Girls!!! At how many weeks did they tell you the gender of the baby?????????????

Changes in external sexual characteristics in the development of the fetus or what time frame can be seen on ultrasound

42 days (6 weeks) after fertilization, 8 obstetric weeks (after the first day of the last menstruation)

6 week embryo 1. Hand
2. Gill arch
3. Placenta membrane
4. Eye
5. Genital tubercle
6. Heart
7. Leg
8. Tail
9. Umbilical cord

(Embryo size = 12 mm)

In the sixth week, a small bump called the genital tubercle forms.
Until the ninth week of embryonic development, the genitals of both a boy and a girl look exactly the same.

9 weeks after fertilization, 11 obstetric weeks (after the first day of the last menstruation)

(Embryo size = 45mm)

1. Anus
2. Labioscrotal tubercles
3. Legs
4. Genital tubercle
7. Deepening of the urethra
8. Genital folds

At the ninth week, there are no noticeable differences between the genitals of a boy and a girl. The genital tubercle and genital folds are surrounded externally by labioscrotal tubercles.
Boy on the left and girl on the right. Do you agree that the pictures are not very different?

Boy – 11 weeks post fertilization, 13 obstetric weeks

The development of male external genitalia depends on dihydrotestosterone, which is produced by the testes. As the genital tubercle lengthens and grows to form the penis, the urogenital folds, which are found on either side of the urogenital membrane, begin to fuse to form the urethra. The labial-scrotal tubercles grow rapidly and turn into the scrotum, fused along the midline.

11 week embryo

(Embryo size = 64 mm)
In boys, the genital tubercle forms the penis (4). The body of the penis is formed from the genital folds; at this stage of development, the formation of the penis is not yet complete (7). The scrotum (6) is formed from the labioscrotal tubercles (2). The scrotal fusion line (5) is formed by the connection of the labial-scrotal tubercles.
At this stage of development, the testicles are located in the abdomen. They do not descend into the scrotum (6) until the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy.
So, the paradisease is formed at the twelfth week of embryo development.

Changes in the development of girls' genital organs

Girls have very little testosterone in their blood. Therefore, after the formation of the external genitalia at 8 weeks, in the future they practically do not change in appearance.
The genital tubercle turns into the clitoris; it can increase not only while it is in the mother’s stomach, but also after the birth of the girl.
The genitourinary folds form the labia minora. The labial-scrotal tubercles enlarge and become the labia majora, and the genitourinary sac remains open, forming the entrance to the vagina.
The position of the external opening of the urethra is determined by the 14th week of embryonic development.

13 week embryo
(size 90 mm)

1. Anus
2. Buttocks
3. Clitoris
4. Labia majora
7. Labia minora
6. Legs

17 week embryo
(size 150 mm)

20 week embryo

(Size 185mm)
Girls' genitals are formed from the same folds and tubercles as boys' genitals.
The labial-scrotal tubercles and genital folds do not fuse and form the labia minora (7) and labia majora (4). The clitoris is formed from the genital tubercle (3). The sex tuber will form the clitoris (3).
The ovaries are not identified until the 10th week.

At week 20, all external changes in the genitals have already occurred. An ultrasound can determine the sex of the baby starting at 12 weeks. Of course, everything depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the quality of the equipment.

In boys, you can see a lump between the legs, which is the scrotum and penis. may show a round, raised area within the genital area, which is the scrotum and penis. On the ultrasound machine screen, the boys' genitals in profile look like a small snail.

Some babies turn around during an ultrasound so that their genitals are not visible even at the third screening ultrasound at 32-34 weeks.

Determination of the sex of the fetus is influenced by such factors as the position of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid and the thickness of the abdominal wall.

3D ultrasound makes it easier for specialists to determine the sex of the fetus.

Hot questions

Q. Can the sex of the baby be determined at the first screening ultrasound at 12 weeks?

A. At 12 weeks, the ultrasound doctor can make a guess regarding gender, sometimes it is a little more accurate than 50/50

Correct visualization of any part of the fetus depends on many factors, such as the position of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the thickness of the abdominal wall. Such successful pictures as in the photo on the left are extremely rare. Who has more?

By ultrasound, if the baby has turned well, the sex can be determined 12 weeks after conception (14 obstetric).

The determination is made by analyzing the angle between the genital tubercle and the baby’s back.

12 week embryo – (embryo size 75 mm) – 14 obstetric weeks of pregnancy


In boys, the genital tubercle forms an angle of approximately 30 degrees or more with the dorsum.


In girls, the genital tubercle forms an angle of less than 30 degrees.

How accurate are the results of determining the sex of a child in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Experienced ultrasound technicians can determine gender by measuring the angle of the genital tubercle.
At week 11, the error rate is approximately 50% (out of 100 boys, 14 have their gender accurately determined); at week 14, gender determination is more accurate.

Theoretically, the sex of the child can be determined already at the first ultrasound. However, how reliable the prognosis will be at this period greatly depends on the quality of the equipment in the clinic and the professionalism of the doctor. Even in late stages, ultrasound examination shows a true result with an accuracy of 90%.

Since the egg contains exclusively the X chromosome, the sex of the unborn child depends solely on the sperm that participated in the conception. Females contain the X chromosome, males contain the Y chromosome.

After fertilization, the main characteristics of the child are determined at the chromosomal level:

  • eye and hair color;
  • approximate height;
  • state of health and ability.

From the moment a child is conceived, a process of cell division occurs, followed by the formation of an embryo. Despite the fact that germ cells are formed in the 5th week of embryo development, the glands themselves are formed only in the 7th obstetric period.

The obstetric week is counted from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period.

At week 8, boys and girls have formed ovaries and testicles. During this period, the development of the male reproductive system occurs more intensively than the female one, and as a result, the hormone (testosterone) begins to be produced.

