Topic: Sound and [f], [f’] and the letter F, f

Target: acquaintance with new sounds [f], [f’] and letters F, f. Develop phonemic awareness, work on three units of speech: sound, word, sentence. Learn to hear new sounds in speech, highlight them in words. Strengthen the ability to characterize sounds; develop memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

Enrich students' vocabulary and develop oral speech.Teach conscious, correct, smooth reading.Foster collectivism, a sense of mutual assistance, and respect for each other.

Equipment Multimedia installation, table “Speech sounds”, “sound cards” not colored, cards for crossing out letters, colored thread, emoticons, signal cards, letter boxes and alphabet, word diagram

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizational moment.

The cheerful bell rang.

We are ready to start the lesson!

Let's listen and talk

And help each other.

Raise the emoji (my mood)

To make our lesson interesting, we learned a lot, let the motto of our lesson be the words: “If you can do it yourself, teach someone else.”

(slide 2)

  1. Working on the material covered.

Game “Say the Word.”

Our speech consists of .... (of sentences).

Sounds are... (vowels and consonants).

When pronouncing a consonant sound... (the air in the mouth meets an obstacle).

Consonant sounds are ... (voiceless and voiced, hard and soft).

Vowel sounds are .... (stressed and unstressed).

The letters e, e, yu, i... (can represent 2 sounds).

The sounds [zh], [sh], [ts] are always... (hard).

The sounds [th'], [h'], [sh'] are always... (soft).

First names, last names, nicknames, cities... (everything is always written with a capital letter).

III. Mobilizing stage.

- Today our lesson will be a little unusual. If you guess from the description who we're talking about, then you will find out who will be the guest at our lesson.


hat cloak smile tailcoat wand


Guys, have you guessed who is rushing to our lesson?


And now? How can it be called differently? (magician, sorcerer, illusionist, wizard).

Where can you see a magician and what does he do?

IV. Introduction to new topic. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson by students.

It was no coincidence that our guest, a magician, came to our class. He knows that today we will learn a new letter and decided to help us. To do this, he brought with him various tasks.

Look what pictures the magician brought us.


Scarf flag phone lantern candy

If you determine what identical sounds are in these words, you will find out the topic of our lesson.

Who guessed what sounds will be discussed in the lesson? (About the sounds [f], [f’])

Try, based on the topic of the lesson and supporting words, to formulate the objectives of our lesson.

Get to know…..

Learn to distinguish….

(children's assumptions)

(slide 6)

That's right, we must get acquainted with the sounds [f], [f'] and the letter that represents them. We will learn to distinguish these sounds and letters from other sounds and letters, learn to read syllables and words with a new letter.

V. Introduction to sounds.

1. Work on options (sound study).

1st century - Find words with the sound [f] among these words, examine them and characterize this sound ( candy, lantern).

2nd century – Explore words with the sound [f’] and characterize it.

First, they name words with the sound [f], which occurs only at the beginning of the word, and then give a description.

The sound [f] is consonant, dull, hard.

Similarly with the sound [f’].

The sound [f’] is consonant, dull, soft.

3. Let's “dress” the “sound” in pairs (coloring). Remember everything the guys said.

Examination. – How did you paint the slippers? Which hat did you choose?

Select from three sounds the desired one.

Conclusion. Sounds [f], [f’] - consonants, voiceless, [f], - tv., [f’] - soft.

(slide 7)

VI. Introducing a new letter.

1. Letter recognition exercises.

- We became familiar with sounds. What do you need to know now?

Work in groups.

Choose from the given letters the letter that represents the sounds [f], [f’]. Circle it.

Who knows what it's called? (“ef”). In what word did it appear?

Let's find this letter in the alphabet.(1 student points at the board, and others in pairs find their alphabets on the spot). Name her neighbors.

Write this letter on the sounds. (I post a picture with the letters F, f).

What does she look like? Try to make this letter out of threads.

- What is it for? capital letter F?

