Report No. 1 in all organizations is considered to be the balance sheet, since it is the one that provides information about the company’s assets and the size of the sources of these assets as of the reporting date, although entrepreneurs are allowed not to keep accounts or submit a balance sheet. The form of the document is periodically reviewed and changed at the legislative level. Let's learn more about this document and the features of its preparation.

Balance sheet for 2017

The balance sheet form for 2017, the form of which we will consider in this publication, is not so new. It was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 66n dated July 2, 2010 and has been used since 2011.

An important change this year is the introduction of a new classifier OK 029-2014, and, as a result, a change in OKVED codes. Therefore, when drawing up a balance sheet and submitting reports, companies will have to pay attention to the reflection of OKVED in the balance sheet for 2017 in accordance with the newly adopted collection. Although the codes are replaced automatically, it is better to first check the information about OKVED with the tax authorities. It can be noted that only in this regard the form of the balance sheet for 2017 has undergone changes. The document form can be downloaded below.

Balance sheet 2017: features

By filling out the form, the company itself details the indicators by item, taking into account the level of materiality of each. Financial statements must be submitted to the regulatory authorities (IFTS and statistical departments) in a form that includes line codes. We will present a sample of filling out the balance sheet for 2017 in exactly this form.

The basis for drawing up the balance is accounting registers, for example, a chess sheet, memorial orders, order journals, a balance sheet or a general ledger.

Balance sheet form for 2017: how the document is structured

The balance sheet of the organization is a table, on the left side of which all the assets of the company are reflected, and on the right side - the sources of these funds. Both of them must be equal, since the value of the property cannot be more or less than the sources of its formation.

The left side is divided into 2 sections, the first contains non-current assets, in the second - negotiable.

The right side of the balance sheet is a liability, divided into 3 parts, in which information about reserves, capital and liabilities is consistently recorded.

Procedure for filling out the balance sheet 2017: asset

Fill out the balance form starting with the active part. For greater clarity, we offer a tabular version, which indicates in which line of the balance sheet which indicators should be reflected, as well as the rules for summing the values:

Line code

Account balances included

Section I

08 s/account for expenses for search work

08 MC expense account for prospecting work

01, 08 s/account for fixed assets, the commissioning of which has not yet been carried out

02 s/account “Depreciation of assets classified as income. investments"

59 s/account “Accounting for reserves for long-term liabilities”

amounts not included in previous lines of the section

1200: Total for Section I

sum of partition rows

Section II

41,15,16, 97, 10, 11, 43, 45, 20, 21, 23, 29, 44

62, 60, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73 (excluding interest-rate loans), 75, 76

58, 55 s/account “Deposits”, 73 s/account “Loan settlements”

50, 51, 52, 55, 57, 55 s/account “Deposit accounts”

the value of assets not included in the listed lines of section II

1200:Total for section II

sum of partition rows

1600: Total assets

sum of results of sections I and II

Filling out the 2017 balance sheet according to the lines of the passive part

Line code

Account balances included

Section III

83 s/account “Additional assessment of fixed assets and intangible assets”

83 (except for additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets)

1300: Total for Section III

sum of section III row values

Section IV

amounts not included in the lines of section IV

1400: Total for section IV

sum of rows of section IV

Section V

60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76

amounts not included in the previous lines of section V

1500: Section V total

sum of rows of section V

1700: Total liabilities

sum of row values ​​of sections III, IV and V

If all balance lines are filled out correctly, the final results on lines 1600 and 1700 will be the same.

Balance sheet of an enterprise: completed example 2017

A sample of drawing up a balance sheet based on accounting data grouped in the balance sheet of Crocus LLC. To simplify the problem, let’s assume that the company was organized in 2017 and is preparing a balance sheet for 2017 for the first time. The 2017 balance sheet form, a sample of which is presented, involves considering the results of the company’s work for the reporting, last and previous years. In our example, information for 2017:

Account number


In accordance with the instructions for filling out the form indicated above, we will fill out the balance sheet for 2017 based on the accounting data.

