To determine the state of the construction industry in Russian Federation a comparative analysis was carried out: the volume of construction work from 2000 to 2011; dynamics of building commissioning from 2002 to 2011; production of building materials, products and structures in 2000–2010; presents data on investments in fixed assets of organizations engaged in construction activities from 2002 to 2010; as well as producer price indices in construction (construction and installation works) from 2000 to 2010. It has been revealed that the construction industry of the Russian Federation is at the stage of development. It accumulates financial and investment flows and reflects the state of the country’s investment attractiveness. The analysis showed that the volume of construction work in the country since 2000 over 11 years has increased almost 10 times (from 503.8 billion rubles to 5.061 trillion rubles in 2011). Investments in fixed capital of organizations engaged in construction activities also increased significantly (from 80.1 billion rubles in 2002 to 770.1 billion rubles in 2010). The share of investments in fixed capital of construction organizations from the total volume of investments has almost doubled.

dynamics of development

economics of construction


price index

building sector

1. Antipin A.I. Investment analysis in construction. – 2008. – 240 p. Academy

2. Asaul A. N. Construction Economics / ed. Kazansky Yu. N., Panibratova Yu. P., ASV. – M., 2004.

3. Regulations on contract bidding in the Russian Federation (as amended by order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation No. 18-23r, State Property Committee of the Russian Federation No. 2532-r dated 10.18.94).

4. Federal State Statistics Service, main indicators of investment and construction activities in the Russian Federation in 2011, No. 1, MOSCOW.

5. Federal State Statistics Service [electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.fedstat.ru/indicators/start.do (date accessed 05.16.12).

6. Construction Economics / Ed. Stepanova I.S. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2007. – 620 p.


Construction is a separate independent area of ​​the country's economy, which is intended for the commissioning of new ones, as well as the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing production and non-production facilities. The determining role of the industry is to create conditions for the dynamic development of the country's economy.

As a branch of material production, construction has a number of features that distinguish it from other industries. The peculiarities of the industry are explained by the nature of its final products, unique working conditions, a number of specifics of the technologies used, equipment, organization of production, management and logistics.

The general features inherent to the entire industry, regardless of the objects being constructed and their purpose, include:

1. Variability, temporary nature, heterogeneity construction production and the nature of the final product.

2. Technological interconnectedness of all operations included in the construction process.

3. Inconsistency of the ratio of construction and installation works in terms of their complexity and types during the month.

4. Participation of various organizations in the production of final construction products.

5. The role of climate and local conditions in construction work.

When assessing the dynamics of the volume of work for the type of activity “Construction” (Fig. 1.1), it is clear that, starting from 2000, as the economic situation in the country improved, after the transition to a market economy, things in the domestic construction industry gradually began to improve.

Rice. 1.1. Comparative dynamics of the volume of construction work in 2000-2011, billion rubles

Thus, according to Rosstat, the volume of construction work in the country has increased 9 times over 8 years since 2000 (from 503.8 billion rubles to 4.528 trillion rubles in 2008). The construction industry approached the 2008 crisis with quite rosy indicators. According to Rosstat, from 1998 to 2007, the share of construction companies whose economic condition is above average increased by 10 percent (from 5 to almost 15); companies that feel normal increased by 15 percent (from 55 to 70), and the share of companies whose economic condition is below normal levels decreased by 25 percent (from 40 to 15).

Of course, the financial crisis affected all industries, and the construction market was no exception. In the period from 2008 to 2009, there was a significant decline in the main indices on the world stock markets, commercial state banks practically stopped lending to construction enterprises, and those financial structures that were involved in investing provided them at 30-50 percent per annum, which made it impossible to use such borrowed funds. funds. In this regard, many enterprises in Russia were temporarily closed, which significantly shook the construction market, and the dynamics of industry development were reduced. However, many companies in the construction sector managed to survive the difficult conditions of the crisis, and today they demonstrate dynamic development and growth in production volumes. The growth in the volume of construction work is presented in table 1.1.

