Functions and structure of communication

Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; social relationships between people are realized in communication.

There are three interconnected sides in communication:

1) communicative the communication side consists of the exchange of information between people;

2) interactive side is organizing interaction between people, for example, it is necessary to coordinate actions, distribute functions or influence the mood, behavior, beliefs of the interlocutor;

3) perceptual the communication side includes the process perceptions of each other communication partners and establishing on this basis mutual understanding.

Means of communication include:

· Language- a system of words, expressions and rules for combining them into meaningful statements used for communication.

· Intonation– emotional expressiveness, which can give different meanings to the same phrase.

· Facial expressions– the pose and gaze of the interlocutor can enhance, complement or refute the meaning of the phrase.

· Gestures as means of communication can be either generally accepted, i.e., have meanings assigned to them, or expressive, i.e., serve for greater expressiveness of speech.

· Distance The language in which the interlocutors communicate depends on cultural and national traditions, and on the degree of trust in the interlocutor.

The communication procedure includes the following stages:

1. Need for communication(it is necessary to communicate or find out information, influence the interlocutor, etc.) - encourages a person to come into contact with other people.

2. Orientation for communication purposes, in a communication situation.

3. Personal orientation interlocutor.

4. Content planning of his message - a person imagines (usually unconsciously) what exactly he will say.

5. Selection of means of communication. Unconsciously (sometimes consciously) a person chooses specific means, phrases, which will be used, decides how to speak, how to behave.

6. Perception And grade the interlocutor's response, control effectiveness of communication based on establishing feedback.

7. Adjustment direction, style, communication methods. If any of the links in the act of communication is broken, then the speaker will not be able to achieve the expected results of communication - it will turn out to be ineffective.

These skills are called “social intelligence”, “practical-psychological intelligence”, “communicative competence”, “communication skills”.

Communicative competence. Strategies, tactics, types of communication.

Communication is the process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding . “Communication” in Latin means “common shared with all.” If mutual understanding is not achieved, then communication has failed. To ensure the success of communication, you need to have feedback on how people understood you, how they perceive you, and how they relate to the problem.

Communication competence- the ability to establish and maintain necessary contacts with other people.

Reasons for poor communication may include:

A) stereotypes - simplified opinions regarding individuals or situations, as a result there is no objective analysis and understanding of people, situations, problems;

b) " preconceived notions" - inclination reject everything that contradicts one's own views, what is new, unusual (“We believe what we want to believe”). We rarely realize that another person's interpretation of events is as valid as our own;

V) bad relationship between people, because if a person’s attitude is hostile, then it is difficult to convince him of the validity of your view;

G) lack of attention and interest of the interlocutor , and interest arises when a person realizes value of information for yourself (with the help of this information you can get the desired or prevent undesirable developments);

d) disregard for facts , i.e., the habit of drawing conclusions in the absence of a sufficient number of facts;

e) errors in the construction of statements : wrong choice of words, complexity of the message, weak persuasiveness, illogicality etc.;

and) wrong choice communication strategies and tactics.

Communication Strategies:

1. open - closed communication;

2. monologue - dialogic;

3. role-playing (based on social role) - personal (heart-to-heart communication).

Open communication - the desire and ability to fully express one’s point of view and the willingness to take into account the positions of others.

Closed communication - reluctance or the inability to clearly express one’s point of view, one’s attitude, or available information.

Types of communication

· "Contact of masks"- formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor, familiar masks are used(politeness, severity, indifference, modesty, compassion, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow you to hide true emotions and attitude towards your interlocutor. In the city, contact masks are even necessary in some situations, so that people don’t “hurt” each other unnecessarily to “dissociate” yourself from your interlocutor.

· Primitive communication When evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, then they actively come into contact, if it interferes, they will push away or aggressive, rude remarks will follow. If they get what they want from their interlocutor, they lose interest in him and do not hide it.

· Formal-role communication, When regulated and content and means of communication and Instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of his social role.

· Business communication, when they take into account the personality, character, age, mood of the interlocutor, but the interests of the case are more significant than possible personality differences.

