Seeing strangers in a dream foretells that in reality you will experience fear, fright or dread. Seeing a significant crowd of people, a large crowd of people means that instead of taking decisive and active measures to resolve an urgent issue, you will have to act on the orders of your superiors, who are completely out of control of the situation.

Seeing naked people in a dream means that you will become an object of ridicule and slander. Bearded people - in reality show unbridled and unrighteous anger. People in black robes - you will receive bad news. People who are kind to the point of generosity - receive timely help and support from friends.

People sitting in silence portend pleasant fun. If people sit in a noisy group at a table with drinks and snacks, this means good income. Cheerful, cheerful people with a sense of humor portend good health. People with a boring, gloomy expression on their face mean that you will perceive someone else’s misfortune as your own and rush to help those in need. Seeing happy, contented people means wealth and prosperity.

If you see armed people in a dream, you will experience great joy in reality. If people with spears attack you, this is a sign of an impending threat to your interests.

If you dreamed of cross-eyed people, in reality you will be irritated by the company of arrogant upstarts. If in a dream you see around you beautiful people- you will be entrusted with a responsible task. Seeing people sleeping means that in reality your friends will slander you. People hiding their faces under masks - in real life you will try to deceive a person who is friendly towards you.

Seeing people lubricated with oil in a dream foretells events in which you will play a primary role. People who drink heavily, use foul language and fight - you should be wary of losing the favor of the person on whom your success depends.

To dream of people being carried away by a flood foretells bereavement and reflection that will make life a gloomy and dull existence.

To meet people in a dream who know you, but you do not have them or cannot remember when, where and under what circumstances you met them - such a dream means a change for the good if you manage to recognize them; if these people remain mysterious strangers to you, then such a dream does not bode well for you.

To see people on a desert island, where they, like you in your dream, ended up as a result of a shipwreck - this foreshadows a severe struggle for the right to take the place of the boss you fully deserve.

If you dream that you are communicating with outwardly friendly and amiable people, about whom you are told that they are two-faced and cunning, you will be pleasantly surprised at how auspiciously your business will begin, and discouraged by its unexpected collapse.

To see in a dream a certain group of people as official representatives of government or public interests as part of a commission, jury, etc., who make decisions on a particular issue or give their assessment of something - such a dream foretells you dissatisfaction with the results of your work.

Interpretation of dreams from

To understand why a homeless person dreams, you need to learn how to correctly interpret such dreams.

The general meaning of these dreams is upcoming transactions with finances or real estate. And a more specific explanation can only be obtained when you take into account all the nuances of night dreams.

Where did you see him?

A homeless person on the street warns that there is a traitor among your friends. In the near future, the dream book does not recommend that you be frank and share your plans with anyone.

Otherwise, you risk losing what you have achieved. And if you take a pause in communicating with your acquaintances, you will soon understand which of them is which.

If a homeless person is in your house, this means that unpleasant people will interfere in your life and will try to impose their thoughts and advice on you. Experts recommend not to create conflict situations with such individuals, but to listen to them, but remain unconvinced.

  • Dreaming of a homeless person in a car means unexpected expenses.
  • Seeing him in a store means buying an unnecessary thing.
  • In a beautiful palace - to uncertainty.

If you dreamed of a homeless person in public transport, which means you'll be going on a trip soon. Almost always such dreams foreshadow a business trip. But when a person of no fixed abode is the driver, this indicates that you will be going on vacation.

What was he like? What did you do?

Drunk, dirty homeless people lying on the ground dream of the dreamer’s inner experiences. Perhaps at this stage of your life something worries or stresses you.

The dream book advises not to hold negative thoughts in yourself, but to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. In this case, it is better if this person is a psychologist.

As the dream book writes, a homeless person begging for alms dreams of short-term financial difficulties. Don't be upset. Just learn to save and save the money you save. After a small financial crisis, significant material income will certainly await you.

  • A homeless person in beautiful clothes - to the successful completion of an important matter.
  • With a bloody face - to an imbalance in the soul.
  • He has a lot of money in his hands - to loss.

If you dream of homeless women, then the implementation of your plans is in jeopardy. Also, after such dreams, misunderstandings with friends, bosses or work colleagues are possible. The dream book advises not to let the situation take its course, but to calmly figure out what happened.

Why do you dream of a homeless person if he pesters you? Often annoying person without a fixed place of residence is a sign of intrigue and gossip in a dream.

Ill-wishers will try to do everything to tarnish your reputation. However, if you do your job honestly and conscientiously, the enemies will give up and abandon their insidious plans.

As you can see, dreams about homeless people often have not very pleasant interpretations. But you should understand that they are not harbingers of problems, but an important, timely warning.

Therefore, after such dreams, you yourself will be able to influence the course of affairs and prevent various troubles. Author: Vera Drobnaya

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, seeing a person in a dream indicates the imminent completion of some real estate transactions. And not necessarily unsuccessful ones. This is the main interpretation of this night vision. In this article we will briefly talk about why a homeless person dreams. So let's get started.

Second interpretation

Why do homeless people dream, besides housing transactions? If a person does not have any plans for real estate, then one can expect a negative omen regarding one's own happiness. This is probably a harbinger of a hopeless situation. In any case, expect changes on the love front after such a dream.

Other interpretations

If we interpret night vision in relation to business, then the appearance of a homeless person means a decline in business. A more everyday interpretation is going to the bathhouse.

Why do you dream of homeless people in the house or on the street? This signals the danger of developing some kind of addiction (especially if there are a lot of people). This could be gambling, a bad habit, or even a more serious addiction, such as drug addiction.

