It is recommended to visit a gynecologist or go to an antenatal clinic. The doctor measures the weight and height of the expectant mother, writes down all past illnesses, and gives directions for necessary tests. If there are hormonal problems, the doctor will prescribe maintenance therapy to rule out early pregnancy. The expectant mother should consult with her doctor about taking complex vitamins. From the very first days of pregnancy it is necessary to take folic acid, which has a positive effect on the formation of fetal organs, stimulates cell growth, and prevents early miscarriages.

The expectant mother should give up bad habits and lead healthy image life. After all, the first pregnancy is very important. During this period, all the baby’s main organs are formed, the brain is formed, nervous system Therefore, drinking alcohol or smoking can negatively affect the health of the unborn child. A pregnant woman should visit regularly fresh air and ensure yourself a good night's sleep.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. Food should be healthy and balanced. It is necessary to exclude foods containing preservatives from the diet, give up soda, chips, and fast food. From proper nutrition The further course of pregnancy and the health of the baby depends. During the period of organ formation, it is very important for the baby to fully receive vitamins and nutrients.

If a woman suffers from toxicosis, then morning sickness can be prevented by eating a cracker or cookie immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. When traveling in public transport, take with you still mineral water with lemon, ginger cookies, mint candies, and crackers. In case of fainting, carry a tissue and essential oil lemon In case of dizziness or nausea, apply 2-3 drops of oil on a handkerchief, bring it to your nose and take a few deep breaths.

If a woman is scheduled to undergo fluorography or another vaccination, she should definitely notify the doctor who will issue an exemption. Particular care must be taken when taking medications. It is better to consult your doctor in advance about the safety of medications.

A pregnant woman should be attentive to any alarming symptoms. If she begins to be bothered by a nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by bloody discharge, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, observe strict bed rest and try to calm down.

Is it possible to dye your hair? Is a hot bath harmful? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Falls during pregnancy - should you go to the doctor?

It's easy to get scared if you fall during pregnancy, but your body is designed to protect your unborn baby. The injury must be serious enough for you to cause harm to your baby. The walls of the uterus are strong, strong muscles that provide safety to the baby. The amniotic fluid serves as a kind of pillow. In addition, in the early stages of pregnancy, the uterus is blocked by the pelvic bone, which also serves as additional protection. Even if you fall, don't worry, nothing happened to your child.

After 24 weeks, a direct blow to the stomach can cause complications, so you should consult a doctor.

If you are concerned about your child's condition after a fall, contact your doctor. You need to contact us immediately if:

  • As a result of the fall, there was pain, bleeding, or a severely bruised abdomen.
  • The water began to break.
  • Severe pain or tension is felt in the abdomen, uterus, and pelvic area.
  • Contractions began.
  • No fetal movement is felt.

In most cases, the child is fine. But to make sure of this, the doctor may prescribe some examinations.

Flu vaccine during pregnancy - is it worth getting?

Yes, the flu shot is safe during pregnancy. Vaccinations are recommended for all pregnant women during the flu season - usually from November to March - unless you have an allergy to egg whites or have had complications with previous vaccinations.

Pregnancy puts additional stress on the heart and lungs. It may also affect the immune system. This increases not only the risk of getting the flu, but also serious complications, such as pneumonia. Vaccination can prevent these problems.

If you get a flu shot, ask for the shot, not the spray vaccine. For vaccination, an inactivated virus is used, which is safe for both the mother and the fetus at any stage of pregnancy. For the spray, the vaccine is made from a live virus, and it is better not to use it during pregnancy. Both the shot and the spray vaccine can be used before pregnancy, but after the spray shot you must wait a few weeks before conceiving.

Opinions vary about vaccines for other types of influenza, but they are generally considered acceptable for pregnant women. The risk of complications from swine flu is higher during pregnancy, and the mother can provide protection to a child who cannot be vaccinated. If you have any doubts about the vaccine, gather all the information you can and talk to your doctor.

