Exercises to increase testosterone should be known to every man. The lack of this hormone negatively affects not only their sexual capabilities and emotional background, but also the development of musculoskeletal tissue. You can increase the level of androgens in a man’s body with the help of special anabolic drugs, but since taking them cannot be called safe, doctors recommend increasing the hormone through physical exercise.

Basic techniques for increasing androgen levels

After the close connection between testosterone and strength training was discovered, specialists began to develop special physical activities. At the moment, there are plenty of exercises to increase this hormone in men, which allows you to select a strength load for people of different ages. The main thing is that the training program for the course to increase testosterone is completed in full. It has been experimentally proven that the male sex hormone in the blood increases any physical activity, provided that it is regular. Thus, the following strength training can be used to raise androgens:

  • Exercises with a barbell.
  • Workouts with dumbbells.
  • Push-ups from the floor.

Systematic performance of strength exercises to increase testosterone will not only contribute to the production of the hormone, but will also allow a man to constantly be in ideal physical shape, because in in this case we're talking about also about improving metabolic processes in the body. The most effective results are obtained by lifting barbells and squats. But before you start doing exercises to increase the androgen hormone in the blood, you need to ask your doctor about the permissible training volume.

Deadlift method

Barbell training goes like this:

  1. The man must take a vertical position, stand 10 cm from the sports equipment and place his feet in accordance with the width of his shoulders.
  2. You can grip the barbell in such a way that your hands remain shoulder-width apart, or a little wider. The legs are slightly bent, the back is straight, the chest is in a wheel shape.
  3. Slowly lift the projectile up, after reaching the final point, freeze for a few seconds and just as slowly return it back.

During the deadlift process, the back must remain straight, with the center of gravity falling on the heels. When doing exercises that increase testosterone, it is recommended to wear a weightlifting belt, which will partially relieve the load.

Rules for squats with a barbell

When performing squats with a barbell in order to increase androgens, it is necessary to calculate the weight of the sports equipment so that in one approach you can lift the equipment on your shoulders 10 times. The starting position is the same as when performing a deadlift - feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, chest forward. Before you start squats, you definitely need to place the apparatus under you on the racks, then you can move on to the exercises:

  1. Having removed the bar from the rack, it is placed on the shoulders, i.e., the trapezius muscles, take a couple of steps back and take the starting position described above.
  2. The elbows are bent, the shoulder blades are pulled back, the back muscles are tense.
  3. Then perform squats so that the surface of the thighs is parallel to the floor. At the moment of squatting, the heels cannot be lifted off the floor, while the man must straighten up completely.

When performing squats, be sure to take a deep breath every time. After all, not only physical exercise, but proper breathing is the key to success.

Exercises with dumbbells

Exercises to increase testosterone in the body can also be done using dumbbells. Below is a training program with dumbbells of an easy difficulty level. It is ideal for beginners who want to increase testosterone and strengthen their chest muscles:

  1. Taking dumbbells in your hands, lie down on a bench and place your feet on the floor. Hands with gymnastic equipment are held so that they are pressed to the upper side of the thigh, and the palms are facing each other.
  2. Then raise the dumbbells in front of you (pushing with your upper thigh) and fix them at shoulder width.
  3. In the next step, rotate your wrists so that your palms are facing forward and the dumbbells are on either side of your chest. The shoulders and forearms were at right angles.
  4. Exhale and slowly lift the dumbbells up, engaging your pectoral muscles. Holding your hands at the top, tense your chest, pause for a second, and lower the dumbbells down.

It is very important that the downward movement takes twice as long as the upward movement of the dumbbells. It is not recommended to do strength training more than three times a week, otherwise testosterone will only serve as support for developing muscles. In addition, if the body is overloaded with strength exercises after training, testosterone levels will drop sharply.


