“Number and number” - 5 + 1. Number and figure 2. Name the numbers from which you can make the number 9. Name the “neighbors” of the number. 6 – 5. Number and figure 9. 1 + 5. Fill in the blanks. Number and figure 3. Number and figure 8. Place the numbers in order, starting with the largest. Number and figure 7. = 5. Number and figure 4. Insert the number in the box.

“Lesson number and number 4” - What do all subjects have in common? Name the “neighbors”... Other ways. Check it out. What number did we meet? Find a pair. Compare: Find number 4. Number 4. Quadrilaterals: Number series. How to get the number 4? Number 4. Number 4 Shindina O.A. Primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 in Kolpashevo.

“Number and figure 8” - How to get the number 8? Check. Calculate. Number and number 8. Place the balls into 2 groups by color. What does the number 8 look like? Goals and objectives. Compose the fairy tale “Turnip” correctly. What does the number look like? What is shown in front of you? The figure eight has two rings - without beginning and end. Place the numbers of the pictures. What number follows the number 7 when counting?

"Mathematics numbers" - Decimal system Reckoning. Egyptian numbers. Numbers different nations. Slavic numbers. Roman numerals.

“History of numbers” - Then the Indian numbers were slightly modified by the Arabs. Figures from ancient mathematicians who lived five thousand years ago in Mesopotamia. At first they counted on their fingers. We still use Roman numerals and letters. And these are Egyptian numbers from 1 to 10. History of numbers. Many thousands of years ago, our distant ancestors lived in small tribes.

“Heroes of Bunin’s Numbers” - 4. Speech of the hero. We compared the results of the study and made a conclusion. We studied the relationships between the characters. 3. Demeanor, appearance, peculiarity of the costume. Bunin shows the relationship between the boy and his uncle in this situation. Uncle: They are the main characters of the work. We got acquainted with the materials of comparative analysis of the characteristics of the heroes of the work.

No, just look
How beautiful is the number three!
It only costs two semicircles
We need to bet on each other.

The number three is small
But it is needed everywhere.
There are three lights in the traffic light,
And there are three horses in the harness.
In fairy tales there are three fat men, three maidens
And Ivan rode for three days
Through forests and fields.
In the thirtieth state
He found the princess.
In Vasnetsov's painting
We see the three heroes again.
And in proverbs, riddles
The number three sounds in the answers.
Only at school, not always
And not everyone needs it.
We want a five rating
Get a C instead.

Troika does not sit idle,
The troika is starting a construction project.
Troika chief commander,
Both the foreman and the foreman!
Three funny mosquitoes
Three buckets of paint are carried,
Three rooks are sawing boards,
The wolf is carrying three bricks.
Three kittens with hammers,
The nails are carried by three ducklings.
Three moles are digging a trench,
Three bears cover the roof.
Three goats built a stove,
Three sheep are painting the windows.
Every animal came and helped:
It turned out to be a mansion!

Two horseshoes - look -
Turned into number 3.

At the edge of the forest,
Where the oak trees grow,
3 whites without drying
We hung mushrooms.
Decorated the clearing
Again with garlands -
Soups will be prepared
In winter for baby squirrels.

Three is the third of the icons,
Consists of two hooks.

There are three sizes:
Height and width.
People are divided into three:
What has passed
What is,
What will happen.
But the most important thing is family:
Dad, mom, me!

But look at this,
The number three appears.
Three - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

There are three pictures on the cardboard:
In one picture there is a cat,
In the other picture there is a krinka,
And on the third one in the picture
Black cat from yellow krinka
He laps and drinks milk.

Bunny runs through the snow,
Behind him is the dog Laika,
The owner is running after her,
And all three of them run!
Now Laika will catch up
You, unfortunate Bunny, -
And the hostess will pick you up
Your tail is in the snow!

Look at number 3 -
Just like a swallow, look.

The old lady has three sons:
The eldest was a smart kid,
Middle son and this way and that,
The younger one was completely eccentric.
The brothers sowed wheat
Yes, they took us to the capital city:
You know, that was the capital
Not far from the village.

