During the period of extinction reproductive functions In women, not only does menstruation stop, but also a sharp change in the hormonal level of the body, which entails a lot of unpleasant sensations. Physical and psychological instability can plague women for several years. Menopausal syndrome can last from one to eight years, during which the fair sex needs the support not only of their loved ones, but also the use of specially developed drugs or vitamins that improve general condition body and well-being.

When the ovaries fail, metabolic processes decrease, which is accompanied by the following consequences:

  • Early aging;
  • Obesity;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Tumor neoplasms;
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Taking dietary supplements and organizing proper nutrition They allow not only to restore psycho-emotional balance, but also to prevent the occurrence of various pathological processes in the body of women.

What vitamins can't you live without?

For serious manifestations menopause Experts recommend taking hormonal hormones medications. With mild forms of menopause, vitamins help that support the female body on a psychological and physical level.

What vitamins should be taken during menopause to prevent diseases and improve the general condition of the body? With moderate manifestations of decline in the reproductive functions of women, the following nutrients are needed:

  • Tocopherol (vitamin E)– “prolongs” the life of the ovaries, stimulating their activity. Vitamin E during menopause regulates the production of progesterone and estrogen, and also lowers blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Retinol (vitamin A)– an element that has an antioxidant effect, preventing the appearance of tumors in the mammary glands, uterus and intestines. Vitamin A helps moisturize the skin, slowing down skin aging and reducing the formation of wrinkles;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)– a natural antioxidant and preventive agent, indispensable during the period of risk of developing tumor tumors;
  • Vitamin D– helps to absorb calcium in the body, which is necessary when metabolic processes decrease, and also prevents the development of osteoporosis against the background of a rapid decrease in estrogen;
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and thiamine (vitamin B1)– act as tranquilizers, regulating the work nervous system: normalize sleep, mood and ensure normal performance.

We should not forget about minerals, which are catalysts for metabolic processes and building materials for cell restoration. During menopause, calcium is needed to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis throughout the entire menopausal syndrome. Thanks to boron, calcium is retained in the body and is used only for necessary processes. Lignins soften hot flashes and eliminate dryness in the vaginal area.

Magnesium has a sedative effect on the body, preventing the occurrence of excessive irritability, anxiety, and insomnia. This mineral also promotes better absorption of calcium and lowers cholesterol levels. The vitamin-mineral complex, which contains the required amount of magnesium, is indispensable for women, since its use relaxes muscles and strengthens blood vessels, which helps avoid the occurrence of myocardial infarctions.

You should take vitamins not only during hot flashes, but throughout the entire menopause. A specialist will tell you exactly what vitamins are needed when reproductive functions are fading after carrying out the necessary examinations.

Recommended pharmaceutical vitamin complexes for menopause

What vitamin and mineral complexes are necessary for women during menopause and how should they be taken? This question is of interest to many women, starting from the age of fifty, who want to prolong the youth of their body and maintain its health. There are many recommended medications that are necessary during the decline of metabolic functions, using which you can strengthen your health and prolong youth for a long time.

Any vitamin complex contains a balanced amount of elements that fulfill the needs of the female body during menopause. Due to the variety of drugs developed by pharmaceutical companies for women during menopause, you should be careful about their choice. The best vitamin and mineral complexes must meet the requirements of women with menopausal syndrome.

