Sections: Technology

Target: Activation of students’ creative abilities, maintaining interest in the subject; improving skills to work independently and in a team.

Progress of the event

Good afternoon, dear guys, guests.

I am glad to welcome you to our competition “Skillful hands - do not know boredom.”

Two teams take part in the competition, a 6th grade team and a 7th grade team.

Today you will have the opportunity to show off your knowledge, demonstrate the skills you acquired in technology lessons, and also show resourcefulness and a sense of humor.

I wish both teams good luck and success.

Jury presentation

Chairman of the jury: _______

Jury members: _______

And so we begin the competition

1st competition “Let’s get to know each other”

Greetings of teams (name, motto, greetings to opponents, jury) 5b

2nd competition "Erudite"

Each team is asked 10 questions, for each correctly guessed question the team receives 1 point.


  1. What is formed along the edges of the fabric during the weaving process? (edge).
  2. On which side of the figure are measurements taken? (on the right).
  3. What are the animal fibers? (wool, silk)
  4. What is the main ingredient for making jelly? (gelatin)
  5. What kind of oil is used to lubricate a sewing machine? (machine)
  6. What process occurs when kneading dough with yeast? (fermentation)
  7. Which side should the knife be placed on when setting the table? (right)
  8. Is it a geometric figure or a silhouette? (trapezoid)
  9. What device protects your fingers from being punctured by a needle when performing handmade? (thimble)
  10. On which side is the zipper located on the skirt? (from the left)
  11. From which groove is the thread inserted into the machine needle? (long)
  12. The science of cooking delicious and healthy food? (cooking)
  13. View pasta having a flat, elongated shape? (noodles)
  14. What are the fibers of plant origin? (linen, cotton)
  15. What is the name for changing the details of clothing and their artistic design? (modeling)
  16. The process of creating clothes using calculations and drawings is called? (design)
  17. Is the sewing product drawing designed to scale? (1:4)
  18. Where is the shuttle kit located on a sewing machine? (under the platform)
  19. Name a weaving where the threads are intertwined one after another? (linen)
  20. A seam that connects two parts from the inside out? (static)

3rd competition “World of Professions”

For each letter of a given word, select the names of professions and specialties so that they are not repeated, and enter them in the form provided.

4th competition “Proverbs are confused”

Continue the proverbs:

  1. A lot of snow - ... (a lot of bread).
  2. Porridge with butter... (you can’t spoil it).
  3. Cabbage soup and porridge... (our food).
  4. Skillful hands - ... (do not know boredom).
  5. A man is not glorious in words - ... (glorious in deeds).
  6. Time for business - ... (hour for fun).
  7. Done hastily - ... (done for laughter).
  8. They are greeted by their clothes,... (they are seen off by their intelligence).
  9. The eyes are afraid... (but the hands do).
  10. Measure seven times - ... (cut once).

5th competition of captains “Handiwomen”

Invent from plastic bottle a thing useful in the household. 5 b.

While the captains are completing the task, a game is played with the fans

Dear fans, I will name the products, and your task is to indicate what they are. For example: crucian carp (fish), milk (drink), etc.

6th competition "Siamese twins"

There are two people from each team. You need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left of the other team member are free. In this situation, do the following:

  1. Thread the needle.
  2. Cut out a model of an apron with a bib

7th competition "Guess"

Teams are asked to solve puzzles. For each correctly guessed puzzle, the team receives 1 point. Time 2 min.

3 – skirt, 4 – yoke, 5 – dart.

1 – cottage cheese, 2 – jam, 3 – pearl barley, 4 – casserole

8th competition "Black Box"

Guess what's in the black box. Three hints are given:

  1. A part directly related to a sewing machine.
  2. With its participation, movement is transmitted to other mechanisms.
  3. It has the same name as one of the car parts (flywheel).

9th competition “Time for business, time for fun”

Homework competition. Prepare an amateur performance act.


At school there is a subject like this:
We are all rooting for him,
He helped us become a mistress,
Economical, businesslike.

We knit perfectly now,
We iron, darn and sew.
If necessary, we will set the table,
We'll bake a cake and a roll.