· Spiritual. Interpersonal communicationfriends when you can touch on any topic and don’t have to resort to words - your friend will understand you by facial expression, movements, and intonation. Such communication is possible when each participant has an image of the interlocutor, knows his personality, interests, beliefs, attitudes, and can anticipate his reactions.

· Manipulative communication aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor using different techniques(flattery, intimidation, “showing off”, deception, demonstration of kindness) depending on the personality of the interlocutor.

· Social communication. The essence of secular communication is its pointlessness, i.e. people do not say what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; This communication is closed, because people's points of view on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communications.

Code of Social Communication :

A) politeness, tact: “respect the interests of others”;

b) approval, agreement: “do not blame the other,” “avoid objections”;

V) sympathy: “be friendly, friendly.”

Business Communication Code other:

1. principle cooperativeness: “your contribution should be such as is required by the jointly accepted direction of the conversation”;

2. principle sufficiency of information- “say no more and no less than is required at the moment”;

3. principle quality of information- “don’t lie”;

4. principle expediency- “don’t deviate from the topic, manage to find a solution”;

5. " express your thoughts clearly and convincingly for the interlocutor";

6. " know how to listen and understand the right thought";

7. " be able to take into account the individual characteristics of the interlocutor for the sake of the interests of the cause."

If one interlocutor is guided by the principle “ politeness", and the other - on the principle cooperativeness, they may get caught up in awkward, ineffective communication. Hence, rules of communication must be agreed upon and followed by both participants.

Communication tactics- implementation in specific situation communication strategy based on mastery of techniques and knowledge of communication rules.

Communication technique- a set of specific communication skills: talk and listen.

Positions in communication The following are distinguished:

1) a friendly attitude of acceptance of the interlocutor;

2) neutral position;

3) a hostile position of non-acceptance of the interlocutor;

4) dominance, or “communication from above”;

5) “communication as equals”;

6) subordination, or position “from below”.

From a comparison of these two factor-vectors in a circle, Leary identifies 8 individual styles communication:

The analysis of positions in communication is also carried out in the concept of transactional analysis (E. Bern).

  • 5.1. Fundamentals of business communication strategy.
  • 5.2. Tactics and technologies of business communication.
  • 5.3. Manipulations in business communication and their neutralization

Basics of business communication strategy

Each organization, in the course of its life, develops certain strategies, tactics and technologies for implementing long-term and current plans. In the field of business communication, their development and application have the greatest difficulties and obstacles, since they are associated with the need to take into account many patterns of functioning of the “human factor”, its manifestations in the specific conditions of the organization.

It is important for managers of all ranks to understand the interconnection of strategic objectives (large-scale goals of the organization in the field of production, expanding product markets, gaining and maintaining leadership in competition), tactical plans and actions (ways to achieve strategic goals - acquisition of new technologies and equipment, professional training and development of personnel) and technical techniques (development of methods for professional selection and motivation of personnel, product quality control, staff cohesion).

An organization's overall strategy, usually formulated by top management, defines the organization's goals and how to achieve them. This is carried out within the framework of strategic management in organizations.

Strategic management is a system of purposeful actions of an organization leading to a long-term excess of the level of performance of the organization over the level of performance of competitors.

The task of strategic management is to prepare the organization for possible changes in the market situation, to resist adverse effects external environment in the long term.

The process of strategic management, like any management process, is revealed through interrelated management functions: basic and specific. But the content of some basic functions changes and new specific management functions appear.

The relevance of such management is caused by changes in business conditions. These changes are:

  • - increasing dynamism of the organization’s external environment;
  • - emergence of new needs;
  • - increased competition for resources;
  • - internationalization and globalization of business;
  • - increasing role of scientific and technical progress and innovations;
  • - availability of modern technologies;
  • - development of information networks, which makes possible the rapid dissemination and receipt of information;
  • - changing the role of human resources in the organization.