Growth in the volume of contracting construction work in 2000-2011

Billion rubles

As a percentage of the previous year

Table 1.1 shows that the volume of work for the type of activity “Construction” in 2009 stood at 3869.1 billion rubles, which is 13.2 percent lower than last year’s figure. Despite the negative comparisons, an increasing trend is still visible. The impact of the crisis was not as detrimental for builders as expected. The volume of construction work performed in 2011 amounted to 5,061.8 billion rubles, which in relation to the level of 2010 is 105.1 percent in comparable prices. In December 2011, the volume of construction services in Russia amounted to 728.3 billion rubles, which is 6.7 percent higher than the same period of the previous year.

Let's move on to consider the construction industry in terms of the “Commissioning of buildings” indicator. According to Rosstat, starting from 2005, there was a significant increase in the number of buildings and structures of all types commissioned (residential, industrial, agricultural, etc.), which continued until 2010 (Table 1.2).

Comparative dynamics of commissioning of buildings in 2002-2011.

Number of buildings, thousand

Total construction volume of buildings, million m3

Total area of ​​buildings, million m2

In 2008, the absolute number of commissioned buildings increased by 7 percent, and in 2009 by another 3.9 percent. In 2010, despite the general economic recovery, the volume of commissioned buildings and structures decreased from 233.3 thousand to 216.5 thousand, or by 7.2 percent. The fact is that it was in 2010 that the underfunding of the industry during the crisis years of 2008 and 2009 had an impact.

However, the situation with the total area of ​​commissioned buildings looks somewhat different. Thus, in 2007, about 98.1 million square meters buildings and structures of all types, in 2008 - 102.5 million square meters. Thus, growth was only 4.5 percent (versus 7 percent in in quantitative terms). In 2009, there was a significant decline. Thus, the total area of ​​commissioned buildings in 2009 decreased by 7.2 percent (versus 3.9 percent growth in quantitative terms). In 2010, the total area of ​​commissioned buildings and structures continued to decline, amounting to 3.8 percent, the reasons for which were mentioned earlier.

Thus, it can be argued that the restoration of the volume of work in the “Construction” activity is slow and unstable. And in the future, the situation in the real estate construction segment in Russia will depend on the state of the country’s economy, which in turn is significantly influenced by the global economic situation.

Uneven development of construction has a direct impact on the building materials market. If construction intensifies in any region, the production of building materials immediately begins to develop, especially those whose transportation has a high cost (for example, reinforced concrete structures).

The development of the building materials market is uneven: the dynamics of production of some types of building materials is stable, with low growth rates, for other building materials in recent years there has been an increased demand, which has led to their shortage, and for some building materials (usually obsolete) there has been a slowdown in production ( table 1.3).

Production of basic building materials, products and structures by Russian enterprises in 2000-2010.[ 5 ]

Construction Materials\ year

Cement, million tons

Prefabricated structures and products, reinforced concrete, million m 3

Wall materials, billion conventional bricks

including building bricks

Soft roofing and insulating materials, million m2

Asbestos-cement sheets (slate), million standard tiles

Glazed ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding, million m2

Ceramic tiles for floors, million m2

According to Rosstat, in 2009, the decline in the production of building materials was more significant than in the industry as a whole; for the main product groups, the volume decreased by 30 percent.

The reasons for the decline lie in the economic crisis that hit the entire economy. Construction, which was mainly carried out on borrowed funds, due to their sharp rise in price, it was forced to reduce its volumes and increase the time frame for putting objects into operation. This, in turn, led to the fact that the need for building materials decreased sharply.

Interestingly, cement production fell much less than concrete production. According to experts, the reason is that cement is more necessary in low-rise housing construction. And it shows signs of life even in a crisis. The share of such housing exceeded 50 percent for the first time in 2008 and continued to grow in 2009. Now in many regions, low-rise individual housing accounts for 90-100 percent of commissioned volumes, and in Russia as a whole - more than 56 percent.

The development of the construction industry, like any other, certainly depends on investments in fixed capital of construction organizations. Investments in the field of economy are carried out in significant volumes thanks to high rates profitability of this business (Table 1.4).

