Leg pain during pregnancy is a common problem that affects most women during the second and third trimester. In this case, swelling of the legs is often noted: it is associated with an excess of fluid that accumulates in the tissues. Pregnant women complain of heaviness and discomfort in the lower extremities, it is very painful for many to walk. What can cause this condition, why do my legs hurt so much? We will discuss these issues in our article.

What causes leg pain

Due to the natural weight gain during pregnancy, a woman's center of gravity changes. The load on the knees and feet increases, pain in the heels, spasms in the legs, signs of venous insufficiency appear. Under the pressure of the growing uterus, the blood vessels in the pelvic area also fall, which leads to a slowdown in blood circulation in the lower extremities. A pinched sciatic nerve can occur - a disease characterized by severe pain that radiates down the leg to the very foot. An even more serious pathology is deep vein thrombosis. It is accompanied by swelling, redness, an unpleasant burning sensation in the places where the vein passes. What to do in such a situation? Tell your doctor about any debilitating pain and discomfort during pregnancy. A specialist should also be contacted if the swelling of the legs occurs asymmetrically: this may be a sign of a vascular disease.

A lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium often leads to leg spasms. The depletion of these minerals in the body can occur if a pregnant woman takes diuretics and drugs that reduce blood pressure. Women over 30 are more likely to experience seizures calf muscles.

Let's list main causes of discomfort and pain in the legs in pregnant women:

  • weight gain, which puts pressure on the bones and muscles of the legs;
  • swelling;
  • sciatica;
  • poor circulation;
  • convulsions;
  • varicose veins;
  • stress;
  • plantar fasciitis;
  • overwork.
  • flat feet.

Causes anxiety and requires urgent medical care a condition in which pain in the legs during pregnancy is accompanied by swelling of the hands, face, headache, sudden weight gain and blurred vision. These symptoms indicate a serious pathology called preeclampsia.

Treatment and prevention

Many of the factors that lead to leg pain can be minimized or avoided by taking preventive measures early in pregnancy.

  1. If you work, dedicate one day a week exclusively to rest.

  1. Drink plenty of pure water and avoid foods with high content salt.
  2. To improve blood circulation in the legs, do a 15-minute exercise: lying down, raise your legs 15-30 cm above heart level.
  3. Do not wear tight clothes (it is best to dress in a special one).
  4. Compression stockings are recommended at the first sign of varicose veins. And remember: it is better to walk more than to stand or sit in one place for a long time.
  5. Monitor your weight: the average weight gain during pregnancy should be 11-15 kg.
  6. Do exercises from prenatal yoga to stretch the calf muscles. Do not overexert: shortness of breath, weakness and dizziness should not be!

  1. Pick one that provides extra support and cushioning for your feet. Do not wear too tight or. Wear seamless socks without tight elastic.
  2. Walk barefoot on the floor less and avoid crossing your legs when you sit.
  3. Don't slouch, maintain good posture.
  4. Feel free to just lean back and stretch your legs when riding in a vehicle.
  5. Sleep on your left side, this position will improve blood circulation and help reduce swelling.

  1. Swim in the pool, as measured swimming relieves pressure from the spine, tones the muscles of the legs, arms, and back.
  2. Do not abuse being in the sun.
  3. With a sedentary lifestyle, spend more time on fresh air: At least 30 minutes daily leisurely walk.
  4. Many pregnant women feel relief in the legs after ice is applied to the ankles.

During pregnancy, many women experience pain in their legs. Most often, these are physiological pains associated directly with pregnancy. In some cases, such pain may indicate the onset of the disease. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause, so you should immediately inform him of the symptoms that have appeared.

Causes of leg pain during pregnancy

All reasons can be divided into two groups:

  • Physiological(i.e. normal for the period of bearing a child);
  • Pathological(caused by various diseases).

Physiological reasons include:

  • The pressure of the baby's head on the pelvis. The appearance of pain is typical in the third trimester, when the fetus is already quite large;
  • Weight change. With a significant weight gain during pregnancy, the main load goes to the spine and lower limbs, in connection with which there are frequent pains in the lower back and muscles of the legs.

Pathological causes of leg pain:

  1. Reduced content of trace elements: calcium and magnesium .;
  2. dropsy of pregnancy;
  3. Phlebeurysm;
  4. ingrown nails;
  5. flat feet;
  6. Infectious arthritis (inflammatory disease of the joints);
  7. Thrombophlebitis of superficial and deep veins (inflammation of the veins of the lower extremities).

Symptoms and treatment of pathological conditions that cause pain in the legs

With a lack of trace elements (and magnesium) a woman complains of aching pain in the calf muscles, aggravated after prolonged standing or fast walking, frequent convulsions (especially at night),. Treatment administered on an outpatient basis:

  1. Taking a multivitamin and mineral complex, designed specifically for the period of pregnancy (, Teravit-pregna);
  2. Taking calcium supplements ();
  3. Nutrition normalization. Foods with a high content of magnesium (buckwheat and millet cereals, legumes, nuts, spinach) and calcium (beans, almonds, poppy seeds, sesame) should be included in the daily diet.

Important dropsy pregnant is the initial stage of late gestosis and is characterized by the appearance of persistent edema. The initial stage of dropsy is prescribed to a woman ambulatory treatment. In the absence of the effect of the therapy or the increase in edema, hospitalization is indicated.

Treatment primarily aimed at eliminating or reducing excess fluid in the body:

  1. Restriction of fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day;
  2. Nutrition normalization. A dairy-vegetarian diet is recommended, the exclusion of salty, spicy and smoked foods;
  3. Vitamin therapy;
  4. (Furosemide).

With varicose veins The woman is concerned about the following complaints:

  1. The appearance of a pronounced vascular network, varicose nodes;
  2. Heaviness, tension in the legs;
  3. Frequent cramps of the calf muscles;
  4. Swelling of legs.

If a pregnant woman has signs of varicose veins, a consultation with a vascular surgeon is required. Usually not done during pregnancy drug treatment. A woman is recommended to wear compression stockings or elastic bandages at all times.

