This article is a short, to-the-point guide to protein powders with no unnecessary facts or fluff! After reading it, you will become a real expert and will amaze your friends by always answering questions with confidence about which protein is best for gaining weight. muscle mass.

So what do you really need to know about protein powders? As a newbie to bodybuilding, you naturally want to know the answers to the most important questions. At the end of the article you will find information on which protein is best to buy from domestic and foreign producers.

Do you need protein powders? Do they really work? How much should I take? Which one to choose? Which one is the best? And finally, how soon will you start attracting the attention of the opposite sex?

This article is not intended for those who want to learn about ion exchange, genetic mutations, isotope-labeled protein tracers... and all that. This article clearly describes the basics of using protein powders without the unnecessary hype and confusion that usually accompanies the description of any sports nutrition. By the time you finish reading this article, you will become a real expert in this matter and surprise your friends on your next trip to the sports nutrition store. No more hours of wandering around the shops!

Is Protein Powder Really Necessary to Gain Muscle?

Protein supplementation is not an absolute requirement for gaining weight. It is unlikely that you will meet a person who can consume 400 grams of protein per day from their regular diet. If you need to get more than 200 grams of protein per day, using protein powder will make your life a lot easier.

Additionally, protein powders and meal replacement drinks tend to be more cost-effective than conventional products. Don't get me wrong - protein powders are still just a dietary supplement. Let us emphasize once again: the focus of any diet should be food. Natural products are preferable because they contain a full range of nutrients that powders do not.

The bulk of dietary protein should come from meat, fish, poultry and eggs. However, getting all your protein from food isn't always practical or convenient, especially if you have to eat 6 or more meals a day to get enough. Please note that for optimal results, you should limit your intake of protein shakes to a maximum of three times per day or 40% of your daily food intake.

Remember that food and dietary supplements must provide optimal nutrient intake, including adequate protein. Most of those reading this article do not have a personal chef at home who would select for you diet food. And don't make the fatal mistake of thinking that protein powders can replace hard training and proper nutrition.

“Remember that food and dietary supplements must provide optimal nutrient intake, including adequate protein.”

Do Protein Powders Really Work? Are they harmful to health?

The most frequently asked question is: “Will protein powder actually help me gain muscle or is it a scam?” A better question is: “Does protein really work?” The obvious answer is yes.

Protein is made up of individual "blocks" called amino acids, which perform a variety of functions in the body. For example, they are responsible for the synthesis of muscle fibers and maintaining muscle health while following a diet and constant physical activity.

Protein functions:

  • Participates in the production of red blood cells.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • Maintains healthy hair, nails and skin.

However, not all protein powders are created equal, and it's important to note that not all protein powders are as safe as they say on the packaging. Unfortunately, most protein powders are full of harmful ingredients such as artificial colors, fructose, saccharin and aspartame. Buy protein powders with natural ingredients rather than those that contain chemical sweeteners and other substances that do not promote muscle growth and fat loss.

You are harming your health when you consume low-quality smoothies with refined and processed carbohydrates (such as brown rice syrup, sucrose or fructose). Before purchasing, make sure that the manufacturing company is committed to keeping you healthy. Unfortunately, the production of low-quality, but cheaper products will continue because there is a demand for them among bodybuilders. So look for unbiased reviews, research the company's history and reputation. And only then make a decision!

Another criterion for the quality of a protein product is ease of preparation. Most protein powders can easily be turned into a shake even with just stirring with a regular spoon. But the proof of true quality is the lack of taste - this is an inevitable sacrifice to maintain the safety and usefulness of the powder. Once all artificial chemical sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose) and simple sugars are removed from the product, it loses its taste and may even be bitter.

How to take protein to gain muscle mass?

How much protein powder should you consume?

A better question is: “How much pure protein do I need to achieve such-and-such?”

Protein is an extremely important macronutrient that needs to be consumed frequently throughout the day. The average amount of protein needed is 2 to 3 grams of protein per 500 grams of muscle mass. This means that if you weigh 75 kg and have 10% body fat (75 x 0.10 = 7.5 kg fat, about 67.5 kg lean muscle mass), then you need between 135 and 200 grams of protein per day.

