The price for boomstarter participants is about $50, which is approximately two times lower than purchasing the game in the USA or Europe.

"Agricola" is highly respected among fans of Euro games. I think of myself as a table drinker of balanced tastes, equally respecting both Euro and American, but one fine day Agricola found its way into my collection. This is all because of the agricultural theme, which I found interesting, and the significant number of components in the box. I like how the game presents the idea of ​​​​developing your farm, it’s nice to see how the fruits of my labors produce results, and it’s nice to feel proud of yourself at the end of the game. This is good for all city planning strategies, and a game about building a farm is no exception.

However, some people do not like Agricola due to the tense placement of workers and the fact that more attention needs to be paid to feeding relatives than to organizing the farm. Point penalties do not help the situation either, as they force you to develop your farm in all directions instead of focusing on one thing. Well, here's a box of Kaverna, a game that could be called Agricola 2.0. Its rules are more well-trained, there is less tension and more opportunities. Will we use it to replace Argicola or will we play both?

The donkey in the picture asks: “Have you seen my friend Ed?.. Oh no, how could you?!”

If you know how to play Agricola, then a lot of new game will seem familiar to you. You have 12 rounds and, depending on the number of players, a specific set of action slots on which you can place gnome workers. With each round, a new action becomes available in the game. As in all Euro games, your goal is to score the most victory points. Your family lives in a cave, furnishing and expanding it. Outside the cave you run an ever-expanding farm, herding animals and growing food for the dwarves. Yes, yes, feeding is with us again, but everything is not as bad as you might think.

On the field you can see various funny little things and a useful table for turning goods into food in the lower right corner

Players take turns, placing one worker on one of the action cells, thereby collecting resources, breaking up pastures, cutting down forest, equipping caverns with rooms and mines, etc. If another player occupies a cell that you yourself wanted to occupy, - suck it up and choose something else. As the game progresses, you will have more animals, fields and children.

The field with action cells is made up of several tablets depending on the number of players. There's plenty to choose from

At the end of several rounds, the harvest occurs and you have to feed your family. To do this, you slaughter animals or prepare ripened vegetables and grains. If you fail to find food for each gnome, you will receive negative points at the end of the game. Not all harvests are created equal. Sometimes it may not be there at all, sometimes it may be shortened, and sometimes you will have to choose which step of it - animal husbandry or field work - to skip.

As in Agricola, the cards with action spaces are randomly sorted into stages. Only there are not 14 rounds, but 12.

In addition to plowing fields and building pastures outside the cave, you will equip your home cave with room and mine tokens. The game has a huge selection of different rooms that bring resources, additional victory points when certain conditions are met, and living spaces for new gnomes. Knowing these spaces will be an important part of your strategy. One of the innovations of the game is forays, thanks to which the dwarves go in search of adventure. True, the gnome must first forge a weapon by spending ore on the corresponding action cell. Depending on the strength of the forged weapon, the gnome returns from the foray with various resources and food obtained. After each foray, the gnome’s weapons improve, and someday, when he goes on another campaign, he will be able to cut down a forest, deepen a cave, and even arrange a room.

Hints on this or that part of the game are easy to understand and extremely useful

Despite these tips, I still managed to misinterpret the rules of animal breeding and made a mistake that I urge you not to repeat. You get ONE new animal if you have AT LEAST two animals of the same type. This is not the same as "get one animal for EVERY two animals"! Believe me, it will be very sad if you make a mistake and your animals begin to multiply like rabbits. The game continues to give you more and more options to choose from until it ends with the victory of one of the players - the one who, as you already know, has the most victory points.

Solving the food problem

One of the main complaints about Agricola was that feeding the family was so difficult and confusing that it became the main focus of the entire game. In Cavern, everything is completely different and is largely determined by the strategy you choose. Almost every product can be converted into food at any time in the game - a convenient conversion table will always tell you at what rate. True, for some reason you can’t eat dogs in the game... however, you don’t joke with such things.

Tokens with gold, food and weapons. Personally, I don't like food tokens, so I use wooden chicken, fish, and bread loaf tokens.

You still have to remember about feeding, but now you don’t have to focus on it so much, you can fully enjoy building a farm without having to purchase stoves in advance, as was the case in Agricola. In fact, I remember only one game in which I had difficulty finding food and had to literally scrape through the last supplies, but then I decided to try the strategy of mass family planning. In the earlier game I had so many gnomes that to think about agriculture wasn't necessary at all. It was a good strategy, but more subtle.

