In any city you can find Italian restaurants where friendly waiters will offer you to try one of the many types of pasta. In our country, this interesting dish has a more prosaic name - noodles. The dish is quite tasty, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to restaurants to try all its types.

Therefore, today we will tell you how to make noodles at home.

Where to start?

There are quite a few types of this dish, but the taste primarily depends on the quality of the selected products. It is for this reason that we will discuss some cooking principles that will help you make the prepared dish unforgettable.

The dough in this case consists of three main ingredients:

  • Flour;
  • Oils.

And before we start describing recipes for making homemade noodles, let's learn how to choose the right ingredients. Let's start with flour! The most important thing here is the ratio of protein and fiber in the flour. It is by this ratio that the coarseness of flour grinding is determined.

For tasty pasta you will need soft flour. It is in this case that the dough turns out soft and elastic, which cannot but have a positive effect on the taste of your dish. Although some recipes recommend mixing soft and hard flour, since in this case the dough is more enriched with proteins.

It is also worth noting the fact that durum flour is dietary and if you are actively struggling with excess weight, then this variety will be more preferable for you.

Now let's talk about eggs. Some chefs claim that you need to use the whole egg, while others claim that only the yolk can be used to make noodles. In the end, it turns out that both options are suitable.

The only difference is that if you use a whole egg, you no longer have to add any liquid except vegetable oil. But if you add only the yolk, the color will definitely become a little more yellow, but in order for the dough to become softer you will need to add a little water.

And here’s another little secret: in order for the dough to acquire a special consistency and a pleasant aroma, you can add a small amount of olive oil to it. Remember that if you decide to serve pasta with some kind of flavorful sauce, it is not necessary to include olive oil in the recipe.

How to make homemade noodles: cooking technique

Making pasta dough is actually very easy. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of sifted flour onto the table. Place a raw egg in the middle and gently knead the dough with your hands. The consistency should be quite dense and elastic.

After you are sure that the dough does not stick to your hands and the table, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.

After this, take the dough out of the refrigerator and leave it in the kitchen until it reaches room temperature. This point is fundamental, since cold dough will not be easy to work with.

It is also worth remembering one more rule: while you are rolling out one part of the dough, the rest should be covered with a damp towel or plastic bag so that it does not dry out.

How to make soup noodles at home

Technically, the procedure is practically no different from the option we described earlier, but there are still some features. So let's get started. First you need to beat two eggs with half a teaspoon of salt. After you have formed a white foam, begin to slowly add flour, while kneading a stiff dough.

After the dough has been in the refrigerator, roll it out into several flat circles and carefully cut into thin strips of any length. Place the resulting noodles on a dry napkin or gauze and wait until they are completely dry. You can use such noodles not only for soup, but also for preparing other dishes.

How to cook buckwheat noodles

Buckwheat noodles are a dish that will not leave any lover of Japanese cuisine indifferent. But in order to buy one package of this amazing product you will have to spend quite a tidy sum. But it can be done at home.

So, to prepare buckwheat noodles we will need ingredients such as a kilogram of buckwheat flour, half a kilogram of unbleached wheat flour and 400 ml of hot water.

Prepare buckwheat noodles as follows:

  • Pour both types of flour into a deep bowl and carefully move them together;
  • Pour 200 ml of water into the resulting dry mixture and move everything carefully. Attention! At first the dough will crumble, but if you are not lazy, after a while it will become elastic;
  • After the mass has become homogeneous, you need to add the remaining water and knead the dough again.

Once the dough is ready, roll it out and cut it into thin strips. Considering that one and a half kilograms will yield a significant amount of noodles, you can lay out the resulting strips in a dry, warm place where they will dry. Then put them in a glass jar, where they can be stored for several months.

By the way, you can make rice noodles at home in exactly the same way. You just need to replace buckwheat flour with rice flour.

How to make Chinese noodles

The manufacturing process itself is similar to all previous ones. The only difference is that you can use not only wheat or rice flour, but even starch as ingredients. So we will not dwell in more detail on the manufacturing technique.

It’s better to share a recipe for making Chinese noodles with meat and vegetables. To prepare it, you need to simmer meat and vegetables, cut into small pieces.

Then add spices to taste. While the meat is stewing, boil the Chinese noodles in salted water and add them to the pan a few minutes before the meat is completely cooked. This dish should be served hot.

How to cook noodles for lagman

It is also worth paying attention to the recipe for making noodles for lagman. To do this, you need to pour 400 ml of warm water into a deep bowl, add two eggs and a pinch of salt. Whisk all this until foamy. Then add flour and knead into a tight dough.

In my now distant childhood, when I went on vacation to the village, one of my vivid memories was how my grandmother made homemade noodles. At first, I didn’t understand why waste time on this when you can go to the store and just buy it there without any extra hassle.

My grandmother smiled at my reaction and asked me to wait until lunch, saying that then all my questions would disappear by themselves. I was looking forward to this moment to understand why and why. And finally, my first acquaintance with homemade noodles made by my grandmother’s tireless hands took place. Its taste was so great that since then this dish has become one of my favorites.