Around 10–11 weeks of pregnancy, children begin to develop external sex differences. But figuring out where the boy is and where the girl is at this stage is difficult, since outwardly their organs are the same and represent a small tubercle. In the future, in boys, under the influence of steroids, it will form a penis, and in girls, accordingly, the clitoris. This process occurs around the 12th week of pregnancy.

Myths about gender formation

Despite the spread scientific knowledge, there are enough myths left about the ways in which the gender of boys and girls is formed, including:

  • connection with the moment of ovulation;
  • age of partners;
  • time of year;
  • age of parents;
  • Rh factors of mom and dad.

Gender determination at the first ultrasound

Determining the sex of the child at the first screening (12 weeks) is difficult, since until the 15th week the information received is not accurate due to the development of the fetal reproductive system.

When exactly will parents find out the gender?

The sex of the baby is more accurately known at 20 weeks. This is the time that doctors consider optimal for performing an ultrasound, since the formation of the genital organs is completed. At this stage, some conditioned reflexes appear.

How is the sex of a child determined?

In boys and girls, even in the early stages, there are differences that indicate a certain gender. The likelihood of obtaining more reliable information from an ultrasound increases if other determinants are taken into account in addition to external primary sexual characteristics.

How the boy is viewed

Boys may differ in visible signs:

  • the genital tubercle is more clearly expressed;
  • formations and linear folds are more noticeable, from which the penis with the scrotum is formed in the future;
  • The location of the placenta on the right side of the uterus is typical for boys.

How a girl is viewed

Girls can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • the size of the genital tubercle is smaller and not as pronounced as in boys;
  • several parallel folds are visible, from which the labia will form in the future;
  • location of the placenta on the left side of the uterus.

Additional signs on ultrasound to determine gender

Using the following differences, experts can more accurately determine the sex of the child:

  1. If the expected angle is determined within 30 degrees, this is one of the signs of the girl’s development, and when it is more than 30 - we're talking about about the boy.
  2. Head type and shape may indicate sex differences. If a square-shaped skull and lower jaw are visible, then most likely a boy will be born, and in the case of a more rounded one, a girl.
  3. The density and thickness of the umbilical cord in boys is slightly greater than in girls.
  4. In a male fetus, the volume of amniotic fluid is greater.

Photo gallery

In the ultrasound photo you can see a comparison of what a boy and a girl look like at the same period, and determine the main differences.

Comparison of a boy and a girl on ultrasound Boy on 3D ultrasound Girl on 3D ultrasound

Determining the sex of a child during multiple pregnancy

At 15–20 weeks, the doctor can look at each individual baby in detail and find out their gender.

The likelihood of making a mistake in determining sex during a multiple pregnancy is higher, since one of the embryos may be covered by the umbilical cord or hidden behind the second fetus.

Does 3D ultrasound help accurately determine gender identity?

Modern methods of three-dimensional ultrasound examination make it possible to obtain a three-dimensional image, in which it is easier for the doctor to determine the sex of the baby. But, like any diagnostics, 3D ultrasound will not show a 100% accurate result. During the examination, the child may turn in such a way that it becomes impossible to determine the sex until birth. Therefore, both regular and 3D can even make mistakes.

Diagnostic errors

If it happens that doctors confuse a boy and a girl on an ultrasound, this is often due to an inconvenient and insufficient view of the fetus.

A boy is seen, a girl is born

If doctors said that a boy would be born, but in the end a girl was born, such a case could happen for several reasons:

  1. Doctors often confuse the sex of the child by mistaking the umbilical cord loops for the penis.
  2. Under the influence of the release of hormones, the baby's labia may swell, which is confused with the boy's penis. This happens in 2–3% of cases.

We were expecting a girl, a boy was born

It is quite difficult to confuse a boy with a girl on an ultrasound, but the doctor may not see the penis and scrotum in cases where the boy squeezes his legs tightly during the examination and gives the wrong result. Thus, the genitals are not visible, and parents who had a girl for 9 months discover a boy during childbirth.

Errors in determining gender on ultrasound. Filmed by the channel " Interesting facts».

Why are they mistaken about the gender of the baby on ultrasound?

The main reasons for the erroneous result of determining the sex of a child:

  1. Early deadline. There is no point in making predictions before the end of the third month of pregnancy due to the unformed reproductive system. The organs are poorly marked in the image, and the likelihood of misidentifying the baby’s gender is quite high.
  2. The position of the child in relation to the sensors. It is difficult to determine the sex of a child if he is positioned on his back.
  3. Increased activity. Scientists have come to the conclusion that when the sensors touch the mother’s belly, the fetus begins to actively move. Regardless of the period of intrauterine development, the baby thus tries to hide from the sound, which is comparable to a plane taking off.
  4. Doctor's mistake. A specialist who does not have enough experience and knowledge can often make mistakes. Among all the reasons that are associated with erroneous diagnosis of a child’s gender, the incompetence of the diagnostician is the most common. Before performing an ultrasound, it is recommended to study reviews of the doctor’s work so as not to get an appointment with an inexperienced specialist.
  5. Mother's persistence. Young mothers who are eager to find out the sex of the child insist on preliminary ultrasound results. Considering that doctors cannot refuse to tell the gender due to medical ethics, assumptions are often perceived by the pregnant woman as the exact end result.
  6. Outdated technology. One of the problems of small towns is old medical equipment, which does not allow for full diagnostics. In 4% of cases, the baby’s gender may be indicated incorrectly due to insufficient technical capabilities of the clinic.


Determination of the intrauterine sex of the child by ultrasound. Filmed by the channel “Medical Center of Doctor Nikolaev”.

