In 2007, the program was introduced « Maternity capital» , which allows families with two or more children to qualify for additional payments. The main goal of the program is to increase the birth rate in the country, as well as improve the living conditions of young families. However, the program will end in the near future, so many citizens are interested in answers to the following questions: when will the program end? What is the amount covered by the certificate? Are payments available for 3 children? We will answer all the questions posed in our article.

Birth of a second child

A woman who gave birth to her second child after 2007 can receive a certificate for maternity capital (hereinafter referred to as MK).

Besides, MK is issued in the following cases:

  1. Parents are not deprived parental rights and were not convicted of illegal actions directed against their own children.
  2. One of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. In the event of the death of the mother, the father is the sole adoptive parent of two (or more) children.
  4. Other persons who are involved in raising children in the event of deprivation of parental rights or the death of both parents.

When this program was introduced, the capital amount was 250,000 rubles, but due to annual indexation, the capital increased to the mark 453,026 rubles. After the planned indexation in 2018, the amount will increase to 480,000 rubles.

According to preliminary information, the program will be valid until 01/01/2019. But the final decision on the timing of termination of the program has not yet been officially established. Thus, some officials propose extending payments until 2026.

MK funds are not issued in the following cases:

  1. The child died during childbirth. If death occurred a week after birth, then MK can be issued.
  2. Adopting a stepdaughter or stepson.
  3. Third child, if the woman has already received MK.

The main document confirming the presence of an MK is a certificate.

To issue a certificate, one of the parents must contact the Pension Fund. The applicant must prepare following documentation:

  1. Passport details.
  2. Birth certificate for all children.
  3. Application (based on the Pension Fund model).
  4. Document confirming the child's citizenship.
  5. Other documentation in accordance with the Pension Fund Rules.

The period for reviewing documents is one month. If the decision is positive, you need to contact the fund again to receive a certificate, or Pension Fund employees send certified documents by mail.

MK can be implemented when a child reaches three years of age. But when investing in real estate, MK can be used at any time.

Capital received can only be spent on certain goals, namely:

  • purchase of residential real estate by bank transfer;
  • education of children under 25 years of age in the country;
  • increasing the funded part of the mother’s pension (the funded part was frozen in 2017);
  • purchase of goods for disabled children, except for medical care.

In all other cases, MK is not used. Capital is not necessarily worth spending on one of the items. It is allowed to use funds simultaneously for different needs in accordance with the above list.

Third child and maternity capital

In accordance with Federal Law No. 256, those families where a third child is born (or adopt a second) can apply for MK. IN in this case the important conditions are:

  1. The parents had not previously received MK.
  2. At the birth of the second child, the law under the MK was not in effect.
  3. The presence of Russian citizenship in one of the parents and the child.
  4. The child was born between 2007 and 2018.

Currently, the authorities are raising the issue not only of extending the program until 2026, but also of increasing payments when for the birth of a third child up to 1.5 million rubles.

The draft law is currently under consideration by the State Duma. However, there are still many inaccuracies in the law, for example, whether MK will be provided for the third child if the woman has already received contributions for the second newborn. Or, for example, whether this amount will be indexed. And how can we find additional funds to implement this bill? Legislators have not yet found answers to these questions.

Regional supplements for 3 children

In addition to payments under the MK, women who have given birth to 3 or more children can receive such surcharges, How:

  1. Bonuses up to one and a half years. The minimum payments are 6,100 rubles (maximum 23,000). The amount depends on the place of residence of the mother and children.
  2. Additional payments for up to 3 years for low-income families. According to Decree No. 606 of 05/07/2012, families with low incomes can receive additional payments. Currently, the benefit is paid in 69 regions of the Russian Federation and applies to children born before 2012.
  3. Benefit up to 16(or 18 years old). The category of recipients is determined independently by the subjects of the country. You should check with your local social security office about the availability of benefits.
  4. One-time payment at the birth of the third child - the average amount of benefits is 13,000 rubles.

To assign additional payment, parents must contact to social protection authorities with the following package of documents:

  • Marriage (or divorce) certificate.
  • Passport details.
  • Application form.
  • Children's birth certificate.
  • Bank account details.
  • Documents confirming the status of a low-income family.

After submitting documents, a decision is made within 10 days.