An important point in the preparation of this document is compliance with the mandatory rule of any balance - the equivalence of both parts. In our example, the balance lines were filled line by line like this:

Account balance

D/t 04 – K/t 05

8700 – 3000 = 5700

D/t 01 – K/t 02

825000 – 443000 = 382000

D/t (10 + 41/2 + 41/3 + 44) – K/t 42

(50000 + 575000 + 33000 + 12500) – 120000 = 550500

D/t (62 + 71 +76)

15000 + 1900 + 40000 = 56900

D/t (50 + 51 + 52 +58)

10000 + 92000 + 7800 +5000 = 114800

K/t (60 + 68 + 69+ 70)

265000 + 57000 + 12000 + 30000 = 364000

The presented example demonstrates the decoding of the balance sheet items for 2017. A sample of filling out the lines shows the simplicity of this work, but it requires care. Drawing up a balance sheet is unique in that errors are detected during operation by a discrepancy between the values ​​of the active and passive parts, which allows you to quickly correct the situation.

The 2017 balance sheet form (form with line numbers for ease of preparation) can be downloaded below.

When conducting accounting, a business entity must prepare mandatory reporting forms on certain dates. These include the balance sheet. Many government and regulatory authorities consider it one of the main documents. Therefore, an accountant must know exactly how to fill out a balance sheet and which accounts go where.

The balance sheet is one of the forms that are included in the accounting package. By law, any legal entity, regardless of its organizational form and chosen tax regime, must fill out these reports and send them to the tax and statistics authorities.

This responsibility also falls on non-profit structures and bar associations.

The balance sheet and profit and loss account are established as optional only for entrepreneurs, as well as divisions of foreign companies opened in Russia. But the law does not prohibit them from drawing up and submitting these forms on their own initiative.

Attention! In previous years, the law allowed some business entities not to prepare reports. However, these relaxations have now been cancelled. If the subject is classified as a small enterprise, then reporting must still be prepared, only this can be done in a simplified form. At the same time, the balance in in this case is still mandatory, and it is still necessary to submit it to the regulatory authorities.

Balance due dates

The rules establish that the balance sheet report Form 1 must be sent in the general reporting package for the previous year before March 31 of the year following the reporting year.

Moreover, this deadline is mandatory both when transferring the balance to the tax service and for statistics.

Under certain conditions, an audit report must be submitted to statistics along with the financial statements. This must be done within 10 days, but no later than December 31 of the year following the reporting year.

For some organizations, due to the type of activity they perform or other criteria, they are required not only to prepare and submit reports to government agencies, but also to publish them. For example, companies acting as tour operators must submit documents to Rostrud within 3 months after approval of the reports.

Attention! The law also defines separate reporting deadlines for organizations that registered after September 30 of the year. Due to the fact that the calendar year for such companies will be calculated differently, they will be required to submit reports for the first time before March 31 of the second year following registration.

For example, Empire LLC was included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on October 20, 2017. For the first time, the company will need to prepare a package of financial statements by March 31, 2019.

As a rule, the balance sheet is drawn up based on the company’s performance for the year. However, it is allowed to compile it not only every quarter, but also, for example, monthly. In this case, these documents will be called intermediate. This kind of documentation is usually necessary for banking organizations when assessing solvency, company owners, etc.

Where is it provided?

The legislation determines that the balance sheet form 1 and form 2 profit and loss statement, as well as other mandatory forms included in the financial statements, must be submitted:

  • Tax Service - documents are submitted at the place of registration of the company. If a company has separate divisions or branches, then they do not submit reports at their location, and only the parent company submits general consolidated reports. This must also be done at the address where it is registered.
  • Statistics - at the moment, the provision of financial statements to Rosstat is strictly mandatory. If this is not done on time, then penalties will be imposed on the organization, responsible persons and officials.
  • Owners and founders need this because any annual report must first be approved by them.
  • To other regulatory authorities, if legal provisions make this step mandatory.