I hope that my grandchildren will also be happy to cook this simple, but so tasty - homemade noodles with chicken.

And if you still have doubts about whether it’s worth doing this, let’s try to do it together now so that you can finally decide whether you need it or not. After all, as they say: it’s better to try once than to listen a hundred times!


For the noodles:

Premium flour – 1 cup (250 ml);

Chicken egg – 1 piece;

Boiled water – 2-3 tablespoons;

Kitchen salt – a pinch;

For the broth:

Chicken quarter;



Bay leaf;


Turmeric (optional).

Cooking recipe:

As you can see, a very simple set of ingredients, but the dish will turn out very tasty and satisfying. And most importantly, without any additives unnecessary for our body, which, you will agree, is also an important plus in favor of homemade noodles.

If you want to enjoy this dish immediately after cooking, then place a saucepan with cold water on the stove (according to the number of expected servings) and put in it a chicken quarter, peeled and halved onion, sliced ​​carrots, bay leaves and allspice.

From all of the above we will prepare a magnificent aromatic chicken broth. It is better to first pour cold water over the meat and let the water boil, then drain, wash the meat and after this procedure begin to cook the main broth.

In the meantime, we will calmly prepare our homemade noodles. I can assure you that we will cope with this task quickly enough. And so we begin - mark the time.

Pour a glass of sifted (oxygen-enriched) flour into a container.

Make a hole in it and pour the egg into it, add water and salt.

Using a fork, begin to knead the dough (stir in a circle).

Continue until the dough comes together into a ball.

And now we will continue the process of preparing the noodle dough directly with our hands. Knead using flour until the dough is smooth and fairly firm (not soft).

And now, when the dough is ready, let's start rolling out. To do this, divide it into parts that are convenient for you and begin to roll it into a layer using a regular rolling pin.

The thickness of the rolled out dough should be approximately 1-1.5 ml. During this process, remember to constantly flour the surface. Only with its help will you be able to easily cope with the task. But in principle there is nothing complicated.

We cut the rolled out layer into strips 2.5-3 cm wide.

We crush the noodles prepared in this way over the surface and, if we want to dry them for further use, leave them in this form. But at the same time, during drying you will need to mix it with your hands a couple of times.

This is what happened to me this time. The noodles dried until the next day at room temperature. This is what came out: when weighed, it was equal (in dry form) to 200 grams.

But let's get back to our chicken broth. By this time he was already cooked. Remove carrots, bay leaves and pepper from it. We take out the meat and divide it into portions. Add the noodles, previously sifted on a sieve (freed from excess flour), into the boiling broth and cook until tender for about five minutes. Salt to taste and add turmeric if desired.

Pour into plates and season with herbs. Have a delicious lunch!

MK prepared by Lyudmila Lebed (Chrysanthemum)

Homemade noodles - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook homemade noodles. Homemade noodles - general description
All kinds of pasta are very actively used in cooking to prepare a huge number of dishes. They are added to soups and salads, served as a side dish or as a separate dish with sauce. The range of pasta, noodles and vermicelli is now amazing in its diversity. But they all taste the same. The same cannot be said about homemade noodles. This is very different from store-bought products. Homemade noodles are aromatic, tender and very beautiful. Especially if you are not afraid to experiment and add natural food colors to the dough.
We will tell you how to properly and tasty prepare homemade noodles, and share the most original recipes for its preparation.

Homemade noodles - the best recipes

Recipe No. 1. Homemade noodles - a classic recipe

First of all, we will tell you about the simplest and most common recipe for making homemade noodles.
To prepare homemade noodles according to the classic recipe, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Premium wheat flour – 140 grams.
2. Chicken eggs – 1 piece.
3. Salt - a pinch.
Cooking instructions:
1. Sift wheat flour through a sieve onto the work surface of the table so that it forms a mound. Now we make a hole in the center. Break a chicken egg into this hole, add a pinch of salt and pour in two tablespoons of cold water.
2. Now we begin to knead the dough with our hands. Add more flour as needed. The dough should be tight and not sticky to your hands. Place the finished dough into a bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel and leave to rest for fifteen minutes.
3. Return the rested dough to the work surface of the table, roll it out very thin using a rolling pin, and leave for three minutes. Then lightly dust the dough with flour and roll it into a roll. Now cut the roll into thin pieces and unroll it, again leaving the dough to dry.
That's all, now you can boil the resulting noodles and use them for their intended purpose.
Homemade noodles are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 2. Homemade egg noodles