To produce testosterone, push-ups are used. Improve hormonal background and an exercise of medium difficulty with a narrow position of the arms will allow you to achieve the desired physical shape. It is performed as follows:

  1. Take a push-up position and fix your hands so that the index fingers and thumbs of both hands touch.
  2. Then you need to slowly lower yourself to the bottom position, and then forcefully push yourself up.
  3. Statically contract your triceps and lower your body down.

Push-ups can be divided into several approaches, which will allow you to work according to the scheme shown in the table:

The first week, the break between approaches can be from 1 to 10 minutes. The next five weeks follow the same pattern, if possible, only the rest time is reduced. These testosterone-boosting push-ups work your inner chest and triceps.

Features of using the Bubnovsky technique

Recently, Bubnovsky’s therapeutic exercises have become widespread among patients of urologists. But you should not expect that testosterone levels will increase if the given set of exercises is done occasionally. In addition, Bubnovsky exercises are contraindicated for men suffering from acute prostatitis. It would also be a good idea to consult a general practitioner or urologist before starting the program. When performing gymnastic exercises according to Bubnovsky, it is recommended to gradually increase the number of approaches.

The gymnastic complex consists of the following exercises:

  1. While sitting on the floor or chair, do scissoring for 30 seconds. In the first case, they rest their hands on the floor, in the second they hold them in front of them.
  2. Lie on your stomach, arms extended along your body, try to raise your straight legs as high as possible.
  3. Do a “half bridge” - inhale deeply and raise your pelvis above the floor, and exhale to return to the starting position.
  4. Do push-ups from a wall or floor, inhale as you rise, and... p. – exhale.
  5. Lie on your back and bend your knees, place your arms along your body, then tense your buttocks and lift your hips up.
  6. Take a vertical position, spread your legs 30 cm apart, bend your knees slightly, rest your hands on your hips. Start slowly rotating your hips in all directions 10 times.

Achieve normal testosterone levels and men's health With the help of these exercises you will definitely succeed, you just need to do them, gradually increasing the load. During the first days of training, it is enough to do four to five approaches per day, then they can be increased to 10-15 per day.

As a rule, inactive men by the age of 50 already have a history of chronic diseases, for this reason the types of strength exercises given here may be contraindicated for them. In such cases, there is nothing left to do but increase the level of the male hormone through proper nutrition.

For every man, a decrease in libido and sexual activity is a tragedy. But you shouldn’t give up prematurely, because there are a lot of different drugs that can restore male strength. Along with medications, urologists or andrologists recommend doing exercises to increase testosterone in order to speed up the effect of medications. Comprehensive treatment is much more effective, so read this article to learn all about activities that increase the production of male hormones.

What is testosterone

This is an important hormone in the human body, which is responsible for the formation of the bone and muscle frame, the specifics of mood and the functionality of the genital organs. If it is not enough, then the functioning of the entire body may be disrupted, erectile dysfunction will begin to develop, and subsequently impotence and infertility.

To determine testosterone deficiency, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a series of tests. But you can recognize the symptoms yourself only by listening to your body. Body signals to pay attention to:

  • fatigue, depression
  • irritability
  • forgetfulness, inattention
  • decreased libido (sex drive)
  • weak or absent erection

Causes of low testosterone levels

Before you make a diagnosis yourself, think about whether you have any reasons why this could happen. Testosterone production does not simply decrease, so think and select from the list the reasons why your male hormone has decreased.

  • zinc deficiency
  • genital damage
  • thyroid disease
  • alcohol abuse, smoking
  • taking steroids
  • excessive glucose intake
  • fatty foods, poor diet

Features of the male hormone

Slightly increased levels of testosterone will have a positive effect on development muscle mass and burn fat. With its help you can prevent diseases: obesity and osteoporosis. If you succeed higher level hormone, you will get the proper functioning of the genital organs. Testosterone has anabolic properties and affects protein synthesis.

