The composition of these small grains includes more than 1,200 chemical compounds, more than half of which form the taste of the drink - so bright, charming and uplifting from the very first sip. That's why people all over the world love coffee so much. This is one of the most traded goods on world exchanges - in terms of export volume it is second only to oil. It is noteworthy that both goods are called “black gold”.
The two most consumed coffee varieties are Arabica and Robusta. The first accounts for 70% of total exports, the second - 30%. They have significant differences from each other in a number of parameters.
If you don’t know which type is best to choose for preparing a drink at home, then read the materials in our article. It will help clarify this pressing issue.

So, let's start looking at how Arabica differs from Robusta. The first is the growing conditions:

  • The main difference is that Arabica is considered a tree, while Robusta is considered a bush.
  • To get a rich first-class harvest, people have to work hard. These trees cannot be called unpretentious: they require constant care and are very capricious to climatic conditions.
  • But robusta grows not only on human-organized plantations, but also in forests. Moreover, “wild” grains have exactly the same taste as “cultivated” ones.
  • The next difference is the landscape of the area. Mountain slopes and plateaus are most suitable for Arabica trees. This type of coffee grows at an altitude of 600-2000 meters above sea level. Then, as robusta grows mainly in lowlands

Another difference between these varieties is the humidity level requirement. For example, Arabica coffee trees grow best where there is a lot of rainfall. A prolonged absence of rain can have a detrimental effect on plantation yields.
Also, this type of coffee does not tolerate sudden climate changes. It is known that trees are susceptible to various diseases and therefore require constant human care. The difficulties of caring for this variety determine its price category: compared to Robusta, the price is higher, but, on the other hand, the taste of the drink brewed from Arabica is more refined and multifaceted. Below we will examine this issue in more detail.

A short excursion into history, Arabica and Robusta - differences in the period of discovery of these species:

  • The discovery of the first variety dates back to the 9th century. The birthplace of Arabica coffee, the oldest type of coffee on our planet, is Ethiopia.
  • But people knew nothing about robusta for a long time. It was discovered only in the 18th century. The location of the discovery is considered to be Congo

When discussing the question of how to distinguish Arabica coffee from Robusta coffee, one cannot fail to mention shape and size grains:

  • In fact, the difference is visible to the naked eye. The main difference is that Arabica beans grown at altitudes up to 2,000 meters are larger. They have a predominantly oval shape and a wavy longitudinal line
  • But robusta is distinguished by a smaller and rounder shape of the grains. Also, this type of coffee has a straight longitudinal line

Gradually we came to an even more important question. Namely, which coffee is stronger: Arabica or Robusta:

  • These varieties differ not only in the shape of the grain, but also in the taste. The fact is that Robusta contains more caffeine. Therefore, the drink turns out to be much stronger, and bitterness appears in every sip. This type is commonly used in espresso blends.
  • But Arabica has a more delicate taste. It contains less caffeine and more acid, so the drink is not very bitter (of course, if the roasting technology is followed). This coffee variety is also characterized by a refined aroma. Arabica beans also have more multi-faceted flavor profiles. Each bouquet includes many different notes: fruit and berry, wine, nut, chocolate, etc. It also contains more sugar and essential oils

Roastnmill's assortment includes a huge selection of coffee beans from different growing regions and taste characteristics. We offer both single varieties and mixtures. We carry out individual roasting in accordance with the requirements of each customer.
Thermal processing of Arabica and Robusta is carried out by experienced craftsmen who know how to reveal the best facets of taste - so that the customer enjoys every sip of his favorite drink. They can create the perfect mixture based on the client’s preferences.

To order the mono-varietal you are interested in from the Roastnmill coffee roaster, move it to the virtual cart and fill out the fields provided by the system. To order a mixture with a specific taste and aroma, contact us by phone and voice your preferences.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which type of coffee is better - Arabica or Robusta - because:

  • Each person has their own preferences about what the ideal taste should be.
  • One person likes more caffeine, the other prefers a less strong cup
  • One person likes the pronounced sourness of flowers or berries in Arabica, the other prefers Robusta for its noble bitterness
  • For one, an exquisite aroma is important, for the other, the main thing is that the result is an invigorating elixir that charges with energy from the first sip.

