03 May 2012

Nutrition for the elderly

Nina SAMOKHINA, doctor of the highest category
Magazine “60 years is not an age”

A decent old age, not even old age, but active longevity, largely depends on the elderly, on ourselves. The happiness of “second youth” does not come on its own; you need to fight for it, radically changing your mentality, habits and preferences, and above all in your diet.

Let's count calories

According to the director of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.A. Tutelyan, the main factor causing irreparable harm to health is “violation of the nutritional structure.” In other words, fasting or overeating, inadequate, unbalanced nutrition in terms of the ratio of essential nutrients has the most significant impact on the development of diseases and on the aging process of the human body.

At the age of 50-60 years, our body undergoes serious changes. First of all, metabolic activity sharply decreases, the functioning of enzymatic systems decreases, secretory and motor functions weaken gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). Due to a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes and limited physical activity, the body's need for energy decreases with age. On average, the caloric content (energy value) of the diet at 60-69 and 70-80 years old should be 85 and 75%, respectively, of the caloric value of the diet at 20-30 years old.

In addition, at any age, especially in old age, it is very important to maintain a correspondence between energy expenditure and the energy value of the food consumed: how many calories we consume, how many we must spend.

Currently, scientists have proven that a diet limited in calorie content, but complete in the content of all essential nutrients, not only significantly increases life expectancy, but also improves its quality. The table shows the norms of physiological needs for energy and some essential substances, taking into account age.

Daily norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients
for elderly and senile people



over 75 years

over 75 years

Energy, kcal

Proteins, g

Animal proteins, g

Fats, g

Carbohydrates, g


Calcium, mg

Phosphorus, mg

Magnesium, mg

Iron, mg

Manganese*, mg

Chromium*, µg

Molybdenum*, µg

*Safe consumption levels.




over 75 years

over 75 years

A, mcg ret. eq

Folate mcg

The main indicator of maintaining the body’s energy balance is normal weight. Normally, waist size in women of any age should be no more than 80-85 cm, in men – 90-95 cm. The most dangerous obesity for health is the so-called abdominal obesity, which is characterized by an increase in abdominal volume. This is the direct road to diabetes mellitus Type 2, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Therefore (and all doctors call for this!) if you want to live long, limit the amount of food in your diet. simple carbohydrates: white bread, confectionery products made from premium flour, sugar, cereals instant cooking, any sugary drinks, and also reduce the proportion of fats - both animal and vegetable.

For clarity, I will give the calorie content of some products:

100 g of white bread – 231 kilocalories (kcal),
100 g of bun – 308 kcal,
150 g of potatoes fried in oil – 240 kcal,
one serving of hamburger – 576 kcal,
150 g pork chop – 540 kcal,
15 g butter – 110 kcal,
20 g vegetable oil– 179 kcal.

Thus, the nutrition of older people should, on the one hand, be limited in calorie content, and on the other, complete in the content of essential amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.

Complex digestive mechanism

Now let's get acquainted with how digestion occurs in the body and how age affects it.

Each section of the gastrointestinal tract has its own specific functions.

IN oral cavity food is mechanically crushed and processed by salivary enzymes. This is where the initial breakdown of carbohydrates occurs. Salivary enzymes (amylase, maltase) can break down starch into glucose.

This is easy to verify: if you chew a piece of bread thoroughly, you can feel the sweet taste in your mouth. Glucose is already absorbed into the blood in the oral cavity, which is a signal for the brain structures that control appetite and human eating behavior. Therefore, thoroughly chewing food, especially carbohydrate foods, promotes rapid saturation with less quantity.

The functioning of other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach, depends on how thoroughly food is processed in the oral cavity. First of all, this is a reliable prevention of chronic gastritis. All gastritis comes from childhood, when mothers, while feeding their baby, say: “Swallow quickly, why are you holding porridge in your mouth!” Try chewing your food thoroughly for two weeks, and it is likely that many of your gastrointestinal problems will disappear.

Unfortunately, even with their own teeth, not to mention dentures, the function of biting and chewing is often impaired in older people. A meat grinder or blender can help. To make hard foods easier to chew, they are first crushed. In this case, they mix well with saliva in the mouth, after which they are sent to the stomach.

In the stomach, under the influence of acidic gastric juice, proteins are digested. The glands of the stomach secrete enzymes that break down proteins, the most important of which are pepsin and chymosin, as well as hydrochloric acid and mucus.