Ingrown toenail on big toe quite common during pregnancy. This is primarily due to wearing uncomfortable narrow shoes, swelling of the legs, as well as improper trimming of the nails. With this pathology, the edge of the nail practically digs into the nail fold, causing severe pain and redness of the finger. You can try to deal with this problem at home with the help of following procedures:

  • Foot baths. For this procedure, you can use table salt, baking soda or herbal infusions (calendula, chamomile). Baths can be done several times a day for 15-20 minutes. After softening the skin, you should get and cut off the edge of the nail;
  • Compresses. Vishnevsky's ointment or Ichthyol ointment can be put on the wound of the nail roller, aloe leaf juice also heals well.

Information In the absence of the effect of treatment, it is necessary to consult a surgeon for surgical intervention.

The appearance of flat feet during pregnancy, it is characteristic from the second trimester and is associated with an increased load on the legs. There are strong breaking pains in the heels and arch of the foot, which are aggravated after a long walk in uncomfortable shoes. With this pathology, a woman needs to consult an orthopedic doctor who will give the necessary pain relief tips:

  1. Only shoes with flat soles should be used, the heel should not be higher than 4 cm;
  2. Wearing special orthopedic insoles;
  3. Foot baths with cool water. Herbal decoctions can be added to the water. This procedure helps relieve tension, fatigue, swelling of the legs.

With the development infectious arthritis a woman complains of severe pain in the joints, difficulty in movement. The area of ​​the affected joint is edematous, hyperemic, painful to the touch. If signs of arthritis appear, hospitalization is indicated, where the woman will be given an effective and safe treatment for the fetus.

Thrombophlebitis of superficial and deep veins most often occurs in women with varicose veins . The main symptoms of superficial thrombophlebitis are:

  • Boost ;
  • Compaction and redness in the area of ​​the affected vein;
  • Severe pain in the leg.

Deep thrombophlebitis practically not accompanied by pain, it is characterized only by slight swelling and a bluish coloring of the leg. However, this type of thrombophlebitis is an extremely dangerous condition and, if left untreated, can be fatal.

Thrombophlebitis of superficial and deep veins requires mandatory hospitalization of a woman in the surgical department. aim treatment is the restoration of normal venous blood flow:

  1. Cold on the lower limbs within 2-3 days;
  2. Foot binding elastic bandage;
  3. Local treatment with ointments(heparin ointment);
  4. Preparations for improving blood microcirculation(Troxerutin);
  5. Blood thinners(heparin intravenously).


  • Balanced diet;
  • Restriction of fluid in the event of edema;
  • Weight control;
  • Use only comfortable shoes without a heel;
  • Frequent leisurely walks in the fresh air;
  • Limitation of heavy physical exertion;
  • Wearing compression stockings and orthopedic insoles;
  • Frequent cool foot baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • Physical activity (swimming in the pool, a set of gymnastic exercises for pregnant women).

And it is known that during pregnancy occurs body restructuring causing discomfort. Legs start to hurt first. The tummy grows, the center of gravity shifts, the future mother begins to move with difficulty.

Processes are individual, but they highlight common features. Girls learn from their friends, look for similar cases on the Internet, learning what to do when discomfort is detected. Not all beautiful people are able to draw the right conclusions from what they heard, read.

Firstly, the causes of pain in the calves during and without pregnancy are different. Secondly, you can not be treated on your own. The expectant mother is registered in specialized a medical institution where they are trying to secure the course of pregnancy, to do everything possible to make the patient feel safe.

Questions about the causes of pain ask a professional. If a pregnant woman notices heaviness, discomfort in the calves when walking is better consult with the lead physician. From professional opinions depends on the course of treatment chosen. Remember , problems that arise during pregnancy are associated with hormonal changes in a woman 's body . Simply knowing how to be treated is not enough. The patient should study the causes that cause pain.

Step two: it is worth determining why the calves of the legs hurt

If you experience discomfort, you want to quickly solve problems. Turning to the doctor, many are perplexed why the doctor cannot make a diagnosis for a long time.

This is fine . The occurrence of pain in the calves is associated with diseases that are not always associated with pregnancy.

If the expectant mother experiences discomfort in her legs not because of pregnancy, then a virus roams in the body. At first search for the reasons , then choose a method of treatment .

The first reason is weight gain. Longer gestational age means bigger belly. This affects the load on the girl's legs. It's easy to deal with the cause. It is worth looking after a special corset and bandage for a pregnant woman, which strengthens the muscles, reducing the load on the lower limbs.

The second reason for the appearance of pain is the accumulation of fluid. In the body of a pregnant girl, such processes occur regularly. Fluid builds up from food, medications, and vitamins that help keep the pregnancy comfortable. This becomes the "initiator" of the occurrence of throbbing pain in the legs. Further, the sensations are more like light, unpleasant tingling.

A common cause of this disease is a lack of vitamins. In the body of a pregnant woman, the content of progesterone increases. Exact location - blood. Due to the rush to tense muscles and joints, pregnant girls complain of cramps. Decreased levels of calcium and iron. Doctors say that every pregnant woman experiences such problems. It's not worth freaking out. Take vitamins that contain the missing minerals and nutrients. Remember, self-treatment is prohibited! The girl is responsible for the life of the child. Seek medical attention before treatment.

How to cure pain in the calf muscles during pregnancy?

The intervention of medicines negatively affects the child. When choosing a treatment, the doctor is more likely to offer an alternative solution. We are not talking about folk methods. Medications are drugs that limit the impact on internal processes vital activity pregnant , affecting the situation outside .

Same with constant pain in the legs. Caviar is one of the most sensitive places to stress and stress. Therefore, some doctors recommend home treatment. A girl can regularly smear her legs with warming ointments or, on the contrary, reduce swelling. The latter pleasantly cool the legs and help in the relaxation process.

There are recommendations other than the recognized treatment. Ladies with edema should drink more water. A dehydrated body is prone to edema. After walking, it is better for a girl to lie down, legs slightly raised. For impromptu steps use soft cushions.

