And in terms of the number of inhabitants, it far exceeds all other regions. There are 39 sovereign states on the political map of Asia. Many of them are among the oldest in the world. Foreign Asia is one of the origins of mankind, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, and many cultural values. The vast majority of countries in the region are developing countries. It usually consists of four subregions: Central and East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Southwest Asia. The countries of East and Southeast Asia are part of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR).

Australia is also considered in this topic as a country-continent included in the Asia-Pacific region.

1. Territory, borders, position: big differences between countries.

The territory of foreign Asia stretches from north to south for almost 7 thousand km, and from west to east for more than 10 thousand km. China and India are giant countries, most of the rest are fairly large countries. . But along with this, there are many small countries in Asia, there are also microstates. . The borders of most countries pass along well-defined natural boundaries. In a number of places, such as the Himalayas, this creates serious obstacles to economic and other ties.

EGP countries of the region are characterized by three main features.

First, this neighborhood position, which in many respects unites the countries of each of the four sub-regions of Asia.

Secondly, this seaside position most countries, providing access to the seas Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, where the most important world trade routes pass.

Example. The territory of Vietnam is stretched along the coast of the South China Sea in a narrow strip, stretching for 1700 km. It is no coincidence that geographers I figuratively call this country "the balcony of Indochina over the Pacific Ocean." The main connections of Vietnam with other countries are through sea routes.

Thirdly, this deep position some countries, which is generally much less profitable.

Example. Mongolia, located in the depths of the mainland, is the largest landlocked state in the world in terms of territory. Its relations with other countries are carried out mainly through transport systems Russia and China.

political map Overseas Asia has recently undergone great changes. Before World War II, 90% of its population lived in colonies and semi-colonies. Now practically all the countries of the region are politically independent states. Nevertheless, foreign Asia still remains the scene of many territorial disputes, which from time to time lead to an aggravation of regional and local conflicts, often accompanied by armed clashes and even lengthy wars.

Such territorial disputes exist between Iran and Iraq, Iraq and Kuwait, India and Pakistan, India and China, China (PRC) and Taiwan, Russia and Japan over the Kuril Islands, Greece and Turkey over Cyprus, etc. Korea is divided by demarcation line to the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea. Despite the creation of a temporary Palestinian autonomy, relations between it and the State of Israel are still far from a complete settlement, and the transition to an independent Palestinian state has been repeatedly postponed.

As in foreign Europe, republics prevail in foreign Asia, but many countries with a monarchical form of government remain. . (Exercise 1.)

2. Natural conditions and resources: a region of contrasts.

In general, the mineral resources of the region, which form the basis for heavy industry, are very diverse. The main pools of coal, iron and manganese ores, and a number of non-metallic minerals are concentrated within the Chinese and Hindustan platforms. Within the Alpine-Himalayan and Pacific folded (ore) belts, ores of non-ferrous and rare metals predominate. But perhaps the main wealth of the region, which largely determines its role in the international geographic division of labor- it's oil.

Example. Although oil and natural gas reserves have been explored in most countries of Southwest Asia, the main deposits are in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and the UAE. In addition to large reserves, they are distinguished by very favorable mining and geological conditions for extraction. .

Intensified searches for oil and natural gas are carried out on the shelf of the marginal seas of East and Southeast Asia - one of the largest and least explored in the world. (Task 2.)

The natural resource prerequisites for the development of agriculture in the region are also very diverse. However, for most countries there are two main problems.

Firstly, it is a problem of lack of land resources. The presence of large mountain ranges, desert and semi-desert spaces has a strong influence on the structure of the land fund, limiting the share of agricultural, and especially arable land in it. As a result, the provision of arable land per capita in most countries of the region is only 0.1-0.2 ha, or even less, and as the population grows, it decreases.

Secondly, uh then the problem of rational use of agro-climatic resources. Heat reserves in most of the region ensure the vegetation of plants during the agricultural season or even all year round. But the moisture resources are distributed extremely unevenly. If in areas of the monsoon climate irrigation is used only in winter, then in the arid tropics and subtropics of Southwest Asia it is necessary throughout the year. In general, almost all water withdrawals in the region are used for irrigation. Almost 3/4 of the world's irrigated land is located here. In terms of the total area of ​​such lands, India ranks first in the world, China - the second.

Irrigation in foreign Asia has been known for more than 4 thousand years. Irrigation systems built two millennia ago are still preserved in Iran. In Syria (see Figure 62), Iraq, Tyption, large hydroelectric facilities have been built, which made it possible to expand the area of ​​irrigated land. And in the countries of the Persian Gulf for irrigation, mainly expensive desalinated sea water is used; usually it is brought to each tree, to each bed or flower bed.

In a significant part of the region's territory, natural conditions (deserts, high mountains) do not allow people to engage in agriculture and forestry at all. (Task 3.)

3. Population: number, reproduction, ethnic and religious composition, distribution, urbanization.

In terms of population, foreign Asia occupies an uncompetitive first place among all major regions of the world: its share in the world population reaches 60%. This is explained by most countries in the region are still in the second stage of the demographic transition a, i.e., at the stage of a population explosion, although in the 90s. it has clearly declined.

This demographic situation complicates many economic, social and environmental problems overseas Asia. In addition, according to forecasts, by 2025 the population of the region should increase to 4.6 billion people.

Such a general conclusion does not exclude the presence of significant differences between individual subregions. In the countries of East Asia, demographic policy has already led to a significant decline in the birth rate and natural population growth. In Southeast Asia, the rate of such growth also began to gradually decrease. In South Asia, this decline is much slower. And Southwest Asia is still at the epicenter of the population explosion, with some of its countries being among the "record holders." This is largely due to the fact that the Arab countries of this subregion, professing Islam, do not pursue a demographic policy at all. .

The ethnic composition of the population of foreign Asia is extremely complex: ethnographers believe that more than 1 thousand peoples live here, belonging to the most diverse language families and groups. (Task 4.) Among them there are very large and very small peoples scattered in the mountains. Most of the countries are multinational

Example. More than 150 nations each live in India and Indonesia, almost 100 in the Philippines, about 60 in China and Vietnam, and more than 30 each in Iran, Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Thailand.

Foreign Asia is the birthplace of all three world religions, as well as many major national and regional religions, which for many centuries and even millennia have had a huge impact on politics, economics, spiritual culture, population reproduction, and customs of peoples. Religion has found wide application in material culture - Muslim mosques, Hindu temples, Buddhist pagodas and monasteries. And even today its influence on all aspects of people's lives remains very large.

In Muslim countries, religion often strictly regulates the rights and obligations of men and women in society and the family (separate education in schools and universities, separate work, different premises in public places and private homes), affects marital relations (encouragement of large families, permission for polygamy, wedding ceremonies), daily routine (daily prayer five times - prayer, Friday as a day off), on the diet ( muslim post- Ramadan, Eid al-Adha, a ban on alcohol and pork), on clothing (wearing a woman's veil), on the judicial system (Sharia court), the nature of external migrations. . In most Muslim countries in Asia, Islam is declared the state religion; in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, this is reflected in the official names of countries.

The complexity of the ethnic and religious composition of a number of Asian countries leads to the emergence of many inter-ethnic and religious conflicts. They are especially strong in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and the Philippines. Most of these conflicts have their roots in colonial and semi-colonial times, and they proceed, as a rule, under the slogans of separatism.

Example. Kurds are a people numbering about 20 million people. But historically, they turned out to be part of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. For a long time now, the leaders of the Kudra national movement have been striving, including by armed means, for the creation of an independent state of Kyrdistan.

The distribution of the population in the region is particularly uneven. Here, at one pole - very densely populated coastal plains, valleys and river deltas, at the other - extremely sparsely populated deserts and semi-deserts, highlands, tropical forests.

