Is it possible to put icons in the bedroom? This is a question many people ask themselves. Each person's home iconostasis is individual.

A believer chooses icons for his home independently, listening only to the voice of his heart, only it decides to which Saint to direct daily prayers. But when choosing icons, you should ensure that they match the manner of execution and style of the room. The article will tell you how to do it yourself.

The veneration of icons represents the veneration of a prototype. Looking at the icon, a person sees in it the Savior Himself, the Mother of God or saints.

These sacred images should be given the veneration appropriate to the shrine. In the church, Orthodox people lay candles and lamps in front of the icons, and kiss the sacred images.

When worshiping in front of icons:

  • Incense or incense is burned.
  • They pray.
  • Prayers are sung.
  • Religious processions are performed with them.

In the house Orthodox Christian there must be an appropriate attitude towards icons.

The place where the images are placed is called:

  • Red corner.
  • Front corner.
  • Holy corner.
  • Kyoto.
  • Goddess.
  • Icon.

In the house, first of all, you should have such icons as:

  • Savior.
  • Mother of God.
  • Particularly revered shrines.
  • Personalized icons, which include the heavenly patron saints of all family members and holidays. The image of the Savior should be placed to the right of the person standing, and the face of the Virgin Mary should be placed to the left.

Icons should be placed in a place separate from other things.

You cannot install them:

  • In bookcases that house books of a secular nature that contradict Christianity and have nothing in common with Orthodox truths.
  • On the shelves where there are photographs of loved ones, especially the deceased.
  • Where toys and figurines are located, icons should not be mixed with decorative elements.
  • Next to posters of pop singers, athletes, politicians and other idols of the current century.
  • There should be no artistic paintings here, even those painted on biblical subjects, such as:
  1. “The Appearance of Christ to the People”;
  2. "Sistine Madonna".

Advice: It is not allowed to see photos of priests, monks, elders, or people who lead a righteous life among the icons.

How to choose the right place for icons

In the house, icons can be placed in any room, not excluding the bedroom.

In the nursery it is advisable to arrange:

  • A measured icon, the height of which corresponds to the height of the child at birth.
  • Personal.
  • Image of the Savior.
  • Guardian Angel.

The icon must be present without fail. The price of the image is low, and the result is the spiritual education of the child.

Instructions for placing icons suggest:

  • Install them on the east side of the room. This could be a corner or a wall.

Advice: When praying, a person should face east, just like the altar in an Orthodox church. Icons should also be placed on the eastern wall of the room.

  • You can place the faces of saints on the right opposite the entrance to the room.
  • For a child’s bedroom, icons are placed in front of the child’s eyes when he wakes up or falls asleep, in front of the crib, which will become a reminder and call to pray, turn to the prototype, and give thanks.
  • In the corridor, the image is hung to the right of the front door or above it.

Images are appropriate here:

  • Intercession.
  • Seven-shot.
  • Oranta.

How are the holy scriptures placed?

After determining the location of the icons, you must:

  • Install a shelf-case there, which is a special cabinet or glass shelf designed to protect icons from accidental mechanical damage, dust or dirt. The icon case allows you to store the face of the saint in more gentle conditions, where the icons are less susceptible to the negative consequences of changes in temperature and humidity of the surrounding air.
  • It is better to place the shelf a little higher above eye level or directly at eye level.
  • Images of saints are placed on a shelf or hung on the wall if there are quite a lot of them.
  • It is better to cover the bottom of the shelf with embroidery or put a beautiful white canvas or shroud.
  • On the left there should be an Icon of the Mother of God, and on the right - the image of the Savior, which is provided for by the classical iconostasis.
  • The following options are also allowed:
  1. place the image of the Savior above all others in the center;
  2. on the left you can put the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of John the Baptist;
  3. on the right is the face of the Mother of God.

You can combine all these icons in one, which is called Jesus Christ the King of Glory.

  • Only the Crucifix or the icon of the Holy Trinity can be placed above the composition of images.
  • Near the face of John the Baptist is the Archangel Gabriel. And near the image of the Mother of God is the Archangel Michael.

There may be other saints in the iconostasis:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Panteleimon.
  • Peter Pavel.

Advice: You should always remember the principle of hierarchy: no saint should be placed above the icon of the Savior, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and the Apostles.

