Peas are herbaceous plant, part of the legume family. It is grown as a food or feed crop and is a pod containing pea seeds.

There are two main types for cultivation - sugar and peeling. The first is used entirely for food along with the shell. And the second one is grown only for green peas, which are well suited for canning. Both sugar and shelled beans contain a lot of healthy protein, which is easier and faster to digest compared to meat, so it is very common in vegetarian cuisine. More often, peas are prepared as a side dish, but they are also added to baked goods, salads, first and second courses.

Calorie content for different types of cooking

Peas are eaten fresh or boiled, and for longer preservation they are dried, frozen or canned. Young beans from the garden, while they are still raw, have 74 kcal per 100 g, which can be added to salads or eaten separately. In a dry state, whether whole peas, split or in the form of cereals, they have 298 kcal per 100 g, and boiled in water they contain 60 kcal. From yellow boiled peas you get delicious porridge, purees or soups. The calorie content of frozen peas is 72 kcal, and canned peas are 50. ъ

When fried, the calorie content of the product will increase significantly and will be 170 kcal per 100 g.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The chemical composition of peas is quite diverse. It is rich in easily digestible protein with a high-quality set of amino acids, essential carbohydrates (sugars), fiber, vitamins, macro and microelements. Fiber does not provide the body with energy, but it reduces the stay of food in the stomach and helps cleanse the intestines. Amino acids comprehensively improve the functioning of the body; carbohydrates are the main source of energy. And vitamins affect a person’s well-being by controlling carbohydrate metabolism, as well as fat and amino acid metabolism. In addition, they affect oxidation processes in tissues.

Whether fresh or frozen, peas contain: 5.2 g protein, 0.15 g fat, 13.6 g carbohydrates. Canned – 3.6 g protein, 0.13 g fat, 9.9 g carbohydrates. Dried and shelled: 20 g protein, 2 g fat, 53 g carbohydrates. Boiled – 5.9 g of protein, no fat, 9 g of carbohydrates.

Energy value of popular dishes

There are a lot of recipes containing peas, some are more satisfying and, conversely, lighter. Any gourmet and person who cares about their health can choose exactly the dish that will suit them. But when cooking, you should take into account that dishes with peas have different calorie content, and this is very important for people losing weight.

Calorie content of dishes per 100 grams:

  • soup - approximately 66 kilocalories, but if you add meatballs or various smoked meats to it, the calorie content will increase to 104;
  • “Gorodskaya” solyanka, to which several meat options are added, 90 kilocalories;
  • sausage, which also includes beets, garlic, coriander, has 267 kilocalories;
  • porridge with chicken has a calorie content of 93 kilocalories;
  • pea puree with champignons – 140 kilocalories;
  • vinaigrette with green peas– 72 kilocalories;
  • pea cutlets - 650 kilocalories.

Please note that calorie content is approximate, as variations in recipes may vary.

Should it be included in the diet when losing weight?

For those who are trying to lose weight, there is a pea diet, which involves replacing one meal with a dish made from this product (soup, puree or porridge). Of course, you should choose those recipes that require a minimum amount of calories in ready-made version. However, this does not mean that you can afford more with other foods. Pea porridge quickly fills you up, and it takes longer to digest, so the body receives useful substances and remains in a state of satiety for a long time. Peas also go well with fresh vegetables, which allows you to diversify the menu and make dishes healthier and tastier.

An important feature of this legume product is that during a diet, it helps the body get rid of excess fluid, thereby preventing swelling. Increasing metabolism is another merit of peas, thanks to which it helps speed up fat burning.

And it is not surprising that athletes often use green peas in their diet, charging their body with energy for a long time.

But it should be noted that the bean diet is contraindicated for people who are susceptible to diseases gastrointestinal tract, thrombophlebitis, diabetes, gout, kidney disease. And those who want to try a diet based on peas should know that they do not lose their properties in any form - canned or dry. But for better absorption, the beans must be soaked for 12–24 hours before cooking. This will neutralize phytic acid, which by its nature significantly reduces the benefits of the finished product.

You will learn more about peas in the following video.

One of the leading places among its fellows is occupied by pea porridge; the calorie content of this dish is quite low. In addition to this property, it quickly satisfies hunger and fills the body with invaluable microelements and vitamins. This product can be an excellent alternative for vegetarians, as it is very rich in protein. And, as you know, the body cannot do without it.

Composition and calorie content of pea puree

This unique guest on our table is famous for its high protein content. Due to its plant origin, it is very easily absorbed. This microelement performs a number of important functions in the life of the body:

  1. It is a “building material”. Takes part in the structure of cells, bone tissue, nails and hair. Protein (protein) promotes muscle mass gain.
  2. Acts as a “vehicle” for the delivery of important substances (oxygen, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) to any point in the body.
  3. An invaluable element for the production of antibodies.
  4. Provides energy to the body.