Finding out what lives inside new life Having experienced the first minutes of joy or confusion, future parents begin to argue about who will be born.

Grandmothers give their conclusions just by looking at the expectant mother. Grandfathers are happy with the good news. Mothers responsibly go to an appointment with a gynecologist and wait for the cherished weeks when it becomes possible to determine the sex of the child.

Modern ultrasound diagnostic technologies make it possible to find out who will be born by the 18th week after fertilization. Many people are interested in why they have to wait so long before finding out the sex of the child. The answer lies in such features of the intrauterine development of the embryo.

  • The genital tubercle forms when the 6th week of pregnancy occurs.
  • The genital organs of the embryo are visualized already by the 9th week.

Until this time, the labioscrotal folds are smoothed out and boys look exactly the same as girls.

By the end of the 1st trimester, boys have a penis and scrotum, the testicles still remain in the tummy. They will only go down at the beginning of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Since the egg contains exclusively the X chromosome, the sex of the unborn child depends solely on the sperm that participated in the conception. Females contain the X chromosome, males contain the Y chromosome.

After fertilization, the main characteristics of the child are determined at the chromosomal level:

  • eye and hair color;
  • approximate height;
  • state of health and ability.

From the moment a child is conceived, a process of cell division occurs, followed by the formation of an embryo. Despite the fact that germ cells are formed in the 5th week of embryo development, the glands themselves are formed only in the 7th obstetric period.

The obstetric week is counted from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period.

At week 8, boys and girls have formed ovaries and testicles. During this period, the development of the male reproductive system occurs more intensively than the female one, and as a result, the hormone (testosterone) begins to be produced.

Around 10–11 weeks of pregnancy, children begin to develop external sex differences. But figuring out where the boy is and where the girl is at this stage is difficult, since outwardly their organs are the same and represent a small tubercle. In the future, in boys, under the influence of steroids, it will form a penis, and in girls, accordingly, the clitoris. This process occurs around the 12th week of pregnancy.

Despite the spread of scientific knowledge, there are still enough myths about the ways in which the gender of boys and girls is formed, including:

  • connection with the moment of ovulation;
  • age of partners;
  • time of year;
  • age of parents;
  • Rh factors of mom and dad.

The sex of the baby is more accurately known at 20 weeks. This is the time that doctors consider optimal for performing an ultrasound, since the formation of the genital organs is completed. At this stage, some conditioned reflexes appear.

Modern methods of three-dimensional ultrasound examination make it possible to obtain a three-dimensional image, in which it is easier for the doctor to determine the sex of the baby. But, like any diagnostics, 3D ultrasound will not show a 100% accurate result. During the examination, the child may turn in such a way that it becomes impossible to determine the sex until birth. Therefore, regular, 3D, and even 4D ultrasound can make mistakes.

At the genetic level, the sex of the fetus is determined immediately after fertilization of the egg by the sperm and depends solely on the set of chromosomes. The germ cells in the fetus are formed only at the beginning of the second month of development, that is, in the fifth week of pregnancy. During this period, there is an active development of all organs and systems, including the reproductive one. But now it is impossible to determine the sex of a toddler using any of the methods.

Until the seventh week of pregnancy, the external genitalia of girls and boys look approximately the same. Currently, it is impossible to determine the sex of a baby using any of the known diagnostic methods. At the eighth week, a sex hormone and an inhibitor of the Müllerian duct are synthesized in the testes. Due to this, these ducts disappear, which entails the formation female organs. The external genitalia are formed at the end of the ninth week.

The penis and scrotum in boys are formed after the 11th week of intrauterine development. Until the third trimester, the testicles are still located in the abdominal area. The sex of a toddler can be determined already at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. But during this period, doctors often make mistakes, so you cannot be sure of the accuracy of these results.

There is another known method for determining the sex of a child. It provides only a 50 percent guarantee, so it is often used by parents as a form of entertainment. The sex of the baby is affected by the renewal of the parents' blood. For representatives of the fair half, the blood is renewed once every three years, and for the stronger half, this process occurs once every four years.

The calculation for changing blood is quite simple. For example, mom is 23 years old, and dad is 29. First, we divide mom’s age by 3, and dad’s age by 4. The calculation is carried out as follows: 23:3 = 7.7 and 29:4 = 7.3. From the calculations it is clear that the balances for mom and dad are different, which indicates the likelihood of conceiving a boy. If the residuals are approximately the same, the probability of having a boy and a girl is approximately the same.

Scientists believe that it is impossible to understand who is in the tummy by the nature of toxicosis in a woman. According to medical research, four thousand patients who had severe toxicosis gave birth to approximately the same number of girls and boys. That is, it is impossible to understand the gender of the child from these sensations. Many mothers even endure the entire period of pregnancy without any signs of toxicosis.

Our ancestors calculated sex based on the intensity and nature of fetal movements. For example, if the baby is moving actively and the kicks started early, most likely there is a girl in the tummy. Is there at least some common sense in this? Regardless of gender, babies in the womb begin to move at approximately 8 weeks, but how early the mother will notice these tremors depends on other factors, for example, on the amount of amniotic fluid and the constitution of the pregnant woman’s body.

In addition, the activity of movements often depends on the health of the baby and how it is located in the uterus. It is believed that too active behavior of an infant may indicate hypoxia. Thus, it is impossible to guess the gender of children based on such symptoms, and this is a scientifically proven fact.

Why is ultrasound performed?

The most accurate method that allows you to find out the gender of the unborn baby is an ultrasound examination. Of course, the accuracy of diagnosis depends on many parameters, for example, the duration of pregnancy, the location of the child in the womb and some other features. Experts recommend performing the first ultrasound no earlier than 12 weeks.