The third digit is three.
Take a good look:
This is your bike
Left a mark on the ground.
Come on, how many stripes are there?
Come on, how many wheels are there?

Miller with his only son
One day we were walking through the forest.
Suddenly they see three doves
They fluttered up and disappeared into the distance.

Third call
Passengers, cats and dolls,
Get into the carriage!
Goodbye, write!
Wave your scarves, wave!
Driver, whistle!
Locomotive, puff!

3 is a snake charmer
He came out with his pipe.
A snake dances in front of him -
The tail is hooked, the neck is arched.
Look at the snake -
Yes, this is the number three!

"Three points for the old man"
Larisa is standing at the board,
A girl in a fluffy skirt
And translates into glasses
Good deeds.
The chalkboard is all in numbers.
- For helping mom - two points,
For helping my baby brother
I'm writing a point to Nikitin,
And Gorchakov has three points -
He took the old man to visit.
- Three points are not enough for this! -
Andryusha Gorchakov screams
And jumps up from the bench.-
Three points for the old man?!
I demand a raise!
I spent almost half a day with him,
He managed to love me.

Seryozha went to first grade,
Don't joke with Seryozha!
He can count here
Almost until ten!
It's no sin for such a wise man
Turn up your snub nose:
This is how it was at my father’s table
He asks a question...
There are two pies here, dad, right?
Do you want to bet?
I can always prove
That there are not two, but three!
They count together.
Here's one, and here's two. Look!
One and two...
My son graduated...
There will be three!
Well done!
Father said.
And actually three!
And that's why I'll take two,
And take the third one!

And in the third carriage there is fuss and bustle:
A bunch of guys take their places.
They repeat while moving
Addition, division, declination, conjugation.

Verkhinina Tatyana
FEMP lesson in middle group"Number 3. Digit 3"

Target: getting to know something new number 3 and number 3.


Educational: introduce education numbers three based on comparison of two groups of objects, correlate the number of items with number and figure. Teach children to count within three. Strengthens children's knowledge about geometric shapes. Form ideas about the triangle on a subject basis.

Developmental: develop memory, attention, thinking.

Educating: to cultivate an interest in mathematics, a desire to study.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: explanation, artistic expression, questions for children.

Visual: showing, examining, comparing two sets.

Game: gaming motivation.

Special Moves: visual analysis, technique of comparison, superimposition, practical actions.

Material to occupation: narrow board or strip of paper - 2m, hoop, cubes 20cm high - 3pcs, rings 30cm - 2pcs, hares - 3pcs, carrots in a basket - 3pcs, number cards, digital cards, cards with the image of bells, a picture - photograph with the image of a hare's house, cards with the image of baskets and berries, a modeling board, beans, cards "what does it look like number three» .

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part

Educator: Children, today we will go for a walk in the forest. We walk along the path, it is narrow, walk carefully, don’t fall. A tree has fallen ahead, you need to bend down and crawl under it (climb through a hoop). Further on the path there are large stones, count how many there are?

Children: There are three stones on the path.

Educator: we step over them and move on, and then wild boars dug holes on the path. How many are there?

Children: only two holes.

Educator: Jump over the pits and let's move on.

Part I. New topic.

Educator: here we come to the clearing, look - there are bunnies sitting here, count them. How many hares?

Children: two bunnies are sitting in a clearing.

Educator: we will treat the hares with carrots, we will give each hare a carrot. Count how many carrots we gave.

Children: We gave the hares two carrots.

Educator: What can we say about carrots and bunnies? How many carrots, how many bunnies?

Children: There are as many bunnies as carrots, they are equally divided.

Educator: oh, look, another hare has galloped into the clearing. Count how many hares there are?

Children: There are three birds with one stone.

Educator: How did you get three birds with one stone?

Children: there were two hares, another hare ran to them, and there were three of them.

Educator: What are more hares or carrots?

Children: There are more hares than carrots.

Educator: That’s right, there are more hares - there are three of them, and there are two carrots, which means the number three is greater, how number two. How long number three more number two?