Solving the problem with glasses

The second popular complaint about Agricola concerns the point system, due to which you have to develop your farm in all directions, otherwise negative points significantly reduce your chances of winning. For me, this is the most unpleasant moment in the game; I don’t think the problem with feeding is that bad. In Cavern, however, you can also get negative points for unused lands and a lack of animal types - but that’s all. However, here all the penalties are more than compensated by the disappearance of the “Agricolan” restriction on development, when, starting from a certain point, your further specialization in one direction ceases to bring tangible benefits. In “Kaverna” you can do what you like. If you think that the main task of a gnome on earth is to plant the longest vegetable bed in the world, no problem. Literally everything brings you victory points: grain, vegetables, dogs, cows, donkeys, pastures, mines, mines, rubies, gold, gnomes. In fact, the only thing that doesn't give points is the ore you get from the mines. However, the game provides a whole host of opportunities to trade it for something else, as well as opportunities to get it, unless not getting it is part of your strategy.

Stress relief... for better or for worse

As a result of these two major changes, the game has become less stressful for the player. Now it plays differently from Agricola, and if you loved Agricola precisely for its tension, Cavern will seem easier to you. Sure, you have to constantly compete for action spaces (much like the rumored game Le Havre, which I haven't played yet but really want to), but your gnome will always have somewhere to go, even if it's new the place will not be as profitable as you wanted. It’s very rare that your opponents actually manage to outrun you. The rules of Cavern are easier to understand and clearer than those of Agricola, but you still have a lot of options to consider as you play. Agricola had fewer action slots, but with all those upgrade and activity cards, the player had a wide range of options that could be overwhelming for a new player. It’s the same story with Kaverna. It doesn't have cards, but it does have more action spaces and just a TON of all kinds of development tokens. My advice is to completely ignore anything that doesn't fit into your intended strategy from the start and just go with the flow. This way your eyes won’t run wild, and you’ll be able to try something new in every game.

A myriad of tokens, but these are only 2 tablets out of 4


If we talk about components, then there are both positive and negative aspects. All the boards and tokens look very good: colorful, nicely and clearly illustrated. The chips are high-quality thick wooden figures, even larger in size than in Agricola. But guys, there are just a LOT of them. No, really. If you're wondering why the game costs £60, here's the answer. The game has 7 personal boards, several boards for storing tokens (these tokens are already drawn on them, so you always know which one goes where), a bunch of boards with action spaces that change depending on the number of players, and exactly one million wooden resource tokens . Oh yes, I almost forgot about the tokens for fields, mines, pastures and caverns.

There are a great variety of these tokens in the game - believe me, you can’t do without an organizer!

It's absolutely incredible how much stuff is crammed into the box! You'll definitely find the component bags that come with the game useful. I myself use the box and chips from the Deluxe Euro Token Box, however, it’s not very convenient to fish them out of it... The only components that can be complained about are the gnomes, which were again made into disks. Compared to the rest of the chips represented by the corresponding figures, they look ridiculous. I had to replace my gnomes with farmer figures. But in general, taking into account the game’s package, we can say with complete confidence that its cost is justified. I don’t remember if “Agricola” was ever released with resource cubes, my version already had animal tokens, and I replaced the remaining components with tokens from the deluxe set, but in “Cavern” there is not even a hint of cubes, which deserves special praise, because This is quite unusual for a Euro resource management game.

My Deluxe Euro Token Box, reliable and effective, but not very convenient if you have thick fingers

Each round in Cavern, you have to update about 75% of the action cells, which produce various resources at varying rates. That is, each time more and more resources are added to the playing field. Once you get the hang of it, it doesn't take much time, but for me, every time I take a new chip out of the Deluxe Box is a pain! It’s tempting to break the box and return to bags and plates, but think for yourself how to speed up this process. This is just a measly handful of chips, and there are a hell of a lot of them in the game. But, you must admit, this is much better than cubes! As for playing time, if you have a small number of people, it's not so bad. I tried playing alone (it was surprisingly good), with 2, 3, 4 and 5 players. With 4 or less players the game was quite comfortable. The five of us already felt a lack of free space, and cells with resources took much longer to update, although the organizer partially helped solve this problem. And the game for five was not the fastest. I don’t even want to try to play “Caverna” with six or seven players. Firstly, I don’t know what pub you can find such a long table in, and secondly, this hassle with chips can become simply unbearable.

