Who are the assassins? The history of the Assassins begins at the end of the 11th century, when a certain man named Hasan ibn Sabbah founded the Nizari Ismaili order in Persia and Syria. These were the same notorious assassins who captured many mountain fortresses and posed a serious threat to the Sunni Seljuk dynasty. The Brotherhood of Assassins gained widespread fame and glory due to their methods of eliminating opponents through highly professional assassinations. The very word “assassin”, derived from the name of the order – “hashshashins” (hashshashins), became a common noun and acquired the meaning of a cold-blooded professional killer.
Although there are many stories telling about the activities of the order, it is now quite difficult to separate fact from fiction. Firstly, most of our information about the Assassins comes either from European sources or from people hostile to this order, the same Templars. For example, according to one of the stories that the Italian traveler Marco Polo heard in the east, Hassan used drugs, in particular hashish, to lead his followers “to paradise.” When these same followers came to their senses again, Hassan allegedly inspired them that he was the only one who had the means that would allow them to return “to paradise.” Thus, the members of the order were completely devoted to Hassan and carried out his every will. However, there are a number of inconsistencies associated with this story, pardon the pun. The fact is that the term hashshishi (hashishes) was first used by Caliph Al-Amir from the Fatimid dynasty in 1122 as an offensive name for the Syrian Nizaris. Instead of his literal meaning(that these people smoke hashish), the word was used rather figuratively and had the meaning of “outcasts” or “rabble”. The term was then applied to the Persian and Syrian Ismailis by chroniclers hostile to this Shia branch and was eventually spread throughout Europe by the Crusaders.

The assassin kills Nizamal-Mulk. Source - Wikipedia

Thanks in no small part to these historians and chroniclers, the Assassins throughout their existence earned a reputation as cold-blooded killers. No, the individuals killed by assassins in broad daylight really existed. Perhaps one of their most famous victims is Conrad of Montferrat, de facto king of Jerusalem in the late 12th century. According to history, Conrad was killed during one of his walks, accompanied by armored knights in one of the courtyards of Tyre. Two assassins, dressed as Christian monks, walked into the center of the courtyard, struck Conrad twice and killed him. Historians have not yet been able to answer the question of who hired these assassins, but there is a generally accepted opinion that Richard the Lionheart and Henry of Champagne were responsible for this.

The most impressive achievement of the Assassins, even more impressive than their courage and audacity, is probably their ability to use methods of “psychological warfare”. For, by instilling fear in the enemy, they managed to conquer their mind and will without risking their own lives. The great Muslim leader, Salah ad-Din (Salaaddin, Salaaddin), for example, survived two assassination attempts on his life. Despite the fact that he survived the assassination attempts, he was haunted by fear and paranoia, fear of new assassination attempts and fear for his life. According to legend, one night during the conquest of Masyaf in Syria, Saladdin woke up and saw someone coming out of his tent. Next to his bed were hot buns and a note on a poisoned dagger. The note stated that he would be killed if he did not withdraw his troops. It seems that there is nothing surprising in the fact that in the end Salah ad-Din decided to conclude a truce with the Assassins.

Despite all the scandalous glory, skill, audacity and dexterity of the assassins, their order was destroyed by the Mongols who invaded Khorezm. In 1256, their fortress, once considered impregnable, fell to the Mongols. Although the Assassins managed to recapture and even hold Alamut for several months in 1275, they were ultimately defeated. From the point of view of historians, the Mongol-Tatar conquest of Alamut is a very significant event, since the sources that could present the history of the order from the point of view of the assassins themselves were completely destroyed. As a result, we are left with only rather highly romanticized ideas about the notorious brotherhood of assassins. This is best seen in the famous, now cult game “Assassin’s Creed”.
Do assassins exist today? real life, not known for certain. Here, as they say, to each his own. He who wants to believe, believes.

Templars and assassins - in real life they met very rarely in such a connection, if they met at all.

The Templars have such a real, wonderful history, interest in which has not waned for 700 years after the defeat of the order, that it would seem, why “improve” it? Why fill the heads of gamers, fans of the game Assassin’s Creed, with non-existent facts that distort real events?