Are other vaccinations safe during pregnancy?

If you are going to travel or there is a risk of infection, your doctor may recommend other vaccinations: against hepatitis A and B, meningitis and some others.

During pregnancy, you should not be vaccinated with a live influenza vaccine, as well as against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and the papilloma virus.

Colds during pregnancy: how to treat correctly?

When you have a cold, you feel unwell. In addition, for a common cold, pregnant women are advised only to relieve swelling, cough syrups and antihistamines. None of this will cure a cold, so here are some tips to help you feel better while your body fights the virus:

  • Drink more fluids. Water, juice, tea, broth - what you need. They will replace fluid loss due to a runny nose and high temperature.
  • Give yourself a break. Vanity overstrains the body.
  • Monitor the temperature and humidity in the room. The room should be warm, but not hot. If the air is dry, use a humidifier to relieve a runny nose and cough. But make sure that the humidifier is clean so that bacteria and mold do not grow in it.
  • Soften your throat. Gargle several times a day with warm salt water or drink warm water with lemon and honey - this will soothe a sore throat and ease a cough.
  • Use saline nasal drops. These drops are sold without a prescription; they are effective, safe and do not irritate the mucous membranes.
  • For pain and heat, use safe products. Use antipyretics and pain relievers that are recognized as safe during pregnancy.
    If your symptoms are more severe and all the suggested measures do not help, consult your doctor.

Can acne creams be used during pregnancy?

Pregnancy acne is not a special form of acne. It's just that many people acne increases during pregnancy. In most cases, the cause is increased production of sebum due to hormonal changes. The best way to fight acne during pregnancy is:

  • Washing twice a day. Use a mild cleanser and lukewarm water.
  • Daily hair washing. Make sure your hair does not fall on your face.
  • Cosmetics without fat. Choose one that is water-based and non-comedogenic.
  • Try not to touch your face with your hands. Oil and sweat from the skin getting on the face cause additional irritation.
  • Any medicine applied to the skin or taken orally will enter the bloodstream, so you need to be careful during pregnancy - even with over-the-counter medications.
  • There is no consensus on the safety of many products, so it is better to consult a doctor every time.

Some acne medications should be avoided because they can cause birth defects. First of all, these are Accutane, Differin and some others. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Allergies during pregnancy: how to treat?

First of all, try to find out what is causing allergic reaction, and avoid contact with it if possible. Many of the common allergy medications—including antihistamines and decongestants—are not recommended during pregnancy. If your nose is stuffy, runny nose or other allergy symptoms appear, it is better to use the following methods:

  • Rinse your nose. Dissolve a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Pour the solution into a special bottle or a large rubber bulb. Bend over the sink, tilt your head to the side. Insert the tip into the nostril on top and close the other with your finger. Click on the pear. The solution will flow through your nasal passages and into your mouth. Spit and blow your nose. Repeat for the other nostril. Washing can be done several times a day.
  • Breathe in steam from a hot shower or humidifier. The humidifier must be clean so that there are no bacteria.
  • Massage your forehead and around your nose with your fingers. This may relieve nasal congestion.

Lactose intolerance during pregnancy - how to get enough calcium?

For many women, the ability to digest lactose improves during pregnancy, especially as pregnancy progresses. So even if you are lactose intolerant, you may be able to consume milk and dairy products without ill effects if you become pregnant.

For women over 19 years of age, including pregnant women, the recommended daily dose of calcium is 1000 mg, for pregnant women under 19 years of age - 1300 mg. These recommendations are difficult to follow if you do not drink milk or consume other dairy products - the best source of calcium.