Hydrochloric acid has an antibacterial effect, creates optimal conditions for the action of pepsins, causes swelling of the food mass, increases the permeability of cellular structures and thereby favors subsequent food processing. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, calcium and iron salts are transformed into a form in which they can be easily absorbed in the intestines. That is, it is carried out in the stomach initial stage digestion of proteins and preparation of food for further breakdown in the following sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

For normal digestion of food, it is necessary to maintain the acidic environment of gastric juice. Unfortunately, the stomach of a 60-year-old person produces several times less hydrochloric acid than a young person. To stimulate gastric secretion, you can resort to some techniques. For example, after eating, put a few grains of table salt, preferably sea salt, on the tip of your tongue. When the salt has dissolved, the salty saliva should be swallowed.

A small amount of salt will not have a harmful effect on the body, but will force the stomach to secrete additional gastric juice. After eating, you can eat half a teaspoon of seaweed or a small piece of salted herring.

Seasonings such as cumin, coriander, cinnamon, mustard, adjika, and horseradish also stimulate gastric secretion. Enzymes formed in pickled vegetables improve digestion in the stomach.

Some fruits, such as pineapples and papaya, contain enzymes that improve protein digestion. Kiwi fruits also contain an enzyme that helps break down proteins - actinidin. It is better to eat soft fruits, since the activity of this enzyme in them is 3 times higher than in hard, unripe fruits.

From the stomach, the food bolus enters in small portions into the small intestine, into its initial part - the duodenum. Three digestive juices enter the cavity of the duodenum: alkaline pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal juice secreted by the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Pancreatic juice contains enzymes for the hydrolysis of all types of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Bile acids are necessary for the emulsification of fats and the absorption of fatty acids. Enzymes of intestinal juice (amylase, maltase, lactase) carry out the final breakdown of carbohydrates.

Thus, about 80% of carbohydrates coming from food and almost 100% of proteins and fats are digested in the duodenum. It is in this section that food substances are converted into compounds, which are then assimilated by the body.

In subsequent sections of the small intestine, the main absorption of vitamins, macro- and microelements, and water occurs, which continues in the large intestine. In addition, the large intestine is home to a huge number of different beneficial bacteria that process fiber, produce a number of substances that strengthen our immunity, and synthesize amino acids and some vitamins, including K and group B.

In order for the complex digestive mechanism to work clearly and smoothly, a person must receive from food all the beneficial substances he needs in a balanced ratio. Only when it maintains a strict balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins does the body continue its work much longer than we can imagine, and rewards us with health and longevity.

Twelve chairs

Chapter VIII. Blue thief

The caretaker of the 2nd house of Starsobes was a shy thief. His whole being protested against theft, but he could not help stealing. He stole and was ashamed. He stole constantly, was constantly ashamed, and therefore his well-shaven cheeks always glowed with a blush of embarrassment, bashfulness, shyness and embarrassment. The caretaker's name was Alexander Yakovlevich, and his wife's name was Alexandra Yakovlevna. He called her Sashkhen, she called him Alkhen. The world has never seen such a blue thief as Alexander Yakovlevich.

He was not only a caretaker, but also a manager in general. The former was removed from his job for rude treatment of students and appointed conductor of the symphony orchestra. Alchen did not in any way resemble his ill-mannered boss. During a busy workday, he took over the management of the house and treated the pensioners with the utmost courtesy, carrying out important reforms and innovations in the house.

Ostap Bender pulled open the heavy oak door of Vorobyaninov's mansion and found himself in the lobby. It smelled like burnt porridge. From the upper rooms came a discordant voice, similar to a distant “hurray” in a chain. There was no one and no one showed up. An oak staircase with once varnished steps led upward in two flights. Now only the rings stuck out in it, and the copper rods that had once held the carpet to the steps were gone.

“The leader of the Comanches, however, lived in vulgar luxury,” thought Ostap, going upstairs.

In the first room, light and spacious, a dozen or so gray-haired old women in dresses made of the cheapest mouse-colored tuldenor were sitting in a circle. Stretching their necks tensely and looking at the blooming man standing in the center, the old women sang:

The ringing of bells can be heard from afar. This is the familiar run of the troikas... And in the distance, sparkling snow stretched wide like a white shroud!..

The leader of the choir, in a gray sweatshirt from the same tuldenor and in tualdenor trousers, beat the beat with both hands and, spinning, shouted:

Trebles, hush! Kokushkina, weaker! He saw Ostap, but, unable to restrain the movements of his hands, he only looked unkindly at the newcomer and continued to conduct. The chorus thundered with force, as if through a pillow:

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta, To-ro-rum, to-ru-rum, to-ru-rum...