Attention! There are also organizations that may ask you to provide them with reports in order to take any action. For example, when considering an application for a loan, banking institutions evaluate the solvency of the company based on the balance sheet.

Some large companies, when concluding contracts for the supply or provision of services, ask their future partners to provide Form 1 Balance Sheet, Form 2 Profit and Loss Statement. However, this is at the discretion of the administration.

On the other side, large number services provide the opportunity to check organizations and entrepreneurs using TIN or OGRN code. All information is selected from reports submitted previously.

Delivery methods

The OKUD 0710001 form can be sent to government agencies in the following ways:

  • Personally into the hands of an employee of the Federal Tax Service or Statistics;
  • Using a valuable postal item - an inventory must be included in the letter, and it must also have monetary value;
  • Using the Internet, the company must have an electronic signature, and also enter into a data transfer agreement with any special operator. You can also submit a report directly through the tax website, but this will also require. The report must be sent electronically if the company employs 100 people or more.

Read also:

TZV-MP new reporting for small businesses

Balance sheet form 2018 free download

Download the balance sheet form in Form 1 for free in Word format.

2018 free download in Excel format (without line codes).

2018 free download with line codes in Excel format.

For 2018 download in PDF format.

How to fill out a balance sheet using Form 1

Title part

Filling is carried out according to the following scheme. After the name of the document, the date on which the data is entered is indicated. On the right side of the table you need to indicate the actual date of completion. This is done in the “Date (day, month, year)” column.

Next, the full name of the organization is written down, and then in the table - its name. Below in the table you must enter the company’s TIN.

Then you need to enter the name of the organizational form, as well as the form of ownership. You need to enter the corresponding codes into the table. For example, if this is an LLC, then you need to enter code 65. Private property corresponds to the value 16.

In the next column, you must select in which units the amounts of money are entered into the balance sheet - in thousands or millions of rubles. Here you need to enter the OKEI code in the table. The last line is intended to record the address of the organization.


Non-current assets

Line 1110 “Intangible assets” reflects the balance of account 04 except for R&D work, minus the balance of account 05.

Page 1120 “Research results” reflects the balance of the subaccounts of account 04, which takes into account R&D work.

Page 1130 “Intangible search requests” reflects the balance of account 08 for the subaccount of intangible expenses for search work.

Line 1140 “Material search requests” reflects the balance of account 08 for the subaccount of material expenses for search work.

Line 1150 “Fixed Assets” reflects the balance of account 01, reduced by the balance of account 02.

Page 1160 “Income-bearing investments in MC” reflects the balance of account 03 reduced by the balance of account 02, sub-accounts related to the depreciation of assets classified as income-generating investments.

Page 1170 “Financial investments” reflects the balance on account 58, reduced by the balance on account 59, as well as the balance on account 73, reflecting interest-bearing loans for a period of more than 12 months.

On page 1180 “Delayed tax assets» account balance 09 is reflected. It can be reduced by account balance 77.

On page 1190 “Other non-current assets” any other indicators that relate to this section can be shown, but cannot be attributed to any of the specified lines.

Attention! On page 1100 you need to sum and write down the total for the section, namely lines from 1110 to 1190.

Current assets

This section reflects information about the company's short-term assets.

Page 1210 “Inventories” contains a total indicator consisting of:

  • Account debit balance 10, from which you need to subtract the value of the account balance. 14, add the balance on the account. 15 adjusted to count. 16.
  • Debit balances on cost accounts 20, 21, 23, 29, 44, 46, which reflect the amounts of unfinished products.
  • Account debit balance 41 (minus count 42) and count. 43, which shows the cost of goods and finished products.
  • Account balance 45, reflecting the products shipped to customers.

Page 1220 “VAT” includes the account balance. 19, which reflects the amount of VAT on purchased material values, works and services.