If you are still lactose intolerant or don't like milk and dairy products, try the following:

  • Most people who are lactose intolerant can drink a cup of milk with a meal without any ill effects. If you think this is too much, drink half a cup twice a day.
  • Eat lactose-reduced foods, including milk, cheese and yogurt.
  • Yogurt and fermented foods such as cheese are better tolerated than plain milk. In yogurt, the lactose has already been partially digested by the yogurt's bacterial cultures.
  • Try lactase enzyme tablets to make lactose easier to digest.
  • Choose from other foods rich in calcium: sardines, salmon with bones, tofu, broccoli, spinach, as well as juices and other foods fortified with calcium.

Is it possible to dye and lighten hair during pregnancy?

When you use hair dye, a small amount may penetrate the skin. However, the paint cannot harm a developing baby.

There are several studies on the effects of hair coloring before and during pregnancy. It has been suggested that there is a connection between hair coloring during pregnancy and certain types of cancer in children, but this has not been confirmed. Most researchers consider the link between hair coloring during pregnancy and the development of brain tumors in children implausible.

If you decide to dye your hair during pregnancy, do it according to all the rules. Let someone else apply the color and then help you wash your hair thoroughly. If you are afraid to dye your hair during pregnancy, do not do it or consult your doctor.

How safe are hot baths and saunas during pregnancy?

A bath will help you relax and relieve muscle tension without any harm to your health. But a bath that is too hot is dangerous, and a sauna should also be avoided. 10 minutes or more in a hot bath will increase your body temperature and cause a condition called overheating. Some studies have found an increased risk of miscarriage and neural tube defects if women are exposed to high temperatures in the first 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy. Exposure to heat at any time during pregnancy causes overheating and lowers blood pressure, which reduces oxygen supply to the fetus and can make you feel dizzy.

If you do want to take a hot bath, take the following precautions:

  • Do not sit in the bath for more than 10 minutes.
  • Do not sit close to the hot water outlet.
  • Get out of the bath as soon as you start to sweat or feel any discomfort.

X-ray during pregnancy - how safe is it?

Oddly enough, x-rays during pregnancy are not considered dangerous. In many cases, the benefits outweigh the perceived risks. With x-ray abdominal cavity During pregnancy, the fetus is exposed to radiation. If radiation causes changes in the fetus's rapidly growing cells, the baby may be slightly more likely to have birth defects or later develop diseases like leukemia. However, X-rays during pregnancy are considered to pose very little risk to the developing fetus. Most X-rays - of the hands, feet, head, teeth, chest - do not expose the reproductive organs or fetus to radiation. To block scattered radiation, you can wear a lead apron and collar.

If you need an x-ray, tell your doctor that you are pregnant. An ultrasound can be done instead of an x-ray. If your baby needs an x-ray, do not hold it at this time if you are pregnant. Let someone replace you.

If you had an x-ray before you found out you were pregnant, don't worry. Remember, the danger is negligible. It is unlikely that you received enough radiation to have problems. However, if you were treated with radiation, such as for cancer, the risk may be significant. Possible consequences should be discussed with your doctor.

Are mobile phones, computers, microwaves dangerous?

These devices use a type of electromagnetic energy called radio frequency energy, which consists of electric and magnetic waves moving through space. The radiation from such devices is of a different kind and much weaker than X-rays.

However, some researchers and advocates environment believe that if exposed to such radiation long time For example, talking on a cell phone for a very long time without a headset can expose you to dangerous levels of radio frequency exposure. There has been information about a connection between constant cell phone conversations and certain types of tumors
brain, but there is no reliable evidence of this.

There have also been suggestions about the influence of frequent conversations on a mobile phone during pregnancy on disturbances in brain development, and then deviations in the behavior of the child. The relationship between living near a telephone tower and pregnancy problems has also been studied. But no confirmation of these assumptions was found. At the moment there is no reason for alarm. If this still bothers you, use it less often. mobile phone or use a hands-free headset.

Are scanners at airports dangerous for pregnant women?

These scanners come in two types. One uses non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (millimeter waves), similar to those used for radio signals. This type of radiation, used for a hundred years, has no effect on health. Another type of scanner uses “bounced” ionizing radiation, exposing the person to very weak x-rays. The scanner radiation is so weak that X-rays do not penetrate the body.

