This year, the Arsenal company can insure the life and health of employees of the National Guard and internal affairs bodies under the compulsory insurance law. She is the only participant in the competition, a person familiar with its progress told Vedomosti. The general director of the insurer, Anatoly Sandimirov, confirmed the company’s participation in the competition, indicating that the insurance contract has not yet been signed.

In previous years, a similar contract was concluded for three years at once, the premium for it reached 25 billion rubles. The previous competition was won by the company " VTB insurance“, but the contract expired at the end of 2015. Since then, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not been able to find a new insurer.

The first competition for a three-year contract for 22.4 billion rubles. was held back in January 2016, but not a single company participated in it due to the low price. The second time the competition for a one-year contract was held in April, its results were never summed up. In June, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the competition for the third time. The maximum premium for the contract for 2016 is 7.5 billion rubles, as follows from the procurement materials. “The competition is interesting because of the opportunity to make a profit,” says Sandimirov. He agrees that the price is very low, but Arsenal estimates that the contract for 2016 will be profitable, he said, without specifying what factors would contribute to this.

The results of the competition were supposed to be summed up on July 7, but the contract has not yet been signed. Due to the fact that only one application was received to participate in it, it was declared invalid, follows from the response from the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Information about the insurer that “expressed a desire to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Internal Affairs” will appear on the department’s website later.

Influential businessman

As Interfax reported, citing an informed source, thanks to Lobanov, the elite alcohol supplier Contrail Logistics North-West “received a special status, which implied a more loyal [customs] inspection regime.” The Investigative Committee stated that Lobanov established at least 15 companies associated with the Federal Customs Service. Until July 2009, he was the business partner of Belyaninov’s wife Svetlana, as follows from SPARK-Interfax data. And in 2010, their companies were among the co-founders of the Moscow wholesale trade company Atlanta.

A closed competition is considered invalid if only one application or none is submitted, says Ekaterina Ilyina, senior lawyer at the A2 law office, adding that if the only application meets the requirements of the competition, then the contract is concluded with this single service provider.

IC Arsenal is a universal insurer; in 2015, the company ranked 51st in terms of fees, according to the Central Bank (RUB 2.5 billion). The company has an A+ rating from Expert RA. In 2015, the agency noted the low diversification of the insurer’s portfolio – approximately 50% was accounted for voluntary insurance civil liability for causing harm to third parties, the rating has not been updated since then. Among Arsenal's clients are Almaz-Antey, Arkhangelsk Airport, the Russian Heritage Foundation, the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reform, and the Grozny Aviation airline, according to the company's website.

The owner and chairman of the board of directors of the insurer is Sergey Lobanov. Kommersant wrote that Lobanov is connected with the case of smuggling of elite cognac, in which the former head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov is a witness. A representative of the Investigative Committee clarified to Vedomosti that “Lobanov remains a defendant in this criminal case.” As part of this case, on July 26, the Investigative Committee and the FSB conducted a search at Belyaninov’s work and home (he quit a few days later). As the official representative of the Investigative Committee stated at the time, a search was simultaneously carried out in Lobanov’s house and office. On this day, Arsenal's head office suspended work, RNS reported with reference to the company's call center. Arsenal was insured by FSUE Rostek, owned by the Federal Customs Service, as follows from the information on the insurer’s website (see inset).

It was not possible to contact Lobanov, and Sandimirov refused to discuss the situation.

If the chairman of the board of directors is nevertheless brought to justice and the case is somehow connected with the activities of the insurer, then this may become an obstacle to concluding a government contract, Ilyina does not rule out. Moreover, as a rule, the conditions of public procurement require that the manager, members of the executive body, and the supplier’s chief accountant have no criminal record for economic crimes, she says. If some of the requirements are not met, then the company’s application will not be recognized as proper, Ilyina notes, adding that if non-compliance with any criterion is revealed after the conclusion of the contract, this will be grounds for termination of the contract.

No insurance - no payment

The family of a dying special forces soldier was left without money due to disrupted government procurement by the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Today the Sosnovsky District Court received statement of claim senior sergeant of special forces of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A young man, recently recognized as a group II disabled person, demands from the department the state insurance he is entitled to by law, so that in the event of his death he can leave his family at least some means of subsistence.