Example. Bangladesh ranks 87th in terms of area among the countries of the world, and 7th in terms of population. The average population density in this lowland country has already reached 1000 people per 1 km 2. In some areas it is 2000 people per 1 km 2! And in Mongolia, one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, which is almost three times larger than France in area, there are an average of 3 people per 2 km 2.

A certain influence on the distribution of the population in the region is exerted by its international migrations.

This applies to the greatest extent to the oil-producing countries of the Persian Gulf, which, as you already know, have become one of the world's main centers for attracting labor resources. The total number of immigrants from South and Southeast Asia, as well as North Africa, is more than 10 million
human. Almost half of them find work in the largest of these countries - Caydian Arabia, about 1 million are employed in Kuwait. .

The main areas of activity of labor migrants are the oil industry, construction, transport, and the service sector. In Saudi Arabia, migrant workers make up 60% of all employed, in Kuwait 60%, and in the UAE even 90%. .

But emigration from the countries of foreign Asia to other regions is also significant. These are the Kurds who travel legally and illegally to Europe, and the "brain drain", for example, from India, from the Philippines.

But the main influence on the distribution of the population is exerted by the process of urbanization., which took the form of "urban explosion". Despite the fact that in terms of the share of the urban population, the vast majority of countries in the region under consideration belong to the category of medium urbanized, with a very large population, the absolute figures also turn out to be very high.

Example. Of the world's 3.15 billion urban dwellers, almost 1.5 billion live in overseas Asia. China and India occupy the first and second places in the world in terms of the number of city dwellers, respectively. Of the 21 "super-cities" in the world, 12 are located in overseas Asia.

With a huge variety of historical, cultural and natural conditions, the cities of Asia, often the oldest in the world, are also very diverse. Specific features of the external appearance are characteristic of the Arab cities of Southwest Asia, the cities of India, China, and Japan. And yet in the geographical literature there is a collective image Eastern (Asian) city.

Usually it is characterized by a clear division into old and new parts. The liveliest place in the old city is the bazaar with its adjacent shopping streets and artisans' quarters, which immediately sell their products (see Figure 60). Barbers, scribes work in the open air, pedlars scurry about. The new urban area is dominated by modern high-rise buildings.

For the rural settlement of the region, the rural form is most typical. Among the Mongols, Afghans, Bedouin Arabs (from the word "badu" - desert) and other peoples, where the nomadic way of life is still preserved, the main type of dwelling is a collapsible yurt or tent.

The prospects for the socio-economic development of foreign Asia are largely related to the prospects for urbanization and the growth of its cities. (Task 5.)

4. Increasing role in the world economy: five centers of economic power.

You already know that if we proceed from the ten-member structure of the world economy, then five of its centers are located within foreign Asia. Among them are three separate countries - China, Japan and India, and two groups of countries - newly industrialized and oil-exporting.

China in its socio-economic development after the proclamation of the People's Republic in 1949 has repeatedly experienced both ups and downs. But at the end of the 70s. in the country - first in the countryside, and then in the city - the implementation of a radical economic reform ("gaige"), based on a combination of planned and market economy, began. It led to such an upsurge in the economy that already in 1990, in terms of GDP, China took 3rd place in the world after the USA and Japan, and a few years later, having overtaken Japan, it took the “second line” in the world economic rating. In terms of gross industrial output, it overtook Japan in 2006.

Although China is still at the industrial stage of development and, in terms of per capita economic indicators, lags behind not only the countries of the North, but also many countries of the South, its impressive socio-economic achievements largely determine the progress of the entire Asia-Pacific region. By 2020, its GDP should increase by 4 times.

Japan, which was defeated in World War II, came out of it with a ruined economy. But then she managed not only to restore her economy, but also to radically rebuild it, becoming the world's "power No. 2", the only member of the "big seven" in Asia. According to many important economic indicators, it has taken a leading position in the world economy (see Figure 59). However, the Japanese "economic miracle" gradually faded away, and the pace of the country's socio-economic development slowed down. And at the end of the 1990s, the financial (currency) crisis that originated in Southeast Asia had a great negative impact on its economy.

India, as one of the key developing countries, also plays a big role in the global economy. In the 90s vols. after the start of the economic reform aimed at the development of a market economy, its development accelerated. Modern India ranks 9th in the world in terms of industrial production after the G7 countries and China. Recently, it has become one of the largest information technology centers in the world. However, in terms of per capita indicators, it still lags far behind most countries of the world.

The group of newly industrialized Asian countries, as you already know, consists of two "echelons". It was customary to refer to the first of them the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, which, due to their rapid economic leap, began to be called the four "Asian tigers" (or "dragons"). Then their example was followed by three more countries - members of ASEAN, which formed, as it were, the "second tier" of the NIS of Asia - Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the economies of these countries were restructured along the lines of the Japanese model. A large automobile, oil refining, petrochemical, shipbuilding, and especially electrical and electronic industries arose in them; Every year, tens of millions of radios, televisions, tape recorders, and video recorders are produced here. The production of other mass consumer products - clothing, fabrics, shoes - is also growing rapidly. The “economic miracle” of these countries is explained both by the activity of local businessmen and by the fact that TNCs have chosen them as an important area for the investment of their capital, focusing primarily on the benefits of their EGP and exceptionally hardy, disciplined and at the same time relatively cheap labor force. But almost all science-intensive and other products are intended for sale in the markets of Western countries.

Example 1 The Republic of Korea, which was still in the middle of the twentieth century. an agricultural country, by the beginning of the 1st XXI century, it took 2nd place in the world in the production of marine products and televisions, 4th in the production of plastics and synthetic fibers, 5th in the production of cars, 6th in for steel smelting and electricity generation at nuclear power plants.

Example 2 The city-state of Singapore (Lion City in Sanskrit) has long been known for its seaport, the largest in the world, which is said to be the western gate of the East and the eastern gate of the West. . But recently it has turned from a trading center into an industrial center (oil refining, shipbuilding, electronics and electrical engineering, light industry). It has also become one of the largest centers in the world financial activities, an important object of tourism.

The oil-exporting countries of the Persian Gulf also occupy an important place in the world economy. Relying on huge oil revenues, these countries in a short time made a "jump through the centuries", thanks to which the Persian Gulf zone turned into one of the important industrial regions with large oil and natural gas production, petrochemistry, metallurgy and other industries. Modern industrial centers appeared on the site of medieval adobe towns. Computer-controlled drip irrigation is widely used. Schoolchildren from childhood are accustomed to working with computers.

Example. Saudi Arabia for a long time lived on income from breeding camels, growing date palms, serving Muslim pilgrims. Now the basis of its economy is oil production, which provides 3/4 of export earnings. Ultra-modern roads, airports, large industrial complexes of Al-Jubail and Yanbu, and well-appointed cities have been built in the Arabian Desert. . (Task 6.)

Among the other countries of foreign Asia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, and the DPRK stand out in terms of economic development. But there are also countries in the region that are among the least developed. In Southwest Asia, these are Yemen and Afghanistan, in South - Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal and Bhutan, in Southeast - Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia.

5. Agriculture: areas of different specialization.

In most countries of foreign Asia, the bulk of the economically active population is employed in agriculture. Of course, this industry is distinguished by some features that are characteristic of the entire region. These include a combination of commodity and consumer economy, landownership and peasant land use, a sharp predominance of food crops in the crops. The common thing is that the food problem in many countries has not yet been resolved. First of all, this applies to the countries of South and Southeast Asia, where tens of millions of people are constantly on the verge of starvation.

Nevertheless, as you understand, on such a vast territory, the most diverse areas of agriculture could not fail to develop.