Every year, more and more people are looking for an answer to the question: what ways to increase testosterone levels? There are many techniques and procedures that can increase the level of the substance in question. To protect yourself from the adverse effects of medications and side effects from taking them, you can use a simple system of physical activity. Simple exercises to produce testosterone will help normalize its production.

Let's get promoted

In several countries, scientists have conducted studies on the basis of which we can conclude: any type of physical activity has a positive effect on the production of testosterone in human blood. For example, if you ride a bicycle for 3-4 hours, then after taking tests you can observe the activation of the male hormone.

Increasing testosterone is very beneficial for middle-aged and older men. This prevents premature atrophy of muscle tissue and makes it more elastic. Thanks to the increase in hormones, the functions of the genital organs are always at their best. Testosterone is at its peak only in teenagers, and over time its levels begin to decline.

Along with medications, doctors often recommend regular exercise. physical culture. Exercise slows down the aging process and improves general condition health. It is important to perform the manipulations correctly and under no circumstances use anabolic steroids. This can lead to the destruction of all body systems.

In practice, the most effective were strength exercises. It is in such exercises that various weights are used, thanks to which complete heating of each muscle is achieved. In addition, the process of generating significant protein synthesis in the male body is launched.

The process itself, the quantity and quality of physical activity, is very important. Experts have identified several basic strength training activities that effectively increase testosterone levels:

  • barbell chest press lying on your back
  • squats with weights
  • all types of push-ups
  • pull-up on the horizontal bar
  • parallel bars exercises
  • standing barbell lift
Exercise Basics

In order to start doing exercises that increase testosterone, you need to know what they are based on. The horizontal barbell press, barbell squats and deadlifts are the basics of strength training. The clarity and rhythm of performing these manipulations is very important. Before starting any exercise, you should consult your doctor and find a good trainer. It will help you correctly master the technique of performing these exercises.

Barbell press. To exercise with a barbell, you need a special sports bench. Correct completion of the task requires a horizontal position of the body on this object. Your legs should be bent at the knees and your feet should be placed a little wider. Straighten your chest forward and bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. It is important to grip the barbell correctly (wider than shoulder level). After the pose is fixed, the apparatus is removed from the rack, raised up until the arms are fully straightened, then smoothly lowered down until the bar and chest lightly touch.

Squats with a projectile. To get the desired result, this exercise must be performed strictly according to the rules. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your back as straight as possible. The chest must be pushed forward. Place the barbell on the top point of the trapezius muscle and squat down smoothly. It is also necessary to monitor the position of your hips; they should be parallel to the surface on which you are standing. After squatting, straighten your knees, wait 2-3 seconds and repeat the same.

Deadlift. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and stand 10 cm from the barbell. Lean forward and grab the bar of the projectile wider than shoulder position, making your chest a “wheel”. Smoothly move the bar along the front of your legs to the end point, which is determined when your knees are fully extended. Hold the position for a couple of seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Technique requirements:

  • do not bend back at the end point
  • the emphasis should be on the heels
  • presence of an athletic belt
  • straight back

Experts recommend performing these exercises for testosterone 2-3 times a week. Avoid overstraining your muscles, as this can lead to a long recovery time after training. A visit to the pool will help significantly increase the production of male hormones, proper nutrition and the activities we talked about in this article.

Monitor your health, do not ignore obvious symptoms, consult a doctor in a timely manner. Only proper treatment will help solve this delicate problem. Don't rush to accept medications, try to combat testosterone deficiency in natural ways. Exercising will increase your chances of recovery.

Breaking video stagnation

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones responsible for building the muscle frame, bone strength, sexual function, mood and other factors in the human body. For athletes and bodybuilders, the most interesting factor is the increase in muscle mass and strength.

We will look at 4 natural ways to increase testosterone levels in the body.

1. Do basic exercises

Most likely, you have already heard about the importance of performing basic exercises to improve producing your own testosterone. Include in your training programs: bench press, barbell squats and deadlifts - this best exercises to increase endogenous testosterone in the blood.

