“They say it will be unlucky if a black cat crosses the road...” - the words of a popular song and a well-known sign in Russia and Belarus. Fortunately for black cats, not everyone believes in this sign, including me. I currently have 6 cats living at home, 4 of them are black. Black cats are also not welcome here in Nepal, which is why no one took my kittens - “oh no, I don’t want black ones,” even our Russian ladies reacted this way: some believe in superstitions, while others consider them unattractive. And for me, they are one of the most beautiful cats - very graceful and elegant.
But in some countries, on the contrary, a black cat is a positive omen.

For example, in Britain and Ireland, as well as in Japan. It is believed that if a black cat wanders into someone's house or sneaks onto a ship, it will bring good luck to the residents of the house or, accordingly, to the crew of the ship. Under no circumstances should a cat be kicked out, otherwise luck will go with it.
If a black cat crossed the path of the bride when she and the groom were leaving the church after the wedding, this is good sign, the marriage will be successful. In a house where there is a black cat, the passion between lovers will never cool down.
Theatergoers also have their own sign: if a black cat enters the auditorium on the day of the premiere, the play will be successful.

In other countries, it is believed that if you meet a black cat walking towards you, it means good luck; Well, if the cat walked away from you, then you will be out of luck.
On the fur of any black cat you can find at least one white hair. So, if you manage to pull out this hair without the cat scratching you, then this will bring you either wealth or good luck in love. African-Americans also associate luck in love and attracting wealth with a black cat.

In Scotland, they believe that you will benefit financially if an unfamiliar black cat sits on your porch. In some areas of England they believe that a house with black cats will never be without lovers. Loving women take advantage of this. They always turn on the meowing black beauties. Also, if you have a stye on your eye, you can cure it by simply applying the tail of a black cat to your eye (I’ve never tried it).
In Sumatra, during a long drought, villagers throw a black cat into the river and force it to flounder there until it is completely exhausted. Luckily for the cat, he is then allowed to get ashore. According to local residents, such a ritual should bring the long-awaited rain.

Perhaps the association of a black cat with good luck originated in Ancient Egypt, where the favorite of the goddess Bast was a black cat. The Egyptians brought black cats into their homes in the hope that part of the goddess's soul would settle there and this would bring them good luck.
It is a well-known fact that King Charles the First of England had a favorite black cat. How he cherished and protected him, the cat was under constant supervision. And yet the cat fell ill and died. The king exclaimed: “Now luck will turn away from me!” So what? The next day he was arrested and later, as is known, executed.

I prefer to believe in positive signs about black cats, and if you believe, then it will be so and my black cats will personally bring me only good luck, in addition to the fact that every day they give me the joy of communicating with them

The oldest cat in the world, named Lucy, lives in the UK. The record holder turned 39 years old this year, which in human age would be equal to 172 years. Lucy was born in 1972. By the way, the average lifespan of cats is about 17 years. Her owner, Bill Thomas, says that Lucy has lost her hearing with age, but otherwise she is in excellent health, and she even still catches garden mice.

The State Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg hosted a special holiday - the Day of the Hermitage Cat.

Hermitage Cat Day is a special project developed at the State Hermitage Museum and dedicated to the cats living in the museum.

It is believed that the Hermitage cats date back to the beginning of the 18th century, when Peter I settled a cat brought from Holland in the Winter Palace. Later, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna issued a “Decree on the expulsion of cats to the court,” in which she ordered “to find in Kazan the best and largest cats that are convenient for catching mice... And if anyone has such stored cats, they should be announced for speedy departure to provincial office."

Under Catherine the Great, the Hermitage cats were granted the status of art gallery guards and were placed on state pay.

Rejoice with me for my child.

She calls me - what should I give dad?
So as not to strain her too much for money, I say - give her a flashlight (an American policeman with a long black handle - Oleg had one, and sowed it).
Oleg sits next to him - hisses - Black!! tell me to buy the black one!!
I somehow ignored this, they started chatting about their own girlish things (Well, what other colors could a POLICE American flashlight have besides black!!!)

Our vegetarians are coming.
They take out a flashlight.
RED color (and even with a pearlescent tint)

Oleg should have been photographed at that moment.

Now he will walk around with a red flashlight.
He is silent, says nothing.
I only said once, “The color is kind of prostitute.”

Gee. Now he will be the most glamorous when fishing.

Yes, now I’m afraid to let him go fishing.