The most important of them is the rice-growing region, covering the entire monsoon sector of East, Southeast and South Asia. Annually fertilized by floods of the rivers of the delta and the valley of the Yangtze, Xijiang, Hongxa, Mekong, Irrawaddy, Ganga and Brahmaputra, the lowlands of about. Java (see Figure 64), Japan are typical "rice landscapes". For thousands of years, they have been feeding hundreds of millions of people leading a truly difficult-intensive year-round economy: spring rice is followed by autumn rice, and winter rice after autumn. . No wonder they say that rice is grown not only in flooded fields, but also in the hands of peasants. And the delta regions themselves are figuratively called rice bowls or rice baskets.

Example. The main rice granaries of Vietnam, whose cultural landscape is made up of rectangular checks of rice fields, dams, dams and irrigation canals, its two "baskets", i.e., the Hong Xa and Mekong deltas. Here, farmers harvest two crops of rice a year - in May and November.

The higher parts of this region are characterized by the "tea landscapes" of China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka. .
Due to the lack of grazing land and fodder, commercial animal husbandry is poorly developed; the peasants keep mainly draft animals.

Table 10 - Demographic and socio-economic indicators of the world, Foreign Asia

Indicators The whole world Zarub. Asia China India Japan
Area, thousand km2 132850 27710 9597 3288 372
Population in 1998, million people 5930 3457,6 1255,1 975,8 125,9
Birth rate, ‰ 24 24 17 29 10
Mortality, ‰ 9 8 7 10 7
natural growth 15 16 10 19 3
Life expectancy, m/f 63/68 65/68 68/72 62/63 77/83
Age structure, under 16 / over 65 62/6 33/5 27/6 36/4 16/14
Share of urban population in 1995, % 45 35 30 27 78
GDP per capita in 1995, $ 6050 3950 2920 1400 22110

General economic and geographical characteristics of Asia

Foreign Asia is the largest region in the world in terms of area and population, and it retains this primacy, in essence, throughout the entire existence of human civilization. The area of ​​Foreign Asia is 27 million km2, it includes more than 40 sovereign states. Many of them are among the oldest in the world. Foreign Asia is one of the origins of mankind, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, many cultural values ​​and scientific achievements. The region mainly consists of developing countries.

Geographical position. general review

The region consists of countries of various sizes: two of them are giant countries, the rest are mainly rather large countries. The boundaries between them pass along well-defined natural boundaries. The EGP of Asian countries is determined by their neighboring position, the coastal position of most countries, and the deep position of some countries. The first two features have a beneficial effect on their economy, and the third complicates external economic relations. The political structure of countries is very diverse: Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, Bhutan, Jordan are constitutional monarchies, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Brunei, Oman are absolute monarchies, the rest of the states are republics.

Natural conditions and resources

The area is extremely homogeneous in terms of tectonic structure and relief: within its boundaries, the greatest amplitude of heights on earth is noted, both ancient Precambrian platforms and areas of young Cenozoic folding, grandiose mountainous countries and vast plains are located here. As a result, the mineral resources of Asia are very diverse. The main pools of coal, iron and manganese ores, and non-metallic minerals are concentrated within the Chinese and Hindustan platforms. Ores predominate within the Alpine-Himalayan and Pacific fold belts. But the main wealth of the region, which also determines its role in the MGRT, is oil. Oil and gas reserves have been explored in most countries of Southwest Asia, but the main deposits are in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran. The agro-climatic resources of Asia are heterogeneous. Vast massifs of mountainous countries, deserts and semi-deserts are hardly suitable for economic activity, with the exception of animal husbandry; the provision of arable land is low and continues to decline (as the population grows and soil erosion increases).


The population of Asia is 3.1 billion people. All countries in the region, with the exception of Japan, belong to the 2nd type of population reproduction, and now they are in a state of the so-called "population explosion". Some countries are fighting this phenomenon by pursuing a demographic policy (India, China), but most countries do not pursue such a policy, rapid population growth and its rejuvenation continue. At the current rate of population growth, it could double in 30 years. Among sub-regions of Asia, East Asia is the furthest away from the peak of the population explosion. The ethnic composition of the Asian population is also extremely complex: more than 1,000 peoples live here - from small ethnic groups numbering several hundred people to the largest peoples in the world. The four peoples of the region (Chinese, Hindustanis, Bengalis and Japanese) make up over 100 million each. The peoples of Asia belong to about 15 language families. There is no such linguistic diversity in any other large region of the planet. The most complex countries in ethnolinguistic terms: India, Sri Lanka, Cyprus. In East and Southwest Asia, with the exception of Iran and Afghanistan, a more homogeneous national composition is characteristic. The complex composition of the population in many parts of the region (India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, etc.) leads to acute ethnic conflicts. Foreign Asia is the birthplace of all major religions, all three world religions were born here: Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam. Among other national religions it is necessary to note Confucianism (China), Taoism, Shintoism. In many countries, interethnic contradictions are based precisely on religious grounds. The population of foreign Asia is distributed unevenly: the population density ranges from 1 to 800 people. per 1 km2. In some areas it reaches 2000 people. per 1 km2 The growth rate of the region's urban population is so high (3.3%) that this growth has become known as the "urban explosion". But, despite this, in terms of the level of urbanization (34%), Foreign Asia is in the penultimate place among the regions of the world. For rural settlement, the rural form is most characteristic.


The role of foreign Asia as a whole in the world economy has increased significantly in recent decades. But the differences in the levels of development and specialization of individual countries are better expressed here than in foreign Europe.

There are 6 groups of countries:

1. Japan - occupies a separate position, as it is the "power No. 2" of the Western world, the only member of the "Big Seven" in this region. In many important indicators, it occupies a leading position among the economically developed countries of the West;

2. China and India have also made great strides in economic and social development in a short time. But in terms of per capita indicators, their successes are still small;

3. new industrial countries of Asia - the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as Thailand and Malaysia, members of ASEAN. The combination of a profitable EGP and cheap labor resources made it possible, with the participation of Western TNCs, to carry out in the 70-80s. restructuring the economy along the lines of Japan. But their economy is export-oriented;

4. oil-producing countries - Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other countries of the Persian Gulf, which, thanks to "petrodollars", in a short time managed to go through a development path that would have taken them several centuries. Now not only oil production is developing here, but also petrochemistry, metallurgy and other industries;

5. countries with a predominance in the industrial structure of mining or light industry - Mongolia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Jordan.


In most Asian countries, the bulk of EAN is occupied in agriculture. In general, the region is characterized by a combination of commodity and consumer economy, landownership and peasant land use, a sharp predominance of food crops in the crops. The food problem in many countries has not yet been resolved; in South and Southeast Asia, tens of millions of people are on the verge of starvation. In accordance with the distribution of agro-climatic resources, population and traditions, 3 large areas of agriculture have developed: a rice-growing area (covering the monsoon sector of East, Southeast and South Asia) combined with tea cultivation in higher parts; area of ​​subtropical agriculture (Mediterranean coast); the rest of the territory is dominated by the cultivation of wheat, millet, pasture animal husbandry.


As a result of the low culture of managing the economy, the negative anthropogenic impact in foreign Asia is looming large. As a result of intensive mining without environmental protection measures, extensive agriculture, and an increase in the number of inhabitants, atmospheric pollution, depletion of water resources, soil erosion, land alienation, deforestation, and impoverishment of natural biocenoses occur. Frequent conflicts and wars in the region only exacerbate the situation. For example, the Persian Gulf War led to acid rain, dust storms, massive soot and oil pollution of waters and soils, and caused irreparable damage to the fauna and flora of the region. No less notorious is ecocide during the American aggression in Vietnam, when over the course of several years forests were deliberately destroyed on an area of ​​about 0.5 million km2.


Territory - 9.6 million km2. Population - 1 billion 222 million people since 1995. Capital - Beijing.