Protein powder can be used primarily to make shakes that you drink before, during, or after a workout. Liquid food product It is preferable to consume at this time because it has a higher absorption rate. You should not replace protein powder with more than two meals a day. Here's what your typical day might look like:

  • First meal (breakfast) – regular food
  • Second meal (mid-morning) – liquid protein food
  • Third meal (lunch) – regular food
  • Fourth meal (mid-day) – regular food
  • Fifth meal (before and after training) – liquid protein food
  • Sixth meal (dinner) – regular food
  • Seventh meal (before bedtime) – regular food

Which protein to choose to gain muscle mass?

Before you make your final decision, check out these short descriptions to help you understand the different protein powders.

Whey protein

Whey protein makes up 20% of milk protein. Whey is an excellent, quickly absorbed source of protein with an excellent amino acid profile, high content cysteine ​​and a mixture of peptides. Since it is absorbed very quickly, the best time to use it is before/during training or immediately after it. It is great when you need a lot of energy and when your body is in an anabolic state.


Casein makes up 80% of milk protein. Casein also has an excellent amino acid profile and an excellent blend of peptides, but it is slow to digest. Since casein releases slowly into the bloodstream, it should not be used during or after workouts - this is when you need a “fast” protein. Casein can be used in all other cases.

Soy protein

“It is best to avoid soy protein altogether and consume the other types of protein listed in the article.”

Soy protein is the most controversial of all protein types. Fans of soy products believe that soy products have an almost magical effect on the human body. But there is also a large body of research that shows that soy protein can be harmful in many situations. Because of this confusion, it is best to avoid soy protein altogether and consume other proteins.

Protein mixtures

Protein blends are typically a combination of several types of proteins, such as a mixture of whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, egg white, casein and soy protein. Why is the mixture better? You get a full spectrum of proteins that have varying degrees of absorption. The mixture creates an anabolic environment thanks to whey protein and provides an anti-catabolic effect thanks to casein. Use them at any time of the day, but NOT before or after a workout.

Whey hydrolysates

Whey hydrolyzate (also known as hydrolyzed whey protein or peptide blend) is the most powerful protein and is the fastest absorbed; This is the best form of protein since your body prefers peptides over whole protein. Hydrolysates are produced at very low temperatures, low acidity conditions and mild enzymatic filtration (so they are full of essential and branched chain amino acids). They potentially promote short-term protein synthesis before and after exercise.

Which is better: whey protein or whey isolate?

Most whey protein powders on store shelves are made from whey protein concentrate mixed with a small amount of whey isolate. When comparing the two, isolate is more expensive than whey protein concentrate because it is higher quality (purer) and has a higher biological value. Whey protein isolate contains more protein, less fat and lactose per serving. High quality isolate contains 90-98% whey protein, while concentrates contain around 70-85% protein. Whey protein isolate contains the highest amount of protein found in milk. Due to its chemical structure, it is most easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Obviously, a supplement with a high concentration of protein isolate would be the preferred choice. However, this is an individual decision because isolate is more expensive and just because it is purer does not guarantee that you will get bigger muscles. It can't justify the extra cost.

So what's the bottom line? Which one to choose?

Pre- and post-workout use of whey hydrolyzate will likely not be sufficient to affect protein synthesis. As mentioned, whey isolate is an extremely high quality whey protein. For best anabolism, isolates should be combined with whey hydrolysates only before or after training. A small amount of whey concentrates in your diet won't hurt you, but they shouldn't be your number one ingredient.

If you need a powder to support your muscles during growth and recovery (any time other than training), use protein blends. You'll get a full spectrum of proteins with at different speeds suction. In addition, you will maintain an anabolic state with whey protein, and casein will counteract catabolism.

Which protein is best among domestic producers?

When you choose the right nutrition for muscle growth, it is very great value has protein. More precisely, its quantity and amino acid composition. When buying protein to gain muscle mass, it’s hard to say which one is better, from the point of view of muscle growth. Any quality protein works well for this purpose. But you will find out which one is better in the video below. You will learn the results of analyzes of domestic proteins: Pureprotein, Rline, RPS, Atech, KingProtein, Geneticlab, Academy T.

Which protein is best among imported manufacturers?

An analysis of foreign proteins was carried out here: MyProtein, Dymatize, Arnold, Mex, Universal, San, Ostrovit, Syntrax. All the results are presented in the video; based on the information received, you can conclude which brand of protein is best to buy.


We hope this article has introduced you to the basics of using protein powders and empowered you to make your own decisions when shopping at sports nutrition stores. Now you can ask the seller exactly what you are looking for, and not remain indifferent to the jars on the shelves without a hint from a consultant!