However, if you want to know which coffee is better - Arabica or Robusta - for brewing in a Turk, then there is a very specific answer to this question:

  • Prefer to enjoy a drink brewed at home? Then it is better to give preference to refined and multifaceted Arabica
  • Robusta coffee beans have too much bitterness. Yes, and the palette of tastes is not very diverse - but the versatility of the profile is very important for brewing in a Turk

Finally, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step recipe for brewing coffee:

  • First you need to warm up the empty Turk over low heat. Then add 2 teaspoons of coffee beans, previously ground into dust, into it.
  • Pour in 100-150 ml of water* - depending on how strong you prefer to enjoy your Arabica coffee
  • As it heats up, the contents of the Turk will begin to set. When the crust is covered with bubbles and rises, the Turk must be removed from the heat.
  • Wait a few seconds for the foam to subside - and then repeat heating again

*Ingredients are based on one serving.

Important nuances that must be taken into account when cooking:

  • Fill only with cold water. Warm will heat up too quickly and extraction will not have time to occur properly.
  • Keep the heat low. Otherwise, you may not have time to remove the Turk from the heat in a timely manner - and the contents will run off onto the stove
  • Do not allow intense boiling in the container. This will destroy the foam, which acts as a kind of lid to preserve the flavoring components. (i.e. prevents them from evaporating during cooking)


This invigorating drink, without which many people cannot imagine starting their day, is beautiful in its versatility. The bouquet of high-quality coffee, regardless of its type, combines different notes, which give it a unique taste.

In this article, we will discuss Arabica and Robusta in detail. Let us tell you what characteristics each of these varieties has, and which one has more pronounced acidity. We invite everyone who wants to understand this issue to read it.

Let's start with the main thing. So, which coffee is sour - Arabica or Robusta:

  • It is necessary to understand that taste properties of each variety are determined by its growing conditions. Arabica plantations are usually located in hilly or mountainous areas. The climate in the regions where it is grown is tropical. And, as you know, all tropical fruits are, to one degree or another, characterized by sourness in taste. The higher the plantation is located above sea level, the more pronounced the acidity will be. Therefore, Arabica beans grown at an altitude of 800 meters will not have as sour a taste as those grown high in the mountains.
  • Another criterion that affects the intensity of sourness is the method of processing the grains. Many gourmets prefer washed Arabica coffee. However, it should be understood that washed processing also affects the taste in a certain way. Namely, it increases acid levels

As for robusta, it is characterized by a completely different palette of taste. The composition of such a drink usually exhibits bitterness. But robusta is rightly considered the stronger of the two types, which is due to its higher caffeine content. Therefore, it is often used to form mixtures for making espresso.

Let’s summarize the answer to the question of which coffee sours Arabica or Robusta:

  • The first variety is characterized by a more multifaceted and refined taste. But at the same time, Arabica has a more pronounced acidity compared to Robusta.
  • This criterion is determined by the characteristics of the area in which the coffee plantations grow. In addition, the method in which the grains were initially processed also matters. (washed processing contributes to some increase in acidity in the taste of the drink)

When discussing the question of which sour coffee is Arabica or Robusta, one cannot help but note the fundamental differences between the two varieties:

  • The first type is much more capricious and more difficult to grow. To get good harvest from the Arabica tree, people have to work hard. This variety is very demanding on climatic conditions, does not tolerate temperature fluctuations, and is susceptible to insect pests.
  • But robusta plantations, which, by the way, grow in lowlands or on small slopes, at an altitude of 0 to 800 meters, are much more unpretentious. It’s not for nothing that this type of coffee was given exactly this name. (translated from English "robust" means strong, strong and firm)

There are differences in the shape of the grains of both types. Arabica coffee is characterized by a larger and elongated shape. As for Robusta, it is characterized by a smaller and rounder shape of coffee beans.
Another difference is that Arabica is a shorter plant. Some of its species even resemble a bush. But a robusta tree can even be six meters tall.