What name could our magician have? (Fedya, Foma, Philip, Filka).

Listen to poems about the letter F.

(slides 8, 9)

Eagle owl - two huge eyes -

The letter F will immediately remind you

The pop-eyed one aims his gaze,

Like a camera.

Fedya walks with his hands on his hips,

So I learned my lessons

Let's stand up and draw this letter.

2. Exercise for concentration.

Let's practice recognizing a new letter among other letters.

The magician has prepared a surprise for you. He hid the new letter among other letters. Your task is to find it, cross it out and count how many times it appears; indicate this number on the reverse side. Who will be the first to complete this task? Let's start.


Peer review.

Who didn't make mistakes? Well done, you were very attentive.

How many times has she met? (5)

3. Determining the place of the letter F in the city of Bukvaria.

Who guessed where we will settle the new letter in the city of Bukvaria? In which house? We pronounce these sounds in pairs.

(Opposite the letter B, since the new letter denotes a paired unvoiced consonant sound).



The magician wants to test your attention. Very often children confuse sounds

[v] and [f], since they are paired in voicedness and deafness. Let's play the game "Voice - Deaf" with the magician.

If the word contains the sounds [f], [f’], then we clap, if not, we squat.

Branch, light, Fedya, sweater, eagle owl, braggart, sweatshirt, factory, willow, traffic light, company, carriage.

VII. Reading syllables and words with a new letter.

1. The magician came to us with his magic chest. He handed me the magic wand. Watch the movement of the stick. One, two, three - oh, a sign appeared.

(slide 11)

fa af raf tailcoat

uh uh fla fairy

fe ef physical focus

fi if fru chauffeur

fo of fot finish

fyo fab flag

yf free factory


Reading the syllables of the 1st column loudly.

Column 2 is joyful, questioning.

3 column with tasks.

Read the syllables that go with this merger syllable (with soft consonants).

Read the words in column 4 yourself.

Reading in chorus the words of the 4th column.

What words have a soft consonant sound [f’]? (fairy, driver, finish).

Name two-syllable words.

Name three-syllable words.

What rule did you use to determine this? (check in unison)

Which words does the diagram match: (finish)

How many letters are in this word? What about sounds? Why? Prove it.

(word diagram on the board)

2. Formation of words and sentences.

Guys, let's trymake a sentence about a magician.. (The magician in the circus showed interesting tricks. Etc.).


Tricks with words.

(gloom - tailcoat, bowl - pussy, stick - jackdaw, candy wrapper - bow)

4. Working with the textbook (p. 196)

Let's please the magician with our reading.

Read for yourself V. Berestov’s poem about a magician and his tricks.

Conversation on content.

What trick did he perform? (The torch turned into a bouquet)

Who will jump out of the bouquet?

So is this a trick or a miracle?

VIII. Knowledge test.

The magician wants to test your knowledge acquired in this lesson, and since he loves everything starting with the letter “F”, he plays with you the game “I believe - I don’t believe” (If you agree, we say we believe, show green, if you don’t agree, we say I don’t believe it, show it red).

1. The letter “F” stands for a vowel sound. - Which one? Why?

2. The sound [f] is dull.

3. The letter “F” can mean both hard and soft sounds.

4. In the word dates, the letter “f” denotes a hard sound.

5. In the word sweatshirtonly one letter "f".

IX. Lesson summary, reflection.

Which letter did you meet?

What sounds does it represent?

The magician made sure that you have mastered the topic of the lesson, you can work together and acquire new knowledge.

- Well done, guys! You did a good job in class. I am glad that today you tried to listen especially carefully to each other’s answers, not repeat the answers of your comrades, and thought and analyzed well. Did you like how we worked today? What did you especially like?

- Who finishes the lesson with good mood, raise your emojis up.

, Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Lesson objectives:


  • introduce students to the letter F and the sounds it represents;
  • teach children to distinguish the sounds [f], [f"];
  • read syllables and words with a given letter.


  • develop phonemic hearing, thinking, mental operations, motor skills, and enrich students’ vocabulary.

