Only five percent of people naturally have a beautiful and pleasant voice. But you, too, can work on your voice and make it more harmonious and pleasant to hear.

With your voice, you involuntarily create a pleasant or difficult atmosphere around you. The meaning of the words you speak has almost no effect on this. It is only enough so that the interlocutor can give you a more or less thoughtful answer.
Valid information enclosed in the music of your voice.

If others don't like your voice, this may be explained by the fact that it does not correspond well to your role in life. You may feel tired when talking. This is further proof that your voice is poorly delivered. Other speech defects, namely stuttering, lisping, lisping, can also be corrected.

We look for the causes of an unpleasant voice at the doctor

Sometimes it is enough to contact an ENT specialist, who, after examining your throat and nose, may discover a disease that makes your voice dissonant.
Disorders nervous system or external reasons also often lead to deterioration of the voice.
One of these external reasons may be long-term smoking.

Exercises that make your voice beautiful and pleasant

Working with a tape recorder will significantly improve the effectiveness of voice correction.

It's done much easier than you think. Record your speech on a tape recorder, voice recorder or other available device and analyze the different shades of pronunciation of “a”, “o”, “i” and other vowel sounds. Watch the pronunciation of final consonants and the sound “r”, which should not be either rolling or burry.

Clear your throat. Take a breath and exhale. Relax your neck muscles. Extend the sound “A” calmly and quietly and at the same time slowly tilt your head forward. Listen to how the sound changes. You will see how the position of the head changes and colors it. Find “your voice sound”, the most pleasant one, while the voice should be relaxed and calm. Find pose, in which it is easiest for you to speak in the most beautiful and pleasant voice.

This exercise can be done in pairs. In this case, your partner can tell you at what point in time the voice sounds most beautiful.

“Mum” with your mouth closed as people do when they are thoughtful. Start with the lowest note and gradually increase the pitch. Find the tone that is most pleasant in pitch and practice playing it.

Play with your phone. Imagine how they will answer the phone in a very important and powerful institution, which is scary to call. Nobody raises their voice there. There's just no need.

Now imagine how the plumber, who is not quite sober in the morning, will answer you. What will they say on the phone at the vegetable base? In an expensive travel agency. On a youth radio station. At the funeral service center. IN reception department psychiatric hospital.

Introduced? Now analyze how your greeting sounds against this background and what it looks like. Think about what impression you want to get about your institution when you answer the phone. Perhaps you want to create the impression of a serious organization, or perhaps you want a more homely option. Think it through. And every employee in your organization should know not only the initial phrase of a conversation, but also in what voice to pronounce it.

But at the same time, do not speak monotonously - the tone of your voice should change in accordance with what you are talking about, so place your accents correctly. Don't chatter, but don't be boring either. The ideal speech rate is 125-150 words per minute.

In addition to the pitch of the sound, the intonation with which you speak on the phone is of great importance. To practice this, tell someone for two to three minutes about an unpleasant event or an unpleasant sound (for example, iron creaking on glass). In this case, the interlocutor should not see you (he can sit with his back to you). After that, talk about something pleasant, about some sound that is pleasant to you.

And you yourself will notice how different your voice sounds. Let the interlocutor tell you what emotions your voice aroused in him in the first and second cases.

The point of this exercise is that the voice clearly conveys our attitude to what we are saying. Remember that when intonation diverges from the content, the listener believes the intonation, not the words.

Answer each question as if you talk about something nice. And then your interlocutor will want to call you again.

Exercise every day in pronouncing key phrases in which sounds that are difficult to pronounce are repeated many times.

Pronounce sounds clearly. Make a small table. Write the consonants in one column and the vowels in the other. This table will allow you to reduce the time spent on exercises. In addition, using it, you will not miss a single consonant.

Every day, practice consistently and correctly pronouncing all consonants in combination with all vowels: ba, be, bi, etc. Voice sonority is improved by pronouncing consonants as if they were composed of several identical sounds: bbba, bbbe, bbbi, etc. This exercise also helps strengthen the muscles involved in pronouncing consonants.

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How to make your voice beautiful and feminine? This question is asked by many female representatives, since not everyone has been given a pleasant timbre by nature. Only a few can boast of a sonorous and beautiful voice that others like. But it is quite possible to solve the problem and “forge” a pleasant sounding speech for yourself. The techniques and tips below will help you achieve nice voice not only for women, but also for men.

Every person’s morning should begin with brushing their teeth and tongue. But if he is faced with the task of improving his voice, then this must be done with special care.

In the morning, be sure to get rid of excess saliva and mucus in the oral cavity, which accumulate during the night and interfere with the ability to clearly pronounce sounds. This is why your voice may sound hoarse or squeaky after waking up.

Improving your speech and its sound will be much more effective if in the morning you not only brush your teeth, but also treat the surface of your tongue.

