Consultation for teachers on the topic: “Methodology for recreational running for preschoolers”

More thinkers Ancient Greece talked:

“If you want to be healthy, run!

If you want to be beautiful, run!

If you want to be smart, run!”

And for a child, running is a natural movement, characteristic of him from an early age. When running, almost all muscle groups work, which improves the functioning of the heart, respiratory system, and internal organs.

What is health running?

This is a long run at a slow pace. Children have a pulse of approximately 140-160 beats per minute, while children 5-6 years old have a pulse of 150-170 beats per minute. The initial duration of running should be determined together with a preschool doctor, and an individual approach to children is also necessary. It is necessary to measure the length of the treadmill not only by the number of meters, but also by the time spent running one lap at a slow pace, because The number of laps run makes it easier for the teacher to navigate.

Every two weeks, the duration of the run increases by 15 seconds. But periodic “stops” are possible (unstable weather, for example in November, and in connection with this, it is difficult for the child to adapt to its constant changes; or it is an ARVI epidemic, quarantine, etc. reasons)

In summer, the running duration does not increase.

As children move to the next age group, the initial running duration for them is set according to April-May data.

In the school preparatory group, children run for 7-12 minutes every day.


Warm-up is necessary in order to warm up the muscles, make joints more mobile, and adjust the child psychologically. From the porch, on the go, you can do exercises for various muscle groups with your children - squats and different types walking. The warm-up ends with running in place.

(so that children do not “take off” from their place, but run at the right pace), performing exercises during warm-up. Children move forward in a “flock”. You should NOT line them up one after the other, because... Each child has their own individual running pace. They start pushing each other, stepping on each other’s heels, some lag behind, and then rush to catch up. Irrhythmic, intermittent running does not provide any health benefits.

The teacher runs the entire distance with the children. She monitors each child individually and offers to step away from the race and rest. While running, the teacher is sometimes on the side of the children, sometimes in front, sometimes behind, encouraging the children. Gradually, the children begin to line up one after another, stretching out in a chain, and run evenly. The run ends with an even greater slowdown and a transition to walking with breathing exercises, then relaxation and the children rest for a while. The duration of rest depends on how quickly the children’s pulse returns to normal (from 1 to several minutes). Here, a consultation with a pediatrician is also necessary.

Children's clothing should be comfortable, not restrict movement, and sports shoes without heels. It is better not to practice barefoot running, because... children knock their fingers off (even on a dirt path).


  1. Running should be fun for children;
  2. Run with children, but at a pace intended for children;
  3. Run every day;
  4. The longer the running distance, the shorter the warm-up;
  5. After running, you need to relax.

It is important to remember that the initial running duration is determined individually for each child. Children who come back after illness are asked to walk a few laps instead of running, run a shorter distance, or not run at all, but just take a walk. The child’s mood is also taken into account. Any coercion is strictly prohibited!

Running during physical exercise and gymnastics after sleep may be somewhat shorter. In winter, running is sometimes replaced by walking, and in summer by cycling.

You can run on an asphalt path or on a lawn. It is necessary to ensure that there are no potholes, debris, stones, etc.

Recreational running should be carried out with a small subgroup of children (5-7 people), taking into account the level of physical fitness of the child.

The method of recreational running must correspond to the functional capabilities of the child’s body. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out health jogging at least 2 times a week on days when there are no physical exercises during the morning walk. In the warm season they are carried out at the very beginning of the walk, and in the cold season - at the end of it.

When conducting recreational running, an individually differentiated approach should be taken. For children 5-6 years old with a high and average level of activity, I suggest running two laps (on average 500 meters), for sedentary children - one lap. Children 6-7 years old with high levels active people run an average of 3-4 laps, while sedentary people run 2 laps.

Healthy running ends with a gradual slowdown breathing exercises, after this, standing exercises are offered to relax the muscles.

While running, it is important for the teacher to remember:

  • When choosing a running distance, it is important to take into account the health status and level of physical activity of children;
  • All running distances must be marked (the length of a semicircle and one circle);
  • Running should give children “muscular joy” and pleasure;
  • It is necessary to develop in children a sense of speed in running, a certain pace;
  • After a healthy run, the teacher should not forget to use exercises to relax muscles and restore breathing;
  • In the winter season, it is advisable not to stop jogging, but at the same time take into account children’s clothing and the length of the distances, which are significantly reduced (from 250 to 500 meters).

When running, it is necessary to ensure that children breathe through their nose.