Beggars and Nobles

The Templar Order is one of the wonderful and tragic pages of human history. It arose around 1118, at a time when the first crusade ended and the knights were out of work, through the efforts of a nobleman from France, Hugo de Payns. The most noble intentions - to protect pilgrims to the Holy Sepulcher by creating a military-monastic or spiritual-knightly order - prompted this gentleman and eight of his knight relatives to unite in an organization, calling it the “Order of Beggars,” which corresponded to reality. They were so poor that they had one horse between them. And then for many years, even when the order became immensely rich, the symbolism, which depicts a horse saddled by two riders, remained.

The essence of the Crusades

The Templar Order would not have survived if not for the patronage of the crowned heads and the Pope. Baldwin II, the ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, gave them shelter and allocated them part of the southeastern wing of the temple of the city of Jerusalem. As you might guess, the second name of the Templars - “templars” - came from here, because it was in the temple that their headquarters was located. The Templars wore red equilateral crosses on a white background on their robes, on their shields and on their peak flags, symbolizing their readiness to shed their blood for the liberation of the Holy Land. By these insignia, the Knight Templar was recognized by everyone. They reported directly to the Pope. Jerusalem, or the Holy Land, was periodically captured by Muslims, in fact, the goal of all crusades was declared as the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher located in this city, which passed from hand to hand. The Templars provided significant support to the crusader army in battles with the infidels.

Quite a small sect

The Crusaders, and among them the “poor knights,” fought with Muslims, but not with the assassins, who are called medieval terrorists. The organization was structured in such a way that not all of its members knew each other by sight. They never went on the attack, they acted from behind the corner. The Templars and the Assassins never specifically opposed each other. But the Western entertainment system actively uses the image of the noble Templar knight, without always stipulating that this is fiction. Assassins, of course, existed in history, and were also surrounded by secrets and legends.

One of the branches of Islam

In fact, this widespread name meant the Nizari Ismailis, who were brutally persecuted by official Islam as heretics. This is a branch of Shia Islam. The subtleties are familiar only to specialists. However, there is information about a Shiite sect, whose members were extremely cruel and elusive. A secret organization with a strict hierarchy, fanatics who blindly worship only their leader. In the Middle Ages, they struck fear into absolutely everyone over a vast territory from the court of the Frankish king Charlemagne to the borders of the Celestial Empire, although the size of the organization was too exaggerated. Gradually, the word “assassin” became synonymous with the term “killer.”

Why not exploit this image? Moreover, in a combination of “Templars and Assassins”. On the one hand, a noble knight, on the other, a secret mercenary. But actually, maybe interesting computer game or an exciting book like “The Da Vinci Code” will encourage an inquisitive young man to find out whether all this really happened, and if it did, then how? It is not for nothing that many are interested in questions about who the Templars and Assassins were.

Destruction of the Poor Knights

What happened to the Templars? Someone else's gold always blinds. The Templars had long been annoying with their wealth - they were successfully engaged in trade and usury, and knew how to invest money in profitable projects. All the kings of Europe were their debtors, who needed money to wage endless wars. And in 1268, the throne of France was occupied by Philip IV the Fair from the Capetian dynasty, who ruled the country until 1314. In fairness, it should be noted that he did everything to ensure that France became a strong, prosperous power. Including, being a man fanatically devoted to the Catholic faith, he wanted to cleanse the country of sectarians. He owed the Templars a lot, he had nothing to give, and he still needed the money. One way or another, he went to the defeat of the order, arrested the top of the Templars, through cruel torture got many to admit that they were heretics, and when Pope Clement V, under whose direct protection the Templar Order was, came to his senses, the king already had testimony of the arrested, which does not speak in their favor.

Famous curse

The Templars were arrested on Friday, October 13, 1307. The destruction of the Templars made an indelible impression on society; the date and day are considered unlucky even now. Grand Master Jacques de Molay and the three leaders of the order fully admitted their guilt, hoping, as the court ruled, for life imprisonment. That same evening, March 18, 1314, Jacques de Molay and Geoffroy de Charnay were burned on the Jewish Island right in front of the palace windows. Before his death, Jacques de Molay cursed the pope, the king, the executioner-chancellor and their entire family.

The Grand Master left them only a year to live. Clement V died a month later, Guillaume de Nogaret - some time later, less than a year had passed when Philip IV suddenly died. Somehow life did not work out for the closest relatives of the people cursed by the master.

