Many owners do not use the financial assistance provided in full.

In most cases, they spend only part of the funds, and the rest remains on their balance sheet. For this reason, over time, many begin to wonder how to find out the account balance?

What ways to find out the balance exist today? How can I find out the balance in person? Is the account balance subject to indexation?

Possible purposes for using funds

With the advent of the maternal certificate, many of its holders began to use it for other purposes. For this reason, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to limit the scope of its use.

In particular, maternity capital can be used:

  • or ;
  • for reconstruction or (in this case, the purchase of just a plot of land is not the intended use of maternity capital, just like the purchase of a country house);
  • for medical treatment of the child, including the purchase of necessary medications, including prostheses, and so on;
  • to pay for training in any educational institutions that have a license and permission to carry out their labor activities.

It must be remembered that maternity capital impossible to cash out legally. It is also strictly prohibited to purchase household appliances, clothing (even if it is for a child), food products at his expense, and it is also prohibited to repay any type of loan with the exception of a mortgage.

Ways to find out your balance

Many owners of maternity capital use it not in full, but in part. For example, you can spend 60% on the reconstruction of a residential building, and the remaining 40% will remain on the balance sheet.

But how do you know how much is left in your account?

Today it is possible like this ways:

  • with the help of the Pension Fund (by personal application based on a completed application);
  • via the Internet;
  • at the post office of the Russian Post.

Any of the options is very convenient and everyone has the right to choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Step by step instructions

Contacting the Pension Fund

All information about the owners of maternity capital, which has been spent in full or in part, is contained in a special information database of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Every year, no later than September 1, Pension Fund employees must send a written notice to the owners of maternity capital, which contains information about the balance in their account.

In the case where the owner of maternity capital has expressed his desire to find out about the balance of financial assets, he has every reason to do so.

Necessary contact the territorial department of the Pension Fund at your place of residence and receive a certificate containing all the necessary information.

You can receive such a certificate when submitting necessary documents:

  • passport of the owner of maternity capital;
  • the certificate itself, which confirms the availability of this type of financial assistance;
  • statement.

If we talk about the statement itself, it should include the following intelligence:

  • name of the body to which it is submitted;
  • the applicant's initials (written in full without abbreviations);
  • requirement to provide an information certificate on the remaining amount of the certificate;
  • date of compilation and signature.

The application is written by hand under the close supervision of a Pension Fund employee.

At the post office

Another common option to find out the balance of your maternity capital account is to contact the post office. It is the responsibility of the territorial Pension Funds to inform about the remaining amount of maternity capital.

All notifications, which include information about the unused amount of government assistance, are sent to the addresses that were previously specified in requests. If this did not happen (previously no requests were received by the PF), letters are sent to the place of residence.

It should be remembered that such people have the right to formulate a request and find out the balance of maternity capital. categories of citizens, which:

To get all the necessary information by mail, necessary:

  1. Make a statement.
  2. Attach the necessary list of documents to it.
  3. Send by letter to the territorial department of the Pension Fund (the letter must include an inventory. It is advisable to sign up for the “Notification of Receipt” service - thanks to this, you can begin to count down the due date for a response.

To the list of necessary documentation include:

  • the application itself (written by hand in free form);
  • a copy of the passport of the owner of maternity capital (all completed pages);
  • a copy of the certificate confirming the presence of maternity capital.

It must be remembered that within the first 3 days from the moment the Pension Fund receives an application for the issuance of an information certificate on the balance of maternity capital, the applicant must be issued this document. However, this document can take 1 month to arrive by Russian post.

Many are also interested in the question: is it possible to find out the necessary information using the PF website? No, despite the availability of a lot of useful information, it is not possible to find out information specifically on this issue. The reason for this is the current legislation, which in every possible way protects the personal information of its fellow citizens.

Indexation of remaining funds

First of all, it is necessary to remember that maternity capital does not depreciate over time. Its amount is subject to indexation by a percentage, which is established at the state level. The indexation percentage itself is determined depending on the level of inflation.

Answering the question whether the balance on his account is indexed, the answer is clear. According to current legislation, the balance of maternity capital subject to regular increases.

At the same time, it is impossible to find out exactly by what percentage the balance will be indexed. To do this, you will need to contact the territorial department of the Pension Fund at your place of residence.