Besides regional benefits, large families can apply for fringe benefits, For example:

  • obtaining a mortgage loan without making a down payment;
  • provision summer cottage;
  • discount for housing and communal services in the amount of 50%;
  • admission to school and kindergarten out of turn;
  • discounted admission to exhibitions and theaters;
  • free attendance at sports, music, and art schools;
  • discounted vouchers to a camp, sanatorium complex;
  • increase in parental leave by 5 days;
  • scholarship in educational institutions;
  • obtaining a land plot (lease - 10 years) - ownership is granted after the construction of a residential building and its commissioning. Important condition– the family should not own any other living space.

In the end, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the authorities strive to possible ways increase the birth rate. So today the certificate for the program "Maternity capital" More than 6 million women received it. At the same time, the amount of the certificate gradually increases due to annual indexation. Read more about payments under MK in this material.

For young families maternity capital is provided for 3 children.

This law came into effect in 2007.

A large family is given specially issued certificate, through which an amount is paid for a child’s education, to contribute to the funded part of a pension, to solve housing problems or to take out a mortgage.

Parents are allowed to spend funds only on one of the listed purposes.

Matkapital represents a very large sum of money. Its value depends on the total number of children. The more there are, the more money the state pays.

Previously, the amount of maternity capital paid was subject to indexation. Since 2017, it has remained unchanged and continues to be 453,026 rubles. Because of this, the certificate is devalued. The proposal to increase the amount of compensation to one and a half million rubles was rejected.

A certificate for the birth of a third baby is issued only if family has not previously participated in the program.

Parents can choose for which child they will receive compensation, but it is issued no more than once.

In regions with an unfavorable situation regarding the birth rate, adoptive families receive money for each child they adopt.

Such a program was developed in Ufa and Bashkortostan.

Capital is issued if the baby was born no earlier than 01/01/2007.

Conditions for issuing the certificate

One of the parents or guardians, as well as the child himself, can receive capital if for any reason the former have lost their parental rights. The Pension Fund approves the following conditions for issuing a certificate:

  • the recipient must have citizenship Russian Federation;
  • the child must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

If the mother has been deprived of parental rights, the certificate is issued to the father, who has the right to dispose of capital if he turns out to be the only guardian.

Now we’ll tell you what you can spend your maternity capital on.

Typically, maternity capital does not imply the payment of cash.

The state carefully monitors where are these funds spent?. It is allowed to use maternity capital for the following purposes:

This is an approximate way to use this type of family state. support.

But in times of crisis, these conditions change. In 2009, 2010 and 2015, parents received a one-time payment from maternity capital amounting to 20,000 rubles. Large families could use this amount of money spend at will.

If a family decides to pay for a mortgage loan with this money, then it can use the capital immediately, without waiting for the child to reach the age of three.

Regional payments to large families

The regional assistance program for large families provides additional financial support. The amounts of such compensation are established by local governments and depend on the level of material well-being of the region.

The innovation is approved by Article 1 of Federal Law No. 433 of December 30, 2015. Now the certificate is presented to all people who have given birth to or adopted a third child.

You can receive the document either immediately or after some time. The validity period of the certificate is not limited. A parent can use the money only after three years, with the exception of some special situations.

Maternity capital not subject to personal income tax collection. If the certificate is lost, a duplicate is issued. The goal of the program is to increase the birth rate by improving the well-being of large families. The family can use the funds for the mother’s future pension, children’s education, building a house, or paying off the mortgage.

The program has been extended until 2019. You can use the funds later than this period. Parents are allowed to spend them when the need arises.

Only those families where a third child was born or will be born no later than December 31, 2018 have the right to own capital. During a crisis, it is possible to receive a certain amount of cash for personal purposes. Now you know whether maternity capital is paid for 3 children or not. The answer here is yes.

Video on the topic

Additional information about mat. capital is presented in the video:

Maternity capital by State program regulated by Federal Law No. 256. The certificate is issued not only for the second, but also for the third child and subsequent children. At the moment, MK is the most valuable State program from the State, because at the beginning of 2018 its amount was 453,026 rubles.

The state offers several options for how exactly the funds received from the State can be used, but most often they are spent specifically on improving housing conditions.

Features of the program for families with 3 children

Meanwhile, such a large amount is not given to every family with a third child - it is subject to certain restrictions.

  • First of all, it should be borne in mind that money is issued not in the form of cash banknotes, but are transferred to a bank account created for these purposes.
  • Spend funds from maternity capital possible only by non-cash means by concluding an agreement.
  • The law states specific goals, on which funds from maternity capital can be spent.