Investments in fixed assets of organizations engaged in construction activities*

Billion rubles (in actual prices)

As a percentage of total investment

* Without small businesses

However, with the introduction into practice of construction of investment facilities, the criteria for assessing the results of an organization's production activities have changed. The transition of enterprises and organizations of the Russian construction complex to market management methods, the emergence of competition, the restructuring of economic and production-technical relations require a rethinking of the previously established forms, principles and methods of managing investment resources, improving the system of analysis and evaluation of investment projects. With privatization and the acquisition of economic independence, for the majority of investors, responsibility for the results of technical, organizational, and financial decisions has increased. Moreover, in modern conditions The implementation of investment projects began to directly depend on the quality of decisions made.

The leading role of the construction complex in achieving the strategic goals of the development of society is determined by the fact that the final results are achieved through the implementation of investment programs and projects both at the federal and at the level of the subject of the Federation. In this case, an indispensable condition is to increase the efficiency of the construction complex based on the most rational use of investment resources, channeling them into programs and projects that allow obtaining the greatest economic and social results, as well as high operational profitability of the constructed facilities.

The unsustainable development of the economy in the Russian Federation had a negative impact on the efficiency of investments and on producer price indices in construction, as can be seen from the data below (Fig. 1.2)

Rice. 1.2. Producer price indices in construction (construction and installation works) in 2000-2010, percent

The calculation of the producer price index in construction (construction and installation work) is carried out on the basis of data from the reporting form on prices for materials, parts and structures purchased from basic contractors throughout Russia, as well as on the basis of technological models developed by type of economic activity with taking into account the territorial features of construction.

The problems of the investment and construction complex are extremely important due to changed guidelines caused by the transition to a market economy, increased market requirements for technical and economic proposals in construction, the need to match construction projects with a wide range of investment resources, increased opportunities for architectural and construction practice, and the social needs of the population.

Improving and increasing the efficiency of managing investment processes in the construction complex involves the production and release of competitive construction products, the liquidation of unprofitable construction enterprises, improving the quality of construction services, as well as providing the population with construction projects (housing, social facilities, etc.).

The economy of the transition period can be determined by several factors, including the speed of ongoing processes and significant unevenness of changes. These two factors are heavily represented in the construction industry and are the reasons for the observed inflections or extreme points.

Russian construction enterprises are significantly inferior to world leaders in the quality of service provision, investment, project development, logistics and other parameters. Although, on the other hand, they are competitive due to their pricing policy. This is achieved through “involving low-effective projects into circulation, and, as a result, saturating the market with a low-quality product.”

Thus, one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation is the construction industry, and its condition reflects the state of investment attractiveness of the entire country as a whole. Despite its enormous size and economically difficult period associated with loss of liquidity in the market valuable papers and capital outflow, it continues to develop successfully. And today, this industry has moved from a phase of crisis and stagnation into a phase of revival and recovery.


Faltinsky R. A., Doctor of Economics, professor, advisor general director OJSC GAZPROM PROMGAZ, St. Petersburg.

Mishalchenko Yu. V., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations of St. Petersburg state university Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg.

Bibliographic link

Evtyukova K.S., Smirnov E.B. STATE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2012. – No. 5.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=7285 (date of access: 09/18/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"


Construction is one of the most important sectors of the domestic economy. Its condition largely determines the level of development of society and its productive forces. The role of investment and construction activities especially increases during the period of structural restructuring of the economy. The construction industry is called upon to carry out renewal of production assets on a modern technical basis, development, improvement of the social sphere, reconstruction, modernization, and technical re-equipment of the production of material goods.

All this determines the importance of this industry and the need for the state to maintain it at the proper level. The good state of the construction industry in the region will have a positive effect on the economy and development of the region as a whole, ensuring an influx of financial resources into the region.

Currently, during the period of formation of market relations, the construction market is moving to a rigid and interdependent system of production, economic, and economic relations. The crisis state of the economy was fully reflected in the state of enterprises in the construction industry, where there was a curtailment of investments in conditions of progressive aging and deterioration of fixed assets.