  • Lady’s Formula “Menopause Enhanced Formula”– with every new year there is a struggle modern women with his reflection in the mirror he becomes more and more fierce. This is followed by a midlife crisis, accompanied by hormonal fluctuations, and then the ambiguous period of menopause. But time is not as cruel as people think of it. After all, even with time you can come to an agreement. And the multivitamin biological product Lady’s Formula “Menopause Enhanced Formula” will help us with this. Its unique natural components gradually enhance the effect of phytoestrogens - the main ingredients of the new enhanced formula, guaranteed to help women overcome hot flashes and emotional instability, discover their sexuality and maintain enviable youth for many years. The effect of the biological product is complex and very delicate, and most importantly - devoid of side effects. Your body will be very grateful to you.
  • Extravel (Russia)– a phyto complex that eliminates estrogen deficiency during menopausal syndrome, reduces the severity of hot flashes, corrects psycho- emotional state, reduces the risk of developing estrogen-dependent neoplasms and normalizes hematological parameters. Ingredients: soybean and black cohosh extract, nettle and wild yam extract, vitamin E, boron, folic acid, vitamin B6, amino acids. You should take one or two tablets with meals, in a course of two months;
  • Klimadinon Uno (Germany)– a phytomedicine that reduces the severity of hot flashes and eliminates estrogen deficiency. Ingredients: cohosh racemosa. You need to take one tablet twice a day with a small amount of water;
  • Feminal (Croatia)– a phytocomplex that eliminates the lack of estrogens and vitamins, reducing the severity of hot flashes during menopause. Ingredients: red clover. You need to drink one capsule once a day, preferably in the morning;
  • Femicaps (Finland)– a phytomedicine that eliminates the deficiency of estrogens and vitamins, relieves hot flashes, corrects the psycho-emotional state, and also acts as an indispensable means for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Ingredients: vitex fruit, passionflower, soy lecithin, evening primrose, Vitamin B6, E and magnesium. You should drink two capsules twice a day for 3 months.

Nutrition during menopause

Throughout the menopause, not only pharmaceutical drugs are important for women, but also natural vitamins obtained naturally through food and exposure to the sun. Natural vitamins, found in greater quantities in fresh fruits, vegetables and berries, help reduce the incidence of colorectal and breast cancer.

Food products contain the following vitamins necessary for women during menopause:

  • Products with calcium - dairy and fermented milk products, eggs, almonds, yeast, seaweed, mustard seeds, soybeans;
  • Products with tocopherol - vitamin E is indispensable during menopause, so eating brown rice, potatoes, beans, avocado and green peas is mandatory;
  • Foods rich in boron include asparagus, raisins, figs, peaches, prunes and strawberries;
  • Foods rich in vitamins and minerals - brightly colored fruits and vegetables, berries, herbs, cabbage.

During menopause in women, a number of quite strong changes occur in many body systems. This is due to a decrease in the quality of functioning of that part of the reproductive system that is responsible for the production of female sex hormones. And these same hormones have a huge impact on the body, and a decrease in their concentration is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms, including irritability and headaches. Moreover, menopause lasts not a month or two, but at least a year, but it can last almost a decade, which will be difficult both for the lady herself after 45 years, and for her loved ones. If a woman’s body does not receive the necessary vitamins in the required quantities during menopause, this can make the condition even worse. A sufficient amount of nutrients, on the contrary, will smooth out symptoms, stabilize the emotional background and have a beneficial effect on appearance skin and hair. Also, many non-hormonal drugs can help you avoid becoming a victim of obesity, which happens quite often during menopause.

What vitamins can't you live without?

Recent research shows that the most essential minerals and during menopause and menopause, when the age approaches 50 years, this is:

  • , or retinol. Thanks to its rejuvenating and healing effect, it protects a woman’s genital organs, her mammary glands and certain parts of the intestines from the occurrence of neoplasms, the likelihood of which increases with age. Thanks to the same effect, women who took retinol noted a slowdown in the aging process, an improvement in skin color and elasticity.
  • has a general strengthening effecton the nervous and immune systems , which helps to increase tone, normalize endurance and performance by stabilizing the emotional state and combating aggressive external factors.
  • and - excellent helpers V smoothing out mood swings , To which very often occur during menopause in women, especially protracted ones.
  • has a beneficial effect on slowing down after fifty years of metabolism , promotes strengthening and elasticity of vascular walls. This, in turn, improves blood supply to tissues and removes waste from them, and helps remove annoying swelling.
  • during menopauseconsidered one of the most important , because it acts directly on its cause - the sex glands that gradually cease to function - and stimulates them to produce hormones. Thanks to this, the state of health improves, and the symptoms of the oncoming menopause it doesn't feel as sharp.
  • - main assistant in calcium absorption , which over the years begins to be washed out of bone tissue, especially with the abuse of certain products, which is why mature women can very easily break a bone. Thanks to this substance, osteoporosis can be slowed down and even somewhat strengthened already thinned tissue.

Vitamins during menopause, as in any other period of life, are better absorbed and work if taken together with minerals, such as:

  • boron and calcium, supporting the strength of the skeleton;
  • magnesium, which improves the functioning of the heart muscle, also acts as a mild sedative, which gently combats insomnia and excessive nervousness.

