientists' opinion about the pros and cons of living on the upper floors in a new building

Scientists have established a number of positive and negative aspects that affect the health of a person living on high floors in a multi-story building. Scientists said that the main positive aspect of living on the upper floors is the reduced mortality rate. In particular, the following negative features have been identified:

  • the need to walk up the stairs if the elevator breaks down - this can have a negative impact on the health of a person with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system or respiratory tract;
  • a decrease in the strength of the magnetic field and an increase in microvibrations of the structure.

For example, an analysis of mortality among residents living on the eighth and first floors was carried out. It turned out that the mortality rate of citizens living on the 8th floor is 22% less!

Which floor is better to live on according to Feng Shui?

Feng Shui experts have a special opinion about which floor is better to live on for health. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to live in apartments located in houses with three, five, seven, nine or twelve floors.

According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to buy apartments and live in four-, eight-, thirteen-story buildings and buildings with more than 13 floors. In houses with more than 12 floors, a person will have a feeling of lack of comfort, there will be a feeling of lack of energy, instability, restlessness and, as a result, the general state of health may deteriorate.

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Research and recommendations regarding the impact of air cleanliness on the health of people living in multi-storey buildings

A number of analytical studies of air have been carried out and several key points have been established, presented in the table.

As a result of research, it has been established that clean air is much healthier than polluted air - this can be seen from the results given in the table (especially you need to pay attention to the amount of oxygen and impurities of dust and soot). Therefore, a number of recommendations have been developed for cleaning the air mass in rooms located on the first and last floors of multi-story buildings:

  • do not smoke indoors;
  • clean hoods regularly;
  • use a minimum number of carpets indoors, in which dust can accumulate, causing various allergic diseases;
  • grow low indoor plants;
  • Regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

Choosing a floor in a multi-story building in 2019 is not difficult. Doctors recommend paying attention to the air purity indicator. After all, polluted air containing large number exhaust gases and can cause the development or exacerbation of a number of diseases: ascariasis, bronchial asthma, alveoli (inflammatory processes in the lungs), chronic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchiectasis, hypertension.

Based on air cleanliness indicators, doctors do not recommend living in apartments located:

  • on the 1st-4th floor. At the height of these floors, exhaust gases from trucks and cars accumulate. Exhaust gases reach particularly high concentrations at the height of the third floor;
  • on the 7th and higher floors. At this level, substances entering the atmosphere from the pipes of industrial enterprises accumulate. Therefore, it is especially not recommended for persons suffering from asthma to live on floors above the seventh.

Doctors believe that the 5th and 6th floors are considered the best for health. At the height of these floors the air is cleanest.

Life from the first to the third floor usually takes place under the canopy of trees. Not far from the ground, you can listen for hours to a maple branch knocking on the window - in a word, from the point of view of psychological comfort, this is the best way to live: a real connection with the outside world is maintained, and the habit of looking down on people does not develop.

But a “mundane” life also has significant disadvantages: slow air circulation, impaired air exchange, increased shading and humidity. All this is liked by pathogenic fungi and bacteria, which thrive in such a climate and settle in concrete floors, get into furniture and our lungs. Fungal spores can provoke bronchitis, pneumonia and trigger allergic reactions.

In the shade of trees, grass grows poorly, and often the lawn under the apartment windows turns into a constantly dusty surface. In general, residents of the first floors suffer more than others from ground-level sources of pollution. Car exhausts and asphalt saturate the air with formaldehyde, carbon oxides, nitrogen... But if the house is located in the yard, then mechanical barriers in the form of neighboring buildings and trees take the brunt of the blow. So in a protected place, at least 200 m away from the highway, you can breathe deeply even on the ground floor. But if there is no protection, problems arise, especially for the inhabitants of the prestigious third floor: harmful substances accumulate precisely at this height. Already at the level of the 5th floor there are much fewer of them.

Self-defense techniques. It is better to ventilate a shaded apartment non-stop, and wash the floors as often as possible. You shouldn’t seal yourself in sealed plastic windows: if the window is closed, you risk feeling like vegetables in a plastic bag.

In new houses, housing is ventilated using a ventilation chamber passing through all apartments. On the first floors, the draft in this design is the highest - fungus will not take root in such a house.

Everyone living in the roadside area needs ionizers, air purifiers, and humidifiers: the artificial atmosphere in this case is better than the natural one.