Research has shown that the more muscles are under tension at the same time, the more testosterone is released in the body.

Here is a list of basic exercises that give the maximum effect: bench press, deadlift, squats with a barbell, power clean, hanging power clean, military press, dips.

Quadriceps workout example

Preliminary training consists of preliminary fatigue of the muscle with isolating exercises (single-joint) and ends with complex exercises (multi-joint).

The advantages of this scheme:

1. A Great Way to Shock Your Muscles

2. For athletes with injuries - this good way achieve muscle fatigue without resorting to heavy exercise.

Muscle group: quadriceps

Warm-up: 2 warm-up sets of 15 reps

Approaches: 5

Reps: 15 reps for isolation exercises and 10 for compound exercises.

Rest 90 seconds.

Isolation exercise 1: leg extension on the machine (toes inward)

Isolation exercise 2: leg extension on the machine (toes out)

2. Increase your training volume and intensity

Recent studies have shown that reps in the range of 8-10 increase testosterone levels more than 4-6 reps.

However, low rep strength training is very important to help you get stronger.

Example of strength training

Muscle group: pectorals.

Approaches: 5

Reps: 4-6

Rest: 90 seconds

3. Rest and recovery = high testosterone levels

Allowing your body to recover before your next workout is very important. maintaining high testosterone levels in the blood. There are several ways to give your muscles a rest while maintaining a high testosterone titer.

Maintain a training regimen: Give a muscle group at least 48 hours to recover before re-exerting it. You can train 6 times a week, but you must give adequate rest to large muscle groups.

Stretch after training: this is a must do, stretching the muscles you worked, this gives you flexibility and mobility in your joints and helps recovery.

Listen to your body: if you experience insomnia, fatigue, decreased strength levels - this is your body's way of telling you that you need more rest and recovery to maintain high level testosterone.

4. Nutrition and supplements

There are many factors and nutritional approaches when it comes to boosting natural testosterone production, but in this article we'll look at the importance of fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Fats: Play a key role in the production of testosterone in the body. Drastically reducing the amount of fat in your diet can cause low levels of testosterone in your blood, which will hinder your growth and recovery.

Best Sources of Healthy Fat:

*peanut butter

Testosterone is the main male hormone, which is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, potency and full conception. And for sure, every man knows that you can increase the level of the desired androgen with the help of certain foods. But at the same time, few people know that there are special exercises to increase testosterone in men. We discuss below exactly what set of exercises and gymnastics you can do at home to raise testosterone levels.

Basic exercises

Doctors have proven that exercises to increase testosterone in men have a good effect, provided they are performed regularly. In general, any physical activity provokes the production of male hormone. However, there is a certain set of basic exercises for testosterone production. The main exercises are the following.

Barbell exercises. Here you can perform both lifting and squats with the apparatus. In both cases, blood circulation in the pelvic organs and in the prostate gland will improve. As a result, testosterone production will be accelerated. Lifting the barbell is performed using the following technique:

  • Feet are positioned shoulder width apart.
  • The projectile is grabbed with both hands also at shoulder width or slightly wider.
  • Lifting the barbell is done carefully, without sudden jerks, initially pulling it towards the chest.
  • Then they press the apparatus upward over their heads, after bending their knees slightly.
  • The barbell is held in this position for several seconds and lowered in the reverse order.

Important: the total weight of the barbell plates should initially not exceed 15 kg. Later, you can slightly increase the mass of pancakes.

Barbell squats are also a basic exercise. Here the weight of the pancakes can vary from 10 to 30 or more kg, depending on the general physical fitness of the man. The barbell is lifted onto the shoulders, placing it with the bar behind the neck area. Squats are performed with a straight back, keeping the pelvis in the lower position for several seconds.

Important: such exercises to increase testosterone should be performed 2-3 times a week.