The People's Republic of China, the third largest state in the world and the first in terms of population, is located in Central and East Asia. The state borders on 16 countries, 1/3 of the borders fall on the CIS countries. The economic and geographical position of the PRC is very advantageous, since being located along the Pacific coast (15 thousand km), the country has access to the sea from the most remote inland corners through the Yangtze River. The coastal position of the PRC contributes to the development of its economy and foreign economic relations. China - one of the oldest states in the world, which arose in the XIV century BC, has a very complex history. Due to the obvious benefits of its position, the wealth of natural and agro-climatic resources throughout its existence, China has attracted the attention of various conquerors. Even in ancient times, the country protected itself with the partially preserved Great Wall of China. In the last century, China was a pro-colony of England, after the defeat in the Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895. The country was divided into spheres of influence between England, France, Germany, Japan and Russia. In 1912, the Republic of China was formed. In 1945, after the defeat of the Japanese invaders with the help of the USSR, the People's Revolution took place. In 1949, the People's Republic of China was proclaimed.

Natural conditions and resources

The country is located within the fragmented Chinese Precambrian Platform and younger sites. As part of this, the eastern part is mostly low-lying, and the protected area is elevated and mountainous. Various mineral deposits are associated with a variety of tectonic structures. In terms of their availability, China is one of the leading countries in the world, distinguished primarily by its reserves of coal, non-ferrous and ferrous metal ores, rare earth elements, mining and chemical raw materials. In terms of oil and gas reserves, China is inferior to the leading oil countries of the world, but in terms of oil production, the country has taken 5th place in the world. The main oil fields are located in North and Northeast China, the basins of inland China. Among the ore deposits, the Anshan iron ore basin, located in the coal-rich Northeast China, stands out. Non-ferrous metal ores are concentrated mainly in the central and southern provinces. The PRC is located in the temperate, subtropical and tropical climatic zones, with a sharply continental climate in the west, and a monsoonal climate in the east, with a lot of precipitation (in summer). Such climatic and soil differences create conditions for the development of agriculture: in the west, in arid regions, livestock breeding and irrigated agriculture are mainly developed, while in the east, on the especially fertile lands of the Great China Plain, agriculture prevails. The water resources of the PRC are very large, the eastern, more populated and highly developed part of the country is best provided with them. River waters are widely used for irrigation. In addition, the PRC ranks first in the world in terms of theoretical hydropower resources, but their use is still very small. The forest resources of China as a whole are quite large, concentrated mainly in the northeast (taiga coniferous forests) and in the southeast (tropical and subtropical deciduous forests). They are intensively used in the economy.


China is the first country in the world in terms of population (almost 1,300 million people or 20% of all inhabitants of the Earth), and it has probably held the palm for many centuries. In the 1970s, the country began to pursue a demographic policy aimed at reducing the birth rate, since after the formation of the PRC (in the 1950s), population growth rates increased very quickly due to a decrease in mortality and an increase in living standards. This policy has borne fruit and now natural growth in China is even below the world average. China is a young country (under the age of 15 - 1/3 of the population). It is distinguished by the intensity of labor migration, both within the country and abroad. The PRC is a multinational country (there are 56 nationalities), but with a sharp predominance of the Chinese - about 95% of the population. They live mainly in the eastern part of the country, in the west (in most of the territory) there are representatives of other nationalities (Gzhuans, Hui, Uighurs, Tibetans, Mongols, Koreans, Manchurs, etc.). Despite the fact that the PRC is a socialist country, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are practiced here (in general, the population is not very religious). On the territory of the country is the world center of Buddhism - Tibet, occupied by China in 1951. Urbanization is rapidly developing in China.


The PRC is an industrial-agrarian socialist country that has recently been developing at a very rapid pace. Modernization of the economy is proceeding at different rates in different regions of China. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have been set up in East China to take advantage of their advantageous maritime position. This strip occupies 1/4 of the country's territory, 1/3 of the population lives here and 2/3 of GNP is produced. The average income per inhabitant is 4 times that of the more backward inland provinces. The territorial structure of the country's economy is represented mainly by established large industrial centers, agriculture plays an important role, which employs most of the economically active population (EAP). In terms of GDP, China has taken 2nd place in the world, although in terms of GNP per capita it has not yet reached the world average (about $500 per year).


China occupies one of the leading places in the world in the production of energy carriers and in the generation of electricity. China's energy is coal-fired (its share in the fuel balance is 75%), oil and gas (mostly artificial) are also used. Most of the electricity is produced by thermal power plants (3/4), mostly coal-fired. Hydroelectric power plants account for 1/4 of the electricity generated. There are two nuclear power plants, 10 tidal stations, and a geothermal station has been built in Lhasa.

Ferrous metallurgy- based on own iron ore, coking coal and alloying metals. In terms of iron ore mining, China ranks 1st in the world, in steel smelting - 2nd place. The technical level of the industry is low. Of greatest importance are such the country's largest combines as in Anshan, Shanghai, Broshen, as well as in Benxi, Beijing, Wuhan, Taiyuan, and Chongqing.

Non-ferrous metallurgy . The country has large reserves of raw materials (1/2 of the produced tin, antimony, mercury is exported), but aluminum, copper, lead, zinc are imported. Mining and processing plants are represented in the north, south and west of China, and the final stages of production are in the east. The main centers of non-ferrous metallurgy are located in the provinces of Liaoning, Yunnan, Hunan, and Gansu.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking- occupies 35% in the structure of the industry. The share of production of equipment for the textile industry remains high, while electronics, electrical engineering, and the automotive industry are developing rapidly. The structure of industrial enterprises is diverse: along with modern high-tech enterprises, handicraft factories are widespread. The leading sub-sectors are heavy engineering, machine tool building, and transport engineering. The automotive industry (6th-7th place in the world), electronics and instrumentation are developing rapidly. The predominant part of China's engineering products is produced by the coastal zone (over 60%), and mainly in large cities (the main centers are Shanghai, Shenyang, Dalian, Beijing, etc.).

Chemical industry. It relies on products of coke and petrochemistry, mining and chemical and vegetable raw materials. There are two groups of industries: mineral fertilizers, household chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

Light industry- traditional and one of the main industries, uses its own, mostly natural (2/3) raw materials. The leading sub-sector is the textile industry, which provides the country with a leading position in the production and export of fabrics (cotton, silk, and others). The sewing, knitting, leather and footwear sub-sectors are also developed.

food industry- for a country with such a large population, it is extremely important, the processing of grain and oilseeds is in the lead, the production and processing of pork (2/3 of the volume of the meat industry), tea, tobacco and other food products are developed. As before, the country has developed the production of traditional sub-sectors: textile and clothing.

Agriculture- provides food for the population, supplies raw materials for food and light industry. The leading sub-sector of agriculture is crop production (rice is the basis of the Chinese diet). Wheat, corn, millet, sorghum, barley, peanuts, potatoes, yame, taro, cassava are also grown; industrial crops - cotton, sugar cane, tea, sugar beets, tobacco, and other vegetables. Animal husbandry remains the least developed branch of agriculture. The basis of animal husbandry is pig breeding. Vegetable growing, poultry farming, beekeeping, and sericulture are also developed. Fisheries play an important role.

Transport- provides mainly the connection of seaports with the hinterland. 3/4 of all cargo transportation is provided by rail transport. Along with the recently increased importance of sea, road and aviation, the use of traditional modes of transport is preserved: horse-drawn, pack, transport carts, bicycles and especially river.

Internal differences. In the early 1980s, in order to improve planning in China, three economic zones were identified: Eastern, Central and Western. The eastern one is the most developed; the largest industrial centers and agricultural regions are located here. The center is dominated by the production of fuel and energy, chemical products, raw materials and semi-finished products. The western zone is the least developed (animal husbandry, processing of mineral raw materials).

