In this article we will look at the instructions for use and reviews for the drug “Ginepristone”. What kind of drug is this? The birth of a child is a wonderful event when it is wanted and planned. If pregnancy was not planned, but contraception failed, then the drug Ginepristone can help in this situation.

It is therefore advisable to use it only in cases of urgent need.

Reviews of "Ginepristone" are available in large quantities.

Composition and release form of the drug

One tablet of the drug contains 0.01 g of the active substance mifepristone. The excipients include microcellulose, sodium carboxymethyl starch and calcium stearate.

The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of flat-cylindrical, light yellow tablets weighing 10 mg each. One or two tablets are placed in a blister pack or a polymer jar, which is packed in a cardboard pack.

Reviews from gynecologists about Gynepriston will also be presented.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The drug is a synthetic steroidal antigestagenic agent, that is, it blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level.

Taking the drug causes an increase in the contractility of the myometrium, stimulates the release of substances that increase its sensitivity to certain types of hormones. The effect of the drug is determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle in which it was taken. Depending on this, the medication inhibits ovulation, changes the endometrium, or prevents an already fertilized egg from implanting.

What else does the instruction tell us about Ginepristone? According to reviews, it is very detailed.


An hour and a half after taking the drug, the highest concentration of the active substance is observed in the blood. The elimination of the drug in the first 3 days is very slow, then the process noticeably accelerates, and after another 18 hours the drug is completely eliminated from the body.

Indications for use

"Gynepristone" is used as an emergency drug. The drug must be taken within a short time (no more than 72 hours) after sexual intercourse or if the contraceptive used turns out to be unreliable.

According to reviews, Ginepristone is very effective for abortion.


This drug is contraindicated for use in some cases, including:

  • high sensitivity to mifepristone;
  • adrenal insufficiency or long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids;
  • any form of renal and liver failure;
  • in severe form.

It should also be taken with caution for diseases such as:

  • various hemostasis disorders, including those associated with previous treatment with anticoagulants;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • diseases associated with heart rhythm disturbances;
  • acute and chronic heart failure.

Side effects

According to reviews, Gynepristone can lead to various adverse reactions. Among them are a feeling of discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, headache, weakness, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, blood from the vagina, menstrual irregularities, fever, and urticaria.

Method of administration and dosage of the drug

It is required to take 1 tablet orally within a maximum of 72 hours after unprotected intimacy. You should abstain from food 2 hours before and after taking the medication.

This medicine can be used regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle; this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. This is confirmed by doctors' reviews of Ginepristone.


Signs of overdose occur when taking a dose of the drug exceeding 2 g. In this case, the likelihood of unwanted side reactions increases. Also, in the case of taking a large dose of Gynepristone, disruption of the adrenal glands is possible, up to the development of adrenal insufficiency.

To treat side effects, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

Taking the drug simultaneously with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is contraindicated, since NSAIDs significantly reduce the effectiveness.

Interaction with alcohol

Gynepristone, like most medications, is not recommended to be taken with alcohol. Alcoholic drinks not only enhance unwanted adverse reactions, but also significantly reduce the effectiveness of the product. At least five hours must pass between drinking any alcoholic drink and taking the drug.

Special instructions for use

"Gynepristone", being a means emergency contraception, is undesirable for use as a means of planned, permanent protection against pregnancy. This drug is also not used to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS.

It is considered safe to take the drug for emergency termination of pregnancy no more than 2 times a year. This frequency of use does not cause serious complicated reactions, unlike regular use of these tablets or other similar drugs.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is contraindicated to take Ginepristone while pregnant. If you need to take the drug during breastfeeding, then after this you need to take a break from breastfeeding for two weeks.

Sold by prescription.