The effects of running on health

General characteristics of health running

One of the most important problems modern society sedentary lifestyle has become a problem. This is due to the fact that many people began to move less, walk less, and travel more by public and private transport. And as a result, a sharp increase in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system was discovered. The easiest physical exercise that is natural for every person is running. This is precisely the simplest solution to the problem that has arisen. Therefore, over time, people came to the conclusion that the most important function of jogging is health.

Nowadays he is engaged in recreational jogging large number people of different ages. This is due to the fact that health running has a huge positive effect on the body. This benefit that health-improving running brings to the body is difficult to replace with other exercises, since it will not be one or two exercises, but it will be necessary to compile entire sets of health-improving exercises. A more rational way to solve this issue is to practice jogging.

Health-improving running strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory and other vital systems and organs of a person and contributes to his hardening.

With regular, conscientious and continuous exercise in health-improving running, you can strengthen your body, protect it from many diseases, increase the level of overall performance and endurance, lift your spirits, and spend your free time profitably.

Healthy running is one of the main means of preventing various diseases, promoting health, and cultivating the need for daily physical exercise.

Healthy jogging helps develop habits healthy image life, the need for independent physical exercise, organizing active recreation and leisure.

Thus, the reason for the modern person’s need for physical exercise is a sedentary lifestyle. The easiest solution to this problem is jogging. These classes are accessible to everyone; they do not require much effort or special conditions. Health running - best way support and strengthen your body, increase your performance, and at the same time spend your free time usefully.

There can be positive and negative sides to any issue under consideration. Healthy running can also be approached from several angles. There are many positive effects of health-improving running, scientifically proven based on ongoing research. We will analyze them in more detail. But there are some medical contraindications for recreational jogging, which can be temporary or permanent. Next we will also look at them.

There are a number of basic, pronounced positive effects of health running.

1. Healthy running allows you to achieve a reasonable combination between stress on the cardiovascular system and burning calories.

One of the problems of our modern society is excess nutrition. It leads to excessive accumulation of energy-intensive substances in the body: fats, carbohydrates, cholesterol, and their presence, in turn, is the cause of many negative consequences, for example, obesity. In order to prevent this, physical activity is necessary to help get rid of excess calories. In this regard, health running has its advantages over other types of physical activity, since it does not require a lot of time, lengthy preparation and special equipment.

Energy consumption for a 10-15 year old child during recreational jogging is about 200-400 kcal. per hour The greater the runner's weight, the greater the energy expenditure. Due to the fact that the process of fat metabolism is activated during running, running is an effective means of normalizing body weight. People involved in recreational jogging have 1.5 times less fat than people who don’t.

It turns out that health running is enough effective way burning extra calories, which does not overload the cardiovascular system.

2. Healthy running has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and blood supply to tissues.

A big problem in modern society is a sedentary lifestyle. It is this that leads to disruption of the blood supply to tissues and atrophy of a large number of capillaries. Right dosed running opens non-functioning capillaries, and also promotes the germination of new capillaries in depleted areas and in areas damaged by any diseases.

3. Correctly dosed exercises health-improving jogging is an excellent natural stimulation of the body’s defense systems, which occurs through the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems.

During running, the content of carbon dioxide and lactic acid increases in the body of exercisers. They have a stimulating effect on the body of runners. And when doing recreational jogging, a person’s body releases pleasure hormones - enkephalins, endorphins. They have a positive effect on nervous system involved in training and help her recover from exercise.

To all of the above positive effects of running, you can add strengthening of the immune system.

And so, we see that a person who regularly engages in healthy running, first of all, has a positive effect on his body; running helps to increase metabolism and burn excess calories, which helps get rid of excess weight, increases your immunity, prevents the development of many diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, promotes a positive effect on the nervous system, improves mood and physical condition. All of the above leads to maintaining and strengthening health, increasing mental performance and creative capabilities of a person.

This once again proves that health-improving jogging has many positive effects and, therefore, should become mandatory in the daily routine of every person who wants to maintain and strengthen their health.

Any activities physical culture, any exercise, including recreational running, in some cases may be contraindicated for a number of reasons.

There are absolute contraindications. These are the conditions in which running is completely prohibited. These primarily include congenital heart disease. For such diseases, any physical activity, including recreational jogging, is contraindicated.

It is also prohibited to engage in recreational jogging if there is a violation of the heart rhythm, arrhythmia, insufficient blood circulation, or pulmonary insufficiency. Contraindications for recreational jogging also include high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma and progressive myopia, as well as any acute disease, including colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

People with the above diseases are prohibited from doing recreational jogging. And instead of doing health-improving jogging, you can use diet and relaxation to naturally maintain their body.

After illnesses or after an exacerbation of chronic diseases, recreational jogging can be started no earlier than a month later. But first you must consult your doctor and find out:

Is it possible to start doing recreational jogging?

