Despite widespread urbanization and the development of robotics, pets are still in demand. In addition to the common cats and dogs, rodents are gaining more and more attention. These include rats, chinchillas, mice, and hamsters. Large guinea pigs are especially loved by people. These are beautiful, unpretentious animals that do not require much space. The downside is that they do not live long, but they are noisy, social and sociable animals. Many people are wondering: can a guinea pig and a cat coexist? We'll look at this issue a little later, but for now let's talk about the basics of care.

Etymology of the name

Few people guess why the rodents were called guinea pigs. After all, they don't live in water. In fact, everything is simpler: the homeland of rodents was Guinea, which is why they were called overseas, i.e. from across the sea. IN different countries they are called differently. For example, in England it is "Indian little pig." It is unclear why exactly the mumps. This is probably due to the unique sounds that the pet makes. Another version connects the proportions of the animal’s body and head. In Peru, these animals are actively consumed as food, but in Russia they are only pets. Moreover, domesticated guinea pigs have clearly lost their attractiveness as food. Therefore, they perform only a decorative function.


There is a great variety of guinea pig breeds. With short, long, curly hair. And don’t even think about the coloring! In general, the size of the pet is from 25 to 30 cm in length. There is no tail, drooping ears, and a dull muzzle. Males can reach a weight of 1.5 kg, females are slightly smaller - up to 1.2. Based on coat structure and color, there are several types: large groups: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. There are also sphinxes, that is, bald animals.

Baby guinea pigs are born in numbers of one to five. Birth weight is from 50 to 100 grams. The larger the litter, the less weight. Cubs are born covered with fur, with teeth and claws. They are kept with their mother for a month, then placed in another cage.

The sounds made by guinea pigs deserve special attention. This is a kind of whistle with which they immediately attract attention. It is worth considering that pets are extremely noisy, so if you are a lover of silence, these animals are not for you. But listen carefully to the sounds made. They are different for each situation. For example, during the mating season, a male attracts a female with the sounds “chaf”.

Breed overview

The Abyssinian guinea pig and the Abyssinian cat have nothing in common except the name. The peculiarity of this subspecies of rodent is its rosettes, that is, swirls of fur. The rosette on the nose is appreciated. There are colored and solid colors. The most common are pegashi. The length of the fur should not be more than 4 cm. By the way, if you don’t know whether guinea pigs get along with cats in the same house, get both pets at the same time. This way the animals will get used to it and treat each other well.

Another unusual breed of guinea pig is the alpaca. Yes, there is the same breed of llamas, the similar name was not given by chance. Representatives of this group have curly and long hair. For lovers of long-haired animals, there is Sheltie. And the Coronet breed has a kind of “crown” of wool on its head.

What does a guinea pig need?

Caring for rodents is not that difficult. First of all, you need to buy a spacious cage. The larger it is, the better for the pet. To do this, choose a cage for large birds. It will need to be redesigned a little, adding different shelves and aisles. An aquarium will do. If you are concerned about whether your cat might eat your guinea pig, cover the tank two-thirds full. Be sure to purchase a drinking bowl, as the animal should always have access to clean water.

Cat litter, hay or tyrsa are used as bedding. Remember that the pebbles must be large, otherwise there is a risk of getting into respiratory tract. To prevent the appearance of odor, clean the tray regularly. It is optimal to do this once every two days. You need to completely change the soil once a week.

Guinea pig nutrition

There is a joke that a guinea pig and a cat are the perfect food chain. This is partly true. IN wildlife small rodents often become food for large predators. But at home this does not always work. Many cats treat guinea pigs with tenderness, mistaking them for small dogs (by the way, Yorkies also weigh 1.5 kg, why not a guinea pig?).

Feeding the animal is not so difficult. It is enough to remember that they are one hundred percent vegetarians. Half of the diet should consist of grass. In summer it can be fresh, in winter it can be dried, you can also buy hay. Dandelions are given as a treat. 30% of the diet consists of grain; for this it is better to buy special food at a pet store.

The rest of the diet consists of fresh vegetables. Just don’t buy greenhouse ones, as they are poisoned by fertilizers. This negatively affects pigs, even to the point of death. It is ideal to give apples, cucumbers, carrots.

You can give crackers in small quantities. What do guinea pigs like as treats? Pet stores have a wide range of special treats for animals. Dried fruits can be given in small quantities.

The animal must have clean water available at all times. You can add a few drops to it lemon juice. It is beneficial for babies to dissolve calcium gluconate in water. Especially in winter. This is necessary for proper bone growth.

Remember that guinea pigs should never be given food from the table! This can be deadly for your pet! Nothing boiled, fried, spicy, etc.

What and how to wash a guinea pig?