Effective methods of dealing with pain in the calves of the legs are:

  • Massage (it is not necessary to hire a professional, it is enough to carry out a similar procedure on your own, or ask the father of the unborn child);
  • Cold and hot shower;
  • Therapeutic gymnastics (improvement of blood circulation in the peripheral zone, relaxation of the muscles of the lower extremities);
  • Herbal infusions.

We will consider the last method separately. An effective remedy is a chamomile bath. Adding nettle to the water relaxes the calves, reduces swelling. It will be pleasant to use pine needles together with sage. Procedures reduce discomfort, help reduce the risk of recurrence of pain.

Is it possible to relieve such pain in the legs?

There are cases when advanced medicine could not cope with the treatment of legs.

If treatment is not productive, relief is possible. It is enough to follow the rules announced by the medical worker.

And use compression stockings and socks. Combine with wearing a small heel. Five centimeters is enough for relief to come. Strengthen the strength of the vascular wall with products containing vitamin E. Control the amount of salt in your food. It retains water in the body, leading to edema. It is reasonable to reduce the consumed portion.

A pregnant girl should monitor the weight gain. Pregnancy does not give a reason to randomly eat whatever you want. The supervising doctor gives settings - what weight gain is considered optimal, over which it is already worth adjusting the diet. Staying within the limits, the girl will not get rid of the pain, however, the load will decrease, the discomfort will decrease!

During pregnancy, is not the norm. Most girls have similar problems, thanks to medicine, the current generation of women can be sure that there is no need to fear for health.

Pregnancy brings constant discomfort, pain in the legs is perceived as a normal reaction of the body during the restructuring of the body. Pregnant women rarely understand the causes of leg pain during pregnancy, on later dates. Due to the displacement of the center of gravity of the fetus, the load from the spine moves to the legs, pain in the legs appears.

Pain is manifested: swelling, cramps, aching or pulling pain, heaviness, legs are filled with lead. Women complain of pain in the bones of the legs. If a woman is healthy, soreness is a consequence of fatigue. If the pain is severe, serious illnesses are possible.

Pain in the legs

  1. On the early dates pregnancy, due to changes in the weather, there is a feeling of "twisting" the legs.
  2. In the feet, due to wearing tight shoes, heels. Nails grow into the skin of the toe, causing discomfort. Causes of pain include standing still, long walking.
  3. With severe edema, due to excessive fluid intake. The occurrence of edema and pain in the early stages, in the first trimester of pregnancy is an indicator of kidney failure or urolithiasis. The swelling is accompanied by throbbing pain. The second trimester is characterized by an increase in fluid: the kidneys cannot cope with the processing of the volume of waste products of the mother and fetus, and edema appears.
  4. With flat feet. Symptoms of the disease do not always appear before pregnancy.
  5. Due to the increasing body weight of a woman. If at the beginning of pregnancy the spine can withstand the load, in the later stages it cannot cope with the weight of the fetus, the legs take part of the weight.
  6. Due to convulsions that occur at night, during sleep. The reason is a lack of iron or calcium in the body, anemia. Cramps occur due to an increase in the hormone progesterone, an increase in blood volume in the legs.

Convulsions in a pregnant woman

If foot problems are not the result of an increase in progesterone or a decrease in the amount of calcium in the body, then such pains require the attention of a doctor.

Why is there a pulling pain, cramps in the legs?

Drawing and aching pain in the lower extremities in pregnant women, in the absence of pathologies of the hormonal system and violations of the mineral balance of the body, is a sign of diseases of the musculoskeletal, vascular systems, and diseases of the nerve endings.

Symptoms are typical for:

  • Varicose veins or varicose veins are inflammation of the veins. The cause of swelling of the legs and cramps during sleep. The disease is determined by the venous "asterisks" on the legs, the veins hurt. It appears in early pregnancy. The blood flow is carried through the inferior vena cava, located on the right leg, the right leg is more prone to inflammation.
  • Fibromyalgia, a disease that occurs on the background of stress. Studies have shown that pinpoint pains occur due to a violation of thermoregulation and redistribution of blood in the vessels of the microcirculatory bed on the legs - on the inside of the knees. Fibromyalgia is the cause of leg cramps and spasms during sleep, fatigue, stiffness in the morning.

    stress during pregnancy

  • Thrombophlebitis - blockage of the veins due to a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels, impaired blood circulation. During pregnancy, the deep veins of the lower extremities are subjected to pressure. The disease is characterized by severe itching, burning below the knees, heaviness, acute pain in the legs, sometimes throbbing. Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis are treated by a vascular surgeon.
  • Myositis of the gastrocnemius muscle that occurs with overwork or hypothermia, injury to the limb. Symptoms are expressed when moving, sipping during sleep.
  • Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. The disease is manifested by swelling and redness of the skin around the inflamed joint, increasing pain in the affected area in the morning. Violation of the mobility of the joint, an increase in temperature in the inflamed part of the leg. Aggravation in the morning, after sleep. During the day, in the process of walking, the pain gradually subsides.
  • Diabetes mellitus, due to which swelling, tingling, itching, numbness of the extremities below the knees appear. At symptoms - address to the endocrinologist.

Characteristic pains in the legs in pregnant women appear with arthrosis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, fasciitis. Exacerbations occur in the morning when there is a relaxation of the muscular system. Associated symptoms are edema. Pain in the foot indicates gout (a type of arthritis) or poor circulation.

With osteochondrosis of the lower lumbar vertebrae, pain is given to the legs. Heel pain is caused by plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the heel bone. With dysfunction of the nervous system, pain below the knees is possible (with neuralgia). Pain in the left leg occurs with inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Why does restless leg syndrome occur?

Restless legs syndrome is a pathology that occurs in pregnant women during sleep. Associated with the desire to relieve pain by moving the legs. If you move your legs, the pain goes away. Often occurs in pregnant women in the II and III semesters. After childbirth, the pathology goes away.

There are no causes for the disorder - it is a sign of a nervous breakdown, sleep disturbance and depression. The syndrome occurs unexpectedly, spontaneously disappears. An indicator of inflammation of the veins, iron deficiency. The cause of the pathology is thyroid disease, anemia, diabetes mellitus.