Children: the number three is greater, how number two by one.

Educator: That’s right, one bunny didn’t have enough carrots, he might be offended. What can I do to prevent him from being offended?

Children: He needs to be given a carrot.

Educator: How many carrots are there now?

Children: There are three carrots.

Educator: How many hares?

Children: There are also three birds with one stone.

Educator: What can we say about bunnies and carrots?

Children: equal numbers of hares and carrots.

Educator: children, number three to numeric card is indicated by three circles, find and show number card with number three. The number three is denoted by the number three - here it is(show numbers) . What does it look like number three?

Children: on two hooks, on a worm, on a broken ring

Part II. Independent activities of children

1 exercise.

There are many different berries growing in the forest. We will collect them in baskets. Written on the basket number 3, which means you need to put 3 berries in each basket. Some baskets already have berries. Draw enough berries to make three of them.

2. exercise.

Let's post it number three made from beans(post figure three on a modeling board).

Part III. Repetition from the form section.

Educator: bells grew in the clearing. What color are they?

Children: blue bells.

Educator: What geometric shape do they resemble?

Children: per triangle

Educator: How many angles are there in a triangle?

Children: three corners.

Educator: how many sides?

Children: three sides.

Educator: look how many bells have grown on the stem?

Children: three bells.

Educator: The bunny brought a photo of his house. Look where the triangles are hidden on it?

Children: house roof, mushroom, Christmas tree, bells.

Part IV. Repetition from section "Orientation in space"

Educator: The bunny put a carrot. Tell me, where did he put the carrot? (I put the carrot on the stump, behind the stump, to the left of the stump, to the right of the stump, in front of the stump, children answer).


Where did we go today? (In the woods).

Who did we meet in the forest? (hares).

How many hares have you seen? (three).

What did you treat the hares to? (carrot).

How many carrots do you need to take to feed three birds with one stone? (three carrots).

Which the number represents the number three(number three) .

What else did you see in the forest? What did you like?

Well done children, you answered and worked well. Let's say goodbye to the bunnies and go home (the children return along the path)

Publications on the topic:

"Number 8. Number 8." Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group

"Number 8. Number 8." Lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group Program content: I 1) Introduce the formation of the number 8, the number 8. 2) Introduce the composition of the number 8 from units 3) Learn to decompose.

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the second junior group “Number and figure 3” Topic: NUMBER AND DIGIT 3 Purpose: 1) to introduce the number 3, to develop the ability to relate the number 3 to quantity; 2) create independent experience.

Summary of a lesson on FEMP in the school preparatory group of the pre-school educational institution “Number 7. Number 7” Topic: “Number 7. Number 7” Purpose: 1. To introduce the formation of the number 7, the number 7. 2. To consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 6, the relationship.

Goal: number and figure 5, counting within five, working with a number line, repeat ordinal and quantitative counting, establish a sequence.

Subject.“Addition and subtraction 3. Consolidation. “Vovka’s new adventures in the Far Far Away Kingdom.”

Goals. Repeat everything about the number 3, about the number 3; strengthen the ability to add and subtract 3; solve problems using this number; repeat the components of the task.

Educational materials. Cards with numbers and examples; drawings for poems, images of a train and all the characters in the lesson.


I. Organizing time

II. Verbal counting

On the board is a drawing of a train with numbered carriages (from 1 to 10).

Teacher. Today we will go on a journey on a magic train. But look - our guide has disappeared somewhere. He's probably in one of the carriages. Let's find him! To do this, you need to be very careful and follow all the steps that I tell you.
Get your cards ready, let's begin.
Solve the example chain. The answer will be the number of the car we need.
10 – 2 + 1 – 3 – 2 – 1 =

– Show me the card with the number of the carriage in which our conductor is. ( 3 .)

- Oh, here he is!

The teacher shows the frog, which indicates the direction of movements when counting.

III. Lesson topic message

U. It was not by chance that he ended up in this carriage. Today in the lesson we will remember everything about the number 3, we will strengthen the skills of adding and subtracting the number 3, and we will also learn many more interesting and necessary things.