  • Does the toddler have any developmental defects?
  • Do the parameters of the fetus correspond to generally accepted standards (size of bones, skull, location in the womb).
  • Are they formed normally? internal organs child.

These indicators have great diagnostic value. From the first ultrasound, a specialist can judge the baby’s health in accordance with generally accepted parameters.

Gender of the child: how it is formed

Well, the sex of the child can be seen (with the greatest degree of probability) just in the second trimester, when the primary genital organs are formed. Why shouldn't you do this earlier? Since the baby’s organs are just forming, it is possible to obtain unreliable data, for example, the swelling of a girl’s genitals may be mistaken for a boy’s scrotum. However, even at a time that allows you to accurately find out the sex of the child, mistakes are quite acceptable.

There are a number of reasons for this: the baby may lie incorrectly, and hence it is impossible to identify by gender.

Another common mistake when determining sex during pregnancy is mistaking the baby's fingers or the umbilical cord loop for the penis.

Boys also know how to “joke” and clench their legs so tightly that it is simply impossible to see anything at all. But you shouldn’t go to extremes and do one ultrasound after another, because after all, it’s an ultrasound, which means there is a possibility that the baby will be harmed.

Of course, all the risks today from conducting this kind of research are practically reduced to zero and doctors themselves claim that conducting an ultrasound examination is safe (a cell phone located next to the belly of a pregnant mother can cause more harm), but you should not relax

And even in the third trimester, it can be very difficult to determine the sex of the child using ultrasound. The baby grows and becomes very large, occupying almost the entire uterus, and no longer moves so much. And if the child himself “wants” and takes a position that is convenient for viewing, the doctor will be able to see what gender the child will be.

Do not panic if you were unable to find out the sex of the child in advance, do not rush things, but simply enjoy the time when you carry your little happiness under your heart. And to calm down, buy things of a neutral color (for example, green) and come up with a name in advance for both a girl and a boy (or a universal one - one for two).

Nature, or rather genetics, is responsible for who is born into the world, a boy or a girl. According to scientists from the Kuban State Medical University and Kuban State University, the sex of the fetus is determined based on a set of indicators, in particular, the ratio of alleles.

The chromosome set is responsible for the sex of the embryo. The embryo is formed from somatic cells that contain a certain set of chromosomes - 23 pairs. In men and women, 22 pairs of chromosomes are identical, but the 23rd is different. In genetics, the female set of chromosomes is designated as XX, and the male set is designated XY.

How many weeks can you find out your gender? According to medical practice, the sex of the baby is visible on ultrasound after the 12th week of pregnancy, that is, during the first screening. But, as doctors say, everything is much more complicated. Let's figure it out.

No specialist can give a complete guarantee of what gender the baby is at 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is also impossible to calculate this on your own. At this time, doctors often make mistakes. The reliability of the results directly depends on the experience of the specialist and the quality of the equipment with which the research is carried out.

Most gynecologists-obstetricians recommend finding out the gender of the baby in the fifth month of pregnancy, more precisely, at 20 weeks. By this time, the baby’s genital organs have completed their development, so the likelihood of sex determination is highest.

An experienced doctor can determine the sex of the baby not only by the child’s genitals. There are some signs that let you know who is in the tummy. Here's an example:

  • If a boy develops, the volume of amniotic fluid is usually greater than when girls develop.
  • Boys' umbilical cords tend to be thicker.
  • With a son, the placenta is located to the right of the conditional line of the center of the uterus. If it's a girl, then vice versa. But, as practice shows, it is extremely rarely possible to determine the sex of a child at any stage of pregnancy using this criterion. (Ramsey method).
  • The angle formed between the back and the genitals. An angle of less than 30 degrees indicates the girl’s development, but if it is more than 30 degrees, then one can suspect that the son is developing.
  • The shape of the skull can also indicate one gender or another. Boys have a more square skull and a massive jaw. Girls have a more rounded head shape.

Be that as it may, with the greatest reliability it is still possible to see the gender of the unborn child only by the genitals, no earlier than 20 weeks of pregnancy.

What does gender depend on?

There is an opinion that the sex of the baby can be influenced by certain factors even before conception, for example, the consumption of certain foods. To conceive a son you need to use:

  • Food rich in potassium.
  • All varieties of fish and meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Potatoes, lentils, peas.
  • Apricots, bananas, dates.
  • Dark chocolate.

To conceive a girl you need to eat the following foods:

  • Foods rich in magnesium and calcium.
  • Semolina and rice porridge.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Eggs.
  • Pineapples, strawberries, watermelons, pears.
  • Jam, jelly, marshmallows, marmalade.

Of course, this is all just speculation. Scientists say that nutrition cannot affect the gender of a baby.

From a scientific point of view, the following factors influence the gender of the child:

  • The sex of the baby depends on the set of chromosomes found in male and female cells. The egg contains X chromosomes, and the sperm contains X and Y chromosomes. If the X chromosome is involved in the process of conception, the child will have a female gender, if the Y chromosome is male.
  • Some experts suggest that gender may be affected by the day of conception. If fertilization occurs during the ovulation period, which lasts about 24 hours, then the likelihood of having a boy is higher. When conceiving a child 2-3 days before ovulation, there is a high probability of having a girl. This is explained by the fact that Y chromosomes die faster than X chromosomes.
  • Another theory is the influence of partners’ sexual activity on the baby’s gender. It is believed that in order to conceive a girl, a man should abstain from sexual intercourse for some time. To conceive a son, intimate activities must be regular.

The sex of the baby can be programmed using IVF. During artificial insemination, doctors separate the cells containing the X and Y chromosomes.

Determining gender by movements

Determining the sex of the child at the first screening (12 weeks) is difficult, since until the 15th week the information received is not accurate due to the development of the fetal reproductive system.