Oh yes, protein powder will also help you lose weight and gain success with the opposite sex. But he won't do it in an "ultra-short period of time" without appropriate adjustments to his diet and lifestyle.

Based on materials:

To gain muscle mass, girls and men cannot do without the most important element in nutrition - protein. Thanks to protein, it ensures the construction of muscle tissue. Since the protein is made from food grade raw materials, its compatibility with human body is not in doubt.

There are a large number of various types product – slow and complex proteins, isolates and concentrates. Some types of protein can help girls get rid of excess weight, for beginners, nutrition has been developed that increases strength and endurance. To figure out which protein is better, it’s worth considering its types in detail and giving a rating. best proteins 2017.

Types of protein

Protein intake promotes intensive growth of muscle mass and the effect of its consumption directly depends on the type of product consumed. Numerous scientific studies have proven that the better and faster the protein is absorbed in gastrointestinal tract, the more intense muscle growth will be. To gain muscle mass, whey proteins are mainly used, which have several forms:

  • Whey isolate– the purest protein, practically free of impurities. It restores energy and muscle condition as quickly as possible, while in a short time it is completely absorbed by the body, which contributes to intense muscle growth. Accordingly, the price of isolates is very high.
  • Whey concentrate. The production of this protein is not complicated, and therefore the degree of purification of the product is not maximum. The concentrate may contain impurities up to 40-50% of the total mass of the product. At the same time, the anabolic properties are preserved, and the price of concentrates is low.
  • Hydrolyzate. To increase the rate of product absorption, during the production of hydrolyzate, the protein is partially fermented. At the same time, the body does not spend time breaking down protein, instantly assimilates it and increases the anabolic properties of the product. The price for hydrolyzate is usually the highest.

Based on the substance on which the protein is produced, it can be:

  • egg;
  • whey;
  • casein;
  • soy;
  • collagen.

Egg white has the highest degree of absorption, and whey isolate has the highest rate of breakdown.

Casein protein is suitable for long-term energy supply to the body. This type of protein has a complex composition and is produced by enzymatic milk curdling. Casein protein, when entering the body, forms a protein mass, the digestion of which takes a lot of time.

Thus, casein protein provides the body with amino acids for a long period and suppresses appetite. However, the anabolic properties of casein protein are significantly lower than other types of protein.

Soy protein is the most popular among girls, as it promotes weight loss, and this protein also has a positive effect on the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Collagen protein is often used as an additive to basic protein mixtures; it has a positive effect on the skin, ligaments and joints.

Protein rating 2017

For gaining muscle mass, whey protein is considered the best protein. Regardless of whether it is produced from a concentrate or is a pure isolate, its absorption rate is the highest and the anabolic response, accordingly, is the strongest.

Casein protein and mixtures of fast and slow proteins are certainly inferior to whey protein in terms of efficiency in terms of muscle growth.

So, TOP 5 best proteins in 2017:

  1. Whey Gold Standard Optimum 100%. Over the past years, this sports nutrition has been at the top of the list of the best proteins and this year it ranks top line ranking, winning the title of best protein. The quality and effect of the product are indisputable, however, due to the high popularity of these whey isolates and concentrates, their prices are high - you will have to pay an average of 2,000 rubles per kilogram of the mixture.
  2. Syntrax Matrix– a complex protein with an excellent price-quality ratio. It not only promotes muscle growth, but also improves immunity and has a pleasant taste. Its average cost is 1,500 rubles per kilogram of product.
  3. MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Performance Series– isolate, protein concentrate and creatine in this sports nutrition guarantee rapid muscle growth and place it in third place in the top of the best proteins of 2017. The cost of protein is on average 3,500 rubles per kilogram.
  4. Syntha-6 from BSN– a mixture of whey and casein proteins, recognized as one of the best proteins in the world. It helps reduce catabolism, fuels the body with amino acids throughout the day and has a pleasant taste. The average price is 1800 rubles per kilogram.
  5. Elite Whey Protein by Dymatize– an excellent protein for gaining muscle mass. It contains practically no sugars, however, it has a pleasant taste. The isolate obtained through ion exchange promotes intensive growth of muscle mass. The cost of the product is on average 1900 rubles per kilogram.
  6. The rating took into account both the price-quality ratio and positive customer reviews. Whey Gold Standard Optimum 100% was recognized as the best whey protein, however, the rating did not include the best casein protein, which also promotes muscle growth, this is 100% Casein Protein from Optimum Nutrition.