IV. Working with natural numbers

U. First, let's look at which number precedes the number 3, which follows it, which number is less by 1, which number is greater by 2.

Children show their answers on cards; they are checked on the train.

– Show what two numbers need to be added to get 3 in the answer.

The children answer.

V. Calligraphy

U. Look what the number 3 looks like?

Look at the number three -
Just like a swallow, look.
Three is not just a curl -
Three – spring, pretzel, shavings.
Three is a snake charmer
He came out with his pipe.
A snake dances in front of him -
The tail is hooked, the neck is arched.
Look at the snake -
Yes, this is the number three!

What elements does this figure consist of?
How are they different?

Children answer

– Number 3 has prepared a task for us. Look and find a pattern according to which you need to write down a series of numbers.

Children. Each subsequent number increases by one digit 3.

U. Let's write down carefully and correctly all the resulting numbers that use this digit:
3 33 333 3333 33333 333333.
What are the names of numbers that use three digits to write them? two? five? What kingdom-state do you think our train could have gone to?

D. To the Far Far Away Kingdom.

U. Which cartoon character traveled to this fabulous state?

D. Vovka from the cartoon “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom.”

U. Look - for sure, it’s Vovka.

A drawing with the image of Vovka opens.

- He gathered for the Far Far Away Kingdom to gain his mind and learn folk wisdom. Vovka stands near the gate, but can’t get inside. Let's help him. To do this, pick up a pencil and help me find something without which it is impossible to get to the Far Away Kingdom?

VI. Graphic dictation

U. 2 cells to the right, 1 down, 4 to the right, 1 up, 1 to the right, 2 down, 5 to the left, 1 down, 2 to the left, 3 up. Here it is - the key to the magical kingdom!

The correct answer appears on the board:

The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike!
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

D. Three piglets.

The teacher shows the following drawing.

U. The piglets sit at home and argue - they cannot solve the problems. We saw Vovka and were happy. And Vovka would be happy to help, but he doesn’t know anything. Let's not leave him in trouble!

VII. Problem solving

Only the solution is recorded.

1. Nuf-Nuf brought home 9 sweets. 3 he gave to Naf-Naf. How many candies are left?

2. The piglets had 5 bricks with which they decided to strengthen their house. Nif-Nif brought 3 more. How many were there?

3. For the roof of the house, Nuf-Nuf collected 7 branches, and Naf-Naf collected 3 more. How many branches did Naf-Naf collect?

4. At lunch, Nif-Nif ate 6 acorns, and Nuf-Nuf ate 3 less. How many acorns did Nuf-Nuf eat?

Children write down the solution in a notebook, the teacher demonstrates the correct formatting on the board:

9 – 3 = 6
5 + 3 = 8
7 + 3 = 10
6 – 3 = 3

– Look at the answers received. Which of these numbers is the odd one out?

D. 10, since it is two-digit.

U. Arrange the remaining numbers in ascending order; in descending order. Read the names of three-digit numbers. What other way can you arrange the numbers? Write down the numbers and read their names.

D. 386, 836, 683, 638.

U. The piglets thanked the boy, and our Vovka moved on. And ahead is a new home and new heroes.

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

D. Three Bears.

The following image opens.

U. But the bears have their own problems: they cannot arrange the furniture in the apartment correctly. You need to put 3 chairs in a rectangular room so that there is a chair near each wall. Vovka tried this and that, but it didn’t work. Now try it.

On the desk:

The teacher shows a broken line consisting of three links.

– What is the name of such a line? How many links does it consist of? What arithmetic signs does our path resemble?

D. More and less.

Suddenly Vovka hears:
An alarm siren sounds:
From ancient fairy tale times
An extraordinary one appeared
Shining with flame...

D. The Dragon.

VIII. Comparison of numbers

U. The dragon wants to catch up with Vovka, burn him with flames, and not let him go further. Hurry up and help Vovka walk the entire path! And the ducklings will help you.

The picture shows a path on which examples are located. Several students complete and explain the tasks at the board, while the rest do comparisons on cards.