Tell me, where can I see a fellow caretaker here? - said Ostap, breaking through at the first pause.

What's the matter, comrade?

Ostap shook hands with the conductor and asked in a friendly manner:

Songs of nationalities? Very interesting. I'm a fire inspector. The caretaker was ashamed.

“Yes, yes,” he said, embarrassed, “this is just in time.” I was even going to write a report.

“You don’t have to worry,” Ostap said generously, “I’ll write the report myself.” Well, let's look at the room.

Alchen dismissed the choir with a wave of his hand, and the old women left with small joyful steps.

“Come follow me,” the caretaker invited. Before going further, Ostap stared at the furniture in the first room. In the room there was a table, two garden benches with iron legs (on the back of one of them the name “Kolya” was deeply carved) and a red harmonium.

Do they light primus stoves in this room? Temporary ovens and the like?

No, no. Here we have clubs: choir, drama, fine arts and music...

Having reached the word “musical,” Alexander Yakovlevich blushed. First my chin burned, then my forehead and cheeks. Alchen was very ashamed. He had long ago sold all the brass instruments. The weak lungs of the old women still only blew puppy-dog squeals out of them. It was funny to see this mass of metal in such a helpless position. Alchen could not help but steal the chapel. And now he was very ashamed.

On the wall, stretching from window to window, hung a slogan written in white letters on a piece of mouse-colored tualdenor: “Brass band - the path to collective creativity.”

“Very good,” said Ostap, “the room for study groups does not pose any fire hazard. Let’s move on.

Walking through the front rooms of Vorobyaninov's mansion at a quick pace, Ostap did not notice anywhere a walnut chair with bent legs, upholstered in light English chintz with flowers. Orders for the house 2 Starsobes were pasted on the ironed marble walls. Ostap read them, from time to time energetically asking: “Are the chimneys cleaned regularly? Are the stoves okay? And, receiving comprehensive answers, he moved on.

The fire inspector diligently searched for at least one corner in the house that posed a fire hazard, but in this regard everything was fine. But the search was unsuccessful. Ostap entered the bedrooms. The old women stood up and bowed low when he appeared. There were beds here, covered with fleecy blankets like dog hair, on one side of which the word “Legs” was woven in a factory manner. Under the beds there were chests, put forward on the initiative of Alexander Yakovlevich, who loved the military approach to things, exactly one third.

Everything in house number 2 struck the eye with its excessive modesty: the furniture, which consisted exclusively of garden benches brought from Aleksandrovsky, now named after the Proletarian Subbotniks, boulevard, and the market kerosene lamps, and even the blankets with the frightening word “Legs”. But only one thing in the house was made firmly and magnificently: these were the door springs.

Door devices were the passion of Alexander Yakovlevich. Having put in great work, he supplied all doors without exception with springs of the most diverse systems and styles. There were simple springs in the form of an iron rod. There were wind springs with copper cylindrical pumps. There were devices on blocks with weighty shot bags descending. There were also springs of such complex designs that the Social Security mechanic only shook his head in surprise. All these cylinders, springs and counterweights had a powerful force. The doors slammed as quickly as the doors of mousetraps. The whole house shook from the operation of the mechanisms. The old women, with sad squeaks, fled from the doors that attacked them, but they were not always able to escape. The doors overtook the fugitives and pushed them in the back, and from above with a dull croak a counterweight was already descending, flying past the temple like a cannonball.

When Bender and the caretaker walked through the house, the doors saluted with terrible blows.

Behind all this serf-like splendor nothing was hidden—there was no chair. While looking for a fire hazard, the inspector entered the kitchen. There, in a large laundry cauldron, porridge was being cooked, the smell of which the great schemer smelled in the lobby. Ostap twisted his nose and said:

What is this, machine oil?

By God, on pure cream! said Alchen, blushing to tears. We buy from the farm. He was very ashamed.

“However, this does not pose a fire danger,” Ostap noted.

There was no chair in the kitchen either. There was only a stool on which the cook sat in an apron and a cap made of tuldenor.

Why is it that all your outfits are gray, and the muslin is such that you can only wipe the windows with it? Shy Alchen looked down even more.

Loans are issued in insufficient quantities.

He was disgusted with himself. Ostap looked at him doubtfully and said:

This does not apply to the fire department, which I currently represent. Alchen was scared.

“Against the fire,” he said, “we have taken all measures. There is even a foam fire extinguisher “Eclair”.

The inspector, looking into the closets along the way, reluctantly proceeded to the fire extinguisher. The red tin cone, although it was the only item in the house related to fire protection, caused particular irritation in the inspector.