Many unsolved mysteries

After the arrest, the main shock was that the untold wealth of the Templars was never found. Many questions arose, even more assumptions - money was spent on financing Masonic lodges around the world, it was assumed that English banks were subsidized by the Templars. But the strangest suggestion is the possible appropriation of the New World. And the most important secret of the Templars is that, according to unconfirmed assumptions, back in the 12th century, with the help of their money, the silver mines of America were developed and strong ties were established with the aborigines. And supposedly their ships made regular voyages across the Atlantic. There are plenty of secrets associated with this order, for example: who did the Knight Templar and his brothers really worship, what did the Templars possess - was it really the Holy Grail, what rituals accompanied the cult actions. And these unsolved mysteries give rise to a lot of speculation, which does not provide answers to questions, but only fuels imagination.

The Middle East, Central Asia, as well as medieval Europe, experienced an acute political crisis in the 9th-11th centuries. In this region of the planet, the mass migration of peoples was on a much greater scale than on the European continent. Political map was redrawn at kaleidoscopic speed. Following the Arabs, who managed to conquer vast territories, Turkic tribes came to these lands. Some empires and states disappeared, and in their place much more powerful state formations appeared. The political struggle had obvious religious overtones and sometimes took the most unexpected forms - conspiracies and coups d'etat alternated with endless wars.

Political assassination is becoming a favorite tool of Eastern politics. The word assassin is firmly established in the everyday life of the political elite, personifying a merciless and tough hired killer. Not a single ruler of the East, politician could not guarantee complete safety. At any moment you could become a victim of an insidious killer. It was during this historical period that the most mysterious and closed religious-state formation - the Order of Assassins - flourished.

The order was a small state formation that became the most radical branch of Islam and was distinguished by extremely radical views. Over the next century, the assassins kept the entire Middle East in fear, personifying the most brutal methods of political pressure.

Assassin - who is it? A brief excursion into history

It has already been said above that the Middle East in the 10th-11th centuries was a simmering socio-political cauldron, in which acute political, social and religious contradictions were combined.

Egypt became the epicenter of an acute socio-political crisis, where the political struggle reached its highest boiling point. The ruling Fatimid dynasty could not cope with other political opponents. The country was plunging into civil armed conflict. The aggressive neighbors did not sit idly by either. The Ismailis - the Shiite branch of Islam - in such conditions found themselves between a rock and a hard place, risking becoming a victim of an acute social and religious conflict. One of the branches of the Ismailis, the Nizari, was led by Hasan ibn Sabbah. It was under his leadership that a large group of Nizari were forced to leave Egypt, going to seek refuge. The final destination of long wanderings was the central, inaccessible mountainous regions of Persia, which at that time was part of the Seljuk state. Here Hasan ibn Sabbah, together with his companions, decided to found a new Ismaili state of the Nizari.

The stronghold and center of the new power was the fortress of Alamut, captured by the Ismailis in 1090. Following Alamut, other neighboring cities and fortresses of the Iranian Highlands quickly conquered the new masters. The birth of the new state coincided with the beginning of the Crusades, which plunged the entire Middle East into a long, bloody confrontation. Using his influence, Hassan ibn Sabbah managed to bring into the structure public administration new uniform- a religious order based on the religious cult, rituals and traditions of the Nazarites. The order was headed by Hassan ibn Sabbah, who received the title of sheikh, and the symbol of the new order was the Alamut fortress.

The rulers of neighboring principalities and the central government of the Seljuk state were disdainful of the newcomers and looked at them as rebels and rebels. The ruling Seljuk and Syrian elite casually called the companions of Hassan ibn Sabbah, the population of the new state and the Nazarites in general, the rabble - the Hashshashins. Subsequently with light hand During the Crusaders, the Sunni name “assassin” came into use, which no longer meant a person’s class affiliation, but his professional qualities, social status and religious and ideological worldview.

Sheikh Hassan I, thanks to his personal qualities, was well versed in the political situation. As a result of his foreign policy The Ismaili state and the Order of Assassins not only managed to withstand the confrontation with the central government. The internal political strife that gripped the Seljuk state after the death of Sultan Malik Shah contributed to the rise of the order and the political influence of the Assassins on the politics of the world order. The Order became an unspoken political subject of foreign policy, and the assassins themselves began to be considered religious fanatics who were capable of taking the most extreme measures for the sake of ideological motives, naturally, for material and political gain.