  • On the sides and slightly below you can place images related to personal, family or hereditary.
  • It is advisable to crown the home iconostasis with an Orthodox cross.
  • Before starting the prayer, it is advisable to light a candle or lamp, and then hang it and place it in front of the faces of the saints. A burning candle symbolizes a person’s burning towards God, his prayer.
  • It is customary to decorate the holy corner with embroidery or place fresh flowers in it. You can do the embroidery for decoration yourself.

Many people believe that icons should not be placed in the bedchamber - this is the most intimate room in the home. But this is absolutely not true.

Intimacy between spouses is not considered a sin, so you can safely place holy scriptures in the bedroom. But you should know that the images are placed only at the head of the bed. The video in this article will show you how to do this.

If the bedroom is of an unmarried couple, this is considered a sin that cannot be hidden from God even without placing icons in the room. God is omnipresent, he sees everything always, and not through images. Feel free to place images of saints in your bedroom and pray!

No believer's home is complete without icons. But I don’t know everything about how and where to place the faces of saints. Of course, a house is not a temple, and there are no strict rules for placing images. Most of the advice and recommendations below are optional, with a few exceptions, but should still be known.

It is customary to keep icons in the kitchen or in the room where the family gathers for a common meal to read a prayer before eating. And many people mistakenly believe that keeping icons in the bedroom is prohibited. But there are no clear rules about which room they should be in. Literally a hundred years ago, most Orthodox people They lived in ordinary village huts, many of which had one large room; then there was no particular choice in the location of the icons. But they tried to keep the icons in one place and higher, in the “red corner”. Therefore, in our time, they can be placed wherever there is free space. Of course, icons cannot be stored in the bathroom or restroom. There are no restrictions for other rooms in the house. It is important that there is enough space in front of the icon to pray alone or gather with the whole family for common prayer.

Where to hang icons in the bedroom

If there is an opportunity and free space, then the icons can be placed in the bedroom on the eastern wall, since they usually pray to the east. It is generally accepted that life begins in the east: the sun rises from the east. This point is not at all necessary; icons can be stored in other places without adhering to the cardinal directions. It is not customary to hang them above doorways and windows. They are often hung above the head of the bed.

You should strictly ensure that there are no foreign objects near the icons: paintings, posters, photographs or souvenirs. Icons are not home decoration, but an assistant through which we turn to the saints in prayer. If icons are on a shelf in the bedroom, nothing should be in front of them or cover them. Also, no images of people are placed next to them. When we pray to an icon next to which there is someone’s photograph or poster, the prayer will extend to that person too, which is undoubtedly offensive to the icon and the saint.

The following rules for the correct placement of icons in the bedroom are obvious, but they need to be mentioned.

Firstly, icons and candles should be kept on the highest shelves or on a separate empty shelf. This is due to the fact that the candle flame can reach other objects. Children or pets can accidentally damage icons if they are too low.

Icon in the bedroom: good or bad?

There is an opinion that hanging icons in the bedroom of a husband and wife will be regarded as an insult. Icons are a connection between us and the saints. The images themselves cannot observe anyone, so covering them with a cloth at night does not make sense. It is possible to place icons in the marital bedroom, since any actions between legal spouses cannot be considered something bad. But fornication and adultery are terrible sins that should not be brought into public view. These two words have different meanings: adultery is adultery, while fornication is a civil marriage or cohabitation. It is worth considering that for the church, a marriage that was concluded in the registry office is also considered civil. Therefore, evaluate your relationship soberly. To live together, you should get married or at least ask for a blessing in the temple.

In churches, each icon has its own specific place. There are no such rules in the house, but it is worth considering the hierarchy when placing icons in the bedroom or other room. This means that icons of Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary should not be lower than icons with the faces of other saints.

Icons that hang in the bedroom

If you choose icons, then the wedding couple is placed in the bedroom - these are icons of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, namely the icons of “Lord Pantocrator” and “Mother of Kazan”. These images are used during the sacrament of weddings or for parents to bless their children for marriage. Using icons, the priest blesses the couple for married life and gives the icon of Jesus to the groom, and the icon of the Mother of God to the bride. These icons will be a reminder of the promises made by spouses to each other before God.

Sometimes they use their own as these icons if they correspond to the general style of icons in the house. It is also important that such wedding icons are large enough, and not two to three times smaller than other icons in home iconostasis.