The partial receipt of funds in the form of a lump sum payment from maternity capital is described in the following video:

In Russia, the Maternity Capital project has been implemented for almost ten years. It is designed to improve the demographic situation and well-being of families with several children.

But why do you need a certificate about the balance of maternity capital? Let's look further.

The need to obtain a certificate

Funds are not issued in cash. After completing the necessary paperwork, the Russian Pension Fund issues a certificate.

The document confirms the existence of a personal bank account. The receipt and expenditure of money is controlled and regulated by public services due to the large amount of finance provided.

Important! Family capital can be used once, or it can be divided into parts.

Initially, the amount was 250 thousand, in 2019 it is 453 thousand rubles. The program has been extended for another two years due to its effectiveness. A recalculation is expected this year (according to expert forecasts). In the final period, the amount of capital will reach more than half a million.

The people controlling the funds can easily make the calculations. But the fact is that the account is indexed annually, accordingly the size of the balance increases and this complicates the calculations.

Download for viewing and printing: Important! State aid is used for various purposes in whole or in parts.

To use the remaining funds, a certificate of the balance of maternity capital is taken. It indicates the owner of the certificate and the remaining amount of money.

How to get a certificate

To obtain a certificate about the status of the maternity capital account, contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration where the certificate was received.

Important! The person in whose name the state certificate is issued has the right to receive the document.

Required to submit:

  • ID card;
  • a copy of the certificate;
  • marriage and birth certificates;
  • insurance;
  • a document confirming the purpose of the money (loan agreement, purchase and sale transaction, construction contract).

When submitting papers through a representative, a power of attorney is required. Having accepted the documents, the PF representative gives a receipt with a list of them.

Attention! If there is a small amount (up to 30 rubles), a certificate of the balance of maternity capital is not issued.

Where do you need help?

This document will be required in various situations, namely:

  • applying for a mortgage on the money remaining in the account after the first use;
  • payment for the share of housing under construction;
  • building a house;
  • joining a housing association;
  • making payments for the education of children in various types of institutions;
  • addressing money to the funded part of the mother’s pension.

In the above situations, you need to provide a certificate of maternity capital balance to the government agency.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

How to fill out an application

An application is submitted to the Pension Fund. The procedure for its registration is as follows:

  • the top of the page is the full name of the PFR branch;
  • then you should write - an application to request the balance;
  • the full name and status of the applicant is indicated;
  • you need to provide the insurance number, series and certificate number;
  • write the applicant’s passport details;
  • date and signature are added.
Important! An application is an official document; forgery is subject to criminal liability.

Request methods

You can make a request in different ways.

  1. Personal presence. Many people prefer to submit documents this way, as it will protect personal data and eliminate the risk of fraud.
  2. Sending documents by mail.
  3. Transfer of papers through a representative.
  4. Obtaining a certificate via the Internet using the Public Services portal.

Obtaining a certificate through the public services portal

Most citizens do not trust unverified sites and prefer to use the specified service.

  1. In order to use the portal, you need to register and create a personal account.
  2. Having entered your personal account, go to the “All services” category, select the “Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population” section.
  3. The Pension Fund is selected.
  4. They complete a short survey with personal information (email address or contact phone number).
  5. In the questionnaire you must write about the requirement for the exact amount of the capital balance.
Attention! Without creating a personal account, in accordance with the Russian law “On the Protection of Personal Information,” it is impossible to use the site.

The official response (certificate in PDF form) arrives within 15 to 30 days to your home address, mobile phone or e-mail.


You can calculate the remaining amount of money yourself using a special formula using an online calculator.

It is a table, the necessary data is entered into the cells:

  • year of expenditure;
  • the amount that was withdrawn from the individual account.

Receiving a document

Providing citizens with information about the certificate is the direct responsibility of the Pension Fund.

A certificate of the balance of maternity capital of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is issued free of charge within 10 days from the date of application for any method of receipt.

Important! Attempting to demand payment when accepting an application is a criminal offense.

It is preferable to save the received receipts for expenses on family capital. Their presence will allow:

  • have information about expenses and the remaining amount;
  • if certain shortcomings occur, be able to present evidence of the amount of money spent.

The presence of a certificate and a certificate of the balance of maternity capital will help to formalize any financial transaction.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.

