The fact that you are under the influence of some kind of authority or that you yourself are striving for some kind of patron.

Dispute with father- disorder of affairs.

Seeing him sick- to your illness.

Seeing your dead father alive- gain new strength.

Seeing your father in a dream- this is a dream meaning that he loves you and will always be tenderly attached to you.

Freud's Dream Book

The presence of the father in a dream- indicates that the dreamer has an Oedipus or father complex.

If a young man or man dreams that his father is making love or is secluded with his mother or any other woman, he has a clearly expressed Oedipus complex. He hates his father and sees him as his main sexual rival. This can go so far as to blame his father for his unsuccessful sexual experiences.

If a girl or woman dreams that she is having sex with her father, she has become a victim of a father complex, that is, she cannot choose a partner for herself, since she compares them all with her father, but cannot find anything similar.

If your father appears to you in a dream- you are tormented by a guilt complex for not paying or not paying enough attention to him.

Dream book of lovers

A girl who dreams of her dead father- in reality the beloved will deceive.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Strict father in a dream- a sign that you have started or abandoned some important things.

Sick father, if the dream is not associated with real disease - is a sign of difficulties that may have a negative impact on your well-being. Perhaps in reality you did not foresee something or made a tragic mistake that threatens to ruin your plans.

If the father is sad or crying- such a dream indicates a very bad course of affairs. If in reality you do not feel any special reasons for concern, then perhaps some of your plans threaten to turn into a big disaster.

Happy, joyful father in a dream- portends success.

Jewish dream book

See father- it is difficult to avoid difficulties in business, you will need wise advice; talk to him if the deceased- must be remembered; talk to father- happiness; sick- to trouble or complete changes in life, inheritance, grief; speaks to you- quick happiness; healthy- worries; dead- illness or loss of inheritance; is silent- to trouble or complete changes in life; argue with father- decline in business.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Father- an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological research shows, how you treat your father, how you perceive him, largely determines the perception of higher-order beings in whom you may believe. As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of power, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father.

Father- an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well organized. The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.) The most important and decisive for the interpretation of a dream with the participation of the father are the following points: the circumstances of his appearance, other participants in what is happening, your usual relationship with the father and features of the relationship with him in a dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing your father in a dream- means becoming dependent on your superiors.

Communicate with father- you will find yourself in a difficult situation, and you will need wise advice to avoid complications.

Dream book for a bitch

Father- worries and troubles.

Talk to father- if you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not be afraid to ask for advice from someone you can trust.

Deceased father- his health is in perfect order, and you need to be careful and attentive.

New family dream book

Father seen in a dream- will remind you to take advantage of someone’s wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen.

You won't listen to your father- you will face great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father died- conduct business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.

A young woman who saw her dead father in a dream- must be prepared for the fact that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

Modern combined dream book

The dream in which you saw your father- warns that you will find yourself in a difficult situation, from which wise advice will help you get out.

If you dreamed about your dead father- Your business affairs will be difficult, and you need to be careful when conducting these affairs. A young woman has a similar dream- predicts that her lover is playing a dishonest game with her.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Talk to your living father- the need for material and moral support; with the deceased- there will be a break, use it to your advantage.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you dream about your long-dead father- we need to remember him and light a candle in the church.

The parricide you committed in a dream- to a moral duty to your parents.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing your father in a dream- to repentance.

If in a dream you are accused of killing your father- this means disobedience to parents.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing your father in a dream- to despair, see your dead father- to peace.

If in a dream you killed your father- this means you will live as many years as your father lived (or will live).

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

See or talk to your father- happiness; dying- misfortune.

become a father- happy marriage.

To be a godfather- new obligations; see him- present.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you saw your own father- portends happiness in family and marriage, if he is in real life alive and well; if in reality he is no longer alive- then such a dream means that you will hardly avoid obstacles in business by resorting to the help of friends and close relatives.

Seeing your healthy father sick in a dream- predicts grief due to a failed or postponed meeting with a loved one.

If you had a dream in which your father died and you bury him- this means that in reality an accident will befall you.

Revived Father- an unexpected gift.