Did you buy it at a flea market?

And, without waiting for an answer from Alexander Yakovlevich, struck by thunder, he removed the “Eclair” from the rusty nail, without warning, broke the capsule and quickly turned the cone upward. But instead of the expected stream of foam, the cone emitted a subtle hiss, reminiscent of the ancient melody “How glorious is our Lord in Zion.”

“Of course, at a flea market,” Ostap confirmed his initial opinion and hung the fire extinguisher, which continued to sing, in its original place. Accompanied by hissing, they moved on. “Where could he be? - thought Ostap. I’m starting to not like this.” And he decided not to leave the Tualdenor palace until he found out everything.

During that time, while the inspector and the supply manager were climbing through the attics, going into all the details of fire protection and the location of chimneys, the 2nd house of Starsobes lived its everyday life.

Lunch was ready. The smell of burnt porridge noticeably intensified and overwhelmed all the other sour odors that lived in the house. There was rustling in the corridors. The old women, carrying tin bowls of porridge in front of them in both hands, carefully left the kitchen and sat down to dinner. common table, trying not to look at the slogans hanging in the dining room, composed personally by Alexander Yakovlevich and artistically executed by Alexandra Yakovlevna. The slogans were:


All these holy words awakened in the old women memories of teeth that had disappeared even before the revolution, of eggs that disappeared around the same time, of meat inferior in terms of fat to eggs, and perhaps also of a society that they were deprived of the opportunity to help, carefully chewing food.

In addition to the old women, Isidor Yakovlevich, Afanasy Yakovlevich, Kirill Yakovlevich, Oleg Yakovlevich and Pasha Emilievich were sitting at the table. Neither age nor gender were in harmony with these young people with the tasks of social security, but the four Yakovlevichs were Alchen’s young brothers, and Pasha Emilievich was Alexandra Yakovlevna’s cousin. The young people, the oldest of whom was 32-year-old Pasha Emilievich, did not consider their life in the social security house to be anything abnormal. They lived in the house as old women, they also had official beds with blankets on which “Legs” was written, they were dressed, like the old women, in mouse tuldenor, but thanks to their youth and strength they ate better than the pupils. They stole everything that Alchen did not have time to steal. Pasha Emilievich could eat two kilograms of sprat in one sitting, which he once did, leaving the entire scrap without lunch.

Before the old women had time to thoroughly taste the porridge, the Yakovlevichs and Emilievich, having swallowed their portions and belching, got up from the table and went to the kitchen in search of something digestible. Lunch continued. The old women began to talk:

Now they’ll get drunk and start screaming songs!

And Pasha Emilievich sold the chair from the red corner this morning. He took it out the back door to the reseller,

Look, a drunk will come today... At that moment, the conversation of the pupils was interrupted by a trumpet blowing of the nose, which even drowned out all the continuing singing of the fire extinguisher, and a cow’s voice began:


The old women, bending down and not turning to look at the loudspeaker standing in the corner on the washed parquet floor, continued to eat, hoping that this cup would blow them away. But the loudspeaker continued cheerfully:

Evocrrrrahhhh viduso... valuable invention. Road master of Murmansk railway Comrade Sokutsky, Samara, Orel, Cleopatra, Ustinya, Tsaritsyn, Clementy, Iphigenia, York, So-kutsky...

The pipe sucked in air with a wheeze and resumed transmission in a runny voice:

...invented light signaling on snowplows. The invention was approved by Dorizul, Daria, Onega, Raymond...

The old women swam like gray ducks to their rooms. The pipe, bouncing from its own power, continued to rage in the empty room:

...Now listen to Novgorod ditties...

Far, far away, in the very center of the earth, someone touched the balalaika strings, and the black earth Battistini sang:

There were bugs sitting on the wall and squinting in the sun, they saw the financial inspector They immediately froze...

In the center of the earth, these ditties caused a flurry of activity. A terrible roar was heard in the pipe. Either it was thunderous applause, or underground volcanoes began to work.

Meanwhile, the gloomy fire inspector walked backwards down the attic stairs and, again finding himself in the kitchen, saw five citizens who were digging sauerkraut out of a barrel with their hands and gorging themselves on it. They ate in silence. Only Pasha Emilievich shook his head like a gourmand and, removing cabbage seaweed from his mustache, said with difficulty:

It is a sin to eat such cabbage in addition to vodka.

New batch of old ladies? asked Ostap.

“These are orphans,” Alkhen answered, squeezing the inspector out of the kitchen with his shoulder and gradually shaking his fist at the orphans.