A feature of restless legs syndrome is the absence of symptoms of the disease. The treatment is complex, with drugs and not with drugs. They normalize the amount of glucose, iron, calcium in the blood, compensate for the lack of magnesium and minerals with the help of vitamins. Limit the consumption of coffee, energy drinks, create comfortable conditions for sleep and rest. Set aside time for a walk before bed. It is useful to take a warm or contrast shower, swim.

restless leg syndrome

How to avoid leg pain during pregnancy?

If the external signs of pain do not determine the cause, consult a doctor. Avoid pathologies by following the rules:

  1. Watch your weight, do not overeat, drink a lot. You can't drink carbonated water. Include in the diet foods rich in calcium, iron (cottage cheese, cheese, greens, lean meat, apples).
  2. In order not to hurt the veins, be in the fresh air more often, do not overload your legs with walking, swim more. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, it harms blood vessels, provokes the occurrence of varicose veins.
  3. In order not to twist the legs at night, there were no severe edema, it is useful to lie or sit with your legs above your head. Wear special corrective tights, make sure that the socks do not have a tight elastic band.
  4. Do exercises for pregnant women. A set of exercises is aimed at preventing factors that negatively affect the body, facilitates childbirth.
  5. Swap out your stilettos for loose, comfortable, low-heeled shoes, preferably orthopedic. It is not recommended to wear shoes without a heel - it develops flat feet.
  6. Massage your calves and feet. Walk barefoot on sea sand, morning dew.

Is it possible to cure pregnant leg pain with folk remedies?

If there are no serious diseases and pain is caused by changes in the body, the use of folk remedies will help relieve pain:

  1. When edema is used on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, freshly squeezed juices - carrot (0.5 cup once a day), birch (1 tablespoon before meals), from celery root (1 teaspoon three times a day).
  2. Clove oil relieves joint pain, rub it in during a massage.
  3. Cayenne pepper is used for arthritis, muscle pain. Rub, massaging the affected areas. Sold in a pharmacy.
  4. Take warm mustard seed baths to improve blood circulation. Crushed seeds are poured with warm water (a handful of seeds per half a bucket of water), legs are lowered for 15 minutes.

Applying folk remedies, take into account the state of the body: folk remedies are used carefully.

If the use of folk remedies is not effective, consult a doctor. Good nutrition, the implementation of comprehensive measures for the prevention of leg diseases, treatment - will help a woman to easily bear a fetus, give birth to a healthy baby.

Pain in the legs during pregnancy is such a common occurrence that many expectant mothers do not attach importance to them. Especially if we are talking about a long period, when not only the lower limbs are disturbing, but it seems that the whole body is one continuous aching zone. Women just endure and count the days until childbirth.

Meanwhile, pain in the legs is not always physiological. In some cases, it can be caused by pathologies that require medical intervention. Every pregnant woman should know about the causes, symptoms, methods of struggle and prevention of the problem in order to protect herself and the child from undesirable consequences.

Possible causes of pain

Every phenomenon has its own cause. Unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities are no exception. There are many reasons why your legs hurt during pregnancy.

Here are the most common ones:

  1. Varicose veins. This is a pathological condition in which the vessels are deformed, and the stagnation of blood in them causes pain in the legs. Almost 40% of pregnant women suffer from this disease. Pathology can be recognized by the vascular "asterisks" that appear on the calves or thighs. Another sign: during pregnancy, it is the right leg that hurts, which is explained by the pressure of the growing uterus on the large pelvic veins. The latter are pinched and lose capacity. And since the main flow of blood goes through the inferior vena cava, which is located in the right limb, it is she who is most often affected. More about varicose veins→
  2. Edema. A very common reason for leg pain during pregnancy. As a rule, appear after 30 weeks, but may occur earlier. They are explained by the fact that the kidneys do not have time to process the fluid, which then accumulates in the soft tissues. More about edema→
  3. Weight gain. The increase in body weight of a pregnant woman occurs faster than the body can adapt to this. It becomes difficult for the legs to withstand a new load, so they hurt. Read more about weight gain→
  4. The reaction of the musculoskeletal system. It is typical for relatively late periods, when the stomach is already large. The center of gravity shifts, which makes the spine and legs "feel" unusual. The reaction is pain.
  5. Wrong shoes. Women who are wondering why their legs hurt during pregnancy should take a closer look at their shoes. Sometimes the reason lies precisely in it. After all, already from the first months of gestation, doctors recommend expectant mothers to abandon high heels and other shoes that are uncomfortable for the feet. And if this requirement is not met, the legs begin to hurt.
  6. Divergence of the pelvic bones. This is a normal phenomenon, indicating that the body is preparing for childbirth. Usually observed in the third trimester, but may occur earlier. At the same time, not even the legs themselves ache, but the bones between them - in the crotch area.
  7. Seizures. Often, the calves of the legs hurt during pregnancy due to a sharp contraction of the muscles. This usually happens at night. The pain is usually very severe but goes away quickly. Convulsions plague pregnant women whose body lacks calcium or iron. Read more about cramps during pregnancy →
  8. A lack of vitamins can also provoke pain in the lower extremities. Every day a child takes more and more useful substances from his mother, their deficiency affects the woman's condition.
  9. Urolithiasis or kidney failure. Exacerbate or occur for the first time, because the enlarged uterus presses on the kidneys and bladder. Sometimes the cause is an infection. Kidney and bladder problems affect the right side of the body more. But the left leg during pregnancy rarely hurts in such cases.
  10. Flat feet. It sometimes appears during the period of expectation of a child for the first time due to the fact that during pregnancy the load on the legs increases, and the connective tissue weakens.
  11. Mechanical damage. It can be both recently received and old injuries of muscle tissue or bones, which make themselves felt due to a general weakening of the body.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the reasons why there are discomfort in the legs. Sometimes pregnant women are diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, fibromyalgia, myositis of the calf muscle, arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis or rheumatism. But these and many other reasons are not directly related to pregnancy, so we do not focus on them.

Night pain in legs

One of the most mysterious and little-studied phenomena that overtake expectant mothers is restless legs syndrome. Its causes are not exactly known, and usually there are no other symptoms that could indicate diseases. Experts associate the syndrome with a deficiency of vitamins or trace elements, with nervous strain or hormonal disruptions.