    Protein for weight loss and mixtures for beginners

    Girls are more likely not interested in gaining muscle mass, but in the possibility of losing excess weight.

    Protein shakes, in combination with training, have a positive effect on weight, helping to get rid of excess weight. Along with the growth of muscle mass, the fat tissue index decreases. However, those proteins that are suitable for girls are those that do not contain fats and carbohydrates, but contain pure protein. This is what will help you lose weight.

    When taking it, it should be alternated with the main meal; girls are advised to eat small portions.

    In addition to pure whey protein, soy and casein proteins will also be useful for girls; they help burn fat, slowing down the digestion process and dulling appetite. Soy protein cocktails are recommended for girls before training, and it is better to drink casein at night.

    For beginners, the best proteins are also whey isolates; they increase the endurance of muscle mass and fuel the body with energy. But due to the fact that this sports nutrition is quite expensive, beginner athletes may be suitable for less expensive products such as Elite 12 Hour Protein from Dymatize or Syntha-6 from BSN.

Wanting to be healthy and physically developed, most people include not only exercise in their daily routine, but also review their own eating habits. Regular food cannot always provide the body of a person who has begun to actively train with the necessary amount of nutrients and valuable substances. The deficiency can be covered by taking various supplements, among which whey protein is the most popular.

It is quite difficult for a person who has never exercised regularly to navigate the variety of special foods and make a choice in favor of a specific product. Not everyone understands why to use such supplements, what they are, and what benefits they bring. To understand this issue, it is necessary to study the composition and effect of this sports nutrition on the body of someone who is engaged in both gym, and at home.

This is a sports nutrition that contains protein. It is extracted from the whey by filtration and then dried. This nutrient contains special amino acids. When they enter the digestive system, they contribute to the restoration of various tissues.

There are twelve amino acids in total. They are divided into replaceable and irreplaceable. The former are synthesized in the body, while the latter can come exclusively from the outside, that is, with food. A protein that contains all eight essential amino acids is complete. Whey protein contains exactly this. Complete protein is included in fish, meat, eggs, and dairy products.

The high demand and popularity of whey protein is due to the safety and health benefits of the supplement. This type of sports nutrition is perfect for those who set out to gain weight.

The benefits of the supplement are as follows:

  • amino acids included in the composition are building materials for maintaining and increasing muscle mass;
  • stimulates the production of insulin, which exhibits excellent anabolic effects;
  • reduces the synthesis of cortisol, adrenaline and other hormones that have a destructive effect on muscle tissue;
  • Provides the necessary boost of energy during training.

Due to these four important properties, whey protein is consumed by many people who include sports in their daily schedule.

The value of whey protein is not limited to its benefits for achieving specific athletic goals. Of course, the supplement is most often taken to gain muscle mass or lose weight, but it also has other positive effects. Regular consumption of whey protein strengthens the body's protective functions and increases the concentration of glutathione, one of the most important antioxidants for the body.

For people who actively exercise, the supplement makes their muscles more powerful. Taking whey protein at the end of each workout helps muscle fibers and tissues recover faster. In addition, complete proteins reduce both neutral fat and “bad” cholesterol. The main thing is to observe moderation.

Uncontrolled and improper intake of protein can negatively affect the state of the cardiovascular system. People with kidney problems are not recommended to take this supplement. Protein compounds are broken down under the influence of enzymes.

The more protein that enters the digestive system, the more enzymes are required. If enzymes are present in insufficient quantities, there is a high likelihood of developing flatulence and pain. This explains the fact that these enzymes are present in high-quality whey proteins.

You should not start taking sports nutrition without first consulting a specialist. This applies to absolutely any supplement, including whey protein.

Today, many companies produce whey protein. They differ in both cost and composition. Each variety has its own characteristic properties. They must be taken into account. Therefore, when deciding to introduce this or that additive into your diet, you should first become more familiar with the features of the product. When choosing a protein, be sure to take into account whether it contains lactose, flavorings, sweeteners, fats, and how much protein it contains.