Neither type of scanner is harmful to the fetus. The risk for a woman, even with repeated x-rays, is negligible.

Are cleaning products dangerous?

Regular use of regular household cleaning products will not cause harm developing fetus. It’s better not to use stove cleaning products: their fumes are harmful. Also, whether you're pregnant or not, don't mix baking soda and bleach, as it creates toxic fumes. When working with cleaners, try not to inhale the fumes. Wear protective gloves to prevent substances from coming into contact with your skin. It is also worth using vinegar and baking soda whenever possible, which do not contain caustic toxic components.

Is it possible to use repellents during pregnancy?

The active ingredients in insect repellents are safe if you follow the instructions for use. They effectively protect against dangers such as West Nile fever or Lyme disease. It is clear that the danger of such diseases is immeasurably greater than the potential for a minimal amount of the substance to enter the bloodstream through the skin. For peace of mind, you can play it safe and go out less in places where there is a need to use repellents, especially in the first place.

Are paint fumes harmful?

Avoid using oil-based, lead- and mercury-based paints. This is usually old paint that you may find yourself scraping off. You should not work with solvents either. Even if you are painting a small surface, be careful. Work in a well-ventilated area and wear protective clothing and gloves. Do not eat or drink where you paint. Also be careful if you use a stepladder. The body shape has changed and this could affect the sense of balance

Why is cat litter dangerous during pregnancy?

To avoid infection during pregnancy, have another family member handle the cat's litter. If you must do this, wear rubber gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Wear gloves when working in the garden, too.

Is it true that teeth deteriorate during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the condition of your teeth is not the first problem, but it is a very important one. There is a huge amount of misinformation and prejudice on this topic, but useful tips practically not given. Common dental problems during pregnancy are:

  • Tooth decay. Increased acidity in oral cavity increases the risk of caries. Vomiting can make the problem worse by exposing the teeth to acid from the stomach.
  • Loose teeth. Increased level progesterone and estrogen affect the bones and ligaments that support the teeth, and they can become loose.
  • Gum diseases. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause gingivitis, an inflammation of the gum tissue. In severe cases, untreated inflammation can lead to premature birth and low birth weight.

So how can you keep your teeth and gums healthy during pregnancy? Use the most simple ways. Brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly. Use rinses containing fluoride. If you feel sick in the morning, after vomiting, rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda, 1 teaspoon per glass of water.

Is it possible to visit water parks and attractions during pregnancy?

There is no consensus on this matter. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor first. Research shows that a sudden stop - such as a car collision - can cause injury, which in pregnancy can cause placental abruption, a serious complication of pregnancy. This type of injury can also occur on an amusement ride.

Many amusement parks have restrictions for pregnant women. Before you go there, find out this point.

Another note: maybe during pregnancy it’s better to just sit by the pool and not fly down the water slides?

Pregnancy is a very important and exciting period in the life of every woman. From the moment the test shows two lines until the birth of the child, a long nine months will pass. Every woman wants these months to go well and joyfully, without complications and problems. How can this be achieved?

You need to listen carefully to your body and visit your doctor regularly. What you need to pay attention to and what you need to know to ensure that your pregnancy experience is only positive.

What symptoms should alert a pregnant woman, especially in the early stages?

First of all, this is pain in the lower abdomen - a fairly common symptom of a threatened miscarriage. early stages. Attention should also be paid to the feeling of heaviness and aching in the lumbar spine. If a pregnant woman experiences this type of pain, she should consult a doctor immediately.

Another, no less threatening symptom is bleeding. Heavy bleeding is an indicator of miscarriage. However, on initial stage minor pregnancies are possible spotting. To find out whether this is a normal physiological condition or a threat, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary.

What are the reasons for the threat of miscarriage in the early stages?