Exercises to improve diction

Must be done daily. The complex is small but very effective:

  • The chin is lowered to the chest. Slowly move your lower jaw to the right/left. Movements should be smooth.
  • Stand up straight with your head down to your chest. First move your jaw forward, then move it back as far as possible.
  • Place your hands on your chest. Bend forward slowly while pronouncing the sound “U” in a low voice.
  • The lips are stretched in a wide forced smile, the teeth are unclenched, the facial muscles are relaxed. Move your tongue from the right corner of your mouth to the left and vice versa.
  • Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Move it along the outer surface of the upper row of teeth first, then the lower one.
  • Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Try shaping it into a bowl.
  • Hold a pencil between your teeth. Try reading the text out loud, pronouncing the words and sounds as clearly as possible. This exercise must be performed daily for 15 minutes.
  • Read texts out loud. First quickly, then slowly, in a quiet voice, and then loudly.
  • Engage in recitation of poetry, combining this process with walking around the room. It is important to ensure that your breathing does not become interrupted. It is imperative to maintain intonation pauses.

How to make your voice pleasant

  • Pronounce the sound “M” without opening your mouth. You need to moo for about 2 minutes. When performing the exercise, you should feel a specific vibration in the area of ​​your nose and lips. The appearance of such a feeling indicates the correct execution.
  • Take as full a breath as possible from your chest and suddenly release your lungs, imagining that you are extinguishing a candle. To do this exercise correctly, place a piece of paper on a horizontal surface. And try to move it with your exhalation.
  • Write all the vowel sounds on a piece of paper. Now chant them one by one. Then combine them with consonants, but so that they always close the syllable - bomm, boomm, bimm, bamm, etc.
  • Repeat the combinations “MO, MI, MU, ME” as you exhale. At first, do it abruptly, then in a sing-song voice, focusing on the vowel sound.
  • Stick out your tongue and try to reach it with the tip of your chin. Then tilt your head up and pull your tongue to the tip of your nose.

The back is straight. Feet are shoulder-width apart.

  • As you inhale, chant the sound “O.” Exhale.
  • On the next inhalation we sing the sound “I” and exhale again. Then you need to sing the sounds “E”, “U”, “A”.
  • It is important that the “I” sound is sounded at the highest note, and the “A” sound as low as possible.

Repeat this sequence of sounds 5 more times. Then you can change it. The exercise must be performed in the morning, but it can be practiced throughout the day.

Mooing and growling are two effective exercises

When “mooing” correctly, a person’s lips begin to itch. If you feel itching in your throat, you need to lift your chin a little. You need to practice this lesson 4 times a day, spending 5-7 minutes on each session.

There is no need to puff out your cheeks and imitate a mooing cow. This will not help anything, but will only cause harm.

Sometimes the exercise can cause discomfort and even pain. In this case, the activity must be stopped immediately. During execution, it is necessary to maintain a neutral tone and not strain the muscles of the cheekbones and jaw.

  • Chant the sound “R” every morning. Then hold your breath for about 20 seconds and growl again.
  • You need to repeat the exercise 7-10 times.

Exercise from Fyodor Chaliapin

Every morning of the brilliant singer began with a growl. He growled at his bulldog for several minutes, and then barked some more, pronouncing the syllable “AB.”

If you're not ready to growl and bark, then try the villainous laugh. Relax, open your mouth and, as you exhale, loudly say “a-a-a-a-ha-ha-ha-ha-a-a-a-a.” Sounds should flow freely. At the same time as laughing, you can knock on your chest with your fist and jump.

Correct exhalation

  1. Stand on any hard surface. Spread your legs - the distance between your feet should be 40 centimeters.
  2. Take deep breaths and exhales. This needs to be done in a smooth rhythm. The duration of the exercise is 3 minutes.
  3. Then inhale slowly and exhale sharply with the sounds “XXX-AAA”.

It is important that during exhalation all the air is released from the lungs without any residue. You also need to ensure that the sound is as loud and clear as possible. To enhance the effect, you need to slightly tilt your torso forward while pronouncing the sound.

Tongue exercise

  • The mouth is wide open. Move the jaw from side to side at a slow pace. You need to perform the exercise for 3 minutes.
  • The mouth is slightly open in a half-smile. The tip of the tongue sticks out. Swipe it across the surface of your upper lip from one corner of your mouth to the other. Please note that the jaw should remain motionless at all times and the tongue should not touch the lower lip. Perform the movement for 2 minutes. Then run along the upper lip with the middle zone of the tongue, then along the lower lip. Make 5 circular movements without jerking or holding.
  • Count the teeth using the tip of your tongue. You will need to touch everyone in both the top and bottom rows.
  • Lips pursed. Run your tongue along the outer surface of your upper teeth. Then rest the tip on your right, then on your left cheek. Repeat all movements, opening your lips.

