Olivier is a popular salad among the people and it suffered the fate of many popular dishes - copying recipes and creating various author's variations. Let's try to figure out what it is, a real Olivier salad?

Let's start with the fact that the salad recipe was invented and prepared by chef Lucien Olivier, back in the 19th century. Russian Empire. Lucien Olivier never revealed the real recipe for his salad to anyone., but the people fell in love with the salad so much that attempts began to recreate it, based on the ingredients included in the composition. Our website describes the procedure for preparing a salad according to, but this is only an alleged copy of the recipe, although quite successful according to contemporaries.

Another part of the people under the expression "Real Olivier" means a salad prepared in Soviet times for New Year's feasts, namely - and this also has an explanation. The fact is that the Olivier salad prepared by Lucien Olivier in the Hermitage was very tasty, but due to the elite status of the institution, it was available only to a few, and in the Soviet years, when boiled sausage appeared and became available to a wide range, they began to make something like Olivier salad itself, but replacing expensive ingredients with cheaper ones. This cheapened salad was popularly called Salad Olivier, although it is directly related to original recipe Olivier salad with sausage does not have.

Stores with culinary departments now also sell Olivier with boiled sausage, and most likely, under the expression "Real Olivier", many people understand this particular salad with sausage and peas.

For clarity, here is a list of ingredients in the original Lucien Olivier salad and in the Olivier salad, which began to be cooked in Soviet times and continues to be cooked to this day.

Lucien Olivier Salad Ingredients:

  • Fritillaries - 1/2 piece
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Cucumbers - 1 piece
  • Salad - 3-4 leaves
  • Provence - 1.5 table. spoons
  • Cancer necks - 3 pieces
  • Lanspic - 1/4 cup
  • Capers - 1 teaspoon
  • Olives - 3-5 pieces

Ingredients for modern salad "Olivier with sausage":

  • Boiled sausage "Doctor" - 500 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers - 4 pieces
  • Canned green peas - 500 g
  • Mayonnaise "Provencal" - 200 g
  • Greens - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

If the modern Olivier salad were prepared according to an old Russian recipe, then it would hardly have become an obligatory attribute. holiday table. The point is that it is Authentic Olivier Salad consisted of ingredients that not everyone can afford today. And certainly it was not cooked in "basins". It was a real delicacy, which all the rich of Moscow came to try.

Yes, yes, at least Authentic Olivier Salad and was invented by a Frenchman, this dish comes from the capital of Russia. And already from it the treat spread throughout Europe. And initially it was not even a salad. The creator of the dish called it none other than “game mayonnaise”.

And it was invented in the 60s of the 19th century by the famous restaurateur Lucien Olivier. He worked in the capital's Hermitage tavern.

Authentic Olivier salad

For a real Olivier salad, you need the following ingredients :

  • Boiled fillet of a pair of hazel grouse
  • Boiled veal tongue
  • Grams 100 black caviar. And not granular, but the so-called "pressed", which, in fact, is a puree
  • Fresh lettuce leaves 200 grams
  • Boiled crayfish in the amount of 25 pieces. As an option, they could be replaced by a can of lobsters
  • 250 grams of pickled pickles. Now they are better known as gherkins - these are such small cucumbers.
  • Pair of fresh cucumbers
  • Hard boiled chicken eggs (5 pieces)

And all this was seasoned not with mayonnaise, as it is now, but with a special Kabul sauce. This is a fairly spicy seasoning made from meat, tomatoes, horseradish and cream. AT Authentic Olivier Salad 250 grams of Kabul sauce was added.

In order to make this sauce, you need the following products:

  • Meat broth (50-60 g)
  • Wheat flour (20-25g)
  • Horseradish (20-25g)
  • Butter (10g)
  • Cream (20-30g)
  • Salt (to taste)

First, the broth is boiled in butter in a saucepan with flour added to it. After that, horseradish, cream and salt are added to the resulting mass. And all together again brought to a boil over low heat.

There is another version of Kabul sauce. It uses carrots, onions, tomato paste and pepper. But Authentic Olivier Salad refueled with the first version of the sauce.

Interestingly, Lucien Olivier did not originally plan to mix these ingredients. The conceived dish had to look like a real work of art. Just imagine:

  • On one side of the plate is sliced ​​hazel grouse fillet, seasoned with Kabul sauce and black caviar. On the other hand, mixed crayfish meat and slices of veal tongue. And a pyramid of boiled potatoes, with small straws of cucumbers, decorated with slices of chicken eggs.

But the efforts of the master were not appreciated by the visitors. They began to shamelessly mix the ingredients, turning everything into a single mess. As a result, the chef had no choice but to start preparing a new dish in the form of a salad.