Is a person ready for recreational jogging?

Where to start with recreational running.

For people involved in recreational running, in order to properly carry out exercises on their own and bring only positive effects to their body, they also need to know and use the following concepts: such as the dosage of running loads, self-control and breathing during recreational running.

Dosage of running loads. In order to properly dose the load, you need to run with a watch with a second hand and learn to measure your pulse. It is better to do this by placing your fingers on the wrist of the other hand. When running, the pulse is measured for 10 seconds, immediately after stopping.

In the first two to three weeks of training, you need to run for 4-6 minutes 3 times a week, then you can gradually increase the time to 10 minutes. You can’t rush to increase the load; you need to carefully monitor your feelings. Excessive stress, especially in the early stages, when the body has not yet adapted to this type of physical stimulation, can cause a stress reaction and aggravate the disease. The best guideline for determining dosage is how you feel. Just like other forms of exercise, recreational running should be fun.

Self-control. When engaging in recreational jogging, it is very important to avoid overdose.

Self-control is mandatory in recreational running.

Healthy running and breathing. Many people who exercise during running do not pay attention to breathing; they breathe the way they do. However, this is not true. It is imperative to control the breathing process.

There are certain conditions for proper breathing during recreational jogging:

You need to breathe through your nose. In some cases, exhalation through the mouth is allowed, but inhalation must be done through the nose.

Breathing should be complete, i.e., as deep as possible, but rare.

Breathing should be rhythmic: for every 2-4 steps, depending on the speed of running, inhale, for every 3-5 steps - an extended exhalation.

In order for health running to be useful and correct, you must pay attention to the breathing apparatus and learn how to breathe correctly. Otherwise, health running can cause more harm to the body than good.

List of sources used

  1. Apanasenko, G.L. The evolution of bioenergy and human health. – St. Petersburg: MGP “Petropolis”, 1992. – 123 p.

  2. Apanasenko G.L., Naumenko G.G., Sokolovets T.N. On assessing the state of human health. // Medical practice. 1998. No. 5. – pp. 23-25.

  3. Apanasenko N.I., Dubinin G.V. Factors that determine running efficiency // Smolensk. 1998.

  4. Vainbaum Ya.S. Dosing of physical activity among schoolchildren. - M: Enlightenment, 1991.

  5. Vereshchagin L.I. Health running: where to start? – M. 1998.

  6. Viru A.A., Smirnova T.A. Aerobic exercise. - M. FiS. 1988.

  7. Volkov V.M., Milner E.G. Running and health. Physical education and sports.
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  8. Zmanovsky Yu.F. To health without drugs. - M. 1990

  9. Ivashchenko L.Ya., Strapko N.G. Independent exercise. - Kyiv: Health, 1988.

  10. Kozlovsky Yu.I. Speed-strength training of runners for intermediate and long distances. – M., 1980.

  11. Kolodiy O.V., Lutkovsky E.M. Ukhova V.V. Health running. Athletics and teaching methods. – M., 1985.

  12. Korobov A.N. Almost everything about running. - Physical education and sports. – M., 1986.

  13. Krutsevich T.Yu. Methods for studying the individual health of children and adolescents in the process of physical education. - K.: Olympic literature, 1999.

  14. Cooper K. New aerobics. A system of health-improving physical exercises for all ages. Abbr. lane from English. S. Shenilaman. M.: FiS 1976.

  15. Lebedeva N.T. School and student health: A manual. Mn.:

  16. Ushversggetskae, 1998.

  17. Martirosov A.B. Research methods in sports anthropology. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1982.

  18. Milner E.G. Formula of life. – M. 1991.

  19. Mikhalkin G.P. “All about sports”, published: AST 2000.

  20. Petrov P.K. Physical culture: Coursework and final qualifying works. – M.: Publishing house VLADOS – PRESS, 2003.

  21. Fedorov A.S., Fedorov V.N. Health running. - M: Science, 1991.

  22. Physical education in primary school. – M.: Publishing house – VLADOS – PRESS, 2003.

  23. Furman Yu.M. Physiology of recreational running. – Kyiv: Health, 1994.
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Running is considered one of the most useful species sports, along with swimming. It has a positive effect on the whole body, but every coin has two sides. If you run incorrectly, you can cause yourself much more harm than good.

Running is one of the most natural movements of our body, right after walking. We can safely say that by nature itself a running program has been laid down for people. Its benefits for the whole body are enormous. While running, almost all the muscles of the body and many organs are used. By the way, running is one of the best, so many people start doing it specifically with the goal of losing weight.