In addition to protein, pea porridge contains a high content of slow (complex) carbohydrates. Namely 17.7 g per 100 g of cooked dish. The property of this microelement is that this type of carbohydrate is absorbed slowly. And the blood constantly receives the glucose the body needs, which is very important for athletes.

Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger does not occur long time, despite the fact that the calorie content of pea porridge is only 90 kcal. This type of carbohydrate is also interesting because under its influence fats are burned much faster, and the body’s endurance increases.

Fiber must be added to the listed substances. Due to its coarse and hollow fibers, it helps people lose weight. At the same time, with extra pounds, it removes the remains of undigested food from the body and removes toxins.

The dish is rich in vitamins A, B and E, amino acids, and macroelements. They play an important role in the normal functioning of the entire body. In a word, this dish is a “storehouse” of many useful substances.

What are the benefits and harms of pea porridge?

In order to understand how pea puree affects our body, it is enough to list a number of facts:

  • The body receives a huge range of valuable substances that are easily absorbed.
  • A dish prepared with plain water normalizes blood pressure and helps patients fight atherosclerosis (blockage of blood vessels).
  • This is a vital product for athletes. Due to the high protein content, muscle mass grows very quickly.
  • Removes salts.
  • Has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin.
  • The condition of hair and nails improves significantly and stimulates their growth.
  • Accelerates the metabolic process.
  • An excellent assistant in the fight against pathological fatigue.
  • Improves the functioning of the immune system.
  • Removes toxins and stones from the body.
  • It gives people with poor vision a chance to improve it.
  • Eliminates the problem of constipation.
  • It has a diuretic property (removes excess fluid from the body).

As we can see, the list of positives is long. But even such a product, which is positive on one hand, has its drawbacks.


  1. Inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.
  2. Chronic or acute kidney diseases.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Gout.
  5. Circulatory disorders.
  6. The body's tendency to flatulence (bloating).
  7. Stomach ulcer.

Please note that pea puree is included in the diet of young children after 3 years of age. So, you will save your baby from unnecessary suffering, which will manifest itself in the form of bloating and pain in the abdomen.

Despite all the unpleasant moments, many people fell in love with this dish due to the fact that the calorie content of pea porridge is not so high (90 kcal per 100 g). Therefore, it is often given a special role in dietary nutrition.

How to calculate the calorie content of a dish

The nutritional value of porridge largely depends on what ingredients are added to it. To correctly calculate the number of calories, you need to know that peas cooked only in water contain 90 kcal per 100 g.

If you season this dish with butter, its calorie content will increase by the number of calories of this ingredient. Namely, the average nutritional value of oil per 100 g is 750 kcal. Therefore, we seasoned the porridge with 10 g of oil, add another 75 kcal to 90 kcal. As a result, we get 165 kcal per 100 g serving.

Love mashed potatoes with various vegetables. In this case, the calorie content of pea porridge is calculated in a similar way (taking into account the nutritional value of each ingredient).

Which version of porridge will be chosen is up to you. If you want to lose weight, give preference to a lower-calorie option. If you are underweight, consider another option. In any case, your body will only benefit, as it will receive a huge amount of useful substances from this dish.

Video recipe for pea porridge

Belonging to the legume family, peas are produced by drying shelled varieties, which are then soaked and then heat-treated to eliminate spoilage. Peas themselves contain few calories. nutritional value it consists of large quantities proteins.

The benefit of eating pea porridge is that it quickly replenishes the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Name Content Daily requirement %
Co (cobalt) 13.1 mcg 1.5
PP (niacin) 2.2 mg 8.8
K (potassium) 731 mg 36.55
Ca (calcium) 89 mg 8.9
Mg (magnesium) 88 mg 35
B1 (thiamine) 0.81 mg 54
B9 (folic acid) 16 mg 1.6
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.27 mg 13.5
Fe (iron) 6.8 mg 45
Cu (copper) 0.75 mg 50
B2 (riboflavin) 0.15 mg 13.5
Zn (zinc) 1 mg 10

Peas benefit athletes by replenishing protein reserves in the body, promoting muscle growth, and strengthening the immune system.

In addition, vegetable protein is much easier to digest by the body. The benefit of the plant is that it removes toxins from the intestines, promotes the healing of problematic and oily skin. The benefits of consuming boiled pea puree for diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic fatigue, various infectious diseases, and high blood pressure are known.

Is there any harm from peas? Yes, unfortunately, such porridge causes harm to some people due to individual intolerance. The harm of eating boiled peas in children under 3 years of age is bloating and colic. Peas are known to be harmful in some chronic diseases: acute renal failure, joint inflammation, cholecystitis, circulatory disorders, gastrointestinal and duodenal diseases. Harm for older people due to increased gas formation is also noted.