Educational tasks:

  • instill a love of reading and books;
  • to form cognitive interest;
  • develop the ability to listen, take into account the opinions of others;
  • learn to work in pairs, groups, together;
  • cultivate a sense of pride for the Motherland.

Lesson type: introducing a new letter


  • Audio recording of the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”;
  • Drawings with objects, sea waves, Matroskin’s cat, boats;
  • Letter constructors and letter designs;
  • Signal cards 2 colors;
  • Individual cards;
  • Individual mirrors.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

We were expecting guests today,
And they greeted us with excitement.
Are we good at:
Both read and respond?
Don't judge too harshly
After all, we studied a little !

Today we have many guests and, as hospitable hosts, we will first show them attention. Turn to the guests and greet them. Now you can sit down quietly.

Psychological attitude

- Thanks, guys! Let's hope that the mood of our guests has improved, and they will be happy to watch our work and rejoice at your success.

We are friendly!

We are smart!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

We study in 1st grade,

We will succeed.

  • Do you recognize this hero?
  • What cartoon is he from?

Why do you think the cat has such a surname?

Our lesson will be devoted to everything related to the sea. If we are attentive and diligent, we will help Matroskin learn something new.

III. Mobilizing stage

Frame 4

Pictures are shown that depict objects with the letter F (flag, fruit, eagle owl, flamingo, briefcase, giraffe, shoes).

Name the objects shown in the pictures. Remember them well.

I change places.

Name what came first.

Frame 6. Let's check .

What do these words have in common?

IV. Formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson

Formulate the topic and goals of our lesson.

(Lesson topic “The letter F and the sounds it represents”)

Lesson objectives:

Get to know…

Cat Matroskin went on a trip on a Russian ship?

But how can you guess that the ship is Russian?

Flag image. Consider it.

What are the colors of our flag? What do they mean?

The Russian flag has three colors: ( White – peace, purity; Blue – faith, loyalty to the Motherland; Red – energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland.)

V. Introducing new sounds

Say the first sound in the word flag.

Working with individual mirrors.

Describe the sound [ f]. (Consonant, deaf, hard.)

Seeing such a beautiful ship, the dolphins joyfully appeared on the crest of the wave.

Divide the word dolphin into syllables. Say the second syllable. Select the first sound in a syllable.

Describe the sound [ f"].

(Consonant, voiceless, soft.)

VI. Fizminutka

You and I will swim together with Matroskin. If you hear a hard sound [ f], then you sail like a boat, rowing with oars, if you hear a soft sound [ f"], then let go of the oars and rest.

I name the words: telegraph, surname, cap, eagle owl, briefcase, dates, profession, fakir, focus, violet, fleet

VII. Introducing a new letter

Find a new letter.

(The letter is attached in different places in the classroom along with other letters.)

Stand up and form the letter F.

What does the letter F look like?

Reading poems about the letter f.

With this letter on my nose
An owl is hiding in the forest.

1) Group assignment.

Those who have a yellow card perform the task of group 1, those who have a green card complete the task of group 2.

Group 1 – letter constructor. Construct the letter F.

Group 2 – plucking the letter F on pieces of paper different colors: blue and green. Why different colors?

Where should we place our letter?

2) Work on cards in groups:

Group 1 – task 5.

Find and underline the letters F, f


Group 2 – task 6

Find words with the letter F and underline them with a pencil.


lifeyzhdplro Fayaeazhrlredeyzhdplfootballjpdoloz


3) Work in pairs

Find the letter F with your eyes closed by feeling.

We got acquainted with the letter F.

VIII. Reading syllables with a new letter

Reading from top to bottom, from right to left, adding the letters K and N.

With different intonations, singing.

Why are the syllables divided into 2 groups?

Frame 11 Complete the syllables to form the word.

Frame 12 Check.

