Nettle decoction will help solve many health problems. With its help, it is possible to stop bleeding, stimulate the immune system, normalize intestinal function, accelerate metabolism, and increase appetite. Therefore, it is recommended to include such a drink in your diet. But you need to know how to properly brew nettles for drinking.

How to brew nettles for drinking

It is better to purchase raw materials for brewing at a pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this, collect fresh young nettle leaves, preferably away from highways. Rinse them thoroughly in clean water, dry and chop. Then you can proceed directly to preparing the infusion:

  1. Place 1 tbsp in a small saucepan. l. dried nettle leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water and put on fire.
  2. Heat the mixture over a low flame for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool the prepared broth and strain it.
  4. All that remains is to dilute the decoction with 200 ml of clean water.

This drink should be drunk in small portions three times a day. Then you will preserve your health and beauty for a long time.

How to brew nettle for hair care

Nettle is great for strengthening hair, giving it strength and shine. Products based on this plant nourish hair, prevent baldness, and also help cope with dandruff. You can prepare a rinse and use it after every hair wash. To do this:

  1. Place 500 g of dried nettle leaves in a container. Fill with water and put on fire.
  2. Warm over low flame. As soon as the mixture boils, remove the saucepan from the stove. You cannot boil the broth, as this will lead to the loss of a large amount of nutrients.
  3. Filter and cool the broth. After this it can be used.

It is very easy to use this product. Wash your hair with your usual shampoo. Pour the prepared infusion into a bowl of clean warm water. Bow your head over it and water for five minutes. After this, squeeze out excess liquid from your hair with your hands and wrap your head in a terry towel. You shouldn’t wipe it dry; it’s better to let the infusion absorb better.

Currently, nettle is popular not only as the main ingredient in the preparation of traditional medicine recipes, but also in traditional medicine. This medicinal herb has hemostatic properties due to the presence of numerous vitamins in its composition: K, C and esculin. Nettle deserves special attention for uterine bleeding.

Nettle for critical days

There are situations when it is necessary for menstrual periods to be less heavy; in this case, nettle will be an excellent assistant for bleeding. This plant must be collected in dry weather during its flowering period. Only the leaves are used to prepare medicines. To stop profuse bleeding During critical days, it is recommended to take freshly squeezed juice. To prepare, you need a teaspoon of juice diluted in a quarter glass of water. The resulting mixture can be drunk daily three times a day immediately before meals.

In order for the effect of the drug to be more noticeable, excessive physical activity should be avoided. In addition to reducing the amount of bleeding, you can use recipes and drink nettle to have a positive effect on general condition blood vessels and smooth muscle tone of the uterine region.

If a woman wants to achieve a hemostatic effect and normalize the menstrual cycle, then it is important to take into account that the intake is regular; in addition, the anti-inflammatory properties help prevent excessive blood loss and are widely used in the treatment of pathologies such as uterine fibroids.

Another positive quality of nettle is considered to be the restoration of the onset of menstrual periods. In this case, the recipe involves using one tablespoon of leaves of a burning plant infused in one glass of boiling water. This infusion has a beneficial effect on the bleeding process.

Use for uterine bleeding

A variety of recipes using nettle are used for bleeding associated with various diseases:

  1. Cervical erosion. In this case, numerous medications prepared at home are used as an addition to the main therapy. For example, you can prepare an infusion or decoction or moisten a tampon in freshly squeezed juice in order to normalize the bacterial environment in the intimate area, while this factor prevents the further development of the disease. In this case, a tampon with juice is used for several hours, and the duration of treatment can be up to one and a half weeks. You should rest more during therapy.
  2. Vaginitis and colpitis. The occurrence of these diseases is associated with the formation of opportunistic bacteria in the vagina. In this case, preparing a solution for douching is excellent. To prepare, you will need a 250 ml mug of boiling water and plant rhizomes (no more than two tablespoons), previously thoroughly crushed and which must be brewed. The broth must be cooled and strained. How many times can it be used? The procedure for douching with nettle decoction for bleeding can also be carried out several times a day, while the douche itself should be boiled before and after use to avoid infections in the vaginal area. The use of nettle extract for uterine bleeding cannot be ruled out, and it can be purchased ready-made at any pharmacy.
  3. Internal bleeding. The recipe involves brewing dry crushed leaves of the plant in a glass of boiling water. Next, the product is placed in a water bath and cooked for about 10 minutes. After cooking is complete, the mixture is filtered and cooled. Drink this medicine up to 5 times a day, one tablespoon at a time, and if necessary, the number of doses can be reduced. The duration of infusion therapy is about two weeks.