Children of the Volga region? Alchen hesitated.

Heavy legacy of the tsarist regime? Alkhen threw up his hands: they say, nothing can be done, since such a legacy.

Joint education of both sexes using an integrated method?

Shy Alexander Yakovlevich immediately, without delay, invited the fire inspector to dine with what God sent.

On this day, God sent Alexander Yakovlevich for lunch a bottle of bison, homemade mushrooms, minced herring, Ukrainian borscht with first-class meat, chicken with rice and compote of dried apples.

“Sashkhen,” said Alexander Yakovlevich, “meet a comrade from the fire department.

Ostap artistically bowed to the mistress of the house and announced to her such a long and ambiguous compliment that he could not even complete it. Sashkhen, a tall lady, whose comeliness was somewhat disfigured by Nikolaev's sideburns, laughed quietly and drank with the men.

I drink to your public utilities! exclaimed Ostap.

The dinner was fun, and only over the compote Ostap remembered the purpose of his visit.

“Why,” he asked, “is there such a meager inventory in your kefir establishment?”

“What about the harmonium?” Alchen became worried?

I know, I know, vox humanum. But you have absolutely nothing to sit on in style. Just garden tubs.

There is a chair in the red corner, Alchen was offended, English chair. They say it's still left over from the old furnishings.

By the way, I haven’t seen your red corner. How is he in terms of the fire department? Doesn't it let you down? We'll have to see.

You are welcome.

Ostap thanked the hostess for dinner and set off. There were no primus stoves in the red corner, there were no temporary stoves, the chimneys were in good working order and were cleaned regularly, but, to Alchen’s enormous surprise, there were no chairs. We rushed to look for a chair. They looked under the beds and under the benches, moved the harmonium aside for something, questioned the old women who were looking warily at Pasha Emilievich, but they never found a chair. Pasha Emilievich showed great diligence in searching for the chair. Everyone had already calmed down, but Pasha Emilievich was still wandering around the rooms, looking under decanters, moving tin tea mugs and muttering:

Where could he be? Today he was there, I saw him with my own eyes! It's even funny.

This is just funny! Pasha Emilievich brazenly repeated.

But then the foam fire extinguisher “Eclair”, which had been singing all the time, took the highest F, which only the People’s Artist of the Republic Nezhdanova is capable of, fell silent for a second and, with a cry, released the first foam stream, which flooded the ceiling and knocked the cook’s tualdenor cap off the head. Following the first stream, the foam fire extinguisher released a second tualdenor-colored stream, which knocked down minor Isidor Yakovlevich. After this, the work of “Eclair” became uninterrupted.

Pasha Emilievich, Alkhen and all the surviving Yakovlevichs rushed to the scene of the incident.

Clean work! said Ostap. Idiot invention!

The old women, left alone with Ostap, without superiors, immediately began to make claims:

Bratelnikov settled in the house. They're gorging themselves.

He feeds the piglets milk and gives us porridge.

I took everything out of the house.

“Calm down, girls,” said Ostap, retreating, “the labor inspectorate will come to you.” The Senate did not authorize me. The old women didn't listen.

And Pashka Melentievich, he took this chair away today and sold it. I saw it myself.

To whom? Ostap shouted.

Sold and that’s it. I wanted to sell my blanket. There was a fierce struggle with a fire extinguisher in the corridor. Finally, human genius won, and the foam, trampled by the iron feet of Pasha Emilievich, released its last sluggish stream and died down forever.

The old women were sent to wash the floor. The fire inspector bowed his head and, slightly swaying his hips, approached Pasha Emilievich.

“One of my acquaintances,” said Ostap weightily, also sold state furniture. Now he has become a monk and is in dopra.

“Your baseless accusations are strange to me,” noted Pasha Emilievich, from whom there was a strong smell of foamy streams.

Who did you sell the chair to? Ostap asked in a ringing whisper.

Here Pasha Emilievich, who had a supernatural sense, realized that now they would beat him, maybe even kick him.

“To the reseller,” he answered.

I saw him for the first time in my life.

For the first time in your life?

By God.

“I would stuff your snout,” said Ostap dreamily, “only Zarathustra doesn’t allow it.” Well, go to hell.

Pasha Emilievich smiled searchingly and began to walk away.

“Well, you, a victim of abortion,” Ostap said arrogantly, “give it up, don’t leave. What is the reseller, blond or brunette?

Pasha Emilievich began to explain in detail. Ostap listened to him carefully and ended the interview with the words:

This, of course, does not apply to the fire department.