Sooner or later, any person will be faced with the question: is it necessary to wash a pet and how often should it be done? Despite its name, the guinea pig does not like water and in the wild avoids rivers and lakes. Therefore, do not try to let the animal swim in a bathtub or basin. The main danger of such entertainment is not even the risk of drowning (all animals have the instinct to swim), but that water will pour into the ears.

How to wash a guinea pig in this case? Remember that these animals are clean and spend a lot of time getting their fur in order. Therefore, do not try to bathe your pet often. Do this only if the fur is heavily soiled. Abuse of water procedures leads to hair loss. Try to follow a few guidelines.

Throwing a pig into a container of water is a bad idea. This will only scare your pet. It’s better to calm him down, pet him, and gently lower him into the water. You can use a small basin or sink as a bath. Warm water should be up to the animal's paws. Also, bathe one animal at a time, this way you will save your nerves.

For those who are especially shy, pet stores sell dry shampoos. It is enough to apply the powder to the pet’s fur, wait a while and gently wipe the animal with a napkin. If you need to remove a small area of ​​dirt, simply rub the stain with a wet towel.

For washing, use a special shampoo, as pigs have sensitive skin. Carefully place your pet in a container of warm water, pet it and pour water from the cup. Afterwards, soap the animal and rinse gently. After the procedure, wipe with a towel and dry with a hairdryer.

Guinea pig and other animals in the same house

Guinea pig and cat - enemies or friends? There is no clear answer here. Let's try to consider the psychology of rodents. They occupy the lowest link in the food chain. They have no active methods of controlling predators. Despite their sharp incisors, they use them only in intraspecific fights. But in fact, even here it rarely comes to bloody showdowns. As a rule, intimidating poses and whistling are enough.

When keeping pets in a herd, division into groups can be observed. As a rule, a group of females is formed around one male. All other males are driven away. If you keep your pets together, you can note a funny tandem. They will stick together and move everywhere together.

If you want to have a guinea pig and a cat, then purchase them at the same time. It is desirable that they are both cubs. This way, they will get used to each other from childhood and will perceive each other as companions, and not as competitors.

The situation is more complicated if the cat is already an adult, and you decide to buy a guinea pig. For cats, rodents are natural prey, so the desire to dine is quite logical. Then place the cage in a hard-to-reach place, otherwise the cat’s jumping and attacks on the guinea pig can seriously traumatize the animal psychologically.

Try not to let your guinea pig wander around the room if a cat or dog comes in. Even with a friendly attitude, large animals can play with a small animal so that it breaks bones. However, a guinea pig and a cat can live in the same house.

Experienced guinea pig breeders recommend not giving up on keeping animals together, since much depends on the cat’s temperament. Observe your animal carefully. Is it active? Mobile? Does it demonstrate hunting skills? As practice shows, domestic city cats have little interest in rodents. Purebred cats are usually phlegmatic and spoiled.

When you buy a guinea pig, try releasing it in the presence of a cat, but be careful: if you try to eat your new pet, you will need to quickly hide the rodent. Good sign, if a cat simply touches an animal with its paw, this is a normal phenomenon; it checks whether the new neighbor is aggressive. A dangerous sign is if he grabs you by the scruff of the neck and tries to drag you away. In this case, it is better to walk the guinea pig and the cat separately.

To discourage your cat from jumping onto the table with the cage, place orange peels or banana peels. The cat's paws will slip on the surface and it will fall to the floor. A couple of such failures and she will stop trying to eat her neighbor. Pay special attention to the bars of the cage, as if the distance between them is more than 2.5 cm, then the cat can stick its paw there and scare the guinea pig. Another option for “scaring away” is to arm yourself with a spray bottle of water. As soon as the cat gets close to the pig's cage, spray water in its face.

It is also noted that cats only eat small rodents. For example, mice or hamsters. Therefore, the larger the guinea pig, the less likely it is to be eaten. Only the cubs will be at risk. A predator can play with them...

Some cats mistake a guinea pig for their kitten and care for it like a baby. They drag you by the scruff of the neck, lick you, feed you, etc. But try not to leave them alone, no matter how good their relationship is.

Some breeders recommend letting the cat and guinea pig "fight". This is a risky undertaking, but it can help clear the air. For example, with rats the situation is simple: when a cat is bitten by a rodent a couple of times, it loses any interest in catching it. Therefore, the guinea pig may also bite the paw, and the cat will lose interest in it.

It is noted that over time the cat gets used to the unusual neighborhood and does not react to the pet. Can sleep on a cage, carefully hiding its paws and tail. The guinea pig, in turn, also may not be afraid of the threat from a large predator.

Which animals are suitable for keeping together?

The ideal neighbor for guinea pigs is a parrot. Budgerigars dig in the bedding, ride on the animal’s back, and watch it. But proximity to other types of rodents is undesirable, since they have different behavior, as well as competition. A good companion option is a guinea pig and a dwarf rabbit. They are almost the same size, have similar taste habits, etc.