Before you start preparing recipes to stop uterine bleeding of various etymologies, you should consult a specialist, since certain contraindications cannot be excluded. If there are none, then take the medicine without fear.

It should be noted that nettle can be used to treat numerous other pathological processes. The most common are diseases associated with the skin, as well as anemia. In addition, the plant is excellent for carrying out the blood purification process or when diagnosing anemia in a patient. IN in this case Nettle tea is used as a medicine in combination with other equally effective medicinal plants, for example, fireweed, yarrow, forgotten kopeck or buckwheat.

Possible contraindications

There are certain prohibitions regarding the use of nettle-based medicines for uterine bleeding. This is due to the fact that nettle helps to enhance the process of blood clotting. The main contraindications include:

  • diagnosing a patient with varicose veins;
  • presence of thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • impaired renal function.

The use of nettle during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as taking the plant can provoke contractions and premature birth. The same applies to preventive measures. In order to prevent possible negative consequences, you should consult your doctor; moreover, not all recipes using nettle can be used in combination with the main therapeutic method.

Thus, the use of traditional medicine recipes using nettle for bleeding has its place, but do not forget about precautions. It is important to consult with a specialist in advance and clarify all possible contraindications.

Nettle is not only a well-known stinging plant, but also a folk healer. It can save a person from many diseases. Particularly useful Indications for use: It is recommended to drink it after winter to restore immunity. Healers say that it gives strength to the body, normalizes heart function and eliminates stomach pain. Improves the condition of skin and hair.

Nettle infusion: chemical composition

A common nettle decoction has many valuable medicinal properties. Indications for use recommend using it for cosmetic purposes, for hair growth and strengthening. The unique qualities of the decoction are due to the chemical composition of the plant, which is rich in minerals and trace elements, as well as organic substances. First of all, these are manganese, potassium, nicotine, calcium, copper, barium and silicon. The herb contains iron salts, histamine, sulfur, titanium and many other useful elements.

The leaves and stem of nettle are saturated essential oils, starch, phytoncides, phenolcarboxylic acids and porphyrins. The burning hairs covering the plant contain nitrogen-containing acids, including formic acid and acetylcholine. It is these substances that cause burns. and rhizome contain a lot of vitamin C and fatty oils.

The plant contains the lycoside urticin, as well as vitamins: B1, B6, B2, PP, K, C and E. In addition, the herb contains chlorophyll and carotenoids. In terms of protein content, nettle can easily compete with legumes.

Properties of nettle decoction

Highly valued in folk medicine nettle decoction. Indications for use (the properties of nettle are due to its valuable composition, thanks to which it cures many diseases) it is recommended to use the plant for problems with the stomach and intestines. The herb is often used as an antiseptic, hemostatic and diuretic. characterized by choleretic, restorative and anti-inflammatory qualities. Promotes rapid healing of wounds and relieves cramps.

Chlorophyll, which is part of the plant, activates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, as well as on intestinal tract. Nettle also increases hemoglobin and the level of red blood cells in the blood. Normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The presence of vitamin K gives the plant a pronounced hemostatic property, which stimulates the production of prothrombin.

In addition, nettle decoction stimulates regeneration processes, tones the uterus and the entire body as a whole.

Before drinking nettle decoction, you should consider the indications for use. Despite the fact that the properties of this plant have been known for a long time and have been subjected to clinical studies more than once, before consuming the plant internally, you should consult a doctor.

Nettle decoction: indications for use

The medicinal properties of the plant have found their use in the treatment of many diseases. First of all, these are bleeding of various origins: pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, intestinal, as well as metrorrhagia and hematuria. It is recommended to drink nettle decoction if you have hypovitaminosis.

Indications for oral use indicate that the herb should be used for ulcers of the gastric organ and duodenum, atherosclerosis, constipation and enterocolitis. The purpose of using nettle is iron deficiency anemia, pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis), gout, sore throat, diabetes mellitus, myalgia, polymenorrhea.

A decoction of the plant is used topically for non-healing purulent wounds, furunculosis, bedsores, acne and trophic ulcers. Widely used medicinal herb to strengthen gums and stimulate hair growth.