In the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy, a special veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has been strengthened, whose icons are found in almost every Orthodox family. Along with the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, the central place in the home of an Orthodox Christian has always been occupied by the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is revered as a great righteous man and a special man of prayer before the Lord, as a saint endowed with special grace. Icons of Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, the most revered saints who shone on Russian soil, have long been placed in home iconostases.

Of the images of martyrs for the faith of Christ, the most common are the icons of the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, and the holy great martyr George the Victorious.

If an Orthodox family eats in the kitchen, then an icon is needed there for prayer before and after the meal. It makes the most sense to place an icon of the Savior in the kitchen, since the prayer of thanksgiving after a meal is addressed to Him: “We thank You, Christ our God...”; the “Last Supper” icon is also placed in the kitchen.

When selecting icons, make sure that they are uniform in their artistic manner of execution, try not to allow a variety of styles


The choice of icons for your home is always individual and here you should listen to the voice of your heart. It happens that the feat of this or that saint sinks very deeply into the soul and encourages you to imitate him in your life. An icon of such a saint can be ordered in our workshop in order to be able to offer prayers to him, ask for help in the work of spiritual growth and everyday troubles. If you find it difficult to choose an icon, don’t worry! Our website has the most complete information about in RuNet, in addition, you can always consult with us by calling or asking a question by email.

How to properly place icons in a house or apartment

The house is a continuation of the temple; in the past, every Orthodox family - both peasant and urban - always had a shelf with icons, or an entire home iconostasis, in the most prominent place of the home. Moreover, the quantity and richness of the decoration of the icons indicated the wealth and position in society of the owner himself. The place where the icons were placed was called differently: front corner, red corner, holy corner, shrine, icon case or ark.

The icon in the apartment is a window to the Kingdom of God. The red corner with icons is the place where the day of an Orthodox Christian begins and ends: the morning and evening prayers and therefore everything must be subordinated to one goal - concentrated prayer to God.

When praying, it is customary to stand facing east; the altar is built to the east. Orthodox churches. Therefore, it is advisable to place the icons on the eastern wall of the room. But what to do if the house is oriented so that there are windows or doors in the east? In this case, you can place the icons in any other accessible place, as it is sung in Psalm 112, “from east to west praise the name of the Lord.” The main thing is that there is enough free space in front of the icons, so that the worshipers do not feel crowded when praying together.

Some people arrange a red corner above the bed - this way the cramped space is used more effectively, cabinets and windows do not interfere, and you sleep under the shadow of shrines.

You can place icons on a special shelf, and if there are a lot of them, hang them on the wall, following a few simple rules. For example, if icons are hung haphazardly, asymmetrically, without a thoughtful composition, then this causes a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with their placement, a desire to change everything, which very often distracts from prayer.

Icons can and should be placed in other rooms. The icon should also be in the kitchen. There must be a holy image in the children's room (for example, an icon of the Guardian Angel or an icon Heavenly Patron child).

It is customary to hang an icon of the Intercession above the entrance to a house or apartment. Holy Mother of God. Although it could be any other icon or cross.


In this case, icons must be placed in a place separate from other objects. Icons look extremely inappropriate in bookcases where secular books are stored, on shelves next to cosmetics, photographs of loved ones, toys, and figurines. You should not place posters of pop performers, politicians, athletes and other idols of the current century near icons. There should not be any artistic paintings among the icons, even those painted on biblical subjects. A painting, even if it has a religious content, such as “The Appearance of Christ to the People” by Alexander Ivanov or “The Sistine Madonna” by Raphael, is not a canonical icon.

Sometimes you see photographs of priests, elders, monks, and people of righteous life among the icons. Canonically, this is unacceptable, since a photograph is an image that captures a specific moment in a person’s earthly life, even if he was later glorified by the church as a saint. And the icon tells us about him, precisely as a saint, in his glorified, transfigured state. Of course, such photographs can be in the home of an Orthodox Christian, but they must be placed separately from the icons.

Placing icons relative to each other in a home iconostasis

When placing icons in a red corner, the same principles are observed as in a church iconostasis. The main place is occupied by the icon of the Savior. It is often the largest in size. Usually this is the Savior Not Made by Hands or the Savior Almighty. Next to the image of Christ there is an icon of the Virgin and Child. If you stand facing the home iconostasis, then the icon of the Savior should be on your right, and the icon of the Mother of God on your left. These are the main icons, they must be in the red corner. Above these icons you can only place the icon of the Holy Trinity or the icon of the Last Supper.