Unfortunately, early miscarriages are quite common. There are even cases where a miscarriage occurs before you realize you are pregnant.
It is believed that about half of all fertilized eggs are lost in the first days of pregnancy. Even before the pregnancy test was taken. There are many reasons for the threat of miscarriage, including the following:
  • genetic (presence of chromosomal and genetic pathologies)
  • hormonal (hormonal imbalance in a pregnant woman, the most common is insufficiency of the hormone progesterone)
  • infectious (cytomegalovirus, herpes, rubella and many other diseases can cause spontaneous abortion)
and many others, such as stress, heavy physical activity, falls and injuries, overheating, bad habits.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with “threatened miscarriage,” what are her next steps? Need a hospital?

The threat of miscarriage, especially in the early stages, is not a reason to panic. By consulting a doctor in a timely manner, you will provide your child with favorable conditions for further growth and development.

The first thing you need to do is undergo a full medical examination, which will be prescribed to you by your doctor. Treatment on an inpatient or outpatient basis is decided individually based on the results of the examination. A pregnant woman at risk is prescribed strict bed rest. Any activity is not allowed.

A pregnant woman should maintain not only physical, but also psychological peace. Some women are prescribed sedatives if necessary, since pregnant women are very worried that the baby they carry under their hearts is in danger.

Are there any preventative measures to prevent the threat?

The best prevention threats of termination in the early stages are pregnancy planning. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination in advance and make sure that there are no health problems. This will significantly reduce the risk of interruption. It is also very important to give up bad habits and uncontrolled use of medications in time. Be aware, but don't be afraid! Being informed about the possible risks of pregnancy is important, but taking care of your mental, emotional and physical health is even more important. Most likely, your pregnancy will go well, so enjoy all the changes that are happening in your body!

Reading time: 8 minutes. Views 2.4k. Published 10/23/2018

Today's article will be of interest to those who are concerned about the topic of early pregnancy. How to notice the first signs, when to see a doctor, what tests to take, what to be wary of - everything that is interesting and important for expectant mothers.

The beginning of pregnancy - what is it like?

For the birth of a new life, it is necessary that during the period of ovulation the sperm fertilizes the egg. Fertilization requires an average of one day. Then the fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus and is fixed (implanted) in it. This takes from a week to 10 days.

As a rule, the body’s reaction to conception begins to manifest itself precisely after implantation. Successful implantation of the embryo in the uterus leads to the production of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is a special hormone, whose production rapidly increases in the body of the expectant mother for the first three months, after which it gradually decreases. It is this process that causes symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages, including toxicosis.

First signs of pregnancy

First of all, dear expectant mothers, we are all different. And if a friend assures you that she felt the embryo “right the next morning!”, and you found out about conception only three weeks later by the strip on the test, this does not mean that something is going wrong with you. It’s just that your body reacts in its own way, it knows better.

As a rule, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear after the egg has implanted, i.e. in the second week and later.

You can guess about it subjectively, by changing physiological sensations. You can get reliable information by using a test or taking a test at a clinic.

Physiological changes

There are many subjective symptoms, but you should remember that they can all be caused by other reasons. These include:

  1. Delayed menstruation. The first sign that allows you to hope for a joyful event, especially if a woman has an established cycle.
  2. Feeling weak. The onset of hormonal changes is a serious burden on the body; the body needs rest to recover. Dizziness and fainting are possible.
  3. Mood swings. All the same hormones wreak havoc on emotional state mothers, sometimes already from the first week. Calm, just calm, everything will be fine!
  4. Reaction to odors. Increased sense of smell is a very common symptom. But every pregnant woman has her own “favorite” smell.
  5. The amount of saliva increases, usually in the morning.
  6. Morning sickness and vomiting. Hello, toxicosis! It often begins after three weeks, and some lucky women do not feel it at all. But sometimes it can start from the first week.
  7. Change in taste habits, increase in appetite.
  8. Increased breast sensitivity.
  9. Frequent urination. The most interesting thing is yet to come, when the enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder. But the restructuring of the body has already begun, the urinary system is preparing to bear the baby.
  10. Vaginal discharge. If a pregnant woman has “spotting” in the early stages, i.e. bloody discharge appears, this is not a reason to panic. But you need to see a doctor; he determines the degree of danger. The amount of normal white discharge increases, this is normal.
  11. Unusual sensations in the pelvic area. The increased blood flow can cause a feeling of heaviness and tingling.
  12. Increase in basal temperature. If a woman regularly measures the temperature in the rectum, she will notice an increase to 37 0 C, which does not subside.