Unfortunately, many of the secrets of making a real Olivier salad went to the grave along with its creator. It was a real tragedy for the entire culinary world.

What has come down to our time, of course, has little in common with that same salad. And the list of ingredients is so different that you are surprised when you read what it was originally made from.

Fritillary meat and tongue were gradually replaced by boiled chicken, ham and boiled sausage. Potatoes, carrots, green peas, apples, green onions appeared. The only thing that unites a real Olivier salad and its modern copy is eggs and cucumbers.

But this is if we talk about the classic Olivier salad in the modern sense. But there are dozens of other varieties. For example, Olivier with cheese, Fish Olivier with sour cream, Olivier with cabbage, Olivier with squid and many others. And today rarely (or almost no one) does that Authentic Olivier Salad who immortalized the name of its creator.

The history of Olivier began in the second half of the 19th century and continues to this day.R. Abroad, it is called "Russian salad", and sometimes - "potato" or even "meat", although there are many versions without meat and potatoes.

We respect traditions and New Year in the country - this is a bowl of Olivier salad!

BY THE WAY:To prepare the perfect Olivier, remember a few simple rules.

    All ingredients must be cold.

    Keep proportions. Take about 1 potato per person, and the rest of the ingredients based on this amount.

    Cut food into cubes of the same size.

    Season the salad with classic mayonnaise: experiments with Olivier sauce are inappropriate.

    Salt and pepper the salad to taste just after dressing.

7 New Year's salad recipes from the best chefs


Russian salad

Instead of potatoes, this recipe uses Romano green salad.


12 g fresh frozen green peas
20 g boiled carrots
30 g green lettuce "Romano"
50 g fresh cucumbers
30 g pickled cucumbers without skin and without seeds
1 chicken egg
2 quail eggs
10 g stem capers
30 g homemade mayonnaise
Quail, baked at low temperature or fried, fillet and legs

How to cook:

    Boil eggs and cool.

    Cut all the ingredients into cubes, combine, season with mayonnaise.

  1. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Russian salad


30 g boiled veal tongue
30 g pickles
1 egg
5 pieces. cancer necks
30 g boiled potatoes
30 g boiled carrots
20 g meat (beef)
6 g pickled capers
Mayonnaise homemade

How to cook:

    Potatoes, carrots, boil an egg, cool.

    Cut all the ingredients into small cubes, season with homemade mayonnaise.

    Serve by shaping the salad into a cylinder. Decorate with greens as desired.

BY THE WAY: Here are a few secrets for making Olivier salad. When the meat is cooked, it must cool in the broth. Potatoes are already cooked in cubes with the addition of acid (vinegar) - then it does not absorb mayonnaise and retains its shape.

into mayonnaise home cooking Add a dash of Worcestershire sauce for a spice.


Russian salad

This recipe does not contain the usual sausage and potatoes, as well as peas: this salad is fish. In the composition - sturgeon, shrimp and red caviar.


200 g hot smoked sturgeon
200 g boiled shrimp
2 fried quails
10 g red caviar
150 g fresh cucumbers
150 g pickles
50 g capers
200 g boiled carrots
10 pieces. boiled quail eggs
homemade mayonnaise
Greens for decoration

How to cook:

    Cut all products into small cubes, season with mayonnaise, mix.

    When serving, portion in cylinders, top with 1 teaspoon of caviar, half a quail egg and a sprig of greens.


Russian salad


60 g boiled potatoes
60 g boiled carrots
30 g canned peas
30 g meat smoked chicken
2 tbsp. spoons of red caviar
1/2 st. tablespoons fresh chopped parsley
2 pickles
1 fresh cucumber
1 boiled chicken egg
60 g aioli sauce

2 fresh chicken eggs (yolks)
1 st. l. Dijon mustard
1 st. l. lemon juice
A pinch of salt
Pinch of ground pepper
50 ml olive oil

How to cook:

    Dice all vegetables “as usual”, season with salt and pepper, mix, season with aioli sauce, add chicken and caviar, herbs, mix and serve.

    Sauce: beat the eggs with a mustard whisk and slowly pour in the olive oil, at the end add the lemon juice, salt and pepper, mix.


Olivier Adrian Quetglas


10 g hot smoked sturgeon
10 g lobster
10 g crab meat
10 g cancer necks
10 g anchovy oil
10 g marinated venison
7 g smoked duck
10 g boiled tongue
5 g fresh cucumber
5 g salted cucumber
5 g celery stalk
5 g daikon
10 g celery jelly
10 g cucumber jelly
Cayenne pepper
1 quail egg yolk

For sauce:

167 g lettuce
6 yolks
40 g olive oil
40 g unrefined vegetable oil
1 g Worcestershire sauce
20 g vodka
20 g fresh horseradish
2 g sherry

How to cook:

    Cut all the ingredients into cubes and put on a plate, including the diced cucumber and celery jelly. Put the quail egg in the freezer for 12 hours, then defrost - the protein will not change its structure, and the yolk will look like a ball of butter, put it on top of the ingredients, in the center of the plate.