At 15–20 weeks, the doctor can look at each individual baby in detail and find out their gender.

The likelihood of making a mistake in determining sex during a multiple pregnancy is higher, since one of the embryos may be covered by the umbilical cord or hidden behind the second fetus.

Here X denotes a boy, and Y, respectively, a girl. By this method optimal age The age for the birth of a child is considered to be from 19 to 36 years.

Parents can use some tips when planning a baby. To conceive a boy:

  • Have intimacy more often.
  • Mommy is advised to avoid stress.
  • You can drink decoctions based on soothing herbs.
  • The body must not be subjected to physical stress.
  • It is better to stay in rooms with moderate temperatures.

It is believed that this will help to conceive a boy. To become pregnant with a girl, there are following tips:

  • Sexual intercourse should be rare.
  • It is necessary to increase physical activity.
  • Eat foods such as fish, fruits, honey, cottage cheese, milk.
  • Before sexual intercourse, douche with soda.

Let us remind you that these are only folk signs, which, from a scientific point of view, cannot give any guarantee.

When can an ultrasound be wrong?

In most cases, it is possible to determine the sex of a child with an accuracy of 90% of cases, that is, in 10% of cases doctors still make mistakes. Why does this happen:

  • Short gestation period for a baby. As we have already found out, the first screening for a mother is prescribed no earlier than three months of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that previously the baby’s internal organs and systems were so small that it was quite difficult to see them even with the help of an ultrasound.
  • Increased physical activity of the child during ultrasound examination. If the baby in the mother’s tummy moves, turns, and behaves restlessly, then determining its gender can be quite difficult at any stage of development.
  • How is the fetus located in the womb? If a toddler turns away from the sensors during an ultrasound and covers his genitals with his legs or palms, the doctor will not be able to see his gender. It is for this reason that specialists often make incorrect diagnoses.
  • Inexperience of the doctor or poor quality equipment in the clinic. This often applies to young specialists who do not have sufficient experience behind them.

Even if the mother heard from the doctor about the sex of her baby during the study, one cannot be 100% sure. As practice shows, mistakes do not happen so rarely.

The main reasons for the erroneous result of determining the sex of a child:

  1. Early deadline. There is no point in making predictions before the end of the third month of pregnancy due to the unformed reproductive system. The organs are poorly marked in the image, and the likelihood of misidentifying the baby’s gender is quite high.
  2. The position of the child in relation to the sensors. It is difficult to determine the sex of a child if he is positioned on his back.
  3. Increased activity. Scientists have come to the conclusion that when the sensors touch the mother’s belly, the fetus begins to actively move. Regardless of the period of intrauterine development, the baby thus tries to hide from the sound, which is comparable to a plane taking off.
  4. Doctor's mistake. A specialist who does not have enough experience and knowledge can often make mistakes. Among all the reasons that are associated with erroneous diagnosis of a child’s gender, the incompetence of the diagnostician is the most common. Before performing an ultrasound, it is recommended to study reviews of the doctor’s work so as not to get an appointment with an inexperienced specialist.
  5. Mother's persistence. Young mothers who are eager to find out the sex of the child insist on preliminary ultrasound results. Considering that doctors cannot refuse to tell the gender due to medical ethics, assumptions are often perceived by the pregnant woman as the exact end result.
  6. Outdated technology. One of the problems of small towns is old medical equipment, which does not allow for full diagnostics. In 4% of cases, the baby’s gender may be indicated incorrectly due to insufficient technical capabilities of the clinic.

How is the sex of a child determined?

In boys and girls, even in the early stages, there are differences that indicate a certain gender. The likelihood of obtaining more reliable information from an ultrasound increases if other determinants are taken into account in addition to external primary sexual characteristics.

Boys may differ in visible signs:

  • the genital tubercle is more clearly expressed;
  • formations and linear folds are more noticeable, from which the penis with the scrotum is formed in the future;
  • The location of the placenta on the right side of the uterus is typical for boys.

Girls can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • the size of the genital tubercle is smaller and not as pronounced as in boys;
  • several parallel folds are visible, from which the labia will form in the future;
  • location of the placenta on the left side of the uterus.

Using the following differences, experts can more accurately determine the sex of the child:

  1. If the expected angle is determined within 30 degrees, this is one of the signs of a girl’s development, and when it is more than 30, we are talking about a boy.
  2. Head type and shape may indicate sex differences. If a square-shaped skull and lower jaw are visible, then most likely a boy will be born, and in the case of a more rounded one, a girl.
  3. The density and thickness of the umbilical cord in boys is slightly greater than in girls.
  4. In a male fetus, the volume of amniotic fluid is greater.

Photo gallery

In the ultrasound photo you can see a comparison of what a boy and a girl look like at the same period, and determine the main differences.

Comparison of a boy and a girl on ultrasound Boy on 3D ultrasound Girl on 3D ultrasound

Diagnostics using 3D ultrasound

So, we have found that the most reliable results for determining the sex of the baby can be obtained at 20 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, the formation of the child’s genital organs ends, so an experienced doctor can already see them during an ultrasound examination. By week 20, the probability of error is only 10%.

Such modern method diagnostics, such as 3D ultrasound, allows you to see a three-dimensional image of the fetus on a monitor. This allows you to determine with a high probability who is in the tummy, a boy or a girl. In addition, 3D ultrasound helps to identify minor malformations that are not visible with conventional 2D ultrasound.

Despite large number advantages, the procedure also has some disadvantages. These include high cost or the possibility of use only after the 10th week of pregnancy. This is because 3D ultrasound uses ultrasonic waves with a very high frequency. Another drawback is the likelihood of the formation of free radicals, which negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child. If you answer the question of whether it is possible to confuse the sex of a baby on an ultrasound, the answer will be unequivocal, of course, yes.