As you know, there is probably a yellow party in Germany (this is the CDU),
the black party (these are liberals), the red party (these are social democrats) and,
of course, green.
Recently on TV:
- He got so nervous and disappointed that he turned from red to black
and ultimately green!

Vasily Ivanovich wins the Volga in the lottery. Petka advises him:
- Take only black, otherwise let them return the money!
Vasily Ivanovich comes to the cashier, and they tell him: there is no black Volga
- Well, then take my ticket and give me back thirty kopecks...

I read the verse
They wrote about owls
I read about them
And I'll tell you about cats.

The cat may be round
Maybe the cat is skinny.
The cat may be dark
Or pestro like borscht.

The cat has a head
Often she is a ball.
If she has horns,
This is not our copy.

Nose on the head
Eyes grow on the side.
There is a whisker under the cat's eye.
And there are two more nearby.

The cat has a tail
There are two legs in front.
The cat has fur
There are also two legs in the back.

The cat has a mouth
Usually lives on the muzzle.
Cat with this mouth in the stomach
He often puts out food.

I read the verse
They wrote about owls
I read about them
And I'll tell you about cats.

The cat may be round
Maybe the cat is skinny.
The cat may be dark
Or pestro like borscht.

The cat has a head
Often she is a ball.
If she has horns,
This is not our copy.

Nose on the head
Eyes grow on the side.
There is a whisker under the cat's eye.
And there are two more nearby.

The cat has a tail
There are two legs in front.
The cat has fur
There are also two legs in the back.

The cat has a mouth
Usually lives on the muzzle.
Cat with this mouth in the stomach
He often puts out food.

I will tell you a black fairy tale about a black-black black, which one day
flew on a very black plane, which fell into the Black Sea, and
black divers from the black depths took a black-black plane out of the plane
a box in which a fairy tale about a black, very black Negro was written,
who once flew on a very black plane...

How often.

How often do we not value time?
And often we don’t value it.
How often do we remember life?
And we are often sad about the past.

How often we say empty things,
And often there is silence in response.
How often do we argue about funny things?
And often we only wait for advice.

How often do you feel offended at yourself?
And often there is no one to blame.
How often do we love in an impulse,
And it's often not easy to forget.

The Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg is currently considering
bill "On keeping cats and cats in St. Petersburg." Here
excerpts from this fateful document:
"A cat or cat is a genus of predatory mammals of the cat family, which
characterized by retractable claws, lack of ear tufts and
internal tubercle on the upper carnivorous tooth."
"Raising a cat means teaching the cat the skills
adequate behavior and the formation of psychological
qualities necessary to ensure safety of life, health and
property of citizens, as well as property of legal entities."
"It is permissible to use a cat or cat as a means of protection...
It is not allowed to use a cat as a means of security
by persons registered with the health authorities regarding Interesting, besides black cats, what else is there to be afraid of? After all, there are other signs?


From the cycling forum:
I was riding my bike yesterday evening. The road is two lane. There are not very many cars, but there are some. I see in the light of a headlight that a black cat is crossing the road in front of me from right to left. I looked in the rear mirror - the car seemed far away. And I began to quickly change lanes into the middle of the road, then into the oncoming lane, so that I could pass in front of the cat. Didn't have time. I had to jump on the curb to avoid driving into an oncoming car. Just in case, I spat 3 times over my left shoulder and drove on. I arrived home fine.
I wonder, besides black cats, what else is there to be afraid of? After all, there are other signs?

If you are driving along the road, not bothering anyone, the cars are far away, and suddenly a cyclist starts changing lanes at breakneck speed from the oncoming traffic towards you - this is not good. There's probably a black cat somewhere nearby.

Black cats are the object of superstitions of various peoples. According to some superstitious people, it serves as a harbinger of misfortune (for example, if a black cat crosses the road, this leads to further failures in life). According to other superstitious people, for example, a black cat living in a house brings good luck. Prejudice does not depend on the breed of the cat and concerns only its color.
Cats are animals that can evoke both love and hatred in people. In rich houses, cats enjoyed the privileges of being the master's pets. Commoners often lived in worse conditions than domestic animals and transferred their hatred to them.

In the 1880s, the color black became associated with anarchism, and the black cat became a symbol of anarchists. One of the protests was called the “Wild Cat Strike.”

The interpretation of the image of black cats and cats varies among different cultures and peoples. In Great Britain, a black cat is considered a symbol of good luck. The Scots believe that a black cat entering a house will bring wealth and prosperity, and the owner of the black cat will have many admirers.