In the sky

The higher, the better, according to the majority: the air is cleaner, there is less noise, the view is more beautiful. However, according to most urban planning ecologists, you should not climb higher than the 6th floor. The air in the sky is not so clean: after all, the chimneys of large and small enterprises fumigate any city, and the accumulation of harmful substances at an altitude of 30 m and above can be very significant, especially if the wind blows in your direction.

Another invisible enemy that bedevils residents of high floors is electromagnetic radiation emanating from electrical appliances. Of course, wiring and washing machine They sound the same on both the first and 17th floors. However, the reinforced concrete structure does not transmit electric waves, causing them to circulate throughout the apartment and transmitting part of the background to higher floors, up to the attic. The higher, the stronger the overall background. It is believed that this is why residents of the upper floors of the panels are more likely to suffer from headaches and bad mood.

Self-defense techniques. You can avoid the delights of life in a powerful electromagnetic field by moving from a block house to a brick house or a brick-monolithic structure, which do not accumulate harmful radiation within themselves. As for the cleanliness of the air, when buying an apartment you should use the services of special environmental services: they can measure the composition of the air at your altitude and tell you in what wind you should not go out onto the balcony.

I hear the bamboo growing

The city dweller's main enemy is noise; he can reach both the first and 20th floors. But noise maps compiled by experts show that sometimes the noise takes the shortest route (the sound of the anti-theft system “breaks” windows on the first floor), and in other cases the roar of the freeway torments residents of the fifth to eighth floors.

It turns out that the path of a sound wave depends on the number of trees and large and small buildings standing in the way. Very often the noise does not reach the windows of the first floors, but freely reaches the top, and the whisper of a couple sitting on a courtyard bench, “Man, kiss me!” or the rhythmic rustle of a janitor's broom bothers the occupant of a high-rise bedroom. Acoustics are also very important: in a courtyard with a well, for example, the sound will reach the very top in an amplified form - the echo effect cannot be canceled.

Self-defense techniques. When choosing housing, go out onto the balcony and listen: can you hear what the grandmothers are gossiping about at the entrance? Study the noise maps of the area and see in which zone your apartment is located. And if the problem already exists, it can be solved with the help of anti-noise joinery. This is the name of a special design of windows with lattice windows: the sound wave is reflected from them many times and loses strength.


From a bird's eye view. According to the latest data from foreign scientists, every third person is afraid of heights. And if he lives on the upper floors of a high-rise building, he may develop a fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia) or a fear of open spaces (agoraphobia).

The upper floors of high-rise buildings vibrate, and the higher the floor, the stronger the vibration. Sometimes it can exceed permissible levels and affect certain brain structures, affecting nervous system person. During resonance, the body experiences a state of depression, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, even a feeling of horror. It is unusual for a person to live high above the ground - he does not feel safe, cannot relax and relieve psychological stress.

By the way

No elevator. Walking on stairs reduces weight in men, but does not have the same effect in women. A study on how living on middle floors affects the weight of city residents was conducted in 8 European cities among 2,846 people. It turned out that men living on 4 floors have, on average, less weight compared to men living on 1 floors, if their house does not have an elevator. This dependence is not observed in women.

Men have more muscles and expend more energy than women to perform the same movements. Climbing stairs is similar to playing sports, and it can really help in normalizing weight.

Penthouse toy. It is good to view the capital you have conquered through the transparent façade of the penthouse. However, according to the architects, this housing, fashionable all over the world, in our conditions is still nothing more than a toy. The Russian climate and imperfect construction technologies seriously shorten the trouble-free life of the owner of a penthouse. Firstly, in at least a couple of years the roof will leak. Secondly, not everyone can survive life in seventh heaven. The first symptom that height and transparency are bothering you is the desire to hang thick curtains on the glass walls of the living room. Finally, an important detail: in the event of a fire, all hope is only in a helicopter - our firefighting lifts are designed for a maximum of 90 meters.

Home for a child. Psychologists and ecologists are sure: if you want your children to grow up healthy, you don’t need to climb higher than the fifth floor. At the same time nice view from the window is required: many years of contemplation brick wall and a garage cooperative can subsequently cause unaccountable aggressiveness towards the world and oneself. If outside the window there is a dull, monotonous landscape of a residential area, you need to go out into nature more often, go for walks in the historical areas of the city - in a word, gain impressions on the side. Otherwise, depression and depression in a child cannot be avoided.

Ideal housing has clear criteria: it is a low-rise house (no more than 6-7), embedded in a good landscape: on one side there is a park, on the other there is water; By the way, both are excellent filters that do not allow dirt and dust to pass through. In such a house you can live on any floor without compromising your health.