Talking to your father in your sleep- experience the joy of meeting friends you haven’t seen for a long time, argue with father- in reality, things will stall and you will have to invite a consultant to understand the reasons for this.

Seeing your godfather in a dream- means that you will be charged with new responsibilities, which you cannot refuse for a number of personal reasons. Dreaming Holy Father- means that your relatives are misleading you.

Women's dream book

Seeing your father in a dream- means that you will have difficulty avoiding difficulties in business. You will need someone's wise advice to solve your problems.

If you dream that your father has died- this means that things will be difficult and you will have to be very careful in their conduct.

For a young woman to see her dead father in a dream- means that she is being deceived or will soon be deceived by her lover.

General dream book

If you dreamed about your father being alive- you risk committing a stupid act.

Seeing your father dead in a dream- to danger.

If you dreamed about your father being cheerful- you may get sick.

If you dreamed that your father was sad- Be careful, troubles may happen.

You dreamed that your father walked around like a dandy- in the near future you may lose your position.

In the dream, your father walked in rags- there may be discord in your family.

If you dreamed that your father was begging- expect trouble.

A dream in which your father got sick- soon you will receive a lot of money.

Seeing your father dying in a dream- to wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Father- this sign can symbolize God.

Heavenly Father- this can be a symbol of a protector and breadwinner. Do you need a defender or can you protect yourself? This sign can also refer to your own feelings as a father, or to your biological father. Study other surrounding signs.

English dream book

If your father has not been on earth for a long time- this dream is a warning: be attentive to the instructions of Fate, so as not to stumble!

Medieval dream book of Daniel

see my father- promises safety.

See your father with a beard- to increase.

Mythological dream book

Father (as archetype)- associations: patronage, professionalism, skill, pride, significance, strength, rudeness, will, power, self-affirmation, protection.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Father- evidence that your father loves you.

If the father is no longer alive- this is a sign of your sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

To see the father of the deceased- loss, loss.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Father- the figure is the embodiment of authoritarianism, law, order, social customs, patterns of behavior associated with society, as well as male protection.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

See your father- means great joy and pleasure; seeing him dead foretells a breakdown in family affairs.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Father- manifestation of imperious (karmic) strength and will, patronage. Depending on the type and behavior: for men- success, recognition or failure, failure in the main matter. For women- personal situation.

Sick, drunk or poorly dressed- treason; threat to health and authority; decline in business and vitality.

Handsome, happy, neat- fateful undertakings, blessings for personal happiness and health; big changes for the better.

Sex with father- to a serious illness; practicing black magic.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

see father- profit.

To see him sick or dead- diseases (of the head).

argue with him- disorder of affairs.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Father- joy, happiness, profit; argue with him- decline; sick- inheritance / grief; see the dead- trouble, discord in the family; see the deceased- shame, bad, trouble.

Seeing your father dead- illness or loss of inheritance; sick to see- grief; talk to the dead- must be remembered; argue with him- decline in business.

Danilova's erotic dream book

If you dreamed about your own father- you should be careful in love affairs, father also- warning that in your personal life not everything is going well.

If in a dream your father has a serious conversation with you- take a closer look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

Esoteric dream book

Father- alive you need support, support. There is a lack of reliability and stability in your life.

If the father gives advice, teaches- we need to listen to this.

Ukrainian dream book

Father- happiness.

Father deceased- don’t expect joy.

Dying Father- shame.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Father speaks to you- quick happiness; silent or sick, dead- to trouble, complete changes in life; for a girl, to see her father or mother- happy marriage;
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

To us, they symbolize some kind of warning. Today we will learn about what the father is up to.

General meaning of sleep

First of all, you need to try to remember exactly what your dad looked like and what he did in his dream. It is a well-known interpretation that the deceased father comes into a dream to tell you how to behave in a given situation, so as not to make unnecessary mistakes.

Why do you dream about a dead father? Miller's Dream Book

  1. If in your dreams you see your late father, then know that in real life some important event awaits you, which you have been waiting for quite a long time. The most important thing here is to take this situation seriously and try not to miss the opportunity that will soon present itself to you.
  2. If in a dream you hug your deceased father in reality, then know that your work will be completed very successfully! Perhaps some profit awaits you.