Verdict... and question

Despite all my gripes, this is a fantastic game! There is so much you can do in it and you can achieve victory in such different ways that each game is completely unusual. You're decorating your home and it's really fun. By the end of the game, your board is filled with all sorts of “farming” and “cave” tokens, animals and food, and you can easily make sure that it is unique and not similar to other players’ boards. You are free to develop in any direction you choose; you will notice that nothing bad will happen if you do not have the maximum number of workers (another stone for Agricola’s garden).

The theme of building a farm and developing a cave immerses you completely, you don’t notice how the passages flow, in some ways “Cavern” is reminiscent of the tabletop version computer game Harvest Moon. In a game with many participants, this feeling can be lost, so I recommend not playing with more than five players. Well, we also need to find some way to easily sort and store components, without which you will get nowhere by the middle of the game.

Sorry, the quality of the photo is not so good. But, as you can see, you have to think about how to organize the playing space

Managing resources is not that easy, and the variety of options can be confusing for newbies. However, the basic rules are learned better than in Agricola; simplified system feeding and scoring. Agricola veterans may complain about the disappearance of the cards, but the development tokens that replaced them provide just as many options, and you no longer have to spend a lot of time selecting cards before starting the game. By the way, don’t think that because the rules have been simplified the game has become simple, no, it’s still a serious Euro game, just a little different than Agricola. One game is tougher, the other has more room for creativity.

But there is, however, a question. Like Doctor Who, I tried to avoid him until the last moment, and now that moment has arrived. The same thing happened with Eldritch Horror, so everything is doubly serious.

Can we say that “Cavern. Are Cave Farmers better than Agricola? And if so, is it worth throwing out Agricola?

These two games are similar in many ways, but there are also fundamental differences between them. “Agricola” is more intense and difficult, and it is tightly tied to feeding and uniform development. “Cavern” gives the player more opportunities and plays more relaxed; feeding in it is a minor matter, not the most important thing. Expeditions are also a good innovation, but they are only one of the possible ways of development. Losing a needed action slot to another player no longer cripples your strategy, and making a mistake early in the game no longer wastes the next 2+ hours.

Upgrade/occupation cards have been replaced by amenities tokens - both fit well into the gameplay and I like equally. My only complaint about the cards is that, even despite the choice of cards before starting the game, during the game process you can still end up with unnecessary cards or cards that will not really help the development of the chosen strategy, so it depends on your luck. With tokens, you have at least access to each of them. However, some cards, especially in the I and E decks of the basic Agricola, provided for more interaction and confrontation between players. However, I’m sure that this will also appear in Cavern someday, along with new arrangement tokens.

I like both games - for different things. But, if you have to choose, I will say that... “Caverna” is better than “Agricola”. Production process in the game is excellent and much more optimized, and the player has a wide field of choice of activities from the very beginning. If I only have Agricola, I'll be happy to play it. But if I also have “Cavern”, then there are no options; of the two, I will always lay out “Cavern”. Yes, you have to tinker with all these tokens and chips, but we saw this in Agricola and in all Euro-games.

Should I get rid of Agricola? This question is even more difficult. I like this game, but many people like the lack of stress in Cavern more. Me too. Some would say that Agricola has more interaction between players, but I would argue that this is highly dependent on the specific cards, and those mostly just oblige you to give them to other players. No, that's great, but it's hardly a good reason to leave Agricola. Moreover, not all cards are equally useful, so sometimes a good game requires a wide smile of fortune.

My main gripe with Agricola is the scoring. You are FORCED to develop your farm evenly, you cannot choose a narrow specialization for yourself, and this just kills me. "Cavern" allows you to do whatever you want, and even getting negative points does not greatly reduce your final result. I was convinced of this in the very first game with friends, turning my farm into a sheep paradise. I didn't raise any other animals, just planted some fields and set up a cave so that it would bring even more points for sheep. I won by 3 points, but I won.

For some time I thought that it would be okay if Agricola remained in the collection, but the more games passed through my hands and the more space I needed for new products, the clearer the need became to gather my will into a fist and get rid of it. Agricola is not a bad game, I really like it, and I am not a supporter of the “cult of nova”. However, for me personally, the main changes that turned it into Cavern were very important, and, among other things, I can now play it with beginners. So if you don't have either of these games, stick with Cavern, because it definitely doesn't make sense to buy both games.

However, if you are not sure, try each game and decide which you like best. You can't go wrong with a blind buy of Caverna - it's amazing. But if you wish, you can easily find people in local gaming clubs who have “Agricola” and/or “Caverna”, and you can form an opinion for yourself.