Parents who require a certificate of maternity capital balance can apply for it in person, remotely, or go to the post office. To make a personal request, you must visit the MFC or the Pension Fund, having previously collected a package of documents. A more convenient online application for a certificate will require minimal computer literacy, and correspondence with officials via postal services will require patience to wait for an answer.

Owners of maternity capital independently decide how to manage this amount within the framework. And they don’t always spend it completely. When the need arises to re-raise “maternal” funds, parents need to find out how much capital they can count on.

To find out about the balance of maternity capital, most citizens turn to the Pension Fund. However, today this method is not the only one. In addition to visiting the PF, you can:

  • find out the remaining amount remotely;
  • go to the MFC;
  • contact by mail.

Having chosen the most convenient option, the applicant needs to order a certificate of the balance of maternity capital.

Fig.1. Certificate of the amount (balance) of maternity capital. Source: Modern Pension Encyclopedia

This certificate is needed when a parent needs to confirm that he has the amount necessary to pay for education or rehabilitation funds. Also, a non-state pension fund has the right to demand this paper if the baby’s mother decides.

How to find out the balance of maternity capital online

You can order a certificate online on 2 electronic resources:

  • website of the Russian Pension Fund;
  • State Services portal.

Both sites will require the user to pre-register on the State Services portal. The resource will take some time to verify the entered data. Only after your personal account has been created can you begin ordering a document. To do this, you must perform a series of actions in a certain sequence.

A video tutorial will introduce parents to the registration procedure on the State Services portal.

Table 1. Ordering a certificate through online resources. Sources: official website of the Pension Fund, State Services portal

Websites for ordering help Algorithm of actions
Public services · Open the website, select “Service Catalog” (for citizens);

· here the user needs to click “Informing citizens electronically about the provision of state social assistance in the form of a set of social services”

· then you need to indicate that the service is needed electronically, and then click: “Get service”;

· the form required by the user opens, where the request is entered: a certificate of the balance of maternity capital is required.

Since the parent is already registered on the site, his data will be automatically entered, and the pension department will know who needs what paper. The user will receive it within 30 days.

PFR website · Log in to the site as a registered user by entering your mobile phone (or e-mail), as well as the password received on the State Services website;

· go to the section “MSK – Maternal (family) capital”;

· there, go to the item “Order a certificate of the amount (balance) of maternity capital”;

· after that, when the document is prepared, the user will be informed about this by email;

· the document can be downloaded in pdf format using the link provided.

· The website of the pension department reports that the answer will come no earlier than 3 business days.

Please pay attention! On the Pension Fund website there are 2 options to find out about the remaining amount of maternity capital: “Get information” (about the amount of the balance) or “Order a certificate.” In the first case, the information will simply be displayed on the screen - the applicant will not receive any documents. If you need the information not for your own information, but in the form of a document, then you need to click “Order a certificate.”

Rice. 3 Sample online certificate about the balance of maternity capital

Applying for a certificate from the MFC

It is also possible to order a paper about the balance of maternity capital through. The MFC network was conceived as a means to simplify the interaction of citizens with officials. This method is convenient because it takes less time than visiting the pension department.

But since the MFC is an intermediate link between the parent and the Pension Fund, you will have to wait longer for the certificate. Center employees only accept applications from parents, and Pension Fund officials are responsible for issuing certificates.

The applicant will be able to obtain information about the complete list of documents from MFC employees. But you definitely need to have with you:

  • own passport;
  • SniLS;
  • certificate for the issuance of maternal capital;
  • birth certificates for all children;
  • an application, the form of which will be issued in the center (or written by hand).

You must come to the multifunctional center either with notarized copies of these documents (except for the application), or with the originals - then the employees will copy them themselves.

How to obtain information about the capital balance in the Pension Fund

Despite the possibility of requesting information through the MFC or remotely, a parent’s contact with the Pension Fund remains the most common way to order a certificate.

Attention! Issuing a document on the balance of maternity capital in the account is the responsibility of pension departments. They provide this public service for free! The prepared certificate is valid for 30 days.

To order a certificate through the Pension Fund, you will need approximately the same set of documents as when applying to the MFC. SNILS and certificates for children most likely will not be needed here, but it is better to take them with you.

You can fill out an application form issued by department employees, or write a request by hand, in free form. In the second option, it should be called: “application for the provision of information on the balance of maternity capital.” If necessary, assistance in drawing up a written request should be provided by the employee receiving the documents. It must indicate:

  • name of the territorial division of the Pension Fund where the paper is submitted;
  • Full name of the submitter;
  • requirement to provide a certificate;
  • date/signature of the application.