In addition to training with a barbell, you can also train with dumbbells. The weight of the shells is selected individually according to the strength of the man. Train with dumbbells as follows:

  • Each hand holds a dumbbell.
  • Feet shoulder width apart.
  • Now raise your arms with dumbbells in front of you to chest level and then spread your arms to the sides.
  • Lower your arms parallel to your torso. Such approaches need to be performed 15-20 times.

You can push your arms with dumbbells up from your chest. Such presses are also done at least 20 times, each time increasing the number of presses by 5 as the muscles strengthen.

Push-ups from a horizontal surface. Here you can perform the exercise both on the palms and on the fists. Initially, the easiest option is push-ups on your palms. In this case, the torso must be kept in one plane, without bending the lower back or protruding the pelvis upward. The elbows of the bent arms should not look to the sides, but be level with the torso. You need to do at least 10 push-ups in one approach. After a minute break, you need to perform three more sets of such exercises for testosterone.

Important: in addition to the fact that the level of testosterone in the body will gradually increase during such training, a man’s figure will also acquire masculine and sculpted outlines after just a month of regular such training.

Jumping Squats

In addition to basic gymnastics and strength training, to produce testosterone, you need to do dynamic exercises. They accelerate blood flow in all systems and organs, including the genitals. You can perform a squat with a jump. Here it is worth conveying to every man that squats and testosterone are directly related. The fact is that squats, in principle, stimulate blood circulation in the prostate gland. And this helps to neutralize congestion in the prostate and androgen production. Therefore, jump squats should be done in 3-4 sets of 10 times each. When performing the exercise, you must squat down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor. It is important that the buttocks touch the heels. Then, with effort, you should throw your body up as high as possible.

Air bike

You can either fully ride a bicycle on the street, thus massaging the prostate, or spin an air bike at home. An air bike stimulates blood flow in the pelvic organs and also strengthens the abdominal muscles.


Running is recommended for all men without exception. The cardio load should be long-lasting. It is advisable to practice for at least 40 minutes. It is better to organize training at the same time to help the body adapt to the stress and produce the maximum amount of beneficial hormone.

Rotational and translational movements of the pelvis

This seemingly easy exercise promotes better blood supply to all lumbar vertebrae. As a result, all nerve endings and roots are released. There is complete nutrition of the testes, penis and prostate gland. All urinary organs are also saturated with blood. Perform the exercise with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your sides. The pelvis carefully begins to rotate first clockwise at least 15 times, and then counterclockwise also at least 15 times.

Boosting testosterone with yoga

Yoga classes are designed mainly for static loads. However, this does not detract from the importance of such gymnastics. The fact is that all yogic exercises to increase testosterone are aimed at comprehensive stretching of all muscles and strengthening them. The most effective exercises are:

  • Cobra. Exercise not only increases the level of male hormone very effectively, but also neutralizes the stress hormone - cortisol. Perform the exercise from a lying position. The palms of the hands are under the shoulders. Slowly, while exhaling, we push off the floor with our hands and try to raise the body as high as possible through the arch in the lower back. In this case, the hips are pressed to the floor, and the legs and buttocks are tense and remain pressed to the floor as well.
  • Plow. This exercise is done by exiting the “birch tree” pose. Initially, you need to lie on the floor on your back. The arms are parallel to the body. Now we lift the legs and hips up from the floor, and then slowly and without jerking we bring them behind the head. It is important to ensure that your knees do not bend during the exercise. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds or more.
  • Onion. Starting position – lying on your stomach. Now you need to bend your knees and try to grab them by the ankles. We pull our legs towards our head with our hands, trying to bend at the lower back and straining our hips. We hold the pose for 15 seconds or more.

It is worth understanding that all yoga asanas must be performed after pre-warming the muscles and on an empty stomach. Breathing during gymnastics should be even and deep.

Regularly performing all of the above exercises in combination gives amazing results after just a month of training. Based on the results of the hormone test, it will become clear that increasing or raising testosterone through exercise is very simple and easy.