You can place it below the two main icons or to the side of them, i.e. icons of saints whose names are borne by family members, as well as other icons - saints especially revered by you, etc.

In any case, you should remember the principle of hierarchy. For example, an icon of a saint cannot be placed above the icon of the Trinity, the Savior, the Mother of God and the apostles. It is advisable to crown the home iconostasis with an Orthodox cross.

You should not chase the number of icons in your home iconostasis. “Quality” is more important here - it is better to have only two icons - but painted in such a way that you would really want to pray in front of them. It will bring much more benefit your soul than if you cover an entire wall with small printed icons that also differ in writing style.

Is it possible to hang icons in the bedroom?

There is a misconception that spouses should not hang icons in the bedroom, and if there are icons, they should be covered with a curtain at night. This is a misconception. Firstly, no curtain can hide from God. Secondly, marital intimacy in marriage is not a sin. Therefore, you can safely place icons in the bedroom. Moreover, many of our compatriots do not always have the opportunity to place icons in a separate room designed for this. Of course, the icon should be in the dining room or kitchen so that you can pray before eating and thank the Lord after the meal. Icons can be in every room, there is nothing bad or reprehensible in this.

But it is naive to believe that the more icons in the house, the more pious the life of an Orthodox Christian. The main thing is that prayer be offered in front of the icons.

It is also a mistake to believe that an icon is a kind of accumulator of God’s grace, which can be drawn from if necessary. Grace acts not from the icon, but through the icon, and is sent by the Lord to those who believe in Him. You can endlessly venerate a sacred image, without having faith in the real power of God’s life-giving grace, and not get anything from it. Or you can venerate the miraculous icon once with deep faith and hope in the Lord’s help, and receive healing from physical and mental illnesses.

It is also necessary to remember that the icon is not some kind of amulet that guarantees the absence of quarrels and problems in the family, as well as some kind of invisible protection from evil spirits and bad people. In general, amulets are attributes of pagan and magical cults. There should be neither paganism nor magic in the life of an Orthodox Christian.

How to store and care for icons

The rules for handling icons given below were prepared by the Department of Restoration of the St. Tikhon’s Theological Institute specifically for everyone on whom the fate of icons depends. These rules contain information not about how to restore them yourself, but about how to live with icons, how to take care of them, how to care for them.

The paint layer and soil on the icons crack and crumble due to sudden changes in temperature and humidity. Normal storage conditions for icons: temperature +17° - +20°, humidity 45% -55%.

1. It is best to keep the icon in a *case* (link to dictionary), since constant changes in temperature and humidity (for example, greasy soot in the kitchen) can soon lead to cracking, peeling and shedding of soil and paint. If it is not possible to place all the icons in icon cases, try to place a lamp or candlestick with a burning candle so that no splashes of oil or wax get on the icon. The resulting plaque on the icon cannot be removed independently.

2. Under no circumstances should you wipe the icon with any substances; you should also not use holy water, holy oil, etc. as a cleaning agent - they penetrate the primer and paint. After this, it will be impossible to strengthen the icon. Do not wash the icon with anything!

3. Do not try to “update” the icon with varnishes, paints, oils, etc. All these actions cause destruction of the icon, often irreversible.

4. You cannot wipe the icon with either a wet or dry cloth. You can remove dust (not often) only if the paint layer does not crumble; It is better to do this with a dry squirrel brush, very soft.

5. You cannot put the icon on a window or hang it under a window. Drafts and cold are extremely dangerous for the health of icons. When ventilating the room, try to avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

6. Do not place the icon near a warm wall, radiator or stove, or table lamp. The flow of warm air dries out the wood, which causes the boards to warp and crack.

7. Avoid long-term exposure of the icon to direct sunlight.

8. You cannot store the icon in a room where there are flight holes of the borer beetle in the walls or furniture. A bug can turn an icon board into dust in 1-2 years.