The Pension Fund does not issue certificates urgently. You will have to wait at least 2-3 business days.

Receiving a certificate by mail

The pension fund itself regularly sends letters to parents without waiting for a request. The department informs them about the balance of maternity capital funds if there are at least 30 rubles in the account. Such messages should arrive annually, before September 1. If the owner of maternity capital does not receive such reports for a long time, this is a reason to bother PF workers with the question of whether they are sent to the parent’s address.

However, it is not always possible to wait for the next official letter. When the process of providing information needs to be accelerated, applicants have the right to apply for a certificate or one of the methods suggested above, or go to the post office. Citizens who have temporarily moved to another city often resort to “postal” communication with pension officials.

To receive a certificate of the amount of unspent maternity capital by mail, you must first send a letter to the Pension Fund. The request must be made in the form of a free-form application. Copies of the passport and maternity capital certificate are sent along with this paper. The post office operator should be asked to issue a “registered letter with attachment.”

This method of obtaining a certificate is convenient only because the applicant does not have to waste time and money on personally applying for the document. Its disadvantages include the unreliability of postal transfers and long wait times for paper. Requesting information about the balance of maternity capital by mail is not recommended in cases where it is needed urgently.

Higher education. Orenburg State University (specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
August 12, 2017.

Many MSC certificate holders, partially exercising their right to cash payments, do not know where the rest of the maternity capital goes. Some suggest that this money remains in the Pension Fund and can no longer be used. Others think that the remaining funds are indexed for the next year to the full amount of MSC.

Both are big public misconceptions.

How to find out about the presence of MSC residues

Many people are interested in how to check the amount of maternity capital and its balance.

If indexation was subsequently carried out, the remainder must be multiplied by the appropriate coefficient.

Attention! Only the Pension Fund can provide accurate information about the account status.

The all-Russian MSK database is kept by this fund, since it is the fund that stores all family savings and manages these funds.

Every year (usually no later than September 1), all certificate holders from the Pension Fund receive a written notification about the status of their personal account.

Such notification is mandatory if the remaining amount is more than 30 rubles.

If notifications do not arrive:

  • the entire amount of MSC has been spent;
  • the balance does not exceed 30 rubles.

How to get a certificate of funds balance

If the owner of the MSK certificate wants to personally find out the size of the unused balance of the MSK, you can obtain the appropriate certificate from the territorial division of the Pension Fund.

Such background information is required, in particular:

  • when selling the nominal amount of MSC within the framework of mortgage lending;
  • improving living conditions by purchasing new housing.
Advice! If you do not know how to check the balance of maternity capital, contact the Pension Fund in writing with a corresponding statement.

It can be submitted:

  • directly to the PF;
  • through the MFC in paper form;
  • electronically - through the government services website or the PF web resource.

After 3 business days, a written response will be provided about the status of the personal account and the remaining funds on it.

How and where can you use leftover MSCs?

If a family has chosen one of the permissible types of targeted use of MSC, but has only partially realized its financial capabilities, the balance of funds on maternity capital is not reset to zero. And it doesn't freeze.

It can still be used in the same areas established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Attention! Even if the amount of funds is insignificant, it cannot be cashed out. The exception is established one-time anti-crisis and other similar payments.

To use the money remaining in your personal PF account as usual, you must submit an application again.

Download for viewing and printing:

It indicates where the money will be sent, namely:

  • improvement of existing housing conditions;
  • child's education;
  • acquisition of means of social adaptation for disabled children;
  • replenishment of the funded part of the mother's pension;
  • monthly payments for the 2nd child until he turns 1.5 years old.

There are currently no other permitted target areas for MSK.

The listed directions have some broad interpretation.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Improving living conditions

In particular, improving housing conditions includes:

  • purchase of new or secondary housing;
  • reconstruction of the old residential premises owned by the family;
  • construction of a newly constructed residential building (IZHS);
  • repayment of part of the mortgage loan (including interest, down payment).


A child’s education must necessarily include a paid package of educational services. They must be provided according to educational programs that have state accreditation.

This can be any stage of general complete education:

  • preschool;
  • school;
  • secondary vocational;
  • higher.