Continuing to expand on the question of which coffee sours Arabica or Robusta, we want to pay attention to roasting:

  • Roasting is a heat treatment, under the influence of which coffee beans reveal all facets of their taste.
  • Theoretically, frying can be done at home, however this procedure still requires some skill. To maintain the necessary balance And open all notes, processing should be carried out by a specialist with experience

The weaker (lighter) roasting, the more sour the drink will taste. Here's a stronger one (dark) Heat treatment promotes the development of bitterness. Note that bitter notes are not caused by a high caffeine content, as many people mistakenly think, but by the presence of antioxidants.

If you do not maintain the balance during roasting, the composition may turn out to be either overly sour or, on the contrary, too tart and bitter.

Roastnmill is a highly professional coffee roasting service that guarantees an impeccable taste.
An important bonus: heat treatment is always performed in small portions, only individually - in accordance with the taste preferences of each specific customer.
We do not roast for future use. Roastnmill is exclusively fresh live coffee. It is distinguished by a charming aroma that can impress the most sophisticated gourmets.

Of course, Arabica has many different subspecies - and each of them is characterized by its own level of acidity.

Thus, one of the most acidic varieties known today is Yirgachif from Ethiopia. This coffee is not very strong, so some baristas add a little Robusta to increase the caffeine level. But it has an exquisite and multifaceted flavor and aroma bouquet: shimmering with notes of cherry, black currant, noble red wine and citrus fruits. Its enchanting aroma gives a boost of energy, lifts your spirits and puts you in a business-like mood.

In general, the acidity in coffee can be different: citrus, floral and even with a nutty flavor - such as in Arabica beans from Nicaragua.
But Robusta cannot have pronounced acidity. It is characterized by more earthy and bitter notes, and therefore in most cases is used to increase the strength of the drink.

Now you know which sour coffee is Arabica or Robusta - and you can make your choice. Finally, a few cooking tips:

  • If you cook an invigorating elixir in a Turk, do it over the lowest heat. Otherwise, the contents of the container will either burn or run onto the stove.
  • Remove the Turk from the heat as soon as the formed foam begins to rise. Do not let the drink boil, otherwise the essential oils will evaporate and the composition will not be as fragrant
  • To reduce the strength, you can add a couple of cardamom seeds and a piece of butter to the Turk: just a little bit, literally on the tip of a knife
  • Grapefruit juice will help add refreshing notes to the composition and increase its invigorating properties.
  • Add spices whole (eg cinnamon stick) needed during cooking. And in powder form - when the invigorating elixir is already ready and poured into cups

The Roastnmill online store offers a wide selection of selected bean coffees. You can order a single variety or create an individual blend, including Robusta with Arabica. You can customize your individual flavor profile by adjusting the roast intensity.
We deliver orders to your home. Delivery is carried out within 12-72 hours after roasting. This allows you to maintain maximum freshness of the product - so that you can fully enjoy every sip of the invigorating elixir and feel the unique bouquet of coffee notes.


Coffee is one of the most famous drinks on the planet, its annual consumption is measured in kilograms per capita different countries. In Russia, this figure has exceeded 6 kg per resident. But the average person knows practically nothing about their favorite drink. This concerns the history of origin and distribution around the world, method of cultivation, characteristics. The most popular varieties are Arabica and Robusta, they differ in a number of ways.

Classification of coffee varieties

There are about 90 varieties of coffee in the world. Most of them are hybrids and not all experts distinguish them as separate varieties. The main competitors in the world market remain Arabica and Robusta. They account for almost 98% of world coffee production. But it is classified not only by variety popular drink, there are a number of other technical features.

How are the quality and other characteristics of grains indicated?

It’s immediately worth noting that there is a gradation of coffee according to the regions in which it was grown:
In Africa. The main producers on the continent are: Zambia. Ethiopia, Kenya, Guinea;
In Asia. Coffee is grown here: Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Yemen;
On the American continent. Here largest producers are countries such as Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba.
Depending on the quality of processing, coffee beans are classified into varieties, they are designated as follows:
A – highest grade;
B – medium quality grains;
C – lowest grade.
The area where the grains were grown is also noted:
SHG – mountainous areas;
HG – coffee was collected in the foothills;
CS or MG - product produced on the plains.
There is a gradation of grain hardness:
HB (Strictly Hard Bean) - very hard;
HB (Hard Bean) - hard grain.