9. Please do not try to treat the icon yourself, ***try to find a professional restorer***.


Sometimes there is an opinion that since an icon is a shrine, it will itself be renewed (restored). This happens, but it is always a miracle. You cannot consider yourself worthy of a miracle and demand it from God, while simply neglecting the shrine. There is a church tradition associated with the “Quick to Hear” icon. The Athonite monk was punished for smoking Her face with a burning splinter. In Her mercy, the Holy Virgin first warned him with a voice from the icon not to do this, and when he continued to walk past her with a smoky torch, She denounced him: “How long have you been so carelessly and so shamelessly smoking My image?!” And with these words the monk lost his sight, which was returned to him after repentance. The entire brethren of the monastery learned about this, the icon was duly honored, and subsequently a temple was built in its honor.

The treatment of an icon in need of restoration should be the same as with a sick child: parents will not trust treatment to the first person they meet, but will look for a good doctor, a professional. And none of the lovers of self-medication will cut out their own hernia or insert a lens on their own. An inept action, intervention, or rubbing with any substances or rags can bring the icon to the state of a chronic patient, when it will be impossible to cure it. The work of a restorer is very similar to the art of medicine. The main principle in medicine and restoration is the same: noli nocere (do no harm).

Only a specialist should restore it; under no circumstances should you give in to the desire to “wipe and touch up” something yourself. Restoration workshops often receive icons that have been damaged by such inept and unwise treatment. Such icons - with their faces wiped white - are no different from the icons that suffered from the atheists after the revolution. And it’s even scary to think that the desecrated image is the result of the actions of a Christian

Information about the meaning and bestowing help of various icons of the Orthodox Church.

From time to time, fashion for various interior details changes, but the constant rule for true believers remains the presence of Holy Images in their homes.

Where and how to hang an icon correctly in an apartment, house, on which side, in which corner: rules for placing icons in an apartment, house according to Orthodox laws

According to primordial church canons, it is prescribed to place the images in the eastern zone of the room. Currently, the requirements have been relaxed - it is not prohibited to keep them in any convenient place. However, there are basic rules:

  1. The religious content of the icon does not allow proximity to secular paintings or books of dubious content.
  2. Close proximity of shrines to televisions and computers is not permitted. These items interfere with spiritual reflection and prayer.
  3. The presence of icons is intended for communication with the Lord. The prayer is read in solitude. This means that the image should be placed in a place where all family members can freely fit without interfering with each other.
  4. The holy corner must be kept perfectly clean. Give him a place accessible for timely cleaning.
  5. The images are incompatible with everyday photographs, talismans and other household items on the shelf.
  6. You cannot install photographs of deceased monks and elders next to Christian images. They must be kept separate from the holy face and placed in other compartments.

In addition, icons must be placed in accordance with a certain hierarchy:

  • The faces of the Mother of God and the Savior are placed in the central place
  • The icon of the Holy Trinity is hung above the image of the Lord Pantocrator and the faces of the Mother of God (Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Smolensk).
  • The last two icons should not be placed higher than the others. It is enough to place them at the same level, but not lower.
  • Named ones are hung on both sides of the main images. In the absence of these, they put up icons of saints revered in the family circle. In most cases, this is the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

What icon is hung above the front door, opposite the front door, in the kitchen?

  • First of all, consecrate your home before hanging holy images in it
  • As already mentioned, icons can be placed in a free direction, in any room, including the kitchen
  • But there are some preferences:
  1. It is customary to hang a cross above the entrance to an apartment.
  2. It is recommended to place an icon of the Seven Shore Mother of God opposite the door
  3. Hang it in the kitchen - The Last Supper

Is it possible to hang icons, wedding icons in the bedroom, above the bed?

  • It is not prohibited to place the image at the head of the bed

Is it possible to hang icons in front of a mirror?

  • Apart from those discussed above, there are no requirements for the placement of holy images in social life, including no prohibitions on the reflection of icons in a mirror.
  • This sinful superstition has nothing to do with the Orthodox Church.

Icon of the Seven Shots of the Mother of God: meaning, how it helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

  • The grieving heart, depicted by the Mother of God with arrows signifying sins from which the laity are in no hurry to free themselves, is tormented by pain for us.
  • A legendary icon capable of healing from a deadly disease.
  • The most powerful energy of the image makes it possible to resolve the most severe sorrows and defeat evil spirits.
  • The holy face discharges complex family relationships, filling them with a positive charge.