Diet correction

Of course, ideally, nutrients should not be taken in tablets or capsules, but consumed naturally - from food, as well as by spending enough time outside (this is necessary for the synthesis of calciferol). Fortunately, with age, you have more time for this, and the body’s need for energy decreases somewhat, which means you can give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits. The fiber contained there perfectly maintains the tone of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the risk of disease and tumors.

To compensate for the lack of calcium, you need to rely on milk, chicken eggs, legumes and seaweed.

Tocopherol can be found in vegetable oils, fruits , in , wild dark rice, peas and the usual .

The calcium assistant boron is found in plant tissues, mainly sweet fruits, peaches, asparagus and some dried fruits.

A whole range of nutrients and vitamins are guaranteed to be found in plant foods in bright, juicy fruits, greens, especially spinach, root vegetables and different types cabbage

Useful substances by symptoms

Symptoms of the stages of menopause - pre-menopause, menopause itself and postmenopause - are similar to each other, but may differ in intensity for different people. It happens that therapy with hormones cannot be prescribed to a patient due to the state of her health, but her condition worsens in some characteristic way. In such a situation, medications with substances that stimulate estrogen production can help.

As well as vitamins that will specifically target the source of discomfort and help eliminate the problem:

  • With strong and frequent rushes of blood to different parts of the body , especially to the face and head, accompanied by redness of the skin and increased sweating, tocopherol and ascorbic acid can help .
  • Retinol will help relieve unpleasant dryness in the vaginal area , increase the density and thickness of its mucous layer.
  • For insomnia, anxiety, conflict, decreased concentration and performance they will come to the rescue magnesium and group B .
  • With an increased risk of developing osteoporosis It is recommended to pay attention to vitamin D.
  • If the menstrual cycle hasn't stopped yet, butconstantly crashes , can help ascorbic acid and tocopherol .
  • , E, and B6 can stop or slow down the aging process in the skin , which is rapidly losing its former appearance.


Although there may be an opinion that a vitamin is not a medicine, you should still strictly adhere to the instructions for use. If, for example, a regular overdose of vitamin B6 occurs, you may notice an unpleasant feeling at the ends of the limbs, as if something is strongly compressing them, and they are going numb from this. Possible nausea, diarrhea, headache, allergic reactions.

Treatment for such effects can be symptomatic and prescribed by a doctor, but the first step is to stop using the supplement.

Choosing a complex during menopause

What vitamins to take during menopause? Of course, those that are intended specifically for women about 45 years old with beginning menopause, and this circumstance is always reflected in the name of the complex or in the instructions. In addition, the supplement must contain all the necessary substances. Having good reviews will be a plus for choosing.

Most best advice The attending physician can give advice in this regard. He will tell you in detail how to take the drug, what risks are associated with it and how long the course will last. Following the recommendations of a specialist, it is not so difficult to navigate through a huge number of different dietary supplements and choose the optimal set of useful substances for yourself.

The most popular complexes

Let's look at several commonly prescribed vitamin preparations to regulate menopausal symptoms.

It is very often prescribed to women who have just begun menopause, around the age of 45.

Thanks to its additional components, such as pyridoxine, selenium and motherwort, it helps:

  • prevent bone fragility ;
  • restore normal sleep and wakefulness patterns I;
  • restore activity, cheerfulness and good performance .

The course of the drug lasts at least two months, and only one tablet is required per day.

Includes a set of components that help cope with the deficiency of your own estrogen, make hot flashes less frequent and weaker, and normalize your emotional state. In addition, the drug prevents neoplasms that appear against the background of changed hormonal levels, and has a positive effect on blood composition. It is taken over a two-month course, one or two pieces per day with food.

This German drug with natural herbal ingredients is aimed at reducing the lack of estrogen and, as a result, alleviating menopausal hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms. It must be taken in two doses, one tablet each, and washed down with a little clean water.

Produced in Croatia, the complex with red clover extract contains all the vitamins a woman needs during menopause, including those that stimulate the natural production of sex hormones and help cope with poor health and mood instability. You only need one capsule per day, which, due to the invigorating effect of the product, is recommended to be taken before lunch.