Arabica - general description

It is generally accepted that Arabica originates from Ethiopia. Trees of this variety reach an average height of 3–5 meters and grow on mountain plateaus – 0.6–2 km above sea level. Precious grains ripen from 7 to 9 months, which requires a temperature of +15–25 degrees C. One tree can produce up to 5 kg of purple or red grains, oblong in shape. Arabica is divided into several varieties:
Arabica gives a characteristic sourness when cooked.

Robusta - characteristics, features

Robusta is believed to come from the Congo River region of Africa. The name of this variety is translated from the local language as “strong,” which is no coincidence; the tree does not require maintenance and grows in the equatorial forest zone.
The trees thrive at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level, reaching a height of 10 meters. One tree can produce more than 1 kg of round-shaped grains. They turn into a rich, bitter drink that has a high caffeine content, reaching 2.5%.

Arabica and Robusta - eternal rivals

Tasters around the world recognize the fact that these 2 varieties are eternal rivals. Experts also believe that Arabica beans are of better quality than their competitors. To understand the difference, a detailed comparison is necessary Arabica and Robusta varieties

Composition: Arabica and Robusta

Arabica beans include the following components:
Aromatic elements – about 18%;
Proteins – 13%;
Sugar – 8%, frying reduces its content to 3%;
Caffeine up to 2%. After heat treatment, its content is reduced to 1.3%.
Robusta contains 2 times more caffeine, with significantly less aromatic oils, only 8%.

Taste qualities of Arabica and Robusta

Robusta has a rich structure, which gives it viscosity. This quality is successfully used for making espresso. It is the viscosity that allows the formation of a persistent, fluffy foam on the drink, which is called “cream”. That's why professionals use exclusively robusta to make espresso.
Arabica is a variety with sophisticated taste qualities. The characteristic sourness is the result of a high concentration of amino acids in the grains. Unlike Robusta, Arabica has no viscosity. Experts note the refined taste and unique aroma of this type of coffee. These qualities are laid down at the grain processing stage. For this purpose they use wet method, while Robusta is processed using dry technology.

Cost of Arabica and Robusta

In this category, the clear leader is Arabica, which is more expensive than Robusta. At the same time, Arabica occupies 70% of the world coffee market. The cost of a variety is affected not only by the yield indicator, but by the technology used for its processing. In the case of Arabica beans, the wet method is used, which is more expensive than the dry method.
Robusta is highly resistant to various diseases and produces more high yield, dry technology is used for processing. The combination of these factors makes Robusta a relatively cheap variety.

Dry and wet processing technology

The dry method of processing coffee beans is the process of drying them in the open air. The fruits are first distributed in a thin, even layer on special areas under canopies. The grains must be stirred periodically over several days.
In countries where the climatic feature is high level humidity, machines come to the rescue and complete the task in 2–3 days. Then the husk is separated. Special combines are also used for this, but high-quality grains go through manual processing. This prevents their mechanical damage.
Wet processing begins by covering the coffee beans in large vats with a wet cloth. They are closed with airtight lids on top. After 8 hours, the pulp that has absorbed moisture is separated by special machines. The grains are then sent back to the vats where the fermentation process begins. It contributes to the appearance of a sweet taste and enhances the aroma.
Next comes the process of separating the husks; for this purpose, the grains are poured into special drums. After completing this cycle, they are sent to drying, which lasts 2-3 days. At the final stage, the grains are sorted and packed into 50–60 kg bags.

The most expensive varieties

A huge amount of coffee is drunk every day in the world; according to statisticians, this is more than 2.2 billion cups. But among such a huge number. Only a small amount of the drink is made from expensive varieties. Many drink lovers do not suspect that they exist, and their cost will shock the average person.