All contraindications should be taken into account before drinking nettle decoction. Indications for use (the harm and benefits of using the plant depend entirely on how wisely the decoction is drunk and in what quantities) without the instructions of a doctor are not grounds for use medicinal plant.

Nettle should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy if you are being treated with antidepressants and medications that help eliminate insomnia, as the plant will increase their effect on the human body.

Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins are prohibited from using nettle infusion. You should not be treated with this herb if you have increased blood clotting or atherosclerosis. In these situations, the plant will contribute to even greater blood thickening, which can cause the development of a variety of pathologies.

Doctors do not recommend drinking nettle decoction for hypertension, as it tones blood vessels, which will lead to increased blood pressure. Nettle is not prescribed for uterine bleeding caused by the formation of cysts, polyps and other tumors. Contraindications for use are kidney disease.

How to prepare a herbal decoction?

What else is known about this medicine like a nettle decoction? Indications for use indicate that it can be used in complex therapy for any bleeding. But you should know how to properly prepare this decoction.

All parts of the plant are used to prepare the decoction. For bleeding, rheumatism of various origins, edema, gout and furunculosis, add 300 ml of water to a tablespoon of dry finely ground herb. Stirring, cook over low heat for about ten minutes, then leave for an hour and filter through cheesecloth. Drink a tablespoon up to four times a day.

If the decoction is to be used locally, for compresses, rinsing, or to strengthen hair, then it is prepared differently. One hundred grams of dry medicinal herb is poured with one liter of water and boiled for ten minutes.

For rheumatism, joint pain, tumors and gout, take 300 g of plant roots and fill them with three liters of water. Boil for twenty minutes and leave for two hours. For tumors, add 100 g of dry grass to the roots.

The use of nettle decoction in gynecology

Nettle decoction is widely used in gynecology. Indications for use during menstruation indicate pain during the cycle, its irregularity and profuse bleeding. The last factor indicates an inflammatory process in the pelvis. Nettle has an anti-inflammatory effect and therefore can relieve the inflammatory process. The decoction inhibits the development of tumors and treats erosion. In this situation, the plant is used both internally and topically (they are douched twice a day).

Sometimes tea with the addition of nettle leaves is prescribed to pregnant women in the second and third trimester. It is recommended to drink a nettle decoction to stop bleeding after childbirth. For the same purpose, it is used after abortion and caesarean section.

Nettle decoction is useful during lactation. It increases hemoglobin levels and stimulates the immune system, helping to recover after childbirth.

Nettle decoction in cosmetology

Nettle decoction is also successfully used in cosmetology. After washing your hair with detergent, rinse the strands with it. B vitamins contained in the decoction strengthen hair. Vitamin C gives hair shine and silkiness. The minerals that make up the plant help strengthen them and reduce fragility. Regular rinsing with nettle eliminates split ends and stimulates hair growth.

Nettle decoction is no less useful for skin, especially problem skin. You can simply wipe your face with it several times a day, or mix it with liquid honey in a 1:1 ratio and apply it to your face like a mask. These procedures eliminate acne and make facial skin clean and beautiful.

Possible side effects

Nettle infusion rarely causes side effects. In isolated cases it is possible allergic reaction to this plant or individual intolerance to the herb decoction is possible.

When is the plant harvested?

In order for the nettle decoction (indications for use include the ability to use the plant to heal all kinds of wounds and cracks) to be as beneficial as possible, the herb must be collected from June to August and only in clear weather. The roots are harvested in spring or autumn; it is believed that during this period they contain greatest number valuable substances.

Do not collect along highways or near industrial enterprises. For these purposes, you should choose environmentally friendly places.

Dry the nettle parts in a well-ventilated area, protected from direct sunlight. After drying, they are placed in glass jars with a tightly closed lid or in paper bags.

Seeds are harvested two weeks after the plant blooms. They ripen at home, then they are threshed and placed in paper bags.

You should definitely consult your doctor before consuming nettle infusion. The instructions for use describe in detail. Here you can read about the method of administration and dosage.

Please note that to preserve the maximum quantity, do not boil for a long time. The dosage should be selected based on the type of disease. Only a doctor can tell you the exact amount of use of a medicinal plant. Despite the fact that nettle is a herb, you should not self-medicate, especially during pregnancy and lactation.

You should not prepare the decoction several days in advance, as this will long time the product will lose many useful substances.