External changes

Sometimes already in the first weeks you can see external changes:

  • mild swelling of the face, arms, legs;
  • skin rashes;
  • swollen breasts;
  • darkening around the nipples;
  • bloating;
  • darkening of the line crossing the abdomen down from the navel.

Everyone's reaction female body individual. Some people experience nausea as early as the first week, while others may have a hidden pregnancy, the symptoms of which are not noticeable for a month or longer. Moreover, the symptoms of the first and subsequent pregnancies may differ.

Laboratory methods

All of the above symptoms can be caused by other reasons - illness, fatigue, and so on. To obtain an accurate result, laboratory methods based on the detection of hCG in the body of the expectant mother are required.

Table of methods for determining pregnancy

Method Description How to use When is it carried out? Accuracy
Test strip White stripe with colored area and arrows. Dip into fresh urine, wait 3-5 minutes for the second strip to appear. First day of delay 90%
Tablet test Plastic container with two holes Drop urine into the hole, the result is visible in the second 95%
Jet test Strip cassette Place under stream of urine, wait 3 seconds. 2-3 days before expected menstruation 97%
Electronic test Plastic container with screen Place under urine, wait 5 seconds. 2-3 days before expected menstruation 97%
Blood test for hCG 6-10 days after expected conception 99%
Ultrasound of the uterus 4-5 weeks late menstruation 100%

The simplest and most accessible is a test strip. You can do repeated tests at intervals of 3 days. The color intensity of the second strip will darken as the hCG content in the urine increases.

A laboratory blood test for pregnancy in the early stages will give a reliable result, but it is not carried out in all clinics. If dynamic monitoring of the patient’s condition is necessary, the doctor prescribes a referral for hCG analysis.

When to see a doctor

A delay of 2-3 days is not a reason to see a doctor. Even the most experienced gynecologist will not be able to say anything definite during this period. But postponing consultation with a doctor for 2-3 months is at least unreasonable.

The doctor will be able to confirm conception from about 3-4 weeks. In addition to determining pregnancy, a visit to the doctor in the first month will help avoid possible complications.

The gynecologist examines the woman, and he can approximately determine the time of conception. If something is bothering the expectant mother, it is necessary to describe in detail all the symptoms to the attending physician. The gynecologist will expertly explain everything that is important to know in the early stages.

Examination of a pregnant woman

The doctor creates an exchange card and registers the woman with antenatal clinic. The expectant mother undergoes a detailed examination to get a complete picture of her health in the early stages of pregnancy, to identify possible problems and if possible get rid of them. The patient should visit:

  • therapist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist.

In addition, the following tests are required:

  • general urine;
  • bacterial culture of urine;
  • general blood;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • test for blood group and Rh factor;
  • tests for hepatitis B and C, syphilis, AIDS;
  • blood for TORCH infections (rubella, herpes, etc., which can cause pathologies in fetal development);
  • checking blood clotting (coagulogram);
  • cytology smear;
  • smear for sexually transmitted infections;
  • feces - for the presence of worms.

Benefits of early registration

The first month is dangerous period pregnancy, when the embryo is still vulnerable and can be affected by the mother’s illnesses, excessive stress and other negative factors. Medical consultation will help minimize risks.

A visit to the doctor will help to detect an ectopic pregnancy in time, before the situation threatens the woman’s health. If the first signs of toxicosis appear, your doctor can help mitigate them.