Remember that if you keep your guinea pig alone, then you definitely need to satisfy its need for communication. This doesn’t require much effort: pick up your pet, talk to it, play with it. Without proper attention, the animal will quickly begin to lose its mood, get sick and show apathy.

When you choose a guinea pig to buy, carefully examine your future pet. He should have a shiny, soft coat without bald spots. The skin should be free of wounds and scabs. The eyes are clear, without discharge. Look at the conditions in which the cubs live. The cage should be large, clean, experienced breeders show the parents of the babies. Remember that competent breeders value their name and approach breeding responsibly. Don’t chase the cheapest, because if you save, you risk getting a sick animal. At best you will spend large number money for treatment, in the worst case, the animal will die.

Who should I choose?

What kind of pets can there be? Guinea pigs, cats, dogs, rats and many others. There are animals for allergy sufferers, without fur, with different colors and characters. It is worth putting a little effort into finding the desired copy. A guinea pig is an ideal companion that does not require any special conditions. If desired, you can have an animal together with a kitten; they can become inseparable friends.

A cat and a guinea pig - can they live peacefully with each other in the same apartment? The position of cats in the animal kingdom is quite definite - the cat is a predator, its prey is small animals, in nature the cat hunts mercilessly, using its sharp claws and teeth, natural instincts do their job. As for the guinea pig, this is a rodent animal; cohabitation with a cat can put the guinea pig in a defenseless position; it can become easy prey for a predator. How is it possible for the two to coexist? various types in the same house? As we all know, a cat has a rather specific character. Cats, unlike dogs, are difficult to train to accept a guinea pig as an equal member of the family. The guinea pig is small in size and the two animals have little in common. There is always a risk that a cat will bite, scratch with its claws, or try to attack for pleasure, and therefore all responsibility falls on the owners of the animals; they need to be extremely careful. Much, of course, depends on the individual characteristics of the cat, but there is still a possibility of peaceful coexistence between cats and guinea pigs. Some cats may simply ignore the guinea pig, some are ready to be friends, while others will begin to hate. Sometimes, however, a truly strong friendship develops between them. If you decide to have a cat and a guinea pig at the same time, you need to take this issue very seriously. Who should you bring into the house first, a guinea pig or a kitten? If you bring a tiny guinea pig into the house of an adult cat, the cat will perceive it as its potential victim. The cat will be quite curious, but at first it may even be a little scared, while the guinea pig will be very scared. There are times when a cat first shows curiosity about a guinea pig and then ignores it completely. This is what very calm animals do, whose hunting instinct is not very developed. Another group of cats with a highly developed hunting instinct will see the guinea pig as a prey and therefore immediately try to attack. Cats with a gentle character, who are very demanding of attention, can easily perceive a guinea pig climbing on them; they will enjoy such company. If you brought a guinea pig into your home, of course, do not immediately introduce it to the cat; isolate the animal in a separate room and let it sit in a closed cage. After the guinea pig has settled in for a few days, feed the cat well and bring it into the room with the guinea pig, talk to the animal calmly. Observe how the cat behaves; if calm, you can take the cat and guinea pig, sit them on your lap, stroke the animals and speak in a calm voice. If one of the animals gets scared, interrupt the acquaintance and try again the next day. If the cat is ready to live peacefully with the guinea pig, the first meeting should go without any problems, in other cases it is necessary to act slowly and stretch out the acquaintance process over several days or weeks. When both animals get used to each other's smells, the cat does not show aggression, you can let the pig run around the room. First, let the cat watch the guinea pig run around the room while sitting on your lap, or keep the cat on a leash. Guinea pigs are very energetic and run around the room quickly, sometimes like crazy, which will probably excite the cat and make her want to hunt or at least play (however, such play can be dangerous for guinea pigs). If the cat is flattened to the floor with its ears pulled back, you should intervene immediately. Otherwise, the cat will jump and try to run after the pig, and it’s not clear how this will end. If there are no problems for a long time, then the pig can run freely around the apartment. However, never leave a running animal completely unattended. If you have a cat and a guinea pig, be careful, you cannot trust this pair, do not leave the animals together without your supervision.

Before you buy a guinea pig, you should think about who it will live with and be friends with. It's about about other pets that are already long-time residents in your home or are still planned to be settled in the near future. To avoid conflicts and troubles, you need to know some of the features of the relationship between guinea pigs and other pets. With whom can a guinea pig peacefully coexist in the same territory, with whom can it perhaps make friends, and with whom are friendly relations impossible under any circumstances?

Guinea pig and cat

If you already have a cat at home, then it is better not to get a guinea pig to avoid bloody drama. Most likely, the cat will treat the rodent as prey. Even if the cat fails to get the pig out of the cage, she will frighten the pig with her attacks and close attention, causing the latter to be constantly in a state of stress. Cats pose a particular danger to baby pigs. If this happens, and the pig appears in the house where the cat has long settled, keep the cage with the pig in a room where the cat is not allowed to enter. The above applies to an adult cat.