The complexity of studying the economic aspects of capital construction lies in the variety of organizational and economic forms of the construction production process, the large number of participants with different functional goals and objectives, and the significant dependence of the construction production process on natural conditions. The construction process involves the investor - the customer - the designer - the contractor - specialized construction organizations. In addition to these direct participants in the construction process, dozens of manufacturing plants of technological equipment, construction machines and materials are involved in the creation of construction products. In connection with this a large number participants, it can be argued that the construction process is formed under the influence of a large number of organizational factors.

The specific goal of capital construction at the present stage is determined by its external environment (the national economy as a whole) - putting objects into operation within the required time frame with proper quality. Therefore, the question of proper management of capital construction arises with obvious urgency - its conscious regulation in order to increase efficiency, accelerate scientific and technological progress and increase labor productivity, improve product quality and thereby ensure dynamic, systematic and proportional development of the industry.

1. Construction industry in Russia.

Construction is the leading sector of the Russian national economy, where the vital tasks of structural restructuring of the material base of the entire production potential of the country and the development of the non-productive sphere are being solved. Both the pace of recovery from the crisis and the competitiveness of the domestic economy largely depend on the efficiency of the construction complex. This determines the significance of the choice of objective characteristics of his condition. The construction complex today is a rather fragmented set of independently operating entities, not controlled from a single or several centers, with their own specific characteristics and not related to systemic goals. Within the framework of an underdeveloped construction market, in the absence of normal competition, when the overwhelming majority of construction contracts are obtained without going through tenders, there is no natural equalization of operating conditions and social requirements for contractors under perfect competition. This determines significant both regional and intraregional differences in price levels, obligations of the parties and other factors. High rates of development construction industry in Russia have many reasons, among which we can highlight an increase in business activity and, accordingly, the amount of capital investment in the development of large metallurgical, fuel, and machine-building companies. Thanks to this, not only the level of wages of workers and the income of shareholders increases, but also the development of the infrastructure of these industries and enterprises in related areas (finance, transport, trade). This state of affairs causes overall economic growth, its strengthening and harmonious development.

The functioning and all transformations of the construction complex objectively occur in real time intervals.

The following five qualitatively different states can be distinguished:

1 state - pre-perestroika (before 1988-1990);2 state - transitional, hybrid-unstable (1990-1994);3 state - uncivilized market (1994-1998);4 state - civilized market (possibly in the future);5 state - post-catastrophic (possible in case of unfavorable development of events). The incredibly difficult transformations in the construction complex were complicated by the general crisis state of the domestic economy, the decline in investment activity, high inflation rates, the non-payment crisis, etc. A more than 3-fold reduction in demand for products, inflation that eats up working capital, a vicious depreciation policy and much more predetermined the state of the industry’s production apparatus, the level of employment and the direction of actions of economic entities in this area. The current state - the third position - is characterized, on the one hand, by the beginning of the predominance of non-state forms of ownership in the construction complex, and on the other, by the lack of real competition in the construction market, and most importantly, by the possibility for contractors to receive unearned profits by shortchanging and deceiving customers. The functioning of the system is ineffective and does not meet public requirements.

The main destabilizing factors in the activities of construction organizations continue to be the insolvency of customers, high level taxes, and as a result, a lack of orders. The average level of funding is 2 months, orders - 4 months.

Currently, state economic management is aimed at hierarchical, direct and direct regulation of the activities of organizations within the exclusive competence of the state. An important element of this regulation is the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between federal bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The sectoral management that emerged in the 90s reflects legislative provisions.

Activities of construction organizations independent, and state influence on their functional and economic behavior can only be carried out indirectly with mandatory legislative support

* The calculations use average data for Russia

This market analysis is based on information from independent industry and news sources, as well as official data from the Federal State Statistics Service. Interpretation of indicators is also carried out taking into account data available in open sources. The analytics includes representative areas and indicators that provide the most complete overview of the market in question. The analysis is carried out for the Russian Federation as a whole, as well as for federal districts; Crimean federal district not included in some reviews due to lack of statistical data.