As for professional sports, running is a discipline athletics, who is called the queen of sports. And it should be noted that it is deserved. Running is a basic workout for almost any athlete, from a boxer to a cyclist. It helps to calm down after a hard day and lifts your spirits. In addition, to practice this sport you do not need to purchase expensive equipment or visit special establishments, which makes it the most accessible. Therefore, we can conclude that running is the lot of not only professionals, but also ordinary amateurs.

The benefits of running

As mentioned above, healthy running can have a positive effect on almost the entire body. It's time to figure out what running affects.

The first thing that jogging has a positive effect on is the cardiovascular system and the heart itself, in particular. During moderate and prolonged exercise, the walls of the heart are strengthened, which makes it stronger and more powerful. Regular jogging reduces the risk of heart attack. Therefore, we can safely say that recreational running is an excellent prevention of heart disease.

In addition to strengthening the walls of the myocardium, the blood vessels are also strengthened. This in turn reduces the risk of thrombosis and improves blood circulation through the veins, arteries and other vessels. During long-term training, all muscles of the body are saturated with capillaries. Due to this, the saturation of the entire body, including the brain, with oxygen is further improved, which means its performance and endurance increases.

During running training, athletes breathe heavily. Thanks to this, the respiratory system is also trained. During such training, the lungs learn to receive and absorb more oxygen. Due to this and the developed circulatory system, this oxygen reaches all corners of our body in sufficient quantities. By the way, running is a real and effective way to restore your lungs after getting rid of the harmful habit of smoking.

Healthy running outside strengthens the immune system and makes it less susceptible to colds. It will strengthen the joints of the whole body and a large number of different muscles. Among them are the muscles of the legs, abs, and back. In addition, the load will be on the arms, chest and neck, but not to the same extent as on the former.

Don't forget about the psychological aspect of running. The most important thing is to improve your mood. While jogging, the hormone of happiness – endorphin – is produced. Oddly enough, running helps you better manage your time and organize your entire day.

And by running like this you will also improve the mood of others:

Can you hurt yourself while running?

Running is not always good for your health. No matter how strange it may sound, it can also have a negative effect on all the organs that running has a positive effect on. Among runners, there are often those who quit the sport precisely because of various injuries. In fact, all of them can be avoided, and even very simply, the main thing is to follow certain simple rules and then the health benefits of running will be maximum.

First, you need to make sure that the novice athlete has no restrictions on running. This primarily concerns diseases of the spine, heart, joints and ligaments of the legs. It should be noted that running puts a lot of stress on the spine and people who have problems with it should avoid doing this sport.

Secondly, you should pay attention to frequency. In order for healthy running to remain healthy, it is strictly forbidden to overload your body. Many people, even professional athletes, incorrectly calculate the capabilities of their body and subsequently end their sports career. You'll be lucky if the doctors just tell you not to run. Otherwise, you can get lifelong disease of the heart or other organs. Excessive load can easily stall a person’s “engine”.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about running for fun. The fact is that beginners see in movies, hear from other people, read on the Internet that they should not give up what they have started, they must devote themselves completely to training and under no circumstances should they be skipped. There is, of course, some truth in this, but only a small part.

If the workout is very difficult, then you should slow down immediately. If there is not enough time for recovery, then you should increase it or revise your daily plan. In many films you can see footage of athletes training at night. So, at night a person should only sleep and recover. If you didn’t manage to leave work early or free time appeared only after nine o’clock in the evening, then it is better to skip 1 training day and leave the uncompleted workout for tomorrow. This applies not only to amateurs, but also to professional athletes.

Running while sick is evil. When fighting viruses or other diseases, there is an additional load on the entire body, and in particular on the heart. During this period, it is necessary, on the contrary, to rest as much as possible and thereby help the body overcome the disease. Not only is it necessary to refrain from exertion during a common cold, but it is also advisable to allow the body to recover for at least a week after complete recovery.

The next point that you should pay attention to in order to minimize the harm caused to the body while running is technique. Incorrect foot positioning can greatly harm the knees, lower back and other joints and ligaments of the legs, back and even neck. For different distances, such as sprint, middle and long distances, cross-country running and road running have their own technique. Healthy running involves a minimal negative impact on the body, so the positioning of the legs should be soft, you should not “stick” your legs while running, you should step on your full foot, your feet should be parallel to each other.

You can run anywhere, but it is advisable to choose a soft, flat dirt surface for running. You can go to a park, forest or field. If there are no options, then you can run on asphalt. Only in this case will you have to buy special shoes with thick and soft soles and work on your running technique. In fact, in urban conditions, the ideal solution would be a stadium with a high-quality rubber surface. It is recommended to stay away from major road arteries of the city and places with a large concentration of cars.