All of the above conditions were created and regulated by law, primarily so that parents would not spend the certificate on their personal needs, while “bypassing” the needs of their children.

Let's figure out exactly what purposes you can spend funds from maternity capital for. This:

Starting from 2018, there is another “offer” from the state - now the funds can be spent on preschool education child (including hiring a nanny if the child’s mother wants to go to work).

1.5 million for a third child - truth or myth?

In 2014, the State Duma considered a bill, which, however, was not destined to come into force. However, it was because of him that there were rumors that maternity capital would be increased up to 1.5 million rubles. If this bill had actually come into force, the following changes would have been made to the State Program:

  • The bill proposed extending the State Program until 2026. Let us remind you that for now the MK is valid only until 2021.
  • Then it was proposed to increase the size of maternity capital to 1.5 million rubles, but at the same time it should no longer be subject to annual indexation.
  • The bill also took into account that if a family needs to improve their living conditions, then MK should be aimed specifically at these goals.

Here is the above bill, which at one time brought “turmoil” to large number families:

Who can use the certificate

Of course, a certificate is only issued if certain requirements set by the state are met. Each of these conditions is spelled out in 873 of the Resolution attached to the law on maternity capital. So, the most important point is that both the child and his mother must have Russian citizenship.

The resolution also contains other important points:

  • A certificate for the third child will be issued only if if he was born after the beginning of 2007.
  • It is also important that before none of the family members registered maternity capital(for example, if a family has already received a certificate for the 2nd child, then it will not receive it for the 3rd).
  • At least one of the child's parents must have Russian citizenship.
  • After the birth of a child, parents should the rights of the minor are preserved.

Obtaining maternity capital for a third child - how is this possible?

A certificate for both the second and third child is issued only to those families that meet certain criteria:

  • The certificate will be issued to those mothers who gave birth to or adopted children after 2006, and still have not received a certificate for MK.
  • In some cases, a certificate may also be issued to a man who is single parent or the children's adoptive parent. But at the same time he also should not receive a certificate for MK until then.
  • The certificate is also issued to persons who are official adoptive parents or guardians of three children.

Certificate size

As mentioned earlier, the bill with the amount increased to 1.5 million rubles never came into force. However, the current amount is significantly different from what it was at the very beginning - 250,000 rubles.

Design method

So how do you get a certificate for maternal capital? To do this you need to go through the following steps:

  1. First you should contact the Pension Fund and fill out the appropriate application. Also, in addition to the application, you will need to additionally provide documents such as a copy of an identity card, as well as a certificate for the child. If you have three children, you will need to provide a certificate for all three.
  2. After all documents have been submitted, you will be included within two weeks to a special register, a notification will be sent to your home address.
  3. When you are included in the register and your rights to MK are officially registered, you can receive the original certificate, for which citizens are entitled only 1 month.

Changes to the program in 2018

Starting from 2018, the State Program was extended until 2021. However, until 2020, the size of the MK will not be indexed and the amount of the certificate will remain the same.

When can you get maternity capital?

You can get MK any time you need it. But you can spend funds from the certificate only after 3 years, if we're talking about for ordinary purposes, or immediately if the mortgage issue is being resolved.

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Maternity capital for a third child

Measures of social support for families with children in the form of maternity capital can be established not only at the state, but also at the regional level, and provide them not only for the second, but also at birth or adoption third child or subsequent. However, this is possible subject to certain conditions:

  1. State maternity capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles can be issued for 3 children if the family for some reason have not exercised this right before, For example:
    • if two older children were born or adopted before January 1, 2007, and the third appeared after the specified date (until December 31, 2021 inclusive);
    • if for some reason this was not done when the second child was born after January 1, 2007 (the law does not oblige a family to issue a certificate immediately - before subsequent children are born).
  2. In many regions of Russia, the birth of a third child also entitles the family to receive another one - regional maternity capital. The procedure for its registration and use are established by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently(therefore, program conditions in different regions of the country may differ significantly).

Although there is a widespread rumor on the Internet that in 2018 families who welcomed a third child are entitled to maternity capital in the amount of 1.5 million rubles, there is no basis for it. The bill that proposed these changes was rejected back in 2015.

Is maternity capital given for a third child?

The right to state maternity capital (the amount of which is 453 thousand rubles in 2018) at the birth of the third child provided for by the same law on additional support for families with children as at the birth of a second child. The following citizens of the Russian Federation may have such a right:

  • women who gave birth or adopted a third child after January 1, 2007;
  • men who are his only adoptive parents;
  • fathers or adoptive parents if the mother has lost the right to maternal capital;
  • the child himself (children in equal shares), if his parents or adoptive parents died or were deprived of parental rights.