Nettle is a perennial wild plant native to Europe. Her medicinal properties and beneficial effects on health have been known since ancient times. Naturopaths like to joke that if humanity fully understands all the healing properties of nettle, only it will be grown.

In addition, this truly gift of nature is used in cooking to prepare delicious and healthy dishes, since nettle is rich in vitamins, minerals and tannins, which have great value for the functioning of the whole body. Drinking one or two cups of nettle tea daily invigorates, increases concentration, and eliminates tiredness and tiredness. But, despite all the benefits of nettle, there are also contraindications to its use, since drinking nettle decoction or tea can cause unwanted side effects.

Nutritional value of nettle
Nettle is rich in nutrients. It is a source of beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, E, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, vitamin K, folic acid. It also contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, sulfur, zinc, calcium, copper. Nettle leaves are rich in tannins, pantothenic acid, and contain chlorophyll, flavonoids and histamine. In addition, nettle contains anti-cancer substances, including lycopene, betaine, caffeic and acetic acid.

100 grams of fresh nettle leaves contain up to 2-3 grams of protein, 3-4 grams of sugar, 5-6 grams of soluble substances and up to 84 grams of water.

Healing properties and benefits of nettle tea
Nettle tea is widely used in folk medicine. And its benefits are obvious. Nettle tea helps treat anemia, diabetes mellitus(reduces blood sugar) and other metabolic disorders, allergic rhinitis, goiter, benign prostatic hyperplasia, helps in the fight against cancer.

Having an astringent, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, nettle tea is recommended to be consumed to prevent liver and kidney diseases, arthritis and rheumatism, as well as to normalize intestinal function and diarrhea.

Nettle tea is very useful for eliminating urinary tract infections, removes sand from the bladder and kidneys, and is also useful for those who suffer from urinary retention in the body.

Long-term use of tea strengthens the immune system and resists viral and respiratory diseases. Nettle has a strong effect on work respiratory tract, dissolving and removing excess mucus from the lungs, thanks to its expectorant effect, so it is indispensable for the treatment of asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Nettle tea also helps with liver problems and gallbladder, as well as in case of spleen disease.

Nettle tea: contraindications and precautions for use
First of all, nettle tea is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage due to its vasoconstrictor and tonic effect on the uterus. It is not recommended to drink tea for people suffering from kidney stones.

Excessive consumption of nettle tea can lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels. The tea should be consumed with caution if you are taking antidepressant medications to treat insomnia or anxiety, as nettle tends to suppress central nervous system activity. nervous system, thereby increasing the effects of antidepressants.

Nettle contains large amounts of vitamin K, which stimulates blood clotting, so anti-clotting medications (anticoagulants) when taken with nettle tea or infusion may be less effective. It should also be noted that nettle tea increases the lithium content in the body. Otherwise, drinking nettle tea is considered safe and only in some cases can cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea and sweating.

Nettle tea recipe
Pour 4 teaspoons of dry nettle leaves into 250 ml of boiling water and boil the decoction for no more than half a minute so that the healing properties of the tea do not decrease; you can also, after pouring boiling water over the leaves, leave the decoction for 15 minutes and then strain.

You can drink no more than 2 glasses of tea per day. It is best to drink nettle tea without adding sugar, but to improve the taste, you can add a little chamomile infusion or mint.

Here is another recipe to make nettle tea. We will need:
- 2 teaspoons of nettle rhizomes or leaves.
They need to be filled with 1/4 spoon of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Afterwards, the resulting broth is filtered. Drink nettle tea mostly warm, one cup in the morning and evening in small sips. The course of taking the decoction should be at least 4 weeks.

But for people who suffer from urolithiasis and bile disease, pain that causes degradation of joints, and rheumatism, a tea collection with nettle leaves is recommended for use. To prepare such a collection we will need:
- 20 grams of nettle leaves;
- 20 grams of dandelion root and herb;
- 10 grams of horsetail;
- 5 grams of birch leaves;
- 5 grams of rose hips.
In order to prepare 250 grams of decoction, you need to take 2 teaspoons of the mixture and pour boiling water over them. Then let it brew for 15 minutes, strain and let cool. Drink one cup of this nettle tea three times a day for six weeks. However, before consuming the decoction, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Nettle in homeopathy
Nettle, only stinging, is very widely used in homeopathy. The drug itself is made from the stems, rhizomes and leaves of the plant, which are collected during the flowering period. The main use of the drug: urticaria, which is accompanied by a burning sensation, burns, gout, rheumatism. It is also used to speed up the removal of uric acid from the body.