The Nizari state lasted for a century and a half, until 1256, managing during this period to unite under its control the vast territories of modern Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Iran. This was facilitated by a fairly strict management system, built on unquestioning obedience to Sharia law, and a communal system of social and public relations. There was no division into classes in the state, and the entire population was united into communities. Supreme power belonged to the supreme spiritual and religious mentor - the leader.

The centralized state of the Assassins was defeated by the Mongols, who came to Iran from the east. The Middle Eastern possessions were the longest under the rule of the Assassins, which were lost in 1272 as a result of the military campaign of the Egyptian Sultan Baybars I. However, the loss of statehood did not mean the end of the existence of the Order of the Assassins. From this time on, a new stage in the life of this organization began, which completely switched to conducting subversive, sabotage and espionage activities.

The origins of the real strength and power of the assassins

At the peak of their power, the state and the order represented a real political force in the Muslim world. Assassin is not just a name for radical religious fanatics. Just the mere mention of them terrified the ruling and political elite. Not without reason, the Assassins were considered masters of political terror, professional killers and generally a criminal organization. The influence of the order was not limited to the borders of the Muslim world. The Europeans also encountered the full extent of the cunning and power of the order.

This policy was the result of a thoughtful ideological and political move. Hassan I, as the supreme leader of the Nazarites, realized that without a powerful army, any defense strategy was doomed to failure. A brilliant way out of this situation was found. Unlike neighboring states and principalities, which invest huge amounts of money and resources into maintaining the army, Hassan created an order - a secret and closed organization, a kind of special forces of that time.

The task of the new intelligence service was to eliminate political opponents and opponents, whose decisions could negatively affect the existence of the Nazarite state. Political terror was placed at the forefront of the policy of the Assassin Order. The most radical methods and methods used to achieve results were chosen - political blackmail and physical elimination of the enemy. The main driving force of the order was the fanatical devotion of the organization's members to their spiritual and religious mentor. This was facilitated by the technology of professional training, which was mandatory for every member of the order.

The main conditions for membership in the order were the following aspects:

  • complete indifference to one’s own life, disregard for death;
  • fostering a sense of self-sacrifice and devotion to religious ideals;
  • unquestioning submission to the will of the leader of the order;
  • high moral and physical qualities.

The order, as well as throughout the state, promoted heavenly rewards in exchange for unquestioning obedience to the will of the religious leader. In the usual view of that time, an assassin was a young man of strong physique, selflessly devoted to the ideas of Sharia and a sacred believer in the high divine position of his patron. Teenagers aged 12-14 years old were recruited into the order and went through a rigorous competitive selection process. From the first day, recruits were instilled with a sense of being chosen to achieve high goals.

It is generally accepted that the ideological and religious aspects are the main aspects of the strong structure of the order. However, his real strength kept not only on high moral qualities its members. The professional training that the assassins did from morning to evening, during breaks for prayer, gave excellent results. Warriors of medieval special forces were fluent in any weapon and hand-to-hand combat techniques. The Assassin had excellent horsemanship, could shoot accurately with a bow, and was distinguished by endurance and good physical strength.

In addition, the training program included practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of chemistry and medicine. The assassins' art of using poisons has reached perfection. There is a theory that Catherine de Medici, being a skilled master of poisoning, received lessons in this craft from the assassins.

In conclusion

In a word, the training of spies and professional killers by Sheikh Hassan I was put on stream. The results of such thorough and comprehensive preparation were not long in coming. The notoriety of the order's power quickly spread throughout the world. Thanks to his servants, Hassan I, nicknamed in the Islamic world and far beyond the Mountain Elder, managed not only to achieve his goals, but also to put political terror on stream. The Nizari state managed to exist for quite a long period, successfully playing on the political contradictions of its stronger neighbors.

As for the Order of Assassins, this organization became not only an instrument of Nizari foreign policy, but also a significant source of income. Rulers and politicians did not disdain to use the services of professional killers and spies different countries and states, resolving their political issues in achieving certain goals.

Templars and assassins - in real life they met very rarely in such a connection, if they met at all.

The Templars have such a real, wonderful history, interest in which has not waned for 700 years after the defeat of the order, that it would seem, why “improve” it? Why fill the heads of gamers, fans of the game Assassin’s Creed, with non-existent facts that distort real events?