In Art. 1230 “Accounts receivable” reflects information on the following accounts:

  • The debit balances of accounts 62, 76, which reflect short-term accounts receivable buyers taking into account the account indicator. 63 “Provisions for long-term debts”
  • Account debit balance 60, 76, which records the amounts of advances sent to suppliers.
  • Debit balance of the subaccount. 76 “Insurance settlements”.
  • Account balance 73, which reflects the debt of the company’s personnel, with the exception of the amounts of loans for which loans are accrued.
  • Part of the account balance 58 “Provided loans”, which takes into account loans for which interest is not accrued.
  • Account debit balance 68 and 69, which reflects the overpayment of mandatory payments to the budget.
  • Debit balance by account 71. on which calculations on the sub-report are reflected.
  • Account balance 75, taking into account the unpaid share of the contribution to the authorized capital.

Page 1240 “Financial investments” is intended to reflect in it:

  • Account balance 58 adjusted to account balance. 59.
  • Account balance 55 "Deposits"
  • Balance on the subaccount. 73 “Loan settlements”, regarding loans for which interest is accrued.

Page 1250 reflects the total value for all accounts on which the enterprise’s money is recorded - account. 50, p. 51, count. 52, count. 55, count. 57.

In page 1260 “Other current assets”, account balances that are part of the property, but were not reflected in the above lines.

On page 1200 of this report, you need to add up and reflect the sum of all the values ​​of the indicators in Section II from pages 1210 to 1270.

Attention! Page 1600 “Balance” reflects the balance sheet currency, which is determined by adding the values ​​of the total lines of the asset sections: line 11300, line 1200.


Capital and reserves

On page 1310 " Authorized capital» The amount of capital of the company, which is indicated in the registration documents of the business entity, should be recorded. It is reflected on the loan account. 80.

New form "Balance Sheet" officially approved by document Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n (as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 5, 2011 No. 124n, dated April 6, 2015 No. 57n).

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  • We rent cows: accounting

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The balance sheet is the main report prepared by every organization. If desired, a legal entity can, at its discretion, generate this report at any time during its activities, for example, to check accounting activities. However, to submit information to regulatory authorities, the balance sheet must be filled out at the end of the year. In 2017, you need to fill out the balance sheet for 2016 and submit it to the Federal Tax Service and the statistics agency.

Balance sheet form for 2016 for submission in 2017

The balance sheet form, which will need to be filled out to submit annual financial statements for 2016, was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66n dated July 2, 2010, as amended. from 04/06/2015.

Balance sheet for 2016 for submission in 2017 form -.

The form can be supplemented with lines, but existing ones cannot be deleted. Using additional lines, you can reveal the contents of individual balance sheet items; this is done at the personal request of the organization.

Codes for balance lines are established in accordance with the fourth appendix to the specified order.

You can download a sample of filling out the balance sheet for 2016 at the bottom of the article.

Procedure and deadlines for submitting a balance

The completed balance sheet must be submitted for 2016 no later than the end of March 2017, since March 31 in 2017. falls on a Friday, there will be no rescheduling. The last day of March is the deadline for transferring the balance sheet to the regulatory authorities at the place of registration with the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat.

The report can be submitted to the Federal Tax Service in a convenient format - electronic or paper. The electronic balance is submitted to Rosstat.

A balance sheet is required for all organizations on any taxation system. Small businesses have the right to fill out a simplified balance sheet form.

Individual entrepreneurs do not keep accounting records and balance sheets are not filled out, regardless of the applicable tax regime.