The overall strategy of the organization organically includes a business communication strategy, which is a set of principles and methods of individual and group work with personnel in the interests of mobilizing them to achieve the immediate and distant goals of the organization.

In socio-psychological terms, a “goal” is the imagined result of the activity of an individual, a group of people (any community). The content of the goal is to a certain extent determined by the means of achieving it and the motivation of people in relation to it.

Goals can be distant, close, socially valuable or harmful (asocial), altruistic or selfish, professionally significant, creative, etc.

The strategic goals of an organization in the field of business communication in the context of its structural divisions (groups, microgroups, temporary teams) are specified in relation to employees, specialists, formal and informal leaders in the form of short-term (phased) goals and objectives. Goals must be clear, focused, and provide a vision of the work methods and tasks that lead to success.

In psychological and pedagogical terms, significant goals (tasks) motivate, mobilize, and direct the will and behavior of employees. It is advisable for a manager as an organizer of professional interaction to take into account that each employee, as a member of a specific group (microgroup), sets a goal based on needs, interests, or awareness and acceptance of tasks that are put forward by the manager or leader due to social connections and dependencies.

This occurs on a personal and group level. goal setting. In effectively functioning business communication, goal setting (at the strategic and tactical levels) plays a leading role, since in its structure the main elements are thinking, consideration, emotions, feelings and motives of behavior.

Hence the need for a manager to know the individual psychological characteristics of his subordinates, timely adjustments to the tactics and technology of business communication, taking into account the specifics of the professional activities of personnel in line with the strategic goals of the organization.

The relationship between strategy, tactics and technology of business communication in an organizational setting is clearly reflected in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Cultural and historical environment. Relationship between strategy(WITH), tactics (T) and techniques, methods and means (P) of business communication

Business communication, as a certain process of interaction between people, has a strategic line and tactics for its implementation. Strategy involves setting a specific goal that stimulates the will of a participant in business communication, forces him to act consciously, intensively, mobilize his abilities, knowledge, experience, and be able to subordinate his forces to achieving this goal.

Business communication tactics involves the choice of a certain model of behavior, which in a given situation will most contribute to achieving the goal. Tactics (maneuverability) communication is based on certain principles, the most important of which are:

Variability (you should have several options for behavior in the same type of situation and be able to quickly use them);

Conflict-free (no confrontation or conflict with a business partner should be allowed);

Interactions (in business contacts one should skillfully use the mechanisms of human interaction: people’s affection for each other, sympathy, antipathy, trust, respect, etc.);

Ideology (you should be attentive to new, although unusual at first glance, ideas);

You need to be able to master those patterns of behavior that bring success in business relationships;

You should be able to show, present yourself and capture, correctly assess your reaction and the reaction of your partners when communicating, changes in the situation.

In business communication we can distinguish three phases :

1. Initial , during which initial contacts are established, the mood for communication is established, and orientation in the situation occurs. In this phase, the task appears: to encourage the business partner to communicate, to create interest, and the maximum field of opportunity to discuss the problem. Here the emotional state of the partner is also assessed, the strategy and tactics of communication are determined, due to which a certain tone of the relationship is chosen, the partner’s self-esteem is taken into account and roles are distributed.

2. Main , during which a certain sequence of actions is implemented, namely: establishing the intermediate and final goal of communication, direct linguistic, non-linguistic and documentary contacts, mutual analysis of output and intermediate proposals, search for agreed solutions, distribution of roles according to the principle of “dominance-subordination”, determining the prospects for communication.

3. Final , during which the results of business interaction are formulated, contact is exited, and the foundations for subsequent interaction are formed.

Business relationships are carried out in two

Business relationships take place in two forms: contact and interaction. Contact - this is a single act in which there is no system of coordinated actions of partners in relation to each other. The basis of the relationship between business partners is not contacts, but their interaction. Interaction – these are systematic, fairly regular, complementary actions of partners aimed at achieving the set goal. During the interaction, information is exchanged between both partners, a strong interest in the partner is formed, emotions and actions are exchanged.