I sewed until dark, until dawn,
I got myself a shirt.
And she bewitched me with sewing
Your Ivashechka.

How to start cooking at school -
Let's ooh and ooh
Buy for us - we beg you
Kitchen set.

We don't want to leave
From technology lessons
we cut, repair, craft,
just enough pieces

I sewed an apron, I'm cool,
Yes, and I went dancing in it.
I won't go to school now
I will open a company.

I sewed myself a skirt
It turned out not to be her.
I will attract the boy,
Sitting at home by the window.

We love to sew and cook,
And knit and embroider.
Come study with us
We will open courses.

We are an egg in a microwave
We tried to bake
And then her, guys,
They washed it as best they could.

We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you
So that we can be applauded.

Dramatization of the tale of Tsar Saltan.

Three girls under the window
We spun late in the evening.
“If only I were a queen,”
One girl says,
That's for school for my native
I would throw a feast like a mountain.
I would feed the teachers
Tasty, joyful and plentiful.
And not just pies -
Rolls and pancakes.
I would feed them honey
And at the same time she said:
"You care about us
every day and every hour,
Now feast to your heart's content,
And then start dancing!”
“If only I were a queen,”
Her sister says,
That would be one for school
I would weave canvases
And beloved teachers
I would dress it up a little.
Everything about the teachers is great:
Faces are bright, thoughts are clear,
They have a good soul.
Only money - not a lot.
I'll try and put it on
Everyone in suits from Cardin,
In English tweed, Chinese silk -
They will be more beautiful than the roses of May!”
“If only I were a queen,”
the third sister said,
I would for the father of the king
I took different threads
Knitted a warm sweater
And socks to boot
I just managed to say -
The door creaked softly,
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence -
These speeches, by all accounts,
He loved it.
"You, dear girls,
made everyone a queen!
After all, this is about everything
I thought the same way!
Yes, our life is not bad!
Every year is simply a miracle!
Someone sings songs
Who - the granite of science gnaws,
All the girls are majestic
They perform like peahens!
Only there is no wonder in this...
I found this answer:
Where is the teacher with a passionate heart -
There efforts are not in vain,
Where is the teacher with a soul -
There the result is high,
The teacher spared no effort -
The student is smart and nice.
Teachers' honest work -
This is the most valuable emerald!
Therefore, I give an order:
This same day and this same hour
Praise all teachers
My valiant school!

Competition program “Skillful hands know no boredom”

circle Arts and crafts


Extracurricular work, being an integral part educational process, contributes to the development in children of practical work skills, creative activity, and interest in the history of folk art, which carries centuries-old ideas about beauty and harmony.

This program is offered to schoolchildren as source material for work in a circle. The valuable thing in the work of the circle is the opportunity creative development children. The circle group is made up of children who have shown interest and ability in activities.


The main educational objectives of the circle are the development of the creative and labor activity of the circle members, their desire for an independent life. The goals and objectives of the circle program are aimed at nurturing and developing students’ artistic taste and interest in folk art.

This is of great educational importance for the development of children’s artistic taste, interest in decorative and applied arts, and interest in the national art of their people.

To successfully complete creative tasks, you must have certain knowledge, imagination, spatial thinking, and accuracy when performing work. All these qualities can be developed in a child by working with him individually. The plan for the competition program of the circle includes feasible tasks, the implementation of which makes it possible to strengthen work skills, knowledge, abilities and increase their creative potential, and which will help children master the basics of general composition, techniques for developing and creating products.

The plan for the theoretical part of the classes also includes visits to museums and arts and crafts exhibitions.

Competition program

Goal: Increasing interest in the subject, activating the creative abilities of children.

Objectives: Development of memory, visual and figurative thinking, nurturing cognitive interest in the subject, improving the ability to work independently and in a team.

Progress of the event

Presenter: We are glad to welcome you to our competition “Skillful hands know no boredom”! Today we have two teams: “Masters” and “Craftwomen”

    First competition: “Let's get to know each other”

Team Greetings (state your names, your team name and motto). 2 minutes are allotted for preparation. Estimated at 5 points. The jury sums up the results of the competition.

    Second competition: “Warm-up”

There are a huge number of mysteries about labor. Let's test your knowledge. Each team will take turns solving riddles. The team that solves as many riddles as possible wins. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point. The jury sums up the results.