Beggars and Nobles

The Templar Order is one of the wonderful and tragic pages of human history. It arose around 1118, at a time when the first crusade ended and the knights were out of work, through the efforts of a nobleman from France, Hugo de Payns. The most noble intentions - to protect pilgrims to the Holy Sepulcher by creating a military-monastic or spiritual-knightly order - prompted this gentleman and eight of his knight relatives to unite in an organization, calling it the “Order of Beggars,” which corresponded to reality. They were so poor that they had one horse between them. And then for many years, even when the order became immensely rich, the symbolism, which depicts a horse saddled by two riders, remained.

The essence of the Crusades

The Templar Order would not have survived if not for the patronage of the crowned heads and the Pope. Baldwin II, the ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, gave them shelter and allocated them part of the southeastern wing of the temple of the city of Jerusalem. As you might guess, the second name of the Templars - “templars” - came from here, because it was in the temple that their headquarters was located. The Templars wore red equilateral crosses on a white background on their robes, on their shields and on their peak flags, symbolizing their readiness to shed their blood for the liberation of the Holy Land. By these insignia, the Knight Templar was recognized by everyone. They reported directly to the Pope. Jerusalem, or the Holy Land, was periodically captured by Muslims; in fact, the goal of all crusades was declared as the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher, located in this city, which passed from hand to hand. The Templars provided significant support to the crusader army in battles with the infidels.

Quite a small sect

The Crusaders, and among them the “poor knights,” fought with Muslims, but not with the assassins, who are called medieval terrorists. The organization was structured in such a way that not all of its members knew each other by sight. They never went on the attack, they acted from behind the corner. The Templars and the Assassins never specifically opposed each other. But the Western entertainment system actively uses the image of the noble Templar knight, without always stipulating that this is fiction. Assassins, of course, existed in history, and were also surrounded by secrets and legends.

One of the branches of Islam

In fact, this widespread name meant the Nizari Ismailis, who were brutally persecuted by official Islam as heretics. This is a branch of Shia Islam. The subtleties are familiar only to specialists. However, there is information about a Shiite sect, whose members were extremely cruel and elusive. A secret organization with a strict hierarchy, fanatics who blindly worship only their leader. In the Middle Ages, they struck fear into absolutely everyone over a vast territory from the court of the Frankish king Charlemagne to the borders of the Celestial Empire, although the size of the organization was too exaggerated. Gradually, the word “assassin” became synonymous with the term “killer.”

Why not exploit this image? Moreover, in a combination of “Templars and Assassins”. On the one hand, a noble knight, on the other, a secret mercenary. But in general, maybe an interesting computer game or an exciting book like “The Da Vinci Code” will encourage an inquisitive young man to find out whether all this really happened, and if it did, then how? It is not for nothing that many are interested in questions about who the Templars and Assassins were.

Destruction of the Poor Knights

What happened to the Templars? Someone else's gold always blinds. The Templars had long been annoying with their wealth - they were successfully engaged in trade and usury, and knew how to invest money in profitable projects. All the kings of Europe were their debtors, who needed money to wage endless wars. And in 1268, the throne of France was occupied by Philip IV the Fair from the Capetian dynasty, who ruled the country until 1314. In fairness, it should be noted that he did everything to ensure that France became a strong, prosperous power. Including, being a man fanatically devoted to the Catholic faith, he wanted to cleanse the country of sectarians. He owed the Templars a lot, he had nothing to give, and he still needed the money. One way or another, he went to the defeat of the order, arrested the top of the Templars, through cruel torture got many to admit that they were heretics, and when Pope Clement V, under whose direct protection the Templar Order was, came to his senses, the king already had testimony of the arrested, which does not speak in their favor.

Famous curse

The Templars were arrested on Friday, October 13, 1307. The destruction of the Templars made an indelible impression on society; the date and day are considered unlucky even now. Grand Master Jacques de Molay and the three leaders of the order fully admitted their guilt, hoping, as the court ruled, for life imprisonment. That same evening, March 18, 1314, Jacques de Molay and Geoffroy de Charnay were burned on the Jewish Island right in front of the palace windows. Before his death, Jacques de Molay cursed the pope, the king, the executioner-chancellor and their entire family.

The Grand Master left them only a year to live. Clement V died a month later, Guillaume de Nogaret - some time later, less than a year had passed when Philip IV suddenly died. Somehow life did not work out for the closest relatives of the people cursed by the master.