Natural supplement from a Finnish manufacturer containing vitamins, minerals, extracts useful plants and fruits have such a feature as effective prevention of atherosclerosis. In addition, the drug normalizes the overall condition, reduces sweating and the number of hot flashes, and helps to achieve mental balance. The course of Femicaps lasts three months, it is taken twice a day, two capsules at a time.

The question of which vitamins to take and why is always relevant, especially during menopause, when the age approaches 50 years and the first signs of aging begin to appear. If you contact us in a timely manner a good specialist, choose the right complex for yourself and take care of yourself, you can maintain excellent health for many years to come.

And doctors recommend vitamin complexes to alleviate menopausal syndrome. We will talk about which ones are best to take during menopause, what their benefits and benefits are, in this article.

Essential vitamins

A gradual decrease in the production of reproductive organs begins on average at the age of 45-50, however, recently one can increasingly hear about cases of the onset of menopause as early as 30 years of age, which occurs due to constant and severe fatigue.

Hormonal changes that occur in the body - a decrease in estrogen levels, can entail the risk of:

  • systems;
  • osteoporosis, when bones become brittle and brittle because calcium is washed out of them and is not absorbed properly;
  • changes in body weight, diseases of the endocrine system;
  • formation of tumors of the mammary glands and genital organs;
  • muscle weakness;
  • deterioration of the blood supply to the brain and other organs, “flushes” of blood;
  • premature;
  • increased sweating, feeling of dizziness;
  • fatigue and irritability;
  • decreased sexual activity of a woman;
  • vaginal dryness, which can cause diseases of the genitourinary system.

Did you know? Men may also experience hot flashes. This occurs if there is a sharp decrease in testosterone in the male body as a result of taking medicines or surgery to remove the testicles.

In order to make it easier to endure these trials, you need to help the body and start taking vitamins during menopause.
They will help the immune system protect against viruses and adverse factors, provide support in stressful situations, etc.

The most important vitamins and minerals for the body of every woman during menopause are:

  • - creates conditions to slow down the aging process of the skin and the appearance of age-related spots, maintaining the necessary amount of water in the upper layers of the skin. It helps reduce the risk of tumors of various types in the mammary glands, genitals and intestines.

  • - has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the gonads. Responsible for maintaining beauty and health. Reduces the risk of cancer of various organs and reduces the risk of blood clots in blood vessels, and it also lowers blood pressure.

  • - is responsible for a person’s ability to work well physically, to think adequately and has a beneficial effect on the immune and nervous system; in combination with vitamin E, it helps eliminate nervousness and anxiety and restlessness.

  • - contributes to the normalization of the functioning of body systems such as the cardiovascular and nervous.

  • and - actively help get rid of depression, apathy, frequent mood swings, strengthening the nervous system.

  • - strengthens vascular walls, thereby reducing tissue swelling, reducing the risk of tumor formations.

  • - responsible for the absorption and strengthening of bones that have lost strength. It is an excellent means of preventing osteoporosis.

Did you know?In the male body, vitamin D is interconnected with testosterone. The more sunlight a man receives, the higher his testosterone levels.

  • Calcium and boron - just like vitamin D, help make the skeletal system stronger.

  • - calms the nervous system, eliminates insomnia and increased irritability. Promotes calcium absorption and lowers calcium levels.

  • Lignins can influence hot flashes, which can often be visible visually and are very annoying for a woman. They may also have a positive effect on vaginal dryness.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - will help cope with weight gain. After taking them, the insulin level is reduced by half, and fats do not turn into unwanted deposits on the woman’s body, but become energy.

Why are they needed?

A doctor may recommend that a woman start using vitamin-mineral complexes, since these measures will provide her with effective support at the stage of changes in her body, will have a positive effect on her psycho-emotional, physical health, beauty, ability to think adequately and have good health.

Vitamins can increase the speed of biological and chemical processes, the proper absorption of beneficial elements that enter the body with food, the appearance of new cells, and much more.

Thanks to modern developments by pharmaceutical companies, women have the opportunity to take specially developed medications with a high and balanced content of exactly those beneficial substances and microelements that the body needs at a given period.