Black Ivory is the best representative of coffee

Black Ivory or “Black Tusk” is the most expensive type of coffee in the world. It is not available for free sale. Deliveries are made to order richest people planets. Among the admirers of this variety are the sheikhs of Arab countries. Black Ivory is also sold at elite resorts in Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.
The cost of 1 kg of Black Ivory beans is $1,100. This means that a cup of this coffee will cost at least $50. But why is Black Tusk so prized? The reason lies in the production technology, because it is very specific, and elephants play a significant role in it.
To get the most expensive type of coffee, you need to feed an elephant with Arabica beans. Then you should wait until they pass through the giant's digestive tract. After the animal defecates, the surviving grains are selected from the fecal matter, thoroughly washed and sent for further processing to Bangkok, and from there the delicacy is shipped around the world. To collect 1 kg of Arabica fruits processed by an elephant, it is necessary for him to eat 33 kg of them.
But what is special about Black Ivory production technology? As a result of the action of enzymes from the elephant's gastric juice on coffee beans, protein is removed from them. Along with it, the coffee leaves a characteristic bitterness. As a result, the finished drink has a unique, mild taste.
With such a high cost of Black Ivory, small amounts are allocated for the maintenance of elephants and the salaries of people who collect valuable grains.

Kopi Luwak – another representative of the coffee elite

The Kopi Luwak variety is produced according to the same principle as Black Ivory, only in the processing of coffee beans it is not an elephant that takes part, but a small animal, the musang or luwak. It is found in the Philippines, India, and Indonesia. The expensive Kopi Luwak coffee variety is produced in these countries. The cost of 1 kg of grains reaches 400–600 dollars. After specific processing of the grains, a drink with a unique taste is obtained.

Green and black coffee - what's the difference?

Not everyone knows that green and black coffee are not different varieties. The difference between varieties lies in the degree of processing. Black coffee comes from beans that have gone through a roasting process. Green coffee is grains separated from the pulp of the fruit; they are not subject to heat treatment. The drink is prepared from green beans in the same way as its black counterpart.

Black and green coffee - a practical comparison

It’s worth saying right away that green coffee is harder to find, you won’t find it on supermarket shelves; it is often sold in specialized coffee shops, and even then not in all of them. Accordingly, the price of green beans differs; they are somewhat more expensive than roasted ones. This is partly due to lower production volumes and not as much demand as black coffee.
If we talk about the taste of green and black grains, they are almost identical. A simple amateur will not be able to distinguish them, and it will be difficult for a connoisseur to do this.
The significant differences between roasted and green beans are: beneficial properties. Products that have not undergone heat treatment have a more impressive list of qualities that have a positive effect on the human body:
Promotes weight loss;
Stimulates physical and mental activity;
Relieves spasms of cerebral vessels.
This effect is achieved due to the impressive content of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and chlorogenic acid in green grains. The last component is responsible for the breakdown of fats. It is what promotes weight loss, as it does not allow the formation of adipose tissue. This fact makes green coffee very popular among women and girls.

Instead of output

Arabica and robusta are truly eternal rivals, as they have different compositions and taste qualities. But this is precisely what allows them to harmoniously complement each other. This can be felt if you mix 2 varieties. In fact, this is the mixture that most consumers around the world buy, since Arabica in its pure form is very expensive and not everyone can afford it.
But a mixture of Arabica and Robusta allows you to create espresso with unique taste and obtain a thick, persistent foam. But to appreciate all the flavor diversity of coffee, you need to be a wealthy person and a true connoisseur of the drink.

Today, coffee is the favorite drink of a huge number of people. Under natural growing conditions, there are more than eighty varieties of coffee trees. But only two of them are valuable for the production of various brands of drink - Arabica and Robusta. However, they have significant differences in taste.

Robusta: what is it?

Robusta in its natural habitat

Robusta (Coffea Canephora) is a type of coffee tree. Its grains and the drink itself, which is considered the second most popular after Arabica, are also named. But, at the same time, he finds his admirers and sufficient demand. The equatorial forests of Asia and Africa are considered the homeland of this plant. It became famous in the late nineteenth century when it was found in Uganda and soon began to be cultivated on plantations.