Farmers and gardeners use the drug "Agricola" for seedlings in accordance with the instructions. We will figure out whether it is effective, how safe and environmentally friendly it is, and whether it is worth using on healthy seedlings.

Let's talk about the application for fruit trees, And

Release forms and description

Let's start with the release form of the Agricola fertilizer and its composition.

The composition of the fertilizer is presented the three most necessary elements, which plants require for growth, development and fruiting:

  • nitrogen (15%);
  • phosphorus (21%);
  • potassium (25%);
Depending on the purpose, the drug may contain additional microelements: copper, manganese, zinc, iron, boron and others.

Liquid concentrate

It is a concentrated preparation that is sold with a measuring bottle. The fertilizer should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100 or 1:200.

Dry substrate

The dry substrate is represented by granules, which can be either embedded in the ground or diluted in water and watered crops. This option is interesting because there is a packaging of both 1-1.5 kg and 50-100 g. That is, if you need to fertilize several beds, then a small bag will be enough and you won’t have to spend extra money.

Fertilizer sticks

The package with sticks is suitable for quick feeding of small quantities. 1 pack contains 20 sticks, which is enough for 20 plants. You just need to stick a stick near the crop, and it will gradually enrich the soil and do its job. The effect of this form of release is more prolonged, but is only suitable for small plantings.

Important! The price of sticks approximately corresponds to 0.5 kg of dry substrate.

"Agricola" is used as a fertilizer for almost all crops, but there are various options releases, which have their own instructions. Therefore, next we will talk about the use of complex fertilizer for

For tomato, pepper, eggplant

For all nightshades, the third option for producing granules is used - “Agricola-3”. The fertilizer formula replaces what is needed to meet all the needs of the seedlings.

The composition is slightly different from the “standard” percentage main components:

  • nitrogen - 13%;
  • potassium - 20%;
  • phosphorus - 20%.
There is also a significant proportion of magnesium, which promotes the absorption of potassium in nightshade crops.

It is used as follows: 2.5 g of the substance is diluted in 1 liter of water and watered over the seedlings. Agricola should be used no earlier than 15 days after transplanting seedlings into open ground.

Important! Fertilizer should be applied exclusively at the root.

For carrots, beets, radishes

For these root crops, Agricola-4 is used, which can be used from the moment the crops are sowed. Processing is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. 3 weeks after the appearance of the first shoots. We dilute 12.5 g of granules in 10 liters of water and water or spray. This amount is enough for 10-17 square meters. m of crops.
  2. It is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first. We dilute 50 g in 10 liters of water and treat an area of ​​10-20 square meters. m.
  3. 2 weeks after the second treatment. The dosage and area are identical (50 g/1 l; 10-20 sq. m).

Important! For spraying, you need to use a larger amount of ready-made (diluted) fertilizer.

"Agricola" for roses has the ratio of the main elements of the NPK group in the following proportion: 16:18:24. Fertilizing not only makes flowering longer and more luxurious, but also prepares plants for winter or dormancy.

Method of application: in the spring, 20 g of granules per 1 square meter are embedded in the soil. m. After fertilizing, you need to carry out deep loosening. For indoor specimens, a root application of the solution (2.5 g per 1 liter) is suitable. Apply fertilizer no more than 4 times a month. During the dormant period (November to February), apply the solution once a month.

Fertilizer Agricola is a new environmentally friendly complex fertilizer for foliar and root feeding of plants. Agricola mineral fertilizer is suitable for frequent root feeding of vegetative plants. The balanced composition ensures rapid growth of crops and a significant increase in yield, on average up to 30%.

Agricola contains a complex of essential micro- and macroelements that are absorbed by the plant. The fertilizer contains compounds: phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, zinc, manganese, iron, molybdenum and copper.

Advantages of Agricola fertilizer

The nutrients needed by plants included in Agricola are not applied to the soil like conventional fertilizers, but are easily absorbed directly by the leaves and stems after they are sprayed with an aqueous solution of Agricola. What are the advantages of foliar feeding of plants with Agricola? Since nutrients are supplied through the leaves, the process of their absorption is much more intense and produces results faster!

Firstly, Agricola is highly environmentally friendly; it does not contain heavy metal salts or chlorine. Secondly, Agricola prevents the entry of nitrates into plants. Thirdly, under the influence of foliar feeding, plants become stronger, grow faster, and better resist diseases and external unfavorable factors. There is an improvement in taste and nutritional properties (for example, an increase in the content of vitamin C, carotene, etc.).