The listed categories of recipients are entitled to federal maternity capital only if they have not taken advantage of such a support measure earlier! That is, if the certificate for mat capital is already was issued for a second child, you cannot apply for it again.

To register maternity capital in this case, you must complete a number of general conditions:

  1. At the time of birth or adoption, the applicant must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. The third child must also have Russian citizenship.
  3. He must appear in the family no earlier than January 1, 2007 and no later than December 31, 2021 (provided that maternity capital was not issued for previous children).

The amount of mat capital in 2018 is 453,026 rubles. This value has not been indexed since 2015, and according to Art. 12 federal law dated December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ, the next increase is scheduled only for January 1, 2020 (planned by the Government at the level of 4%).

The procedure for obtaining a certificate for maternal capital in the Pension Fund of Russia

The procedure for obtaining a certificate for maternal (family) capital (MSC) for a third child is no different from the situation when parents apply for it at the birth of a second.

In general, to obtain an MSK certificate, you must submit the appropriate application to the Pension Fund office at your place of residence (in person, by mail, through the MFC or government services portal) and the following documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificate of the third, as well as the first and second children;
  • in case of adoption - judgment about adoption;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • documents confirming the Russian citizenship of the third child and the applicant.

The decision to issue a certificate will be made within a month from the moment of registration of the application. After this, notification of the decision will be sent to the applicant within 5 days.

Regional maternity capital for a third child in 2018

In addition to federal maternity capital, parents or adoptive parents of a third child in most regions of the country can also count on receiving regional MSC.

The leadership of the constituent entities of the federation has the right to independently appoint additional measures to support families, including developing regional maternity capital programs.

As of 2017, such measures operate in 72 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of which in 61 regions - precisely in connection with the birth of a third and/or subsequent children (see.

more details in the analytical bulletin of the Federation Council).

The amount of regional maternity capital, conditions for receiving, as well as directions for disposing of funds can vary significantly in each specific subject of the country, which is largely determined possibilities of the regional budget.

Amount of maternity capital according to regional programs in various regions of the country may differ by an order of magnitude(10 times or more). For example:

  • in the Kurgan region, for the third or subsequent child born from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014, regional maternity capital was issued in the form of a lump sum payment in the amount 25,000 rubles(Article 6.2, introduced by regional law of October 31, 2012 No. 55).
  • in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), families in which a third child was born or adopted are provided with regional maternity capital in the amount 350,000 rubles(see Article 5 of District Law No. 73-ZAO dated 06/01/2011).

It is noteworthy that in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where the size of regional mat capital is more than 150 thousand.

rubles, there is a higher increase in the birth rate (for the period 2012-2015, the total birth rate increased by 14.4%, whereas in regions where family capital is paid in the amount of less than 150 thousand.

rubles, this figure increased to a lesser extent - by 12.9%). From this we can conclude that there is a connection between the birth rate and the material support provided at the regional level to families with children.

Maternity capital 1.5 million rubles for 3 children in 2018

A bill on the assignment of state maternity capital for a third child in the amount of 1.5 million rubles was rejected back in 2015, but rumors that this support measure was adopted and came into effect still do not stop.

Misunderstandings among Russian citizens are largely due to uncertainty regarding the future of the maternity capital program, which was typical until its extension in 2015 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin until December 31, 2018 inclusive.

At that time, there were no specific proposals in the Government to extend the program, so in July 2014, Belgorod deputies developed and submitted to the State Duma for consideration bill No. 571638-6, which included The following changes are proposed:

  • provide the right to receive MSK from January 1, 2017 only to those families in which a third child was born or adopted;
  • increase the size of certificates for this category of families to 1,500,000 rubles (1.5 million) with the need to use funds to improve housing conditions as a priority;
  • continue to index the funds of the certificate for families who received it for their second child before December 31, 2016.

This bill was rejected by State Duma deputies on April 21, 2015, during consideration in the first reading. Despite the fact that the State Duma never returned to discuss the bill to increase maternity capital to 1.5 million rubles, many parents still believe that they will be able to receive this payment upon the birth of their third child ( this is a misconception).