Of course, all these methods are far from informative and are rather speculative in nature (this also includes methods for determining the sex of a child by the date of conception or ancient Chinese tables), therefore, for those who want to know for sure the sex of the child in the early stages of pregnancy or even plan the sex of the child , invasive research methods are suitable to obtain 100% results.

These diagnostic methods are prescribed for medical reasons when there is a risk of certain genetic diseases in the fetus, as well as in the case of controversial data obtained during screening (biochemical test to determine pathologies in a child). Such studies are carried out only on an outpatient basis. There are two methods collection of test materials similar in their action:

  • placenta biopsy (first trimester)
  • analysis of amniotic fluid (second trimester).

IN in this case The sex of the child is indicated by the presence (or absence) of the Y chromosome in the materials being studied, which is found only in male DNA. Therefore, if it is present in the material being studied, a boy will be born, and this information is considered the most accurate and reliable.

But, as already mentioned, such studies are carried out only when necessary, since they can harm the health of the baby (like any other surgical interventions) and the mother (provoking a miscarriage).

Is it possible to calculate the sex of a baby before conception with high reliability?

During the entire pregnancy, a woman must undergo three mandatory ultrasounds.

The first is before the 12th week to confirm the fact of pregnancy and exclude possible pathologies that arise in the early stages (ectopic or frozen pregnancy). Then, at 20-22 weeks, the doctor looks at how the baby is developing in the womb and determines whether there are any pathologies that can be seen from the data obtained during the study. And already in the third trimester, the condition of the placenta (the degree of its maturity), the amount of amniotic fluid, and the baby’s weight are diagnosed.

There are tables by which you can supposedly determine the sex of a child, knowing the age of the father, mother, month of conception and some other parameters. Let's look at them.

Chinese table

Below is an ancient Chinese table. Here a woman needs to compare her age with the month of conception of the baby and get the result.

As practice shows, in most cases the results coincide, which is difficult to substantiate scientifically.

Japanese table

There is also another table. It can be seen below.

Here, the sex of the baby is determined by the birth months of the parents and the time of conception (month). The data is compared and the result is obtained.

Some experts believe that the gender of a child can be determined in advance by the blood type of the parents. This can be done using the following table.

Blood group Father
1 2 3 4
Mother 1 d m d m
2 m d m d
3 d m m m
4 m d m m

Here the letter d is a girl, and the letter m is a boy.

You can also find out the baby’s gender by the Rh factor of the father and mother. To do this you need to use the following table.

Rh factor Father
Mother d m
m d

Such methods for calculating the sex of a baby are considered very simple, which is their advantage. We must not forget that, from a scientific point of view, it is impossible to accurately calculate whether a boy or a girl is in a mother’s tummy using any tables.

Budyansky method

This method of determination is based on the characteristics of the woman’s menstrual cycle and the date of pregnancy in her mother. If a girl has no abnormalities, the duration of the menstrual cycle ranges from 28 to 30 days. If she conceives a boy in one menstrual cycle, she can become pregnant with a girl in the next. This method is explained by the characteristics of each woman’s body, inherited from the mother.

So how to use this method? It is believed that a woman can conceive a girl or boy only during even or odd menstrual cycles. The month in which the girl herself was conceived and will be considered female for her. That is, the next month after her conception will be considered favorable for conceiving a boy. In the table you can calculate the sex of the baby based on the last menstruation.

Menstrual months Year of conception (even) Year of conception (odd)
1-28 Jan. n h
Jan 29-Feb 25 h n
February 26-March 25 n h
March 26-April 22 h n
April 23-May 20. n h
May 21-June 17 h n
June 18-July 15 n h
July 16-Aug 12 h n
13 Aug.-9 Sept. n h
10 Sept.-7 Oct. h n
8 Oct.-4 Nov. n h
November 5-December 2 h n
3 Dec.-31 Dec. h h

The calendar consists of two years, which are divided into even and odd. Here, odd cycles are denoted by the letter - H, and even cycles, respectively, by the letter - H. Calculating the female and male months for mommy using menstruation is not difficult.

A one hundred percent guarantee of determining the sex of a baby during pregnancy planning is a myth. Compliance with the rules of none of the proposed methods can fully guarantee the conception of a boy or girl. In addition, it is possible to accurately determine the sex of the baby based on any signs, age, blood type, lunar calendar, Rh factor and other signs cannot be tested independently at home.

Until the 20th obstetric week of pregnancy, no specialist can guarantee who is in the tummy, even with the latest equipment at hand. Often the child turns away during the examination and hides, which does not allow his gender to be accurately seen.

Chorionic villus biopsy

Using this research method, the sex of the child is usually not determined. A chorionic villus biopsy is performed to diagnose certain abnormalities in the fetus. For example, if there is a risk of genetic diseases in an infant. The procedure is usually carried out at 7 weeks of gestation.

During the study, amniotic fluid is collected with a thin needle. After this, the amniotic fluid is examined for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities. In addition, this analysis makes it possible to accurately determine the sex of the baby.

Diagnostic errors

If it happens that doctors confuse a boy and a girl on an ultrasound, this is often due to an inconvenient and insufficient view of the fetus.

If doctors said that a boy would be born, but in the end a girl was born, such a case could happen for several reasons:

  1. Doctors often confuse the sex of the child by mistaking the umbilical cord loops for the penis.
  2. Under the influence of the release of hormones, the baby's labia may swell, which is confused with the boy's penis. This happens in 2–3% of cases.

It is quite difficult to confuse a boy with a girl on an ultrasound, but the doctor may not see the penis and scrotum in cases where the boy squeezes his legs tightly during the examination and gives the wrong result. Thus, the genitals are not visible, and parents who had a girl for 9 months discover a boy during childbirth.