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Each group of crops has its own type of Agricola fertilizer. Their composition differs from each other and takes into account the needs of plants. For example, carrots need more potassium, cabbage needs phosphorus, and seedlings need more nitrogen to grow green mass.

Agricola fertilizer increases yield in almost all cases. On arid, saline and cold soils, Agricola is simply irreplaceable. In these cases, it can be used to implement the only effective way nutrition of plants directly through leaves and stems.

Now Agricola fertilizers are sold in the form of granules in easily recognizable yellow bags and in bottles in the form of liquid concentrates for feeding not only vegetables, but also berries, fruit trees, and flowers. They can be used from spring to autumn.

"Agricola-1–7"– water-soluble granules:
"Agricola-1"– for white and red cabbage, cauliflower;
"Agricola-2"– for onions, garlic;
"Agricola-3"– for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants;
"Agricola-4"– for carrots, radishes, beets;
"Agricola-5"– for cucumbers, zucchini, squash, zucchini, melon;
"Agricola-6"– mixture for feeding vegetable seedlings;
"Agricola-7"– for indoor, balcony and garden flowers.

"Agricola-aqua" - concentrated liquid fertilizers:
"Agricola forward"– for seedlings of vegetable and flower crops – enhances the growth and strengthening of the root system, accelerates the development of plants;
"Agricola Vegeta"– for all vegetable crops – ensures intensive growth of green mass and ovary growth. Increases the vitamin content in vegetables;
"Agricola Fantasy"- especially for indoor plants– increases the duration and intensity of flowering. Promotes enlargement of flowers and peduncles.

Agricola for indoor plants is a universal complex fertilizer (NPK 23:11:23 + microelements). It has a balanced composition and allows you to effectively feed all types of indoor and balcony flowers and plants.

The fertilizer is intended for the following indoor plants: Alocasia, Aspidistra, Asparagus, Anthurium, Begonia, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Syngonium, Croton, Coleus, Arrowroot, Monstera, Peperomia, Plectranthus, Ivy, Poinsettia, Sansevieria, Tradescantia, Fatsia, Violet, Philodendron, Fittonia , Chlorophytum, Cissus and many others. others. Stimulates active plant growth and gives leaves a bright, juicy color.

Agricola for orchids is a concentrated liquid mineral fertilizer with the addition of vitamin C. It contains a complex of macro- and microelements necessary for the proper growth and development of orchids.

Instructions for using Agricola fertilizer for orchids:
Shake before use.
After opening the dispenser, fill it to one of the indicated levels.
Dilute the measured amount of fertilizer with water in the proportion 1 level (7 ml): 2 liters of water.
Water the plant with the resulting solution.

Terms of use:
Fertilize the plant during the period of intensive growth and flowering, as well as in the period preceding flowering once a week; during the rest of the growing season, fertilize the plant once a month. Fertilize very young plants with half the recommended dose of fertilizer.
Do not exceed recommended doses, as this may cause harm or lead to the death of the plant.

Soluble fertilizer Agricola No. 3 - intended for tomatoes, peppers, eggplant. Includes a complete balanced set of macro- and microelements, does not contain chlorine and heavy metals. The correct composition, taking into account the needs of the plant in a particular growth period, and timely fertilizing with Agricola fertilizers prevent the formation of nitrates in plants.

Fertilizer composition:
nitrogen (N) - 13%,
phosphorus (P2O5) - 20%,
potassium(K2O) - 20%,

Instructions for using Agricola fertilizer for tomatoes:

To prepare a working solution, dissolve 25 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and treat 10-25 sq.m of crops, depending on the treatment method (watering or spraying). During the growing season, 4-5 foliar feedings of plants are carried out.

For tomatoes and eggplants: The first foliar feeding is carried out 10-15 days after planting the seedlings. Subsequent feedings at intervals of 15 days.

Pepper: The first foliar feeding is carried out a week after planting the seedlings. Subsequent ones - when the ovary forms.

To reap a generous harvest or grow lushly flowering indoor plants with succulent foliage, it is necessary to apply complex fertilizers, the composition of which is correctly balanced in terms of the content of components and microelements. One of the best and most effective mineral fertilizers today for the garden, vegetable garden and indoor plants is Agricola.

Article outline

Composition of the drug

Agricola is a universal fertilizer for almost any plant in the garden or in the house. This complex mineral fertilizer can be used both for decorative crops in the room, such as orchids or violets, and for vegetables and berries in the garden.

Agricola compares favorably with other complex fertilizers with its rich composition, which ensures the effectiveness of the drug. The fertilizer contains organic matter, as well as minerals and liquid elements.