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Construction is historically one of the leading sectors of the Russian economy, accounting for up to 3% of GDP. At different times, depending on general condition the country's economy, the construction industry experienced ups and downs, while remaining one of the most attractive areas of investment.

As a rule, construction projects are classified primarily by purpose: residential buildings, industrial buildings and administrative and public buildings. Each of the directions has its own characteristics and patterns of development.

The construction of highways is considered separately.

The construction industry, according to the OKVED classifier, occupies section F with further division by areas. Section 45.21 “General construction work” includes 11 specialized areas of construction work, such as, for example, “Performance of general construction work for the construction of buildings”, “Production of general construction work for the construction of power plants...”, “... construction of structures for the mining industry, etc. ."

The Russian economy as a whole today is characterized by a decrease in investment activity due to the outflow of foreign capital, as well as a reduction in investment programs of domestic financial organizations. Inflation is high. Experts assume partial replacement of Western investments with Asian ones, but such forecasts look overly optimistic.

Due to the general decline in the solvency of the bulk of the population, the housing construction sector will suffer first in the middle segment, due to which the share of the budget segment will increase. The premium segment of individual residential construction will decrease slightly; construction apartment buildings the premium segment will show a significant downward trend.

Industrial construction in Russia in recent years has been invested largely at the expense of foreign capital, so we can expect the freezing of projects under implementation, as well as an almost complete stop in funding for the sector.

The construction of administrative and public buildings will also be reduced - the demand for premises in shopping centers, which have been the locomotive of this segment for quite a long time, is falling catastrophically.

According to Rosstat, the annual volume of work performed in the “Construction” type of activity from 2010 to 2013 increased from 4454.2 billion rubles to 6019.5 billion, showing stable growth dynamics. The number of industry workers remained virtually unchanged during this period, 5.4-5.7 million people. The annual amount of investment in fixed capital of the industry also remained almost unchanged from year to year - 337-357 billion rubles.

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Figure 1. Dynamics of commissioning of residential and industrial buildings in 2010-2013, thousand units.

The area and construction volume of buildings increased in direct proportion to the number of buildings commissioned.

Figure 2. Financial indicators of the construction industry in Russia, thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the diagram, the stable growth of industry indicators in 2011-2013 gave way to a slight decline in 2014. Presumably, the 2015 indicators will continue the negative trend, but their decline will not be sharp and is unlikely to reach the level of 2011. Characteristic is the significant increase in the “capital and reserves” indicator, which indicates that enterprises are withdrawing funds from circulation, and, therefore, abandoning the expanded conducting main activities; funds withdrawn from circulation can be redistributed within large holdings or invested by enterprises in other areas of activity. All this allows us to judge that the industry is preparing for a long recession.

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Profitability indicators also show trends towards stagnation or decline - Figure 3. The largest drop is shown by return on equity.

Figure 3. Dynamics of profitability indicators in 2006-2014, %

The multiple decrease in the share of long-term liabilities in total capital is indicative. If in the period from 2006 to 2013 the sector’s provision with long-term borrowed funds was 27-36%, then in 2014 it decreased to 6.2%, which was caused, first of all, by a significant increase in loan rates. It also supports the conclusion that the industry is in for a long-term downturn. The same conclusion is confirmed by a significant increase in the degree of repayment of financial investments - from 700 billion rubles. on average annually in 2011-2013. up to 1.2 trillion. Rubles in 2014.

The dynamics of foreign investment is also negative - Figure 4, which confirms a significant outflow of foreign capital from domestic business; for the first half of 2015, the volume of foreign investment amounted to 787,307 thousand rubles, which continues the negative trend.

Figure 4. Dynamics of foreign investment in the construction industry in 2011-2014, thousand rubles

An industry analysis by region is provided below.

Figure 5. Financial indicators of the construction industry in the Northwestern Federal District, thousand rubles.

Figure 6. Financial indicators of the construction industry in the Central Federal District, thousand rubles.

Figure 7. Financial indicators of the construction industry in the Volga Federal District, thousand rubles

Figure 8. Financial indicators of the construction industry in the Southern Federal District, thousand rubles.