Many unsolved mysteries

After the arrest, the main shock was that the untold wealth of the Templars was never found. Many questions arose, even more assumptions - money was spent on financing Masonic lodges around the world, it was assumed that English banks were subsidized by the Templars. But the strangest suggestion is the possible appropriation of the New World. And the most important secret of the Templars is that, according to unconfirmed assumptions, back in the 12th century, with the help of their money, the silver mines of America were developed and strong ties were established with the aborigines. And supposedly their ships made regular voyages across the Atlantic. There are plenty of secrets associated with this order, for example: who did the Knight Templar and his brothers really worship, what did the Templars possess - was it really the Holy Grail, what rituals accompanied the cult actions. And these unsolved mysteries give rise to a lot of speculation, which does not provide answers to questions, but only fuels imagination.

Back in the Middle Ages, a special group of people with a religious orientation gained great fame - they were called “Assassins,” otherwise known as Ismailis or Nizaris. In Russian, the word appeared thanks to a translation from English - “assasin” means “killer”.

How did the assassins appear?

According to the legend, which became widely known in Europe thanks to the Italian merchant Marco Polo, one old man named Allah-One, living in the mountains of the country Mulekt, built a real paradise in the understanding of Muslims in a place hidden from everyone - it was a magnificent garden in which there were young girls and an abundance of a wide variety of food. Allah the One drugged young guys into unconsciousness with alcohol, after which he transferred them to this garden.

After they had spent the whole day in it, the elder soldered them again and took them back. Ready to do anything to find themselves in paradise again, the young men were deceived by the elder - if he needed to eliminate any important person or carry out a dangerous assignment, he sent the young man a message in which he said that he needed to carry out his order, and if in the process of fulfilling If the young man dies, he will immediately find himself in paradise. All men without exception fulfilled any will of Allah-One, just to be there again.

There is an opinion that the elder did not drug the young guys with alcohol, but clouded their minds with the help of hashish. As a result, they went on a mission under the influence of the same substance, although Marco Polo does not indicate hashish in his manuscripts on this topic.

Under the influence of hashish, heaven could well seem to them, and not actually exist, which prompted them to act on orders solely for the sake of a new “dose” - that is, they were real drug addicts. This theory is baseless, although it seems much more plausible.

Several mythical facts about assassins, rather non-obvious, but they all have real confirmation:

  • The first to fall at the hands of an organized group of secretive killers was Allah-Odin’s comrade, with whom they studied together. While childhood friends, they eventually turned into political enemies, which led to the murder. It was done right in front of a huge number of guards, in the very heart of this man's estate.
  • The fortress in which the assassins' base was located was captured, albeit by force, but without bloodshed - not a single person was injured. Allah Alone converted the overwhelming number of residents of this fortress to his side, who forced the commander to flee. In the future, the assassins will build more than a hundred castles, which are sovereign territory.
  • The Assassins are not a secretive group, but operate in open organization. Murders in plain sight were a normal practice, which in most cases led to the death of the perpetrator - he did not try to hide after completing his business.
  • Often, assassins practiced extortion - in order to avoid being killed or maimed, people in danger of attack constantly paid a sum for supposed protection from killers, but fearful citizens paid the killers.
  • The end of the Assassins came due to aggressive actions on the part of the Mongols. As a result of the bloody “Yellow War,” which was based on religious principles, the Assassins were defeated and destroyed. The gunpowder weapons used by the Mongols played a big role in this - the enemy did not have such equipment, so the capture of fortresses was quite advantageous in relation to the Mongols.
  • One of the besieged Assassin fortresses held a siege for more than twenty years - hidden food supply routes not stopped by the enemy allowed the fortress to exist and successfully conduct defensive activities under the banner of the no longer existing order of Assassins. The people inside did not lay down their arms even after their leader ordered them to surrender.
  • A direct descendant of the assassin dynasty is alive and well. His name is Karim Aga Khan, by his title he is still the leader of the Nazraites, but in fact he is an ordinary citizen of one of the European countries. He is a billionaire and has an excellent education. What is noteworthy is that Karim Aga Khan personally met with the president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Assassins in culture

Assassins gained mainly their fame in the twenty-first century thanks to the series of very popular video games “Assasins Creed”, which tells about secretive assassins. Although the game is based on reality existing organization, but it has little connection with historical actions, which often discourages many video game fans.

The vast majority of legends, myths and fiction surround the history of this group, and they are associated with this game, which continues to be published constantly.