– Find the pattern by which these pairs of numbers were selected.

D. In each pair, one of the numbers is less than the other by 3, therefore, the other is greater by 3.

U. Vovka was tired. Let's help him get some rest.

IX. Physical education minute

X. Working with geometric material

U. Three musketeers rode out on dashing horses. They only waved their swords - the three-headed dragon disappeared, only its tail flashed in the sky.

Children study drawing.

– What geometric figure does a dragon’s tail look like?

D. To the triangle.

U. What is a triangle?

D. A geometric figure that has 3 angles, 3 vertices, 3 sides.

U. And the heroes have come up with this task for you: draw 3 triangles so that there are 5 of them. After all, not only strength, but also ingenuity helps us cope with our enemies.

On the desk:

– What does the image look like?

D. For a Christmas tree, a bird, a butterfly.

U. The heroes praised you - they had never seen such smart guys. We said goodbye, and Vovka moved on. He sees a huge palace, and three fat men are sitting in it, counting their wealth.
Everything is not enough for them! They don’t want to let Vovka continue, they ask them to appease them and increase their wealth. What does it mean to increase a number by 3?

D. Add 3, make 3 more.

XI. Increase numbers by 3

U. There is a chest with coins on the board. Each one must be increased by three and the coin with the correct answer must be placed in the place of the previous one.

The teacher calls students who were less active in the lesson and checks the answers received using the magic train.

5 3 + 3 =

10 + 3 =

As soon as the work on the cards is completed, the front work continues.

- Guys, look - our coins are not simple. They will show how you completed the task.

The teacher turns over the coins with the correct answers. Children read the inscription: "Right!"

– Vovka visited everyone, learned a lot of new things, but never learned the wisdom of the people. Let's count whether we visited everyone. Maybe they missed someone?

Children count in threes.

– Did we count correctly? Which picture is the odd one out?

D. The dragon may have three heads, but it is one.

The picture is taken down. Part of the inscription is visible below it.

U. Ah, that's the secret! Let's read the proverb: “It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.”

How do you understand this saying?

The children's answers are listened to.

– Vovka read this inscription and understood: “Before it’s too late, we must also go to study.” And to you, my dear students, I want to say: you and I still have more than three years left to not only learn to work hard, but also to collect a stock of knowledge that will help you in life.

XII. Lesson Summary

But look at this,
The number three appears.
Three - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

Start writing slightly below the middle of the upper side of the cell. Draw a line up, rounding it in the upper right corner of the cell. Then they draw the line down, slightly short of the middle of the cell and write the lower semi-oval.

Only troika everyone needs
She is very playful.
Troika frisky horses -
Symbol of my Motherland!
At school troika not a flirt -
A very modest mark.
But full of courage
On the tricolor Russian flag!

Half a ring and half a ring
We put it together, look
And we soldered the two ends -
It turned out number 3!

Thin ring
Fell on the porch.
It's split! Look-
It turned out number three.

Number THREE and letter “Z”
Twins are sisters.
Bunny, Zoya and Zanozka -
We repeat loudly!

In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have?
Base on the baseball field
Facets of a sports sword
And the stripes on our flag,

No matter what anyone tells us,
The number knows the truth... (three)


What a miracle! Come on, come on,
Take a better look -
It looks like a letter
But there’s also a number…(three)

Guess this number!
She's very arrogant.
Add one to two,
And you will get the number...(three)

* * *
This figure is simply a miracle.
She has relatives everywhere.
It's even in the alphabet
She has a twin sister.

In the Mathematical Kingdom there lived the number Three. And she liked everything. But then one day she decided that she was tired of living in the Mathematical Kingdom, and she decided to move to the Poetic Kingdom. “I’ll try to compose poems in which my name will sound,” she decided. First of all, number 3 decided to look for a rhyme with the word “three”. And this is what she came up with: “Wipe, erase, look, sharpen up.” “Yes,” thought Number Three, “no good poem, no worthwhile poetic work will come from these words.” Number Three thought and thought and decided: “Since I was born a number, I will remain a number. I won't be a poet. Where they count, I feel confident and comfortable. And in the Poetic Kingdom let letters rule.”