Not every highly cultured person is obliged to engage in entrepreneurial activity, but every entrepreneur should strive to conduct business by civilized means and be an educated person, if only because he is interested in success. Extreme tension of forces aimed at achieving set goals, constant risk and responsibility for everything that happens in the company - these and other factors, intertwined together, form the style of managerial behavior.

When starting to develop a business strategy, most managers ultimately prefer one of two management styles (authoritarian or democratic). Few are supporters of the liberal style. And only a few managers become luminaries of management thanks to the art of combined management.

1. What style of management and business communication do you support? Why?

2. By what criteria will you select for the position of deputy, being the head (director) of the enterprise, and what will you do if in the process joint activities Will he/she express fundamental disagreement with the intended and implemented business strategy?

Tactics is the ability to choose optimal ways and business communication techniques that ensure the implementation of the set strategic goal, as well as the ability to adequately respond to the behavior of its participants. In the process of business contacts, disagreements and contradictions often arise between the parties, which can then develop into a conflict. In an effort to avoid this, experts in management and psychology of business communication recommend using tactics of adaptation, compromise, cooperation, ignoring or competition.

3. Evaluate the following statement by D. Carnegie: “In nine cases out of ten, a dispute ends with each of its participants... asserting that they are absolutely right... In a dispute, it is impossible to win. It’s impossible because if you... won, then you also lost... You may be absolutely right in proving your point of view, but all your attempts to convince your interlocutor will probably remain as futile as if you were wrong.” Are there situations in business life when you need to defend your point of view no matter what?

Negative emotions that arise in the process of business communication seriously reduce the effectiveness of an entrepreneur’s activities and also interfere with the creation of a positive image. It is no coincidence that among the priority measures aimed at defusing negative emotions, the literature mentions (for example, N.M. Vlasov) the principle of “separation of the person and the problem,” as well as methods of self-soothing.

4. Which of them (rationalization of anger, visualization of anger, relaxation) will you choose if your interlocutor has offended you? What will influence your choice?

Literature: 2–4, 9, 13, 20.

Topic 13. Business negotiations

The goal of the negotiation process is to achieve a solution that satisfies both (all) parties participating in the negotiations. There are two main methods of negotiation. The method of principled negotiations, or negotiations on the merits, involves the pursuit of mutual benefit of the parties, based on the essence of the matter and on the basis of a fair settlement of private disagreements. The positional bargaining method reflects the rigid platform of the negotiator, the desire to put pressure on the partner, to manipulate his behavior in order to realize inflated demands, only a small part of which can be subsequently withdrawn.

1. Do you share the view that the positional bargaining method is less effective than the principled negotiation method? In what cases can the first one still be appropriate and effective?

2. What are the most obvious, in your opinion, reasons for asymmetric decisions (when the concessions of one of the parties are much larger in comparison with the other), often made in international negotiations with the participation of Russian officials (entrepreneurs)?

3. Reflect in the table the positive (constructive) actions in the negotiations, based on the opposite, which are negative (destructive):

Literature: 2 4, 9, 13, 20.

Topic 14. Documentation support for business communication

The activities of any modern organization are unthinkable without documentation support for management (paperwork), the core of which is document flow. Document flow is usually understood as a system of movement of documents from the moment they are created or received until completion of execution, sending to the addressee or depositing.

The advent of the information technology era is accompanied by a sharp increase in the volume of document flow. This, in turn, leads to staff overwork and stress, and a decrease in the quality of information processing. World experience shows that even the most reliable, according to their creators and expert assessments, computer systems and means of communication often “freeze” or fail, are attacked by hackers, etc.

1. What are the problems in the “human” system technique information” are the most pressing, requiring in-depth study and immediate solutions?

2. What exactly could you suggest to solve each of them?

3. Formulate 5–6 postulates for optimizing the document flow system in an organization (using a concrete or abstract example).

Literature: 2–5, 14.