If your voice is an instrument, for example you work in marketing or often speak in public, then it is very important that your timbre is convincing. According to research, a low voice is associated with calmness, impressiveness and leadership qualities, while a high voice is associated with self-doubt and weakness. In addition, a high timbre is more difficult to listen to for a long time.

It is very important to have good diction. People should understand you without making an effort. If you slur your words or slur your words, even your most revolutionary and mind-blowing ideas will not be received well by the public.

To make your voice more beautiful, be prepared to constantly work on it. In addition, be aware of how you speak during everyday interactions. Try to use words clearly and in order. Try speaking a little lower. Communication - best way train your voice and hone your speaking skills.

Exercises for the voice and tongue muscles

The beauty of your voice cannot be achieved without performing special exercises. Doing them every day will not take you much time. It is especially useful to do them in the first half of the day, when the facial muscles still feel “sleepy”. What exercises are there to improve diction?

Start by lowering your lower jaw and moving it to the sides. Then move forward and backward. Perform the exercise very slowly and smoothly.

Now start warming up your tongue muscles. Smile and open your mouth slightly. Move your tongue in different sides. Only the tongue should move, not the lips or jaws. You should also not run your tongue across your lower lip.

In the same position, run your tongue over your upper lip, from one corner of your lips to the other. Now on the bottom. Do not make jerks, move it at an even speed, work only with your tongue, everything else is motionless. Now make a full circle. Repeat several times. Then run your tongue over the upper and lower teeth in the same way, slowly, as if counting all the teeth with your tongue.

Now close your mouth and lick your upper and lower teeth alternately without opening it. Then tense your tongue and direct it to the left cheek, and then to the right. Repeat with your mouth open.

The starting position is the same. Stick out your tongue, make it wide. Raise it to your nose, then lower it to your chin. Don't narrow it, let it be wide. Work only with your tongue. Then alternately place your wide tongue on the lower and upper alveoli (the tubercles in front of the teeth).

To improve your voice tone, do the following exercise. Stand up and fold your arms across your chest. Now lean forward, exhaling and pronouncing long sounds “o” and “u”, and your voice should be as low as possible.

Also, to improve your diction, practice pronouncing tongue twisters every day; they should sound quickly and clearly.

Someone speaks quietly, inexpressively, unsteadily, lifelessly, sluggishly; and someone - sonorously, confidently, loudly, cheerfully, heartfelt. You can make your voice louder and clearer.

Tips and exercises to increase the power of your voice

Even if you do not have to speak publicly due to your professional activities, you are not an actor, not a journalist and do not work on television, with your voice you position yourself, declare yourself, realize your desire to be heard.

If you are already wondering how to make your voice louder and clearer so that it becomes clear and beautiful, then here are some tips:

  1. The power of the voice is created not only by the vocal cords. In addition to the speech apparatus, this process involves the lungs, the diaphragm, and even the spine. Therefore, train your breathing, keep your back straight, take care of your throat. Correct posture, measured breathing, elastic articulatory muscles - and now your energy flows freely to make your voice ringing and loud.
  2. Give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol will serve you poorly and not only will not help you achieve your goal, but will lead to the opposite result.
  3. Use your voice wherever possible to make it ringing. Sing, just for real. Think out loud, you don’t have bad thoughts. 🙂 Read everything out loud too. Well, if you are lucky enough to find yourself alone with pristine nature, shout at the top of your lungs!

Practical exercises for a clear voice

But simple, but very effective exercises for loudness of voice:

  1. Pronounce alternate vowel sounds in the strict sequence “ee-a-o-u”. Thus, the vocal cords work in different sound ranges, from high to low. Each letter lasts for one breath.
  2. Pronounce the long consonant “m” first quietly, then louder, then loudly. The exercise uses the muscles of the chest and abdomen. Watch your breathing, it should be even. It only takes 3-5 minutes to complete.
  3. Work with the “r” sound. In one breath and quite loudly - “rrrrrrrr”. Repeat several times. Remember and say words with the letter “r”.
  4. As you exhale, make vibrating movements with your lips, imitating a running car engine and making a loud sound.
  5. Try setting up a booming voice with theatrical laughter. To do this, you need to laugh menacingly, moving freely around the room. Well, how is it working out?
  6. Here's another fun exercise: imitate Tarzan. Pound your chest with your fists, but not as hard as you can. 🙂 Make loud noises while doing this. Clear your throat if necessary and continue.
  7. Yawning will help relieve tension in the larynx. Practice this action for 3-5 minutes.
  8. Stretch your neck, making gentle circular movements in different directions alternately.

These simple exercises, coupled with your persistence, can make your voice clear.

It's interesting and entertaining

Here are a few interesting facts on this “resonant” topic.