Foreign economic relations. Foreign economic relations have been developing especially widely since the 80-90s, which is associated with the formation of an open economy in the country. The volume of foreign trade is 30% of China's GDP. Labor-intensive products (clothing, toys, footwear, sporting goods, machinery and equipment) occupy a leading place in exports. Imports are dominated by engineering products and vehicles.


Territory - 3.28 million km2. Population - 935.5 million people. The capital is Delhi.

The Republic of India is located in South Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula. It also includes the Laccadive Islands in the Arabian Sea, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal. India borders on Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar. The maximum length of India - from north to south - 3200 km, from west to east - 2700 km. The EGP of India favors the development of the economy: India is located on the sea trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, halfway between the Middle and Far East. Indian civilization arose in the third millennium BC. e. For almost two centuries India was a colony of England. In 1947, India gained independence, and in 1950 it was proclaimed a republic within the British Commonwealth. India is a federal republic consisting of 25 states. Each of them has its own legislative assembly and government, but while maintaining a strong central authority.

Natural conditions and resources

The main part of the territory is located within the Indo-Gangetic lowland and the Deccan plateau. The mineral resources of India are significant and varied. The main deposits are located in the northeast of the country. Here are the largest iron ore, coal basins, deposits of manganese ore; this creates favorable conditions for the development of heavy industries. The minerals of South India are diverse - these are bauxites, chromites, magnesites, brown coal, graphite, mica, diamonds, gold, monazite sands, ferrous metal ores, coal; in the state of Gujarat and on the continental shelf - oil. The climate of the country is mainly monsoonal subtropical and tropical, in the south - equatorial. The average annual temperature is about 25°С, only in winter in the mountains it falls below 0°. The distribution of precipitation over the seasons and across the territory is uneven - 80% of them fall in the summer, the eastern and mountainous regions receive the largest amount, and the northwest receives the smallest amount. Land resources are the natural wealth of the country, since a significant part of the soils has high fertility. Forests occupy 22% of India's area, but there is not enough forest for economic needs. The rivers of India have a great energy potential and are also the main source of artificial irrigation.


India is the second country in the world in terms of population (after China). The country has a very high rate of population reproduction. And although the peak of the “population explosion” has already been generally passed, demographic problem hasn't lost its edge yet. India is the most multiethnic country in the world. Representatives of several hundred nations, nationalities and tribal groups live in it, at different stages of socio-economic development and speaking different languages. They belong to the Caucasoid, Negroid, Australoid races and the Dravidian group. The peoples of the Indo-European family predominate: Hindustanis, Marathas, Bengalis, Biharis, etc. The official languages ​​in the country are Hindi and English. More than 80% of the inhabitants of India are Hindus, 11% are Muslims. The complex ethnic and religious composition of the population often leads to conflicts and increased tension. The distribution of the population of India is very uneven, since from ancient times the fertile lowlands and plains in the valleys and deltas of the rivers, on the sea coasts were first settled. The average population density is 260 people. per 1 km2. Despite this high figure, there are still sparsely populated and even deserted territories. The level of urbanization is quite low - 27%, but the number of large cities and "millionaire" cities is constantly increasing; in terms of the absolute number of citizens (220 million people), India ranks second in the world. But, nevertheless, most of the population of India lives in crowded villages.

Industry, energy

India is a developing agro-industrial country with huge resources and human potential. Along with the traditional industries for India (agriculture, light industry), extractive and manufacturing industries are developing. At present, 29% of GDP falls on industry, 32% - on agriculture, 30% - on the service sector.

Energy. The creation of an energy base in the country began with the creation of hydroelectric power plants, but among the newly built power plants in recent years, thermal power plants predominate. The main source of energy is coal. Nuclear energy is also developing in India - 3 nuclear power plants are operating. Electricity generation per capita is still very low.

Ferrous metallurgy. This is a growing industry. The current level is 16 million tons of steel (1993). The industry is represented by enterprises located mainly in the east of the country (Kolkata-Damodar industrial belt), as well as in the states of Bihar, Adhra Pradesh, etc.

Non-ferrous metallurgy also developed in the east. The aluminum industry, based on local bauxites, stands out.

Engineering. India produces a variety of machine tool and transport engineering products (TVs, ships, cars, tractors, airplanes and helicopters). The industry is developing rapidly. The leading centers of mechanical engineering are Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Hyderabad, Bangalore. In terms of production of the radio-electronic industry, India has taken second place in overseas Asia. The country produces a variety of radio equipment, color televisions, tape recorders, and communications equipment.

Chemical industry. In a country with such a role of agriculture, the production of mineral fertilizers is of exceptional importance. The importance of petrochemistry is also growing.

Light industry- a traditional branch of the economy, the main directions are cotton and jute, as well as sewing. There are textile factories in all major cities of the country. In India's exports, 25% are products of the textile and clothing industry.

food industry- also traditional, produces products for the domestic and foreign markets. The most widely known in the world is Indian tea.

Transport. Among other developing countries, India's transport is quite developed. In the first place in terms of importance are rail transport in domestic transportation and maritime transport in external ones.

Services sector. The largest film producer. Second only to the USA. In recent years, the creation of software products for the largest US corporations (1st place in the world) has been developed.


India is a country of ancient agricultural culture, one of the most important agricultural regions in the world. Three-fifths of India's EAN is employed in agriculture, but the use of mechanization is still insufficient. 4/5 of the value of agricultural products comes from crop production, agriculture needs irrigation (40% of the sown area is irrigated). The main part of the arable land is occupied by food crops: rice, wheat, corn, barley, millet, legumes, potatoes. The main industrial crops of India are cotton, jute, sugar cane, tobacco, and oilseeds. There are two main agricultural seasons in India - summer and winter. Sowing of the most important crops (rice, cotton, jute) is carried out in the summer, during the summer monsoon rains; in winter, wheat, barley, etc. are sown. As a result of several factors, including the Green Revolution, India is completely self-sufficient in grain. Animal husbandry is much inferior to crop production, although India ranks first in the world in terms of livestock. Only milk and animal skins are used, meat is practically not consumed, since Hindus are mostly vegetarians. Fishing is of considerable importance in the coastal regions.

Foreign economic relations

India is still weakly involved in the MGRT, although foreign trade is of no small importance for its economy. The main export items are light industry products, jewelry, agricultural products, medicines, fuel resources; the share of machinery and equipment is growing. The largest trading partners are the USA, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Hong Kong.


Territory - 377.8 thousand square meters. km. Population - 125.2 million people (1995). The capital is Tokyo.

Geographical location, general information

Japan is an archipelago country located on four large and almost four thousand small islands, stretching in an arc of 3.5 thousand km from northeast to southwest along the eastern coast of Asia. The largest islands are Honshu, Hokaido, Kyushu and Shikoku. The shores of the archipelago are strongly indented and form many bays and coves. The seas and oceans washing Japan are of exceptional importance for the country as a source of biological, mineral and energy resources. The economic and geographical position of Japan is determined primarily by the fact that it is located in the center of the Asia-Pacific region, which contributes to the country's active participation in international geographical division labor. During the feudal period, Japan was isolated from other countries. After the incomplete bourgeois revolution of 1867-1868, it embarked on the path of rapid capitalist development. At the turn of the XIX - XX centuries, it became one of the imperialist powers. In the 20th century, Japan entered and participated in three major wars (Russian-Japanese and two world wars). After the end of World War II, the armed forces were disbanded and reforms were carried out. In 1947, the emperor lost his power (according to the constitution) now Japan is constitutional monarchy. The highest body of state power and the only body of legislative power is the Parliament.