It is highly advisable to find at least one like-minded person. Over time, running alone can get boring. You can run with music, but you should remember a number of points.

- firstly, because of the music, you may not hear an approaching car, dog or any other danger;

— secondly, music can disrupt the desired rhythm and speed up/slow down the athlete.

Health running technique

There are various methods of health running, but it is customary to stick to two: uniform health running and variable. The first is more suitable for experienced athletes, and the second for beginners who have not yet decided on the appropriate pace and time of training.

The essence of variable training is that running alternates with walking. Moreover, its duration should not be less than 40 minutes. To determine the duration of the segments, you should jog and continue to move at this pace until you feel a little tired. It is important not to push yourself at the very beginning of training. Next you need to move on to a step. It is advisable that the segment covered on foot be shorter in time than the running segment.

Let's secure it. Training: Variable

– duration – 40 minutes;

- until the moment of fatigue;

- go to a step;

Note. Ideally, jog for the entire 40 minutes.

The next technique is uniform running. There may be various variations here. This includes long-term cross-country, recovery cross-country and others. The main task is to maintain the same pace, or better yet, run in the same heart rate zone. Of course, it is better to rely on the readings of the heart rate monitor while running on very rough terrain. Other methods of recreational running are used very rarely, since those mentioned above are less effective.

How often should you run?

After all the features of healthy running have been considered, you can decide on a training schedule. Professional athletes rest only once a week, taking into account the fact that out of 6 training days they have at least 2 tough special jobs in their schedule. Healthy running training does not require such a serious load on the body, so you can do it on a more relaxed schedule.

The simplest schedule would be to train every other day. When to train and when to rest, you can decide for yourself. To achieve good results and systematicity, beginners are recommended to train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and rest on Wednesday, Sunday and Friday. Moreover, on Monday and Tuesday there should not be two voluminous and heavy workouts. For example, on Tuesday you can run an easy cross-country race, and on Monday cross-country at a higher pace and do general developmental exercises.

If you stick to this schedule, then it is advisable that on Monday and Thursday there would be training at a higher pace with additional exercises such as jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and others, and on Saturday a long volume training for at least an hour of pure running. It is important to note for yourself that at the first stage of preparation you should run only light cross-country races, with a maximum of one more quick workout per week. Once you have confidence in your abilities, you can move on to the schedule described above. If such a training plan turns out to be too difficult, then you need to return to light training again.


Running for health is, of course, a useful activity, but in order for it to remain so all the time and not harm yourself, you should adhere to certain rules, and most importantly, learn from the mistakes of others, and not from your own. Before you start running for the first time, it is recommended to consult a doctor and only then think about your training schedule.

It is advisable to take the first steps under the supervision of an experienced trainer. Today, signing up for a running club is not very difficult. If you follow the tips and recommendations mentioned in this article, you will be able to extract only positive aspects from running.

The main method of training in recreational running is a uniform method that promotes the development of general endurance. In this case, continuous running at a uniform pace for 30-60 minutes 2 times a week and 90-120 minutes 1 time a week is used as a training tool (intensity 65--75 % MNJ. The intensity of running depends on its speed. The speed range in health training ranges from 7 to 12 km/h, and its upper limit can only be used in a group of runners under 40 years of age, with many years of training experience. For beginner recreational joggers, the speed usually does not exceed 9-10 km, while for more prepared ones it is 10-11 km/h.

For middle-aged beginner runners, at the first, preparatory, stage of training, a variable method is used - alternating short sections of walking and running. Experienced runners with many years of experience can use cross-country on moderately rough terrain (30-90 minutes) as an alternating method of training no more than once a week. This is the most An effective remedy development of aerobic capabilities and general endurance, since the intensity of running in certain segments can reach a mixed energy supply zone with an increase in heart rate to “peak” values

(90--95% of maximum). Long, steady running with an intensity of 75% of MPC ensures the development of endurance in beginners and maintenance of the achieved level in trained runners. Alternating segments of walking and running (running-walking) corresponds to an intensity of 50-60% of the MOC and is used as a preparatory training tool for beginners.

The choice of the optimal training load, as well as the duration, intensity and frequency of training, is determined by the level of physical condition of the student. Individualization of training loads in health-improving physical culture is the most important condition for their effectiveness; otherwise the training may be harmful.

Depending on the level of physical condition, all students can be divided into three groups: the first group (special) - UFE low and below average, the second (preparatory) -- UFE is average and third (main) - UFE is above average. Here are sample training plans for these groups in the first year of health running.

In the first group, where students, as a rule, have various health conditions, a preparatory 6-week program of healthy walking is used with gradually increasing duration and intensity. To this end, Cooper's program for beginners can be used as a guide (which should be correlated with the capabilities of each individual).