Under natural growing conditions, trees can reach ten meters in height. In industrial growing conditions, they are trimmed for ease of grain collection. This species is characterized by large leaves and beautiful flowers of pale pink color.

Currently, the largest plantations of Robusta coffee trees are located in Vietnam.

Unlike Arabica, it is easy to grow and hardy. Its plantations can be located at the bottom of slopes or on plains. Trees can grow on soil of any composition and can easily tolerate both excess and lack of moisture. They are resistant to changes in air temperature, diseases and pests. During the year, up to fifteen harvests can be obtained from each plantation.


The most common types of this coffee tree include:

  • Ambry, common in Angola, where the conditions for its cultivation are most suitable;
  • Conillon du Brasil, which originates in Brazil;
  • Quilu, native to the Congo. This type is distinguished by high quality indicators; it is used to prepare expensive coffee mixtures.

What is Arabica coffee

Arabica (Coffea Arabica) or the Arabian coffee tree is considered the most popular type of coffee. IN wildlife it can be found in the tropics of Asia and Africa. It was first discovered in the fourteenth century in Ethiopia in the Caffa region, where these wild coffee trees can still be seen today.

Today, the main supplier of Arabica beans is Brazil.

Harvesting Arabica beans on Honduras plantations

This species is somewhat more compact than robusta; it grows no more than six meters in height. On plantations it is cut to two meters. Its trees are quite beautiful. They are distinguished by noble gray bark, shiny dark green foliage and white flowers with a distinct, pleasant scent.

These trees are very capricious and demanding plants. Their plantations should be located at an altitude of eight hundred to one and a half thousand meters above sea level. The soil should be sufficiently fertile, and the air temperature should not fall below fifteen degrees. This species is very susceptible to various diseases and pests. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out constant preventive work.


The most popular varieties include the following:

  • Bourbon Santos, one of the elite Brazilian varieties. For its production, grains are taken only from the first three years of harvest;
  • Maragogyp, which is native to South America;
  • Bali Shizan, with an unusual taste that combines cloves, persimmon and Jamaican pepper;
  • Typica grows in Latin America and is one of the most expensive varieties. The fact is that it is grown only in the highlands and has a small yield;
  • Catura, which is a Brazilian hybrid of very high quality;
  • Venezuelan Caracas, attracting with its original smell;
  • A plantation considered an Indian variety and characterized by a bitter chocolate taste and aroma that combines a whole bouquet of spices.

Each of these varieties has its own specific characteristics. But, at the same time, they all have a characteristic sweetish taste with a slight sourness.

What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta?

The differences between these two varieties of coffee are very significant, from growing conditions to taste.

To taste

The taste of Arabica is distinguished by tenderness, softness and multi-layeredness. As a rule, it is very aromatic and always slightly sour. The drink it produces is oily and thick. In contrast, robusta is characterized by pungency, viscosity, bitterness and simplicity of taste. Its aroma is much more modest, and the consistency of the finished drink is more watery.

Due to its unique taste, robusta is used to produce instant coffee. Its production technology makes it possible to get rid of specific bitterness. It is also used in various coffee blends.

By shape

Comparison of Arabica and Robusta shapes

Arabica fruits take six to eight months to ripen. Their shell can be red or purple. They are characterized by an elongated, oval shape. When roasting, the grains acquire a uniformly colored surface.

Robusta fruits reach maturity between eight and eleven months. They are brown, green or grayish in color. They are much smaller in size than Arabica beans and more rounded. Roasting grains does not give even color, the surface is covered with spots of dark and light color.

Robusta typically contains twice as much caffeine, tannins and chlorogenic acid, which is responsible for its bitterness and viscosity. Also, these substances provide stable foam, which is important when preparing espresso, the blends for which contain at least twenty percent robusta.

At the same time, Arabica contains much more sugars, lipids and essential oils. This allows a bright taste and aroma to develop during roasting. Depending on the type, they may have a fruity or citrus flavor.

If we talk about price, Robusta costs about half as much as Arabica. This is due to its unpretentiousness, ease of cultivation and abundant harvests.