Black cat is a symbol of good luck

  • The interpretation of the image of black cats and cats varies among different cultures and peoples.
    In Great Britain, a black cat is considered a symbol of good luck. As one English proverb says: “If a black cat lives in your house, there will be no failures on the personal front.” According to this proverb, a black cat represents a symbol of sexual attractiveness. The owner of a black cat, according to legend, will always be gifted with the attention of the male half of the population.
  • In Scotland, catching a black cat sitting on the porch is considered a sign of wealth and prosperity.
  • In Ancient Egypt, there was a belief that a cat brought grace to the house where it was kept. Often even epitaphs on tombstones read: “The cat gives us well-being, life and health.” The presence of this animal was mandatory in every home.
  • Sailors believe that a black ship's cat will bring good luck in sailing. Black cats are often kept at home by the wives of sailors and fishermen, believing that this will protect their husbands while at sea.

However, in Western culture, black cats are often a symbol of bad omen.
The black cat is the favorite and assistant of witches. In oral folklore, the black cat often took on human form and spied on people on the orders of witches or demons. In the Middle Ages, these prejudices forced people to kill black cats and cats. This led in part to an increase in the rat population and the spread of bubonic plague and other rodent-borne diseases.

Black cats. Symbol of mysticism?

When we say “witch,” our imagination helpfully produces a complete witch’s set: a cauldron with a potion, cards, candles, a broom and, of course, a black cat. What is the word “magician” associated with? Well, of course, ancient books, manuscripts, spicy aromas, amulets, talismans and an indispensable attribute of witchcraft - a black cat. What is so attractive about this animal, why exactly a black, and not a red cat, has become a symbol of mysticism, the unknown, incomprehensible and mysterious?

It turns out there are explanations for this. Only black color has the ability to perfectly protect against directed negative influences, completely absorbing all negative energies and nullifying, for example, the efforts of energy vampires to get into your biofield. And magicians have different clients, and again there is competition... You never know, you will fall victim to the envy of your colleagues. And communication with spirits, ghosts and other undead things is not in vain. A black cat copes better with the functions of a protector than other colors; it will warn of danger in time and remove negativity if necessary (and, believe me, it is required, quite often!)

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the following interesting fact:

The black cat twice saved the life of Secretary General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. While in India in 1969, Brezhnev met the Dalai Lama and he gave him a black magic cat with unique abilities to warn of future misfortunes and protect its owner. Brezhnev took the Lama's warnings seriously and did not question his words. And I didn’t regret it. In the same year, when the cat, not wanting to let its owner out of the house, showed concern, Brezhnev changed the place of his car in the motorcade, and those who were driving in the traditional Brezhnev place were seriously injured. Pure coincidence, right? But the second time, a year later, history repeated itself. The cat again did not want to let his owner leave the house and Brezhnev, having canceled all his business, stayed at home. Stupidity, right? Canceling business meetings because of some black cat who decided to meow. But it was this time that a truck crashed into a government car that left without the Secretary General, and the passenger of the car died. As some say - just

coincidence or not? In the spring of 1982, the black cat passed away... And a few months later, having lost his talisman, his owner also died... Do you also think that all these are just coincidences, or should we listen to what they warn us about?

The cat is a portable biogenerator that creates electromagnetic radiation. The combination of black color and cat biopower gives simply amazing results. The frequency and amplitude of the waves emitted by a black cat have a strong effect on a person, both protecting him and curing him from many diseases. That is why cats are actively used in animatherapy - a special direction of medicine that has existed since the mid-50s of the last century and is gaining increasing popularity these days. In favor of the fact that cats can not only relieve nervous stress, but also heal, for example, cardiovascular diseases, says the fact that almost 49% of American doctors recommend that their patients get a cat, which helps reduce the risk of a heart attack.

In past centuries, magicians and sorcerers were part-time healers and, knowing about the extraordinary abilities of cats, they used them in medical practice in the same way as doctors who practice animatherapy use them today.

Black cats are reliable energy protectors who have amazing magical abilities and are eternal companions of the mysterious.


Do you believe that black cats bring bad luck when they get caught

Are you on your way? Or do you think that black cats bring good luck?

It really all depends on what country you live in....

In different cultures and myths, attitudes towards black cats completely different. If you live in the United States or most European

countries, then when meeting with black cat you will definitely expect failure.

If you live in England or Japan, then the meeting black cat will bring good luck.

If you live in Germany, then it is believed that if black cat crossed the road from right to left, then this is a bad sign, but if the cat crossed from left to right, then this guarantees you a good time.