In the corridor, the shy Alkhen approached the departing Bender and gave him a chervonets.

“This is the one hundred and fourteenth article of the Criminal Code,” said Ostap, “giving a bribe to an official in the performance of official duties.

But he took the money and, without saying goodbye to Alexander Yakovlevich, headed for the exit. The door, equipped with a powerful device, opened with effort and gave Ostap a push in the ass weighing one and a half tons.

“The blow took place,” said Ostap, rubbing the bruised area, “the meeting continues!”

Insulating the floor with sawdust in the house

Fast food - fast diseases

Our life is accelerating, we no longer walk, but run, we do not communicate, but exchange a few phrases, we do not read, but only skim, and now, finally, it has come to the most sacred thing: we do not eat with feeling and properly, but throw it into ourselves. food and run further in order to have time to talk, redo, arrange... And now on the streets in large quantities"fast food" kiosks appeared. It seems to be what a business person needs: sausage, sandwich, coffee - I killed the worm and thank God. You thought, what's wrong? But it’s actually bad... Galina KHOLMOGOROVA, leading researcher at the Center for Preventive Medicine, says.

FIRST of all, it’s bad because when snacking this way, people tend to be in a hurry. This means they bite quickly and swallow quickly. As a result, the first stage of the difficult digestion process is missed. It must consist of thorough chewing. These are not just words, you need to understand: the stomach has no teeth, and when you throw unchewed food into it, you put extra stress on the stomach lining. Therefore, our comedians were absolutely right when they said: “By chewing your food thoroughly, you help society!” And from a purely taste point of view. Carry out the following experiment: chew a piece of bread as you usually eat - two or three bites and wash it down with water, and as it should be, making at least 30 (!) chewing movements. You will feel a completely different taste of bread.

The second reason why fast food is harmful: it takes no more than 15 minutes, and yet in our brain there is a so-called satiety center, which turns on 20 minutes after the start of eating. If you eat hastily within 20 minutes, you can throw in countless amounts of food and overeat. In the East, there is a very good saying: “If you got up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, you did a benefit to your health; if you ate your fill, you opened the door to illness, and if you ate to your fill, you got poisoned.”

Another mistake: they eat in a hurry while doing business. Many people like to read while eating or watching TV. But when you watch something very interesting, exciting, exciting, you don’t notice how you begin to eat away your stress and in a matter of minutes you stuff yourself with spoon after spoon of everything that comes to hand (although, on the other hand, some people get so carried away, that they generally forget about food). For the same reason, one of the rules of good manners obliges you to never sort things out during a meal or discuss things that may irritate someone. All systems of the body must be aimed at ensuring that food is well absorbed.

When the excitation of other centers begins, food is extinguished and all digestive processes sharply deteriorate. In this regard, prayer before meals is, from a medical point of view, an extremely useful thing: a person calms down, worldly vain things go away, the whole body is adjusted to digestion, food is absorbed much better.

You can’t eat while running: again, several centers are activated. Therefore, if you want to have a quick snack somewhere on the street, at least just stop.

RUSSIANS, like all people, have a tradition of eating hot food. But, among other things, we are accustomed to soups. Eating a sandwich and coffee is bad for us, unphysiological. If you want to avoid stomach ulcers and gastritis, start your day with hot food (this especially applies to those who have low acidity of gastric juice). Let it be mashed potatoes, porridge, omelette, something homemade. The digestive glands, working at half capacity, are “untrained.” You need to eat normally at least once or twice a day. And if a fast food kiosk sells soup or broth, start with that, and only then take the sausage with ketchup.

Sausages, sandwiches, sausages, smoked meats are of little value modern ideas about a balanced diet, since they contain an excess amount of fat, a lot of salt, and a lot of preservatives. Smoked meats contain a high content of carcinogens, that is, substances that cause cancer. It has been clearly proven that colorectal cancer depends on the fat content of food. It’s not for nothing that McDonald’s restaurants introduced lettuce and cucumbers into sandwiches (after all, this was not the case at first). Since American doctors began to sound the alarm: young people are eating fatty foods that are not enriched with plant fiber. Having listened to their opinion (and doctors everywhere, except in our country, are socially significant people), restaurants introduced salads into the menu, and vegetables began to be added to hamburgers and other things.

A PERSON must realize that he is able to change his attitude towards food: more vegetables, fruits, which remove excess cholesterol, fats and carcinogens from the body. If your daily diet includes 1 carrot, 1 apple, a slice of cabbage, half an onion, a clove of garlic and a glass of milk, you will get everything your body needs.