1. I bind and fasten,

Without screws and screws (Glue)

2. A steamer is traveling along the Prostynya River.

And behind it is such a smooth surface - not a wrinkle can be seen. (Iron)

3. You can’t drink water from this bucket. (Thimble)

4. Stitch by stitch stood in a row. (Line)

5. I am a colored piece of fabric, called.... (Shred)

6. Small, sharp, with a tail. (Needle)

7. Two ends, two rings, a nail in the middle. (Scissors)

8. Back and forth

The steamer wanders and wanders.

If you stop - grief,

You'll make a hole in the sea. (Iron)

3. Third competition: “Button”

Sew on a button (you need to temporarily sew on as many buttons as possible).

Necessary materials for the competition: fabric, needle, scissors, thread, buttons. Scored 1 point for each neatly sewn button. The jury sums up the results.

4. Fourth competition : "Bead"

Assemble the bracelet using the chain weaving method

Necessary materials for the competition: beads, glass beads of any color, wire No. 2,3; fishing line, scissors, plate for beads). Estimated at 5 points.

The jury evaluates the results of the competition.

5. Fifth competition: “Origami”

Collect as many modules as possible for a while. Each correctly folded module is scored 1 point. The jury evaluates the competition.

6. Sixth competition: “Owl”

Making an owl figurine from pine cones according to a drawing. Necessary materials for the competition: natural material pine cones, plasticine, drawing of an owl. Estimated at 5 points. The jury sums up the results of the competition.

7. Seventh competition - Captains' Competition "Loop"

Who can knit the longest chain of air loops for a time?

Necessary materials for the competition: yarn, hook No. 2,3

Estimated at 5 points.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Awarding the winners.

Given script for the competition program "Skillful hands know no boredom!" can be recommended to additional education teachers teaching children. If you change the tasks on the fragments, then the scenario can be used by teachers teaching other directions, teachers of extended day groups or summer camps, and primary school teachers.

The competition program “Skillful Hands Know No Boredom” helps to foster a sense of empathy and mutual assistance. In the process of completing tasks, children consolidate the knowledge acquired in class. Holding competitions in the form of competition arouses great interest among children.

  • development of increased interest in,
  • consolidation and testing of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom.

Tasks competition program "Skillful hands know no boredom":

  • educational - to consolidate children’s knowledge of loop symbols,knowledge of the rules for safe handling of tools, the ability to create computer presentations of their work.
  • developmental - develop the ability to identify methods of crocheting according tosamples, improve the ability to knit according to a pattern, develop ingenuity,accuracy, activity, creative approach to completing tasks.
  • educational - to promote a sense of empathy,mutual assistance, feelings of pride and joy from the results of collectivelabor, instill a love of work and a desire to engage in future needlework.


For the teacher:

  • envelope with “shards”,
  • easel,
  • computer,
  • projector,
  • screen.

For children:

  • needles,
  • pincushions,
  • spools of thread,
  • scissors,
  • buttons,
  • piglets' faces,
  • tokens for riddles,
  • flower knitting patterns,
  • hooks,
  • balls of yarn,
  • crochet patterns,
  • cards with names of crochet methods,
  • pens,
  • machines with tied threads,

Competition plan:

  • Letter from Marya the Artisan.
  • Greetings from the teams.
  • Sewing on the patch.
  • 3riddles.
  • Knitting according to the pattern.
  • Determining the knitting method.
  • Game "Collect balls".
  • Conventions.
  • Game "Wind the thread".
  • Skillful hands. Presentation of works.
  • The return of Marya the mistress.
  • Summing up and drinking tea.

Competition program "Skillful hands know no boredom"

Dear girls! Today I invited you to the hall for the “Skillful Hands” competition don't know boredom! You have already learned a lot in our association“Magic ball” and... (a knock is heard and the postman enters the hall andhands the presenter a letter). What kind of envelope is this? Let's open it. (Frommulti-colored “shards” and an SD disk spill out of the envelope).Oh, some figures fell out, and also an SD drive? Now we'll find out everything.

“Good health to you all, good people!