In addition, MSC money can be used to cover other costs associated with obtaining education.

Their complete list is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Attention! If one part of the MSC funds has been spent, for example, on improving housing conditions, then you can re-apply to the Pension Fund to send the remainder of the MSC to any of the indicated areas. Including the same thing.

What happens to the rest of the MSC?

We have already learned how to check the maternity capital account. Now let's find out what actually happens to the remnants of MSCs.

Any amount in a personal account in the Pension Fund is indexed. This happens only by relevant order of the Government of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if indexation was carried out in the next year, then the remaining amount of MSC will also be indexed.

Attention! Indexation does not imply restoration of the size of balances to the full volume of MSK in the next year.

The remaining amount of money will be multiplied by the corresponding indexation coefficient, expressed as a percentage.

As a result, the balance will increase in proportion to the increase in the total amount of MSC after the next indexation. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the money remaining in the Pension Fund will be “eaten up” by inflation.

When should you use leftover MSCs?

After we found out that there is still some cash balance in the PF account, the next question that arises is how to get it. And in what time frame can or should this be done?

Of course, for the use of any MSC funds, including residual funds, a general circulation period is provided.

It depends on the target direction that the applicants decided to use.

Thus, the second/subsequent child does not need to wait until the age of 3 to participate in mortgage lending. If the balance is intended to be used in the same way, then an application for redirection of money can be submitted immediately after issuing the certificate.

In other situations, you will have to wait until the second/subsequent offspring is three years old.

Are there any restrictions on the use of MSC residues?

As for the extreme limit of circulation, for education, for example, it is established until the child for whose education such money is allocated turns 25.

For the social adaptation of disabled children, this will be the coming of age of the child who has a disability.

Improving living conditions is not limited by law.

For monthly payments - the 2nd child for whom such payments were made turns 1.5 years old.

As for the mother’s pension, money can be sent to accumulation at any time from the beginning of the formation of such a pension part until the end of this procedure. Moreover, the law allows for the possibility of refusing this direction until the final formation of the funded pension part.

This also happens by application.

Is cashing out MSK allowed in 2019?

are only periodic payments as part of temporary support for families. Since 2007, such amounts have been paid repeatedly in the amount of 10, 12, 15, 25 thousand rubles.

This usually happens once a year by order of the Government. The application is drawn up and submitted within the prescribed period. After which, in order of priority, the money is transferred to the bank account of the applicants, depending on the period of application.

In 2017, LDPR deputies proposed making new changes to the Federal Law on state support measures so that Russians would be able to withdraw 50 thousand rubles annually for household needs. But this bill was not adopted.

Since January 2018, monthly payments for the 2nd child have been paid from MSK funds, so the previously considered proposals, as well as one-time payments, are no longer relevant.

You can find out about the payment from MSK funds available this year from the Pension Fund. All relevant information is contained on the website of this fund. The last payment was provided until December 2016. The availability of any additional support measures in 2019 is currently unknown.

Attention! The law does not provide for other ways to cash out MSC funds. All proposed methods of so-called cashing out are prohibited. And are regarded by law enforcement agencies as fraudulent.

Illegal use of remaining funds

Today there are many advertising messages (especially on the Internet) about the possibilities of cashing out MSC funds.

Be extremely careful and vigilant: if we are not talking about loans for the purchase, construction, or reconstruction of housing, then such cashing out is illegal.

Even if you manage to somehow get the money, within a year from the moment the illegal transaction was completed, it may be declared invalid. And if signs of a crime are detected, criminal liability for the crime may be brought.

If you doubt the legality of a scheme offered by a financial or real estate company, it is better to consult with lawyers first.

Attention! Do not sign any agreements or papers without making sure that you really understand their contents and do not doubt the correctness and necessity of such actions. It will be extremely difficult to prove non-involvement in a fraudulent scheme if there is a signature.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.

There are a number of ways that allow you to view the balance in your maternity capital account as of a specific date. You can learn about these methods in this article.

It is worth noting that such a concept as maternity capital, as a form of providing state assistance to increase the birth rate of the population, has existed since 2007.

Over all these years of existence of payments, citizens have the same question, how much money will they be able to receive after receiving a certificate for assistance.

To know the answers to all these questions, citizens must order information from the Pension Fund, which will contain a certificate about the amount of funds in the account.