IX. Guess riddles, learn a new word

Flying all night
Gets mice.
And it will become light,
Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl)

The tail is fluffy,
The fur is golden.
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens from the village. (Fox)

He builds a house on a rock.
He is not afraid to live in it.
Two mighty wings
From the owner (eagle)

I am mustachioed, striped
I don't like funny games.
Guess it. Who am I? (Tiger)

What word did you get?

Revealing the meaning of the word fleet.

X. Conversation on illustration

Looking at the illustration on page 194

What do you see in the picture? (Ships, steamships.)

How can you call ships and steamships in one word? (Courts.)

What can you say about them? ( Some are modern, others are ancient..)

Each ship has its own flag. The Russian fleet sails under the St. Andrew’s flag.”

Find Russian ships in the picture. Why did you decide this?

(They depict the Russian flag.)

XI. Name the types of ships

Liner, boat, submarine, sailing ship, icebreaker, cruiser.

XII. Physical exercise. Visual gymnastics

I suggest you take an imaginary walk on the sea on a frigate.

Close your eyes (1-2-3).

Close them (1-2-3).

Blink quickly (1-2-3).

Close your eyes (1-2-3).

Imagine yourself on the deck of a frigate. A light breeze is blowing. The waves quietly splash against the side of the ship. The vast expanses of the sea open up before you.

We slowly open our eyes - and now we are ready for the final test.

We read the syllables. What task can we complete next?

Frame 15. Read the words on the screen.

What words are unclear?

What words can be attributed to marine themes?
(Telegraph, photography, flag, fleet.)

What tasks can we do with these words?

Divide into groups according to different criteria.

Find given words in class.

(Attached are cards with words in different places.)

Reading a poem by a student who is good at reading.

Choral reading.

Work in groups.

Independent reading.

Find words with the letter F.

Are there such words?

XIII. Reflection

Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's tell Matroskin the cat what we learned in class today

Frame 17

I - Remembered

I learned.

Frame 18. Test yourself.

There are boats on your desks. You need to place them on a high or low wave crest.

If you learned something new during the lesson, learned something, and the lesson was interesting for you, place your boat on a high crest of a wave.

If someone thinks that he has not mastered the material enough, let him put his boat on a low crest of a wave. Students attach boats to the board.

Frame 19. I thank you for your work. If you want to do your homework, take the card that Matroskin prepared for you. (see Appendix 1)


  1. Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A. and others. Russian alphabet: Textbook for 1st grade. M.: “Enlightenment” - 2007.
  2. Izvekova N.A., Suryaninova N.S. The world around. M.: “Enlightenment” - 1985
  3. Raevsky Yu.V. Fun alphabet for preschoolers. – 1994
  4. What's happened. Who is this: In 3 vols. T. 2 – 4th edition. M.: Pedagogy - Press, 2001

Appendix 1

Take a blue or blue pencil and color in all parts of the drawing where the letter “F” or “f” is depicted.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

1. Teach the child to distinguish the most abbreviated sound complex by timbre.

2. Learn to reproduce changes in character, timbre and emotional coloring the same sound.

3. Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sounds [F], [F"], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Strengthen the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

5. Expand the volume of auditory-speech memory.

6. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

7. Learn to analyze a short text, highlight the title, count the number of sentences.

Task 1. Didactic exercise “Who is this?” (development of auditory attention).

Several children take part in the game. An adult invites one child to turn away and guess which child will say “AU.”

Task 2. Didactic exercise “Say the sound [A] in different ways” (change the timbre of your voice).

The adult shows and then asks the child to reproduce changes in character, timbre and emotional coloring of the same sound

“Ah,” the girl cries;

“Ah,” they show their throat to the doctor;

“Ah,” the singer sings;

“Ah,” - rock the baby;

“Ah,” the girl pricked herself with a needle.

Task 3. Introducing the sound [F].

Didactic exercise “Find out by description.” An adult asks the child a descriptive riddle:

“It's a piece of furniture. People hang their clothes in it. What is this?" ( Closet).

Asks to name the last sound in the word closet.