Rules for filling out the balance sheet in 2017

When creating a balance sheet, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. the preparation of the report always occurs at a specific time point; to submit the balance sheet to the regulatory government agencies, the report is prepared on the last day of December of the reporting year;
  2. the balance sheet also shows information about annual activity for the two previous years, the indicators are indicated on the last December day of these years, when submitting the balance sheet for 2016, the results as of December 31 should also be shown. 2015 and 2014. Previous indicators are taken from the balance sheet completed for the previous year;
  3. The balance sheet is filled out on the basis of the balance sheet prepared on the last day of the last month of the reporting year. From the received statement, data is distributed among balance sheet items;
  4. empty lines are filled with dashes - a short line is placed in the middle of the cell;
  5. the indicated amounts may be rounded to thousands or millions of rubles; the organization’s decision on rounding is indicated at the top of the balance sheet form;
  6. negative indicators are indicated in parentheses;
  7. the distribution of indicators of the annual turnover sheet is made by assets and liabilities (resources and sources of their formation);
  8. a correctly drawn up balance sheet must ensure an exact correspondence between the total amount of assets and liabilities; the absence of such equality is due to the presence of errors in accounting; the accountant’s task is to identify and eliminate them; a balance sheet can only be submitted if its indicators agree.

Sample of filling out the balance sheet for 2016

A completed sample balance sheet that will need to be submitted in 2017 is presented for free download below.

The table shows the features of filling out individual balance lines.

Filling out the balance sheet assets for 2016:

N Balance line number

How to fill out a balance line

1110 Nematic act. The indicator to be included in the line is determined as follows:
  • Balance according to D. subaccount. 08.5.Purchase of intangible assets + Balance on D. account 04 – Balance on K. account 05.
1150 Main av. The indicator is calculated as follows:
  • Balance on D. account 07 + Balance on D. account 08 (data from subaccount 08.5 on acquired intangible assets are excluded) + Balance on D. account 01 – Balance on K. account 02.
1170 Financial investment Shown financial investments for a long-term period, the repayment period of which will not occur within the next 12 months (shares, deposits in the management company of other persons, bonds, loans issued, with the exception of interest-free ones).

The indicator can be calculated as follows:

Data on long-term investments should be separated from these accounts. To do this, it is convenient to take into account long-term and short-term investments in separate analytical accounts throughout the year. If such a division has not been made, then it will have to be done at the time of drawing up the balance sheet.

1210 Reserves The indicator can be calculated as follows:
  • Amount of balance on D. accounts 10,15,20,21,23,29,41,43,44,45,97 – Balance on K. account 14 – Balance on K. account 42.
1230 Deb.res. The indicator for inclusion in the balance sheet is calculated as follows:
  • Balance on D. account 46 + ∑ balance on D. subaccounts to accounts 60,62,68,69,70,71,73,75,76 – Balance on K. account 63.
1240 Financial investment An investment that matures within the next 12 months. For the convenience of filling out the balance sheet for 2016, during the year you should separate short-term investments from long-term ones in separate analytical accounts.

The indicator for filling out the balance line is calculated as follows:

  • Balance on D account. 58 – Balance on K. account 59 – Balance on K. account 63.

Only amounts related to short-term investments are taken from these accounts.

1250 Den.av. Formula for calculation:
  • Balance on D. account 50 + Balance on D. account 51 + Balance on D. account 52 + Balance on D. account 57

Filling out balance sheet liabilities for 2016:

Balance line number

How to fill out a balance line

1340 Revaluation The data is provided only for the revaluation of fixed assets; the indicator for filling out the balance sheet line is taken from the balance according to K. account 83.
1370 in/out After the reformation, an indicator equal to the balance of account 84 is entered in this line.

The balance according to K. account 84 means profit and is entered without brackets.

The balance according to D. Account 84 means a loss and is entered in parentheses.

1410 Loan avg. This line of liabilities of the balance sheet includes long-term loans and borrowings. The indicator to be filled in corresponds to the Balance according to K. account 67.
1510 Loan avg. This line of balance sheet liabilities includes short-term loans and borrowings. The indicator to be filled in corresponds to the Balance according to K. account 66.
1520 Credit.back. The indicator to fill is calculated as follows:
  • ∑ balance according to K. subaccounts to accounts 60,62,68,69,70,71,73,75-2.76.
1540 Est. oblig. Balance according to K. account 96.