Who is number 3 friends with?

Once upon a time there was a cheerful Traffic Light. He stood at the intersection and flashed three lights: green, yellow and red. But one day all three lights went out.
What started here! The cars couldn't get through because they were all driving at once. Pedestrians could not cross the street because they were afraid of getting hit by cars. Luckily, there was a little girl in the crowd of pedestrians. She knew that the traffic light was friendly with the number 3, and rather called her:
– Hello, your friend the traffic light is sick and he urgently needs help!
Number 3 immediately came running and brought him three delicious triangular cookies. She treated
a traffic light with cookies, and it immediately lit up.
It turns out that the traffic light was very hungry, and therefore could not work anymore.
Since then, the number 3 comes to visit the traffic light every day. When the traffic light shows cars with its red eye and traffic stops, the number 3 feeds it three triangular...

Fairytale meaning of the number 3.

Number 3- you must have noticed how often it is mentioned in fairy tales? “The father had three sons,” “he rode for three days and three nights,” “it’s a piece of cake.” “Clap your hands three times,” “turn around your axis three times,” “say something three times.”

Digit 3 in Russian folk tales is simply decisive. I don’t know where the common people gained so much wisdom... But from an esoteric point of view and from the position of spiritual numerology number 3 used in Russian fairy tales incredibly accurately and appropriately.

In folklorenumber 3 very often reflects precisely the turning points in a person’s life. This is especially visible in the “three roads”, which are usually laid out in front of the main characters at the moment of the inevitable choice . And not just “inevitable”, but a fateful choice, which is actually a matter of life and death.

It’s enough for the main character to fail to guess the right direction - and that’s it, “goodbye, dear.” Choke on Baba Yaga's bones! The curtain falls. Frustrated spectators dejectedly trudge towards the exit, barely discerning the road in the fog of uninvited tears.

Get lost in three pines. Not being able to understand something simple, uncomplicated, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

From third mouth, from third hands.Through intermediaries, not from eyewitnesses, not directly (learn, receive, hear).

Three inches from the pot. Very short, short, small.

With three boxes. A lot (to say, promise, lie, etc.).

The promised one has been waiting for three years. They say it jokingly when they do not believe that someone will soon fulfill their promises or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed indefinitely.

Cry in three streams. That is, it is very bitter to cry.

Three Graces. The ancient Romans had three goddesses, personifying youth, beauty, and fun. Depicted as three beautiful women. Sometimes used ironically.

Three whales. Previously, the ancients believed that the Earth stood on three pillars. The expression is used in the meaning of the basis of the basics.

Jump for three years and you won’t reach any state.. These words, which have become popular, belong to the mayor from the comedy N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General". It speaks of a remote, forgotten, abandoned place.

Where two people fight, don't bother the third one

Where two stand, the third has no business

The promised one has been waiting for three years

The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

Don't recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.

It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.

Three years is not three centuries.

Be arbitrated

If you go to a new place, you will be considered a stranger for three years.

God loves trinity

Is 3 a lucky number?

An Alex Bellos survey found that greatest number people (10% of respondents) consider the number 7 lucky. The second most popular number was 3.

Why is the number three considered unlucky?

In some cultures, the number 3 is considered creepy and unlucky. For example, in Vietnam, three people in a photograph is a bad omen because it is believed that the one standing in the middle may die.

Positive qualities of a three :

Number 3 is very cheerful and cheerful, endowed with healthy optimism, inspiration and imagination. Number three is emotional, it is very successful in self-expression, has good artistic taste and creative talent. Three are endowed with the gift of foresight and the gift of speech, which will help attract attention and make people believe.

Negative qualities of a three :

Threes do not know how to forgive insults and are very self-centered. They are constantly accompanied by rapid changes in mood, which is why they do not always complete their tasks. Number 3 is wasteful and loves excesses, it is extravagant, prone to whimsicality and tyranny. Very often, number three is overly talkative and likes to start gossip. Threes often lack sense of purpose.