Family dream book
  1. A dream that somehow comes to life? Life promises you great success! Feel free to take on any work, go on long trips.
  2. considered the one in which you see your dead father in a coffin or in a cemetery. If this is so, then troubles, failures, losses await you...
  3. If your father invites you to come with him, don’t go! The dream is also considered negative and foreshadows some kind of illness or accident.

Why do you dream about a dead father? Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream about a dead father? Vanga's Dream Book

  1. There will come exactly that hour in your life when in your dream you begin to quarrel with your deceased parent. Troubles will affect both work and personal life.
  2. If you dream about your late dad giving you cash, be careful in reality. They want to deceive you.
  3. The deceased girl says that her chosen one is not honest with her. Soon he will deceive her.
  4. If you saw your deceased father on the night of your birthday, then know that the end of one life cycle is coming to you and the beginning of another - a new one.
  5. If dad tells you something, try to hear it and metaphorically translate it into real life. He tells you.
  6. Seeing dad sleeping brings his own peace. It wouldn’t hurt to go to church after such a dream and light a candle for the repose, and also visit his grave.

The passing of loved ones is always a deep shock for relatives. And any reminder of the deceased awakens memories and provokes certain emotions and feelings. We find out why a dead father dreams about it in popular dream books.

A deceased father in a dream has several ambiguous interpretations. It depends on what triggered its appearance. The reason may be grief and longing for the deceased, important and significant events in the dreamer’s life, or risky and dangerous turns of fate that a close relative is quick to warn about.

Men may dream of such stories on the eve of making an important decision, a business agreement, a major deal, when we're talking about about cash amounts, investments and future profits. The closer dad was during his lifetime, the more often dreams with his participation come to business people who are trying to successfully build a career, advance in position and realize themselves professionally. In this case, the father can warn about certain “pitfalls” along the way, various obstacles and dangers.

For a girl, her deceased father comes in a dream as a patron, predicting the future of her personal relationships. Such visions often come before an engagement, wedding, or the birth of a child. The positive outcome of the prediction depends on the form in which the deceased was, and how bright, comfortable and understandable the dream was for you.

You saw a healthy and cheerful father when you were very young - good sign, portends joy and prosperity. I saw a dead man in a coffin at a funeral - a dream warning of future dangers. To avoid them, you should not repeat the mistakes of the past. It is also worth giving up bad habits and addictions.

To see the deceased father in a hospital room - a dream indicates the poor health of the sleeper. A serious illness can strike quite suddenly. If you do not consult a doctor in time, serious consequences cannot be avoided.

What else to expect from a deceased father in a dream

  • for your daughter dreams of being alive and young - feel free to go on dates, meet charming men and choose a worthy partner. A good time to get married. The marriage promises to be strong and happy;
  • swearing and quarreling with dad means choosing the wrong path for your development, neglecting generally accepted norms and rules, ignoring the advice and opinion of older relatives;
  • hugs and strokes the head - difficult times lie ahead when you will need to show perseverance, character and willpower;
  • sitting on the lap of a dead person means experiencing sadness, melancholy and loneliness. Family communication and warm memories of old times with a living parent will help you get rid of bad emotions.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

A dead father appears in dreams to those who have entered into an immoral relationship. If during his lifetime your father had strict rules and principles, encouraged only serious relationships and was not inclined to one-time sexual affairs, then such a dream for you is a sign of reproach and condemnation.

The father being present in the bedroom and turning away from you is a hint that your sexual desires may end venereal diseases or male impotence, impotence. To avoid this, he urges the dreamer to stop his sexual marathon and think about future offspring.

For a girl to have a serious conversation with her father, who has been in heaven for a long time, it means that she should be careful in her love affairs. Fleeting passion and one-time attraction are not what you need right now. Take a closer look at your partner; perhaps intimacy with him will lead you to constancy in your relationship.

Gustov Miller

Communicating at the table with your deceased father means that in reality you are in a difficult situation that requires immediate resolution. Your confusion and lack of self-confidence leads to despair and makes you panic. The dream promises to be prophetic if you manage to remember what the dead man said. After waking up, a sudden idea may come to you, which will be the right answer to solving problematic problems.