Figure 9. Financial indicators of the construction industry in the Ural Federal District, thousand rubles.

Figure 10. Financial indicators of the construction industry in the Siberian Federal District, thousand rubles.

Figure 11. Financial indicators of the construction industry in the Far Eastern Federal District, thousand rubles.

Figure 12. Financial indicators of the construction industry in the North Caucasus Federal District, thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the above diagrams, in general, the dynamics according to various indicators are homogeneous. The volume of current assets shows a positive or negative trend depending on the region. Profit in almost all regions (except for the Northwestern Federal District and Ural Federal District) increased in 2014 compared to 2013 against the backdrop of mixed revenue dynamics. Presumably, such dissonance may be associated with an increase in sales profitability due to increased markups, as well as the commissioning of more facilities in high price segments. This is especially reflected in the graphs of the Ural Federal District, Southern Federal District and Central Federal District. There is a clear trend towards increasing the reserves of enterprises in all regions.

Figure 13. Dynamics of profitability of sales by regions of the Russian Federation, %

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Based on the results of the first three quarters of 2015, net profit from sales for the industry as a whole amounted to 104 billion rubles, which is 41% of the profit of 2014. Taking into account the end of the construction season for many regions in the third quarter, it is unlikely that at the end of the year the profit in 2015 will be at least 70% of the 2014 figure.

Construction is closely related to a number of industries, such as: production of building materials, mining, design, cargo transportation, etc. Of course, the closest ties are between the construction industry and the design and production of building materials - for them, construction is the main customer and consumer.

A drop in construction volumes will have a negative impact on the state of these market segments. As a matter of fact, for many years design organizations in all areas have been experiencing a permanent decrease in the number of orders.

As for the production of building materials, according to Rosstat, in the three quarters of 2015, 7% more metal building structures and products were shipped than in the same period in 2014; baked clay products (bricks, tiles, etc.) – 10% less; wooden building structures and carpentry – 6% less. Thus, the decline in this industry is so far virtually invisible.

The main consumers of construction products are development companies and individuals. Considering that development is not highlighted in the classifier as a separate type activities, it is not possible to analyze the state of this industry. However, taking into account the elasticity of supply in relation to demand, we can say that the state of the construction industry itself sufficiently reflects the state of development.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the construction industry is currently at the final stage of growth in recent years, which will be followed by a long decline. Its duration depends on internal and external factors - government regulation of the industry, the solvency of the population, the return of foreign investors.

During this period, it is unlikely to make sense to invest capital in the industry, especially given the increased level of competition in the early years of the recession.

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The latest economic reforms of 2016 in Russia have given a significant impetus to development and growth in the construction industry. At the same time, significant and mostly positive transformations have become noticeable in the sphere itself. What changes have occurred in recent years? What is the state of the Russian construction industry, and does it have a future?

The first thing worth noting is the change in the mechanism of government. In 2016, there is a gradual reorientation from state management of companies to regulation in the investment sector aimed at the construction sector. In addition, despite the difficulties for small businesses, more and more start-up enterprises are appearing in the construction industry, the number of which is almost 85% of all existing construction organizations.

A significant plus is the emergence of a large number of enterprises that provide leasing, as well as holding structures. State certification and pricing structures also appeared. Important point– development of SRO and ETP, emergence of engineering and marketing services. All this indicates positive changes in the Russian construction industry.

The electronic trading sector is also developing, where it has recently been possible to create a powerful legislative framework, which guarantees a high level of organization and actual conduct of competitions. It does not matter where the auction is held - attention is paid to both state and regional auctions. The only downside is that laws aimed at organizing electronic trading are still far from ideal. For the most part, they require improvement to truly improve efficiency.

Despite the creation of a powerful infrastructure in the construction industry in 2016 and previous years, this area remains somewhat original, lagging behind the infrastructure of foreign analogues in more developed countries. For example, the Russian electronic trading system, which is actively used in the Russian Federation, is almost never used abroad.