Prepared by Julia EKAREVA

Dear readers! From my letter you will learn what happens in the mouth when there is food in it. And also about the role of saliva, about the first stage of food digestion, about the penetration of nutrients into the blood, the energy of food and water. I’ll just start with two small stories that are directly related to this topic.

Story one

1984 The action takes place at my dacha. The neighbor is broad and large, I am thin, and the guest from the neighboring dacha is slim, with a normal build. The three of us are approximately the same age (from fifty to fifty-five).

This is what the guest suggested:

Let me feed you my vegetarian lunch made from fresh plants!

And now on the table in front of us there is already a large bowl of salad made from various herbs, leaves from a dacha, a field, a ravine, to which one is added egg yolk and half a sweet cheese in 50 g (once in the former Soviet Union there were such delicious hundred-gram cheese curds). There is absolutely no fat in this salad; everything is thoroughly mixed and laid out in three deep plates.

Then the guest asked us to bow our heads over the plates, look only at them and think only about the food that we will now begin to eat. And we never talked while eating! She also told us to chew our food very carefully with our mouths closed. The elbows should be lowered, and the next portion of food should be taken into the spoon only after all the food chewed in the mouth has been swallowed.

...The action that I just told you about took place during lunch, it was two o’clock in the afternoon. Sometimes in the evening we walked 5 km to the village to milk the cows. On the road, I usually took with me a homemade bun and a couple of caramel candies. But that time for the first time I didn’t take anything! I didn't feel like eating at all. Why didn’t you want to eat?! You, my dear readers, will learn about this a little later.

After the second story...

A few years ago I went to visit a friend of mine, and I saw this picture. Her mother (near ninety) is sitting at the table eating. On the plate there is an egg and something else (I can’t say what else was on the plate, because I couldn’t see it). I asked the old woman something, to which I received a specific answer:

Sorry, but when I eat, I don't talk!

I immediately apologized and stepped aside, while I continued to observe with my corner vision. This woman, slender beyond her years, of medium build, sits neatly at the table, her head bent over the plate, eats slowly and looks only at the plate.

“By chewing your food thoroughly, you help society”

In my first story we were talking about a highly educated and comprehensively developed woman, in the second - about a woman who had some kind of school education, in my opinion, even incomplete, if not primary. And now, dear readers, I will try to make you understand why I told you these two stories.

We all know that the raw material for building the body is food. And in order to turn food into particles of our body, it needs to be digested. Many people dump everything on a plate, thinking that all this will feed a person. This is precisely their main mistake. After all, a person is fed only by the product with which his cells work, and unprocessed food ferments, rots and turns into slop. Let's remember what a deep meaning the poster on the wall in the home for elderly old women in “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov had, presented to us with such wonderful meaning and humor:

By chewing your food thoroughly, you help society!!!

There are many different theories about the number of chewing movements per “sip” of chewed food. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the quantity and quality of digestive juices secreted in the stomach. And they are all different...

The higher the acidity in the body, the more juices there are, so you need to do less chewing movements. Increased acidity causes ulcers, which is a consequence of poorly chewed food. And if the acidity is lower, then on the contrary it is necessary to make more chewing movements. That's it!

Nature has equipped the mouth with an excellent apparatus for crushing food - teeth. And if you do not use them enough, then the stomach is not able to process food mechanically and enhances its chemical processing by releasing stronger stomach acid. In addition, good teeth are needed to chew food well.

What should older people with problem teeth do?

After all, the crown in the mouth is not able to chew food like its own tooth. That is why each person must individually decide how long it will take him to completely chew this or that product. It is very important that the food is thoroughly chewed and moistened with saliva. This is a law of nature, for even official medicine recognizes that food must be completely mixed with saliva in order to be better absorbed. Our saliva contains enzymes that digest starch, which is deposited on the teeth in the form of stones. Saliva is alkaline and neutralizes oral acids that cause damage to teeth. Therefore, it is very good to use clean water to rinse your mouth, and rinse your mouth after each use of food.

A person has three pairs of salivary glands in the mouth, through which 6 liters of blood are pumped during eating. It is from these that saliva is obtained.

Saliva is a blood product

Let me list the main functions of saliva:

a) moistens food;

b) breaks down starch into sucrose and glucose with sufficient chewing;

c) freshly secreted saliva is the best antiseptic for the oral cavity.