However, it is quite easy to make friends between a predator and a rodent if you get both a kitten and a pig at the same time - they will get used to each other from childhood, and the cat will not think of considering the pig as lunch.

Guinea pig and dog

You should not risk buying a guinea pig for a house where a hunting dog lives - a four-legged pet poses a great danger to the pig. Even if at first the dog is neutral or even favorably disposed towards the overseas rodent, the pig may involuntarily provoke an attack, awakening the hunting instincts of his “great friend”. If the rodent must share territory with a hunting dog, never leave them unattended in the same room, even if the pig is in a cage. The dog is capable of getting the pig out of the cage, or at least greatly scaring it.

Guinea pigs can get along quite well with dogs of other breeds, and often make friends. The dog must immediately be taught that the guinea pig should be perceived as a member of the family. This is easy to do if the dog is introduced to the pig as a puppy. Of course, the process of taming an older dog to a newbie will take longer. In any case, acquaintance should take place slowly and under the close supervision of the owner. The complete indifference of pets to each other at first glance can be deceptive. Aggression on the part of a dog is possible, for example, due to jealousy, which can end sadly for the pig. Moreover, there are also cases when a rodent can painfully bite an overly active and annoying puppy. Therefore, in cases where the owner of the animals is not entirely sure of their mutual sympathy and friendly relations, it is best to keep pets away from each other. Also, don't forget that a large dog may inadvertently crush a gentle guinea pig if no one is nearby.

Guinea pig and parrot

Not best idea Keeping cages with these two absolutely opposite species in the same room, and leaving them alone in the same room to “freely graze” and “freely fly” is all the more not worth it. Large parrots, as a rule, are very jealous; for this reason they can offend a guinea pig. Small parrots are not averse to pecking at the ears of a pig, and the pigs, in turn, may also not be in debt - there are cases when seemingly peaceful rodents attacked parrots, and the latter were injured.

Guinea pig and rabbit

If decorative rabbits share the territory with guinea pigs, then, as a rule, there is no reason to worry - both the guinea pig and the rabbit are safe. Moreover, often these animals can become friends. It also happens that a rabbit protects a guinea pig, lays down next to it and licks it. However, friendly relations do not always develop - female rabbits may strive to protect their “individual area”, and then the guinea pig may not be happy. Therefore, you need to closely monitor the behavior of your pets, and if one ward begins to become irritated towards the other, it is better to isolate them from each other for a while in order to avoid conflicts. The main thing is to prevent aggressive behavior between them.

Guinea pig and other rodents

Hamsters, by their nature, do not need company and prefer to be alone, so you should not keep them with pigs. In general, it is not recommended to keep a guinea pig with rodents such as chinchillas, decorative mice, rats, squirrels and all types of hamsters - they have different lifestyles and different diets. If you have different types of rodents in your home, keep them in different cages away from each other, or even better if they live in different rooms. There are, of course, exceptions, but you shouldn’t risk trying to make friends with a pig and, for example, a chinchilla.

Guinea pig and ferret

Despite the fact that the ferret and the guinea pig are practically in the same “weight category,” it is ridiculous to talk about friendship in this case. It will never be possible to explain to a 100% predator - a ferret - that this fluffy creature cannot be touched. The guinea pig will only be seen by the ferret as prey. There is only one way out - separate keeping; the ferret simply should not know about the existence of a guinea pig.

To summarize the above, we note that if the company of guinea pigs alone is not enough for you, provide the gentle creatures with absolute safety, because the pigs themselves will not be able to protect themselves from other animals, especially from domestic predators.

For training to be successful, the animal must trust the person who will work with it. If the pig was acquired quite recently, you can place the cage not far from you and, covering it with thick cloth, talk quietly with the animal.

The darkness in the cage and the pig's poor vision force the animal to rely entirely on touch, smell, taste and hearing. Deprived of its usual surroundings, a rodent will actively react to the only sound that reaches it.

When the pig finally gets used to the sounds of human speech, you can carefully offer her a treat: a piece of pear, apple, cherry or ripe gooseberry.

When the guinea pig gets used to the new environment, it can be released for a walk

After 1 week, the dense tissue covering the cage can be replaced with a lighter one, which partially transmits light. Over the next 7 days, the actions of the animal owner remain the same. The sounds of human speech will cause the pig to associate with the tasty food offered to it, and dim lighting will allow the animal to partially use its vision and get used to appearance hand holding out a treat.

After 5–6 days, the tissue can be removed from the cage, giving the animal the opportunity to see the person and daylight. If the pig gets scared and tries to hide in the far corner of the cage, the owner will have to leave the room for a while to allow the pet to get used to the unusual environment and calm down. Once this happens, you can move on to training.