Their composition is enriched with components such as phytoestrogens - plant elements containing hormone-like substances. They have a softening effect on hormonal levels, and the negative feelings that a woman usually experiences become less noticeable and tangible.
Vitamins also have an effect on endocrine system, normalizing the processes of hormone production, and thereby prolonging the active life of the ovaries.

Important! A woman's body may begin to signal that menopause is approaching a couple of years or months before it actually occurs. A gradual decrease in the level of female sex hormones estrogen may occasionally manifest itself in the form of symptoms characteristic of menopause.

When searching for the names of vitamins for women during menopause on the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting and useful information. Let's study the features of the most popular vitamin complexes.

  • "Tsi-Klim". A special feature of this complex of vitamins is the presence of motherwort extract, which strengthens the immune system, which has a calming effect on the nervous system, black cohosh, herbaceous plant, containing phytoestrogens, as well as L-cartinine, rutin. This medication can also be prescribed to those whose menopause began at a relatively early age. Prevents osteoporosis, increases body tone and vitality, and normalizes the sleep process.

  • "Femicaps"- rich in vitamins, primrose and passionflower extract. The complex eliminates irritability, insomnia, surges in blood pressure, eliminates or reduces the number of “hot flashes”.

  • "Doppelhertz active Menopause" - the amount of B vitamins significantly exceeds them average in other complexes, calcium, biotite mineral, soy phytoestrogen. Acts as a general strengthening complex, minimizes hot flashes and sweating, and relieves excess irritability.

  • A drug such as "Menopace". It also strengthens the immune system and helps with nervous disorders.

  • "Woman 40 plus"- a combination of vitamins and minerals can delay the fading of female beauty and the onset of aging. He works with the problem overweight, increasing skin elasticity. The complex is made from citrus bioflavonoids and bromelain, as well as boron, and the highlight is youth coenzyme Q10. It affects a woman’s mental work and physical abilities, and promotes weight loss.

  • "Complivit Calcium D3- the main element of which, naturally, is calcium. An excellent option for preventing and eliminating problems with the skeletal system, strengthening teeth and enamel. Taking vitamins improves the condition of hair and nails.

  • "Remens"- normalizes a woman’s emotional state, restraining nervousness and anxiety. Eliminates high blood pressure, reduces, relieves attacks.

Important! In Japan, the period of menopause is called konenki, which translates as “noble disease,” which is characteristic of women who are rich, both spiritually and financially, at an advanced age. They treat it positively, perceiving it as an inevitable physiological process, as a result of which a woman is reborn and her body is renewed. A positive attitude makes it easier for a woman to cope with all the changes in her body.

Which vitamins you should take during menopause should be discussed with your gynecologist or therapist, who will be able to individually select the appropriate vitamin complex based on your ailments or manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

By the age of 50, every woman faces problems such as changes in blood pressure and sudden mood swings. All this indicates that the body is preparing for a new phase. Menopause affects everyone sooner or later. For some it lasts a year, but there are also those who suffer from various abnormalities for 5-6 years. Despite the fact that menopause is not a disease, it requires the participation of doctors. Sometimes hormonal medications are selected for women, but almost everyone is recommended to take non-hormonal medications, in particular vitamins and microelements. The female body especially needs vitamin A, folic acid, magnesium, and the most popular and affordable drugs are Aevit and Qi-Klim.

To maintain the female body during menopause, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins with the help of various drugs

The need for vitamins

With the onset of menopause, a woman begins to suffer from pressure surges, hot flashes, and her sleep and mood worsen. It is thanks to vitamins against menopause that you can significantly improve your well-being. Changes in weight are especially common after 50 years of age due to a slowdown in metabolism. This problem can also be dealt with if you choose the right complex. The active components will help stimulate metabolism, due to which not only weight will be normalized, but also unpleasant symptoms will be eliminated.

It is also important to emphasize that with the onset of menopause, the production of your own hormones slows down. Non-hormonal agents help activate these processes, forcing the body to independently produce the necessary substances.

Vitamins for menopause help strengthen the immune system, normalize sleep and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, thereby improving the quality of life of women.