Changes, latest news for 3 children

On January 1, 2018, on the initiative of Vladimir Putin, several new measures of social support for families with children at the birth of their third child began to take effect in Russia:

  1. Families in which a third child was born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022 can take part in the new housing loan program and purchase housing on the primary market at a rate of 6%. For this category of citizens the subsidy period is5 years. If a loan with a rate above 6% was received before the birth of the second or third child, but not earlier than 2018, then it can be refinanced.
  2. Monthly payments for a third child under 3 years old, equal to the child’s subsistence minimum, in another 10 regions of the country will be paid on the terms of state co-financing (previously 50 subjects of the Russian Federation fell under these conditions, but now there are 60 of them).

Allowances and benefits for the third child and maternity capital in 2018, 2019-2021

Hello, dear readers of the site “Know the Law”!

In our previous article, we discussed whether they would give one and a half million rubles for a third child.

Now is the time to update information on payments taking into account the latest decisions and bills, and clarify all information on benefits for large families for 2018-2021.

The situation with state support families with 2-3 or more children is important and relevant for our country, since it is precisely such units of society that make the most significant contribution to solving the demographic issue in Russia.

Maternity Capital program in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021

The good news is that on November 28, 2017, the President of the Russian Federation initiated several significant favorable changes for the Maternity Capital program, which are as follows:

  1. The program is extended until December 31, 2021. This means that until the end of 2021, all young mothers who have a second or third child can count on a substantial benefit from the state in the amount of 453 thousand rubles
  2. Families where the first child was born will be paid good benefits until the child reaches the age of one and a half years. In each subject of the Russian Federation it will be different, but on average it will be about 10.5 thousand rubles, and will also be indexed every year. In particular, in 2018 the average amount of such payments will be 10,532 rubles, in 2019 it will be 10,836 rubles, and in 2020 it will be 11,143 rubles. It is planned to allocate about 145 billion rubles for the implementation of this program.
  3. Starting from 2018, the state will be ready to help those families who already have 2, 3 or more children purchase housing with a mortgage. This will manifest itself in the following: the state will pay for a young family all interest on the mortgage above the rate of 6%. This means that a young family will be able to take out a very profitable mortgage loan, for example, at a rate of 11%, and the state will compensate the bank with 11-6=5%. If the mortgage rate is 9%, then the state will help by 3%, etc. However, there is a small limitation: subsidies at a rate above 6% will be paid only for three years at the birth of a second child, and five years at the birth of a third, counting from the moment the loan is issued. A significant advantage is that this mortgage assistance program applies not only to the purchase of a new apartment or room on the secondary market, but also to the refinancing of existing mortgage loans.

The measures taken are due to the fact that those young people who were born in the 90s of the last century are now starting or have already started their own families.

However, not everyone has enough cash in order to give birth and raise a second and third child, to provide him with favorable living conditions, development and upbringing.

Since in this case one parent (usually the child’s mother) is forced to spend from 1.5 to 3 years in maternity leave, while the second parent (usually the child's father) provides for his entire family.

Features of the extension of the maternity capital program until 2021

As you know, the maternity capital program was created in 2007, and before the Presidential decree it was supposed to be valid only until the end of 2016, and then it was extended until the end of 2018. Now, as stated above, it has been extended until the end of 2021, but there are several features:

  1. Maternity capital will no longer be indexed from year to year, as it was before. Initially, in 2007, its size was 250 thousand rubles, and by 2015 it grew to an impressive 453 thousand rubles, fixing at this level. Instead of indexing maternity capital:
    1. The funds will be used to pay benefits for children under 1.5 years of age (see point 2 above)
    2. It will be possible to use funds from maternity capital for preschool education, care and supervision of the baby, starting from the age of 2 months. I think that young mothers will gratefully accept this innovation, since they know firsthand how difficult it can be to care for a small child alone and not be able to pay for a nanny or preschool education and development.
  2. The benefit for first-born children up to the age of 1.5 years will not be paid to all families. Priority for paying these benefits will be given to families in which the income per family member does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level of the working population. Its size varies significantly in different regions of the Russian Federation, and also depends on the category of the population (able-bodied, pensioners, children). For example, in Moscow the cost of living is 18,530 rubles for able-bodied citizens, 11,428 rubles for pensioners and 14,009 for children, and in the same Samara region it is 9,557, 7,150 and 8,586 rubles for the same categories of citizens, respectively.
  3. Another good news: maternity capital can now be received in cash, but with restrictions: it will be necessary to provide documents that the family needs additional money, and after that the possibility of receiving your maternity capital gradually, in the form of cash, will be considered. an amount of no more than one subsistence minimum per month. As you know, previously it was impossible to receive maternity capital funds in cash, except for a small amount that changed over the years (12-25 thousand rubles), and then was completely suspended.