In an apartment or in another location? To answer this question, it is important to consider it appearance. If a homeless person has a gloomy, disgusting appearance, then a person can expect a total collapse of his own hopes. The brightest, most secret plans can collapse, turning into bitter disappointment and complete defeat. Having seen this dream, it is better to become as prudent and careful as possible and not tell anyone about your plans. After all, envious people and ill-wishers can hear them. Even without any special intention, such people are able to cast an evil eye on you and ward off good luck.

What does it portend?

If you dreamed of a person without a fixed place of residence, this does not mean at all that you will become like that too. Night visions cannot be interpreted one-sidedly. Why do you dream of a homeless person who is friendly and optimistic towards you? Well, one thing can be said - this does not bode well.

It is very good if in night vision you provide assistance to a disadvantaged and unhappy person. This speaks of coming soon good mood and portends good luck in business. It’s even better if the dreamer helps the homeless person with money. This promises the emergence of extraordinary opportunities and wealth. And, on the contrary, refusal to give alms may foreshadow the loss of the greatest luck in life. After such a night vision, you should be on your guard and eradicate petty qualities in yourself.


Above are only some of the interpretations of what a homeless person dreams about. It should be noted that when interpreting this night vision, it is worth considering all possible factors. For example, in addition to the dreamer’s emotions, you need to keep in mind the month of his birth. Those who were born from September to December most often see a person without a fixed place of residence ready to sell their own home.

It is quite possible that a homeless person in your dream speaks of the bad influence of those around you. Also, based on the principle of mirroring of night visions, it can indicate attachment to one’s home. In any case, having seen this dream, you should think about reconsidering your life priorities. You are probably an overly passionate and material person.

2. Why do you dream about a homeless person?
3. Why do you dream about homeless people in your house?
4. Why do you dream about homeless people on the street? (description by day of the week)
5. anecdote in the dark.))

What can a person dream of without a fixed place of residence, in common parlance - a homeless person, but in fact - a tramp, of whom there are many wandering around Mother Rus'? No matter how strange it may sound, a tramp or wanderer carries a certain meaning in itself. So the dream you had with him should not be considered insignificant. A dirty homeless beggar in a dream can foreshadow many important events!

You saw a homeless person on the street in a dream:

Even if such a strange dream did not cause alarm, you should understand that you have received information for thought, and perhaps a certain warning. First of all, the appearance of a homeless person in a dream can predict future material losses, loss of a job, or a quarrel with close friends. However great value have dream details!

The homeless man in your dream asks for alms:

This is already the image of a spiritual person, and not just a beggar. This is a man of God, revered in Rus' since ancient times, because he deliberately chose the path of hardship. This means that you also need to cool down your zeal for material gain. On the contrary, look around more carefully, some person dear to you needs urgent help! The person is embarrassed to say this, but he is dear and important to you, and it is in your interests to help him.

You yourself, in the guise of a homeless person, beg for alms:

Be careful! In real life, you are in danger of ruin, do not get involved in dubious deals or projects!

2. Why do you dream about a homeless person?

Most likely, your grievances are just around the corner. The dream warns you about this, but being prepared, you will no longer react so sharply to the impending trouble. The dream anticipated events and took the edge off the issue.

Homeless woman:

Is a lonely homeless beggar receiving alms from your hands? Oh this good sign! In reality, a good reward awaits you for some of your business.

Dead homeless man:

In real life, something will really scare you. And if you dreamed of one of your deceased relatives or friends in the form of a beggar, then you are simply reminded that these people need to be remembered in church.

Homeless child:

Seeing a little unfortunate in a dream is a signal of an upcoming lice test. Your help is needed, and you can provide it if kindness overcomes greed. This will be a test of your mercy. By the way, it is not necessary that in reality it will be a child who needs it; most likely it will be an adult. And it’s very good to see in a dream a tramp baby who himself gives you something. This means that you will still have troubles with money, but they will be fixable.

A homeless man robbed you:

Beware, you will face difficulties with money. No, everything is not so dramatic, you won’t go with a bag, but certain financial losses will happen.

You dreamed of yourself as a homeless person:

Well, the fear of losing your well-being lives in you, and it is not groundless! You'll need help soon. Think about who you can turn to for support.

You dreamed of people close to you as homeless:

This is also a warning about possible material losses, as well as upcoming quarrels related to money.

3. Why do you dream about homeless people in your house?

If you dreamed of a homeless person in the house:

Seeing a homeless person in a dream on the street or in your home means dreams with different interpretations. Situations may vary.

A homeless person entered your home:

There will no longer be the same prosperity. Hard thoughts about the meaning of life await you. Perhaps the spiritual principle will prevail over you. If a homeless person left dirty traces, then in life you will have to work hard to eradicate old grievances. Have you washed away the homeless man's dirty footprints? This means that your fight against grievances from the past will end in victory!

(description by day of the week)

Each day of the week carries its own meaning. Some days the dreams are empty and meaningless. And other times they are very magical! Most dream things:

  • Tuesday night – your anxious anticipation of the upcoming working week calls for help in the form of hints. Much will be deciphered and suggested this night. Just analyze more carefully!
  • from Tuesday to Wednesday - these dreams are prophetic. Take them extremely seriously! It is important that these dreams protect you; they give you a chance to correct the situation. Everything can still be decided!
  • from Thursday to Friday - the dream comes true, but it is also more of a warning than a statement. Even if the dream promises negativity, you have the power to neutralize it!

5. anecdote in the dark.))

Two meet at a landfill bum A:

Where do you live buddy?
- Nowhere.
- So, neighbors.