Stunningly delicious rich yellow noodles will be a wonderful decoration for your dinner table. These noodles are great for serving as a side dish or can be added to soups and broths.
To make homemade egg noodles you will need the following ingredients:
1. Premium wheat flour – 400 grams.
2. Vegetable oil – 50 ml.
3. Chicken eggs – 8 pieces.
4. Salt - a pinch.
Cooking instructions:
1. Sift wheat flour onto the work surface of the table, forming a slide. We make a hole in the center of the resulting slide.
2. Take chicken eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. You won't need the whites, but put the yolks in a separate bowl. Pour in vegetable oil, add a pinch of salt and six tablespoons of cold water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly using a whisk or mixer until smooth.
3. Now we gradually begin to pour the resulting yolk mass into the flour hole. Using a wooden spoon, knead the dough. When it becomes impossible to work with a spoon, we begin to knead the dough with our hands. As a result, you should get a homogeneous, stiff yellow dough. Form the dough into a ball, cover it with a napkin or towel and leave to rest for fifteen minutes.
4. Sprinkle the working surface of the table with flour and begin to roll out the dough into a very thin layer. We cut the resulting layer into thin strips and leave them to dry for a while.
Homemade egg noodles are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 3. Homemade carrot noodles

You've probably come across green or red noodles or pasta on store shelves. It looks very original, and children are simply delighted with such a delicacy. But we cannot know exactly what exactly the noodles are colored with in production. Therefore, we offer you a recipe for making homemade orange noodles using only natural ingredients.
To make homemade carrot noodles you will need the following ingredients:
1. Carrots – 2 medium-sized pieces.
2. Wheat flour - 3 cups.
3. Chicken eggs – 3 pieces.
4. Butter – 15 grams.
5. Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon.
6. Salt - a pinch.
Cooking instructions:
1. Peel the carrots, rinse thoroughly under running water and cut into small pieces. Place the chopped carrots in a saucepan, add water, and boil for twenty minutes after boiling. Then drain the water, cool the carrots and grind them using a blender until pureed. If you don’t have a blender, you can grind the carrots through a fine sieve.
2. Transfer the resulting carrot puree into a deep bowl. Add salt, granulated sugar and melted butter, break the chicken eggs. Using a mixer, beat everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Now we begin to introduce the sifted flour in small portions and knead the stiff dough. You may need a little more flour, be guided by the consistency, the dough should not stick to your hands.
3. Roll the finished dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and leave to rest for ten minutes. After the specified time has passed, divide the dough into several equal parts. Place one at a time on a floured work surface, roll out as thin as possible and cut into noodles. Let the noodles dry and use for their intended purpose.
Homemade carrot noodles are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 4. Homemade buckwheat noodles with beef and vegetables

Now we will share with you a recipe for making homemade buckwheat noodles. Such noodles are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Buckwheat noodle dishes will diversify and complement your daily menu.
To prepare homemade buckwheat noodles with beef and vegetables, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Wheat flour – 1 cup.
2. Buckwheat flour – 1.5 cups.
3. Salt - a pinch.
4. Beef tenderloin – 300 grams.
5. Carrots – 1 piece.
6. Onions – 1 medium-sized head.
7. Fresh tomatoes – 2 pieces.
8. Vegetable oil for frying.
9. Spices to taste.
Cooking instructions:
1. First, sift the buckwheat and wheat flour along with salt into a deep bowl and mix well. Pour the resulting flour mixture onto the work surface of the table, forming a slide. Now we make a small depression in the center and pour some warm water into it. We begin to knead the dough with a wooden spatula, then use our hands. Knead the dough thoroughly for at least fifteen minutes. It should be very elastic and pliable. Form the dough into a ball, cover it with a cotton napkin and leave to rest for fifteen minutes.
2. Sprinkle the working surface of the table with wheat flour, lay out the dough and roll it into a thin layer. We now fold this layer into several layers and cut it into strips. Now shake off the excess flour, unwrap the noodles and leave them to dry.
3. At this time, let's prepare the remaining ingredients. Wash the pre-thawed beef tenderloin under running water, dry it with paper towels and cut into thin slices. Peel the carrots, rinse and grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onions, rinse and finely chop. Rinse the tomatoes and cut into small pieces.
4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and carrots, fry until beautiful golden brown. Add chopped beef, mix, fry everything together over maximum heat until an appetizing crust forms on the meat.
5. Place the chopped tomatoes in the frying pan, add salt and spices, reduce the heat, and stir. Add some water and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer the meat for an hour. Add water as needed.
6. Pour water into a deep saucepan, add a little salt and wait until it boils. Place the dried noodles into boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes. Then place the finished noodles in a colander and rinse with cold water.
Place the finished noodles on plates, place the meat on top, pour plenty of sauce over them and serve.
Homemade buckwheat noodles with beef and vegetables are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 5. Homemade chocolate noodles

To please and surprise your kids with a new and original dish, try making chocolate noodles. These noodles make an amazing milk soup.
To make homemade chocolate noodles you will need the following ingredients:
1. Premium wheat flour – 200 grams.
2. Chicken eggs – 1 piece.
3. Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.
4. Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons.
5. A pinch of salt.
Cooking instructions:
1. Sift the wheat flour into a deep bowl, add cocoa powder, granulated sugar and a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting dry mixture onto the work surface of the table and make a hole in the middle. Break a chicken egg into this hole, pour a little cold water and begin to knead the dough. Add more water or flour as needed. Roll the resulting chocolate dough into a ball and wrap it in cling film to prevent it from getting too dry. Let the dough rest for fifteen minutes.
2. Place the rested dough on a work surface sprinkled with flour. Roll it out into a very thin layer, then roll it up and cut it into pieces. Unwrap the noodles and leave them to dry.
3. At this time, pour one liter of water and one liter of milk into the pan, wait until it boils, and reduce the heat. Place the chocolate noodles in a saucepan, add a little granulated sugar or vanilla sugar, and cook until tender. Pour the finished milk soup into plates, season with butter and serve.
Homemade chocolate noodles and soup are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 6. Lenten homemade noodles