Call me Marya the mistress of light.

I am sending you my message

The city of Zavolzhye is the one on the Volga.

And with hope and with your prayer

I am turning to you for help!

An old, evil sorcerer imprisoned me

Into a terrible tower, a dark room,

He turned me into a birch tree,

And now I have always ordered to live like this!

And I won’t be able to see the world freely,

Until the spell breaks.

The spell that will give freedom,

He inscribed here, on the “shards”,

And only good children can put them together,

Strong in spirit, glorious in friendship,

Yes, cheerful, handmade.

Well, the earth is full of rumors,

And the violent winds whispered to me,

What is there in that city?

The most marvelous tower -

In the center, people call him “Coeval.”

And in that mansion there is a little light,

There are laces hanging on the windows.

In that little light there are beautiful girls.

They quickly knit wonderful things.

And they are kind and resourceful!

I address you, girls:

I'm sending you fragments

Where the tasks are all destined.

If you complete those tasks nicely,

The spell will immediately appear there,

It must be read three times by everyone,

And the villainous spell will crumble.

But only then will the pieces fit together,

If you start a game together,

Yes, such that the villain will like it,

Otherwise nothing will work!

Girls, are you ready to help Marya the mistress? Let's look at the pieces. Each one has a task and a fragment of a magic spell. To make the villain like our game, let's divide into teams. And the fragments will be attached by the girls of the team that quickly and correctly completes the task. Katya V. will help me evaluate your work.


Tell us about yourself.

What is your name?

Yes, try to justify your title!

Girls, you can easily complete this task. Say your names the name of your team and say your motto loudly.

Our team is called “Handicraft”! We really love to work in “Magic Ball” and knit various toys, souvenirs, and then give them as giftsto your friends and loved ones. Our motto: “Don’t learn by idleness, but learn - needlework!”

Now let's listen to the other girls.

We are Team Master! We love to make things with our own hands various crafts. Our motto: “The work of the master is afraid!”

Well done, you all introduced yourself loudly and amicably. I think the first one The fragment will be attached by the team captains.


Help the piglets

Sew on their snouts urgently!

Which one of you wants to sew on snouts? Come out to the table Yulia and Lena. Here are some buttons and little pigs. Remember the rules for safe handling of tools. When you complete your work, give it to Katya for evaluation. While the girls complete this task, we will get the next fragment.


I'll ask more difficult questions,

I ask you to give the answer as soon as possible!

Girls, here you need to solve riddles. For the correct answer, I will give you tokens.

I am small in stature, thin and sharp, looking for a path for myself with my nose, dragging my tail behind me.

On one finger the bucket is upside down.


He climbed onto the table from under the bench,

Looked around on the stand,

He wagged his flexible tail,

He licked the folds from the tie.

The more it spins,

The smaller it becomes.


He carries wagons behind him,

Where I went - there is no hole,

Only traces of sleepers and rails.

(Needle and thread)

The golden bristle pig is running,

The toe is steel and the tail is linen!

Experienced tool

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He both cuts and shears.


He will smooth out all the wrinkles,

Just don't touch him

He's hot as fire!

Look, we have opened our mouths,

You can put paper in it,

Paper in our mouth

Will split into parts.


Covers everyone in the world,

Whatever he sews, he doesn’t put on.

I will hide my dress with them,

I cut out patterns.

I darn and sew myself,

I'm helping my mom.

For daughters, grandmothers and mothers

Good helpers

Probably everyone is familiar with:

This is a miracle... scissors.

I'm not bragging when I say:

I will make all my friends younger!

Despondent people come to me -

With wrinkles and folds,

They are leaving very nice,

Fun and smooth!

So, I am a reliable friend...

Electric iron.

long stick,

At the end is a spout.

Clings to the loops

The character is intolerable.

I'm fluffy, soft, round,

I have a tail, but I'm not a cat

I often jump elastically,

I'll swing and under the chest of drawers.

The old grandfather is lying down

Dressed in two hundred crosses.

He has no arms and no legs,

And jump under the bench.


Well done! They guessed very well! Lera collected the most tokens. Come out, attach the fragment. And Katya will now tell you who sewed on the button better. Julia, attach the second fragment.