Topic 15. Features of business communication in countries
with a developing market economy

The focus of Confucian teaching on the relationship between man and society was the concept of “li,” meaning ethical and ritual decency. The Great Confucius (Latinized form from Chinese Kun Fu-tzu - teacher Kun, 552/551 - 479 BC) considered it necessary to study and love antiquity. He said: “A ruler must be a ruler, a subject must be a subject, a father must be a father, a son must be a son.”

Ethics and etiquette in modern China have undergone significant changes. Confucian morality and the rigid vertical structure of society are a thing of the past. However, this does not mean that the Chinese have ceased to be Chinese.

1. How do you understand the saying of Confucius and a similar evangelical thought: “A student is not higher than a teacher, and a servant is not higher than a master. Is it sufficient for a disciple that he should be as his teacher, and for a servant that he should be as his master” (Matthew 10:24, 25)? How relevant are they today?

2. How should one behave in a Chinese home? Describe the traditional “ceremony” of accepting a gift from a Chinese business partner.

During business negotiations, your Indian partner will certainly show off his excellent knowledge English language with Oxford pronunciation, as well as a deep knowledge of philosophy.

3. What do you intend to do in this situation? What outstanding thinkers and public figures of India and Russia can you mention to support the conversation?

When planning business meetings in Latin America, you should remember the siesta. (Such a break for lunch and sleep, lasting 2–3 hours, is also accepted among many peoples of Southern Europe.) In gifts, Latin Americans value originality and consideration of individual personality traits. But special tact and caution must be exercised when choosing a color, since different countries contradictory symbolism has developed.

4. Give examples of the discrepancy in meanings attributed to white, yellow, purple, black colors in 3-4 countries in the region (of your choice).

The culture of the peoples of Southeast Asia is syncretic. It closely intertwines the traditions of Malay, Chinese, Indian, English and other cultures. For example, the state religion of Malaysia is Islam, and the main nationalities in this country are Malays (54%), Chinese (35%) and Indians (10%). Motley national composition population significantly increases the requirements for business culture.

5. How do you greet business partners in Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines?

6. For what minor (by Russian standards) violations of the rules of behavior in public places can you be subject to a significant fine in Malaysia and Singapore?

7. What should not be given as a gift according to Islamic traditions?

Literature: 2–4, 6, 10.

Topic 16. Features of business communication in the CIS and Baltic countries

A decade and a half ago, former Soviet citizens became citizens of 15 new states formed on the territory of the USSR. Since then, discussions about whether the “old new” neighbors need integration have either subsided or flared up with renewed vigor. One of the main reasons for the persistent disagreements between states is the low level of culture of their leaders. Superficial approach in analyzing the current situation, short-sightedness, subjectivity, These qualities of political and public figures and businessmen harm the normal development of bilateral and multilateral relations.

Let us recall two eloquent episodes from the recent history of Russian-Ukrainian relations. In the summer of 2002, during exercises of the Ukrainian air defense forces over the Black Sea, a Russian Tu-154 plane flying from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk was shot down. Speaking to reporters, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma categorically denied military involvement in the incident. "This simply couldn't happen" he said in Ukrainian. And soon the assumptions were confirmed. The second episode is dated autumn 2004. Russian President Vladimir Putin hastened to publicly congratulate “his” candidate Viktor Yanukovych on his election to the post of President of Ukraine before the official announcement of the election results. What happened next is well known. “Alien” candidate Viktor Yushchenko became the legally elected president...

1. Explain the reasons for such serious “punctures” inTOP- managers on a national scale.

2. How do the miscalculations and mistakes of politicians affect the lives and business of ordinary citizens?

3. Select 3-4 CIS states and describe the representatives of these nations and cultures. What difficulties and communication problems might a Russian entrepreneur encounter?

Of course, the state of interstate relations and their role in establishing and developing business contacts is extremely important. However, the potential of the business itself should not be underestimated.

4. Give examples of active business cooperation between CIS firms and the Baltic countries.

5. What is the role of public organizations, cultural figures and the media in the development of international business? Give examples of cooperation between the CIS and the Baltic countries in the humanitarian sphere.