This unique homemade noodle recipe is ideal for people on a meatless or vegetarian diet. And in order to delight ourselves with colorful dishes during Lent, we will prepare not simple noodles, but red noodles.
To prepare lean homemade noodles you will need the following ingredients:
1. Wheat flour – 100 grams.
2. Beets – 1 piece.
3. Salt - a pinch.
Cooking instructions:
1. First of all, thoroughly wash the beets, put them in a saucepan, fill with cold water and boil until tender. Then drain the water, let the beets cool, peel them and grate them on a fine grater. We fold the gauze in several layers. Place the grated beets on cheesecloth, wrap tightly and squeeze out the juice.
2. Sift the wheat flour into a deep bowl, make a hole, pour the resulting beet juice into this hole, add a pinch of salt. We begin to knead the stiff dough. Add water as needed if there is not enough juice. Form the dough into a ball, cover the bowl with a towel and leave for fifteen minutes.
3. Place the rested dough on the work surface of the table, sprinkle it with a little flour and begin to roll it into a thin layer. We cut this layer into noodles in any convenient way and leave them to dry.
Lenten homemade noodles are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 7. Homemade green noodles

We continue to experiment and prepare colorful noodles using only natural dyes.
To make homemade green noodles you will need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh spinach – 200 grams.
2. Wheat flour - 2 cups.
3. Chicken eggs – 2 pieces.
4. Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.
5. Salt - a pinch.
Cooking instructions:
1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Now place the spinach in boiling water and boil for two to three minutes. After this, drain the water and dry the spinach. Then grind the spinach using a blender to make a paste. You can grind it through a sieve. So, in a bowl with the resulting green slurry, break the chicken eggs, add salt and vegetable oil. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer until smooth.
2. Sift the flour onto the work surface of the table, form a slide with a hole in the middle. Pour the liquid ingredients into this hole while kneading the dough with a wooden spoon. Then we put the spoon aside and begin to knead the dough with our hands. Focus on its consistency. You may need to add a little water or flour.
3. Let the finished dough rest a little, then roll it out as thin as possible and cut it into noodles. We dry the noodles and put them away for storage, or immediately use them for their intended purpose.
Homemade green noodles are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 8. Homemade noodles with dry herbs

We bring to your attention a recipe for very aromatic and beautiful noodles with the addition of dry herbs.
To make homemade herb noodles, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Wheat flour – 150 grams.
2. Chicken eggs – 1 piece.
3. Olive oil – 1 tablespoon.
4. A mixture of dried herbs (tarragon, marjoram, thyme, basil, dill, etc.) - 2 tablespoons.
5. Salt - a pinch.
Cooking instructions:
1. Sift wheat flour into a deep bowl, add dry herbs and salt, mix well. Pour this dry mixture onto the table and make a mound. Make a depression in the center of the flour mound. Break a chicken egg into this hole and pour in some water. Let's start kneading the dough. It should turn out elastic and dense. Roll the dough into a ball, cover it with a towel and leave to rest for twenty minutes.
2. Sprinkle the work table with flour, lay out the dough and begin to roll it out very thin. Lightly sprinkle the resulting layer with flour and form it into a few words. Cut the noodles, shake off excess flour, unwrap and leave to dry.
As you can see, the noodles turned out to be not only very aromatic, but also of an unusual color.
Homemade noodles with dry herbs are ready! Bon appetit!

You can make homemade noodles with your own hands in two ways: manually and using a special machine. Today we will look at both of these methods in great detail, step by step, with photos. There will be dough recipes, rolling and cutting technology. You will have a choice which option to take for yourself. And what to cook with it - chicken soup, lagman or just boil it as a side dish, you will decide later. The main thing is that there are noodles!

General principles and rules for preparing noodles at home

  1. Since all the flour is different, the gluten in it is different, it can be dry or wet, so the amount may vary. Be guided by the amount indicated in the list of ingredients, but add less at first, then add it while kneading the dough to bring it to the desired thickness.
  2. The quality of the finished homemade pasta depends on the quality of the dough. Therefore, it is kneaded very well. This is work. But it’s impossible without him.
  3. When you work with one rolled out layer, the rest must be covered so that they do not dry out. Overdried dough will not make noodles; they will crumble.
  4. The finished noodles must be dried. You can dry it naturally by laying it out on a baking sheet for 5-7 hours. If you need it quickly, then dry it in the oven at a temperature of 50-60°C for 30-40 minutes with the door ajar.
  5. You can store it in a glass jar with a screw-on lid, but make sure that the paste is not packed tightly into it. You can use a box of breakfast cereals, etc. for this purpose. Well dried, it can be stored for several months. But usually few people cook it in such quantities.
  6. You need to cook for 5-10 minutes, depending on its size. In the soup - no more than 5 minutes, but then you need to let it brew.
  7. To prevent the soup from turning out cloudy, the noodles need to be cooked separately until the consistency is “al dente” (for a tooth, undercook a little) and put into the soup ready-made.
  8. If you want a recipe without eggs, you can simply omit them from all of our recipes below and replace them with a little extra water. And so that the finished products have a beautiful yellow color, which eggs usually give them, add a pinch of turmeric to the dough.
  9. Colored paste can be tinted with natural dyes. Green color will come from spinach, red from beets, yellow from turmeric, pink from paprika.