In order not to cause flatulence, it is recommended to eat dill and greens along with peas.

Calorie content

Pea porridge is quite small, but it satisfies hunger for a long time, helps normalize weight and strengthen the body during fasting and a strict diet.

Calorie content of dried peas in 100 grams of dry product

On the water

Pea porridge, the calorie content of which depends on the additives, takes quite a long time to prepare. Before cooking, you need to thoroughly rinse the peas in warm water. Then leave it in cold water to soak for several hours. The recipe is very simple, it is boiled in water, sometimes with the addition of spices.


Most often, pea porridge is cooked without milk, because it already contains enough proteins and fats. The calorie content of porridge is about 117 kcal/100 grams; if you need to reduce its calorie content, then add some water to the recipe.

With butter

Pea porridge with butter contains more calories. But it should be remembered that many valuable vitamins and microelements are better absorbed with oil, because they are fat-soluble. Energy value porridge with sunflower oil increases by 50 kcal/100 grams.

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is an affordable product that has long become traditional for many families. You can make delicious porridges and soups from it, while the calorie content of dishes made from it is very low, which makes this product attractive to people who adhere to weight loss diets. By eating peas, a person receives a complete replacement for many food products due to high content protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Let's look at the benefits of pea porridge in this article.

Pea porridge: calorie content and composition

The vegetable protein contained in peas is easily absorbed by the body, despite the fact that it is contained in large quantities in this product. Protein is important for the body, it is involved in the division and growth of body cells, helps to develop muscle tissue, delivers oxygen to all cells of our body and provides energy for normal life.

Pea porridge is useful for athletes to eat to build muscle mass. This is facilitated complex carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed and supply the body with the required amount of glucose. There are about 18 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of boiled porridge.. Fats burn faster under the influence of such carbohydrates, while a person feels stronger and more resilient.

Due to such a complex composition, after eating porridge the feeling of fullness does not leave the body for a long time. And this happens despite the fact that the dish has a very low calorie content. It is influenced by the composition of the dish. If only cereals and water were used for cooking, then the calorie content of 100 grams of such a finished dish will be 90 kcal.

Some people like to cook pea porridge with butter. It affects not only taste qualities porridge, but also on its calorie content. This means that the nutritional value of the porridge will be increased by the calorie content of the piece of butter that is added to it. 10 grams of butter contains approximately 75 kcal, so the overall nutritional value of the porridge will increase by the same number of calories and will be equal to 165 kcal.

You need to build your diet based on the goals you want to achieve. If you want to reset overweight, you need to choose less nutritious options for pea puree. If you want to increase body weight or build muscle mass, you can prepare a more nutritious version of the dish. Regardless of which option you choose, your body will receive enormous benefits from the product, enriched with vitamins, minerals and fiber, which will remove waste and toxins and help maintain a normal weight.

For prevention, it is useful to arrange for yourself fasting days and there is only pea puree. You won’t feel hungry; the dish contains enough solid fibers that give you a long-lasting feeling of fullness. You can eat vegetables or fruits for a snack. Such prevention will give you a feeling of lightness in the stomach and a good mood.

The benefits and harms of the dish

Pea puree has a huge amount useful properties. This is just a small list of why eating such a simple dish is healthy:

Even with a cold and sore throat, it is useful to eat pea porridge. It contains vitamins that will help you feel better and fight the virus.

If you suffer from frequent constipation, pea porridge is one of the first dishes that should be included in your diet. Digestion improves very quickly.

This dish has a lot of beneficial properties, but there are also contraindications. From its use in some people increased formation of gases in the intestines and heartburn may occur.

It is strictly contraindicated to eat pea porridge for people who have stomach problems. Kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, gout, heart disease - this is also a reason to refuse to use this product.

Recipes for making pea porridge

Before you start preparing pea porridge, the cereal must be thoroughly washed under running water and the bad grains must be separated. Usually, before cooking, the cereal is filled with water overnight or for several hours to reduce the cooking time. Thanks to this, beneficial substances will not be lost during the cooking process.

After soaking, the peas are placed in a pan and water is poured into them so that it covers the peas by 2.5-3 centimeters.

During the cooking process, you need to ensure that the water level is constant and add it. This will make the porridge richer, reduce its cooking time, and there will be no lumps in the dish, which everyone hates. When the porridge is ready, you need to grind it and add salt. This is the simplest and healthy recipe pea porridge with water, the calorie content of this dish is minimal. You can diversify a simple recipe by adding other ingredients, after calculating their nutritional value.