Properly selected vitamins help cope with the symptoms of menopause

Essential vitamins and microelements

During menopause, women's bodies need the following vitamins for menopause:

  • Vitamin A slows down the aging process and protects the women's body from free radicals. Prevents the formation of tumors in the uterus and mammary glands and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It is used as a single drug, and can also be included in a complex, for example, Aevit.
  • Vitamin B 1 affects the nervous system, which helps eliminate mood swings that appear during this period. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.
  • B 6 improves mood, stimulates a surge of strength and energy. It is especially necessary when immunity decreases in women whose age is over 45 years.
  • Folic acid or vitamin B differs in that it has estrogen-like properties, but does not cause any negative consequences. In other words, folic acid has no contraindications and can be used regardless of the patient’s age at the time of menopause. Can be included in the complex or taken separately.
  • Vitamin B 12 helps reduce the irritability that accompanies this period. In menopausal women, it strengthens the nervous system and prevents the development of depression.
  • Vitamin C improves the condition of the vascular wall, thereby eliminating swelling.

When menopause occurs, a whole complex of various vitamins is needed that will improve the woman’s condition.

  • Vitamin E during menopause should be taken at the very beginning. As a rule, the period of restructuring begins with pressure surges caused by hormonal changes. Vitamin E stimulates the production of hormones and thereby improves the condition of women.
  • Vitamin D is a must for women who have begun menopause. It is he who is involved in the absorption of calcium, which is responsible for the condition of the skeletal system. Like folic acid, it is the most important during menopause.
  • A complex intended for women must also include calcium, which is necessary for bone strength, magnesium, which has a positive effect on the nervous system, as well as lignins, which eliminate dry mucous membranes.

Thus, all non-hormonal drugs during menopause help relieve the symptoms accompanying this period.

Only a doctor can tell you which vitamins women need during menopause. It is important to choose the exact dosage so as not to provoke hypervitaminosis.

Complex means

In order to ease this period, during menopause you need to choose the right medications. Taking everything indiscriminately is not only useless, but also dangerous. When choosing, you need to take into account the presence of certain symptoms, the body’s reaction to vitamin supplements, as well as possible allergic reaction. In addition, the age of the women, the severity of symptoms that occur during menopause, and how long the period of hormonal changes lasts are taken into account.

Most often, Aevit is used for menopause.

In order to find out which vitamins you need, it is better to see a doctor. He will prescribe individual remedies, but a complex that includes several items at once will be no less effective:

  • Aevit is the most common name of the drug due to its affordable price. The complex includes vitamins A and E. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes. It is recommended to take it in cases where there are deviations from the nervous system and circulatory disorders. In addition, it eliminates the toxic effects of free radicals, normalizes fat metabolism and stabilizes body weight. Aevit can be taken separately, but it is better to combine it with other means. Supplements may include folic acid, calcium and vitamin D.
  • Menopace. A preparation containing plant components, the main one of which is passionflower extract. There are also all the necessary microelements and vitamins during this period. It has a positive effect on the immune system, alleviates a woman’s condition during menopause and increases vitality. It is commercially available, but it is better to consult a doctor before taking the drug.
  • Vitatress. The complex includes all the necessary vitamins, in particular A, E, C, B 1, D 6, PP, folic acid and so on. Due to this, during use, mood improves, tone increases, irritability is eliminated and work is normalized. internal organs. Has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart. It is especially recommended to take it in the first year of menopause, that is, up to 50 years.

Vitamin complexes should be taken after consultation with a doctor to exclude possible complications.

  • Alphabet 50+ is a drug intended for women over 50 years of age. In addition to vitamins, it includes lutein and lycopene. Due to this, it prevents age-related decline in visual acuity. The dosage is determined individually together with the doctor. Due to this, it is possible to achieve maximum absorption of all available components and obtain a pronounced result.

The drug consists of three types of tablets, which must be taken separately, according to the schedule.

Vitamins with plant extracts

  • Lady's Formula Menopause. This is a herbal complex that perfectly relieves all the symptoms that arise during this period. Recommended for women over 50 years of age. The composition of the drug is very rich and includes eleven vitamins and plant extracts. For this reason, before taking the pills, it is important to find out exactly what ingredients are present in order to exclude a possible allergic reaction.
  • Femicaps. A fairly popular vitamin for menopause produced in Finland. The composition includes all vitamins B, E, folic acid, magnesium, passionflower and primrose extracts. It is especially recommended to take this drug for sleep disorders and irritability. In addition, it easily relieves hot flashes and pressure surges. Effective at the beginning of menopause, but can also be used in postmenopause.