A significant plus is the increase in investment in construction companies and active involvement in contracting work. Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the volume of commissioned buildings. At the same time, in the coming years we can count on positive changes in the construction sector not only in terms of quantity, but also in terms of the quality of constructed (reconstructed) objects.

The first place to start is to pay attention to the following points:

  • Transition to environmentally friendly materials used in the construction process.
  • The use of modern designs with greater reliability and service life.
  • Increasing the quality of housing in terms of energy efficiency, level of comfort, and environmental safety.

How to speed up development?

If we take into account the assigned tasks, the development of the construction industry should take place in two parallel paths. On the one hand, proper support from the state is required, and on the other, industry growth. Let's look at these areas in more detail.

In the sector state support The following work must be done:

  • From the perspective of working in the social sphere, it is important to organize and monitor the implementation of social programs. In the process of constructing facilities, the main emphasis should be on meeting the needs of people in the quality, price and comfort of the housing provided. In addition, special attention should be paid to housing and communal services, security environment and so on.
  • From an economic perspective, the main task of the state is to create favorable conditions for the emergence and opportunity to operate small companies. Here the main emphasis should be placed on a number of points, without the implementation of which the sector’s prospects are very vague. It's about on improving the bidding process, investing in the construction materials production sector, improving business conditions throughout the country, taking into account the characteristics of each specific region, reducing customs duties on high-tech products, and so on.

In 2016, much of what was planned has already been implemented, but most remains to be done. The ultimate goals are as follows:

  • Improve the prospects of the construction industry through increased quality and competitiveness.
  • Make production more efficient, modernize the entire technical part.
  • Transform the construction sector, make it high-tech and capable of quickly integrating into the global market.

Achieving the goals requires a large number of changes and will government agencies. It is worth noting that the development and prospects of the Russian construction sector are influenced by a number of aspects:

  • The level of depreciation of fixed assets in the production sector of each sector of the economy (but first of all, of course, in the construction and industrial areas).
  • Investments in fixed assets of companies, as well as investments in construction (overhauls) and maintenance of housing stock.
  • The speed and quality of development of the banking system, the availability of mortgage loans.
  • Volumes of the construction market within Russia.

It is important to understand that the prospects for the construction sector are higher, the better the material and financial support. It is also worth highlighting the impact on the growth of the quality of building materials, which in 2016 is not yet ideal.


The state of the construction industry in 2016 is still far from what civilized society sees it as. But if a number of steps are taken, this sector can take a leading position not only within the country, but also in the world. What should you do? It's simple:

  • Update fixed assets of companies working in construction.
  • Establish the production of high quality products and materials.
  • Achieve increased demand for quality materials through government incentives.
  • Rational use of natural resources.
  • Carry out activities aimed at reducing production costs. First of all, this is done by reducing labor and energy costs.


Construction is the leading branch of the Russian national economy, where the vital tasks of structural restructuring of the material base of the entire production potential of the country and the development of the non-productive sphere are being solved. Both the pace of recovery from the crisis and the competitiveness of the domestic economy largely depend on the efficiency of the construction complex. This determines the relevance of this work.

The construction industry today is quite fragmented, not managed from a single or several centers of economic entities that have their own specific characteristics and are not related to systemic goals. Thus, the purpose of the course work is to analyze the current state of the construction industry in Russia and identify prospects for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in this area.

The object of the study is the Russian construction industry, and the subject is the dynamics of development of construction organizations for 2014-2015.

The objectives of the course work are:

· characterize the Russian construction industry;

· conduct an economic and statistical analysis of the construction industry;

· predict the development of construction in 2015-2016.

Research methods: analytical method, analysis of economic information and study of publications and articles on this topic.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.

Characteristics of the construction industry of the Russian Federation

The concept of construction as an industry

Construction is a separate independent branch of the country's economy, which is intended for the commissioning of new ones, as well as reconstruction, expansion, repair and technical re-equipment of existing production and non-production facilities. The decisive role of the construction industry is to create conditions for the dynamic development of the country's economy. Construction Economics: textbook / edited by. I.S. Stepanova. -- 3rd ed., add. and processed - M.: Yurait-Izdat 2007. - 23 p..