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [F]:

The lower lip is close to the edges of the upper teeth, leaving a narrow gap in the middle for air to pass through;

The upper teeth are slightly visible;

The neck is “silent”.

Sound symbol: air coming out of a large balloon: FFFFFF....

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (sponges and teeth create an obstacle to the free passage of air), hard, dull. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. Phonetic exercise.

The cat snorts: f-f-f... (pronounce abruptly after the adult).

Task 5. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [F]”:

f, p, m, d, f...; fa, ma, af, up, uff...; flag, jacket, Panama hat, wardrobe, coat, uniform, stick...

Task 6. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

fta-fto-ftu-fty...; afta-afto-aftu-afty...

Task 7. The adult invites the child to listen and then reproduce a series of words (3-5) with the sound [F].

Task 8. Working with pictures:

select drawn objects whose names contain the sound [F];

arrange them into three piles: the sound [F] is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word;

divide these words into syllables (name the longest and shortest word).

Task 9. The child is asked to come up with sentences using object pictures from the previous task, using the prepositions B and U if possible.

Task 10. An adult reads a couple of sentences to the child and asks them to correct mistakes.

I found a blouse in a cherry tree. Masha put on the bone.

The elevator is green on the maple tree. The leaf lifts us up.

The caftan ripened on the tree. In winter I will wear chestnut.

The count sat down on a tree. A rook lives in a beautiful house.

Task 11. Introducing the sound [F"].

Sound symbol: air comes out of the ball: puff....

Characteristic sound: consonant sound, soft, dull. Designation: green circle.

Task 12. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you breathe the sound [F"]”:

ugh, uh, uh, uh...; fi, five, pi, fi...; Fima, Fekla, treasure, chair, Fedya, Filya, Dima.

Task 13. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

ftya-fte-ftyu-fti; after-after-after-after-after...

Task 14. Didactic exercise “Make a word.”

Fe-do-ra, fi-al-ka, buffet, fi-lin, feb-ral, physical-kul-tu-ra, physical-kul-tur-ni-tsa.

Task 15. Differentiation of sounds [F] - [F"].

Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [F]”:

f, f, f, f; fa, fa, af, af...

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

fa-fya,...; wow...

Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

fa-fa-fya, fa-fya-fa, fa-fya-fa, fa-fa-fya, fa-fa-fa, fa-fya-fya.

Name the extra word in the series (based on the presence of sounds [F] and [F"] in the words).

Divide all words into syllables. Which word is the longest?

Eagle owl, pheasant, camera, photographer; Filya, Foma, Fedya, Fedora.

Guess the riddle, name the first sound in the answer.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

It scares passersby. ( Owl)

Paste into your notebook pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sounds [F] and [F"], and make sentences with these words.

Remember words with sounds [F] and [F"].

Together with your child, come up with short stories about Filya, Foma and Fedora.

Task 16. Learn tongue twisters:

The pharaonic favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.

Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

Task 17. Introducing the letter F.

Arms akimbo, he dances dashingly

F is a big dandy.

O. Hoffman

What does the letter F look like?

Letter F: the child stands in a “hands on hips” position.

Letter games.

Task 18. Sound-syllable analysis of words. Drawing up a diagram of circles, counting the number of syllables in a word; composing words from letters of the cut alphabet, reading, copying, writing from dictation in block letters. Fima, Pif.

Reading and analyzing a short text, highlighting the title, sentence boundaries, finding a sentence with the preposition u.FIMA Here is Fima. Fima has a house. Fima is at home.

An adult introduces the child to a short text and shows the title; Together with the child, he counts the number of sentences, finds a sentence with a preposition, and reads the text.

Games in pictures for children 4-5 years old

Assignments for children in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic “Learning to read”

Task 1

Name the items in each group. Match them with the letter their names begin with.

Task 2

What letter do these words start with? Complete the item whose name begins with the desired letter in each group.

Task 3

Connect objects whose names begin with the same letter.

Task 4

Match objects whose names end with the same letter.