The composition of Agricola fertilizer is ideally balanced in terms of the content of nitrogen-phosphorus components and potassium. It looks like this:

  • 15% nitrogen;
  • 21% phosphorus;
  • 25% potassium;
  • trace elements - boron, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, molybdenum.

Applying Agricola to plants increases their resistance to stress and disease resistance, which is very important when growing all crops.

In addition, those plants that are regularly fertilized with Agricola are less susceptible to pests, which significantly reduces the number of plants sprayed with pesticides against insects.

Agricola can be used for both root and foliar fertilizers. Plants absorb all the necessary nutrients from the fertilizer through the foliage. This fertilizer is applied at the root in liquid form, which is very convenient.

You will receive about 45 liters of high-quality fertilizer using 250 ml of the drug for dilution.

Agricola release forms

Feeding is available in different forms:

How to use Agricola at home, reviews

Agricola soluble fertilizer is highly effective and widely used. By regularly applying fertilizer to garden and vegetable crops, according to the instructions, you can significantly increase the yield and quality of fruits. Vegetables and berries will be much less sick, and the content of vitamins and sugars in the fruits will increase.

By feeding garden flowering plants with Agricola, you can achieve earlier and longer, lush flowering. When applying this fertilizer, decorative flowering plants form much more inflorescences, and the color of the flowers becomes brighter and more saturated, the flowers become larger.

Ornamental plants fed with this fertilizer are more adapted to environmental changes and easily tolerate temperature fluctuations, become more drought-resistant, and winter easier.

The drug Agricola is absorbed by the plant at the cellular level, is completely absorbed, stimulates growth, but is completely harmless to humans and environment. The drug is completely harmless and does not contain chlorine, which is often a component of other complex fertilizers. In addition, plants fertilized with Agricola do not accumulate nitrates.

The manufacturer has created many types of products. You can choose Agricola specifically for peppers or cucumbers, or use it to fertilize coniferous plants or house flowers, such as cacti, ficus and many others.

For example, in order to grow a rich harvest of cabbage, phosphorus fertilizers must be applied in sufficient quantities, and in order to grow carrots, potassium must be added to the beds. For strong vegetable seedlings, nitrogen is needed. Experienced gardeners feed cabbage with Agricola 1, for which they dilute 20 grams of the substance in a bucket of water and add cabbage every 14 days.

  1. If you want to harvest a generous harvest of garlic and onions, try fertilizing these crops with Agricola 2. This fertilizer contains 11% nitrogen, 11% phosphorus and 27% potassium. In addition, Agricola 2 contains magnesium, which is important for the proper development of plants. Fertilize garlic and onions according to the instructions by diluting 25 grams of the substance in a bucket of water. Fertilizer must be applied three times per season with an interval of 10 days.
  2. For tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, you need to use Agricola 3 fertilizer, which contains 13% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus, 20% potassium.

To keep vegetables large and tasty, they need potassium. Magnesium promotes proper absorption of potassium. To grow tomatoes, dilute 25 grams of the drug in a bucket of water and apply 3 foliar feedings at intervals of 10 days.

The first feeding is done 14 days after planting the seedlings.

The drug Agricola 4 was developed especially for radishes, beets and carrots. Fertilizing is done starting from the moment the seeds are sowed, but fertilizing should be stopped 2 weeks before harvest.

Cucumbers, squash and zucchini will be grateful for the addition of Agricola 5, which was developed specifically for these vegetables. Nitrogen and phosphorus in the fertilizer will take care of proper growth, and potassium and magnesium will help vegetables form more ovaries and produce high-quality fruits. To feed cucumbers, 25 grams of the drug are diluted in 10 liters of water. Fertilizer is applied 4-5 times per season.

Agricola 6 was developed especially for strong vegetable seedlings. The seedlings are watered and sprayed with a nutrient solution.

But a truly universal fertilizer for vegetables has been developed - Agricola Vegeta. It can be used not only for vegetables, but also in general for feeding all plants in the garden. 1 gram of the drug is diluted in a bucket of water. This preparation is also suitable for spraying indoor flowers.

How to use fertilizer for seedlings

Agricola is an extensive line of preparations for fertilizing various crops with a well-balanced composition. It includes nitrogenous substances, potassium, and also phosphorus, necessary for the proper and rapid development of indoor plants. It also contains trace elements in an easily digestible form. In addition, this drug contains active energen particles, which have a positive effect on the cellular energy of plants. Agricola is an indispensable growth stimulant.