Vitamin complexes with plant extracts will be useful during menopause.

  • Qi-Clim. The drug is especially popular among women. This is explained by the fact that it, like Aevit, has an affordable price, but at the same time is quite effective in combating the symptoms of menopause. Before taking the product, it is important to find out what components are included in it, since it is possible to develop allergies to plant extracts. An important advantage of the product is the selenium it contains, which inhibits the aging process and improves the general condition of the body.
  • Hypotrilon. Hypotrilon will help cope with hot flashes and normalize blood pressure. It contains vitamins, indole-3-carbinol, and Vitasil SE. You can take the drug at any stage of menopause. Its main advantage and difference from other means is its high effectiveness in preventing oncological diseases developing against the background of hormonal changes.
  • Woman 40 plus. The drug includes vitamins and microelements. Plant extracts are also available. For this reason, it is important to first find out exactly what components are present and only then begin to take the drug according to an individual regimen. The complex has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin and hair, slows down the aging process, increases overall tone and eliminates all possible symptoms of menopause.

Since bone structure is disrupted during menopause, a complex of vitamins is needed to prevent such reactions.

Vitamins to strengthen the skeletal system

Separately, we can highlight drugs whose action is aimed at preventing osteoporosis:

  • Doppelhertz active Menopause. Another drug with a rich composition. It contains vitamins E, A, C, D, B1, folic acid, calcium biotite, as well as large number plant extracts. It has a positive effect on the entire body, but the effect on the condition of bone tissue is especially pronounced. It is better to take this remedy separately to avoid an excess of vitamins in the body.
  • Complivit Calcium D3. This drug is especially necessary for those who have already been diagnosed with Osteoporosis. The complex contains calcium and cholecalciferol, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the muscular and skeletal system. If you regularly drink Complivit Calcium D3 after 45 years, you can reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the skeletal system and significantly improve the condition of your hair and nails.

There are other drugs to combat menopause. But in any case, before taking this or that drug, it is important to see a doctor. Only he can tell you exactly what elements you need and what drug will be appropriate.

The benefits and harms of vitamins will be discussed below:

Some menopausal women experience mild symptoms, while others experience severe discomfort. In this case, there is a risk of developing osteochondrosis, incontinence and heart disease due to low estrogen levels. It is useful to take vitamins during menopause in their pure form and with food to minimize all the symptoms of this period.


Essential vitamins

What vitamins should I take during menopause? Vitamin A will be useful. Its most important role in the body is to preserve vision. The vitamin is also useful for human skin. It provides hydration. Since it helps in maintaining healthy skin, it can also be used as a treatment for vaginal dryness during menopause. During menopause, vitamin A and vitamin E in combination additionally nourish and moisturize the mucous membranes of the body.

It is also associated with the thyroid gland, which is responsible for converting carotenoids into retinol. If it does not work correctly, the body will not receive enough of these substances. Such thyroid problems are common in women during menopause.

Useful vitamins for women during menopause and their sources:

Name Products with high content vitamin
A Fish oil, spinach, milk, broccoli, carrots, basil (fresh), parsley, chicken liver, orange vegetables
B1 Peas, fresh and dried fruits, eggs, whole grains, liver
B6 Pork, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, legumes, soybeans, peanuts, potatoes, bananas, avocados
B12 Meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs
E Mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, fish oil, sunflower seeds, spinach
D Mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, fish oil
C Citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, parsley, kiwi, spinach

Vitamin B1 and B6 help fight stress. As women age, serotonin levels decrease. This can cause mood swings and depression, which are common during menopause.

Vitamins are better absorbed if you eat fruit in the morning

With age, the body begins to absorb vitamin B12 worse, and the risk of its deficiency increases.

The symptoms of the deficiency are as follows:

  • fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • constipation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • numbness and tingling in the arms and legs;
  • balance problems;
  • depression;
  • dementia.

In later stages, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia. Therefore, it should be taken additionally with food or in its pure form.