Task 5

Color the extra picture in each group. What letter do the names of the pictures begin with?

Task 6

Choose and color only those pictures whose names contain the letter “W”.

Task 7

Color only those objects that have the letter “L” in their names.

Task 8

Color only those objects whose names contain the letter “P”.

Task 9

Color only those objects that have the letter “K” in their names.

Task 10

Name the pictures. Connect them in a chain: in the first word - the name of the picture, the sound [M] is at the beginning of the word, in the second the sound [M] is in the middle of the word, in the third the sound [M] is at the end of the word.

Task 11

In the name of which object is the sound [D] heard, and which - the sound [T]?

Task 12

In the name of which object is the sound [B] heard, and which - the sound [P]?

Task 13

In the name of which object is the sound [Z] heard, and which - the sound [S]?

Task 14

Where is the sound [P] in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word? Match the diagrams with the appropriate words.

Task 15

How many sounds are in each word - the name of the picture? Name them. Match the pictures with the correct numbers.

Task 16

What sounds do the names of these objects begin with? If you remove the first sounds in these names, you get different words. Which?

Test yourself.

Fishing rod - daughter; fly - ear; beads - mustache; thunderstorm - rose.

Task 17

Say the names of these objects. In which words does the first sound sound hard? Color the square next to this word blue. In which words does the first sound sound soft? Color the square green.

Task 18

Match each picture with the syllable with which its name begins.

Task 19

Combine words with one syllable with one square, words with two syllables with two squares, and words with three syllables with three squares.

Shimanskaya Elena Mikhailovna
Summary of a literacy lesson “Sounds [f, f’]. Letter F"

Summary of GCD for teaching literacy

« Sounds [f, f"]. Letter F»

for children of general developmental groups

from 6 to 8 years

Target: Introduce sound and letter F.


Educational: Reinforce correct pronunciation sounds [f, f"].

Continue learning to highlight sounds [f, f"] against the background of the word.

Strengthen the ability to determine location sound in a word.

Learn to write letter F.


Develop phonemic perception: ability to highlight sounds [f, f"] in the row sounds, syllables, words.

Develop a skill sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis.


Cultivate a sense of responsibility, endurance, and the ability to listen to a friend.

Increase speech activity.

Materials and equipment: Two toys: Thomas (in blue clothes) and Filya (in green clothes, camera. Pictures depicting objects whose names include sounds [f, f"]; cameras with inserts; sound bars and chips; pictures of letters F; simple pencils.

Methods and techniques: Verbal (questions, explanation, visual (showing pictures, games, practical (sound analysis, drawing up proposals).

Preliminary work:

Sound analysis of words.

Drawing up proposal diagrams.

D. and. "Catch sound»

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment

Educator: Guys, two people came to visit us friend: Foma and Filya. They brought a camera with them. What do you call a person who takes photographs? What does the photographer photograph with? What does a photographer get when he takes photographs? Where can I insert photos? What is the name of the photo album? Where does the photographer work? (Children's answers.)

2. Selecting the first sound in words, characteristic sounds

Educator: I’ll say these words again now, and you tell me which one is the first the sound in these words(photographer, photography, photo album, photo studio).

What is he like? sound [f]? (Firm, agreeable.)

In the word Filya - first sound(ugh). Tell us about sound [f"]. (Soft, consonant.)

Sounds [f, f"] voiced or voiceless? (Deaf.) Explain why these the sounds are dull?

3. Subject message

Educator: Today we will listen and pronounce sounds [f, f"].

4. Differentiation by ear sounds [f, f"] in a series of syllables

Educator: Guys, I will call sounds, and then syllables. If you hear in sound [f], clap your hands, and if - sound [f"], stamp your foot.

I name the syllables (fa, fi, fi, fo, fe, fya, fe, fe).

5. Differentiation by ear sounds [f, f"] in a row of words

Educator: And now I will say the words. If you hear sound[f] in a word - clap your hands, and if - sound [f"], jump up.