When working with a pig, it is necessary to avoid sudden movements and loud sounds, which will instantly destroy the results achieved.

When the pig is no longer afraid of its owner, you can pick it up and walk with it around the house or garden. To express its affection, this rodent gently rubs its head against a person's neck, arms or chest, squeaking and grunting.

The guinea pig is a herd animal. If one rodent lives in a cage, it needs to be given much more attention than two or more individuals. Otherwise, the pig will gradually withdraw into itself and will constantly sit in the house. To prevent this from happening, the animal can be offered to play with a small ball, a plastic bone, wooden cubes or figures. If there is a soft toy that has become unusable, it is also recommended to give it to the pig.

When giving wooden toys to a rodent, you need to make sure that there is no paint or varnish left on them, which, if they get into the animal’s stomach, can cause some harm to it.

Guinea pigs are not very smart. Only 7% of them have sufficiently developed intelligence. It allows the animals to respond to their name, whistles, and also carry out simple commands: “Serve!”, “Come to me!” and “Home!” By order of the owner, well-trained pigs can run in a circle, stand on their hind legs, fetch small things (a leaf of a plant, a piece of food) and ring a small bell.

Before you start training your pet, it is advisable to learn to understand the language of a guinea pig, since each of the sounds made by the animal has its own meaning. With the help of sounds, animals express satisfaction, fear, aggression, warn fellow tribesmen about danger, etc.

The sounds that a guinea pig makes correspond to its mood at the moment. Thus, quiet whistling, and as the highest manifestation, gentle squealing always speak of satisfaction. A sharp whistle emitted by the animal at regular intervals (about 1–2 s) is a sign of greeting. A guinea pig usually makes such sounds when its owner appears. But the animal greets individuals of its own species with a grunt that sounds almost like the echo of a drum roll. By the way, such grumbling, accompanied by characteristic body movements, is an integral element of the wedding ritual of these animals.

The plaintive squeak of a guinea pig means fear or loneliness, and animals kept alone use this sound to express a desire to communicate or walk around the room.

Roaring sounds are usually made by a weaker opponent in front of a stronger one.

When trying to understand a pet's language, you need to not only listen to the sounds it makes, but also carefully monitor its movements, since in some cases the behavior of a pig can tell its owner a lot.

So, if guinea pigs touch their noses, this means that the animals are either getting to know each other or trying to get to know each other. When an animal stretches out on the floor during a walk, this indicates that it feels comfortable. A guinea pig that jumps when its owner appears is most likely inviting him to play with it. When an animal, upon seeing its owner, stands on its hind legs, it thereby shows that it expects food or treats from the person. And if at the same time the animal stretches its front legs forward, it is trying to attract the owner’s attention.

When two or more guinea pigs meet and one of them throws its head up, this indicates that it is demonstrating its superiority. If at the same time her opponent lowers his head and purrs, then he is showing humility, offering to make peace. If the animal goes on the “warpath”, then it opens its mouth wide and shows its teeth. By the way, in the same way, a female who is not ready to mate drives away an annoying male.

Hearing extraneous sounds or noticing the approach of a stranger, the guinea pig extends its head forward, which serves as a manifestation of vigilance or curiosity. If the animal tucks its paws and leans against the wall, it shows the owner its helplessness and tries to tell him that it needs protection.

When training your guinea pig, you must use treats. The carrot and stick method in this case hopeless. By punishing an animal, you can only scare it, which will have a detrimental effect on further training.

When starting to teach the “Stop!” command, place the pig on the floor, and when she gets comfortable, take a piece of her favorite food in your hand and place it above the animal’s head. At the same time, you need to constantly repeat in an even voice: “Stop!” Some replace the command “Stop!” to “Candle!”

Having realized that you can get a treat only after following the command, the guinea pig will get up without even seeing the treat. This should not be abused, since the animal’s conditioned reflex will soon weaken and everything will have to start all over again.

Teaching a pig to approach a trainer is not difficult. It is necessary to call the animal by name, while at the same time handing it a treat. After some time, the animal will run up to the owner at the first call, even in the absence of treats. Teaching a pig to run in circles is easy. Holding a treat in your hand, the person should slowly move it in a circle a few centimeters from the pet’s nose. The animal, wanting to reach the piece, will run after it. After appropriate training, the guinea pig readily responds to its name. To do this, you need to place a little treat on the floor at a clearly defined time in the same place and call the animal.

As a rule, the pig's name must be pronounced clearly, but gently. The animal will run to the smell of the treat, hearing its name at the same time. After a few days, the pig will come when called without smelling food.

Toilet training a guinea pig

Everyone knows that guinea pig urine is strong, pungent and bad smell. Often this feature is the reason why many people give up the idea of ​​​​owning an animal. If your guinea pig is not accustomed to peeing in the same place, you will have to clean the cage daily and change all the bedding.