Natural conditions and resources

The geological basis of the archipelago is underwater mountain ranges. About 80% of the territory is occupied by mountains and hills with a highly dissected relief of an average height of 1600 - 1700 m. There are about 200 volcanoes, 90 are active, including the highest peak - Mount Fuji (3,776 m). Frequent earthquakes and tsunamis. The country is poor in minerals, but coal, lead and zinc ores, oil, sulfur, and limestone are being mined. The resources of its own deposits are small, so Japan is the largest importer of raw materials. Despite the small area, the meridional extent of the country has led to the existence of a unique set of natural conditions on its territory: the island of Hokkaido and the north of Honshu are located in the temperate maritime climate zone, the rest of Honshu, the islands of Shikoku and Yushu are in the humid subtropical climate, and the island of Ryukyu is in tropical climate. Japan is in the zone of active monsoon activity. The average annual rainfall ranges from 2 - 4 thousand mm. The soils of Japan are mainly slightly podzolic and peaty, as well as brown forest and red soils. Approximately 2/3 of the territory, mainly mountainous areas, is covered with forests (more than half of the forests are artificial plantations). Coniferous forests predominate in northern Hokkaido, mixed forests in central Honshu and southern Hokkaido, and subtropical monsoon forests in the south. There are many rivers in Japan, full-flowing, fast and rapids, of little use for navigation, but which are a source for hydropower and irrigation. The abundance of rivers, lakes and groundwater have a beneficial effect on the development of industry and agriculture. In the post-war period, environmental problems intensified on the Japanese islands. The adoption and implementation of a number of laws on environmental protection reduces the level of environmental pollution.


Japan is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of population. Japan became the first Asian country to switch from the second to the first type of population reproduction. Now the birth rate is - 12%, mortality - 8% Life expectancy in the country - the highest in the world (76 years for men and 82 years for women). The population is distinguished by national homogeneity, about 99% are Japanese. Of the other nationalities, the number of Koreans and Chinese is significant. The most common religions are Shintoism and Buddhism. The population is unevenly distributed over the area. The average density is 330 people per km2, but the coastal regions of the Pacific Ocean are among the most densely populated in the world. About 80% of the population lives in cities. 11 cities are millionaires. The largest urban agglomerations of Keihin. Hanshin and Chuke merge into the Tokyo Megalopolis (Takaido) with a population of over 60 million.


The growth rate of the Japanese economy was one of the highest in the second half of the 20th century. The country has largely carried out a qualitative restructuring of the economy. Japan is at the post-industrial stage of development, which is characterized by a highly developed industry, but the most growing area is the non-manufacturing sector (services, finance, R&D). Although Japan is poor in natural resources and imports raw materials for most industries, it ranks 1-2 in the world for the output of many industries. Industry is mainly concentrated within the Pacific industrial belt.

Power industry. Mainly uses imported raw materials. Oil is the leader in the structure of the resource base, the share of natural gas, hydropower and nuclear power is growing, and the share of coal is declining. In the electric power industry, 60% of the capacity comes from thermal power plants and 28% from nuclear power plants, including Fukushima, the most powerful in the world. HPPs are located in cascades on mountain rivers. In terms of hydroelectric power generation, Japan ranks fifth in the world. In resource-poor Japan, alternative energy sources are being actively developed.

Ferrous metallurgy. In terms of steel production, the country ranks second in the world. The share of Japan in the world market of ferrous metallurgy is 23%. The largest centers, which now operate almost entirely on imported raw materials and fuel, are located near Osaka, Tokyo, in the city of Fujiyama.

Non-ferrous metallurgy. Due to the harmful impact on the environment, the primary smelting of non-ferrous metals is reduced. Converting plants are located in all major industrial centers.

Engineering. Gives 40% of industrial production. The main sub-sectors among the many developed in Japan are electronics and electrical engineering, the radio industry and transport engineering. Japan firmly occupies the first place in the world in shipbuilding, specializes in the construction of large-capacity tankers and dry cargo ships. The main centers of shipbuilding and ship repair are located in the largest ports (Yokohama, Nagasaki, Kobe). In terms of car production (13 million units per year), Japan also ranks first in the world. The main centers are Toyota, Yokohama, Hiroshima. The main enterprises of general engineering are located within the Pacific industrial belt - complex machine tool building and industrial robots in the Tokyo region, metal-intensive equipment - in the Osaka region, machine tool building - in the Nagai region. The share of the country in the world output of the radio-electronic and electrical industry is exceptionally large. By level of development chemical industry Japan occupies one of the first places in the world. Japan also has developed pulp and paper, light and food industries.

Agriculture Japan remains an important industry, although it contributes about 2% of GNP; the industry employs 6.5% of EAN. Agricultural production is focused on food production (the country itself provides 70% of its needs). 13% of the territory is cultivated, in the structure of crop production (provides 70% of agricultural products). The leading role is played by the cultivation of rice and vegetables, and horticulture is developed. Animal husbandry (cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming) is intensively developing. Due to the exclusive place of fish and seafood in the diet of the Japanese, the country fishes in all areas of the World Ocean, has more than three thousand fishing ports and has the largest fishing fleet (over 400 thousand vessels).

Transport. In Japan, all types of transport are developed, with the exception of river and pipeline transport. In terms of cargo transportation, the first place is occupied by road transport (60%), the second place - by sea. The role of rail transport is declining, while air travel is growing. Due to very active foreign economic relations, Japan has the largest merchant fleet in the world.

Territorial structure of the economy

The territorial structure of the economy is characterized by a combination of two completely different parts. The Pacific belt is the socio-economic core of the country ("front part"). Here are the main industrial regions, ports, transport routes and developed agriculture. The periphery zone (“back part”) includes areas where timber harvesting, animal husbandry, mining, hydropower, tourism and recreation are most developed. Despite the implementation of the regional policy, the smoothing of territorial disproportions is rather slow.

Foreign economic relations of Japan.

Japan actively participates in MRI, foreign trade occupies a leading position, capital export, industrial, scientific, technical and other ties are also developed. The share of Japan in world imports is about 1/10. Mainly raw materials and fuel are imported. The country's share in world exports is also more than 1/10. Industrial goods account for 98% of exports.

On the territory of Asia there are several dozen countries with different political systems and living standards, with amazing and dissimilar cultures. Russia also partially refers to Which states does Foreign Asia include? The countries and capitals of this part of the world will be listed in the article.

What is called overseas Asia?

Foreign territory is called the territory of this part of the world that does not belong to Russia, that is, these are all Asian countries except Russia. In the geographical literature, foreign Asia is divided into four large regions. So, they distinguish Central, Eastern, Southern and Front (Western). - this is Russian territory, and foreign Asia, of course, does not belong to it. The countries and capitals of this are absolutely different from each other, they are unique and unrepeatable.

The table below gives an alphabetical list with the names of the capitals.

CountryAsia regionCapitalOfficial language
AbkhaziaWesternSukhumAbkhazian, Russian
AfghanistanWesternKabulDari, Pashto
BruneiSouthBandar Seri BegawanMalay
IsraelFrontTel AvivHebrew, Arabic
IndiaSouthNew DelhiHindi, English
IraqFrontBaghdadArabic, Kurdish
KazakhstanCentralAstanaKazakh, Russian
CambodiaSouthPhnom PenhKhmer
CyprusFrontNicosiaGreek, Turkish
KyrgyzstanCentralBishkekKyrgyz, Russian
KuwaitFrontEl KuwaitArab
MalaysiaSouthKuala LumpurMalaysian
United Arab EmiratesFrontAbu DhabiArab
Saudi ArabiaFrontRiyadhArab
North KoreaEasternPyongyangKorean
SingaporeSouth AsiaSingaporeMalay, Tamil, Chinese, English
ThailandSouth AsiaBangkokThai
PhilippinesSouth AsiaManilaTagalog
Sri LankaSouth AsiaColomboSinhalese, Tamil
South KoreaEasternseoulKorean
South OssetiaFrontTskhinvaliOssetian, Russian

Developed countries of foreign Asia and their capitals

Among the most highly developed countries in the world is Singapore (capital - Singapore). This is a small island state with a high standard of living of the population, which is mainly engaged in the production of electronics for export.