During chewing, food energy is mostly absorbed through the mucous membrane. This is why you should not wash down your food with water and various drinks, because... saliva is washed away, and food that is not properly chewed and not digested in the mouth is pushed into the stomach. After all, an alkaline reaction occurs in the mouth, and an acidic reaction occurs in the stomach. Poorly chewed food cannot be digested in the stomach; it begins to “ferment” and turns into slop. I can't find another word.

Now let's list all the functions that occur in the mouth during eating

1. Put food in your mouth.

2. Grind it and grind it.

3. Food is moistened with saliva and the process of breaking down starches into sucrose and glucose occurs.

4. Through the oral mucosa, some vitamins and minerals enter directly into the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

5. The energy from food also immediately enters the blood through the mouth.

6. Saliva is an antiseptic; it neutralizes many ulcers.

7. By swallowing we push food into the esophagus.

We conclude: the mouth is a whole food processing plant.

So we start eating...

Place food in your mouth and chew with your mouth closed. The jaws clench and unclench. The vacuum that forms in the mouth promotes the absorption of nutrients through the mucous membrane directly into the blood and the secretion of saliva. The blood immediately carries nutrients to the cells, which, when saturated, send a signal to the brain that they are full. That’s the whole answer to satiety in the above stories...

The amount of food to saturate our body requires much less than we consume. If obese people listen to me, their weight will begin to normalize.

I just repeat once again that while eating you need to sit up straight, your head should be tilted over the plate (in this case, the food will not “slip” into the esophagus so quickly), and your hands (not your elbows!) should lie on the table. Fill the spoon with a new portion of food only after swallowing the previous portion. You should not be distracted by conversations, TV, books, radio, etc. It’s better to look at food and think only about it (you need to learn this), otherwise you won’t notice what and how much you eat. Chew so you can feel it taste qualities food.

We all need to learn to eat, and teach our children and grandchildren by example, because words do not influence them as much as the example of their parents.

Russian literature is famous for its special tragedy. It is not surprising that, against the backdrop of the general hopelessness of Russian classics, the works of Ilf and Petrov fell in love with the reader so much. Funny phrases from “The 12 Chairs” and “The Golden Calf” have long been used in everyday communication even by those who have not read these books. We present the most famous catch phrases, co-authored by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov.

When I see this new life, these shifts, I don’t want to smile, I want to pray!!!
There is no need to fight for purity. We need to sweep!
Not a single pedestrian has ever been run over by a car, yet for some reason motorists are unhappy.
“Milk and hay,” said Ostap, when the “Antelope” left the village at dawn, “what could be better!”
For every good thought there is inevitably a fool who carefully takes it to the point of absurdity.
The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury!
We are strangers at this celebration of life.
How much is opium for the people?
“No, no,” Bender noted, defending himself with his palm, “don’t hug me.” I'm proud now.
You neither drink nor smoke, you are not interested in girls... Why do you need money? You don't know how to spend them.
“And then Ostap got carried away...”
Don't make a cult out of food.
Although we are not in Paris, you are welcome to our hut.
You need to part with money easily, without groaning.
Panikovsky will sell you all, buy you and sell you again... but at a higher price.
Dusya? You make me angry. I am a man exhausted by Narzan.
Soon only cats will be born.
The time we have is money we don't have.

Take off your hats, bare your heads. The body will now be removed.
I will command the parade!
There are also sleeves from a vest, a circle from a donkey and ears from a dead donkey.
If you can no longer help but worry, then worry in silence.
Or maybe you also need the key to the apartment where the money is?
Let's go to the city garden. I'll make a scene for you at the fountain
The young woman was no longer young.
Everything told is not fiction. It could be funnier
Act boldly. Don't ask anyone. More cynicism. People like it. Do not do anything through third parties. There are no more fools.
I'm certainly not a cherub. I don't have wings, but I respect the Criminal Code. This is my weakness.
Fate plays with man, and man plays the trumpet.
I'll kill you! I'll take your soul out!
Adam was an honest man, he had little understanding of life.
I consider the evening of memories closed.
He loved and suffered. He loved money and suffered from its lack.
Why are you yelling like polar bear in warm weather?

Kitty! I have long wanted to ask you as an artist: can you draw?
I would take it in parts. But I need it right away.
By chewing your food thoroughly, you help society.
But we don’t need rude people. We are rude ourselves.
Girls love young, long-legged and politically literate men.
Nobody likes us, except for the criminal investigation department, which doesn’t like us either.
Money in the morning, chairs in the evening. Is it possible the other way around? It's possible, but the money is up front.
The law of chess is wonderful and immutable:
Who gets even an insignificant advantage?
In space, mass, time, pressure of forces
Only for this purpose is a direct path to victory possible.
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