Benefit for a third child under 3 years of age

In addition to all of the above, the geography of payments of benefits and maternity capital at the birth of a third child has expanded significantly. If earlier it was about 50 cities and regions, now the program extends to 60 regions of Russia. The list includes those regions where, on average, two or fewer children are born per family.

It should be noted that each region of the Russian Federation itself sets the conditions and requirements for those citizens who can receive benefits for a third child.

As a rule, large families with not very large incomes, not exceeding an average of 15,000 rubles per family member, can count on this benefit.


If your income is less than the designated amount per person and you have a third baby, then you can fully count on this benefit until your baby turns 3 years old.

As for the amount of the benefit, it is also set by each region separately, but on average it will be equal to the cost of living per child in your region. In other words, the amount of the benefit for the third child will be approximately equal to the average figure of 10,500 rubles per month, which, of course, is a good help for a young family, and this money will definitely not be superfluous.

Benefits for a third child

A family that has a third child receives the status of a large family. And upon the birth of a third child, the state provides such a family with substantial benefits:

  1. There is an opportunity to take out an apartment and other real estate on a mortgage without providing a down payment, while the term of the mortgage loan can be up to 30 years. This is very favorable condition, since large families do not always have the funds for a down payment on a mortgage, and the issue of expanding housing becomes very relevant. Similarly for the loan term - although a term of 30 years seems very long, nevertheless, due to its duration, the amount of the monthly mortgage payment is significantly reduced
  2. Can be obtained from the state land plot and use it for free throughout your life. On this land you can grow vegetables and generally arrange a vegetable garden or even a garden
  3. One of the most amazing benefits is the ability to pay only half of the accrued cost for utilities. We all know how the costs of these services grow from year to year, and getting a 50% discount on them will not be amiss, especially for large families
  4. Now you can send your child to kindergarten, having priority over other families with less than three children. And if someone doesn't have enough space in kindergarten, then certainly not for your child
  5. You will be able to receive free prescription medications until your child turns 6 years old
  6. The state provides free vouchers to health camps and sanatoriums, and with the birth of a third child in your family, you have the right to receive such vouchers
  7. If your child receives a paid higher education, then you have the right to compensation for half of its cost

As you can see, the list of benefits for the birth of 3 children in a family is quite significant, and the state is trying to support such families.


Briefly summarizing the information presented above, we can say the following:

  1. In November 2017, the Maternity Capital program was extended until the end of 2021
  2. The amount of maternity capital for 2017-2021 is 453,026 rubles, and indexation for it is not yet planned
  3. Instead of indexing maternity capital, funds to support families will be spent in the following areas:
    1. At the birth of the first child in families with an income of less than 1.5 subsistence minimums per family member, a targeted payment in the amount of about 10.5 thousand rubles will be provided monthly, until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years
    2. Maternity capital can be received in cash, although not all at once, but gradually, monthly, which is especially important for those families who are in dire need of money. The condition for receiving cash includes those families in which the average income per family member does not exceed the same one and a half subsistence minimum as in the previous paragraph.
    3. Since 2018, a wonderful opportunity has appeared to spend maternity capital on your child from the age of 2 months on his care, education and development. In other words, if previously young mothers spent their own funds, then now you can spend your maternity capital on the development of your baby. Also, if a young mother wants to go to work a few months after the birth of the child, then using maternity capital she will be able to pay for a nursery or nanny services so as not to lose her work skills and continue to build her career without falling out of working life for one and a half to three years .
    4. The amount of benefit for the third child in a family varies in individual regions of Russia, but on average it is about 10 thousand rubles per month.

It is worth noting that maternity capital can be spent not only for the above purposes. You can find out in more detail what this capital could previously be spent on in the previous article. Please note that this article is more recent and relevant, and the previous article only complements it.

Maternity capital for a third child

In 2018, federal maternity capital is provided to families at the birth or adoption of a 3rd child only if a previous certificate was not registered for the 2nd child.

The procedure for receiving capital for the 3rd child is no different from the standard procedure; you must submit an application and the required documents to the Pension Fund (PFR). Families can also receive support at the regional level.

In 61 regions of the country, regional maternity capital is assigned at the birth of the 3rd child. The size of local capital depends on the capabilities of the regional budget.