You should visit a gynecologist at least once a month if nothing worries you. The doctor must be aware of any manifestation of the patient’s ill health.

Risks in early pregnancy

The main threat of this period is the danger of spontaneous interruption. According to statistics, for every five pregnancies there is one early miscarriage. Therefore, a woman who wants to safely carry and give birth to a child must take care of her health.

Possible causes of miscarriage:

  • congenital pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • hormonal imbalances (progesterone deficiency);
  • pathological condition of the cervix (isthmic-cervical insufficiency);
  • genetic pathologies of the fetus;
  • physical overexertion, sudden jerk;
  • injury;
  • the influence of certain medications.

Symptoms of threatened spontaneous abortion

Qualified medical care can prevent miscarriage in most cases, provided that the pregnant woman consults a doctor in time.

Signs of a threatened miscarriage:

  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • vaginal discharge containing blood;
  • bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • intense vomiting.

Immediately after appearance alarming symptoms It is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations - including hospitalization and bed rest.

The need for medical supervision

The first weeks after conception are a very important stage in the development of the future human being. Dear expectant mothers, do not rely only on your health - problems arise in absolutely healthy women. And arguments like: “Our great-grandmothers gave birth in the field, and nothing happened” sound downright stupid.

Only a gynecologist will competently tell you everything about pregnancy in the early stages, notice possible violations in time and correct them. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, ask about anything that concerns you, and report the slightest health problems. will show any deviation, if any. And before the examination, just be frank with the leading doctor.


Take care of yourself, don’t allow yourself to be nervous, follow the doctor’s recommendations - and in 9 months you will hold your endlessly beloved baby in your arms. Happy pregnancy and easy birth!

How did you realize that you were already pregnant? What tests were used? Write to us, because your experience can help those who are still preparing to become a mother.

And the Its Kids team wishes all expectant mothers a happy pregnancy and an easy birth!

Tests, registration with a gynecologist, trimesters of pregnancy - it seems so difficult, but in reality...

With the appearance of two stripes on a pharmacy test, the girl’s life changes. Some people are not happy about such a gift, but for others it is happiness. It’s easier for women who already have a child. They know how pregnancy goes, what happens to her and the baby’s body, when to visit a gynecologist, etc.

It is more difficult for girls who will give birth for the first time. But even here you shouldn’t get lost. Not everything is as scary as it seems.

Go to the doctor as soon as you see two lines. The period from the 6th to the 12th week is optimal for registration, because during this period we can confidently say that pregnancy has occurred.

The doctor creates an exchange card in which he describes the pregnancy, right up to childbirth. After this, he will conduct a general examination, prescribe tests, and send you to undergo a commission.

You need to visit a gynecologist once a month before 20 weeks, once every 2 weeks before 32, and once every 7 days after 32 weeks. If you have health problems or pathologies, then visit more often.

Trimesters of pregnancy

How are you to the expectant mother It is advisable to know what changes are occurring in the body and what is happening to the baby.

I trimester (1−12 weeks)

happening in your body hormonal changes, the mammary glands swell, the nipple areolas change color, toxicosis and heartburn appear. Constipation may occur. Daily nausea affects general condition, use .

The baby is growing and developing rapidly at this time. It turns from an embryo into a fetus. Parts of his body are formed, he begins to slowly move them. The movements are slow so you can't hear them yet. The genitals are also formed.

II trimester (13−27 weeks)

By this time, the malaise passes, and is replaced by pain in the back and lower back. Your belly is growing and it becomes difficult for you to do your usual things. Posture suffers. Around the 20th week, you will begin to feel the baby's movements. At this time, his motor activity increases.

The baby's organs continue to form and the skeleton hardens. The kidneys are already working, the first urine is being excreted. The baby hears you, you can talk to him. Using ultrasound, the sex of the child is determined. If premature labor suddenly begins at the end of the second trimester, the baby may survive, but only with the help of intensive care.