V.Z. Chernyak defines construction (capital construction) as a branch of material production, construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures: in a technical, engineering sense, this is a type of production activity that is associated with design and survey work, construction itself, reconstruction, modernization, re-equipment, repurposing; in economic terms, it is a branch of the national economy. Construction products include new and reconstructed industrial enterprises, residential and public buildings, as well as structures, including capitally repaired ones. Capital construction includes: construction industry organizations that carry out contract construction and installation work, as well as major repairs of buildings and structures for production and non-production purposes; design and survey organizations for construction services and overhaul; organizations for production drilling related to the construction of oil and gas wells and other capital construction projects; governing bodies, departments, companies, etc. pChernyak V.Z. Control investment project in construction. - M.: Russian Business Literature, 2012. - 31 p..

According to V.A. Afanasyev, the construction complex is a set of contracting and specialized construction organizations, enterprises in the building materials and construction industry, transport mechanization, design, survey and research organizations, educational institutions, construction exchanges, engineering, consulting, management, etc. firms and other formations specializing in the field of construction (regardless of forms of ownership and departmental affiliation), including sectoral governing bodies (federal, republican and territorial), as well as sectoral public organizations.

V.P. Nikolaev notes that the actual processes in construction are competition between interchangeable owners of capital at all stages - before, during and after completion of construction Nikolaev V.P. Introduction to the market economy of construction // Ek-ka str-va. - 1994. - No. 4. - P.3-12..

As a branch of material production, construction has a number of features that distinguish it from other industries. The peculiarities of the industry are explained by the nature of its final products, specific working conditions, a number of specifics of the equipment used, technology, organization of production, management and logistics. These features are divided into general, inherent to the entire industry, regardless of the objects being constructed and their purpose, and special, characteristic of individual construction ministries.

General features of construction are:

1. Non-stationary, temporary nature, heterogeneity of construction production and the nature of the final product. With the commissioning of objects, construction and installation work is interrupted at the existing site, and the means of production are moved to a new location. In construction, jobs and construction machines, mechanisms, equipment, technical and technological equipment of labor are mobile, but products are stationary. In industry, as a rule, products are mobile, and jobs are spatially fixed. The final construction product is created over a certain period of time and used in the same place where it is geographically assigned. Products from the construction industry are durable items that serve society for tens and hundreds of years.

2. Technological interrelation of all operations included in the construction process. In industry, before production begins, production technology is developed. In construction, before the start of construction and installation work, temporary production, household and administrative buildings are created, utilities, roads, power lines, etc. are laid. All these features require unique organizational forms and additional costs. The technology of construction production requires strict consistency in the implementation of its individual processes: the completion of one work process precedes the beginning of another. No construction process can begin without finishing the previous one; The products of one’s labor under these conditions cannot be accumulated in intermediate warehouses. In this regard, construction processes cannot be located spatially, and difficulties arise in the simultaneous use of workers in accordance with their specialty and qualifications.

3. The instability of the ratio of construction and installation work in terms of their complexity and types during the month and year, which makes it difficult to calculate the number and professional qualifications of workers.

4. Participation of various organizations in the production of final construction products. In industrial production, with any degree of cooperation, the final product is produced by one contractor, who sells these products. Several construction and installation organizations (general contractor, subcontractors) simultaneously participate in the construction of objects, creating individual structural elements of the building. Each of these organizations sells (hands over to the customer) the manufactured part of the product.

5. The role of climate and local conditions in construction work. Despite the elimination of seasonality in construction, negative temperatures require the implementation of measures to ensure the construction of facilities in winter conditions. Construction of the same type of buildings in different parts of the country requires different costs material resources. Construction conditions are largely determined by seismic conditions, terrain, geological structure of the soil, the presence of groundwater, and the method of delivering structures and materials to the construction site. Also, construction workers are more exposed to climatic conditions than workers in other industries. This feature requires the application of great forces during the most favorable period of the year. In this regard, basic construction, installation, repair and construction work is subject to correction factors, allowing to take into account deviations from standard working conditions.