The young lady dreamed of her late father pulling her hand away from her lover - the dream indicates that you should reconsider your suitor. The role of a husband is completely unsuitable for this man; very soon you can catch him in deceit and treason. Don’t rush to burden yourself with family ties, look around and pay attention to the views of your fans.

If you dreamed about how your father died, the dream warns of the danger that lies ahead for you and your loved ones. Business people during this period should not be excessively active in the field of financial investments. All material receipts should be postponed until future pleasant prospects. Do not rush into business trips and trips related to obtaining additional benefits and values. The journey may end in an accident or disaster.


A deceased father appears in a dream to those who are going through great difficulties, going through a series of difficult tests. A close relationship with dad during life can provoke clear images in dreams that will clearly indicate the right solution to the situation.

I saw you making a promise to your late father during your lifetime - a hint that the time had come to fulfill your promise. Quarrel with your deceased father as a teenager - the dream indicates past mistakes that you need to correct.

Looking at the sad face of a father who passed away long ago is a good time to remember your parent and light a candle for his repose in the church. Perhaps the date of his birth or death is approaching. All this suggests that we need to remember kind words someone close to you.

David Loff

A father who has passed away may come in a dream as a sign of warning of various situations. If during your lifetime your father was your patron, all-knowing and all-seeing, he always instilled confidence in your own capabilities and expanded the horizon of your desires, then in a dream he will definitely show the path to your successful realization and become a harbinger of future victories and awards.

The deceased parent dreamed of holding a fishing rod and fish in his hands - a good dream for someone who has reached a dead end and does not see a way out of the current circumstances. It's time to relax and wait it out. The solution will definitely come by itself at the moment when it is really needed. You watch how your dad puts a worm on a hook - in reality it’s time to take care of your ill-wishers and competitors. Reconsider your immediate social circle - perhaps there is someone lurking among your friends who does not want your fame and success.

But they also often tell us about important events, reminding us that loved ones are always with us, protecting and protecting us. A dead dad may dream that talk about danger, short-sightedness, wrong choice or simply because you are very sad.

You should definitely try to understand why you had a dream; every detail is important. But candles for repose in, prayer and alms in the form will be no less obligatory. If you dream about your father often, visit it, sit near his final resting place, mentally or out loud tell him how you love him and how you miss him. It is worth mentioning that this only matters in cases where the children had a good relationship with their father.

The deceased father dreams of being alive

Those who most need the support of a person they can trust see in their dreams. And the dreamer needs to remember as much as possible, because dad dreams like this only when trouble is very close, when his help is simply necessary.

Listen to words, advice, conversations, you will certainly hear the most important things. The fact is that subconsciously a father for a daughter or son is strength, authority and love, this is highest level trust. And who will help more accurately than him? If in your dream dad is cheerful and happy, it means everything is fine, your fears and anxieties are in vain.

If dad is sad, you want to do something that would make him very sad. If he is irritated or angry, then beware of serious problems, the reason for which he will definitely reveal to you: remember what exactly or who he was angry with, and you will understand everything.

Dreamed about my daughter

A daughter may dream about her father to warn her about deception. For a young woman, such a dream will be a warning about the appearance, losses, disappointment,... And the unpleasant impressions that she will experience during sleep will tell her what to do. the warnings of the deceased dad attentively. He asks for prudence, restraint in the next few days. It’s bad if he starts calling his daughter with him, because this promises illness.

See him lying in a coffin

See father– a positive dream, it promises longevity and health. If dad sick and dreamed, he will definitely get better. But if you dream that dad comes to life, rises from the coffin, unexpected success awaits you, some great joy.

A good sign is a dream in which the father lies in without clothes, if in reality he is alive: expect very joyful events. If you dreamed that she was walking behind the coffin with your father, you can expect a string of interesting, exciting, joyful events.

It happens that again and again I dream about the coffin in which my father was buried. Most likely, you are too shocked by his death, you cannot come to terms with it, so go to church, remember dad, hand out sweets to alleviate your pain a little.