To better understand your foreign neighbors, you need to get to know and study the world of national culture - language, traditions, economic structure, cuisine...

6. Fill out the table, establishing correspondence between the names of the dishes and their national “belonging”:



National dishes




Chorba, mamalyga, gogosh



Kharcho, Chakhokhbili, Lobio



Et (beshbarmak), zhal, baursak



Zharma, kemech, kymyz



Piti, kebab, chuchu



Borscht, dumplings, uzvar



Putra, kapostu edeis, rozinmaizes



Sild Koorega, Kartliporss, Kama



Zhur, potato pancakes, tsibriki



Cepelinai, sorcerer, boulevue silke



Kashk, hushan, sherbet



Bozbash, tolma, boraki



Shorba, ash, ekmek



Shurpa, pilaf, cue

Literature: 2–4, 6, 10.

Questions to prepare for the test

  1. The essence and specificity of business communication.

  2. Business communication as communication.

  3. Business communication as interaction.

  4. Business communication as perception.

  5. The concept of business image. Features of the formation and maintenance of a company's business reputation.

  6. Biological basis for the formation and maintenance of the image of a business person.

  7. Aesthetic foundations for the formation and maintenance of the image of a business person.

  8. Moral foundations of forming and maintaining the image of a business person.

  9. The essence and content of business etiquette.

  10. Basic rules for greeting, addressing, introducing and getting to know each other.

  11. Rules for presenting business cards, business gifts and souvenirs.

  12. Procedure for receiving visitors and guests. "Guest" etiquette.

  13. Peculiarities of business behavior in individual countries and regions of the world (using the example of 3–4 states).

  14. Basic styles of literary language: general characteristics.

  15. Lexical means of expression (“tropes”) and their role in increasing the efficiency of business communications.

  16. Syntactic means of expression (“figures of speech”) and their role in increasing the efficiency of business communications.

  17. The essence and specificity of business speech.

  18. Features of preparing and conducting a business conversation.

  19. Features of preparing and holding a business meeting.

  20. Features of preparing and conducting commercial negotiations.

  21. National styles of business negotiations (based on the example of 2-3 states or regions of the world)

  22. The art of conducting a telephone conversation.

  23. Specifics of written business communications.

  24. The concept of business strategy. The main ways and means of successful implementation of an individual’s strategic goals (using a specific example).

  25. The concept of management style. Dialectics of authoritarianism, democracy and liberalism in management.

  26. Comparative analysis of the main management styles.

  27. The concept of tactics of behavior of a business person and organization.

  28. Features of the implementation of ignoring tactics in the process of business communication (using a specific example).

  29. Features of the implementation of adaptation tactics in the process of business communication (using a specific example).

  30. Features of the implementation of confrontation tactics in the process of business communication (using a specific example).

  31. Features of the implementation of compromise tactics in the process of business communication (using a specific example).

  32. Features of the implementation of cooperation tactics in the process of business communication (using a specific example).

  33. The essence and specificity of the implementation of business communication techniques.

  34. “The Laws of Memory” by D. Carnegie and their importance for increasing the efficiency of business relationships.

  35. Constructive and destructive techniques of business communication.

  36. Practical task. Drawing up a job description.

  37. Practical task. Drawing up minutes of a business meeting.

  38. Practical task. Drawing up a personal resume.

  39. Practical task. Drawing up a job description.

  40. Practical task. Writing a business letter.



  1. DeGeorge R.T. Business ethics. – M.: Progress: RIPOL CLASSIC, 2003. – 736 p.

  2. Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K., Konovalova V.G. Ethics of business relations: Textbook / Ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 368 p.

  3. Kuzmin E.L. Diplomatic and business communication: Rules of the game. – M.: NORM, 2005. – 304 p.

  4. Kuznetsov I.N. Modern etiquette. – M.: Dashkov and K°, 2004. – 496 p.

  5. Kunitsyna V.N., Kazarinova N.V., Pogolsha V.M. Interpersonal communication: Textbook for universities. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 544 p.