The phenomenon is characterized by pain in the legs during pregnancy at night. They arise suddenly, and the woman experiences a burning desire during sleep to move her limb to alleviate the condition. Indeed, if you move your foot, the pain will go away.

This strange syndrome often leads to insomnia, nervous breakdowns, and even depression. After all, a pregnant woman needs a good rest, but she does not get it, constantly afraid of facing pain. After childbirth, this phenomenon disappears without a trace.

Features of the manifestations of pain in the legs and associated symptoms

The nature of the pain, its localization, other features and accompanying symptoms may indicate certain causes of discomfort. Although you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, it does not hurt for pregnant women to have a general idea on this issue. This will help you make the right decision in a given situation.

So, you should know that pulling pains in the legs during pregnancy are often characterized by varicose veins. It is also accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, their bursting and convulsions. In addition, purple veins can be seen on the skin. Exactly the same pains signal pathologies of the musculoskeletal nature and diseases of the nerve endings.

Flat feet are manifested by breaking pain in the arch of the foot and heels. They usually get worse at the end of the day. Also almost always activated after a long walk, especially in uncomfortable shoes.

If there is swelling associated with bladder stones or kidney failure, leg pain is usually throbbing. With thrombophlebitis, it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, redness and compaction in the affected areas. In infectious arthritis, in addition to pain, a decrease in the motor activity of the limb is recorded.

If convulsions occur, then the calves of the legs unbearably hurt during pregnancy . And this usually happens at night - during sleep. Approximately the same localization is observed in cases where the pain is caused by an increase in the body weight of the expectant mother and a shift in the center of gravity.

To reveal true reason unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to carefully consider the signals of the body. And then tell your doctor about them in detail. Of course, symptoms alone will not be enough to make a diagnosis. But they will allow you to decide on the methods of examinations that should be taken.

Ways to treat and relieve pain

With pain in the legs, it is important for expectant mothers to remember that this is often a symptom of some kind of pathology, and not a common physiological phenomenon. And the tactics of treatment depends on the type of disease. It is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, find out the cause, and then determine the nature of the therapy. If the muscles of the legs hurt during pregnancy, bones or feet ache, cool foot baths, quality rest in a prone position with slightly raised limbs, sleep on the left side, etc. will help alleviate the condition.

As for the methods of treatment, there are three main directions:

  1. Orthopedic. This is, first of all, wearing microfiber underwear, which provides a compression effect and normalizes the movement of blood through the veins. It is used for varicose veins and other vascular abnormalities. Orthopedic methods also include special shoes and insoles, which are especially recommended for pregnant women suffering from flat feet. With pain in the perineal region, a bandage helps, unloading and relaxing the spine.
  2. Gymnastics. Physical exercises contribute to muscle strengthening, normalization of weight and unloading of the legs. A special complex for pregnant women has been developed, including a cross step, foot rotations, back and forth bends, etc. Swimming in the pool is also indicated for pain in the legs. For pregnant women in the later stages, fitball is considered optimal gymnastics.
  3. Medical therapy. Synthetic drugs for women in position with pain in the legs try not to prescribe. The list of allowed funds is very small. One of the most harmless is Detralex, it is prescribed for varicose veins to improve blood circulation and pain relief. Ferlatum will help to fill iron deficiency. If there is a lack of calcium, then an excellent option is Calcium DZ Nycomed. With avitaminosis, special complexes are fighting - Teravit-pregan, Elevit, etc. For edema, Furosemide is sometimes prescribed. Some ointments and gels are allowed.

And gymnastics, and medicines, and orthopedic methods should be prescribed by a doctor after the diagnosis. In no case should you self-medicate. Especially when it comes to pregnancy, when not only your own health is at stake, but also the condition of the baby.

Choosing a specialist

For pain in the legs, you should first visit your obstetrician-gynecologist and tell him about the problem. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, analyze the symptoms and the results of laboratory tests of urine and blood. Perhaps this will be enough for the verdict, and the recommendations will be reduced to traditional advice: enough rest, proper nutrition, etc.

If the situation turns out to be more serious than we would like, you will have to go to the therapist and undergo additional diagnostics. After that, it will become clear which of the narrow specialists to contact. Depending on the cause of the pain, this may be a phlebologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, surgeon, nephrologist, rheumatologist or other doctor.

Situations when medical assistance is needed urgently

If you ask mothers who have already taken place if their legs hurt during pregnancy, almost everyone will answer yes. But in some it is a variant of the norm, while in others it is a formidable symptom.

An urgent visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is required in situations where:

  • pain is difficult to endure;
  • edema is strongly pronounced;
  • the skin on the lower extremities has acquired a bluish tint or is completely covered with venous nets;
  • feeling weak or numb in the legs;
  • the pain does not go away for more than two days;
  • increased body temperature;
  • aching joints or their shape has changed.

These conditions can signal serious pathologies when you need to take action quickly. Often this has to be done in a hospital setting. Trying to relieve pain and other symptoms with improvised means is dangerous for both mother and child.

Preventive measures

Anyone can get sick. And a pregnant woman even more so - because her body carries a double burden. But still, if you pay attention to prevention, the risks can be minimized.

As for pain in the legs, preventive measures here are:

  • normal weight support;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • adequate drinking;
  • complete rest;
  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • light massage of the feet and calf muscles.

All this will not only avoid problems with the limbs, but also improve the physical and mental condition of the pregnant woman. Timely medical examination is also considered an important preventive measure. If you consult a doctor at the first alarming signals, it will be possible to prevent serious complications.

So, leg pain in pregnant women is an extremely common occurrence. It can be caused by physiological or pathological causes. To find out the provoking factor, you need to carefully analyze the symptoms and undergo a diagnosis. The results of the latter will determine whether special treatment is necessary, and which one.