In 2018, there is still a widespread rumor about maternity capital of 1.5 million rubles for the third child. However, such changes were never made to the program. This bill was considered and rejected by the State Duma back in 2015.

Is maternity capital provided for a third child?

Federal maternity (family) capital (MSC) is provided upon application at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child.

However, you need to understand that issuing a certificate for a third child is only allowed if this was not done for the second child, for example, if he was born or adopted before the MSC program came into effect.

In other words, state maternity capital is one-time material support.

The following categories of persons can apply for a certificate for a third child:

  1. Mothers or adoptive mothers with Russian citizenship.
  2. Sole adoptive parents who are citizens of Russia.
  3. Fathers or adoptive parents, the right to capital was transferred after the death of a woman, declaration of death, deprivation of parental rights or the commission of a crime against one’s child. In this case, having Russian citizenship does not matter.
  4. The children themselves up to 18 years of age or up to 23 years of age (in case of training in full-time), if the parents have lost the right to maternity capital.

Also, to receive capital, the following conditions must be met:

  • Registration of Russian citizenship for the third child.
  • The third child was born no earlier than January 1, 2007 And no later than December 31, 2021.

In 2018, the amount of maternity capital is 453 thousand 26 rubles. The certificate amount has not changed since 2015, which is caused by financial and economic difficulties in the country. The next indexing will take place no earlier than January 1, 2020, The government plans to increase the size of MSC by 4% .

Procedure for issuing a certificate

Obtaining a certificate for the 3rd child follows the same procedure as for the 2nd. The applicant must submit an application and the necessary documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You can do this in several ways:

List of required documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • birth and adoption certificates of all children;
  • pension insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • confirmation of Russian citizenship of the applicant and the third child;
  • if the applicant does not apply in person, it is additionally necessary to provide documents proving the identity of the legal representative or authorized representative, place of residence and powers;
  • in some cases, confirmation of the death of a woman or loss of the right to obtain an MSC may be required.

The decision to issue a certificate or to refuse it is made no later than in a month from the date of registration of the application. The corresponding notification will be sent to the applicant within another 5 days.

Regional maternity capital for 3 children

In most regions of the country, families with a third child can count on receiving regional maternity capital. In total, regional capital operates in 65 subjects of the Russian Federation, and in 61 Of these, the right to it arises for citizens at birth namely third child.

The conditions for receiving and distributing local capital may vary significantly for a particular region, territory or republic. The same applies to the amount of social support, for example:

  • V Kurgan and region, families in which a third or subsequent child was born during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014, were given a one-time payment in the amount 25 thousand rubles.
  • V Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug(Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) upon the birth or adoption of a third child, capital is provided in the amount of 350 thousand rubles.
  • V Stavropol region the maternity capital program appeared in 2011 and was canceled in 2016. However, during the entire period of validity, not a single family received the promised payments in 100 thousand rubles at the birth or adoption of a third child.

As noted in the journal “Analytical Bulletin of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” No. 2 (659) in regions where the size of local maternity capital exceeds 150 thousand rubles, there is a more significant increase in the birth rate (the total increase in the birth rate was 14.4 percent in 2012-2015). In those regions where families are provided with less significant amounts, the birth rate increased by an average of 12.9 percent.

Maternity capital in 2018 for 3 children 1.5 million rubles

Despite the fact that the bill on maternity capital is 1.5 million rubles for the third child was considered and rejected back in 2015, many citizens believe that this initiative was accepted and continue to be interested in it.

This confusion is due to the fact that at the time this bill was submitted to the State Duma, the decision to extend maternity capital until December 31, 2018 had not yet been made and many questions remained about the future of the MSK program. The project was developed by Belgorod deputies back in 2014. Law No. 571638-6 was supposed to make the following changes to the current federal law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 on additional support for families with children:

  • provide the right to register capital only at birth or adoption third child. Moreover, at this moment the family should be large family.
  • increase the certificate size by more than 3 times - up to 1.5 million rubles.
  • do improvement of living conditions priority direction use of maternal capital funds.

Latest news for 3 children

Maternity capital is not the only type of assistance that families can count on when having a 3rd child. In 2018, new social support measures developed on the initiative of V. Putin came into force:

  • Mortgage at a reduced rate - 6% per annum. A prerequisite is the birth of a child during the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. The subsidy period for such citizens is 5 years. Credits or loans received after January 1, 2018, it will be possible to refinance. It is noteworthy that the mortgage can be paid using MSC funds.
  • Monthly payments for the 3rd child up to 3 years old, provided in the amount of the children's subsistence level, are now paid with co-financing from the state in another 10 regions of Russia (previously there were 50 such entities, and now there are 60).