Englishwoman Jill Drake is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the loudest voice in the world, the strength of which is 129 dB. This is comparable to the operation of a jackhammer or a jet engine. How do you like this phenomenon?

The emotions we convey through our voices influence our assessment of our age. Irritation makes us older, joy makes us younger. Sometimes you can hear an address on the phone that is clearly inappropriate for one’s age, and a compliment: “You have such a young and clear voice!” Such miracles are created by goodwill, cordiality and friendliness.

Singing develops not only the respiratory system and speech apparatus, but also trains the heart muscle. So, sing to your health! Loud and loud!

Parting words and wishes

Taking action to achieve the best in your life is development. You can really want something and realize it only in dreams and illusions. To achieve your goal and unlock your full potential, you need to work. Patience and hard work are the key to success!

But most importantly, don’t lose yourself, give yourself the right to vote! The result of all the work on its production largely depends on this.

They helped us:

Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin
Head of the Natural Voice School

Jean Abitbol
Otolaryngologist, phoniatrist

How does the voice work?

Nature was so generous that it rewarded us with one of the most complex systems that creates and reproduces sounds. Human The vocal apparatus is designed on the principle of a reed instrument, or simply a button accordion. The air regulator - the bellows - are the lungs, the membranous tongue is the vocal cords, and the resonator is the cavities of the pharynx, mouth and nose. The main part is the ligaments, which are capable of taking about 170 different positions (with the help of 16 thinnest muscles).

During quiet breathing, they are quite sluggish and form a wide gap for the free passage of air. And when a sound is played, they tense up, move closer to each other, and the glottis narrows. The air passes through with difficulty and moves the ligaments, and they, in turn, also vibrate the air and thus generate sound. Sound waves enter the pharynx, nose and mouth. After this, your voice can be heard by others.

BY THE WAY: Research by English sociologist Anna Karpf shows that during the period from 1945 to 1993, the frequency of voice vibrations of 18-25-year-old women decreased by an average of 23 hertz. Since a deep voice is traditionally associated with strength, self-confidence, sexuality and the ability to persuade, You can say hello to triumphant feminism.

What will help you change your voice?

There is an opinion that changing your voice is almost the same as inserting implants into your breasts. Well, that is, unnatural. Meanwhile, numerous studies state: most people do not speak in their own voices. Social barriers, complexes, childhood traumas, unexpressed desires, which we have already mentioned - all this leaves an imprint.

Do you want to spill like a nightingale? Choose the right exercises. You will feel the effect the first time. But you need to practice regularly.

Place your hands on your stomach. Remember something that made you very angry. Say any text, pressing your hands to your stomach and trying to make the sounds come from the navel area. Release your anger by pronouncing your consonants clearly and opening your mouth wide. Try to express your emotions in this way as often as possible - sadness, anger, joy. You will see for yourself: after repeated repetitions, the speech will become richer, less formal and more sincere.

Do exercises, the purpose of which is to free up the throat, transferring the main work to the lips and diaphragm. Pronounce the syllables “Q-X”: on “Q” the lips are rounded, and “IK” is pronounced with a wide smile. Repeat the exercise 30 times, and then give a short speech to see its benefits. After this, during public speaking your vocal cords will be less tired, and your mouth muscles will be able to more easily carry out the commands sent by your brain.

Read any text loudly for 5–10 minutes a day, but without consonant sounds. Then reread, this time eliminating the vowels. Soon your trills will gain intensity.

“Sit as comfortably as possible, you can even lie down,” advises Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin. – Yawn a couple of times to relax your throat, with a sound. Open your mouth slightly (open your lips and teeth) and start MOANING. In different ways: higher-lower, shorter-longer. At the same time, place one hand on your chest. Use your voice to portray different emotional shades, from moans of pain to moans of pleasure. Continue for 5-10 minutes. If you moan for 15–20 minutes a day (you can divide it into two or three approaches and do them at any time), you will soon notice that your voice begins to sound freer, more beautiful and richer. Plus, this exercise is extremely beneficial for health: sound vibrations spread throughout the body, so you yourself massage your internal organs.”

After visiting the bathhouse and sauna, speech also sounds deeper - thanks to the relaxation of the whole body. A calm jog has the same effect. Sting, for example, runs 6 km a day. Swimming is also beneficial: this activity strengthens your back muscles and improves your posture. The latter is the key to good breathing, and therefore a free and deep voice.

5. If your diction is poor

The phrase “sluggishly moves the tongue” means that a person has poorly developed mobility of this organ, as well as the lips and jaw. But diction can be easily improved by speaking any texts out loud. For example, read Pushkin’s poems using the “closed mouth” method: lips should be closed and teeth should be open. This is how the articulatory muscles begin to work more actively. “At first, most likely, only mooing will be heard, but after 5–10 minutes of training, vowels and consonants will sound noticeably clearer,” promises Kirill.