Traditional medicine and nettle
Often, to treat gout, rheumatism and paralysis, scarlet fever and measles, the skin is cut with fresh nettle. It is said to bring healing and relief. Nettle juice is also very popular in folk medicine. You can either make this juice yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. To prepare the juice yourself, you need to cut the plant in full bloom, and then soak it for 12 hours in a small amount of water. Then the nettles must be squeezed out using a press. Nettle tea and nettle salad, combined with birch and dandelion leaves, are no less useful. In folk medicine, nettle seeds are also used, which contain carotenoids, fatty oil, chlorophyll, mucus and protein. Today, nettle seed mixtures are mainly used for external use.
Nettle is also very useful for older people, as it increases the body’s defenses and activates all vital organs of a person.

Does nettle tea really purify the blood?
It's no secret that it is very useful to cleanse blood with the help of nettle. This procedure will help cure many ailments. But a healthy person who takes a spring course of nettle tea will get rid of fatigue and receive a boost of vigor.
However, before you start the course, you should know some things: your condition will worsen at the beginning of the course. Soon the pain begins to spread and intensify both to the organs and to other parts of the body. However, there is no need to worry, because this is very good sign. Don't even think about interrupting the course. Pain is a signal that an area of ​​the body, the functioning of which is disrupted for some reason, has received new energy.
It is recommended to drink as much nettle tea as possible during the waning moon. But they stop the course on the new moon. Next, a break is taken for two weeks, and on the next full moon the course is resumed and continues until you feel a decrease in pain or its complete disappearance. For a healthy person, a double course of 2 weeks each will be sufficient. If you want to remove all harmful substances from your body and also get rid of skin disorders, then take at least 3 courses.
For nettle therapy, nettles are collected exclusively during the waning moon. Only young leaves are taken. The harvested nettles are also dried and stored during the waning moon. Before you dry the leaves, do not wash them under any circumstances.

External use of nettle
Nettle tea is not the only use of the plant. Nettle is widely used in other areas. For example, chlorophyll is obtained from it, a vegetable dye that is absolutely harmless. The paint is used in the perfume, food and pharmaceutical industries. Preparations that are used in dermatology and cosmetology are made from nettle. There is information that you can get positive results when treating premature graying with nettle.
Nettle decoction is used to rinse hair after washing to strengthen hair. Nettles are also used to store perishable foods. For example, if gutted fish is stuffed and surrounded with nettles, it can be stored for a long time.
Salads and cabbage soup made from nettle leaves are very useful. To prepare a nettle salad, it is first boiled, then chopped and mixed with boiled eggs and sour cream. Believe me, it's delicious.
In addition, nettles can be stewed, made into caviar, or added to cutlets and mashed potatoes. In Romania, nettles are used to prepare pilaf.
And nettle is very useful on the farm. If you give it to cows, your milk yield increases and the milk becomes of better quality. But in chickens, ducks and geese that are fed with nettles, egg production increases significantly. By the way, nettles are used to make fibers that are used to make burlap and ropes.

Who should not use nettle tea?
Despite all its positive and effective properties, nettle tea also has contraindications. First of all, such tea is contraindicated for those people who have increased blood clotting. Nettle is also contraindicated for bleeding caused by cysts, polyps, tumors of the uterus itself and its appendages, as well as for diseases that require surgical intervention. In addition, if a person has kidney disease, then one must also be extremely careful when using nettle.

Undoubtedly, nettle is an excellent vitamin remedy that is widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases. And nettle tea or nettle tea is the richest source of health and energy for humans, which is given to us by nature itself.

Translated from Latin, the word nettle means “stinging.” The plant is unpretentious, perennial and popularly known as a weed. However, despite this, it has enormous healing potential, thanks to which it has been successfully used for centuries, both in professional medicine and at home to treat an extensive list of diseases. Avicenna also described the medicinal properties of this plant. Currently, in some European countries, the plant is grown specifically for further use for medical, cosmetic and culinary purposes.