  6. Lvov M.R. Rhetoric. Culture: Textbook. manual for students of humanities departments of universities. – M.: Academy, 2002. – 272 p.

  7. Myasoedov S.P. Fundamentals of cross-cultural management: How to do business with representatives of other countries and cultures: Tutorial. – M.: Delo, 2003. – 256 p.

  8. Personal management: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed. S.D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. – 621 p.

  9. Prigozhin A.I. Methods of development of organizations. – M.: MCFR, 2003. –
    864 pp.

  10. Encyclopedia of Etiquette / Comp. O.I. Maksimenko. – M.: AST – Astrel, 2001. – 512 p.


  1. Bern E. Leader and group. On the structure and dynamics of organizations and groups. – Ekaterinburg: LITURE, 2001. – 320 p.

  2. Bible (any edition).

  3. Groshev I.V., Emelyanov P.V., Yuryev V.M. Organizational culture: Proc. manual for universities. – M.: Unity, 2004. – 285 p.

  4. Eysenck G.Yu. Super IQ tests. – M.: Eksmo, 2003. – 208 p.

  5. Koran (any edition).

  6. Makarova I.K. Personnel management: Textbook for universities. – M.: Jurisprudence, 2004. – 294 p.

  7. Pease A. Sign language. – Minsk: Paradox, 1998. – 416 p.

  8. Sorina's sisters. The language of clothing, or How to understand a person by his clothes. – M.: Gnom i D, 2000. – 224 p.

  9. Good manners: A collection of rules and advice for all occasions, social and family. – M.: Soviet writer, 1991 (reprint edition of 1881). – 544 p.

  10. Shane E. Organizational culture and leadership: Construction. Evolution. Improvement. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. – 335 p.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people. According to the goals and means of communication, they are divided into ideal (when ideas, ideas, experiences are exchanged between people) and material (when people communicate through certain objects). When they talk about means of communication^ they mean what people use to interact with each other or exchange information (words or gestures, facial expressions, etc.). If we're talking about about communication techniques, these are ways of encoding, transmitting information or influencing people on each other. Sometimes they talk about communication channels - these are the paths or directions along which information is transmitted from one person to another.

Communication as a communicative activity is characterized using concepts such as “goals”, “strategy”, “tactics”. A person’s communicative goals are determined by his needs, in particular: the need to interact with other people; the need to obtain information; the need for knowledge of oneself and others, for self-actualization. However, the condition for effective communication is the correctly chosen strategy and tactics for its implementation. They say that a good chess player is the one who foresees the situation at least two steps ahead, that is, as a rule, the one who wins is the one who is the best strategist. The world's leading schools define strategy in different ways: both as a unique and consistent way in which value is created, and as a generalizing model of actions necessary to achieve set goals, and as a fundamental decision on how to overcome everything that interferes with the achievement of a goal. Based on this, we can say that communication strategy is general scheme actions or general plan achieving a goal, and tactics is the development of consistent actions that lead to achieving a specific goal. The strategy consists of searching and developing an individual, unique way of action; this is the creation of a special type of value. Dissociation from the outcome process strategy is wrong. According to M. Porter, the choice of strategy or non-strategy (which is more common) is influenced by everything a person thinks about others, as well as how she evaluates herself and her capabilities. In general, there are many people capable of strategic thinking, but among them there are only a few who, when communicating with others, manifest themselves as strategists. These people seem to see something that will definitely happen one day. They listen to others more than they speak themselves, they feel responsible for other people, for the cause, for the organization. And, according to observations, they live and work not for money, but according to the principle of “being.”

Any business communication involves solving strategic and tactical problems. The specific expected result is the tactical task of business communication. But it, in turn, may involve solving a strategic problem - establishing long-term business contacts.

To create an effective strategy in business communication, a manager should take into account certain patterns that determine the processes of interpersonal relationships, namely that:

People's perception of external influences depends on their psychological structures;

A person’s self-esteem is not adequate and she does not understand another person as he would like;

When transmitting information, it is lost or distorted;

The nature of communication is influenced by a person’s instinct for self-preservation (especially status, freedom, dignity);

There is a compensation of some human qualities by others, shortcomings in one - by positive qualities in another.