Homemade noodles recipe with photos step by step

I'll start with the most traditional recipe. The dough will be on the eggs. There will be two manual slicing methods.


  • flour – 160g;
  • water – 2 tbsp;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

How to make homemade noodles:

  1. It is better to work directly on the countertop. Therefore, we wipe it well, dry it and get started. Sift the flour into a slide.
  2. We make a depression in the center, like a volcano crater, and break an egg into it. Add salt and oil.
  3. Use your hands to scoop up the flour from the edges of the mound and knead the dough. It will be very cool, but it is necessary, so you will have to try. Knead it for a long time, at least 20-30 minutes.
  4. Place the resulting lump in a plastic bag or wrap it in cling film and leave for half an hour.
  5. After this time, take it out of the bag and divide it in half.
  6. Roll out each of the two halves very thinly with a rolling pin. During the rolling process, sprinkle the table with flour so that the layer does not stick.
  7. Give the rolled out layers 7 minutes to sit and dry. But no more, so as not to dry out!
  8. Now let's talk about cutting. There are two quick ways to do this manually. First one first.
  9. Roll the layer into a roll.
  10. And cut it crosswise with a sharp knife into pieces, each of which, when unrolled, will turn into noodles. If you need shorter noodles, then first cut the roll in half lengthwise and only then cut it across.
  11. The second cutting method is suitable for making long noodles. Fold the dough layer in half, and then fold it into a triangle like a pancake.
  12. And then cut the triangle crosswise.
  13. Next, we dry the noodles and either use them immediately for their intended purpose or fold them for storage.

Wide homemade noodles

Italians call it pappardelle - wide flat noodles 13 mm wide, fettuccine - the same shape, but 7 mm wide, or tagliattele - 5 mm wide. And if you cut it with a knife - a roller with wavy edges - you get mafaldine. How do they remember all this and not get confused???


  • wheat flour – 200g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

How to properly cook homemade noodles:

These noodles are good for Bolognese pasta, lagman, wok, as a side dish for meat dishes.

Homemade noodle dough for noodle cutter

The previous two recipes were for manual preparation. Now let's move on to the technology of making noodles using technology. Here the dough will initially be kneaded in a mixer (dough mixer), and then rolled out and cut using a noodle cutter. I’ll tell you right away why there is no salt in the recipe. When rolling through this device, grains of salt in the dough can damage the surface of the rollers, so do not add salt correctly.


  • flour - 2 and 1/4 cups *;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.

* glass with a capacity of 200 ml.

How to cook egg noodles using a noodle maker:

DIY farfalle pasta (bows)

At home, we can prepare not only long noodles, but also, for example, bows, which are called farfalle in Italian.


  • flour – 450-540g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • water – 3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • dry ground paprika – 1 tsp.

Cooking process:

They can be stored in a tightly closed jar and cooked as a side dish for meat, poultry, etc.

Homemade pasta with herbs and olives

This spicy, aromatic Italian pasta can also be prepared at home with your own hands. And it’s good to serve even just with sauces: tomato, pesto.


  • flour – 200-250g;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • water – 2 tbsp;
  • herbal olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • olives – 6-7 pieces;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.

How to make Italian pasta:

Have you ever seen how Chinese noodles are prepared? It’s almost like magic: in our hands we see a lump of dough, a few seconds and it turns into the thinnest long threads. In general, watch the video.

So how? So many recipes with photos. I think now you will definitely be able to make homemade noodles yourself.

What a delicious soup with homemade noodles, it’s simply delicious! You probably won’t find a person who would say that he doesn’t like this dish. The rich broth with chicken and homemade noodles is simply delicious.

However, and unfortunately, not everyone can make homemade noodles - some people can’t make the dough, others the noodles are overcooked. But not everything is so bad, you can learn everything, we suggest you consider recipes: how to properly prepare noodles and soups with it.