Useful video about the prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

Probably, even men know that during pregnancy, a woman’s legs will certainly begin to hurt. Still would! Carrying a heavy tummy every day by the end of the term becomes simply debilitating. In addition, the center of gravity during pregnancy shifts, which also puts a strain on the legs. To endure this feeling is, of course, difficult and unpleasant, but often women unjustifiably ignore obsessive pains, believing that everyone goes through this, and there is no other way out. This is not the right approach, since pain in the legs can be the cause of a serious illness.

Why do pregnant legs hurt?

  • The weight of a woman is constantly increasing.
  • The center of gravity shifts and the load on the legs increases.
  • Throbbing pain and swelling of the legs are usually caused by excessive accumulation of fluid in a woman's body.
  • Ingrown toenails during pregnancy can also cause discomfort. Most often this is due to the tight shoes worn by future women in labor.
  • Seizures may occur due to increased blood volume and high level blood progesterone levels during pregnancy. It is also typical with a lack of calcium or iron in the body, with anemia, excessive consumption of coffee. As a rule, he brings his legs together at night. Pregnant women in the later stages are especially affected by this.
  • Constant aching pain in the legs, especially after prolonged standing or walking, is usually associated with varicose veins.

Varicose veins very often become a companion of pregnancy. Even if you have never suffered from such a problem before, becoming pregnant automatically puts you at risk. Since you and your baby now share a common circulatory system, varicose veins can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. After all, it is from your blood that the child receives all the substances important for life. Therefore, the sooner you take the necessary measures, the better for both of you. It is not difficult to recognize varicose veins during pregnancy: the legs constantly ache and hurt (especially after prolonged standing or walking); there is a burning sensation, tingling, itching, fatigue and heaviness in the legs; edema and vascular networks are observed; disturbing nighttime muscle cramps.

How to prevent or relieve leg pain during pregnancy?

  • Drink plenty of water. Edema increases when the body is dehydrated.
  • Reduce the amount of salt you consume so that water does not stay in the body.
  • Stick to a balanced diet, where, without fail, must be included food products high in proteins (beans, cheese, fish, meat).
  • Watch your weight. Gaining more weight during pregnancy than recommended by your doctor can increase swelling in your legs.
  • Try to avoid standing for long periods of time. If you still have to stand for a long time, try to rest when possible - sit down and raise your legs. If your legs are swollen, lift them as often as possible.
  • Do not cross your legs while sitting.
  • Minor stretches should be done very carefully.
  • Sleep on your left side. The inferior vena cava, which carries the most a large number of blood in the body, is on the right. Thus, the pressure on this vein will decrease significantly, and pain in the legs during pregnancy can be avoided.
  • Wear socks that don't pinch your feet.
  • Special tights, stockings, stockings and bandages made from therapeutic compression stockings help prevent problems with blood vessels.
  • Shoes and boots should be comfortable and with a small heel, and the shoe last and insole should be of high quality.
  • Learn to walk correctly. It is necessary to develop a posture in which the weight is distributed evenly on both legs, and the spine remains completely straight and as unloaded as possible. To do this, try not to bend your lower back too much and not lean back with your upper body, which you really want to do in late pregnancy, when the stomach becomes prohibitively large. You should start training in advance, when the stomach is still invisible - then you will not have problems with varicose veins. You can also learn proper posture by walking with a book on your head.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on the river or sea sand, in the morning dew.
  • If the legs are too tired in the evening, take a bath at room temperature, after which apply a cooling gel to the legs and massage them lightly.
  • If there is also pain in the feet, try the following procedure: pour very cold water into a large basin or bath; then stand there and step from foot to foot. Instead, you can simply pour cold water from the tap on your ankles and calves. Then wipe dry with a towel.
  • There are therapeutic creams and ointments aimed at the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Since these products are made on the basis of horse chestnut extract, their use is completely harmless.
  • Massage and exercise therapy will prevent blood stasis and reduce the likelihood of leg pain during pregnancy. Swimming is also very helpful.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun long time and, moreover, do not sunbathe on purpose - ultraviolet weakens the walls of venous vessels and contributes to the appearance of varicose veins during pregnancy.
  • It is better to replace bathing with a contrast shower - this will strengthen the walls of venous vessels and significantly reduce pain in the legs.
  • You can not lift weights and engage in heavy physical labor.

Especially for beremennost.net - Elena Kichak

The time when a woman is expecting a baby is one of the most beautiful in her life. However, pregnancy does not always proceed smoothly and without complications. Often this period causes a lot of unpleasant, painful and uncomfortable sensations. Wherein future mom has no pathology. This article will tell you about why the leg hurts during pregnancy in one case or another. You will find out the main causes of discomfort. It is also worth saying why it often hurts between the legs during pregnancy.

Pain in the legs

The expectant mother may experience discomfort in the lower extremities. In this case, the pain can be aching, stabbing, pulling, itching, and so on. Each cause of discomfort has its own symptoms.

If you suddenly realized that your leg hurts during pregnancy, you should contact a specialist with this problem. First, visit your gynecologist and tell him about your feelings. The doctor will examine you and determine which specialist you need help with. If the leg hurts during pregnancy, then a rheumatologist, traumatologist, surgeon, phlebologist or therapist can correct the situation. The choice of one or another specialist depends on the cause of the pathology. Find out why your legs hurt during pregnancy.


This pathology occurs in almost 40 percent of expectant mothers. Women who abuse uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes fall into the risk group. Also, varicose veins during pregnancy often develop due to hereditary predisposition. In addition, pathology can occur in women who work in the service sector and spend all day on their feet.

With the course of pregnancy, the reproductive organ greatly increases in size. This leads to the fact that the large veins of the small pelvis are pinched. The situation is especially aggravated when the expectant mother lies on her back or right side. Legs hurt during pregnancy due to stagnation of blood in them. In this case, cramps, swelling, itching and other signs may appear. Most often, symptoms appear towards the end of the day. It is worth noting that discomfort can be observed only in one or both limbs.

Correcting this state is not only possible, but also necessary. However, only a doctor should prescribe medications. Most often, these are ordinary venotonics in the form of tablets. In this case, treatment is carried out only from the middle of the term. In especially severe cases (if thrombosis occurs), surgical intervention may be chosen. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the risk to the fetus and compare it with the benefits for the expectant mother.