Either way, a change in strategy requires a radical restructuring of the communication process, for which preparatory work should be done and tactics changed. When it comes to tactics, the variability of behavior (depending on the situation) and its maneuverability are determined (styles, methods, forms, etc. are chosen). The same strategy when communicating with different people can be achieved using different tactics. their selection depends on the individual’s attitudes towards moral values, his interests, as well as the ability to recognize the psychological characteristics of his interlocutors and use psychological mechanisms of interaction.

When considering the nature of communication, style is traditionally distinguished as its integrated characteristics. Style is, of course, understood as a system of techniques for influencing the behavior of other people. Manager communication styles correspond to management styles, so they can be described as authoritarian, democratic and liberal.

With an authoritarian style, a manager uses harsh communication techniques, gives directions, instructions, and gives orders. He does not like it when others take initiative, he does not want to argue with him or discuss the decisions he has made. A manager who adheres to an authoritarian style of communication, for example, if there is a problem, will say this: “In connection with the problem, I demand that you do this and that...”. With a liberal style of communication, problems are discussed formally, while the manager is subject to various influences and does not show initiative in joint activities. The manager who adheres to this style of communication will say: “We have a problem, go, think and do as you want.” The democratic style, on the contrary, presupposes that the activity of participants in communication and their initiative are supported, tasks and methods of their implementation are discussed, and the opinion of each participant in communication is respected. The manager who adheres to the democratic style will say this: “We have a problem. What do you think is best for us to do in this situation...”. That is, if the authoritarian style of communication is characterized by highlighting one’s “I”, then for the democratic style it is typical to use the pronoun “We”. This is the most effective communication style for a manager.

Psychologists also distinguish communication styles according to their focus - on another or on oneself. If a person easily agrees with others, then she is said to have a flexible style. If the interlocutor strives to achieve success in communication and activity by controlling others, his style is called aggressive. If a person maintains emotional distance, independence in communication, her style is considered aloof. In addition, there are also the following styles: altruistic (helping others), manipulative (achieving one’s own goal at the expense of another) and missionary (cautious influence). As a rule, in real life managers exhibit the following communication styles: joint creative activity; friendly affection; communication as distance; communication as intimidation; communication as flirting.

When communicating, people discover various behavioral stereotypes, which are called communication models. Among them, for example, are:

"Mont Blanc" (dictatorial model). A person who demonstrates such a model of communication is characterized by detachment from the interlocutor; the idea of ​​all people as gray mass; creating a large distance between oneself and others; superiority, emphasizing one’s social status or age; using communication primarily to receive or transmit information;

"Chinese Wall" (non-contact model). At the same time, reluctance to cooperate is characteristic; greater psychological distance; lack of feedback;

"Grouse grouse" (hyporeflexive model). At the same time, the focus on oneself is very great. Such a person listens only to himself; she has no reactions to her interlocutors; she does not know how to conduct a dialogue;

"Hamlet" (hypreflexive model). For such a person, what is important is how her interlocutors perceive her; she displays distrust, touchiness, and often reacts inappropriately to others;

"Robot" (hard response). Such a person does not know how to conduct a dialogue, does not perceive changes in the situation and mood of the interlocutor; She is not interested in feedback. At the same time, strict logic and communication according to a previously drawn up program are characteristic;

"Locator" (differential attention). For such a person, it is typical to focus not on all interlocutors, but only on some of their friends (or enemies), singling out so-called favorites;

"Union" (active interaction). A person who adheres to this model of communication is characterized by the ability to conduct a dialogue, listen carefully to others, maintain a positive mood among his interlocutors, and try to make decisions through joint efforts; the presence of direct and reverse connections.

Although each of us is a unique individual, we have a small set of models and stereotypes of communication. Of course, two or three models are used. Of these, the most effective is the Soyuz model. Other models are based on psychological defense mechanisms and the manager should not use them, since communication will not be effective.