Analogue products

There are the following drugs that act on the body in a similar way to Ginepristone:

  • "Ginestril";
  • "Genale";
  • "Esmiya";
  • "Miropriston";
  • "Mifegin";
  • "Mifepristone";
  • "Mifeprex";
  • "Pencrofton";
  • "Mytholian";
  • "Myfotab";
  • "Pharmatex";
  • "Postinor";
  • "Escapelle".

"Ginepristone" has a milder effect on female body than, for example, “Postinor” or “Escapelle”, while not only not inferior to them in efficiency, but often superior to them. It also causes very few side effects, so it is recommended by gynecologists as a safer remedy. At the same time, it is easy to use - you need to take one tablet at once, and not two with an interval of several hours.

Ginepristone is a synthetic steroid drug that is part of the group of gestagens and is used as an emergency, effective means of rapid contraception. The main active ingredient of the drug is mifepristone.

How to use this drug? In what dosage should I take gynepristone, what are the consequences of the action, what should I replace it with? You can easily find all the answers to these questions in the factory instructions. If you don’t have it at hand, read the description of the drug that we compiled based on it.

The description is presented for the purpose of familiarization with the drug, and, of course, is not a guide to action. Therefore, before using this product, carefully read the instructions yourself.

What is the effect of Ginepriston?

As we have already said, Gynepristone is prescribed for emergency use after an incident has occurred. unprotected act, since in this case, there is a high probability of an unwanted pregnancy.

The action of the drug is aimed at enhancing the contraction of the myometrium, increasing its sensitivity to prostaglandins. Regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle, if a Ginepristone tablet was taken, the drug causes inhibition of ovulation, and an active change in the endometrium occurs. All this prevents implantation, the attachment of a fertilized egg.

In general, this remedy is considered by doctors and patients to be one of the most reliable for preventing pregnancy.

What are the analogues of Ginepriston?

Ginepristone has several structural analogues that have one active ingredient. Therefore, if necessary, it can be replaced with such agents as: Ginestril, Agesta, Zhenale. Also effective: Miropriston, Mifegin and Mifeprex. Mifepristone and Pencrofton can be used.

What are Ginepriston's indications for use? What do the instructions say?

Ginepristone is intended to protect women from the onset of unplanned pregnancy when unprotected or insufficiently protected sexual intercourse has occurred.

What is the use of Ginepriston?

The tablet is taken no later than three days (72 hours) after direct sexual intercourse. To achieve the greatest effect, you should refrain from eating or drinking for 2 hours before taking the tablet. Please note that it is also not recommended to eat or drink within 2 hours after taking the tablet.

The drug does not affect the menstrual cycle in any way. Therefore, it can be taken at any time when needed.

What are Ginepriston's side effects?

After taking the drug, negative reactions of the body may be observed. For example, women often complain of headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, or pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes observed spotting, skin rashes. The temperature may rise. Women complain of general weakness, and cycle disorders may appear.

But it must be said that side effects from taking the drug are not often observed. Usually the drug is tolerated quite well. However, before using this medicine, talk to your gynecologist about your intentions. This is also important because Gynepristone has many contraindications, which, of course, must be taken into account before taking the pills.

What are the contraindications for Ginepriston?

Among the contraindications of Ginepristone, the instructions for use list a number of conditions that must be studied:

Women with adrenal, kidney or liver insufficiency should not take this drug.

The drug is not prescribed to women who have chronic diseases for which they regularly, or long time, take medications such as prednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethosone. It is also contraindicated in patients taking medications that affect blood clotting.

Do not take Ginepriston with simultaneous treatment with non-steroidal drugs (indomethacin, analgin, as well as paracetamol, aspirin, etc.), which are intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

The use of Ginepristone is contraindicated in the presence of severe acute diseases or aggravated chronic ones.

If you took a Ginepristone tablet during breastfeeding, you will be able to resume feeding your baby with your milk only two weeks after taking the tablet.

Take this medicine with caution if the patient suffers from heart rhythm disturbances, if there is insufficiency, or if blood clotting is impaired.