Italians believe that black cat lives on the bed of a dying man

and dies after him.

In China it is believed that black cat a harbinger of hunger and poverty

In Latvia, like most Europeans, people believe that black cat brings bad luck, however, in ancient times in Latvia it was considered great luck to keep black dog, black cat and a black rooster. It was believed that these black cats, being the spirit of Runcis, bring good harvest and good luck.

In Scotland, catch someone sitting black cat on the porch is considered a sign of wealth and prosperity.

In Britain it has long been believed that if black cat crosses your path or enters your home, this means good luck awaits you. This superstition has three primary sources.

The first takes us back to Ancient Egypt, where it was believed that the sacred cat overshadows with grace the house in which she lives and whose owners look after her. The real benefit, of course, was the reduction in the number of mice in that house. But, thanks to countless myths and legends, the positive role cats spread much further than this reality and began to be considered as something absolute.

The inscriptions on ancient graves tell us that " cat bestows life, well-being and health, she does this every day and ensures a calm old age.”

Cat should be in every home. Along the thinnest threads this ancient tradition passed down from century to century even when the Christian Church persecuted cats, considering them servants of the devil.

The second source comes from the Middle Ages, when " cat“the devil” was feared and hated. It was then that the belief arose: if cat crossed your path and you were not subsequently harmed, it means you are incredibly lucky. Hence the association between cats and luck. If cat comes to your house, then you, by showing kindness and compassion towards her, thereby please her master, that is, the devil, and protect yourself from his wrath. That's why, when the cat enters your home and finds a good reception there, you receive in return good luck and the favor of Satan. Others may suffer from it, but not you.

The third source is more earthly. An old English proverb says: “If at home black cat, there will be no shortage of lovers in it.” Here cat plays the role of a symbol of sexual attractiveness. During her heat she attracts a crowd of admirers cats, so the house in which he lives cat, is considered a place where any female person will receive the attention of the same number of men.

Black in all these cases it is considered especially lucky, since it is associated with occult practice. However, on the other side of the Atlantic, in America, the opposite is true: there it is believed that white cat, and from black- nothing but troubles. This happens because during the time of the pioneers, the first settlers, black cat associated with the devil so strongly that she unconditionally became the personification of evil and evil forces. No one wanted to deal with them, no one even tried to appease them.

White cat, due to its clear contrast with black, was seen as the force of light opposing darkness, and thus became a sign of good luck.

Black cats found more often in cities than in villages. Why? There is no reason to suspect rural residents of being more superstitious. Dr. Clarke from Scotland conducted a survey of the population in Glasgow and its suburbs. He asked: "What do you think? black cat brings happiness, brings misfortune or does not affect fortune at all?" Both in the city and in the village the answers were the same: 20% are sure that it brings happiness, 20% - that misfortune, 60% - did not take this issue seriously.

Thus, the hypothesis of artificial selection based on superstition is eliminated. Maybe natural selection is at work here? Isn't the phenomenon we are observing a manifestation of an unfavorable environmental situation?

For example, it is known that in cities smoky industrial enterprises birch trunks black butterflies are invisible to birds, unlike white ones, and therefore their frequency in urban populations increases sharply. But a cat is not a butterfly - a sparrow will not peck him! Maybe, on the contrary, black cat in a smoky city it is easier to get close to a sparrow and eat it unnoticed. Even if this is true, it is unlikely to provide significant selective advantages black cats.

Most likely the solution to the problem is side effects black color gene. Animals with black color They turn out to be calmer, more friendly to people, and more resistant to the effects of various stresses. Thus, it can be assumed that due to the characteristics of their behavior black cats more adapted to tense and nervous city life than their lighter-colored relatives.

This is precisely what explains the sharp increase in frequency black cats in urban populations.

Be that as it may, in any case, black cat in your home will become a friend for many years and will create comfort and bring joy.


For centuries, people have attributed magical powers to cats and associated them with gods, witches and witchcraft. U different nations There are legends about cats and their magical abilities. In some religions, cats are considered sacred animals, bringing both happiness and misfortune.

The most famous patron of cats is, perhaps, the Egyptian goddess Bast, who even had a cat's head. Cats were so revered in Egypt that killing them was a serious crime, and when a cat living in the house died, all mourning rituals were observed. Cats often lived in temples, and there was even a feeding ritual; stray cats were greeted with honor, domestic cats literally ate at the same table with the family. Cat amulets were common, and dead cats were mummified and buried in special sarcophagi.