When growing flowering and ornamental plants indoors or on the balcony, foliar feeding, that is, spraying, can be carried out with Agricola. This drug is also successfully used when growing flowers in indoor greenhouses.

After applying fertilizer, the flowers begin to grow better, gain green mass faster, and set more buds. Agricola is a very economical fertilizer - when using its liquid form, up to 50 liters of high-quality liquid fertilizer can be prepared from 250 ml of solution.

If powder is used for fertilizer, then it is enough to dilute 2 grams of powder in a liter of water.

How to use Agricola for flowers

Fertilizing roses

Roses require careful care, especially when grown in the middle zone. These flowers are prone to diseases, and best prevention in this case it is a complete diet. By receiving enough nutrients, roses will not suffer from fungal and viral diseases. They respond gratefully to fertilizing and after fertilizing they bloom very luxuriantly and for a long time.

Agricola has been developed for roses, the composition of which is carefully balanced so that roses receive all the necessary substances for good growth and flowering. The preparation contains magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, which are so necessary for these beautiful flowers.

Feeding roses begins in the spring, as soon as the plants begin to grow. During the flowering of the bushes, you should completely refrain from applying Agricola. After flowering, roses should be fertilized again so that the bushes can gain strength before the winter cold.

Regular application of Agricola preparations for roses allows you to achieve long and lush flowering and grow strong, tall rose bushes. Flowering becomes brighter and longer, the size of the buds and, to a large extent, their number increases.

Nowadays it is very fashionable to grow orchids at home. All types of orchids require very careful care and a lot of attention. These flowers are very vulnerable, and therefore fertilizers for them should be easily digestible. The best soil for orchids is crushed bark.

Agricola for orchids is a quickly absorbed, lightweight fertilizer developed specifically for these pampered and vulnerable plants. From 5 ml of fertilizer you can prepare a liter of working solution. It is not recommended to exceed this dosage (5 ml per 1 liter of water), since fertilizer in higher concentrations can harm delicate flowers.

Orchids should be fed every 10 days during the growth period. You will understand that the orchid is in a period of active growth by the regrowth of leaves - if another leaf appears immediately after one leaf, then feeding should be continued. Typically, the dormant period for orchids is autumn and winter. There is no need to fertilize orchids at this time. You should not fertilize in extreme heat in summer.

Agricola fertilizers are a wide range of effective fertilizers for the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, as well as indoor plants. This fertilizer helps create necessary conditions for the growth of all plants, nourishing them and protecting them from diseases.

But fertilizing must be combined with compliance with the rules of care and adherence to agricultural techniques for growing vegetables and berries. This is the only way you can get a generous harvest from the garden and lush flowering of plants at home and in the flowerbed.

Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, industrial engineer

Agricola fertilizer is recommended for use by both ordinary summer residents and venerable biologists. By the way, the name of this supplement is not an abbreviation. At the turn of the 14th-15th centuries AD, the chemist Georgy Agricola (translation of the surname from Latin - farmer) lived and worked, one of the first to begin studying the connections between chemical composition soil and its fertility.

This fertilizer is produced by a domestic manufacturer, who has been improving formulas and expanding the range for 20 years. Agricola was created as a series of tuks adapted to the climatic conditions of central Russia. One of the advantages of this agrochemical is its low price - from 25 rubles. per package 50 g.

All types of Agricola fertilizer can be divided into two groups - the first is intended for flowering plants, the second - for garden plants.

The composition of fertilizers from the first group is aimed at unlocking the full potential of flowering plants. They are used for both annuals and perennials, as well as for indoor and decorative leaf forms, and are suitable for feeding flower seedlings.

The second group includes types of nutrient mixtures that are used to treat both individual plants and groups, and not always related to the same species. That is, these fertilizers can be considered conditionally universal.

Agricola release forms

Agricola is produced in various forms. Among the established ones are:

  • Liquid concentrate. Diluted in a ratio of 1:100, or 1:200 (see instructions), measuring cap included.
  • Dry granular substrate. A very compact fertilizer, the bag weighs only 20-50 g, and will even fit in a handbag. It is convenient to buy it on the way to the country. At the same time, from one bag you get at least two buckets of 10 liters of highly effective multi-component fertilizer.
  • Fertilizer sticks. Perhaps the most convenient of the “long-lasting” fertilizers. You just need to stick them into the ground near the plant within the root circle, and they will release useful substances into the soil until they are completely dissolved. The set includes 20 sticks, the package can be enough for 10 plants.