Many signs are written here,

Who will figure it out? Are there any brave ones?

Girls, they sent us patterns, who wants to knit according to the pattern? Come out, Tanya and Dana. Give the finished flowers to our assistant for assessments. So that you don't get bored, we'll get the next fragment.


I am sending samples with marvelous numbers,

Go figure out the old patterns.

I think, girls, this task will not cause you any difficulties, because all the methods of knitting are familiar to us. Who wants to complete this task? Come out, Nadya and Tanya. Take cards with names and put sample numbers opposite them. While the girls complete this task, we will take the next fragment.


Be you dexterous, smart, brave,

Prove it with action.

Outdoor game “Collect balls”.

Let's stand in a circle and put our balls on the floor in front of our feet. Under music, we will move in a circle, as soon as the music ends,you should take any ball. Whoever lacks a glomerulus callsproverb about work and sits down on a chair.

Well done! You had a lot of fun playing. There were a lot of proverbs and sayings.Nastya turned out to be the most dexterous in our game, and she gets the right to placethe fragment in place.

Our assistant Katya is ready to announce the winners of the fourth and fifth tasks. Let's applaud them loudly! Girls, put the fragments back in place. Look, guys, some letters are already appearing... This means that the Villain likes the game.


List of long clever phrases,

He has been familiar to you for a long time.

Read it, don't rush,

Enter the symbol here.

Who wants to complete this task, girls? Nelya, Dasha, come out bolder. On this piece of paper you need to put down the symbols of the loops.

In order to quickly rescue Marya the artist from captivity, we will move on to the next fragment.


Whose fingers are quicker here?

We'll install it now.

Quickly twist the thread,

We will “cheer” for you.

This is a very fun competition that you girls love. Strings with pencils are attached to our cars. Whoever winds the thread on a pencil faster will get the machine to the finish line faster. Come out, those who wish.The “drivers” of the “Needlewomen” team turned out to be more agile.

Tanya, find a place for this fragment. Well done!

Katya, please summarize the seventh task. Nelya won and will be able to insert the fragment into the spell.


You are all craftsmen here,

This means there is something to brag about.

Girls, we made a lot of crafts. Let's show them and tell about them. Come out, Masteritsa team.

Execution of ditties:

Cute girls

We live in the Volga region,

If necessary, we will knit hats,

If necessary, we will sing.

We are not used to boasting,

But our name is craftswomen,

We love going to circles

We love knitting needles and crochet hooks.

Can we knit in a circle?

Various toys,

Grandmothers - pillows.

We celebrate holidays in a circle,

We live together and have fun.

We never get bored

And we don’t fall behind in knitting!

The girls show their work.

Our “Needlewomen” do not lag behind the “Craftswomen”. They also prepared a presentation about their souvenirs.

Handicraft girls

We love to knit.

With your souvenirs

We know how to surprise.

We can write fairy tales,

We publish books.

And we knit the heroes ourselves:

And a fox and a bear.

We put them on our fingers,

And in your theater

We play different roles,

We do performances.

A knitted dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Turnip” in a new way.

Katya, you liked our girls. I think both teams did a great job presenting their crafts. Team captains, attach the last shard.

Well done! So we put all the pieces together. Now we can read the spell. Let's say it together and loudly 3 times:“Dexterity and skill in trouble are salvation!”

Music sounds and Marya the Artisan appears.

Hello, dear beautiful girls and distinguished guests! Thank you everyone for saving me! Bow to you, kind children, friendshipnice, handmade! You coped well with all the villain's tasks.Receive a magical ball as a souvenir. Everyone has a secret. Whentie all the threads, he will appear to you.Now I want to invite you all to come and have some tea, strong tea with treats.

On this competition program "Skillful hands know no boredom" ends.

All articles on the site are copyrighted, copying is strictly prohibited. In case of partial citation, a direct indexed link to the “Masterclasses” website is required.