The Greeks believed that the goddess Diana often took the form of a cat. Therefore, cats were under special protection. In Scandinavia, cats were harnessed to the chariot of Freya, also Freyia, the blonde-haired and blue-eyed goddess of love, procreation and fertility. Among the Celts, the goddess Ceridwen was served by white cats, who helped her in affairs on Earth.

In Ancient Rome, the cat symbolized freedom and independence; it always accompanied the goddess of freedom Libertas and was depicted next to her.

Cats are still surrounded by an aura of mystery; it is often believed that sorcerers keep cats for their own purposes. It is worth noting, however, that during the Inquisition, many small animals - dogs, mice, rats, toads - were suspected of having connections with witches. There was a strong belief that witches could turn into cats, so sometimes there were even trials of witches “in the form of cats.” In 1718 William Montgomery claimed that many cats gathered near his house at night and spoke human language. After he killed two of them and maimed one, it was rumored that two old women were found dead the next morning, and one was found badly beaten.

IN different countries There are many contradictory signs associated with cats. For example, in Britain and Australia it is believed that black cats bring happiness; in some provinces of these countries they believe that white cats bring bad luck. In many European countries and the USA, on the contrary, a black cat portends misfortune, and in Russia it protects the house from thieves. In England, tortoiseshell cats bring happiness to their owners, and in Russia - blue cats. They say that if a cat sneezed near the bride on her wedding day, then the marriage will be happy. In some countries, it is believed that a cat that is frightened of an oncoming person and runs away or simply turns in the opposite direction from its original direction portends bad luck for that person.

In the old days, sailors had a belief that a black cat that settled on a ship was very happy sign. Kicking out the cat was tantamount to kicking out happiness. Particularly lucky were the ships on which there lived a completely black cat, without white markings. At the same time, they avoided uttering the word “cat” at sea - this could lead to trouble! A cat falling overboard meant the immediate approach of a storm. Sailors could not even think of leaving a cat on a sinking ship, trying to the last opportunity to save it in a shipwreck. In Yorkshire it was believed that if If the wife has a black cat on the shore, there is no threat to her husband at sea. This sometimes even leads to the theft of cats.

The ability of cats to sense danger has not surprised anyone for a long time. In the towns and villages on the slopes of Vesuvius on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples, there is not a household without cats. Over many centuries, life has taught people whose houses are built on the slopes of an active volcano to rely on the instincts of their furry pets more than on the predictions of scientists. During the Second World War, cats often saved their owners. This ability of cats turned out to be so valuable that a special medal was established in Europe with the words engraved on it: “We also serve our homeland.” The medal was awarded to cats who saved greatest number human lives.

Cat fur and bones were often included in amulets, and were also intended to enhance the effect of many spells. Stroking the tail of a black cat, for example, was used to treat styes, and the tail of a tortoiseshell cat helped against warts, as did three drops of blood smeared on a wart. It was believed that if a sick person was bathed in the water in which a cat had previously been washed, he would pass on his illness to the cat, which would take it out of the house. Each cat was given two names: one real, the other to confuse the devil. Then, in general, it was believed that knowledge of the real name helped dark forces gain power over a person (or cat). By giving the cat two names, one well-known, and the second a real one, never uttered in front of strangers, people tried to protect the cat that went outside from the machinations of evil forces.

With the help of cats you can try to predict the weather, here are some signs:

· If a cat sneezes, it means rain. If you sneezed three times, you are afraid of catching a cold.

· If a cat rushes around the house, jumps on everything and scratches - there is a strong wind, when the cat calms down, it means that the storm will soon subside.

· If a cat washes its ears thoroughly, it means rain. In ancient Rome they said: “If a cat washes behind its ears, it means that it feels that holes are appearing in the sky.” They probably spoke pure Latin.

· A cat digging and rolling on the ground and generally being in a playful mood is a sure sign that a rainstorm is approaching.

· If the cat is worried and rushes from place to place, a hurricane is approaching.

· A cat sitting with its back to the hearth means frost.

· If a cat tries to escape from the house at night, while meowing loudly, the bad weather may last for several days.

You can try to interpret dreams:

· Black - good luck.

· Tortoiseshell - success in love.

· Redhead - to money and success in business

· White - good luck in creative affairs.

· Black and white - good luck for children. Perhaps the same for the birth of a child.

· Tabby - happiness in the house, and good luck to those living in it.

· Blue - dreams will come true.

· Calico - good luck in business with new and old friends.