Citizens will still have to provide such information in the future.

And this is done in such cases:

  • To obtain a mortgage, a citizen will need a certificate when applying for a loan or when signing the agreement itself. In this case, the deposit amount can be used as a down payment;
  • to build a residential building. This also includes such construction at the expense of a mortgage. Thus, information about the balance of funds will make it possible to correctly make calculations and calculate the cost of construction in the total amount;
  • to use the certificate to pay for your child’s education. This calculation of funds makes it possible to quickly calculate how much money, in general, is needed for payment and divide the capital into certain parts, according to which payments for training will be made;
  • there may also be other cases when you directly need to know and take into account the total amount of capital and, according to it, make some calculations;

It is worth noting that to issue a certificate to display a personal state aid account, a standard certificate is used, which has a typical form approved by the legislation of the country.

Such a certificate has the following details:

  • Full name of the applicant who directly has the right to maternity capital;
  • SNILS number. This number is a kind of identifier in the pension system, which allows you to quickly find everything about the amount of benefits and information about the recipient’s account. With this number, such information is made in a matter of minutes;
  • the amount of assistance itself;
  • information about the transfer of payments that were paid at a time is indicated;
  • information about unused funds, as well as the amount of funds still available in accounts. It is from this information that the user can understand how much funds he has left and for what purposes he can use the remaining capital;
  • signature of the person who is a government employee. Such a person is responsible for the data provided in the certificate;
  • date of receipt of the certificate. This date is not unlimited and has a certain validity period. To find out how long the certificate will be valid, you need to refer to Federal Law No. 256. Such a line should not exceed more than 30 days from the date of issue of the certificate.

Attention! If the user directly receives such a certificate, then this can be considered integral evidence of receipt of maternity capital and recognition of the applicant’s property rights.

If you contact the Russian Pension Fund directly, the certificate will be issued in about 3 days.

How documents are processed

Only citizens who directly have the right to do so can submit a written application to the Pension Fund.

SoFirst you need to collect a list of documents, which include:

  • original passport of the citizen who submits the application;
  • SNILS;
  • for children, you need to submit a birth certificate;
  • Next, you need to provide confirmation that the money was used for legal purposes. An example of such confirmation could be a training contract and so on.

There are several public methods you can use to get help:

  • if you go directly to the Pension Fund for the citizen’s place of residence;
  • through the MFC, by using their services;
  • through the state portal State Services;
  • through the main website of the Pension Fund of Russia and after sending documents to them by mail.

It is not always necessary to contact government authorities to obtain a certificate of your account. If such a certificate is not needed by other authorities, then the calculation can be easily done independently.

Attention! To calculate the amount of capital yourself, you need to multiply the initial amount of state assistance, which is specified in the legislation, by the indexation coefficient. It is worth noting that this coefficient is produced every year, except for the last 2 years.

Working with the State Services portal

Checking your account balance through State Services is one of the simplest ways to check your account. First, you need to be logged in to the portal and have your password and login.

In the menu, go to the service catalog and select the “Pension, benefits and benefits” section. In this section you need to select the category “Extract on social assistance provided”.

A list of services will be immediately provided, but for further work you need to select electronic services. In the end, you need to “receive a service.”

The citizen will be presented with fields that must be memorized independently.

Some data will be specified automatically, since at the beginning of registration the user had to fill them out; if they are filled in incorrectly, then the data needs to be changed.

Once the data has been verified, you need to indicate the topic - the balance of maternity capital. After the application is completed, you can receive an electronic service within 15-30 days, everything will depend on the speed of the server.

The disadvantage of this method of obtaining information about the balance on the maternity capital account is that you need to wait quite a long time, but if you can wait to receive such information, then this method is quite convenient.

How to find out your account status through the Pension Fund website

Another popular way through which you can quickly find out information about your account is the official website of the Pension Fund.

To start working with the portal, you will need to go to the user’s personal account.

For those who are unfamiliar with such a long and scary name, you can go through authorization simply through the State Services portal. You just need a login and password for this portal, and confirm your login to the PF.

After logging into your personal account, you need to select the “Maternity Capital” section. Then you need to click the “Get information about the amount of maternity capital” button.

It is worth noting that this procedure for obtaining information is the fastest, since in just a few minutes the user can find out about the capital balance, as well as find out all the necessary information about the amount of this state assistance.