Whey protein is divided into four types. Classification depends on protein processing and filtration. Consequently, its percentage is determined by the type of additive:

  1. Concentrate. Contains the least protein, which averages about 55-89%. The rest of the composition is represented by various beneficial peptides, fats, and lactose. Its cost is usually lower than other varieties.
  2. Isolate. Contains about 90% protein. The concentration of lactose and fats is minimal. The supplement is distinguished by its high content of useful substances. The cost of this sports nutrition is much higher than the concentrate.
  3. Hydrolyzate. It consists almost entirely of protein (99%), which is an undeniable advantage and makes the supplement expensive. It has only one drawback - the taste is not very pleasant.
  4. Whey multi-component protein. Obtained by mixing concentrate with isolate. The exact percentage depends on the manufacturer. Along with protein, it contains vitamins and microelements.

Often, a person who starts using whey protein experiences problems with the digestive system. This reaction is based on the characteristics of the body. This is due to the fact that the additive contains lactose. Its processing requires lactase, a special enzyme, the production of which in the body stops between the ages of 15 and 20 years.

Thus, by diluting the mixture with milk, a highly concentrated portion of lactose is obtained. And if, when drinking a glass of milk, a person usually does not have any digestive problems, then together with a complete protein they may arise. Therefore, when purchasing a supplement, you should always pay attention to the lactose content. It is completely absent in the isolate. This explains the better absorption of this supplement. The combination of concentrate and isolate is well tolerated. There are exceptions, but quite rarely.

Biologically active substances in large quantities are present in the concentrate, and small amounts in the isolate. They are completely absent from the hydrolyzate. In addition to protein, protein mixtures contain minerals, immunoglobulin, and vitamins.

The required amount of the mixture is diluted either in low-fat milk or in water. Mix everything thoroughly with a shaker. Do not use hot water. It causes the protein to simply fold. The regimen for taking the supplement is completely determined by the goal that a person sets for himself:

For gaining muscle mass

To increase volume, for every kilogram of your own weight per day you need to consume at least two grams of protein. This amount of protein is quite difficult to obtain from simple products, that's why they take the supplement.

It is best to consume protein half an hour before class. This time is enough for its full assimilation. There is no clear opinion on taking the supplement after training. However, given that the loads do not allow digestive system work one hundred percent, you should understand that the body is simply not able to immediately absorb complete protein.

The isolate can be drunk 30-60 minutes after completing classes. Immediately after the end of the workout, it is permissible to take only hydrolyzate.

Whey protein should be treated as a nutritional supplement, not a weight loss aid. This sports nutrition for weight loss should be taken as a replacement for the main meal. It's best to drink protein shake instead of dinner or before meals, but significantly reducing the subsequent portion of food.

Those who want to lose weight should also avoid the concentrate during the drying period. It contains carbohydrates and fats. The hydrolyzate is absorbed too quickly, causing a surge in insulin, which awakens the appetite. An ideal choice will become an isolate.

It is not advisable to take the supplement as a supplement to the main diet, as this will lead to weight gain due to:

  • enhancing the production of insulin, which can convert glucose into fat;
  • calorie content, which is quite high even in one serving of a protein shake;
  • reducing the production of hormones that help break down fat deposits.

It is also not possible to switch exclusively to whey protein, replacing whole foods with the supplement. It's bad for your health.

People who are gaining weight or losing weight should not take more than 30 grams of protein at a time. This amount is simply not digestible. You should drink the cocktail three to five times a day. The first dose must be taken shortly after waking up, which allows you to gain strength, energy, and protect your muscles from catabolism.

Whey protein is not the only source of complete protein. Its amount in meat protein reaches 18%. It is impossible to completely switch to such food, since almost a third of it is fat. Trying to get protein solely from one food will not be beneficial. You need to eat balanced. It is recommended to consume not only meat, but also cereals, as well as eggs (one contains 10 grams of protein). Protein shakes are taken to compensate for protein deficiency.

How much does whey protein cost?

The price is determined by the degree of purification, quality of taste, and brand. The cost does not always correspond to the quality, since sometimes you have to overpay for a well-known name of the manufacturer. The range of tastes also plays a significant role. On average, a kilogram package will cost between $24-26. If the cost is too low, then the likelihood that the quality matches the price is high.

The easiest way to avoid mistakes is when purchasing protein food supplement, if you go by the ranking of the best:

  • 100% Whey Gold Standard. This protein from Optimum contains special peptides derived from whey that accelerate the action of the protein. Thanks to this, the supplement not only mixes perfectly into a cocktail, but is also easily absorbed.
  • Zero Carb. Manufactured by VPX Sports, it contains virtually no carbohydrates and fats, is quickly processed, comes in a wide variety of flavors, but is expensive.
  • Syntha-6. Multicomponent mixture from BSN, which has a pleasant taste and does not cause any side effects, does not form precipitation.
  • Elite Whey Protein. Dymataze offers whey protein in not only familiar but also exotic flavors. The supplement contains enzymes, and you don’t even need a shaker to make a cocktail.
  • 100% Prostar Whey Protein. Mixes easily. Rich in amino acids. It has a pleasant taste.