· Two fighting cats - to a quarrel or illness

A selection of material from the Internet

- Why are you upset?

— Because I’m a black cat... :)

In the world of superstitions, there are two that are particularly common throughout the world. There is material on the site about one of them - the fear of the number thirteen (Friday the Thirteenth. To be afraid or not?). Here we will talk about something else - the fear of a black cat crossing the road.

Black cat. The roots of superstition

It must be said that this superstition does not have particularly ancient roots. Moreover, in the distant past, the black cat was often an object of worship. So, in ancient Egypt there was a cult of the sacred black cat. The Egyptian goddess Bast was revered in the form of a black cat, and during the reign of Shoshenq, the first pharaoh of the XXI Libyan dynasty, she was declared the official Goddess of the Kingdom. It was believed that the favor of this goddess should always bring good luck.

Most often, Bast was depicted as a woman with the head of a cat or in the guise of a cat. Sometimes Bast was considered the wife of the creator god Ptah or identified with the sky goddess Mut, as well as with the highly revered goddesses Uto, Tefnut, Sekhmet and Hathor in Egypt, in connection with which Bast also acquired the functions of the solar Eye. According to the ancient Egyptians, the cat was sent by the gods to this world to protect it from otherworldly unfavorable forces.

Similar ideas about cats in general, and black ones in particular, existed in Ancient China and in some other countries. According to some researchers, the cat was considered a sacred animal also because it more often than other animals takes the shape of a circle, like a snake coiled into a ring, that is, it is a symbol of eternity.

Way to get rich

And in Rus', there has long been a way to get rich with the help of supernatural powers, using a black cat. To do this, you need to catch a black cat without a single white mark, stand with him on a moonless night at the crossroads of four roads, one of which leads to the cemetery, and pinch the cat so that he meows. When a stranger comes up and asks you to sell your cat, you must demand one ruble for the cat - this ruble will be irredeemable: no matter how many times you give it away, it will come back to you.

According to another old Russian belief, you can extract a bone from a black cat that will make a person invisible, or you can receive an invisibility hat from evil spirits in exchange for a black cat.

But why is it that both here and in Western countries people don’t like a black cat so much, and as the famous song says, “only a black cat is unlucky.” Firstly, cats are creatures that, despite their long life together with people, are not fully understood by the latter. And if dogs always walk with people, then cats walk on their own. Secondly, cats have long symbolized the feminine principle, and are also an image of supernatural vitality, extraordinary vitality. And thirdly, the color black has long been associated with the forces of darkness. All this together led to the fact that in the Middle Ages black cats began to be considered the favorites and helpers of witches, that is, they were unconditionally classified as the forces of evil. In oral folklore, the black cat often took on human form and spied on people on the orders of witches or even the devil himself.

One of the magical treatises of the mid-fifteenth century described the rite of initiation into witches as follows: “The new witch is brought to the “synagogue” and introduced to the Devil, who appears in the form of a “vicious person” or animal, usually a black cat.” (end of quote).

In the same Middle Ages, people subject to these prejudices killed black cats and cats. By the way, this partly led to an increase in the rat population and the spread of bubonic plague and other rodent-borne diseases. Thus ignorance was punished.

But despite the panicky fear of black cats that once gripped Europe, there are countries that were not affected by it. So in Great Britain, a black cat is considered a symbol of good luck. The British believe that when a cat leaves home, it takes with it misfortune and illness. In addition, in their opinion, four-legged friends relieve bad dreams and drive out evil spirits from the house. English fishermen are convinced that as long as the black cat is in the house, they are not in danger at sea. A black cat on a ship is good luck. There is a sign that if you throw a black cat overboard, a terrible storm will arise. And whoever kills a cat the color of night will have no luck in anything for seven years. The Scots believe that a black cat entering a house will bring wealth and prosperity, and the owner of the black cat will have many admirers.

In France, almost every family has black cats. In those cases when a strange black cat runs into the house, it is believed that this is a sign of joy.

And in Finland, local residents are afraid of meeting not a black, but a gray cat.

Black cat is a symbol of anarchists

The image of a black cat is also actively used in symbolism, and not only when it is necessary to make an association with dark forces. So, from about the 90s of the last century, the color black began to be associated with anarchism, and the black cat became a symbol of anarchists.

Ralph Chaplin is considered the creator of this symbol. During the trial of the leaders of one of the anarchist organizations in 1918, he stated that the black cat had been associated with the idea of ​​protest since childhood.