Prayer of the Holy Virgin in question:

  1. Helps with splits within family relationships
  2. Relieves irritation and rejection of loved ones
  3. In case of prolonged depression, it clears away bad thoughts
  4. Protects from robbers and terrible envious people

For upcoming important matters, she should always be with her.

  • The icon placed opposite the entrance provides enormous protection. Everyone who enters the house stumbles upon the gaze of the Mother of God - bad thoughts remain outside

What icon is hung opposite the Seven Arrow Icon?

  • It is recommended to install the Ostrobramskaya icon above the entrance, and the Seven-Arrow icon opposite the entrance opening. The uninvited guest finds himself in the isolation created by both shrines.

Ostrobramskaya Icon of the Mother of God, Theotokos: meaning, how it helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

  • Crossed arms and a head tilted down, depicted on the miraculous icon, are a symbol of acceptance of the Holy News.
  • Contributes to help:
  1. Getting rid of infertility
  2. Return of stolen children
  3. Searching for missing people
  • The miraculous face is appropriate in a comfortable area of ​​the living room for viewing and prayers.

Icon of the Guardian Angel: meaning, how it helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

  • One of the most sought after faces
  • A Guardian Angel is selected in accordance with Orthodox rules
  • His image is protection for a specific person
  • The Holy Protector responds to any help to those who turn to him in holy prayer
  • It's different for everyone. Some are looking for healing, others are looking for love, and others are looking for salvation from their sins.
  • There are no special canons for placement in a home, as in most other cases.

Icon of the Last Supper: meaning, what helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

  • It is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with this icon. Orthodox Christians turn to it when visiting church, for common man it is available for viewing in a fresco by Leonardo da Vinci.
  • The main idea of ​​the icon is the acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice passed through the soul and unity with him, Orthodox Christians. After all, the biblical story depicted describes the last day of Jesus, shortly before his crucifixion.
  • Appeal to this holy image:
  1. Makes it possible to remove a heavy stone from the soul from the difficulties that have piled up, through communication with God
  2. Blesses the cooking process
  3. Allows you to express gratitude to the Lord for the gift of food
  4. Grants repentance for major sins
  5. The icon, actively revered by parishioners, is placed in the hierarchy above the faces of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Savior
  • Where in the apartment to install it is not so important, but it is preferable to hang it in the kitchen or dining room.

Icon of the Unbreakable Wall: meaning, how it helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

  • It was named due to its integrity for over eight hundred and 800 years, despite the numerous damage to the St. Sophia Cathedral, which is its abode.
  • Like a mountain separates the one who prays and the evil coming at him.
  • The most revered relic among Christians is most consistent with the entrance to the home or its location opposite it.

Icon of the Bread Spreader: meaning, how it helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

Father Ambrose doomed the holy painting with this name. The meaning put into the name by the hieromonk is the desire to explain to people that the Holy Virgin helps not only in spiritual matters, but also takes care of everyday matters.

One should turn in prayer to the Mother of God, Spreader of the Loaves:

  1. Protect the crop from natural disasters: fire, drought, hail, rain, severe frosts
  2. Prepare especially delicious food
  3. Receive a blessing for a successful business
  4. Have harmonious relationships in the family
  5. Protect your surroundings from sorrows and misfortunes

Place the shrine in an area that is comfortable for the whole family—there are no strict rules about location in a home environment.

Icon of the Holy Trinity: meaning, how it helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

  • The depicted Angels convey a special meaning. They show the possibility of a strong connection between people and the Lord, provided there is sincere service to him.
  • A plea for help to an icon is most often sent to:
  1. In difficult moments of life's trials, in order to find the right path
  2. The face will help you to see the desired and necessary ray of hope, and will take away the depressing experiences
  3. To solve numerous problems
  4. For cleansing from committed sins or existing negative states, mainly at confession
  • Place the image in society according to general rules, preferably in the east of the living space
  • Hang at the head of the bed for protection.

Icon with the crucifixion of Christ: meaning, what helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

  • This guise is a symbol of the connecting link between Divine and worldly existence. It is a virginally pure sign of the faith of all Christians.
  • Before the hypostasis of the Lord they fall on their knees with prayer:
  1. On the healing of serious spiritual and physical illnesses
  2. About participation and calm in all kinds of disasters
  3. About direction on the right path when solving an important issue
  4. About support during difficult periods of life

The holy face of Jesus Christ is in the house:

  1. Helps and protects from any influence of evil spirits, from dishonest and evil persons
  2. Gives peace in home and family
  • Light the icon before placing it in your home. The power of the image is incredible. The face of the Lord must necessarily be in the worldly home of a believer.
  • Place it in a place of honor in the living space and allocate a dominant place.

Icon of Unfading Color: meaning, how it helps, where to hang it in a house or apartment?

  • A beautiful miraculous icon is considered a sign of an immaculate virgin. The white lily places special emphasis on the purity of the Unbride Bride.
  • The soft and gentle features of the Queen of Heaven from one glance at her bring peace and tranquility to the soul.
  • Prayer to the image:
  1. Gives strength, guides along the righteous path
  2. Helps preserve beauty and youth
  3. Promotes understanding when people communicate with each other
  4. Helps in establishing family relationships
  5. Enables desperate spouses to preserve their love
  6. Eliminates temptations that appear in the family camp
  7. Fills those who despair with confidence and hope for the future
  8. Frees the supplicant from unbearable and grave doubts
  • Very often they turn to the Most Pure One unmarried girls, with a call for making the right choice life partner. Sincere prayer grants wish fulfillment
  • The icon is considered a true helper of women, but does not refuse help to men either.
  • There are numerous cases of healing of children with speech problems. There was a child who completely got rid of muteness after visiting the temple and praying to his parents before the image.
  • The Shrine helps female believers who sincerely ask: to endow their marriage with happiness and to save the integrity of the family
  • Place the image in a convenient corner for prayer reading

Each Holy Face bestows the power and stronghold of the Lord. But this does not mean that, having hung all the walls with miraculous faces, everything in your life will become surprisingly beautiful. No! Without genuine faith and a sincere state of prayer, not a single icon, even the most powerful, will help.

Video: Where should icons be located in the house?

Every home where an Orthodox family lives must have icons. They are necessary to protect the apartment. Also, with an image before your eyes it is much easier to concentrate for prayer. However, now not everyone knows where to hang icons in the house. But there is nothing complicated in this science.

How to hang an icon in the bedroom or any other room?

Where and how to hang icons?

A home is not a temple in which everything is strictly regulated and where it cannot be otherwise. Here you can give free rein to your imagination - naturally, within the framework of traditions and canons. The canonical opinion is that there should be an icon in every room of the house, with rare exceptions.

The most important rule in this case is that there should be enough space in front of the image. This is necessary so that the believer can pray in front of the icon without inconvenience, because that is what it is intended for. Everything else - again, with rare exceptions - is advisory in nature.

So, it’s worth thinking about placing icons in rooms.

· Be sure to hang the image above the dining table (in the dining room or kitchen). Before eating you need to pray. As a rule, this place is occupied by the icon of the Savior or the Last Supper.

· The image of a guardian angel is often placed in the nursery. The best location is at the head of the crib.

· A common misconception is that there should be no icons in the bedroom. But that's not true. You just need to know how to hang an icon in the bedroom. If spouses sleep in it, it’s okay, because intercourse in marriage is not considered a sin. It is advisable to hang it at the head of a properly positioned bed.

It is important that, if possible, the image hangs on the eastern side, because of the tradition of turning to face the east for prayer. But if this is impossible, what can you do? It is also recommended to take into account the hierarchy when placing them - that is, you should not hang the images of the Mother of God or the Savior below all the others.

Where should you not hang icons?

There are places where you absolutely should not hang icons in the house. There are also some prohibitive traditions.

It is important to remember: in which corner the icons are hung, there should not be other photographs, posters or drawings there. Only canonical images and nothing more. The same applies to walls. Because you can only pray on them, but not on a poster, for example, of Michael Jackson or a portrait of your great-grandmother.

There is often a question about what kind of icon is hung above the front door. The answer is that you shouldn’t do that. As a rule, it is located there orthodox cross or its sticker. You can also hang a horseshoe. Although, if you wish, you can place the “Goalkeeper” or the Mother of God “Seven Shooters” above the door.

And of course, under no circumstances should you place the image in the toilet. This is blasphemous. Also, do not hang it on window frames. Only on walls, in corners, can be placed on shelves. But not behind some things - only on a free shelf.