It is important to consider not only useful qualities and the value of whey protein, but also what harm it can cause if you abuse the supplement or choose a low-quality product. Having fully studied the rules of intake, depending on the goals, playing sports both for weight loss and weight gain, it is important to follow all the recommendations, and complete protein will definitely work in the direction that a person needs.

Today's sports nutrition market offers thousands of different sports supplements that help athletes achieve their goals. If you want to lose weight, no problem, buy fat burners and go to training. If you want to increase strength, that’s also not a question; take creatine for a month and you can already bench press 5-10 kg more. All sports supplements are in demand to varying degrees, but the most popular product is a protein shake. We have already talked about, now it’s time to talk about the best protein for gaining muscle mass.

Taking protein complexes gives the athlete the following effects:

  • The growth of muscle mass and strength indicators accelerates;
  • The percentage of fat mass in the athlete’s body decreases;
  • Catabolism is suppressed;
  • The processes of recovery and regeneration are better.

Today, most professional athletes believe that using sports nutrition can quickly achieve their sports goals. Modern supplements are of very high quality, moreover, they have a balanced composition that cannot be obtained from regular food.

Protein is a building material for muscles; without it, muscle growth is impossible in principle. Of course, we can get protein from regular food, but regular food takes a very long time to digest and is inconvenient to consume during and immediately after training. Protein is quickly absorbed, its preparation does not take more than 2 minutes, moreover, protein shakes have a balanced amino acid composition, which is very important if you want to build muscle mass.

Protein is an additional source of energy, which is very important after training. The amino acids that protein gives us help increase the concentration of insulin and growth hormone, which in turn stimulates the growth of muscles and bones. At the same time, insulin and amino acids have an anti-catabolic effect.

What type of protein is best for gaining weight?

The best protein for gaining muscle mass is, of course, whey protein. This type of protein has high biological value, rapid absorption rate and high-quality amino acid composition. Whey protein complexes come first when we're talking about about gaining weight. You can also take other types of protein:

Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that the best proteins for gaining weight are whey and casein. The first one should be taken before and after training, as well as between meals, while casein should be taken only before bed. The size of portions is calculated based on the needs of the athlete, his weight, diet, etc.

Rating of the best proteins for gaining muscle mass

Some of the best whey proteins for gaining muscle mass are:

  • Elite Whey Protein by Dymatize;

If we talk about casein proteins, the favorites are:

  • 100% Casein by Dymatize;
  • Prostar 100% Casein Protein from Ultimate Nutrition.

So we talked about which protein is best for gaining weight. Remember that sports supplements are only an addition to the main diet, which should consist of high-quality animal proteins (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs), complex carbohydrates(rice, buckwheat, pasta, various cereals) and healthy fats (). Also, do not forget that for normal functioning we need vitamins and minerals, so your diet should include different vegetables and fruits every day.

Whey protein is used in sports nutrition. It has been proven experimentally and in practice that it affects the growth of new cells and muscle mass gain. The second purpose is for weight loss (“drying” the body). It also restores athletes’ strength after tiring training, endurance, and strengthens the immune system. The biological supplement is recommended to maintain health levels for those who do not “light up the Olympic stars.” For each category, the norms and time of consumption of biological additives are determined.

What is whey protein?

Biochemists obtained a substance with a “pure” protein content from whey, a residual product after the preparation of cheeses. Over the course of evolution, the protein content of whey protein has increased from 50 to 99 percent. For comparison: in chicken meat contains up to 20 percent protein. To get the average daily requirement of building material (130 -150 grams of protein), an athlete must eat 5 - 10 servings of chicken. At the same time, it is “burdened” with fat: per gram of protein there are 0.7 grams of fat.

Whey protein is free of fats, peptides, lactose, and creates a nitrogen balance that stimulates anabolism and muscle growth. It belongs to the “fast” proteins: it instantly saturates cells with protein with essential amino acids:

  • tryptophan;
  • leucine;
  • isoleucine;
  • lysine;
  • tyrosine;
  • cystine;
  • valine;
  • methionine;
  • threonine;
  • phenylalanine.