Exercising in the gym and sports hall helps increase testosterone levels in the blood. The frequency of training on simulators should not exceed 3 times a week.

Testosterone is an androgen hormone responsible for potency, muscle growth, bone strength, leadership qualities and normal mood in men. Over time, the level of the hormone in the blood decreases, especially with physical inactivity. But this process can be stopped and even reversed by practicing special exercises to increase testosterone.

Exercise to increase testosterone is a natural method to increase the synthesis of the hormone. This biologically active substance is continuously produced by the male testes and adrenal glands. But only 2% of the hormone remains in free form, this guarantees the normal functioning of the male body. The rest of testosterone is bound by proteins albumin and globulins.

The complex with globulin is the body’s reserve in case of stressful situations. Physical activity and strength exercises are a shock to the body and after them there is an active release of testosterone. As for the compounds of the androgen hormone with albumin, they are responsible for muscle growth and bone reliability.

To activate testosterone production, you need to concentrate on strength exercises, while simultaneously taking into account the following rules:

  • workouts to increase testosterone cannot exceed 45 minutes;
  • for better testosterone production, load the large muscles of the chest, back, and legs;
  • exercises for testosterone are selected so that they can be repeated up to 10 times;
  • muscles need to rest for at least 2 days after exercise, so you need to train 3 times a week.

In addition, twice a week you should devote 15-20 minutes to aerobic exercise to train your heart. Running and jumping are great. But such loads should not be abused, since long runs ultimately lead to a decrease in hormone production.


Increasing hormone secretion has a positive effect on men. An increase in testosterone concentration – prevention of early muscle atrophy, the hormone increases their strength and improves performance reproductive system. Systematic training naturally increases androgen levels, inhibits natural aging and improves the general condition of a man.

The following activities are considered the most effective:

  • lifting the barbell from the chest while standing;
  • pull-up on the bar;
  • horizontal barbell press;
  • exercises with dumbbells;
  • squatting with a projectile;
  • deadlift;
  • push-ups.

Barbell press

To work with a barbell you will need a separate bench. The body is placed horizontally on it, the legs are bent at the knee joints, and the feet are placed slightly wider than the knees.

You need to slightly push your chest forward, bringing your shoulder blades together. It is also important to grip the barbell correctly - wider than shoulder level. With the posture fixed, the barbell is taken from the rack and raised until the upper limbs are straightened, and then gradually lowered until it slightly touches the bar and sternum. Next, a slight stop (up to 3 seconds), and then a return to the starting position.

Squat with apparatus

To obtain optimal results, it is especially important to perform squats correctly. Place your legs at shoulder level and make sure your back is straight. The chest also needs to be pushed forward a little. The apparatus is placed on top of the trapezius muscle and slowly squats. During the process, the position of the hips is also monitored - they are located parallel to the floor. After squatting, you need to straighten your knees, take a short break and repeat all over again.


The lower limbs are at shoulder level, and the man himself stands 10 cm from the bar. He leans forward and grabs the bar wider than shoulder width. At this time, you need to stick your chest out a little. Then the barbell is slowly moved along the front surface of the legs to the point indicated by full extension of the knee joints. Afterwards, they fix the pose for a moment and return to the starting position.


This exercise can be performed by both beginners and experienced bodybuilders. On initial stage You can do push-ups with emphasis on your knees, and then switch to exercises in a normal position.

An average level of physical fitness involves performing push-ups on your fists with a delay of several seconds at the lowest point.

“Explosive” push-ups are considered especially difficult, in which, after pushing off the floor and straightening your arms, you also do a clap. As for training in the gym, in such conditions this exercise is often replaced with pull-ups on the bar or a barbell press.

Exercises with dumbbells

The most commonly practiced exercises are dumbbell presses and lateral raises. When pressing, arms with dumbbells are extended forward, after bending your elbows slightly. After this, they are slowly bent and returned to their original position. The exercise is done without pauses or delays at the extreme points. The press can be done with both hands or in turns.