Tokyo, also engaged in the creation of electronic equipment, is one of the ten most prosperous countries in the world. Almost all countries of foreign Asia and their capitals are rapidly developing. For example, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan are among the five fastest growing (in terms of GDP growth) economies in the world.

Not everyone needs to be ahead...

Foreign Asia and their capitals: Bangladesh (capital - Dhaka), Bhutan (capital - Thimphu), Nepal (capital - Kathmandu). These and some other countries cannot boast of either a high standard of living or special achievements in industry. And yet overseas Asia (countries and capitals are listed in the table above) plays an important role in the global economy. The largest financial centers are located in the largest part of the world on the planet: Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore.

The Asian region of the planet extends from equatorial latitudes to the Arctic Ocean itself. It occupies most of Eurasia and some territories of the African continent. The earliest human civilizations were born here.

Asia unites different peoples

To this day, this part of the world is the most populated, more than half of the inhabitants of the planet live here. It occupies half of the territory of Russia from the Urals to Kamchatka. The composition of the population of foreign Asia is diverse and multinational, but you can find many similarities in appearance, traditions, way of life and worldview of the people of this original world. Undoubtedly, throughout history, Asian peoples have had a huge impact on the development of the entire human civilization, and are currently showing gigantic potential due to many features of the Asian character and culture.

Historically and politically, this vast territory is divided into several components. The following list of regions is generally accepted in the largest international organizations - the UN and UNESCO:

  • East Asia.
  • Southeast Asia.
  • South Asia.
  • Central Asia.
  • Western Asia.

In the East

China is the most populous country in the world. At the end of the past year, the number of inhabitants of the country amounted to a little less than 1.4 million people. China has always suffered from overpopulation, as have many other Asian countries. The population density is 145 people per km2. This is primarily due to the Asian tradition of having many children as an indicator of well-being. Since 1988, the country's demographic curve has been gradually moving down due to the policy of reducing the birth rate pursued by the country's leadership. However, the introduction of this system has led to the fact that at present the number of men in the country significantly exceeds the number of women. Another ancient Asian tradition says that a family must have a son. This has led to many Chinese women now terminating their pregnancies if the baby was female, sadly. It is good that this law was recently repealed - now residents are allowed to have a maximum of two children.

North and South Korea

The Korean peninsula is divided into parts. The first, North Korea, is one of the most closed countries in foreign Asia. Officially, the country is socialist, although in fact the regime has long turned into a dictatorial one, deliberately limiting the connection of residents with the outside world to a minimum. That is why there is very little information about the life of the country. According to the latest data, about 25.5 million people now live in the country, of which approximately 52% are women and 48% are men. The natural increase of the population for the last year was 0.5%. The vast majority of people are in the age range of 15 to 65 years. In the DPRK, only about one percent of the inhabitants are not Koreans - they are Chinese, Japanese, Mongols. Oddly enough, according to statistics, the population density as of 2017 is even higher than in China - about 211 people per square kilometer. km. Nevertheless, religious traditions have been preserved in socialist Korea: Buddhism and Confucianism are mainly practiced here, Christians are found.

The second part of the peninsula - South Korea - is the exact opposite of its northern sister. The country is experiencing an unprecedented economic boom, in many positions it is in the top of world manufacturers and brands, enough high level life. The population of the country today is approaching the mark of 51 million people. Here is one of the highest population density in foreign Asia - more than 500 people per square kilometer. km, many centenarians - average duration life 79 years. Natural population growth is about half a percent.

The vast majority of those living here are also Koreans, their number is almost 100%, and the Chinese diaspora will also live. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of foreign migrants and professionals for whom a rich country provides flexible and comfortable working conditions.

In the land of the rising sun

The Japanese are another ancient, distinctive Asian nation. Over the past half century, the country has experienced a grandiose scientific and technological revolution. From a backward agrarian power, stuck in medieval traditions, in a matter of decades it has become the leader of the world economy. Japan has one of the highest indicators of the standard of living of the population. There are currently just over 126 million people living in the country. The population density on the island is 334 people per sq. km. However, there is a downside to financial stability. Having many children is the most important characteristic of the population of foreign Asia. However, since the seventies of the last century, the birth rate has been steadily declining in the country. In 2010, the natural increase curve crossed the zero mark and continues to fall. This year the figure was already (-0.12%). The nation is rapidly aging, which means, first of all, an ever-increasing burden on people of working age. Although there are traditionally many centenarians in Japan, the average life expectancy is 83 years.

Western Asia - on the border with Europe

Geographically, this is the entire eastern Mediterranean. The Holy Land, the cradle of three religions and many ancient peoples. Currently, there are eighteen countries with different political systems, cultural and religious traditions. Europe and Asia equally left their mark on all spheres of life, the foundations and character of the local inhabitants. The number of nations and nationalities is more than 150, of which the most numerous groups are the Turkic, Semitic and Indo-Iranian peoples. The largest states in the region are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, and Iraq. In total, about 400 million people live in them. The religious composition of the population of foreign Asia in this subregion is as follows - Muslims predominate and dominate. In Georgia and Armenia the main religion is Christianity, and in Israel - Judaism.

The region is rapidly developing economically due to the large accumulation of energy mineral deposits here. At the same time, it is one of the hottest spots on the planet.