Agricola for vegetables

Agricola 2

Agricola 2 is designed for onions and garlic. As the manufacturer writes on the packaging, this is: “Plant favorite drink.” Indeed, it contains all the substances necessary for nutrition (NPK 11:11:27 + MgO + microelements), selected specifically for onions and garlic. To use, it is necessary to dilute this drug in water, maintaining a proportion of 25 g per 10 liters. This volume of liquid fertilizer should be enough for 25-30 square meters.

Agricola 3

Agricola 3 is an equivalent replacement for organic matter when feeding nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants). It contains 13% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus and 20% potassium, as well as magnesium and various trace elements. Magnesium, which is added to the standard azofoska composition, helps tomatoes absorb potassium (so that the fruits are large, strong and tasty), and is responsible for the formation of chlorophyll.

For tomatoes, Agricrola is used according to the instructions (25 g per 10 liters of water). Throughout the season, three horse feedings are carried out - the first two weeks after planting the seedlings, the second when the first ovaries begin to appear, the third 10 days after the first. Spraying “by leaf” is carried out for the first time a week after the first root feeding, the second time – 10 days after the first, but before the formation of the first ovaries.

Agricola 4

Agricola 4 for carrots, beets and radishes, a very inexpensive fertilizer, the price of a 50 g bag is in the range of 12-15 rubles. Plants are treated with this fertilizer 2-3 times per season, stopping use 14 days before harvest.

Agricola 5

Designed for cucumbers. Fertilizer based on azophosphate (NPK complex) contains three main elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and also magnesium oxide - MgO. This composition provides balanced diet, increases productivity. If nitrogen and phosphorus are mainly responsible for growth and development, then potassium is an indispensable element for cucumbers during the formation of ovaries and fruiting, as it improves the taste of the finished product.

Agricola 5 is produced in the form of dry granules. To prepare the fertilizer, it must be diluted. To make a working solution, 25 g of fat are dissolved in 10 liters of water. For cucumbers, this nutrient mixture is used 4-5 times per season, depending on the level of soil fertility. It cannot be stored, so each time prepare the amount that you can use. Young cucumbers are fed for the first time after the appearance of 3 leaves, or a week after planting the seedlings in the ground. Ten days later, a second treatment is carried out, and so on, until the end of the growing season.

Agricola vegeta

In addition to specialized types, There is a universal fertilizer, Agricola vegeta. Suitable for all types of plants, both garden and vegetable, as well as flowers. Increases yield and prevents the accumulation of nitrates. Most often used for partial watering, it is diluted 1:10.

Popular types of Agricola for flowering plants

Agricola Aqua for yellowing leaves

Sometimes, to solve “spot” problems, a broad spectrum of fertilizer action is not needed. Then selective feeding comes to the rescue. At the beginning and middle of the growing season, leaves on plants may turn yellow only in the event of a lack of certain groups of nutrients, or, for the most common reason - lack of water. If everything is in order with watering, then urgent feeding is needed.

Agricola against yellowing of leaves acts quickly, the result is visible within a week. To use, you need to dissolve 1 cap (5 ml) in 1 liter of water and water the plants as usual. It is necessary to repeat feeding after a week to consolidate the results. Also, to quickly obtain a “cosmetic” effect, you can carry out foliar feeding by spraying the leaves with this composition.

Agricola 7

Fertilizer designed specifically for flowers. Contains 20% nitrogen (for rapid growth), 10% phosphorus (for flowers it is needed in smaller quantities than for vegetables). Agricola 7 can be used for garden, balcony and indoor plants. This fertilizer is environmentally friendly and does not contain heavy metal salts, which is especially important for home use.

Agricola for indoor and garden roses

The queen of the garden has always required special attention and care, so a separate fertilizer was developed for her. In it, the balance of substances is shifted towards potassium (NPK 16:18:24 + 0.5% MgO). After using Agricola, roses bloom much more luxuriantly and longer; garden specimens go into winter strong and prepared.

Agricola Aqua for indoor orchids

A very light fertilizer, matching the flowers for which it was created. The NPK complex here is only 4:5:6. Some humates have been added to it. Orchids are capricious plants and require very careful treatment, so the application rate (5 ml per 1 liter of water) cannot be exceeded. Fertilizing is carried out once every 10 days, until the plants are completely restored. By the way, you can use Agricola hydrogel for planting and transplanting them. You can also simply sprinkle these balls on top of the soil to maintain moisture in flower pots.

Video: using Agricola for flowers