How to cook homemade noodles: classic recipe

  • Premium flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • A little salt.
  1. Break the chicken egg and place it in a deep container;
  2. Then beat the egg thoroughly with a fork until foam forms;
  3. Add a little salt at your discretion and stir;
  4. Next, take the flour and pour it into the beaten egg in small portions, while continuing to beat;
  • Sprinkle in flour until the mass becomes very thick and acquires the structure of dough;
  • Next, pour some flour onto the work surface of the table and place the dough on it. Knead with your hands until stiff;
  • We form a small bun from the dough, wrap it in a plastic bag;
  • Place it in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  • After this, take out the bun and divide it into two portions;
  • We form a small cake from each part to make it easier to roll out;
  • Then, using a noodle cutter or a regular rolling pin, roll out the cake to a thickness of no more than 2 mm;
  • Once the thin cakes are rolled out, they need to be cut into strips no more than 5 cm wide;
  • We put all the strips in a stack and then, using a noodle cutter or knife, cut them into noodles;
  • The finished noodles should have a 2x2 cross-section;
  • Then place all the finished noodles on a wooden board sprinkled with flour and dry.
  • How to Make Homemade Chicken Soup Noodles

    Test components:

    • A glass of wheat flour;
    • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 1 small spoon of vegetable oil.
    • Chicken meat, back – 2 pieces;
    • Chicken breast – 1 piece;
    • One carrot;
    • One small onion;
    • A bunch of dill;
    • Homemade noodles;
    • A little salt and black pepper.
  • Break the chicken egg and place it in a cup;
  • Add vegetable oil and salt to the egg. Beat everything thoroughly with a fork or whisk until foam appears;
  • Then sift the flour through a sieve into another cup, make a hole in the middle and pour the beaten egg into it;
  • Mix everything with a fork until the mixture becomes thick;
  • Sprinkle the work surface with flour and place the dough there. Knead it with your hands until it has an elastic structure;
  • Place in a plastic bag and wrap well. Leave it for 30 minutes;
  • Then cut into two portions and roll each into a thin cake with a rolling pin. Roll out as thin as possible;
  • Dry the rolled out cakes for about 20 minutes;
  • Sprinkle the flatbreads thoroughly with flour so that the noodles do not stick together during boiling;
  • Cut them into strips 5-7 cm wide;
  • We stack the strips and cut them into noodles;
  • Place it in a sieve and shake so that excess flour falls off;
  • Then we place the straws on a wooden board or table and dry them;
  • Now let's move on to preparing the soup. We wash the backs and breasts;
  • Place the backs in a metal container, pour water and put on fire;
  • As soon as the backs boil, foam will appear on the surface, it must be removed;
  • Then place the breast into the boiling broth, add salt;
  • We wash the onion and place it directly in the husk into the broth, it will give a golden color;
  • Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel the skin and cut into 3-4 pieces. Put it in the soup;
  • Boil the soup for about 40 minutes. Then remove the chicken meat, carrots and onion from it;
  • Cut the meat into pieces, finely chop the carrots;
  • Boil the noodles separately in salted water until tender, 5-7 minutes. You can cook the noodles directly in the broth, but during the boiling process the broth will become cloudy;
  • Then pour the broth into a plate, put pieces of meat and carrots there, add noodles and serve.
  • What is milk powder made from? Read the history of this product, its benefits and harms.

    Read how to properly prepare desserts from apples. The most delicious recipes on our portal.

    Boiled beet salad: from the simplest and most traditional recipes to the most incredible and amazingly tasty. Our article.

    How to cook rice noodles at home

    We will need the following products:

    • Rice flour – half a kilogram;
    • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
    • Water – 1 large spoon;
    • A little salt.
    1. Separate the eggs from the shell and place in a large bowl;
    2. Add a little salt to the eggs and beat. You can use a whisk, mixer or blender to beat;
    3. Beat the eggs until foam forms;
    4. Rice flour should be poured onto the table surface in a small pile;
    5. Make a small hole in the center of the slide and pour beaten eggs and salt into it;
    6. Slowly knead the dough. If necessary, add a little water. The dough structure should be soft;
    7. Form the dough into a ball;
    8. Divide the ball into 4 parts;
    9. We roll out each part with a rolling pin or a special machine in the form of a thin and almost transparent cake;
    10. Sprinkle each layer well with flour on both sides and leave to dry for 20-30 minutes;
    11. Then we cut each layer into medium strips and cut them into thin noodles;
    12. Dry the noodles and transfer them to a dry bag.

    How to cook wok noodles at home

    What ingredients should you buy:

    • 100 grams of pork meat;
    • Onion – 1 piece;
    • 300 grams of green beans;
    • Rice noodles at your discretion;
    • 1 fresh pepper;
    • Vegetable oil;
    • 1 large spoon of soy sauce;
    • Granulated sugar – 2 teaspoons;
    • A little ground black pepper.

    Let's move on to cooking:

  • We wash the pork meat, remove the veins and films. Dry with paper napkins;
  • Wash green beans with warm water;
  • Peel the onion and cut into cubes;
  • We clean the sweet pepper from seeds, remove the stalk and cut into strips;
  • Place a frying pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil and heat;
  • Add onion cubes, pepper strips and green beans to hot oil. We fry everything;
  • Meanwhile, cut the meat into cubes or strips;
  • After 5 minutes, add pieces of meat along with ground black pepper to the frying of sliced ​​vegetables. Fry everything for 5-7 minutes;
  • Then mix the soy sauce with granulated sugar in a bowl and mix well;
  • Pour the prepared sauce over the vegetables and meat. Reduce heat and cook for 7-8 minutes;
  • Rice noodles prepared according to the recipe above should be boiled for 5-7 minutes;
  • After this, put the finished boiled noodles in a frying pan with the rest of the ingredients and stir so that the sauce and juices from the vegetables and meat are absorbed into the noodles. Cook for another 2-3 minutes;
  • The dish is ready, put it on plates and serve
  • How to make udon noodles at home

    • Half a kilo of unrefined flour;
    • Bleached wheat flour – 150 grams;
    • Hot water – 250 ml;
    • Salt – 4 small spoons.