Always remember that Ginepristone cannot in any way be used as a drug for regular contraception. It is taken only in emergency situations and exceptional cases. You also need to know that the drug will not be able to protect a woman from sexually transmitted diseases. So be careful, take care of yourself and your health.

Gynepristone– a synthetic steroidal antigestagenic drug that can be used for medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy early stages(no more than 42 days of amenorrhea). The optimal period is 3-4 weeks, with efficiency reaching almost 100%. The most unsuccessful attempts are usually observed in women with amenorrhea more than 49 days from the first day of the last menstruation.

To terminate pregnancy, the drug is used exclusively in medical institutions. The patient is previously informed that if the procedure is ineffective on days 10-14 (continuing pregnancy or incomplete abortion), the pregnancy will need to be terminated through surgery, due to the risk of congenital malformations in the fetus.

Technology of medical abortion

The procedure involves 3 visits to a gynecologist.

You should have a light breakfast 1-1.5 hours before your first visit. At the appointment in the presence of a doctor, the patient takes 3 tablets of Ginepristone at a dose of 200 mg (total 600 mg) once and is under medical supervision for 1-2 hours.

Some women experience spotting on the first day, and 5% have a complete abortion.

48 hours later, at the second visit, in the presence of a doctor, the patient takes a single dose of 2 Misoprostol tablets at a dose of 200 mcg (400 mcg in total) and is under medical supervision for 3-4 hours. If bleeding does not begin during this time, the doctor prescribes a second dose of 2 tablets.

The duration and abundance of bleeding depends on the stage of pregnancy. In 95% of all cases, with a period of 4-5 weeks, medical abortion proceeds as normal menstruation. Bloody discharge lasts on average 1-3 weeks.

Over a longer period, the abundance of discharge may increase until the need for uterine contractions and hemostatic drugs.

The appointment of the date for the third visit depends on the nature of the abortion; however, in any case, on the 14th day after taking Misoprostol, the patient must attend a follow-up examination to exclude complications such as incomplete abortion or developing pregnancy.

Instructions for use:

Clinical and pharmacological group

Ginepristone is a drug that belongs to the group of gestagens, and is also among the emergency contraceptives.

Release form, packaging and composition of Ginepristone

The analyzed product is available in flat-cylindrical tablets (1 tablet contains 10 mg of mifepristone), the color of which changes from light yellow to greenish.

The auxiliary components of Ginepristone include microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate, and sodium carboxymethyl starch.

In pharmacies it is sold in blister packs or cardboard boxes in quantities of 1-2 pcs. The drug is also sold in polymer jars, which also contain 1 or 2 tablets.

Pharmacological action of Ginepristone

The instructions for Ginepristone clearly indicate that this drug is intended for emergency prevention of pregnancy. The main active ingredient of this drug is mifepristone.

Mifepristone has a chemical structure that allows Ginepristone to be classified as a synthetic steroid (it should be noted that the adrenal glands are responsible for the production of steroid hormones found in the human body).

The action of Ginepristone is to block progesterone receptors (the main female hormone, which is responsible for a successful and correct pregnancy). As a result of such processes, a poor environment for fertilization of the egg occurs in the uterus, as well as its impossible attachment to the walls of the uterus. The instructions for Ginepristone note that this drug also slows down the maturation of the egg (ovulation). To understand the pharmacological action of Ginepristone, it is necessary to remember what the ovulation process itself is. First of all, this is the release of an egg from a completely ready, mature ovarian follicle in order to prepare it for passage into the fallopian tube (oviduct). It is in the oviduct that fertilization occurs. Ovulation is a constant, monthly process that occurs every 19-45 days. Taking Ginepristone slows down the ovulation process. Also, unfavorable conditions for fertilization are created in the uterus, which are manifested in thickening of the mucus on the cervix, as well as changes in the functional layer of the uterus. Thus, Ginepristone for abortion is a very effective and reliable remedy.