Vitamin E contains small amounts of estrogen and helps reduce or eliminate hot flashes. It also reduces vaginal dryness and is effective for painful intercourse. Vitamin E in postmenopause reduces the risk of cancer of the cervix, breast, lungs, skin, gastrointestinal tract and rectum

A lack of vitamin D causes fatigue, mood swings, sleep problems, and decreased immunity. This is just a package of menopause symptoms. In addition to food, you can get much more of it while walking. When sunlight hits the skin, it produces vitamin D, which the body needs daily.

Vitamin C improves overall immunity during menopause, especially in cold weather.

Important microelements

One of the sad health symptoms of menopause is the increased risk of osteoporosis (weakening and loss of bone tissue). A sufficient amount of calcium in the body is the most best way keep bones strong and healthy.

Iron deficiency anemia is an insufficient number of red blood cells in the body due to a lack of iron. This trace element helps the blood carry oxygen throughout the body. During menopause, the body needs a good balance of white and red blood cells to maintain optimal health and immune system.

Omega 3s are polyunsaturated acids that have the ability to suppress inflammation.

Sources of calcium

Complex drugs

A complex of vitamins for menopause takes into account all the characteristics of women during this period. At this time, the body needs special nutrition.

Complex preparations and their composition:

Name Features of the drug Compound Directions for use Average price (RUB)
Aevit The drug improves immunity, promotes tissue restoration, vision, improves blood circulation, and the permeability of vascular walls. A (retinol) and E (tocopherol) 1 capsule after meals 50
Vitatress Recommended for use by women under 50 years old, it normalizes the emotional state and the vascular system. Vitamins A, E, group B, calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid 200
Menopace Helps maintain normal bone condition and calcium absorption. Soy isoflavones regulate hormonal levels, iodine contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones and activates the thyroid gland. Vitamins A, C, D, group B, folic acid, zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium 1 tablet once a day after meals 600
Alphabet 50+ Recommended for use by women over 50 years old, it helps normalize vision and general well-being. There are 3 types of tablets that should be taken in a specific sequence. White tablets contain D, groups B, K, H, calcium and chromium, red tablets contain iron, copper, vitamins A, group B, C, blue tablets contain vitamins A, group B, C, PP, E, magnesium, iodine. , zinc The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor 250

Menopace is a complex drug for menopause with a rich composition

Decreased estrogen levels in the blood cause symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue and lack of menstruation. Some women use hormonal pills, creams or patches to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of this period. Vitamins during menopause are a more gentle solution in this case.

Vitamins with plant extracts

Herbs have been used for thousands of years to combat unpleasant symptoms, like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings during menopause.

Complexes with plant extracts and their composition:

Titles Features of the drugs Compound Directions for use Average price (RUB)
Qi-Klim Normalizes hormonal levels Black cohosh extract, calcium, silicon 1 tablet per day with food 310
Woman 40 plus Eliminates the symptoms of menopause; before starting use, you must ensure that you are not allergic to all components Citrus bioflavonoids, Dong Quai root extract, sodium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E 1 tablet per day with food 800
Hypotrilon Prevents the occurrence of tumors, normalizes hormonal levels indole-3-carbinol, selenium, E (tocopherol) 2 times a day, 1 tablet before meals 3 000
Femicaps Normalizes hormonal levels Extracts of evening primrose, passionflower, chasteberry, E and B6 2 times a day, 1 tablet after meals 1800
Lady's Formula Menopause Normalizes hormonal levels Maitake mushroom extract, B vitamins, folic acid, magnesium, selenium 1 tablet per day with food 750

Supplementing complexes with plant extracts can be useful, but sometimes you may be allergic to some of them. Before you buy a vitamin complex, you should study its composition.

Vitamins to strengthen the skeletal system

During menopause, estrogen levels begin to drop. This hormone acts as a natural bone protector. Lack of estrogen contributes to the development of osteoporosis.

The disease most often occurs after menopause, but women may not even know that it exists. Osteoporosis does not cause any symptoms. A bone crack is the first sign of the disease.

The best vitamins for menopause to strengthen bone tissue:

It is impossible to stop bone loss during menopause, but you can slow down this process with the help of special complexes. It is useful to drink vitamin D during menopause, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium.


Endocrinologist, researcher at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Olga Dvoinishnikova talks about nutrition during menopause: