Every thoughtful parent regularly asks herself whether she is good, kind, wise, fair enough. There are no bad mothers, but sometimes it is useful to look at yourself from the outside. Our horoscope will help you deal with your weaknesses and strengthen your strengths. Is motherhood still ahead of you? Forewarned is forearmed. Find out in detail what kind of mother you will be.


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Strengths: confidence, awareness, strength and fearlessness.

Weaknesses: anger, narrow-mindedness, obsession, fussiness and self-centeredness.

What kind of mother are you? you are a real warrior! You strive to emerge victorious from any situation, and parenthood is no exception. You plunge into it headlong, but you don’t stop being a woman. Based on the characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries, you always walk with your head held high, even if your Fendi jacket was burped in the morning. True, at the beginning of the mother’s journey, someone’s complete dependence on you will create some difficulties. After all, you are used to putting your interests above others. And no matter how strong the love for the chicken is, the understanding that you are two separate individuals is more important to you. This is, of course, a completely healthy attitude to the situation, but there is a danger of going too far and expecting too much self-sufficiency from the child. But you will always show him a positive example, step by step conquering new and new heights.

Aries star mothers: Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Garner, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kourtney Kardashian, Kate Hudson, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Victoria Beckham, Tatyana Navka, Kristina Asmus, Valeria, Alla Pugacheva.


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Strengths: balance, good taste, common sense, hard work.

Weaknesses: indulgence, materialism, mood swings, fussiness.

What kind of mother are you? Taurus mothers are strict and wild at the same time. Today you teach children to stay off the roads, and tomorrow you allow your twelve-year-old son to ride a motorcycle. On the same issue you can have two radically opposing opinions. When you spend years of your life raising a child, you definitely expect recognition. However, trying to be closer to your children will never sacrifice your self-respect. An iron fist rests in a thin Italian leather glove (by the way, with a wonderful manicure). And as long as your kids don't make you blush publicly, break one of your commandments, or disrespect you, there won't be any problems. It's simple, isn't it?

Motherhood will further develop the managerial qualities given to Taurus women by nature. And a structured feeding routine for your baby is more natural for you than for most representatives of other zodiac signs. When we're talking about about parental priorities and children's interests (for example, about studying in elite school), you go ahead and to the end.

Star mothers-Taurus: Tori Spelling, Jessica Alba, Lily Allen, Penelope Cruz, Uma Thurman, Cate Blanchett, Agniya Ditkovskite, Slava, Irina Saltykova, Lera Kudryavtseva.


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Strengths: versatility, youth, curiosity, openness, originality, creativity.

Weaknesses: inconsistency, lack of boundaries, self-contradiction, impatience, lecturing instead of listening.

What kind of mother are you? ah, being a mother is difficult and at times unbearable, but it’s definitely not boring. It is under this slogan that the Gemini mother lives. So different and multifaceted, you constantly make your loved ones guess what you will do next time. There's never a dull moment under the roof of your home, although some family members don't always understand what's going on.

Let's face it: sometimes you can't help but contradict yourself. You carefully study the list of products that you feed your child, but you can calmly take him with you to a jazz club or raise him in a smog-filled capital. With Gemini you never quite know what to expect.

However, despite being frivolous and easy-going, you can be very anxious, your brain never turns off. Apparently that's why you have the reputation of being the most eccentric mom on the block, and maybe the most stubborn. But compared to your maternal instinct, this is a unique combination.

Gemini star mothers: Angelina Jolie, Heidi Klum, Courteney Cox, Natalie Portman, Nicole Kidman, Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova (Glyuk'oZa), Kristina Orbakaite, Maria Shukshina, MakSim.

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Strengths: sensitivity, comfort, good taste, devotion, sentimentality.

Weaknesses: excessive patronage, mood swings, fear, jealousy.

What kind of mother are you? you are an excellent zodiac mother, you were simply born for this job! Most Cancer mothers have maternal instinct in their genes. You are one of those mothers who can advocate for home births, deliver births to other women, and breastfeed your child as much as you like. In addition, you will create a wonderful family, fill your home with comfort and warmth. You give your all in your relationships with your children and will probably become their friend and advisor for the rest of their lives.

Motherhood will also change the social side of your life. Previously, Cancers may have been shy and reserved, but having children provides a great opportunity to make friends with other parents. Your social circle will expand thanks to the mothers of your children’s friends or the families you meet on the way home from school or sports clubs.

Talking about children will allow you to get to know people better before deciding whether they are worth your trust. As a result, when you are able to open up and talk about yourself, this will mark the beginning of a new strong friendship. And Cancers accept true friends as members of their family. It’s not so easy to get into your world, but if someone has already found themselves in it, then it’s forever.

Cancer star mothers: Princess Diana, Gisele Bündchen, Pamela Anderson, Courtney Love, Selma Blair, Ekaterina Vilkova, Alsou, Laysan Utyasheva, Tutta Larsen.

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Strengths: playfulness, leadership, creativity, confidence.

Weaknesses: self-focus, tendency to be dramatic, too much energy, Pollyanna principle (unconscious perception of only positive messages and appeals addressed to oneself).

What kind of mother are you? light, camera, motor! The creative and dramatic Leo mother lives precisely by this principle. Leo plunges into parenthood with complete dedication, with all his heart and soul. You take pride in raising capable and successful citizens who are sure to do great things.

You have a very high standard, which you yourself achieve without much effort, but sometimes you demand too much from your children. So what! But when they grow up and become successful doctors, lawyers, businessmen, artists, or anyone else, they will thank you. Nothing can lead you astray from your chosen path. Even if your child has diametrically opposed views on career, lifestyle and beliefs, you will still play a dominant role in his upbringing.

You work hard and diligently, but you also find time for fun. And when it comes to choosing gifts, you have no equal! Because it's a way to prove that you know someone and took the time to find something special for them.

Yes, you spoil your children with hugs and kisses and expressions sincere love, but they are your pride and joy. A close-knit family is a blessing, but sometimes you need to let go of the reins, allowing your offspring to go away and explore the world around them on their own.

Leo star mothers: Madonna, Halle Barry, Jennifer Lopez, Whitney Houston, Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Natalya Bochkareva, Yulia Menshova, Yulia Vysotskaya.


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Strengths: organization and structure, common sense, healthy habits, intelligence.

Weaknesses: worry about what has not yet happened, anxiety and nervousness, complacency, meticulousness.

What kind of mother are you? honest and free-thinking mother. But among Virgos there are representatives who are completely opposite in character. Some feel like a duck to water in motherhood, while others, introverts, are stressed by the encroachment of children on their personal space and time. But let's be honest: rewards are rarely won without losses.

But there is another side to the coin. Your fourth house motherhood is ruled by Sagittarius, the sign of travel, adventure and wisdom. And this awakens a sense of humor and a philosophical attitude, helping to perceive motherhood as a great adventure and never lose heart. Read the work of pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, who develops the theory of the “good enough mother.” He believed that to be a good mother, it is enough to be a person in three dimensions, to provide security and a nurturing environment, but not to please every demand of the child, who perceives the mother as the center of the universe, and not to destroy herself.

For Virgos, who are used to doing everything perfectly, such a look can become a certain challenge. If motherhood can teach you anything, it's how to reduce your self-criticism and allow yourself to be weak sometimes.

Virgo star mothers: Salma Hayek, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé, Nicole Richie, Claudia Schiffer, Katie Topuria, Alena Apina, Marina Alexandrova, Larisa Dolina.


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Strengths: gentleness, purity of thoughts, good taste, justice.

Weaknesses: inconsistency, snobbery, fussiness.

What kind of mother are you? Libra's illusory balance is achieved constant search. Motherhood can give you a foothold and bring order to your inner chaos. If before you were slow and lacking initiative, now you will suddenly become a collected and even somewhat perfect mother.

Libras are happiest when they live for someone else. You'll love all the typical childhood images - from huge dollhouses and trucks to scattered tea utensils or train tracks. Libras have a unique ability to be here and now, with their children. You'll laugh at their grimaces, love their quirks and questions - enjoy spending hours explaining why the sky is blue or helping them find the exact place in the heavens where the goldfish went.

While taking care of their children, Libra mothers do not forget about themselves; they refuse to walk “as they are” just because they have a child. And you dress your children just as charmingly. True, you often do this out of your own vanity, so you should periodically remind yourself that they were not born to be exhibits. Respect their individuality and personal boundaries, then together you will always have fun.

Star mothers-Libra: Gwen Staffani, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kim Kardashian, Ani Lorak, Chulpan Khamatova, Inna Churikova.


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Strengths: strength, flexibility, intuition, willpower.

Weaknesses: control, paranoia, emotional instability, obsession, self-flagellation.

What kind of mother are you? The Scorpio mom is a magnetic mom, inspiring and intimidating. If you have good mood, children don’t leave your side, if it’s bad, they stay away. There is something of Carmela Soprano about you: a mafia mother in stiletto heels, whom no one will mess with twice.

You will work tirelessly to ensure that your children have a stable future. For example, you might start saving money for university before your child is born, or you might invest in a house where your children will someday live. Financial independence is very important for Scorpios.

In addition, your intuition is very developed, so you can safely trust your inner voice, it is rarely wrong.

Scorpio star mothers: Kris Jenner, Hillary Clinton, Julia Roberts, Demi Moore, Sophie Marceau, Scarlett Johansson, Anne Hathaway, Tina Kandelaki, Olga Orlova, Lolita Milyavskaya, Maria Kozhevnikova.


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Strengths: adventurism, wisdom, sense of humor, perspective.

Weaknesses: impatience, rudeness, excessive directness bordering on stupidity, too much spontaneity and lack of order.

What kind of mother are you? spontaneous Sagittarians live here and now, guided by impulse and instincts. You cherish your independence, so motherhood with its constancy may seem unrealistic to you. What kind of disciplinarian are you? Authority? Doubtful. Parenthood will take a lot of strength and energy, because it makes adjustments to your plans for life.

Spontaneity and impromptu are second nature to you. You can throw the kids in the car and rush to another city for fireworks or to a performance of a touring circus. But when it comes to making clear plans and routines... Not all at once.

The best strategy for a Sagittarius mother: if you can’t defeat the enemy, become his friend. Looking to repaint your kitchen for the ninth time? Give your child a brush, a small can of paint and a corner. Bonuses: you will satisfy your desire, instill new skills in your child, and enjoy the time spent together. Remember, children just want to be close to their mother. Involve them in your concerns, and you will kill two birds with one stone. And when failures do occur, use your sense of humor.

Star moms-Sagittarius: Britney Spears, Katie Holmes, Christina Aguilera, Milla Jovovich, Victoria Bonya, Svetlana Svetikova, Ekaterina Andreeva, Alisa Freundlich, Anna Sedokova.


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Strengths: planning, structure, honoring traditions, consistency, patience, thoughtfulness.

Weaknesses: worry and anxiety, excessive caution, pessimism, self-doubt, taking mistakes too seriously.

What kind of mother are you? Capricorn is a masculine zodiac sign. You're not afraid to set limits and teach important things. life lessons children. And you don’t become close friends with them, because you consider it necessary to observe the age hierarchy. You respect your own parents (even if you don't really like them) and you can be too correct.

A Capricorn mother cannot be called too affectionate, because you are used to showing your affection not with kisses, but with actions. The root of this attitude is in childhood. You played the role of an obedient soldier who tends to restrain his emotions. Sometimes you were entrusted with a huge responsibility that was beyond the strength of a child’s fragile shoulders. Or maybe your parents worked hard to provide for your future, and now you feel deeply indebted to them for their achievements.

Each Capricorn mother has her own steel core, great strength; do not be deceived by their fragile feminine beauty. It is likely that you will become the breadwinner of the family. However, while doing your responsibilities, don’t forget to stop and enjoy the little things. Life flies by unnoticed.

Capricorn star mothers: Michelle Obama, Kate Moss, Annie Lennox, Vanessa Paradis, Yana Rudkovskaya, Valeria Lanskaya, Inna Gomez, Renata Litvinova.

The character of an Aquarius mother does not fit into any framework. You're loving and distant, relentless and spontaneous, a weirdo with the world's gentlest control. You specialize in causing chaos, and your parenting knows no rules. An Aquarius mom can be reckless and completely crazy, but there's never a dull moment with her. You perceive your own life as a great adventure and would like your children to stay in this magical utopia created by your vivid imagination for as long as possible.

Aquarians are known for their frivolity - this is a sign of open connections and friendship, so you belong more to the whole world than to just one little man. But at the same time, you may crave security and settledness, at least in the first years of your children's lives.

It is vital for you to maintain your individuality, even after becoming a mother. If you loved going to music festivals, sports games, trade shows, or weekend getaways with your girlfriends, find a way to keep it up. Don't try to be a happy homebody - you'll rebel! You need the right balance between celebrating your own individuality and being a source of stability and consistency in your children's lives.

You are empathetic and light-hearted, spiritual and sensitive, wise and emotionally intelligent. You know how to make yourself a goddess, and you are able to teach this to other women.

Pisces moms have many quirks. There is always something going on in your head, and there are never monotonous days in the house. You fall asleep and wake up with thoughts of a fabulous weekend, travel, picnics. Albert Einstein (Pisces) said: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.”

However, the flip side of your willful behavior may be a complete lack of internal restrictions, stability, order and routine. This can lead to difficulties in the lives of growing children or make them anxious due to constant unpredictability. Your husband, grandparents, or educators will come to your aid. Don't hesitate to ask them for help when you feel exhausted.

Your children know you'll always have their back and will grow up with healthy self-esteem. You will be there to support them, pamper them and encourage their every achievement. Despite having your own personal life, you will carry closeness with your children through the years. Mom, best friend, confidante - you pull off every role effortlessly.

Star mothers Pisces: Kristen Davis, Cindy Crawford, Drew Barrymore, Eva Mendes, Sharon Stone, Olivia Wilde, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Natalia Vodianova, Yulia Volkova, Tatyana Bulanova, Nelly Uvarova.

Horoscope for mothers of different zodiac signs

This is the same mother who tries to raise her child better than all other mothers. And I’m ready to do almost anything for this. Aries mom is the most frequent visitor to sites for moms. She absorbs any new information with interest and willingly shares her knowledge in this area with other mothers.
For her baby, such a mother is at the same time a teacher, a doctor, and sports coach. Such a mother is able to push her child to great achievements, because she considers him the best in the world. She will always be on his side in any dispute, even when he grows up.

He really loves children in general. And any children. And the children answer her in kind. Needless to say, having children for a Taurus mother is always a double joy. She is completely immersed in their lives and is able to share all emotions with him and help him solve problems.
A Taurus mother always hugs and kisses her babies at every opportunity. Even if the kids have long grown up, she will always be absolutely open to them. With such a mother, children will always be fed and well-rested.

This is not an ordinary mother, but a mother is an older sister. She will be happy to tinker with her child, but at the same time she will never allow her baby to become a mother. From a very young age, she will push him to new achievements. She will pay special attention to the educational program. Moreover, it doesn’t matter to her whether the child reads books or goes to the pool. In any case, she will sincerely rejoice at any of his successes.
A distinctive feature of Gemini mothers is their democracy in upbringing. Usually they are with children - best friends. But if a Gemini mother takes on the role of family manager and begins to dictate her will, this can cause conflict with the children.

Cancer mother is perhaps the most gentle representative of the Zodiac. She always tries to be on the same page with her child. Always listens to his words, tries to catch his mood. Cancer mom is the most sensitive mother. She is very sensitive to everything that concerns her child. A distinctive feature of Cancers is a good memory. Such mothers value the past very much and always keep old photographs of their children.
But she can easily spoil her baby with excessive care and constant supervision. And if she doesn’t control the situation, she risks raising a selfish child.

A Leo mother will always try to get for her children the best that she can get. Her home is always a “full cup”. The children of a Leo mother will always be under guardianship. She will monitor their activities very closely both at home and on the street. Family values ​​are very important to her.

She also expects to see her baby strong and successful. And he will try to create everything for this necessary conditions. The reason is that it is very important for her to see her children as the best and most worthy heirs in the future.

From infancy, a Virgo mother will very closely monitor proper nutrition and for the health of your baby. Moreover, at times such care may be overly intrusive, but in the end it will only benefit the child.
It cannot be said that the Virgo mother is distinguished by increased tenderness, that she constantly shows her feelings to the child. Her position is slightly detached, but at the same time quite logical. She will not force anything on the baby, but will constantly push him in the right direction.

Libra mother always subconsciously strives for order and balance in the family. Therefore, she may not always be ready for all sorts of pranks and antics of her kids. At times, such a mother can give herself free rein and properly punish the little troublemaker. On the other hand, in those moments when she happily fusses with her baby, we can say that she is the most loving mother in the world.
She will teach the child justice and will try to make sure that the baby reacts correctly to current events.

A Scorpio mother is a woman who can see and feel the mood of her child better than others. And if something happened to him, she will be the first to know about it, even if she is very far from her baby. Such a mother will always think about her children first, and only then about herself. And if she sees some hidden abilities in her child, she will certainly try to develop them in him.
A Scorpio mother will punish children only in very rare cases when children's pranks can become a threat to the life and health of other people.

A Sagittarius mother never sits still and will never allow her children to sit still. A child with such a mother is always happy and interesting. And it doesn’t matter at all what they do together. Whether it is a children's game or a joint solution to homework from school, in any case, joint activities with mommy will greatly captivate the child.
But nevertheless, the Sagittarius mother does not allow her baby to go beyond certain rules. Not a single detail escapes her keen eye.

Outwardly, a Capricorn mother is a typical example of a mother-educator. That is, outwardly she is quite strict and always keeps a certain distance from the child, not allowing emotions to violate discipline. But this is only external. In fact, Capricorn mother is the clearest example of endless love and devotion to her children. She spends all her love not on emotions, but on specific actions that can help her child find happiness in this life. From childhood, her children learn to make plans on their own and bring them to life.

An Aquarius mother is the same mother who can and manages to do several things at once. She can fuss with the baby, cook soup and talk on the phone at the same time. It is not surprising that such mothers easily manage several children at once. Such a mother never forbids anyone anything. She hates dictatorship in all its forms. And no matter how busy she is, she always has a little tenderness for her baby. This type of mother can also be a teacher in kindergartens or counselors in children's camps. Her endless energy and optimism easily organizes and guides children.

The Pisces mother is characterized by increased concern for the fate of her babies. Being a deeply emotional person, a Pisces mother is always very worried about her child. As a result, her worries about children can sometimes be too strong. In her worries about the kids, the Pisces mother can unwittingly impose on the children some of her own complexes and anxieties.
For such a mother, the most important thing is not to overdo it in creating comfortable conditions for her children. Remember that they still have to grow up and go out into the big world.

Mom Pisces is strict and also compassionate. You live in your own bizarre world. You are an imaginative visionary who lives life according to your wishes. The Pisces woman proudly awaits the arrival of her child. By being compassionate, you give your child boundless love. You welcome your child in times of triumph and also support him in times of failure. The time you spend with your descendants will be very memorable for you. You always protect your child and don't mind giving up everything for him.

Capricorn son and Pisces mother are very compatible and both will take care of the family without any expectations.

Mom Pisces - positive character traits

The Pisces mother is quite liberal with her child and she becomes an integral part of his life. You are very emotional and cannot bear to see your child sad. You find it difficult to correct your child when necessary, and the child is often spoiled and spoiled. When a child is in trouble, you give your all to get him out of trouble. Once the child grows up, the Pisces mother tends to depend on him. You care about both the physical and spiritual well-being of the baby.

The Pisces woman excels in the arts due to planetary aspects, and she is good at fashion, music, and cooking. You encourage your child to explore and increase their capabilities in these exotic things. Your child will be taught dance and you will sign him up for various other cultural activities.

Pisces mother - negative character traits

The Pisces woman is very perceptive and when her feelings are weakened, she can become cunning. Your repentance will be obvious in outward manifestations and actions. Your talkativeness and words will not correspond to the real state of affairs, and the child will be embarrassed and may lose faith in you. You are open with your child, always truthful with him.

Pisces mom's trait of being innovative can easily become a bad habit. A child can easily become aware of strange fashions or adopt bad behavior. Don't expose your child to your privacy or expect him to be mature enough to help you when you get emotional. Your child must stay separate from adult conversation, and the child must learn to take responsibility for his mistakes instead of blaming others.

Teenage girls begin to dream about their future early. In their dreams, they see next to them an ideal life partner and at least three children. When they pass a charming baby on the street, they will definitely smile at him. All these dreams and affection continue until marriage. If you are wondering what kind of mother you will become and how many children you can raise, we suggest you turn to astrology. Your zodiac sign will provide some clues.

Aries - domineering mother

According to tradition, our horoscope is opened by Aries - powerful, strong personalities endowed with leadership qualities. Representatives of this sign can cope with a whole horde of children, which is why they often become mothers of many children. Motherhood is something natural for these women. Strength and self-confidence make them good educators.

Taurus is a strict mother

Children are the flowers of life. Taurus women agree with this statement, but they are not prepared for the big difference between pregnancies. For representatives of this sign, the ideal option would be two children of the same age. This will solve many educational problems, as the kids will be interested in each other. Despite the fact that Taurus are strict mothers, they know how to have fun. Their motto: time for business, time for fun.

Gemini - informal mother

With Gemini mothers, children will never be bored. At heart they are very similar to their children, they know how to have fun, frolic and embark on various adventures. These women strive not to stop at one child, but ideally dream of having twins. Although looking after two babies at the same time can be a challenging task, motherhood is an unforgettable experience.

Cancer is a loving mother

Family is of paramount importance to Cancers. Women of this sign dream of having two children and devote themselves to education without reserve. Representatives of this sign are very responsible, so they can be considered ideal mothers. They tend to spend most of their free time with their family. Friends only get a small part of the attention.

Leo is a passionate mother

In nature, lionesses are surrounded by a pride. Here in real life Representatives of this sign will strive for a family idyll with two or even four children. Let go of your doubts about motherhood. Your energy, passion and strength will help you handle multitasking.

Virgo is a wonderful mother

Virgo will prefer to give birth and raise only one child, which, however, will become the meaning of her whole life. She is ready to give her child all the love and care without a trace. Representatives of this sign love order and systematicity. One child fits perfectly into a pragmatic lifestyle.

Libra - a fair mother

Libras love balance, so our next mom's ideal model would have an even number of children. Representatives of this zodiac sign strive to make our world a little better. They are merciful, kind and aware of their purpose, which is why they are ideal adoptive parents.

Scorpio - protective mother

Scorpio women are always ready to fight to protect their children. The ideal model for representatives of this sign is a large family. Otherwise, they see no point in existing. Scorpio is the sign of individualists. There is no doubt that these women will be able to raise their children to be comprehensively developed individuals.

Sagittarius - free mom

Sagittarius women hate sitting in one place and are always busy looking for adventure. They are bold, liberated and do not like commitment. The ideal option for representatives of this sign would be the absence of children. But if offspring do appear, most likely it will be one child raised in the spirit of freedom.

Capricorn - supermom

Capricorns can be classified as superhumans who easily manage work, personal life and family. Women of this sign are not afraid of experiments and bold decisions. Their children get a unique opportunity to learn from their mothers’ invaluable experience.

Aquarius - fairy mother

In matters of raising children, Aquarius women are guided by the principles of comprehensive love. Being a mother is a joy for them. At the same time, they surround their child with a real fairy tale, repaying him for the miracle of birth.

Pisces is a devoted mother

These women are overwhelmed with the bright and positive emotions of motherhood, so they do not want to have only one or two children. Their motto: the more the merrier! Pisces mothers create a warm, cozy environment for children and see their purpose in their children.

In an amazing way, the stars are able to talk about our characters, characteristics and destinies. Let's turn to them and find out what kind of mother you will be according to the Zodiac.

Mother by zodiac sign

Aries Mom

Aries mother differs from representatives of other signs in her energy and vitality, and it is these qualities that she will instill in her children. You can't really spoil such a mother - she is quite strict and demanding. And sometimes it’s even too demanding. However, children usually achieve great success in life thanks to the ambitions and perseverance that their Aries mother put into them.

Taurus Mom

Taurus mother is a practical woman, firmly on her feet and calm. She values ​​comfort and coziness and, of course, always knows how to create it. A Taurus mother instills in children a love for the simple joys of life in the form of delicious dish or a beautiful outfit, teaches you to appreciate life’s pleasures. In addition, such a mother is usually very frugal and always knows how to save a pretty penny for a rainy day, which she successfully passes on to her children.

Gemini Mom

Gemini mother is quite sociable and easy-going, loves to visit and travel, which makes her seem a little frivolous and not practical enough. Often the children of such mothers are brought up in an atmosphere of permissiveness and without special educational principles: the Gemini mother allows them a lot in the hope that the children themselves will figure out what is good and what is bad in the process of life. However, such a mother will always find entertainment for her children and will take part in it with great pleasure.

Cancer Mom

Cancer mother is a classic hen, closely monitoring the health of her children, as well as whether they are fed on time and how they are dressed and shod. Cancer mother shows special zeal in controlling the life activities of her children and surrounds them with constant care. Often this turns into over-protection and total control. However, such a mother is very kind and warm-hearted, and for these qualities she can be forgiven a lot. The brightest representatives of this sign transfer the maternal instinct not only to their own children, but also to others, trying to warm and take care of everyone who comes into her field of vision.

Leo Mom

Leo mother really values ​​and loves herself and her own image in society; outwardly she usually looks brighter than other mothers, more spectacular. A Leo mother acts as an authority for her children, and her image of a boss in the eyes of her children must be ideal, so the children of such a mother often grow up prone to submission and obedience. Attempts at independence are often nipped in the bud by the mother in early childhood. If children break out from under the authoritative pressure of such a mother, they leave home and lose contact with their parent for a long time, if not forever.

Virgo Mom

Virgo mother is an extremely caring and painstaking person. She is somewhat similar to a Cancer mother. Virgo mother shows increased attentiveness to appearance children: are they carefully dressed, are there any wrinkles and creases on clothes ironed to perfect condition, are the children carefully fed, is their food healthy. Often, caring for children turns into an end in itself for such a mother. However, it is the Virgo mother who is able to instill in children efficiency and perseverance, the ability to take into account every little detail and not forget anything. Typically, the children of such a mother grow up to be hardworking and with a great deal of practicality.

Libra Mom

The Libra mother is a fairly democratic mother, trying to raise her children in a balanced and comprehensive manner. Such a mother will carefully study pedagogical textbooks and methods, take her children to newfangled courses for developing abilities and eagerly await the result in the form of the harmonious and comprehensive development of her children. She will be moderately strict and moderately kind. For such a mother, everything is measured and taken into account in the right doses. Children of a Libra mother learn from her loyalty to the outside world and peacefulness, the ability to resolve conflict situations and find a common language with everyone around them.

Scorpio Mom

Scorpio mom is a very difficult mom. She often has a hard time with herself, not like with her own children. It all depends on the level of spiritual development of the Scorpio mother. A mother who is not very advanced spiritually and morally will press and even ram her children all her life with her authority and outlook on life (often far from optimistic), teaching them that all life is a struggle, and they need to be able to defend themselves. Her weapon of defense is mockery. It is extremely difficult for the children of such a mother to grow up without an inferiority complex. Usually they adopt her manner of mocking and hypercriticalness, which in the future greatly complicates relations with her Scorpio mother. A more advanced mother will be more loyal and less tyrannical with children, which significantly saves them nervous system and self-esteem.

Sagittarius Mom

The Sagittarius mother, unlike the Scorpio mother, is optimistic and devoid of hypercriticality. She looks at life quite easily. All her life she has been drawn to unknown lands and distant goals. Such a mother travels and travels a lot with her children. Moreover, almost from the moment of their birth. The Sagittarius mother is constantly on the move, and the children learn this rhythm of life, become just as easy-going, and are not afraid to take risks in order to achieve their goals.


Capricorn mother is very reserved and, as a rule, taciturn. Her resilience and perseverance can be envied. She usually clearly knows what she wants in life and persistently strives for it. She also demonstrates her reserved character and reticence to her children. She will not coo and be touched by their innocent pranks, but will sternly reprimand them. What do children of Capricorn mothers learn? A serious outlook on life and determination, as well as frugality and practicality, which to mothers of other signs may seem like greed and stinginess.

Aquarius Mom

Aquarius mom is a real mess. Such a mother usually does not have clear principles and a special educational program. She raises her children “as God puts it in her heart,” she is quite loyal and lenient towards them, allowing them, as they say, to “sit on their heads.” She does not believe that children's whims should not be listened to. Such children grow up in an atmosphere of permissiveness and maximum freedom of expression, which is not always good. Be that as it may, children need control, they need an educational system, which is often lacking in the Aquarius mother.

Pisces Mom

Pisces mother is usually sensitive and melancholic, she looks at her children as “little angels”, and is very sentimental. It’s not easy for the children of such a mother, because she is too dependent on her mood and well-being: today she can be sincere and loving, and tomorrow she can be distant and unaffectionate. Therefore, the children of the Pisces mother have to adapt to her condition, and such dependence usually spoils the character of the children, forcing them to ingratiate themselves and fawn in order to receive the next portion of their mother’s affection. Children of a Pisces mother learn that in life they need to maneuver and be able to go with the flow, deftly avoiding traffic jams and swimming away from problems.