At the first stage of the competition, any registered user can apply to participate. To do this, click the “Take Part” button on the competition page and fill out the form. Any application may be rejected by the Administration if the information and materials submitted to the competition are provided in violation of the Competition Rules. The number of days for submitting applications for participation is limited and is established by the Administration. At the end of this period, voting begins. Any user registered on the project can vote for other users. The number of votes is limited. The number of days for voting is limited and set by the Administration. At the end of voting, the three participants with the most votes win the competition.
The recruitment period may be extended if the number of applicants is less than 20. The competition may be canceled if the minimum number of participants is not available for a long time.

1. One user can participate in one competition only once.
2. The same material submitted to the competition can only be from one participant.3. The pet whose photo you submit to the competition must belong to you. It should be displayed as a Pet on your page. He must have at least three photos in a photo album on your page.
4. Photos must be real and belong to you. For using other people's photographs, sanctions are imposed on the participant - closing the opportunity to participate in further competitions.
5. Photos or parts thereof must not use any extraneous graphic elements or effects.
6. Editing and deleting materials is not possible until the end of the competition, except in cases where the editors consider it absolutely necessary.
7. When submitting materials, it is prohibited to encourage other users to take any action, asking them to vote for you, leave signatures or contacts.
8. Voting for yourself is prohibited. In cases where attempts to distort voting results are detected, violators will be excluded from the ranks of participants in any competitions.

We invite everyone to take part in our competition " Skillful hands" Place here one photo of your “art” - crafts, drawings, anything you made with your own hands: from paper, plasticine, rags, etc. Computer processing in the form of Photoshop is prohibited! Perhaps you will become one of three winners who will be chosen by other visitors.

Attention!!! Sanctions are imposed for using other people's photographs. Calling people to vote for your photo is prohibited! The photo must be original and without “Photoshop gadgets” - (frames, inscriptions, decorations, etc.).

Don't forget: The pet whose photo you submit to the competition must belong to you. It should be displayed as a Pet on your page. He must have at least three photos in a photo album on your page.

Many centuries ago, a saying appeared among the people that skillful hands never sit idle. They do not know the boredom of adults and children who are constantly making something. Once upon a time, Russian craftswomen used their leisure time to embroider amazing tablecloths and towels, weave bedspreads, and make toys from clay, straw, and rags. Men also did not sit idle in the evenings. Some liked to weave with wicker, others were fond of carving wood, forging, and making pottery. Today's boys and girls attend many clubs where they learn traditional and unusual crafts, master ancient techniques for working with materials and discover something new. They are taught by experienced teachers and educators, managers and teachers of additional education centers. For everyone who knows how to create and surprise, who creates masterpieces with their own hands, we offer the “Skillful Hands” arts and crafts competition. Our event is for children and adults. Send your drawings and crafts and participate in the all-Russian review of the best creative works, receiving further diplomas and words of enthusiastic praise from the audience.

Regulations on the All-Russian competition of arts and crafts "Skillful Hands"

The All-Russian competition of arts and crafts on the theme “Skillful Hands” is held by the portal for those who love creativity. Crafts and drawings on the specified topic are accepted from participants.

Purpose of the competition:

  • Identify talented children and teachers who can create creative works with their own hands.

Objectives of the “Skillful Hands” competition:

  • to interest schoolchildren in interesting hobbies;
  • draw attention to hobbies that you can devote your free time to;
  • teach to see beauty in creativity;
  • create a gallery of artworks made in different techniques;
  • to give all competition participants the opportunity to reveal the topic according to their wishes and ideas, showing creativity.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian competition of arts and crafts “Skillful Hands” on the portal

The procedure for holding the Skillful Hands competition is determined by these Regulations.

Age categories of participants in the All-Russian distance competition “Skillful Hands”

Adults and children living in Russia and studying in any Russian educational institutions are invited to participate in the All-Russian creative competition “Skillful Hands”. Participants in the distance competition can include librarians, methodologists, educators, psychologists, teachers, students, preschoolers, parents, pupils, additional education teachers and other groups of people who want to show themselves in creating thematic creative works. The “Skillful Hands” competition offers works in the following age categories:

  • preschoolers;
  • primary school students (grades 1 - 4);
  • secondary school students (grades 5 - 9);
  • high school students (grades 10 - 11, students);
  • teachers, educators (teachers of all specialties, class teachers, librarians, social educators, educators, librarians, speech therapists, defectologists, additional education teachers, psychologists, parents and other groups of adults).