In the second version of the exercise, the initial position is similar, but now the arms with dumbbells are spread to the sides and returned to the starting position without stopping. After completing the complex for developing chest muscles, you need to jump for 1-2 minutes to disperse the free hormone throughout the body. For the same purpose, you can run short distances.

Comprehensive training

Training to increase testosterone is a set of exercises aimed at both strengthening the pelvis and improving the functions of the cardiovascular system (CVS). This approach not only stimulates testosterone synthesis, but also ensures its movement to body tissues.

The complex for strengthening the pelvic area is more static and is aimed not only at working the muscles of this area. It activates the production of the androgen hormone by the testes.

Exercises for the cardiovascular system are more dynamic and are aimed at:

  • heart and leg training;
  • synthesis of hormones;
  • increased tone of the pelvic muscles;
  • guaranteed distribution of testosterone from the perineal area to other tissues.

Exercises to strengthen leg muscles and cardiovascular system

To strengthen muscles lower limbs and sufficient load on the cardiovascular system, several exercises are usually included in the training complex. These are jumping squats, air bikes, translational and rotational pelvic movements.

Jumping Squats

This is an analogue of air squats, well known in bodybuilding, with the only difference being that vertical jumps are performed at the top points of the movements. Begin the lesson in a standing position, placing your feet at shoulder level. Next, you need to sit down, pressing your knees to your chest. At the same time, the hands touch the floor.

Then, with a jump, they move into a position similar to push-ups. After this, they squat down again, pressing their palms to the floor, and jump up. For optimal effect, experts recommend doing squats 4 times, 10 repetitions in each approach.

Air bike

The exercise duplicates cycling, and is performed while lying on your back. Next, they begin to make rotational movements with their legs, carefully raising their knees up. The load can vary if you increase the speed of rotation of the legs or change the circle along which the limbs move. Do the exercise for about 5 minutes, but it is permissible to split the load into a couple of times.

Translational and rotational movements of the pelvis

The first involves moving your hips back and forth in a standing position. For greater stability, one leg can be moved slightly forward. The optimal execution time is 3 minutes. During rotational movements, the legs are placed at shoulder level, and the hands are moved to the waist area. Then the rotations are done alternately, either to the right or to the left (up to 2 minutes in each case).

Static exercises for the pelvic area

As a rule, in this case, pelvic movements with a load on the stomach are used. Knee abduction and abduction, Kegel exercises and buttock muscle contractions are effective.

Pelvic movements with a load on the stomach

In this case, a load is used (book, dumbbells, weight plates). Start the exercise by lying on your back, placing your feet on the floor and bending your knees. Next, gradually push the pelvis up. The exercise is done for no more than 5 minutes.

Reduction and separation of the knees

In the first case, an elastic ball is used, which is compressed by the knee joints while sitting on the floor or on a chair. Then they begin to squeeze it, involving the thigh muscles and muscles of the groin area in the process. It is very important to avoid jerking.

When spreading your knees, put an elastic band or belt on them. Next, they begin to separate the knee joints, struggling with resistance. In this case, the muscles of the pelvis and legs must be connected. In each case, the exercise is performed for about 3 minutes.

Kegel exercise

The starting position is sitting or standing. The task comes down to tension and relaxation of the pubococcygeus muscles. Do the exercise without haste, listening to your own feelings. The duration of its execution does not exceed 3 minutes.

Contraction of the buttock muscles

Start the lesson in a standing position. It is necessary to alternately contract and relax either the right or left buttock with a delay of 10 seconds. Then both buttocks are tensed. The total duration of the exercise is 3 minutes.

The topic of increasing the hormone testosterone is quite pressing. It is especially important in bodybuilding. The hormone content changes in different pathologies. But the situation can always be improved by taking synthetic analogs of the hormone, for example, Testosterone enanthate, although this is not always safe. To increase testosterone levels, it is much more appropriate to be patient and trust nature.