The leaves of a fresh and dry plant, hung in the house, rid the house of annoying insects and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Composition of nettle

One hundred grams of blanched nettle contains:

Nettle - 22 beneficial properties

  1. Arthritis Cure

    Nettle leaves can help patients with fibromyalgia, a disease that provokes diffusely symmetrical musculoskeletal pain. Commonly called gout. Drinking a cup of brewed nettle infusion will have a positive effect on symptoms of tendonitis, joint stiffness, and will relieve swelling in the area of ​​burned tendons and joints. Daily consumption of brewed leaves plants, in the form decoction will have a mild diuretic effect, emptying the bladder and alkalizing muscle tissue.

  2. Benefits for women

    Presence in chemical composition nettle contains a huge amount of iron elements, which gave the plant the first right to resist such a disease as anemia, characterized by a decrease in the presence of red blood cells in the blood. Unique properties plants replenish lost strength in the body and relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. Women have long known the properties of this plant and have successfully used them. The substance lactogen galactagogue, present in nettle, allows you to increase the secretion of milk. Nettle also has a beneficial effect on hormonal background women during menopause. Many women use an infusion of the plant to reduce heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle. In the form of tonics, it is used to treat uterine fibroids.

  3. Benefits for hair loss and skin diseases

    Tea made from nettle reduces the presence acne on the face, providing a rejuvenating effect on the condition of the skin of the body. Frozen infusion cubes are recommended for use as morning hygiene procedures, washing your face with them. Rinsing hair after washing with nettle infusion improves hair growth, restoring the hair structure and having a preventive effect on the manifestations of seborrhea.

  4. Benefits for the digestive tract

    The leaves of the plant are used as an additional remedy for symptoms of indigestion of celiac disease associated with damage to the intestinal villi, helping to get rid of such unfavorable symptoms as nausea and bloating. Nettle is distinguished as a highly effective remedy in the treatment of sore throat, inflammation oral cavity, nosebleeds. Napkins soaked in nettle infusion can relieve external hemorrhoids.

  5. Use for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

    In European countries, stinging nettle is successfully used to solve the problems of prostate adenoma. Studies have shown that stinging nettle in combination with saw palmetto is particularly effective in relieving symptoms of BPH such as incomplete bowel movements and drip urination. These negative symptoms occur against the background of an increase in the size of the prostate gland, which in turn puts pressure on the bladder. Studies conducted in this area note that stinging nettle is chemically similar to the composition of the drug finasteride, used in the treatment of BPH. The properties of the plant do not reduce the size of the gland itself, but have a beneficial effect on relieving the symptoms of the disease itself. This is possible due to the ability of nettle to influence the hormones testosterone and estrogen, which are responsible for the functioning of the gland.

  6. Prevention of arthrosis

    Applications of fresh nettle leaves relieve symptoms of arthritic joint pain. Nettle extract in combination with taking non-steroidal drugs enhances their effect, and tea brewed in the proportion of 1 spoon of plant leaves per glass of boiling water will reduce the dosage of anti-arthritis medications.

  7. Prevention of hay fever

    The ability of nettle to reduce the amount of histamine in the body is used to relieve the manifestations of allergic rhinitis. A dried, lyophilized, and sublimated preparation based on nettle is taken as a prophylactic during the flowering season of plants and helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses.

  8. Nettle as an anti-inflammatory agent

    Scientific studies aimed at studying the properties of stinging nettle have noted the presence in its composition of substances that prevent the development of inflammatory processes and the formation of cytokines. The plant is successfully used to solve problems causing swelling.

  9. Prevention of intestinal diseases

    Drinking tea with the addition of nettle infusion will help activate intestinal motility, having a laxative effect. However, this procedure should not be abused, since excessive consumption of the drink can cause discomfort in the stomach.

  10. A storehouse of nutrients

    Stinging nettle is rightfully considered a multivitamin gift from nature. It perfectly combines both organic acids and biologically active substances. The presence of vitamins and minerals in the plant makes it possible to use its leaves for culinary purposes. At the beginning of spring, the young leaves, which are the most tender, are added to salads and hot dishes. During this period, the body, which is especially in need of replenishment of minerals and vitamins, can receive them in full from nettles. Housewives have long used the leaves of the plant in cooking, adding it to first courses and salads. Vitamin C, E, iron, zinc, potassium - this is not a dusty list of useful plant components that have a beneficial effect on human performance and rapid restoration of strength after illness.