But many people do not know that there is a very simple way to avoid these problems - you need to train the animal to go to the toilet in a special container, and all problems associated with odor will be solved.

Required equipment

Guinea pig litter boxes come in a variety of sizes and designs. All of them are in the form of containers with a removable lid and an entrance hole that allows the guinea pig to easily get inside. The shape of the toilet can be square, rectangular, triangular. If you buy a toilet at a pet store, then the kit will also include a small bag with a special filler and a scoop for falling asleep and subsequent cleaning.

You need to choose a filler that will absorb moisture and odor well. You can use sawdust as a filler, but since it does not dry well, you will have to clean the toilet every day. It must be remembered that sawdust is natural material and your pet will really like it, and you can clean the toilet very quickly.

If sawdust is used as bedding in the cage, it must be changed daily. In extreme cases, cleaning should be done every other day.

You can use ordinary river sand, but it must first be washed, dried and calcined so that no infection gets into the guinea pig's cage with it.

Fillers sold in pet stores have different structures and are made from a variety of raw materials. Lump litter can be made from clay, wheat, or the core of a corn cob. Each of the materials has both advantages and disadvantages.

Clay litter is convenient because it is easy to clean, and you don’t have to immediately replace the entire contents of the toilet, but only remove dirty lumps. However, this filler contains quartz dust, which can have a negative impact on the health of the animal, so not all owners are willing to purchase it for their pets.

Other clumpy litters are made from grain waste or corn cob cores. They are absolutely not dangerous for the animal, but there are cases when guinea pigs, instead of using them for their intended purpose, begin to eat it. If you notice that your pet eats litter over and over again, you need to start using a different type of litter. Even if it is harmless to health, guinea pigs should not eat it instead of food.

In addition to fillers with a lumpy structure, there are also granular fillers. They are made from waste from the flour milling and woodworking industries, as well as from environmentally friendly meadow grasses and paper. Such fillers absorb moisture well and will not need to be changed so often. But there are also disadvantages: granular fillers cannot be partially replaced, like their counterparts with a lumpy structure. You will have to completely throw away all the contents of the toilet, thoroughly wash the container, wipe it dry and add a new portion of the litter.

It is not at all necessary to buy a toilet in pet stores; you can make it for your pet yourself. This will require plastic container suitable size with lid. On one side, it is necessary to cut a hole of such a size that the animal can easily get inside. It should be raised 1.5–2.5 cm above the base of the container so that the guinea pig does not scatter the filler. The height of the threshold depends on the size of the animal itself. The diameter of the entrance also depends on the size of the guinea pig. The edges of the hole must be thoroughly sanded so that they are smooth.

But the toilet does not have to be made of plastic materials; it can be made of glass. This toilet has a number of advantages: you don’t need special skills to make it, you don’t have to go to a pet store, it will last a long time, since a guinea pig won’t be able to gnaw it, and glass doesn’t absorb the smell. You just need to choose a container of the appropriate size with a wide neck so that the animal can fit into it comfortably. The container must be secured so that the guinea pig does not knock it over and it does not roll on the floor of the animal’s home.

Choosing a place for the toilet

To toilet train your guinea pig, it is very important to choose the right location for this piece of equipment. Guinea pigs are very clean animals; they tend to urinate in the same place, so at first you need to carefully observe your pet. You should not rush to put the toilet in the cage until the guinea pig has chosen a place where it will defecate. When it becomes clear where she prefers to relieve her natural needs, a toilet should be placed there. Many guinea pigs quickly understand what this structure is intended for and willingly use it for its intended purpose.

It sometimes happens that a guinea pig that has urinated in the same corner, after a toilet has been placed there, stubbornly refuses to defecate in the same place. There may be another option: the animal in the cage has not one favorite place for the toilet, but several. This usually happens if the guinea pig lives in a spacious cage consisting of several sections. In this case, you can try to do the following. Place some bedding soiled with guinea pig urine and feces into the litter box. After the animal has woken up, you need to place the guinea pig in front of the entrance to the toilet. The smell will tell the animal what this structure is for. If your pet persists and continues to go to different places, you need to either come to terms with it and clean these areas every day, or put several toilets in the cage.

When releasing the pet from the cage, the owner will have to come to terms with the fact that the guinea pig will defecate wherever it sees fit.

Sometimes a guinea pig enjoys using the toilet, but not at all in the way the owner would like. She can use it as a storage room or sleep in it. This can be caused by various reasons. Perhaps the cage in which the guinea pig lives is too small, and there is no place else for her to store her supplies. Although there is no pressing need for pets to do this, the natural instinct that makes guinea pigs do this is extremely developed, and the animal will become worried if it does not have any food supplies.