Src="" alt="(!LANG:>GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION OF FOREIGN ASIA The territory of foreign Asia"> ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКОЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ЗАРУБЕЖНОЙ АЗИИ Территория зарубежной Азии протягивается с се-вера на юг почти на 7 тыс. км, а с запада на восток более чем на 10 тыс. км. Большинство стран Азии относятся к крупным, Ки-тай и Индия - к гигантам, но есть и микрогосударст-ва - Сингапур, Бахрейн, Катар. В ЭГП региона можно выделить три особенности: 1. Соседское положение стран (объединяет регион) 2. Приморское положение большинства стран (обес-печивает выход к морям 3-х океанов) 3. Глубинное положение некоторых стран (зат-рудняет связи с другими странами) Задание. Обоснуйте эти особенности, приведите конкретные примеры.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>General characteristics of Foreign Asia. 48 states B R E G I O"> Общая характеристика Зарубежной Азии. 48 государств С У Б Р Е Г И О Н Ы Восточная и Центральная Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Южная Азия 5 государств 11 государств Площадь 32 млн. км2 Население 3,7 млрд. чел. 1. Китай 2. Монголия 3. КНДР 4. Юж. Корея 5. Япония Юго-Западная Азия Средняя Азия 7 государств 20 государств 5 государств 1. Мьянма 2. Лаос 3. Вьетнам 4. Таиланд 5. Камбоджа 6. Малайзия 7. Бруней 8. Сингапур 9. Индонезия 10. Восточный Тимор 11. Филиппины 1. Пакистан 2. Индия 3. Непал 4. Бутан 5. Бангладеш 6. Шри-Ланка 7. Мальдивы 1. Грузия* 12. Ирак 2. Армения* 13. Кувейт 3. Азербайдж.* 14. Бахрейн 4. Сирия 15. Катар 5. Турция 16. ОАЭ 6. Кипр 17. Оман 7. Ливан 18. Афганистан 8. Иордания 19. Иран 9. Палестина 20. Йемен 10. Израиль 11. Саудовская Аравия 1. Казахстан* 2. Узбекистан* 3. Туркмения* 4. Таджикистан* 5. Киргизия* (* - государства в составе СНГ)!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>R E G I O N Y A Z I I"> Р Е Г И О Н Ы А З И И Доля регионов Азии в площади и населении 32 млн. км2 = 20% суши 3,7 млрд. чел. = 60%!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>HETEROGENEITY OF ASIA COUNTRIES Asian countries"> НЕОДНОРОДНОСТЬ СТРАН АЗИИ Страны Азии очень разные. Они различаются размерами территории и природными богатствами, уровнем развития, политическим устройством и т.д. Это огромный Китай и Индия, и крошечная Мальдивская рес-публика. Это Кувейт в недрах которого таятся миллиарды тонн нефти и где на одного жите- ля ежегодный национальный доход составляет более 25000 $, и беднейшие страны с доходами менее 200 $ (Афганистан, Бутан). Это полуфеодальные монархии (Непал), буржуазные и социалистические республики и т. д. Особенно резко различия проявились после II мировой войны. Беспримерный рывок в развитии производительных сил осуществила Япония, обогнав десятки государств. Заметных успехов добились Малайзия, Сингапур, Южная Корея.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Asian heterogeneity EDS* NIS* Oil-producing countries Developing Super Countries Least Developed * EDC -"> Неоднородность стран Азии ЭРС* НИС* Нефтедобывающие страны Развивающиеся суперстраны Наименее развитые * ЭРС - экономически развитые страны * НИС - новые индустриальные страны * РС - развивающиеся страны Прочие РС* Израиль Япония Ю. Корея Сингапур Китай Индия Неоднородность стран и колониальное прошлое вызывает обострение территориальных, политических и межнациональных проблем в регионе. Территориальные споры: Индия -Пакистан Иран - Ирак Индия - Китай Япония - Россия Греция - Турция Корея разделена демар-кационной линией на КНДР и Республику Ко-рею. Отношения между Из-раилем и Палестинской автономией еще далеки до полного урегулирова-ния. В 1948 году в Северной Корее к власти пришла коммунистическая пар-тия. Пять лет борьбы привели к тому, что в 1953 году Корейский по-луостров был разделен на две страны.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>POPULATION OF ASIA (see map"> НАСЕЛЕНИЕ АЗИИ Воспроизводство населения Азии характеризуется высоким естественным приростом (см. карту атласа «Естественный прирост населения»), в большинстве стран он составляет более 20 чел/год на 1000 жителей. В странах Восточной и Центральной Азии демографическая политика уже привела к значительному снижению рождаемости и естественного прирос-та населения. Естественный прирост населения - более 30 - 25 - 30 - 20 - 25 - 15 - 20 - 10 - 15 - 5 - 10 Китай Пекин Иран Казахстан Дели Япония Вывод: Для воспроизводства населе-ния зарубежной Азии харак-терны: быстрые темпы; средняя продолжительность жизни - 64 года ПВС* * - поло-возрастная структура Следующий слайд!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>AGE AND SEX STRUCTURE OF ASIA POPULATION High proportion"> ПОЛОВОЗРАСТНАЯ СТРУКТУРА НАСЕЛЕНИЯ АЗИИ Высокая доля ЭАН* вызвало в регионе трудовую миграцию. Центром притяжения трудовых мигрантов стали страны Юго-Западной Азии. Например в ОАЭ, Кувейте 80 - 90% всех занятых составляют мигранты. Основные сферы деятельности мигрантов: - нефтяная промышленность; - транспорт; - сфера услуг; - строительство. * - экономически активное население Ю. и Ю-В. А. ТРУДОВАЯ МИГРАЦИЯ Ю-З. А. ЗАП. ЕВРОПА СЕВ. АМЕРИКА!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>POPULATION PLACEMENT"> РАЗМЕЩЕНИЕ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ Размещение населения отличается большой не-равномерностью, плотность населения варьирует от страны к стране: в Бангладеш она составляет 950 чел/км2, в то время как в Монголии 1,5 чел/км2. Монголия Бангладеш max min Приморские равнины, долины и дельты рек Пустыни, полупусты- ни, высоко- горья, троп. леса Проанализируйте карту. Какой субрегион Азии имеет !} highest density population, and which is the smallest? NUMBER 1. China - 1.3 billion people. 2. India - 1 billion people 3. Indonesia - 200 million 4. Bangladesh - 150 million 5. Pakistan - 140 million 6. Japan - 125 million

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>POPULATION PLACEMENT the process of urbanization,"> РАЗМЕЩЕНИЕ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ Главное воздействие на размещение населения оказы-вает процесс урбанизации, доля городского населения растет быстрыми темпами в регионе происходит «го-родской бум», Китай и Индия занимают соответствен-но 1 и 2 места в мире по численности горожан, однако, как показывает диаграмма большая доля населения проживает в сельской местности. Село Город Для сельского расселения ха-рактерна деревенская форма. У монголов, афганцев и других на-родов, где сохраняется кочевой образ жизни, главным типом жи-лища служит юрта или шатер. Филиппинская деревня УРОВНИ УРБАНИЗАЦИИ Япония - 80% Китай - 35% Индия - 30% 1 и 2 место по числу горожан АГЛОМЕРАЦИИ Токио - 18,5 млн. чел. Шанхай - 13,4 млн. чел. Калькутта - 12 млн. чел. Бомбей - 11 млн. чел. Токио Высокие темпы роста числен-ности городского населения при-водят к возникновению трущоб-ных районов, т.е. выражен про-цесс ложной урбанизации.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>THE ETHNIC COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION OF ASIA The ethnic composition of foreign Asia is different great mosaic!1000 peoples"> ЭТНИЧЕСКИЙ СОСТАВ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ АЗИИ Этнический состав зарубежной Азии отличается большой мозаичностью! 1000 народов 600 языков БОЛЬШИНСТВО СТРАН МНОГОНАЦИОНАЛЬНЫ (ИНДИЯ И ИНДОНЕЗИЯ - БОЛЕЕ 150 НАРОДОВ, ФИЛИППИНЫ - 100, КИТАЙ - БОЛЕЕ 50, ВЬЕТНАМ, МЬЯНМА, ТАИЛАНД - БОЛЕЕ 30 НАРОДОВ. АЗИЯ - РОДИНА ВСЕХ РЕЛИГИЙ МИРА Буддизм Индуизм Ислам Сложность этнического и религиозного состава ряда стран приводит к возникновению межэтничес- ких и религиозных конфликтов, многие из которых протекают под лозунгами сепа-ратизма - политики, ставящей главной целью создание собственного национального государственного образования. (Например. Курды - народ, насчитывающий около 20 млн. человек. Исторически сложилось так, что они оказались в составе Турции, Ирана, Ирака и Сирии. Длительное время лидеры курдского национального движения добиваются создания независимого государства Курдистан, в том числе и вооруженным путем.!}


Src="" alt="(!LANG:>NATURAL RESOURCES OF FOREIGN ASIA natural resources and their diversity."> ПРИРОДНЫЕ РЕСУРСЫ ЗАРУБЕЖНОЙ АЗИИ Азиатский регион, обладает большими природными богатствами и отличается их разнообразием. В пределах Китайской и Индийской платформ сосредоточены бассейна каменного угля, желе-зной и марганцевой руд. В пределах Альпийско-Гимолайского и Тихо-океанского складчатых поясов преобладают ру-ды цветных и редких металлов. Главное богатство региона, определяющее его роль в меж-дународном географическом разделении труда - это нефть. В области Персидского залива расположена одна из крупнейших в мире нефтегазоносных провин-ций (Иран, Ирак, Саудовская Аравия, Кувейт, Бахрейн, ОАЭ, Катар. Крупные запасы нефти и газа имеются в Индонезии, Мьян-ме. Перспективные месторожде-ния обнаружены в шельфовой зо-не морей, омывающих полуостров Индостан и Малайский архипелаг. Мирового значения запасы железной и мар-ганцевой руд залегают в недрах Индии, хро-митов - Турции и Филиппин. От Мьянмы до Индонезии протянулся крупнейший в мире олово-вольфрамовый пояс.!}