    Let's move on to cooking:

  • Dilute salt in a glass of warm water and stir. Stir until all the salt has dissolved;
  • Place both types of flour into a deep cup and mix well;
  • After the salt in the water has completely dispersed, pour the water into the flour and knead the dough. It should turn out cool and elastic;
  • We make a ball out of it and put it in a plastic bag;
  • We wrap the towel and place it on the floor, this is what Japanese chefs do;
  • Then we stand on the dough and stomp on it for a couple of minutes;
  • Next, take out the cake and roll it out, fold it in half and roll it out again;
  • After this, we put it back into the bag, wrap it in a towel, put it on the floor and trample on it;
  • Take it out of the bag again and roll it. This needs to be done 3-4 times. The dough should become perfectly smooth;
  • At the end we put it in a bag and leave it there for 4 hours;
  • After 4 hours, you need to stomp on the dough again and after that roll it out into a thin layer with a thickness of 4 mm;
  • We fold the rolled out layer in three - fold the two sides towards the middle of the layer;
  • Then, using a sharp and long knife, cut the folded cake into thirds into rings with a thickness of 3 mm;
  • Place a pot of water on the stove, bring to a boil and add udon noodles. Boil until tender, 7-8 minutes;
  • We wash the boiled noodles several times and serve.
  • How to make thin homemade chicken noodles

    • 700 grams of chicken meat;
    • Water – 2 liters;
    • Carrot – 1 piece;
    • One onion head;
    • One sweet pepper;
    • A little salt;
    • A couple of sprigs of dill.
    1. Break the eggs into a cup and mix with flour;
    2. Knead a stiff and elastic dough;
    3. Then we form a small ball out of it and leave it for 15-20 minutes;
    4. Roll out the ball into a thin cake, its thickness should be about 2 mm;
    5. Dry the cake for 20-30 minutes;
    6. Then cut the flatbread into strips 6-8 cm thick;
    7. We stack these strips and cut them into thin noodles, similar to vermicelli;
    8. Scatter the noodles on the table and leave to dry;
    9. Cut the chicken meat into portions, place it in a saucepan, pour water and put it on gas;
    10. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam from above, add salt to the broth;
    11. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings, pour them into the broth;
    12. We wash the carrots, peel them and use a medium grater. We also add it to the broth;
    13. Peel the pepper from seeds and stalks, cut into strips and place in the broth;
    14. About 10 minutes before readiness, pour thin noodles into the broth and boil until tender;
    15. At the end of the soup, sprinkle with small pieces of dill.

    Secrets of making homemade noodles

    • After kneading, the dough should stand for 30-40 minutes;
    • After rolling out, the cakes should not dry for too long, otherwise they will dry out and crumble;
    • Cook the noodles for no more than 7-8 minutes. Otherwise, it will boil and turn out to be porridge.

    Homemade noodles always turn out delicious. You can cook various dishes with it. For example, with rice or udon, you can prepare various second treats with vegetables or meat. But homemade noodles go perfectly with chicken broth.

    Prepare noodles according to the suggested recipes and please your family with these dishes!

    My mother taught me how to cook noodles when I was a child; back then they didn’t sell ready-made noodles in stores, so we had to do everything ourselves. And there were no noodle cutters; they cut it by hand. I still do this now. And if you add not the whole egg, but only 2-3 yolks, the noodles will turn out yellower and will not boil in the broth. I don’t boil the noodles in advance, I throw them into the broth at the very end, stir them, let them float and turn them off. Let it sit for a few minutes and you can taste the delicious chicken broth.

    Many products are sold ready-made or semi-finished. This significantly reduces the cooking time of dishes, but deprives them of their natural and natural taste, as well as rich aroma. Today we’ll talk about homemade noodles, or rather about their production and subsequent storage.

    Homemade egg noodles: dough recipe

    Taking care of family and friends, many housewives try to use only fresh and real products for family, friends and, especially, for children. Pasta is used in the preparation of soups, side dishes, salads and even for baking. To create homemade noodles you need the following products:

    • wheat flour – 350 g;
    • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil – 40 g;
    • salt – 10 g.

    The cooking time takes a little more than one hour, and the energy value of 100 g will be 280 kcal.

    To knead the dough you will need a deep bowl. Oil is poured into it, eggs are driven in and the whole mass is shaken with quick movements of the fork in a circle. Then you should very slowly and gradually add flour to the resulting mixture to improve the process of kneading the entire dough. At first, it’s easier to use a fork to stir the mass, and then start kneading by hand.

    When using a food processor, this process of creating a stiff dough will significantly reduce the time for preparing noodles and reduce the labor intensity of the entire process of creating this semi-finished product.