Urolithiasis or kidney failure

The calves of the legs often hurt during pregnancy due to impaired kidney function. If there are problems associated with this organ, then you are at risk. That is why it is recommended to carry out treatment before pregnancy if necessary.

As the uterus grows, pressure on the kidneys increases. In this case, the right side of the body suffers more. The ureters are pinched and the outflow of fluid from the body worsens. All this leads to stagnation of urine and the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Pathology of the kidneys is accompanied by an increase in the load on the vessels and urinary canals. At the same time, the expectant mother experiences pain and discomfort in the groin area. The pain may radiate to the lower leg or even the calves.

It is definitely necessary to treat the disease. However, this can be done only after examining a specialist and conducting additional research. For correction, diuretics, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents can be prescribed. It all depends on the duration of the pregnancy.

Vitamin deficiency

Why do leg bones hurt during pregnancy? Often, discomfort is the result of an insufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements in the body of the expectant mother. With the development and growth of the fetus, it needs more and more calcium. This substance is necessary for the proper formation of bones, teeth and ligaments. A child in the womb takes calcium from the body of the expectant mother. This may be the reason for the lack of this element.

If the bones between the legs hurt during pregnancy and the reason for this is the lack of calcium, then the treatment is quite simple. In most cases, the expectant mother is prescribed a multivitamin complex and a certain diet. All this very quickly corrects the situation and eliminates pain.

The reaction of the musculoskeletal system

If the muscles of the legs hurt during pregnancy, then this may be due to a change in the load. With the growth of the fetus, the cavity of the genital organ increases. Outwardly, this is quite noticeable: the expectant mother's tummy is growing strongly. As a result of this process, the center of gravity can shift. The load on the back and legs is increased. The expectant mother may feel pain in the lower back and lower leg. Also, discomfort often appears in the calf area.

Treatment in this case is not prescribed. A pregnant woman with such symptoms needs more rest. If you are forced to spend the whole day on your feet, then try to periodically sit down and relax. Also, a bandage can be a salvation. However, this device must be selected by a specialist.

Divergence of the pelvic bones

If the bones between the legs hurt during pregnancy, then the reason for this may be the approach of childbirth. Often, the expectant mother experiences similar sensations already from the middle of the term. At the same time, there is a feeling that you have been riding a horse for a long time. No worries. After a few weeks, this discomfort will disappear and you will feel much better. However, it is worth reporting this feeling to your gynecologist.

Some women do not feel at all how their bones diverge. Discomfort usually appears in thin and fragile women.

Body weight gain

Often, women have sore calves during pregnancy due to increased body weight. While waiting for the baby, fat mass increases, the mammary glands increase. Also, one cannot fail to say about the strong growth of the tummy. By the end of pregnancy, the weight of the reproductive organ is approximately seven kilograms. This includes amniotic fluid and the baby's body weight. The breast of the fairer sex increases by at least half a kilo each. All this does not go unnoticed. Relatively speed dial body weight affects well-being.

After about thirty weeks of pregnancy (in some even earlier), the lower limbs begin to swell. Many believe that this is a consequence of excess fluid and stop drinking water. However, this action is wrong. Refusing to drink plenty of water can only make things worse. If your feet and calves swell, then you should definitely inform your doctor about it. If necessary, you will be assigned a series of tests.

Most often, women are advised to follow a certain diet: give up everything salty, peppery, fatty. It is worth eating boiled meat, legumes and fish. Drink more. Give preference to plain water, cranberry juice and rosehip drinks. Raise your legs up more often or take a horizontal position.

Wrong shoes

If the leg hurts during pregnancy, then the reason for this may be the wrong shoes. Often this is the problem of ingrown nails. Also, a bad pedicure can cause a curvature of the nail plate. Remember that while waiting for the baby, the foot may swell a little. That is why it is worth buying shoes one size larger. Buy only quality products that you feel comfortable in. Forget tight shoes and high heels. You will have time to wear them after childbirth.


If one leg hurts during pregnancy, then an injury may be the cause. It is worth noting that during this period, old damage may make itself felt. If you twisted your leg a few years ago and did not attach any importance to it, then it can get sick just while waiting for the baby. The thing is that with the course of pregnancy there is an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system, in particular, the legs. This can lead to inflammation of old lesions.

If a joint or bone hurts in a certain place, and discomfort increases with movement, then you should contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. Most often, if a pathology is suspected, the doctor prescribes an x-ray. However, such exposure is contraindicated for expectant mothers. That is why an individual scheme of examination and treatment will be selected for you.

What can be done to prevent leg pain?

If you want to avoid such unpleasant sensations, then you should follow some recommendations. Talk to your gynecologist and find out what preventive measures are available. Most often, doctors give the following appointments:

  • raise the limbs more often so that there is an outflow of fluid and blood from them;
  • move and walk more;
  • do not wear tight shoes and high heels;
  • use compression underwear;
  • use venotonics (tablets and gels) as directed by your doctor;
  • drink more fluids to thin the blood;
  • give up harmful products and fatty foods
  • do gymnastics: swimming, cycling;
  • when forced to stand for a long time, periodically shift from foot to foot and rise on your toes;
  • monitor weight gain and spend fasting days;
  • be sure to take vitamin complexes with calcium content (in the absence of contraindications).

You now know why your legs hurt during pregnancy, and what you need to do about it. Monitor your well-being. Have an easy pregnancy!

Pregnancy is a huge burden on the body. Exacerbations of chronic diseases often occur due to hormonal changes.

Common Causes of Pain

Many women experience pain and discomfort during the period of bearing a child. The back and lower extremities are especially affected.

The causes of pathological changes can be many factors:

  • Weight gain. As the child grows, it puts pressure on the spine and internal organs, pinching the blood vessels and nerves.
  • A shift in the center of gravity and an increase in the load on the legs.
  • Ingrown toenail due to the difficulty of personal hygiene.
  • Convulsions due to lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Flat foot.
  • Arthritis or arthrosis of the extremities.

The causes of leg pain during pregnancy cannot be ignored.