If there are contraindications to running, over the next 6 weeks the distance is increased to 5 km, and the walking time is increased to 45 minutes (4 times a week). In the future, this load is retained as the main training program, providing a minimal health effect. The intensity of the load in this case corresponds to about 50% of the MOC, and the heart rate can fluctuate in the range of 100-120 beats/min.

If there are no contraindications to running training, after mastering the 6-week walking program, you can proceed to the second stage - alternating short segments of walking and running (for example, 50 m of running -1- 150 m of walking, then 100 m of running -(- 100 m of walking and etc.) until the running becomes continuous. After this, the third stage begins - endurance training. The timing of the transition to continuous running is strictly individual and should not be planned in advance, depending on age, health and fitness level. the stage can last from several months to a year. The intensity of the load at this stage increases to 60-65. % MPC, duration of classes - up to 30-40 minutes, heart rate - up to 120-130 beats/min.

In the second group, classes can begin immediately from the second stage - alternating walking and running (running - walking). The transition to continuous running is possible after 6-12 weeks. By the end of the first year of regular exercise, the duration of continuous running increases to 40-60 minutes (6-10 km). The intensity of the load at this stage usually increases to 65-70% of MOC, heart rate to 130-140 beats/min.

In the third group, the preparatory stage (running-walking) can be reduced to 2-3 weeks; after this they move on to continuous running. By the end of the year, its duration can reach 50-60 minutes (8-10 km), and its intensity can be 70-75% of MOC at a heart rate of 140-150 beats/min. This load is optimal from the point of view of promoting health, since energy consumption reaches 2000 kcal per week, and changes occur in the body associated with an increase in the level of BMD and a decrease in risk factors for NES. A further increase in load is not necessary from the point of view of health-improving physical education. A long Sunday run (up to 2 hours or more) is used only if there is a strong running motivation.

When using other types of cyclic exercises - swimming, cycling, rowing, etc. - the same principles of dosing training loads remain; duration - 30-60 minutes, intensity - 60-75% of MPC, frequency of classes - 3-4 times a week. Increasing the level of strength endurance and flexibility is achieved by performing strength exercises. In this regard, in addition to endurance training, you should additionally perform acyclic exercises that help increase strength, strength endurance and flexibility, as well as prevent the development of degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.) In people over 40 years, these exercises should take up about 40% of the total time for health training . They can be performed after completing recreational running classes (strength phase 4, according to Cooper) or on days free from running. The first option is preferable, since running perfectly prepares the body for strength exercises, stimulating breathing and blood circulation. As a result, the negative effects of holding your breath and straining that are characteristic of strength training are partially neutralized.

Thus, the structure of health training, the basis of which is endurance running, is as follows.

The first phase (preparatory) is a short and easy warm-up of no more than 10-15 minutes. Includes stretching exercises (for the muscles of the lower extremities and joints) to prevent injuries to the musculoskeletal system. The use of strength exercises (push-ups, squats) in warm-up is undesirable, since at the beginning of training, middle-aged people may experience complications in the activity of the cardiovascular system (a sharp increase in blood pressure, pain in the heart, etc.).

The second phase (main) is aerobic. It consists of running of optimal duration and intensity, which provides the necessary training effect: increasing aerobic capacity, level of endurance and performance, as well as increasing UFE .

The third (final) phase is a “cool-down”, that is, performing the main exercise with reduced intensity, which ensures a smoother transition from a state of high motor activity (hyperdynamia) to a state of rest. This means that at the end of the race you need to reduce your speed, and after the finish, jog a little more or just walk for a few minutes. A sudden stop after a fast run can lead to a dangerous heart rhythm disorder due to the intense release of adrenaline into the blood. Gravitational shock is also possible - as a result of turning off the “muscle pump” that facilitates blood flow to the heart.

The fourth phase (power - according to Cooper), duration 15-20 minutes. Includes several basic general developmental strength exercises (to strengthen muscles shoulder girdle, back and abdominals), aimed at increasing strength endurance. After running, you should also perform stretching exercises at a slow pace, fixing extreme positions for several seconds (to restore the functions of loaded muscle groups and the spine).

Despite the simplicity of the technique of recreational walking and running, this issue should be discussed in more detail, since gross errors in technique can cause injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

Professor D. D. Donskoy (1983) identifies four stages of teaching the technique of health-improving walking and running.

Stage 1 - measured walking. Normal walking at the usual pace, but strictly dosed in duration and speed of movement; At the same time, individual walking technique is preserved. As a rule, this is passive walking.