Checking the correctness of filling out the balance sheet for 2016:

The indicator line 1600 should be equal to the indicator line 1700 - the sum of assets is equal to the sum of liabilities. If equality is not observed, you need to check the accounting, the arithmetic operations performed and look for the error.

Download free sample

Balance sheet form 2017 download - .

Sample balance sheet for 2016 - .

Video to help you create a balance sheet

Balance sheet - Form 1 - is the main document of the financial statements of a legal entity. Together with the income statement, Form 2, it shows the company's position at the reporting date and is a vital part of the annual reporting. Who submits the balance sheet and financial results report and why? How to fill out the forms correctly? Where and when should I report? Read the material below for answers to these and other questions.

Basic requirements for preparing financial statements

With the exception of cases specified in the Law “On Accounting” dated November 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, financial statements consist of a balance sheet and a statement of financial results. They are often called forms 1 and 2 (forms 1 and 2 of the balance sheet).

IMPORTANT! On 06/01/2019, the accounting forms were amended by order of the Ministry of Finance dated 04/19/2019 No. 61n, according to which all indicators must be entered only in thousands of rubles, indicate OKVED 2 codes and confirm information about the mandatory audit and the company that conducted it. See details.

The balance sheet with changes dated 06/01/2019 can be found at the link below.

Download the balance sheet for 2019

Form 1 of the balance sheet consists of 5 sections. The debit side of the balance sheet reflects non-current and current assets. The balance sheet credit reflects capital and reserves, long-term and short-term liabilities.

Don't know your rights?

What is Form 2 Balance Sheet?

Form 2 of the balance sheet is the same Statement of Financial Results.

The purpose of the report is to show users the nature of the organization’s profit generation in the current year and compare it with the same period last year, which makes it possible to assess the company’s performance.

The indicators of the form lines are systematized and grouped in accordance with the provisions of PBU 9/99 “Income of the organization” and PBU 10/99 “Expenses of the organization” based on data from accounts, accounting and their subaccounts.

The procedure for classifying income and expenses as ordinary or additional activities is determined by the enterprise itself and is enshrined in the order on accounting policies.

All indicators are reflected in the report on the accrual basis, that is, in the reporting period when they were carried out, regardless of the fact of payment. Expense items, taxes, losses reflected in the report are indicated in parentheses.

If there is a need for a more detailed explanation of individual indicators that the company considers significant, additional lines are entered into the report.

The form is approved by appendices 1 and 4 to order 66n.

IMPORTANT! Form 2 was also amended by order of the Ministry of Finance No. 61n, which entered into force on June 1, 2019. All indicators in the form must also be entered in thousands of rubles; in addition, a number of lines have been replaced.

The financial statement form with changes for 2019 can be downloaded from the link below.

Download form 2 with changes from 06/01/2019

Procedure for submitting financial statements

Forms 1 and 2 are provided to internal and external users in accordance with the company’s constituent documents (clause 84 of Regulation 34n).

Internal users can be:

  • founders of the organization;
  • its shareholders;
  • persons who are owners of the organization's property.

External users are:

  • tax authorities at the place of registration of the company;
  • territorial bodies of state statistics;
  • executive authorities;
  • banks;
  • other organizations in accordance with Russian legislation.

Reporting by government and municipal enterprises is also provided to bodies managing state property.

In the event that, according to Art. 5 of the Law “On audit activities» dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ and other laws of the Russian Federation, the company is subject to mandatory annual audit, then together with forms 1 and 2 it must provide an audit report.

Annual reporting is handed over to users no later than 90 days from the end of the reporting year, unless a different procedure is provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation (clause 86 of Regulations 34n). Interim reporting (if it is mandatory for the organization) is provided no later than 30 days after the end of the quarter.

Forms 1 and 2 of the balance sheet allow users to assess the state of the organization’s assets and liabilities, the sources of formation and the structure of its profit, as well as their dynamics. They are the main sources of data used for economic analysis financial position of the organization.