Errors in determining gender on ultrasound. Filmed by the “Interesting Facts” channel.

We calculate the sex of the child by the date of fertilization

The process of moving an egg from the ovary to the fallopian tubes takes approximately 4 hours. After this, the egg remains energetic for another 2 days. It is during this period that conception can occur. Male sperm carrying chromosome X survive no more than 4 days after entering the vagina. They move at low speed. But cells carrying the Y chromosome move faster, but live less than 48 hours.

Ovulation is the period when a mature female cell (egg) leaves the ovary and goes into the fallopian tubes. This period is considered the most favorable for pregnancy. Below is a table for gender planning based on ovulation.

The duration of a girl's menstrual cycle is usually 28-30 days. To conceive a girl, sexual intercourse should occur 2-3 days before ovulation, and for pregnancy with a boy, during it or a day after the release of the egg.

1 - Anus
2 - Labioscrotal tubercles
3 - Legs
4 - Genital tubercle
7 - Deepening of the urethra
8 - Genital folds

Embryo size - 45 mm.

At the 9th week there are no noticeable differences between the genitals of a boy and a girl. The genital tubercle and genital folds are surrounded externally by labioscrotal tubercles. The pictures confirm that the boy and the girl are no different in appearance.

Boy (11 weeks post fertilization, 13 obstetric weeks)

Boy, 11 weeks

Embryo size - 64 mm.

The development of male external genitalia depends on dihydrotestosterone, which is produced by the testes. The genital tubercle lengthens and grows, forming into the penis, and the urogenital folds on both sides of the urogenital membrane begin to fuse, forming the urethra. The labial-scrotal tubercles grow rapidly and turn into the scrotum, fused along the midline.

In boys, the genital tubercle forms the penis (4) . The body of the penis is formed from the genital folds; at this stage of development, the formation of the penis is not yet complete (7) . Scrotum (6) formed from labioscrotal tubercles (2) . Scrotal fusion line (5) formed by the connection of the labial-scrotal tubercles.

At this stage of development, the testicles are located in the abdomen. They do not descend into the scrotum (6) up to 7-8 months of pregnancy.

At the 12th week of embryo development, the foreskin is already formed.

Changes in the development of the genital organs of girls at 13-20 weeks after fertilization

Girls have very little testosterone in their blood. Therefore, after the formation of the external genitalia in the 8th week, in the future they practically do not change in appearance.

The genital tubercle turns into the clitoris; it can increase not only while it is in the mother’s stomach, but also after the birth of the girl.

The genitourinary folds form the labia minora. The labioscrotal tubercles enlarge and become the labia majora, while the urogenital groove remains open, forming the entrance to the vagina.

The position of the external opening of the urethra is determined by the 14th week of embryo development.

13 week embryo size - 90 mm, 17 weeks - 150 mm, 20 weeks - 185 mm.

Girl, ultrasound 13-20 weeks

1 - Anus
2 - Buttocks
3 - Clitoris
4 - Labia majora
6 - Legs
7 - Labia minora

Girls' genitals are formed from the same folds and tubercles as boys' genitals.

By the 20th week, the labial-scrotal tubercles and genital folds in girls do not fuse and form small (7) and big (4) labia The clitoris is formed from the genital tubercle (3) .

The ovaries are not identified until the 10th week.

Gender determination during the second planned ultrasound at 20-22 weeks

At week 20, all external changes in the genitals have already occurred and you can “see” everything quite accurately. But if you come across a qualified specialist and high-quality equipment, then an ultrasound can determine the sex of the child starting from the 12th week.

In boys, you can see a lump between the legs, which is the scrotum and penis. may show a round, raised area within the genital area, which is the scrotum and penis. On the ultrasound machine screen, the boys' genitals in profile look like a small snail.

Some babies turn around during an ultrasound so that their genitals are not visible even at the third screening ultrasound at 32-34 weeks.

Determination of the sex of the fetus is influenced by such factors as the position of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid and the thickness of the abdominal wall.

Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound makes it easier for specialists to determine the sex of the fetus.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Question: Can the sex of the baby be determined at the first screening ultrasound at 12 weeks?

Answer: At 12 weeks, the ultrasound doctor can make a guess regarding gender, sometimes it is a little more accurate than 50/50.

Correct visualization of any part of the fetus depends on many factors, including:

  • fetal position,
  • amount of amniotic fluid,
  • thickness of the abdominal wall, etc.

So, if you are very interested in who will be born, then here are several possibilities assume about the field based on the results of early ultrasound examination.

Such successful pictures as in the photo on the right are extremely rare.

If the child turns so “comfortably”, the sex can be determined 12 weeks after conception (14 obstetric weeks).

3 ways to determine sex by ultrasound in the early stages

1. Determination by analysis the angle between the genital tubercle and the baby's back.

In the ultrasound screenshots below you can see what it looks like. All screens are of embryos at the 12th (14th obstetric) week of pregnancy, the size of the embryos is about 75 mm.

U boys the genital tubercle forms an angle of approximately 30 degrees or more with a back (left column in the photo).

U girls the genital tubercle forms an angle less than 30 degrees(right column of examples in the picture).

2. According to the location of the placenta

If the placenta is located on the right side of the uterus, is more likely to be born boy.

If the placenta is located on the left side of the uterus- wait girl.

This method bears the name of its discoverer and is known as . (Follow the link you will find a description of the research, as well as a vote by site readers on whether the method of determining gender by the location of the placenta was confirmed in their case).

3. According to the shape of the skull

If the skull and jaw are square, it is a boy; if it's round, it's a girl.