I say the words (football, eagle owl, Africa, shoes, scarf, coffee).

6. Game exercise to develop syllabic synthesis

Educator: Our guests thank you for your help and offer to play a game that they love and play often.

I'll throw the ball and call two sound. And you catch the ball and make up these sounds syllables.

The teacher throws the ball, calling the pair sounds, and children make up syllables (f...a - fa, f...i - fi, o...f - of, etc.)

Then the teacher asks you to come up with words with these syllables: Filya and Foma tried to find words with these syllables, but, unfortunately, they didn’t succeed. Guys, please help them, name the words with the syllables you just made.

(Children name the words : veil, photograph, ficus, cap)

7. Differentiation sounds [f, f"] by ear

Educator: Now I will pronounce sounds. And you, if you hear a hard sound[f] – raise the blue circle, and if soft sound[f"] – raise the green circle.

I pronounce sounds(f, f, f, f, f, f, f, and the children raise the corresponding mugs.

8. Game exercise "Find the photo you need"

Educator: Foma and Filya took photographs. But they got confused. They argue about whose photo is. Let's help them, find the authors of the photos.

The photographs that Foma took depict objects that have a hard word in their names. sound [f], and the photographs taken by Phil show objects whose names include sound [f"].

The teacher lays out "photos", and the children take turns taking pictures and determining whether they contain sounds [f, f"] and give it to Fil or Foma.

9. Physical exercise

Educator: Filya and Foma, when they relax, like to do this charging:

And now everything is in order

Let's get together to exercise.

Arms to the sides, bent,

They raised it up and waved.

They hid them behind their backs and looked back

Over the right shoulder, over the left again.

They sat down together and touched their heels.

We stood up on our toes,

They put their hands down.

10. Determination of location sounds [f, f"] in a word

Educator: And now your friends are asking you to help them find out where in the words they really like are sounds [f, f"] - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. For example, Phil really likes the word "checkbox". Sound The f in this word is at the beginning. Now Filya and Foma will tell you the words, and you will determine where they are sounds [f, f"] - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

(Children perform the task using special sound lines.)

11. Sound analysis of the word Thomas

Educator: I told Foma and Fila that you can indicate each in their names sound with colored chip. And Thomas asked you to sound His name was posted on the line.

12. Drawing up proposals according to the scheme

Educator: Foma and Phila sent photographs of proposal schemes. But they themselves cannot make sentences on them. Let's help them.

13. Getting to know letter F

Educator: Today we listened and said sounds [f, ugh]. These sounds are designated by the letter F. Showing a picture of letters F.

Educator: What does it look like letter F?

(Children answer.)

After the children express their opinion, I show symbol pictures and read poetry:

- Eagle owl, two huge eyes,

Will immediately remind you of the letter F.

- Everyone knows without tips:

Letter F is like the key to a fairy tale.

We never have it

Karabas will not take it away.

Educator: Stand up too, put your hands on your belt. Look, you look like letter F.

13. Printing letters F

Educator: Look how to write correctly letter F.

Showing the letter letters on the board. Then the children write it in a squared notebook.

Educator: Guys, who came to us today? What have we learned today? What did you learn? From what let's get acquainted?

Well done! Filya and Foma say goodbye to you and wish you success!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Sounds [b], [b’] and the letter B” Goals: To create conditions for consolidating the skill of clear pronunciation of sounds: [b], [b’], their differentiation by ear and in pronunciation. Create.

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the letter G, the sounds “G”, “G”. Objectives: correctional and educational: - teach to give acoustic-articulatory characteristics.

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Sounds [F], [F’] and the letter F” Topic: Sounds F, F and the letter F. Purpose: To introduce children to the voiceless consonant sounds f, f’, letter F, f. highlighting a given consonant sound.

Summary of a literacy lesson “The sound [o] and the letter O” Topic: “Sound (O) and the letter O.” Purpose: To generalize children’s ideas about vowels and consonants. Tasks: Learning task: Identification of the given task.