To register maternity capital in this case, it is necessary to fulfill a number of general conditions:

  1. At the time of birth or adoption, the applicant must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. The third child must also have Russian citizenship.
  3. He must appear in the family no earlier than January 1, 2007 and no later than December 31, 2021 (provided that maternity capital was not issued for previous children).

The amount of maternity capital in 2018 for 3 children The amount of maternity capital in 2018 is 453,026 rubles. This value has not been indexed since 2015, and according to Art. 12 of Federal Law No. 444-FZ of December 19, 2016, the next increase is scheduled only for January 1, 2020 (planned by the Government at the level of 4%).

Receive maternity capital for 3 children if you received for the second

Strictly speaking, only one of the child’s parents can be a citizen of the Russian Federation; in this case, a certificate will be issued for him.

  • The born child must also have Russian citizenship. If in a married couple only one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the child receives citizenship through the second parent, then there is no point in claiming family capital.

All of the above also applies to an adopted child - he must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • This should be the first time you have applied to the Pension Fund for government support.
  • The amount of assistance in monetary terms in 2016 is just over 450 thousand rubles. A certificate is issued at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the region where the family lives.

    Receiving maternity capital for 3 children


    Despite the fact that the State Duma never returned to discuss the bill to increase maternity capital to 1.5 million rubles, many parents still believe that they will be able to receive this payment at the birth of their third child (this is a misconception). Changes, latest news for 3 children Since January 1, 2018, on the initiative of Vladimir Putin, several new measures of social support for families with children at the birth of a third child began to take effect in Russia:

    1. Families in which a third child was born from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 can take part in the new housing loan program and purchase housing on the primary market at a rate of 6%.

    For this category of citizens, the subsidy period is 5 years.

    Is maternity capital provided for 3 children?

    Payments at the regional level can be spent by the family on any needs and do not require reporting to the state. To avoid difficulties when transferring money, it is advisable to choose reliable banking organizations.
    To be able to spend maternity capital, you must prepare the following set of documents:

    • Russian citizen passport;
    • Birth certificates of children;
    • Marriage certificate;
    • Details for money transfer;
    • SNILS;
    • An application drawn up according to the sample.

    Depending on what needs you want to spend this subsidy on, the list of documents may vary.

    Maternity capital for a third child

    Kemerovo region 130,000 rub. To receive Regional Maternity Capital, you must collect a package of documents and submit it to the required institution. There is a basic procedure that must be followed to apply for this subsidy:

    • Visit the Russian Pension Fund (you can either by appointment or on a first-come, first-served basis).
      You just need to first clarify the list of all necessary documents to issue a certificate.
    • Provide the following documents: mother’s passport, birth certificates of all children, SNILS for yourself and your children, Marriage Certificate, application filled out according to the form that will be provided to you by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
    • After submitting the entire package of documents, you will only need to wait for approval and the certificate itself.

    Approximately the processing of your application for maternal capital takes 1 month.

    Maternity capital for the first, second or third child

    In addition, the parent must write an application for this type of benefit. In the event that it is impossible to appear at the Pension Fund in person, for one reason or another, it is allowed to fill out an application, make photocopies of all necessary documents, have them certified by a notary, and send them by registered mail.


    The processing time for an application can reach several months. However, regardless of when exactly the parent receives the certificate, he will be able to manage the funds no earlier than the child reaches the age of three.

    There are also exceptions regarding the timing of receipt of funds. So, for example, if parents need to repay a mortgage loan for a home, or pay for shared construction, then it is not at all necessary to wait three years.
    These issues are resolved in a shorter time frame, on an individual basis.

    Maternity capital for a third child

    MaternskyKapital.ruBest articles Back Next 1/5 All site materials in the group However, this is possible subject to certain conditions:

    1. State maternity capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles can be issued for 3 children if the family for some reason did not take advantage of this right earlier, for example:
      • if two older children were born or adopted before January 1, 2007, and the third appeared after the specified date (until December 31, 2021 inclusive);
      • if for some reason this was not done when the second child was born after January 1, 2007 (the law does not oblige a family to issue a certificate immediately - before subsequent children are born).
    2. In many regions of Russia, the birth of a third child also entitles the family to receive another one - regional maternity capital.