Indications for use of Ginepristone

The instructions for Ginepristone contain detailed information, which will tell you that this drug should be taken as emergency contraception. Gynepristone will help protect a woman from unplanned pregnancy immediately after unprotected intercourse.

As stated in reviews of Ginepristone, in order to achieve the most positive result, you should take one tablet of the drug immediately after sexual intercourse or no later than 72 hours after it. Also in reviews of Ginepristone it is noted that the drug is best taken 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after it.


The instructions for Ginepristone indicate a number of contraindications, which you should definitely read before you start using this product.

1. The drug should not be taken if a woman has insufficient function of the adrenal glands, kidneys and liver.

2. Reviews of Ginepristone indicate undesirable use of the drug for those who suffer from chronic diseases or have been taking prednisolone, hydrocortisone or dexamethosone for a long time.

3. If any serious diseases are detected, Ginepristone is also not recommended to be taken.

4. Additional consultation with a specialist is also necessary in cases where a woman has problems with heart rhythm, if heart failure or a blood clotting disorder is detected.

5. Gynepristone does not need to be taken to terminate pregnancy if the woman has previously used medicines, the active substance of which was aimed at the process of blood clotting.

6. Ginepristone should not be taken together with non-steroidal drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the inflammation process (indomethacin, analgin, paracetamol, aspirin, etc.).

Having finished taking Ginepristone, breastfeeding should be continued only after 14 days.

Gynepristone dosage

Gynepristone should be taken orally 72 hours after completion of unprotected intercourse.

Ginepristone for abortion will work most effectively if you do not eat or drink 2 hours before taking the drug, and also refrain from eating for 2 hours after taking it.

Reviews of Ginepristone indicate that the drug does not affect the menstrual cycle, so you can take it whenever you want.

Side effects of Gynepristone

The most common side effects after taking Ginepristone are nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, headache, vomiting, bleeding, skin rashes, fever, weakness, and menstrual irregularities.


Today I want to touch on a sensitive topic and talk about my experience of receiving drug Ginepristone.

Ginepristone® is a synthetic steroidal antigestagenic agent (blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level), does not have gestagenic activity. Antagonism with glucocorticosteroids (GCS) was noted (due to competition at the level of communication with receptors).

Increases myometrial contractility by stimulating the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells, increasing the sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins. Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, it inhibits ovulation, changes the endometrium and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg.

To describe it in your own words, Ginepristone is an emergency contraceptive drug, an analogue of the famous Postinor.

Probably, in the life of every couple there is a moment when the defense misfires.

My husband and I have been using condoms for 5 years now; if there is no condom at home, there is no love. Even no matter how much my husband asks me, I will never make love without protection. But even condoms can often disappoint.

And so, during the PA, this infection broke! It was the middle of the cycle, by all indications there was ovulation. There was no doubt that everything got into me. Can you imagine my hysteria?!

I have a wonderful three-year-old daughter and I’m not ready for a second child! I want to finally go to work, and the second maternity leave does not fit into my plans. I am 24 years old, I will have time (if I want) to give birth to another child, but definitely not now!

I spent the whole night thinking about what to do. Thoughts “what if it passes?”, “what if it doesn’t?”, “maybe if I have an abortion?” were constantly running through my head. I somehow didn’t immediately remember about emergency contraceptive pills. Just this morning my husband called from work and said that he had bought a magic pill.

Price: 140 UAH (about 300 rubles)

Where to buy: pharmacies


A small box of delicate orange color.

Inside there are instructions for use and a blister with one single tablet.

A nasty lady at the pharmacy sold my husband 2 packs at once, saying it was more reliable. Although the instructions say in black and white that only 1 tablet is needed. What kind of people profit from other people's problems!

Well, okay, let's go...

At the ends of the packaging there is also brief information from the manufacturer.


The tablet itself is small, round in shape, without a separating strip.

I didn't feel any taste while taking it.