Types of Whey Protein

Using technological methods, three types of biological additives were obtained:

  1. Concentrated whey protein contains 50-60 percent protein. Contains fats and lactose. Calorie product. Sports trainers It is recommended to take the concentrate for bodybuilding beginners. The body absorbs a pleasant (with different tastes) biological additive in an hour and a half.
  2. Isolate is at the top of protein products: in 100 grams of the supplement, 90 grams are protein. It contains residual amounts of fats and peptides. The body copes with the breakdown of whey isolate in half an hour.
  3. Hydroisolate is a concentrated “storage” of protein: 99 per 100 grams. The “mono” composition of the hydroisolate is tasteless, but is absorbed in 10-15 minutes.

Now that you know the structure of the three types of whey protein and the breakdown time, let's create a schedule for taking the dietary supplement.

Time of administration and dose

To take protein, calculate the daily biorhythms and biochemical processes occurring in the body in the morning, afternoon and evening. Correction factor apply on days of training and sports competitions.

Remember: the rule “more is better” does not apply when taking whey protein. The daily norm for athletes is calculated by a sports doctor together with a nutritionist. They take into account the amount of natural proteins from the food of the daily diet, add concentrate at a general calculation: 2 grams per kilogram of the bodybuilder’s weight. For healthy eating non-athletes use a different formula. When compiling it, the nutritionist relies on the age, gender, and constitution of the patient.

Morning reception

During 8 hours of sleep, you do not receive food; the body uses evening energy reserves in the form of amino acids (the process of destruction of muscle tissue) and glycogen from the liver. At the same time, muscle tissue is catabolized due to the steroid hormone cortisol. By destroying muscles, it pushes the body to deposit fat. To remove destructive processes, take a “fast” protein shake in the morning. IN morning reception nutritionists advise having breakfast with a portion of whey protein hydrolyzate.

Destructive forces do not affect muscle tissue, having received a dose of useful biological additives.

During the day

The time is coming to harmonize metabolic processes. Protein will benefit from a balanced amino acid metabolism. In between meals, athletes are prescribed by their doctor to eat one or two servings of concentrated whey protein. This rule applies to training days. In between sports, take a “slow” protein – casein. It gradually supplies the muscles with building material without peak loads.

Before training and after exercise

90 minutes before bodybuilding activities, a sports doctor recommends taking the concentrate. If you don’t have time, drink a whey isolate mixture half an hour before going to the shells. Such preparation (saturation of muscles with amino acids) will provide the body with building materials, preventing it from using up muscle fibers. This way you will avoid muscle catabolism.

The tiring workout is over, the body is adjusted to further intake of protein supplements. He has reasons for this: the loads have reduced the level of amino acids, glycogen, and blood sugar. Urgent help for amino acid balance is to take whey hydroisolate. It takes 60 minutes to restore lost energy. Then you have dinner, giving preference to dairy products, fish, and lean meats.

For bedtime

To stay in shape, athletes take a protein shake from a mixture of “slow” and “fast” proteins before bed. Complex intake maintains a stable level of amino acids for 7-8 hours without food.

Whey protein during drying

Sports doctors and “advanced” weightlifters advise taking whey protein when working “for relief”, when “drying” the body.

They use the following algorithm:

  1. Morning “stop signal” for catabolic processes: one scoop of whey protein.
  2. Daily maintenance norm: reduction in the total calorie content of food, one or two servings of whey concentrate.
  3. Training cocktail: one hour before exercise and for 90 minutes after training.
  4. Combating night catabolism: a complex cocktail or.

Tasty and healthy

Those who are forced to fuel their muscles with protein mixtures for months note the cloying taste of protein supplements. To make the meal not only useful, but also enjoyable, nutritionists recommend mixing fruits and vegetables in a blender. Add honey, nuts, cinnamon, lemon balm with one dose of protein supplement.

Note that these are additional calories. People who want to lose weight cannot afford such variety. For them - an oatmeal shake that replaces a meal. The complex includes carbohydrates, a bit of fat, and a double portion of protein.

Complete breakfast ingredients:

  • boiled oatmeal;
  • cinnamon;
  • apple;
  • almond;
  • 2 servings of protein;
  • milk.

One recipe given. Change each ingredient, except whey, based on your own preferences.


Proper intake of whey protein at certain times of the day is a dietary strategy for increasing muscle mass and increasing strength. Strength training maintains the effect in healthy people.

How to take whey protein for weight gain (video)