III trimester (28−40 weeks)

Your belly is growing, your breasts are getting bigger. You gain weight, which causes stiffness in your movements. It’s hard to climb stairs and walk for a long time. By the end of the 37th week, false contractions appear. They are irregular, so there is no need to sound the alarm, but you need to tell your doctor about them.

The baby's organs and systems are finally formed. He makes his first breathing movements. Nails, hair, teeth grow.

Subjective symptoms of pregnancy (fetal movement, delayed menstruation, nausea) manifest themselves purely individually for each woman.

How everyday life is changing

As an expectant mother, take care of your health and take care of it. External factors affect you and your baby.

Bad habits

Give up alcohol, smoking and especially drugs if you want to have a healthy child. These are the causes of congenital deformities and diseases.


Everything you eat goes to your baby. There is no need to change anything radically. It is worth eliminating junk food and fast food. Your daily diet should contain all microelements. Add natural vitamins. If it's not the season, consult your doctor and buy them at the pharmacy.

Sleep-wake schedule

You can't overexert yourself. This does not mean that everything is prohibited. Alternate rest with light physical activity. And don't do more than what you're capable of. Do not lift weights, this can cause placental abruption, miscarriage, and premature birth.

Preparing for childbirth

Prepare physically for childbirth. There are exercises that can help make labor easier and keep you fit. Sign up for a childbirth preparation course. They will tell you and show you how to relieve pain during contractions and how to behave correctly.

It would be a good idea to discuss the issue of wearing a bandage and compression garments. You may not need it, but you can ask again.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, do not do anything that could cause premature labor. These factors include sex, intense physical activity, and stress.

Prepare a bag with things for the maternity hospital in advance. Take a list of documents and things you will need from the antenatal clinic. Prepare it 2-3 weeks before giving birth so as not to forget anything, and who knows what.

You read a lot of advice and information about the upcoming birth on forums on the Internet - good for your health. Useful for broadening your horizons. But listen and do as the doctors and midwives in the maternity hospital say.

Childbirth is considered normal between 38 and 40 weeks. Each woman's due date is different. The main thing is to know exactly when you need to go to the maternity hospital.

The obstetrician-gynecologist will calculate the date of birth. 1-2 weeks before labor begins, signs of labor appear. They prepare the expectant mother for the appearance of regular contractions.

Harbingers of childbirth:

  • It becomes easier to breathe, because the fetal head is inserted into the pelvis.
  • The uterus is almost ready for labor, so it becomes more excitable.
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, in the lower back.
  • A couple of days before the birth itself, a mucus plug comes out of the genital tract.
  • Colostrum is released from the nipples.
  • The appearance of regular contractions.

Contractions begin in a few seconds with a long break. Gradually, the rest time is reduced, and the time of contractions increases. When they become regular, once every 5-7 minutes, go to the maternity hospital. Provided you live close to it. If you need to get there for a long time, go as soon as the first contractions appear.

If this is your second child, don't delay. Go straight away, the second birth is easier and faster than the first time.

Amniotic fluid often leaks out before or along with contractions. If this happens, go to the hospital. Once your water breaks, you should give birth within 12 hours.

There are situations from which neither you nor anyone else is immune. And you need to act immediately, because you are already responsible for two lives, yours and your baby’s.

Emergency conditions:

  • Pain appears in the abdominal area.
  • Appear bleeding or amniotic fluid contains blood.
  • The child stopped moving or, conversely, the movements intensified.
  • Contractions are too painful or the uterus does not relax during the rest period.
  • Deterioration in general health: dizziness, changes in blood pressure, etc.

Now you know everything an expectant mother needs to know. Pregnancy is important for a woman. You are carrying a little person within you. It's actually a wonderful condition. You are special, you glow with happiness, everyone helps you in everything. You will always remember this state, tell your baby how you carried it in your tummy. So let it pass easily for you, only with a positive attitude. Being a mother is happiness.