Emergency (postcoital) contraception (after unprotected sexual intercourse or if the method of contraception used cannot be considered reliable).

Everything is clear here, the pill is taken after unprotected sexual intercourse. Ginepristone is not a permanent method of contraception; such drugs should be taken no more than once every six months.


Presence in anamnesis hypersensitivity to mifepristone; adrenal insufficiency and long-term glucocorticosteroid therapy: acute and chronic renal and/or liver failure: the presence of severe extragenital pathology. Impaired hemostasis (including previous treatment with anticoagulants): chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (including bronchial asthma), severe arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure.

I didn’t have any contraindications, so - “go ahead and sing”!

Use during pregnancy and pregnancy:

Ginepristone® should not be used during pregnancy.

Breastfeeding should be stopped for 14 days after taking Ginepristone®.

Side effects:

Feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, urticaria, hyperthermia, bleeding from the genital tract, menstrual irregularities.

By the way, the woman at the pharmacy assured that Ginepristone is a milder drug than Postinor, so my husband bought it for me. But I’ll tell you about my side effects below.


One tablet contains:

Active substance: mifepristone - 0.01 g;

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose - 0.0746 g, carboxymethyl starch

Sodium - 0.0045 g, calcium stearate - 0.0009 g.

It contains mifepristone in a small dose. As far as I know, this substance is taken when medical abortions in the presence and supervision of a gynecologist, but the dose of mifepristone with this method of abortion is much higher.

Directions for use:

Orally, within 72 hours after sexual intercourse unprotected by contraception, 1 tablet of Ginepristone® 10 mg. To maintain the contraceptive effect, you should refrain from eating 2 hours before using the drug and 2 hours after it. Ginepristone® can be used in any phase of the menstrual cycle.

Please note that only 1 tablet is taken. Why did the woman sell her husband 2 packages of the drug, because an overdose does not bring anything good?!

Many people know that the more time passes after unprotected PA, the less effective the drug is. I took my pill 20 hours after the unfortunate incident.

Another important fact is that you do not need to eat 2 hours before and 2 hours after taking the pill. This is a must.


I’ll start right away with the fact that the pill worked, I didn’t get pregnant. Menstruation came on time on the 33rd day of the cycle (this is normal for me, my cycle ranges from 30 to 35 days).

The period itself was very painful, which is not normal for me! I had severe pain in my lower abdomen and lower back, the pain was quite noticeable and unpleasant, I had to take Tamipul, since I practically could not get out of bed. I will also note the fact that menstruation was heavy, which is also not normal for me.

Therefore, I concluded that this was a side effect of the pill.

I would also consider severe acne breakouts on the body as a side effect. A couple of days after taking the drug, acne appeared on the face, back and décolleté.

Usually I have a maximum of 1-2 pimples on my face before CD. In the same case, there were large numbers of small white pimples on the forehead and cheeks. Fortunately, with the help of good care, the rashes went away quickly, and now my face is clean again.

But there are still a couple of pimples left on the back and décolleté area, which have already dried up and should go away soon.

There were no other side effects and I feel fine.


It is a purely personal matter for everyone whether to take such a drug or not in the case of unprotected PA.

My rating is 3, since I did not avoid side effects. But, to be honest, I’d rather take Tamipul one more time for severe abdominal pain or put a mask on my face one more time to eliminate acne than an unwanted pregnancy.

I thought a lot about what I would have done if I had not taken the pill and became pregnant. Let them throw slippers at me, but most likely I would not continue the pregnancy. Therefore, I am glad that there are similar drugs in pharmacies. It’s better for me to take such a pill than to take sin on my soul later.

I want to repeat once again that Ginepristone is a milder drug than Postinor.

Now my husband and I are very careful, because I don’t want this experience again, it was a real hassle! The second package of Ginepristone is still lying around in my medicine cabinet, the expiration date is until 2020. But I hope I don't need it!

Thank you all for your attention!