Question: How accurate are the results of determining the sex of a child in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Answer: Experienced sonographers can determine gender by measuring the angle of the genital tubercle.
At the 11th week, the percentage of error is approximately 50% (out of 100 boys, 14 of them have an accurate sex determination); at the 14th week, the sex determination is more accurate.

How long does it take to determine the sex of a child using ultrasound?

The first question that arises immediately after the joyful news of pregnancy sounds something like this: “Will it be a boy or a girl?” And this irresistible desire to find out the sex of the baby is easy to explain and understand. It should be noted that sperm that carry the X (girl) or Y (boy) chromosome are responsible for this.

Determining the sex of a child by ultrasound at the first screening is not possible, as in general early pregnancy, since there is a high probability that the ultrasound makes a mistake in determining the sex of the child. And all because the genitals of the fetus have not yet formed. We'll have to wait a while. And even after sexual characteristics are formed, it is not always possible to identify the gender. But impatience makes itself felt. Therefore, many mothers resort to alternative methods of determining the sex of the child, without ultrasound. Among them: the date of conception, the use of ancient Chinese tables and even folk signs. These methods are questionable, so it is better to wait and go for an ultrasound.

The most accurate answer to the question about the baby can be determined by ultrasound at 20 weeks. This method is the most effective, painless and safe. Moreover, the study is carried out not only to find out the most interesting things, but also to identify diseases that can be transmitted along with the sex chromosome.

How long will it take for an ultrasound to show the sex of the baby?

The question of when to do an ultrasound to determine the sex of the child worries many parents. You should not torment the doctor with questions about the sex of the child immediately at the first ultrasound. Because determining the sex of a child is possible only after 15-18 weeks. And it is not always possible to see the necessary differences. The accuracy of ultrasound in determining the sex of a child depends not only on the duration of pregnancy, but also on the quality of the device and the qualifications of the specialist. In early diagnostic sessions, for example, swelling of a girl’s labia majora may be mistaken for a boy’s genital organ, which confuses the doctor and the answer will be incorrect. It also happens that the male dignity of the fetus is hidden behind tightly clenched legs, so experts say that the baby will be a girl. Whether an ultrasound makes a mistake in determining the sex of a child depends on the location of the fetus and the professionalism of the doctor.

The best time to reveal the sex of the child is the period from 23 to 25 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, the fetus is characterized by mobility, and if the doctor is patient and persistent, then he will be able to accurately determine by ultrasound who is hiding there. In later stages, it is more difficult to find out the gender, and determining the sex of the baby using an ultrasound scan at 12 weeks is practically impossible. During a full-term pregnancy, the fetus is already large in size and not as mobile, so difficulties arise in determining the sex.

If the birth of twins is expected, the time frame for determining the sex is the same. However, children also have an increased likelihood of hiding from the sensors of modern equipment. Therefore, the risk of being mistaken about the gender of twins increases. It happens that the gender of one child is very easy to identify. But the second one is hiding behind a brother or sister, and even with repeated ultrasound examinations it is difficult to find out if it is a girl or a boy.

Ultrasound errors in determining gender

In the ultrasound photo you can see who will be born. But even after the third study, there is a possibility of error. Unfortunately, the statistics of errors when determining the sex of a child by ultrasound (reviews confirm this) are quite large. For reliability, an ultrasound can be performed to determine the sex of the child several times.

There are different reasons when the device makes a mistake. Among them:

  • Very old equipment that does not have the ability to see the genitals of the fetus. Especially if the device is of poor quality, then failures may occur during the examination process;
  • Early pregnancy. Already during the first examination, the doctor can determine the gender at least approximately. On subsequent examinations, the result may be the opposite. However, it should be remembered that ultrasound at an early stage tries to identify defects in the development of the baby;
  • Ultrasound on later pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the fetus becomes cramped in the uterine cavity, and it hides its genitals from the sensor. However, if the doctor is experienced, he can report the expected gender with a slight difference in percentage, but do not reassure him with a 100% result;
  • Multiple pregnancy. The difficulty is caused by the fact that the kids cover each other;
  • Doctor's mistake. This may happen when the specialist does not have sufficient experience, or when the child constantly turns away and keeps his legs together. Only an experienced doctor with extensive experience can determine gender at an early stage, trying not to get your hopes up. It often happens that a woman does not want to find out the sex of the baby before birth. Then she must definitely inform the specialist about this.

It should be borne in mind that other factors also influence the determination of the sex of the child by ultrasound. This is the amount of water, where the fetus is located, how thick the pregnant woman’s abdominal wall is, as well as how the baby and the umbilical cord are located.

However, the statistics of errors when determining the sex of a child without ultrasound is deplorable. Ultrasound is the most informative method. A more modern variety this method Determining the sex of a child is a 3D ultrasound. The main advantage of 3D ultrasound is its high information content: it allows not only to more accurately determine the sex of the child, but also to determine the presence or absence of developmental defects, to examine the formation of the limbs, the size of the head and other organs. However, in some cases, 3D ultrasound to determine the sex of a child is considered impossible. For example, when the baby is turned backwards towards the area being examined or the fetal legs are tightly squeezed. Also, do not forget how much an ultrasound to determine the sex of a child costs: if the price of a simple ultrasound to determine the sex of a child is from 1000 rubles (on average), then the cost of a 3D ultrasound is from 3000 rubles (on average).

And despite the fact that there is a possibility of making a mistake, this examination is absolutely safe and cannot cause a miscarriage or infection of the amniotic fluid. It is important to determine gender after the twenty-first week, unless it is a health issue. If there are any medical indicators in the anamnesis, the procedure must be carried out as prescribed by the gynecologist within the required time frame. And no matter who is born, parents should rejoice at the birth. Because the most important thing is the health of their beloved baby, who will give them joy with his presence every day.