Much depends on what you were experiencing when you had the dream. Some dream books interpret a dream in which you seem to relive your father’s funeral, the pain and bitterness of parting with him, as a sign of impending serious trials: it is better for the family to unite and be together in difficult times.

father lying in a coffin - to serious troubles: listen carefully to what he is talking about, the answer is hidden in the words.

If the deceased father in your dream grabs the hand of one of his relatives bending over his coffin, this is news of a serious illness or even of this person.

But in any case, when trying, be sure to take into account all the details, right down to the color of the coffin, the father’s clothes, the place in which you are.

father also can have very serious implications. If he was strict with you, this is a warning about troubles that threaten you from colleagues or friends. Someone is weaving intrigues and plotting behind your back.

If your father asks you to do something, remember that you did not do what you promised him or yourself. He can remind you of someone's wise advice, of his lessons, of instructions that you disobeyed and now you are in trouble. They will get even bigger if you don't listen to his words.

Just talking to your late father in a dream - fortunately. Arguing with him in a dream is a sign that you have made a mistake and you need to be wary of financial difficulties. If in your dream you are quarreling with your father, you will have to realize that you are in serious confusion and do not know how to solve the problem. There is no need to assign responsibility to others, the decision must be made independently, and this decision must be reasonable.

If you clearly remember the dialogue with your dad, follow his advice literally - everything will turn out well.

Dream about the deceased father being drunk

Think about it about your lifestyle, about behavior, if you dreamed of your dad drunk, poorly dressed, sloppy. If you don’t change your attitude towards life, your views, nothing good can come into your life.

  • The father is sitting with a glass at the table - a difficult conversation awaits you.
  • A drunk dad with a strange woman - this dream promises a new acquaintance.
  • Sings funny songs loudly - an unexpected right decision.
  • If dad sleeps drunk, this promises peace.
  • If you take him home, there will be serious problems in the family.

Such a dream reflects your inner state, the image of the father is your soul, your conscience.

The same can be said about a dream in which you dream of your dad being tired beyond measure, very sick: it’s time to change your lifestyle in order to maintain your health. Adjust your plans, build acceptable lines of behavior with people you care about, with friends and colleagues.

If everything works out for you, soon you will see in your dream a handsome, healthy, well-dressed dad who is happy and happily communicates with you. Such a dream will mean that the time has come to realize your wildest plans and begin a new stage in life.

The dream in which you are promised very high profits, successful completion of the business, financial well-being, spiritual growth. This dream may also speak of a powerful patron who has appeared or will appear in the near future; about what you you are in complete control of the situation, you are doing everything right.

This is how dad can let his son know that the time has come to use all his capabilities, that now is the best time for bold decisions and actions.

The father tells his daughter that everything will be fine in her relationship with a young man, with her career, and with making an important decision for the rest of her life. A married daughter may dream of her father in a situation where she is very uneasy: his hugs are interpreted in dream books as approval, encouragement, and a sign of material and family well-being.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller explains the dream with the deceased father by the appearance serious problems, the solution of which requires wise advice or the help of a respected person.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

In Hasse's dream book it is explained as good luck sign if the father dreams of being calm, cheerful and joyful; if he is sick, poorly dressed, expect trouble or trouble.

Women's dream book

IN Women's dream book this dream for daughters is interpreted as follows: you will succeed avoid trouble, but with great difficulty.

Maly Velesov dream book

In the Small Veles Dream Book, such a dream has meaning Good luck, good completion of the case if the father looks good. If your father's appearance is unkempt, interpret it the other way around.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Medea's dream book interprets the appearance in a dream as an omen of the appearance in your life authority figure or patron.

It is known that dreams are different. Some of the dreams are very realistic, such that you can’t immediately figure out whether it’s a dream or reality. Others are fantastic, they are not perceived so keenly, because even being in the arms of Morpheus, a person subconsciously understands that this is just a dream. Many people tend to believe in the truthfulness of dreams, attribute prophetic meaning to them, and call them prophetic. And depending on what exactly you dreamed about, a person will expect bad or good events in his real life.