Which is better: Arabica or Robusta

Experts believe that the taste of high-quality, expensive robusta can be superior to low-grade arabica. In addition, it has its own admirers, for whom the strength of the drink is of primary importance. But, mainly, due to the characteristics of taste and smell, it is used as part of various mixtures.

For those who prefer tasty and aromatic coffee, various Arabica blends are, of course, more suitable than Robusta. If you want to get a stronger drink, you can take a mix of these two types.

There is no better way to get a morning boost of energy than a cup of freshly brewed aromatic coffee. Most coffee lovers have no idea how this product is grown and what kind of processing it goes through. But few people do not know that there are two main types - Arabica (Coffea Arabica) and Robusta (Coffea Canephora).

Each of them firmly occupies its niche in the coffee market and has gained incredible popularity among coffee lovers, thanks to its characteristics and qualities.

What are the differences between them:

The difference in growing the beans is the first difference between Arabica and. The first species is native to Ethiopia, where it ripens at considerable altitude, sometimes reaching 2000 meters on mountain slopes.

The height of the coffee tree, the yield of which can reach up to 5 kilograms, is about 2.5-5 meters. It reproduces by grains, is difficult to care for, and cultivation requires certain weather conditions. The fruits are colored red or purple, and their ripening period is up to 9 months, the shape of the grains is slightly elongated.

The product obtained from them has a characteristic sour taste, is easy to drink, leaving behind a pleasant aftertaste. Out of 5 kg of harvest, only 1 kg of grains comes out. The best varieties Bourbon, Typica, Maragogip, Catura, Aramosa are considered.

Robusta coffee differs significantly, the taste of which is somewhat harsh due to the presence of a peculiar bitterness with elements of pungency. Its homeland is considered to be the Congo River Basin. Coffee berries grow on trees ranging from 2.5 to 10 meters in height.

The plant is absolutely unpretentious, resistant to cold, and productive. Propagated by cuttings. The ripening period is from ten to eleven months, the grains are small and round in shape. The most popular varieties are Conillon du Brasil, Nanu, Java Ineac, Quilu.

By the way, it is incorrect to call Arabica and Robusta varieties. It is worth noting that these are different concepts.

A species refers to a variety of coffee trees, which have many subspecies. A variety is an assortment of coffee drinks on the market, obtained by mixing and differing in taste.

  • By composition. The difference can also be seen in chemical composition Arabica and Robusta. In the first case, it contains up to 1-1.5% caffeine, while in the second it contains up to 2.5-3%. These types of coffee also differ in the percentage of aromatic oils they contain. So, in robusta there is less than 8%, while in the first type of grains this figure is almost twice as much and amounts to 18%.
  • By type of processing. The difference is that no wet processing is applied to Robusta kernels, so coffee varieties made from it are distinguished by a certain viscosity and bitterness with notes of pungency. processed using the wet method, resulting in light coffee with sourness, which gives it a special piquant taste.
  • For the price. Arabica differs from robusta in cost. Considering the fact that grains of the first type require special care during ripening, they are accordingly more expensive. The high price of a higher quality coffee is also dictated by the fact that, unlike its counterpart, it is processed primarily by wet processing of coffee beans. And, as you know, wet processing is better than dry processing, although this leads to an increase in the cost of the product.
  • Application. True coffee connoisseurs know the main differences and characteristics of Arabica and Robusta. In the first case, the beans are more valuable; most often they are used in their pure form, as a single variety, or are an integral part of the coffee mixture. Robusta, in turn, is better suited for making instant drink vigor or as an additive to a coffee mixture.
  • By degree of prevalence. Robusta ranks second after Arabica, which accounts for almost 70% of world coffee production. But they complement each other perfectly in coffee blends, thanks to which we can enjoy persistent dense foam, pleasant taste and unsurpassed aroma.

The difference between these types is significant and it is simply impossible not to notice the difference. But each person has his own taste preferences, and this suggests that both Arabica and Robusta have their own advantages, thanks to which they are valued by coffee drink lovers.

It doesn’t always matter which variety was used for cooking, because everyone has their own best way brewing this great drink.

photo:, sailom