    Beat the mayonnaise base in a blender: pour oil into the whipped yolks in a thin stream. Then add in turn the rest of the ingredients and fresh, grated horseradish.

    Drizzle with anchovy oil and sauce when serving.


Russian salad

The recipe for this salad is close to Lucien Olivier's original recipe. This version combines elements of the original recipe with modern additions.


30 g smoked guinea fowl meat
20 g boiled veal tongue
15 g fresh cucumbers
15 g pickles
20 g boiled carrots
60 g boiled potatoes
30 g Provencal sauce
5 g capers
3 pcs. cancer necks
30 g chicken aspic
4 things. quail eggs

How to cook:

    Cut all the ingredients into even large slices.

    Spread in layers, smearing each with provencal mixed with chopped capers.

    Use your hands to shape the slide or do everything in a conical salad bowl, then turn it over.

    When the slide is ready, coat with sauce and overlay it with slices of boiled potatoes and quail eggs, cut lengthwise.

    Garnish with crayfish necks and chopped cold poultry broth (aspic).


Olivier Denis Perevoz


40 g potatoes ("circles" are cut with a French spoon)
30 g carrots
20 g green peas
20 g salted cucumbers
60 g crabs
10 g red caviar
Greens for decoration
40 g homemade mayonnaise with quail eggs

How to cook:

    Boil potatoes, carrots, peas.

    Lay the ingredients out on a plate.

    Cut the cucumbers lengthwise and roll into "rolls".

    Mayonnaise: beat the yolks with olive oil, add mustard, lemon juice, salt.

    Pour the mayonnaise through a pastry bag onto a plate.

    Decorate the dish with herbs and serve.

Lucien Olivier at the end of the 19th century and was considered a rare delicacy. Lucien Olivier himself never passed on the exact recipe of his salad to anyone - this appetizer was very expensive at that time and its preparation for wealthy merchants brought considerable profit to the author.

Variations of recipes that have survived to this day original salad Olivier are only replicas and attempts to recreate the taste of the famous salad.

In the book "A guide to learning the basics of the culinary arts" The 1897 edition lists the following Olivier salad recipe:

Olivier's original recipe

Ingredients for 1 person:

  • Fritillaries - 1/2 piece
  • - 3 pieces
  • - 1 piece
  • Salad - 3-4 leaves
  • - 1.5 table. spoons
  • Cancer necks - 3 pieces
  • Lanspic - 1/4 cup
  • Capers - 1 teaspoon
  • Olives - 3-5 pieces

Step by step cooking recipe:

Cut the fillet of fried good hazel grouse into blankets and mix with boiled, not crumbly potato blankets and slices of fresh cucumbers, add capers and olives and pour over a large amount of Provencal sauce, with the addition of soy kabul. After cooling, transfer to a crystal vase, arrange with crayfish necks, lettuce leaves and chopped lanspic.

Serve very cold. Fresh cucumbers can be replaced with large gherkins. Instead of hazel grouse, you can take veal, partridge and chicken, but the real Olivier appetizer is prepared without fail from hazel grouse.

For the sauce: Provence mayonnaise should be made in French vinegar with 2 eggs and 1 pound of Provence (olive) oil.

According to others, the original Olivier salad recipe is as follows:

Preparing the Olivier Salad classic recipe Lucienne Olivier

The method of preparation, serving and serving is similar to the first recipe.

Rumors and facts

It is believed that originally Olivier came up with kil not a salad, but mayonnaise for vodka. The word "mayonnaise" has undergone linguistic changes - originally meant a dish seasoned with Provence sauce. It was Provencal sauce that subsequently began to be called mayonnaise. And on this dish was laid out the fillet of hazel grouse, lobsters, crayfish necks, fresh cucumbers, black pressed caviar. And all this was poured over with Lucien Olivier's own Provence sauce. And in the center of this large dish was his designer delight - a slide of potatoes, chopped eggs and gherkins.

As conceived by Lucien Olivier, there was no need to eat this “slide”. But soon the cook noticed that the guests were mixing its contents and eating with pleasure. Then he decided: if you want a salad, you will have it. The original Olivier salad recipe was different from the current one. “It included the fillets of hazel grouse I mentioned, lobsters, crayfish necks - a whole range of ingredients - and all this was seasoned with Provencal sauce.

There are other versions of the "Real Olivier Recipe", however, based on the list of ingredients and comparing them with historical facts that have survived to this day, they do not inspire confidence.