Such superstitious people are especially alarmed by realistic dreams in which they see deceased relatives, talk with them, receive them in their home, give them or take some things from them. It is generally accepted that a loved one who is no longer in the world coming in a dream is an unkind sign. Allegedly, he calls the living person in his dream with him to another world, and foretells his imminent death or a long-term serious illness. There are many frightening stories associated with such dreams that make your skin crawl. But are such dreams really so scary? For example, why do you dream about your late father? Let's try to figure it out.

Interpreting the dream

If a person often has a father who died recently, this most likely simply indicates strong internal experiences. Losing loved ones is very difficult, and even when you manage to control yourself and maintain external calm, the soul still grieves and cannot come to terms with the loss. There are always unspoken words, imperfect actions, bitterness from mistakes and the desire to turn everything back and do it completely differently... Only time will help here - it, as you know, is the best healer. It would also be nice to go to church and order a memorial service for the repose of your soul, light a candle, and read a special prayer. If a person is not a believer, you can go to the grave and ask for forgiveness for what you want to repent of. As a rule, such dreams gradually stop on their own.

Other options

When the father is alive, this means support and help in a difficult situation. If at this moment a person who has had such a dream is experiencing difficulties and faces some difficult choice, it is believed that a conversation with his father in a dream will give him the key to solving the problem and will help him understand how to do the right thing. True, the details of the dream play a role here.

For example, this is the interpretation offered to us by the Russian folk dream book. The late father, alive in a night's dream, calling to the person who is dreaming - unfavorable sign. For some time after such a dream you should be careful. If the father is simply participating in the conversation, such a dream does not pose any danger; on the contrary, the information gleaned from it can be very useful.

father from a psychological point of view?

Such a dream indicates that a person who has seen a departed parent has gained inner freedom. Some difficult period has been left behind, constraining attitudes have sunk into oblivion, and from now on he is free to make independent decisions.

If a person has a deceased father, this means trouble. Perhaps an unsuccessful contract, a loss in some kind of litigation, dismissal from work, or even an accident - in short, you need to be extremely vigilant.

Why see your late father dead in a dream?

This means that a new stage begins in the life of the person who had the dream. Everything old is in the past; bright prospects and new opportunities await him. If you dream of a quarrel with your father, this means that a person at this stage of his life is confused and cannot make a choice: either to act according to the dictates of his heart, or as others expect from him. Such a dream encourages you to take responsibility for making decisions.

Why do you dream of a deceased father hugging the person he came to? Most often, such a dream means some kind of hidden conflict and hints that it is time to take decisive action and establish difficult relationships. If a deceased father gives money in a dream, you should expect deception, be on the alert and promptly recognize a fraudster who is trying to profit from gullible and naive people.

What does the late father dream about according to the esoteric dream book? Similar dream indicates that a person who has lost a parent lacks support, support, and stability in life. He wants someone to take some of his everyday problems onto his shoulders, give him wise advice, and save him in a difficult situation.

Features of interpretation

If a young girl dreams of her deceased father, this means that she should take care of her reputation; empty gossip and offensive gossip are possible. If the father is upset or crying in a dream, the girl should think about whether she leads a decent lifestyle. Perhaps you need to be more attentive to your studies or household responsibilities, and choose your gentlemen more carefully. If you dreamed of your deceased father inviting her to a richly laid table, this indicates that the girl will be popular with guys and successful in life.

If a young man saw his father, this means that the young man will grow up influential, successful and achieve a lot. Even if the father screams or simply speaks threateningly to him in a dream, this means good luck and prosperity under the protection of the parent.

But if a family man saw his late father in a dream, for him this promises prosperity, quiet peace at home, and confidence in a happy future.

Some dream books claim that seeing deceased parents in a dream is just a sign of bad weather, a change in the weather for the worse: rain in summer, snow in winter.

A little conclusion

One way or another, you should not be afraid of these dreams. After all, parents, in principle, are not capable of doing anything bad to their own children, both in real life and especially in a dream. On the contrary, they always try to help us, their offspring, in any way they can, so you just need to listen to such dreams and try to learn useful lessons from them for your future life. Take care of yourself and we wish you good luck!