The participants' works will be evaluated separately by category and age.

Nominations of works for the competition “Skillful Hands”

You can submit works that are original to the “Skillful Hands” competition. The work must cover the stated topic and meet the design requirements. Participants can submit:

  • crafts;
  • drawing.

Subjects of competition works

Entries must be done by hand. Drawings and crafts made independently or with the help of adults are accepted. The topic is limitless.

Competitive works in nominations


Crafts made from plasticine, paper, wire, thread, beads, glass, fabric, natural material look amazing if the work is done with skillful hands. It is children who sometimes create magnificent masterpieces that delight their parents, teachers, educators who teach them and also know how to create magnificent things. Do you like to tinker, create, express feelings through materials? Take part in the arts and crafts competition "Skillful Hands".

  • Crafts Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) received a total of: 4
  • Crafts Pupils of grades 1 - 4 received a total of: 20
  • Crafts Pupils of grades 5 - 9 received a total of: 8
  • Crafts Pupils of grades 10 - 11, students received a total of: 2
  • Crafts Teachers, educators received a total of: 11

Received works in the category Crafts of all: 45

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In the category "Drawing" Works made in any technique are provided (watercolor, pastel, oil, crayons, gouache, pencil drawing, mixed media). The format of the provided drawing is A3 - A4.

The participant provides a scanned or photographed drawing good quality in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tif, .gif format weighing up to 5 MB.

Competition drawings must be made carefully, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the topic will not be accepted.

In the "Craft" category Photos of work completed by participants are accepted. Photos must be of good quality so that the jury members can evaluate the work and the participants can examine them. The craft is proposed to be done in any technique (applique, embroidery, modeling, knitting, papier-mâché, designing, trimming, etc.) using various materials (paper, beads, fabric, ribbons, fluff, leaves, plasticine, wire, glass , clay, etc.).

Evaluation of competition works

The evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When assessing work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • completeness of the topic;
  • content (amount of work, availability of applications);
  • reliability of the information provided;
  • quality of design;
  • literacy;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality;
  • the possibility of widespread use of the material in the future.

Dates of the All-Russian competition “Skillful Hands”

The competition is held from 01.11.2017 to 31.12.2017.

Summing up the results of the competition from 01.01. 2018 to 01/10/2018.

Awarding of competition participants from 01/11/2018 to 01/15/2018.

Summing up the results of the “Skillful Hands” competition

  • The winners of the All-Russian competition “Skillful Hands” are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.
  • The winners are those who sent good work, but they were not among the winners.
  • All others are considered participants in the remote competition.

Organizational fee for participation in the competition “Skillful Hands”

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the website and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the Skillful Hands competition. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, you must pay an registration fee of 300 rubles (registered mail).

At any branch of Sberbank or another bank using a receipt (download receipt) payment via bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to wallet 41001171308826

Webmoney to wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is located below

If you decide to participate in the “Skillful Hands” remote competition, you need to:

  1. Make a drawing or craft on the topic.
  2. Fill out the competition participant application form correctly.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send one letter to the address [email protected] :

  1. finished work (scanned or photographed drawing, photo of a craft);
  2. a completed application form (only in .doc format, Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through an online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with an indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs participants about the receipt of the competition entry. If you have not received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to confirm that you have received your work.

Works received for the competition by administrators are not edited, reviewed, or returned to participants.

There will be no substitutions of entries during the competition, please check all documents before submitting.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with competition participants. Only in cases of extreme necessity do we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Please indicate your return address correctly and pick up diploma letters at your post office on time. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the terms and conditions of the competition.

If the package of documents is incomplete, the work does not participate in the competition and is not published on the website.

Awarding the winners and participants of the competition

All competition participants will receive electronic diplomas confirming their participation in the “Skillful Hands” drawing competition and publication of their work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the competition participants on the day the work is published on the website, and the winners’ diplomas only after summing up the results. Diplomas are located on the portal on the nomination pages, where lists of competition participants are published (along the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition who have paid the registration fee of 300 rubles will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses specified in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from competition participants will be spent on organizing the competition and further development of the portal

Organizing committee contact details

Address email: [email protected]