2 step - health walking. Additional muscle groups of the lower extremities and pelvis are involved in the work, which increases the overall energy consumption and significantly increases its efficiency. Characteristic features: active pushing off with the foot; transferring the leg by turning the pelvis forward with an active roll - by pulling the body forward to the supporting leg; placing the feet almost parallel to each other with a minimum turn. It is necessary to avoid “stopping” - “bumping” into the edge of the heel (cut of the heel), so the shin should not be brought too far forward. Thus, healthy walking is in many ways reminiscent of sports walking - with the exception of emphatically active work with the hands (which, by the way, is not at all necessary). The transition from normal walking to health walking is carried out gradually, with the periodic inclusion of new elements.

Stage 3 - jogging. Running at a speed of 7-9 km/h, jogging, or “shuffling” running. His technique is individual. Characteristic features: low speed, “spanking” with a relaxed foot and a hard impact of the heel on the support as a result of “bumping”.

Stage 4 - light elastic running (footing) at a speed of 10-12 km/h. It is an intermediate stage from jogging to sports running. When you place your foot on a support, the muscles of the foot and lower leg tense elastically, and the blow is softened. Landing on the outer arch of the foot with a soft roll over the entire foot and simultaneous rotation of the pelvis forward. Landing, rolling and active pushing off with the foot are carried out quickly, in one touch; the push is soft. This running technique significantly improves the shock-absorbing properties of joints and prevents injuries. However, the transition to elastic running should occur smoothly and gradually, as fitness increases and muscles, ligaments and joints become stronger. Attempts by beginners to imitate sports running techniques (high hip extension, sharp push, wide step) as a result of irrational energy expenditure cause a sharp increase in heart rate and quickly lead to fatigue; training becomes ineffective.

In this regard, at the first stage of training, when the level of physical fitness is extremely low and the motor system is completely detrained as a result of many years of physical inactivity, jogging should be used. This is running in easier conditions: complete relaxation; arms are half lowered, legs are almost straight; soft, light push; small, mincing step. In the process of many years of training, a rational and economical technique corresponding to individual characteristics is gradually developed.

In addition to health-improving training, physical education classes should include training in the basics of psychoregulation, hardening and massage, as well as competent self-control and regular medical supervision. Only an integrated approach to the problems of mass physical education can ensure the effectiveness of classes to radically improve the health of the population.

The popularity of healthy running in the world is steadily growing, but many, including scientists, still wonder how good regular jogging is for health. It’s better not to engage in speculation, but to turn to a competent source... This could be a person who has been running systematically for more than 40 years and, despite his advanced age, participates in international marathons. We are talking about the oldest Belarusian hydrogeologist of St. Petersburg origin, the author of the book “Health running at any age. Tested on myself” by Roman Stankevich.

Rule No. 1 – do no harm!

Slow, amateur jogging or jogging is considered healthy. Its goal is to maintain and improve health, prolong the youth of the body, increase efficiency and harmonize the state of mind. This type of running is recommended primarily for middle-aged and older people – from 30 to 80 years old. In order for physical activity to give a positive result, Stankevich advises adhering to the rule of the four “p”s:

  • consistency – you need to run regularly every other day at a speed of 6–8 km/h;
  • consistency – after jogging, a break of a day is necessary for the body to fully recover;
  • gradualism - you need to start with a 20-minute jog, gradually bringing it up to an hour;
  • feasibility - the load must correspond to age and health status.

It is worth mentioning separately about monitoring your condition. Pain in the heart, dizziness, tingling in the side - signals that you are running incorrectly. If you feel one of these symptoms during your workout, stop and take a breath. Find your pulse on your wrist and count the number of beats per minute.

During aerobic exercise, the heart rate should not exceed:

  • at 30 years old – 162 beats/min;
  • at 40 years old – 157 beats/min;
  • at 50 years old – 152 beats/min;
  • at 60 years old – 147 beats/min;
  • at 70 years old – 142 beats/min;
  • at 80 years old – 137 beats/min.

Why do I get a stabbing pain in my side while running? Many therapists explain this by increased blood flow to the organs. abdominal cavity. If colitis is on the right, the liver suffers, on the left – the spleen. To prevent pain from appearing in the future, do not run without warming up and on a full stomach. While jogging, slow down the pace, breathe more evenly, don’t talk, and maintain correct posture.

Health-improving running and walking are contraindicated if:

  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and aorta of the heart;
  • bronchial asthma of the second stage;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of the legs;
  • hypertension of the second or more stages;
  • stroke or heart attack suffered less than a year ago;
  • uncompensated forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • exacerbation of ulcers duodenum and stomach;
  • obesity of the last stage, when excess weight is more than 100%;
  • acute respiratory infections, sore throat, influenza in the acute phase;
  • rheumatism of moderate and maximum activity;
  • chronic lung diseases at the acute stage;
  • liver cirrhosis, gallstone disease.