Pastosity can be detected both independently and at the reception of the observing doctor. First of all, the feet and fingers swell. Usually, women themselves notice that it is difficult for them to wear their usual shoes or jewelry.

Edema occurs more often in the second trimester of pregnancy due to rapid growth fetus. If, due to the accumulation of fluid, the legs hurt in the early stages, this can lead to sad consequences without timely treatment to honey. institution, as this is the first symptom of an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

During pregnancy, swelling can be caused by several problems:

  • Preeclampsia is a dangerous condition caused by spasm of blood vessels and characterized by the spread of edema throughout the body.
  • Kidney dysfunction (glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis).
  • Failures in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Failure to comply with the water-salt regime.

At the first signs of swelling, you should stick to a diet and limit water to 2 liters per day and avoid smoked meats, fatty or overly salty foods.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes treatment with drugs or folk remedies and vitamins.

Varicose veins

A buildup of venous blood that causes vasodilation is called varicose veins.

The disease does not appear immediately. On the initial stages there is an increase in the venous pattern and swelling of the feet after a hard day, accompanied by aching pain in the legs.

If the disease is not detected in time, spasms of the calf muscles and itching, burning of the skin at night may appear. Veins appear on the lower extremities, sometimes they can hurt and become inflamed.

For the prevention of varicose veins, it is recommended to wear compression stockings or wrap the lower limbs with an elastic bandage. During sleep, try to lie on your left side, after a work shift, give your legs a rest by taking a contrast shower and placing them on an elevated surface.

Increased load

On average, the weight during the period of bearing a child increases by 10-15 kg. The load on the spine does not pass without a trace. During pregnancy, the legs hurt in the evenings or even with a slight load.

Condition improvement is facilitated by:

  • comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • wearing a bandage;
  • special exercises for pregnant women or water aerobics;
  • foot massaging;
  • walks at a slow pace in the park or by the river.

Wrong shoes

High heels should not be worn during pregnancy.

This is due to the fact that an additional load is created on the spine and pelvis, and many women also have problems with the vestibular apparatus during hormonal changes.

If your feet start to hurt while walking, then you need to choose comfortable shoes that are easy to put on and take off.

Vitamin deficiency

During pregnancy, a woman's body spends a lot of vitamins and minerals. With a lack of necessary elements, the child may develop pathologies, oxygen starvation or developmental delay.

Avitaminosis is dangerous for all body systems. There is a risk of osteoporosis, calf muscle cramps, anemia, and high blood pressure.

Exacerbation of diseases and injuries

Due to low immunity, previously received injuries begin to remind of themselves. The appearance of aching pain in the legs, hyperemia around the inflamed joint may be signs of recurrence of arthritis, gout or osteoporosis.


Identification of diseases must be carried out at an early stage and prevent their further development.

If he twists and breaks his legs

Painful sensations can be present not only after physical exertion, but also at rest at night or in the evening.

In the first trimester, the legs twist when weather conditions change.

In the second half of pregnancy, pain can depend on several factors:

  • lack of calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • action of progesterone;
  • taking alcohol or medicines with lithium.

Aching and pulling pains

During pregnancy, the leg can be pulled for many reasons:

  • irradiation from the underlying disease;
  • flat feet;
  • varicose veins;
  • joint inflammation.

If your legs hurt a lot with loss of sensation, local fever or joint deformity, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Sore calves or feet?

Unpleasant sensations in the calf muscles, cramps and severe aching in the legs can be a sign of a lack of trace elements or one of the symptoms of varicose veins.

In cases where the calves of the legs hurt during pregnancy, you need to get up and walk a little or lightly massage the ankle area.

Due to the increased load on the arch of the foot, flat feet may develop.

The disease is manifested by symptoms:

  • burning in the feet;
  • fatigue, heaviness of the legs;
  • pain in the pelvis, knee, ankle;
  • corns in the area of ​​the thumb.

In the early stages, a flat foot can be corrected by wearing an orthosis, massage, and therapeutic exercises. In an advanced case, surgery is required.

Night view of pathology

Due to nervous tension and hormonal changes in women during pregnancy, the phenomenon of night pain in the legs can be observed. Unpleasant sensations occur suddenly and require immediate movement of the limb. After the symptoms subside, but may appear the next night, gradually leading to insomnia or depression without adequate rest.

The syndrome has no exact cause, and after pregnancy, the phenomenon disappears without a trace.

How to relieve leg pain?

In early pregnancy

During this period, you need to rest more, take vitamins, eat right. It is preferable for working women to engage in light physical labor.

It is also necessary:

  • purchase compression stockings for the prevention of varicose veins;
  • learn to sleep more on the left side;
  • do not cross your legs while sitting;
  • Wear comfortable shoes, no high heels.

With changes in the general condition, pain in the legs or lower abdomen, spotting you should immediately consult a doctor.

At a later date

With increasing load during fetal growth, constant physiological pain can occur.

To prevent pain in the legs, you must:

  • monitor weight and eat foods containing fiber;
  • observe the water-salt balance: reduce the amount of salt and drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day;
  • do self-massage of the feet, ankle;
  • take contrast baths;
  • rest more often with legs folded on a pillow or roller.

Can be treated with folk remedies?

Folk remedies during pregnancy must be taken with great care. Before use, it is worth studying the properties medicinal plant and its effect on the child.

  • With edema, it is recommended to drink a rosehip decoction. Vitamin C in its composition will strengthen the immune system. The drink has a pleasant taste, it can be brewed instead of tea.
  • Clove oil well eliminates joint pain after a long day at work. It is useful to rub it during a massaging session.
  • Warm mustard seed foot baths improve local circulation.

Prevention of pain in the legs

It will not be possible to completely remove discomfort in the legs, but with the help of preventive measures can reduce pain and stop the development of diseases.

  • Balanced diet. A pregnant woman should exclude smoked, spicy, fried and salty.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks. It is better to drink pure water.
  • Walk in the park more often, do not miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on the sand or small pebbles.
  • Do not lift heavy things and rest more.

It is important for expectant mothers to listen to their inner feelings and be less nervous over trifles. Pregnancy will go well if you follow the doctor's recommendations.