You need to either provide the pet with a more spacious home, or, if the cage is large enough, place several small containers in it that the guinea pig can use as storage areas.

If the animal sleeps in the toilet, you need to pay attention to its house. Perhaps for some reason the guinea pig doesn't like it. Maybe the pet is uncomfortable in it. You need to try to offer him another house, and if the cage is large, put several houses. You can try replacing the bedding.

You may need to try all the options to achieve results, but you need to know that you can’t change everything at once.

Toilet training does not have to be worn violent nature, otherwise the guinea pig may simply hate it, which will not lead to the desired result.

If your guinea pig only urinates in the toilet and defecates in the cage, you will have to clean up the droppings daily. It is not at all necessary to completely change the litter - it is enough to remove excrement with an unnecessary spoon or tweezers.

Sometimes owners are concerned about their pet eating its own feces. But there is no reason for alarm - coprophagia is one of the natural mechanisms that allow animals to compensate for the lack of certain substances.

How to stop a guinea pig from chewing on its owner's property

It is no coincidence that the order of mammals to which guinea pigs belong is called rodents. These animals constantly need to chew something, and chew a lot. This feature of the behavior of animals, which sometimes causes irritation among their owners, is associated with the structure of the teeth. Rodents' teeth grow throughout their lives, so they need to be constantly ground down.

This natural need of a guinea pig can lead to serious damage to furniture, things, toys, etc. However, this usually happens in cases where the animal is left alone for a long time unattended outside the cage, and also in the case when the guinea pig’s cage is located in such a way that that the animal can reach curtains, electrical wires and other objects. Sometimes guinea pigs manage to escape from the cage, so it must be securely locked.

When letting your guinea pig roam around the apartment, you need to make sure that it does not chew plastic products or varnished wooden surfaces

If an animal is kept in an aquarium that is covered with a net, it must be strong enough and securely fixed so that the animal does not move it and escape to freedom.

In its cage, a guinea pig will chew everything in it, so plastic and wood products will have to be thrown away from time to time and new ones bought. There is no escape from this; this is a feature of all rodents.

If your guinea pig starts gnawing on the same object while walking around the apartment, then you should buy a gel, spray or cream with a bitter taste. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

The preparations are applied directly to the problem area; the treatment must be repeated regularly, since the volatile substances included in these products quickly erode. All of these drugs are safe for rodents, but animals usually do not like their bitter taste.

If, even after treatment, the guinea pig continues to chew on the item it has chosen, it is worth buying a new, more effective product.

There are cage designs with metal tunnel connections. However, the tunnels themselves are still made of plastic, so their condition will need to be checked regularly. If damage is detected, gnawed parts must be replaced in a timely manner.

You can make tunnels inside the cage from grass or edible starch; they will not harm the guinea pig's health, but will give her great pleasure.

You can also put tree branches in the guinea pig's cage, but you need to know for sure that they have not been treated with insecticides or other chemicals, and the plants from which they are taken grow in a relatively environmentally friendly area (for example, you can pick them from your own garden). dacha or at the dacha of your friends). But you should not give your pet waste from the woodworking industry, since the pieces of wood were most likely impregnated with special compounds that can harm the animal.

Guinea pigs can also wear down their teeth when eating compressed food, which is available in various forms - in briquettes, in the form of spikelets or granules. Many guinea pigs enjoy chewing on crunchy dog ​​biscuits. But you shouldn’t expect that any food will do, because the tastes of animals differ.

Also, don’t forget to put your pet in the feeder. raw vegetables: carrots, beets, potatoes. They are not only useful because of the vitamins they contain, but also because the guinea pig can grind their teeth on them.

When the feeder is installed in its original place, the ends of the wires are bent and braided around the slats of the grated floor.

Relationships with other animals

The guinea pig is one of the most defenseless and gentle animals. She cannot resist predators, since she does not have the means with which the animal is able to protect itself. The sharp claws and incisors of pigs are used mainly for obtaining and eating food, as well as in combat with an enemy of the same species.

In most cases, the confrontation between pigs ends bloodlessly, and the rivals huddle in opposite corners of the cage, from where they continue to grumble at each other for some time.

Before introducing your guinea pig to another pet, it is necessary to determine the extent to which their social systems are similar or different. In some cases, attempts to make friends with each other different types end in failure. The reason for this is the difference in the lifestyle of animals.

When introducing a guinea pig to a predator, you must be prepared for the fact that it will be perceived only as food. If the first acquaintance was successful, and the animals have been coexisting peacefully for some time, nevertheless, you should not let your guard down. While playing with a pig, a predator may not resist the temptation and rush at the rodent.

In this regard, dogs and cats pose the greatest danger to pigs.