  11. Using specks to stop bleeding

    Combinations of the herbs knotweed, common thyme, licorice and stinging nettle have effective hemostatic properties. These combinations are reflected in the creation of a hemostatic agent used in dentistry, as well as in the healing of deep superficial wounds and abrasions. Ankaferd Blood Stopper hemostatic wipes stop heavy external bleeding when in contact with a bleeding wound.

  12. The use of nettle for joint inflammation

    Nettle can bring relief to people suffering from high levels of uric acid in the body. Uric acid, accumulating, forms crystalline formations in the area of ​​​​the compounds, which causes inflammation, swelling, and pain. Nettle infusion can remove excess uric acid from the body, reducing signs of the disease.

  13. Nettle as a remedy for infectious diseases

    Tea made from stinging nettle and lingonberry helps fight bladder infections. Both plants contain not only a lot of useful substances, but also a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps reduce the presence of bactericidal infections leading to inflammation of the urethra.

  14. Nettle for nail care

    To strengthen the nail plate and give it a healthy color, it is enough to use applications of nettle and vegetable oil. By steaming your nails in warm water and applying a pre-prepared mixture to them, you can strengthen the nail plate and protect them from hangnails.

  15. Nettle for healthy hair and scalp

    A prepared decoction of fresh or dry nettle is a natural, cheap and affordable remedy for hair loss. It will perfectly relieve the problem of oily scalp, prevent split ends and give a silky, healthy shine to the hair. Brewed leaves of the plant in the form of an infusion are used in cosmetology in the treatment of seborrhea. Rinsing with this infusion strengthens the hair follicles, has a beneficial effect on the production of subcutaneous fat and prevents the appearance of dandruff.

  16. Antifungal effect

    Another beneficial use of stinging nettle can be found in the Herbal Remedies Guide. It is successfully used as a powerful antifungal agent that can resist fungal diseases.

  17. Painkiller

    Stinging nettle brewed in equal proportions with buckthorn bark acquires the properties of an anesthetic and can help with headaches and pain in the joints.

  18. Prevention of respiratory diseases

    The chlorophyll contained in the leaves of the plant gives the brewed nettle infusion a stimulating effect on the respiratory tract, which allows it to be used in the treatment of bronchitis and tuberculosis.

  19. Nettle's ability to increase testosterone levels

    Nettle contains a substance known as 3, 4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran. The substance can increase the level of testosterone, the main male hormone, and is widely used by bodybuilders.

  20. Healthy teeth and gums

    The decoction used as a rinse can relieve inflammation of the gums and prevent the formation of plaque and tartar.

Nettle also helps with:

  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease, stopping the formation of senile plaques in the cerebral cortex;
  • correction of neurological conditions MS, als;
  • childhood enuresis;
  • preventive actions aimed at treating helminths;
  • work disorders endocrine system, improving the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Contraindications to the use of nettle

Properly formulated therapeutic dosages of nettle do not cause side effects and complications. However, there are also contraindications for its use.

  • uterine bleeding;
  • elevated blood pressure (hypertension);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • neoplasms in the form of cysts and tumors;
  • pronounced indicators of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, since it greatly thickens the blood and increases its coagulability;
  • It is not recommended to use nettle infusions in the afternoon;
  • Nettle is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women; its use can provoke premature birth.

Since ancient times, nettle has been valued as a means of extending the shelf life of products. Rich in phytoncides, the plant is able to prevent the process of decomposition of meat, preserving its properties for a long time. The leaves were used to cover the carcasses of butchered animals, this helped stop the development of bacteria in the meat and extended its shelf life.
Nettles were used to weave fishing gear and make rough ropes.
In England, wine is made from nettles; only 40 kilograms of raw materials are consumed to prepare 3000 liters of drink. And they hold an annual competition “Who can eat the most burning leaves?” This competition has been going on for over 20 years.
Nettle is also used for mystical purposes, making all kinds of spells on it. Remember the fairy tale about how Elsa wove shirts for her brothers from nettles? Superstitious people are wary of plant thickets on their property, trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible.
But in Tula region, whose coat of arms depicts a plant, holds annual festivals. There it is valued for its qualities used in industrial production, where nettle is used to make an environmentally friendly green dye.
If the nettle in our regions only stings painfully, then plants in tropical latitudes can cause significant burns and even cause death.
In folk medicine, there is a saying that one nettle replaces “seven doctors”, and this is indeed a true statement, if you take everything into account beneficial properties that this plant gives us.