Jogging or jogging: technique

Many novice runners, faced with shortness of breath, lower back pain and aching pain in the leg muscles, give up playing sports. As Stankevich admits, the same thing happened to him. At the very beginning of his sports biography, the marathon runner ran races every day. After 1.5 weeks, total fatigue took its toll and I had to stop.

Stankevich returned to training after 1.5 months, this time strictly following the methodology. Meticulous adherence to technique plays a huge role when performing exercises. The safety of joints and ligaments, as well as the efficiency of the load, depend on the correct placement of the feet and the choice of step length.

The technique of recreational running is as follows.

  • During movement, the inner edges of the feet are in one straight line. The socks are slightly turned outward.
  • For amateur runners, the easiest way to place your foot on the ground is from heel to toe. It is important to do this by rolling softly, and not by hitting the ground flat.
  • Vertical vibrations during running should be minimal.
  • The legs move due to the work of the hips and knees, and the legs remain relaxed during the flight phase.
  • When issuing lower limb You need to bend your knee forward smoothly. Otherwise, the straightened leg bears the weight of the entire body, and this is a huge load on the joints.
  • There is no need to raise your knees high or sway from side to side with your hips or body.
  • Steps should not be too long or short. You need to move easily, silently.
  • The body is held motionless relative to the vertical axis. It can be tilted forward, but slightly - 5-7 degrees.
  • The arms are bent at a right angle, the hands are slightly squeezed. There is no need to strain your upper limbs.
  • When running, it is correct to look 30–35 meters ahead, and not at your feet. Shoulders and neck should be relaxed.

The benefits of running for health and beauty

When starting classes, it is important to choose the right motivation. You can consider running as a means of promoting health. It has been proven that exercise three times a week increases the lumen of the coronary vessels, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack, and diabetes. Physically active people have strong immune systems.

Thanks to jogging, metabolism and brain function improve, and the level of bad cholesterol decreases. It is a remedy for chronic fatigue, hypotension, VSD. Recent studies show that recreational jogging, on average, extends life by 5–7 years.

Another reason to start running systematically is the need to normalize body weight and improve your figure. Energy expenditure during slow running is 600 calories per hour, that is, monthly weight loss averages 1 kg. This is without nutritional correction. If you reduce the caloric content of your diet, improvements in appearance will become noticeable after 2-3 months.

At the same time, if you are severely obese, you cannot start playing sports with running. American doctor Kenneth Cooper advised people whose weight exceeds the norm by 20 kg to prepare the body for the stress of healthy walking. They need to wisely limit their diet by reducing their intake of fats and carbohydrates.

After a couple of months of walking, you can move on to jogging, while observing a number of precautions.

  • Do not run on asphalt - only on soft ground. Choose park alleys or stadium paths.
  • The lifting of the legs while running should be minimal, the step length should be 1.5–2 feet.
  • Land on your entire foot. Run in running shoes with arch support and thick, resilient soles.
  • During the first months, you should train no more than 20–30 minutes. Alternate running with walking.
  • In addition to jogging, perform a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot and ankle.

The benefits of slow running and equipment

Those who are involved in sports do not need any incentives. For them, running is a value in itself, bringing freedom, pleasure and harmony. Scientists attribute the euphoria that engulfs runners to the release of endorphins in the body. However, the benefits of health-improving running are not limited to just the intoxicating feeling. While jogging, a person concentrates on internal experiences, as if renouncing the outside world. Slow rhythmic movements, especially to music, have a calming effect and put you in a working mood.

Benefits of health running:

  • the opportunity to study at any time of the year;
  • You can run both outdoors and indoors – on a treadmill;
  • no coaching instructions or special physical training are needed;
  • running load is easy to dose according to body constitution, capabilities, age, gender;
  • control during the training process can be exercised by the runner himself;
  • running is an important component of all health programs.

The topic of running clothing deserves special consideration. In summer, you can exercise in a cotton T-shirt or tank top, comfortable shorts or leggings. For the off-season, a waterproof tracksuit is suitable. In winter, you need to dress according to the “cabbage” principle: the first layer is moisture-wicking thermal underwear, the second is a warm fleece suit or sweatshirt. Outerwear– windproof and water-repellent jacket with pants. In addition, you need woolen mittens, a balaclava or hat, and ski goggles. You need to run in special sneakers or winter sports boots. Socks can be cotton or semi-synthetic.

Be healthy and do not deny yourself physical activity!