Most popular recipes:

  • Porridge with broth. It is necessary to soak the cereal for 2-3 hours before cooking, during which time prepare the broth that you like best: vegetable, chicken or meat. Pour the soaked cereal with broth and cook over low heat for an hour. After the peas have become soft and the water has been absorbed, add oil and spices to the porridge to taste.
  • Porridge with vegetables. To prepare it, you can use the previous recipe and add your favorite vegetables, such as carrots or onions. Before adding, you need to pour boiling water over them and cut into small pieces. This recipe is perfect for those who watch their diet, stick to a diet or exercise.

When creating your healthy dietary menu, you shouldn’t stop at just peas. Food should be varied, only then it will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure from food. You need to be especially careful about the diet of older people and children, in whom frequent consumption of peas can cause bloating and heartburn. It is recommended to eat pea porridge according to any of the above recipes 1-2 times a week; there is no need for more frequent consumption.

“Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless” - this is how the Slavs have long revered porridge. There are many things associated with this dish. folk customs: from rituals at the birth of a child, when it symbolized procreation, and to the symbol of a peace treaty between warring parties, when opponents cooked porridge together and ate it. Today, porridge is not given such sacred significance, but is viewed from the point of view of ordinary food.

And we, for the sake of time, will talk about pea porridge, its nutritional properties and in various ways preparations. So, pea porridge: benefits and harm.

Calorie content and composition of the dish

On our lands, peas began to be cultivated along with wheat and oats in the 11th century. And before that, primitive “vegetarians” feasted on it about ten thousand years ago somewhere in the vastness of northern Africa and southwest Asia. Today, peas are not grown except at the North Pole. What is the reason for the popularity of this inconspicuous-looking plant? And because peas are a very healthy and affordable product, rich in plant proteins, carbohydrates, natural saccharides and starch. By eating pea dishes, we replenish our body with energy, become more resistant to stress, and improve mental activity.

It's hard to believe that a small pea contains almost half of the table of chemical elements:

  • at the micro level - Fe (iron), Zn (zinc), Al (aluminum), V (vanadium), F (fluorine), Mo (molybdenum), Ni (nickel), Sr (strontium), Si (silicon), Ti ( titanium), B (boron), Mn (manganese), I (iodine), Cu (copper), Sn (tin), Se (selenium), Zr (zirconium), Ca (calcium);
  • at the macro level - Mg (magnesium), Na (sodium), Cl (chlorine), K (potassium), P (phosphorus), S (sulfur);
  • vitamin complex - beta-carotene, B1-B12, A, E, PP, H;
  • Diaminohexanoic acid (lysine).

The calorie content of boiled peas is the lowest among cereals, but at the same time it is twice as high as the nutritional value of boiled potatoes and is a worthy competitor to beef meat. So, one hundred grams of boiled peas contains:

  • 60 Kcal;
  • 6.0 g proteins;
  • 9.0 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.0 g fat.

Many people wonder how healthy pea porridge is? Let's figure it out. Considering chemical composition product, its benefits for the body are undeniable. Firstly, protein, nothing living can do without it, because it is the building material of organic cells.

Secondly, vitamins. Thus, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps rejuvenate the body and remove free radicals from it, which reduces the risk of cancer. The water-soluble group of vitamins B1-B12 normalizes work nervous system, improves blood composition, reduces nicotine content in smokers. Vitamin A improves vision and reduces the body's susceptibility to infectious diseases. And, of course, iron is our hemoglobin.

It is impossible to overestimate the health benefits of the minerals contained in pea porridge. The range of their effects on the body is quite wide:

  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • improvement of cardiac activity;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • prevention of heart attack and hypertension.

Amino acids will help relieve fatigue, even chronic fatigue, prevent herpes, and normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system.

By periodically including pea porridge in your menu, you help cleanse the body of toxins and waste substances. And for patients with asthma, diabetes, tuberculosis, this dish should become one of their regular dishes.

And, by the way, regarding increased flatulence from peas: if you cook it well into a puree, then, on the contrary, it will help solve this problem, simultaneously dealing with indigestion, heartburn and constipation. If you don’t like overcooked peas, then to eliminate the meteoric effect, add carrots to the pea dish and eat the porridge with bread.

Who shouldn't eat pea porridge?

Pea porridge is contraindicated for people with the following diagnoses:

  • acute form of pancreatitis;
  • gout;
  • acute form of nephritis;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • exacerbation of heart disease.

Read also:

Pea porridge in a slow cooker: recipes with photos

For those who were tempted and decided to try piping hot pea porridge, we have stocked up a couple of recipes for preparing this fabulous healthy dish in a slow cooker. Why a slow cooker? Because, unlike using a regular pan, we eliminate the risk of the porridge burning, and the finished dish will be tender and airy.

Classic recipe


  • dry shelled peas - 450-500 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • butter (you can’t spoil porridge with butter);
  • salt - to taste.


Healthy porridge with stewed vegetables


  • dry peas - 230 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, ground black pepper.