    Having made a dense and stiff dough, it should be set aside for fifteen minutes and then kneaded again until elastic. Then put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    After this time, the dough for homemade noodles should be cut into several parts, each of which should be rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of three to four millimeters, and left to dry for ten minutes, and then turned over to dry the other side for another ten minutes.

    After starting cutting, roll the dough layer into a roll and cut the egg noodles of the required thickness across this roll, and then dry it.

    These semi-finished products can be boiled immediately or stored in a jar or plastic bag.

    Rice noodle dough recipe step by step

    This dish can be consumed with just one addition - butter, and the noodles will still be tasty and satisfying. Rice flour, used to create semi-finished products, became known only after the Great Patriotic War. Previously, it was made only from small and broken rice, but now this flour is a fairly common and well-known product. To make your own homemade rice noodles you will need:

    • rice flour – 0.5 kg;
    • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
    • salt – 10 g;
    • water – 30 g.

    The recipe for creating noodles consists of sequentially performing the following steps:

    All proportions of products must be strictly observed to ensure the correct thickness of the product.

    Dough for homemade Chinese noodles

    Recently, archaeologists in one of the Chinese provinces found a clay pot with the remains of noodles. This became the main proof of the love of the Chinese people for such self-prepared dough products as noodles. To create this semi-finished product you will need:

    • water – 200 g;
    • wheat flour – 500 g;
    • salt to taste (2-3 g).

    It will take two hours to create real Chinese noodles, and the calorie content of one hundred grams of the dish will be 270 kcal.

    Pour the sifted flour into a heap onto the work surface to knead the dough. Make a hole in the center of the “mountain,” pour in water and begin kneading. The result should be a stiff, dense dough. Using cold water to create the noodles will also make the dough more elastic.

    Wrap the resulting ball of flour in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for one hour. After this time, take out the dough and divide it into several pieces.

    Roll out all parts with a rolling pin until an almost transparent layer is formed, sprinkle each of them with flour and leave to dry for ten minutes, then turn over and leave the other side to dry for the same time.

    Cut homemade Chinese noodles to the required thickness, boil and taste with sour cream, butter, meat dishes and fresh salads.

    How to make a semi-finished product correctly

    The proper process for making homemade noodles from dough is a little different from simply rolling out the dough into a regular sheet using a rolling pin and cutting it into strips with a sharp knife.

    Chinese chefs carry out all the processes to create noodles by hand. After the dough has been kneaded and left in the refrigerator for about an hour, it is rolled into a long rope. The two ends of this tourniquet are taken in both hands and, making jerky strokes, are thrown alternately down, up, and twisted to the right and left sides.

    This process should be done until the dough becomes elastic and begins to tear.

    Only after this is it sprinkled with flour and begin to be pulled into thin, long threads, which are the correct way to create noodles.

    With the natural manual process of preparing this semi-finished product, it should be used to create a variety of dishes at once so that the noodles do not lose their appearance and taste.

    Storage Features

    Creating this semi-finished product is a rather difficult process that cannot be repeated every day in connection with other pressing matters around the house.

    Questions that arise regarding drying homemade noodles and storing them can be resolved in the following way:

    1. Purchase special racks for placing noodles that require drying on them or use the backs of chairs, a clothes dryer, which must first be covered with clean linen towels;
    2. If the product needs to be stored for a long time, freezing is the best method. To do this, the semi-finished product is carefully laid out on a flat surface, placed in the freezer for ten minutes, and then transferred to clean, dry containers. This allows you to increase the shelf life to six months;
    3. Dried noodles should be brittle, hard, and dense. If these products are properly dried, storage can be done by placing the product in an airtight container, sent to the pantry or kitchen cabinet.

    By spending one day creating homemade noodles, you can delight your family, friends and guests with delicious, healthy and satisfying dishes from this semi-finished product for a whole year.

    The beneficial properties of homemade noodles are due to the high content of vitamins E, group B, and fiber, which are part of wheat flour. Rice noodles are considered a dietary dish and are perfect for children, people with weak immunity, and stomach problems. Buckwheat noodles contain a lot of iron and help increase hemoglobin. Homemade food is always considered the most healthy and is much more highly valued, therefore, when using a recipe for creating any noodles, you should remember that:

    • When choosing flour for dough, preference should be given to first grade or wholemeal flour. This will help retain more vitamins and minerals in the product;
    • For noodles, it is better to use non-carbonated mineral and chilled water - the dough will be more elastic and glossy in appearance after standing in the refrigerator;
    • For the egg noodle recipe, you should use only fresh eggs - the staleness of this product will cause the dough to tear when rolled out;
    • The knife for cutting strips of noodles should be sharp; the dough should under no circumstances stick to it;
    • The longer you knead the dough, the tastier the homemade noodles will be.

    This industrially produced semi-finished product is very dangerous to health, does not contain essential vitamins and minerals, and can lead to addiction and obesity. Only the homemade method of preparing noodles is aimed at maintaining health.

    There is another recipe for making homemade noodles in the next video.