Playing animals should never be left alone. To avoid tragedy, it is necessary to constantly monitor their actions and resolutely suppress the slightest manifestations of aggressiveness. By observing the behavior of animals, it is easy to understand how they relate to each other. Cats and dogs are very smart and will not attack a pig in the presence of the owner, knowing that they will be punished for this. If, being in close proximity to a rodent, a cat completely ignores it, this does not mean that it is not of gastronomic interest to the predator. The cat is probably just waiting for the right moment.

A large dog can, on occasion, not only eat a rodent, but also step on it. And although a guinea pig has a fairly strong build, the likelihood that it will bear the weight of a heavy dog ​​is small.

A parrot living in the same room with a guinea pig can greatly frighten the animal or seriously injure it with its beak. The larger the bird that attacks the animal, the more damage it can cause.

If a rabbit lives in the house, it is a source of constant danger for the guinea pig. The rabbit has sharp claws on its hind legs, with which it can easily cripple not only a small pig, but also an adult dog. By observing the animals, the owner will quickly understand the nature of the relationship between them. If your guinea pig is tense and the predator is active, it is best to keep the animals separately.

When deciding how many individuals to purchase, you must take into account that pigs do not like being alone. It's best to have two or three. If animals are raised together from birth, the likelihood of conflicts between them will be minimal. Fights between two pigs often boil down to mutual display of repellent poses and body movements. In preparation for a fight, opponents stand nose to nose, raise their heads high and, wanting to impress the enemy, begin to grind their teeth. A fight can only end in bloodshed when males fight for territorial reasons or in the presence of a female in heat.

If there are two guinea pigs in a cage, there is constant “tandem movement” between them. It is characterized by the fact that, having the opportunity to move freely around the territory, animals prefer to stay as close to each other as possible. Thus, if one animal moves towards the opposite wall of the dwelling, another immediately rushes after it. According to the observations of naturalists, the same individual constantly acts as the leader of the “tandem movement”.

If more than five animals of different sexes live in one cage, the herd instinct is clearly visible in the behavior of guinea pigs. The animals are divided into groups, in the center of each of which is a male. There are always several females near him. Sometimes in such a group the presence of 1–2 young males is allowed. However, after entering puberty, young males are expelled.

In some cases, an outsider may try to join one of the groups. If it is a female, in 50% of cases it is accepted; if the uninvited guest is a male, he is immediately driven away.

Guinea pigs and dogs

The relationship between a guinea pig living in the same house and another pet is not easy. It is best if they are raised together from birth. But this rarely happens.

A huge danger for guinea pigs are dogs of the hunting breed, which, despite the owner’s prohibitions, cannot cope with their natural instincts.

If a guinea pig is forced to live next to a dog, they should never be left alone, even if the rodent is in a cage. A dog is a predatory and strong animal. The thin bars of the cage will not be able to stop her. If the dog is unable to get the pig out of the house, it will nevertheless greatly frighten the animal.

Guinea pigs and cats

For a cat, a guinea pig is primarily prey. This predatory animal can attack a rodent. If the pig is in a cage, the cat will try to throw it to the floor or reach the animal with its paw.

There are cases where a guinea pig made friends with a cat or dog, but this is only possible if the animals grew up together. Kittens enjoy playing with pigs. However, cats are natural enemies of rodents, so there is always the possibility that a predator will attack the pig, so it is better not to leave the animals alone.

Guinea pig and birds

Guinea pigs get along well only with small species of parrots. These birds love to sit on the backs of rodents and dig in the sawdust.

Sometimes budgies burrow into hay or wood shavings not far from the pig and watch the actions of the rodent.

Guinea pig and turtles

Guinea pigs are indifferent to turtles, but sometimes especially bold rodents climb onto the shell of a moving reptile and thus move around the cage.

Guinea pig and rats

Guinea pigs can be kept in the same cage as mice, rats, hamsters, squirrels and chinchillas. Sometimes guinea pigs behave aggressively towards rats, but fights between them always end bloodlessly: the pig is huddled in the far corner of the cage, and the rat climbs as high as possible and hisses at the enemy from there.

Guinea pigs and snakes

Guinea pigs and snakes should not be kept in the same terrarium. For a reptile, a guinea pig is food. A snake will never play with a guinea pig. The larger the snake, the more danger the rodent is exposed to.

Guinea pigs and rabbits

Dwarf rabbits get along best with guinea pigs. They can eat from a common feeder, clean each other's fur and sleep in the same house. Young pigs often climb onto their neighbor’s back and sit on it for a long time, running their paws through the rabbit’s fur.

If a male rabbit and a female guinea pig live in a cage, the owner of the animals has cause for concern. In 90% of cases, the rabbit will show increased interest in the neighbor. After some time, the animals will become nervous, and many wounds from rabbit bites will appear on the guinea pig’s withers. That is why it is best to place a female rabbit in a rodent’s cage.

A small group of guinea pigs tolerate such proximity to the above-mentioned animals well.