“Alexey (the soldier’s last name is not given), a senior contract sergeant of the Chelyabinsk special forces detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Obereg”, is recognized as disabled group II due to progressive cancer, and doctors say today that his situation is very difficult,” a social movement activist told the site’s correspondent “Servicemen also have rights” Alexey Kovalev. - He is undergoing hospital treatment, so according to the law they have no right to fire him. However, in the event of the sergeant’s death, his family will not receive insurance, since since January 1, 2016, military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation do not have any insurance.”

In Russia, the status of military personnel is given to soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, employees of the FSB, FSO and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. All of them, in accordance with Federal Law No. 52, are entitled to state insurance covering the entire period of service - even if death or injury did not occur during the performance of their duties. Today, army personnel in Russia are insured by the SOGAZ company, and FSB employees are insured by the Military Insurance Company. Until December 31, 2015, military personnel of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were insured by the VTB Insurance company. The state contract with VTB at the Ministry of Internal Affairs expired, and a new contract was never concluded with anyone: not a single insurer showed up for the competition announced by the department. According to open data, insurance companies considered the state contract for life and health insurance of military personnel unprofitable, although its amount in 2016 was 22.4 billion rubles.

“The situation was diligently not advertised by the department,” said Alexey Kovalev. “I myself came across it only when relatives of deceased employees of the Internal Troops began contacting us this year. In eight months of 2016 in Chelyabinsk, two died from the disease and one committed suicide. No insurance - no payment. Therefore, we were forced to go to court to oblige the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take care of their sick soldier.”

The lawyer also notes that the command of the Obereg detachment complied with the wishes of the sergeant and his relatives: only on August 15, doctors officially confirmed Alexey’s disability, and already on the 16th all the documents for processing the required payments (in 2015, according to Kovalev, they would have amounted to 1 .2 million rubles) were ready. However, now it's up to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

ConsultantPlus: note.

Effect of Art. 43 applies to employees of internal affairs bodies who are not police officers (clause 2 of article 56 of this document).

Article 43. Insurance guarantees for a police officer and payments for the purpose of compensation for damage caused in connection with the performance of official duties

1. The life and health of a police officer are subject to compulsory state insurance at the expense of federal budget allocations for the corresponding year.

2. Compulsory state insurance of the life and health of a police officer is carried out under the conditions and in the manner established by the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 52-FZ "On compulsory state insurance of the life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, privates and commanding officers composition of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system."

3. Family members of a police officer and his dependents are paid a one-time benefit in the amount of three million rubles in equal shares in the case of:

(see text in the previous edition)

1) death of a police officer as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during service in the police;

2) the death of a citizen of the Russian Federation that occurs within one year after dismissal from police service as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police.

4. Family members and persons who were dependent on a deceased (deceased) police officer (citizen of the Russian Federation dismissed from police service) who have the right to receive a one-time benefit provided for in Part 3 of this article are considered:

1) a spouse who was (was) in a registered marriage with the deceased on the day of death;

2) parents of the deceased (deceased);

3) minor children of the deceased (deceased), children over 18 years of age who became disabled before they reached the age of 18, children under 23 years of age studying in educational organizations for full-time training;

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ)

(see text in the previous edition)

4) persons who were fully supported by the deceased (deceased) or received assistance from him, which was for them a permanent and main source of livelihood, as well as other persons recognized as dependents in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. If a police officer receives an injury or other damage to health in connection with the performance of his official duties, which precludes the possibility of further service in the police, he is paid a one-time allowance in the amount of two million rubles.

(see text in the previous edition)

ConsultantPlus: note.

Payment of monthly monetary compensation calculated before 02/24/2015 in an excess amount is made to those dismissed until the day they become entitled to receive compensation in a larger amount (Federal Law dated 02/12/2015 N 15-FZ).

6. If a citizen of the Russian Federation, dismissed from service in the police, is determined to be disabled due to a military injury received in connection with the performance of his official duties and which excludes the possibility of further service in the police, he is paid monthly monetary compensation with the subsequent recovery of the paid amounts of said compensation from the perpetrators persons in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The amount of monthly monetary compensation is calculated based on the size of the monthly salary and the amount of the monthly bonus to the monthly salary for length of service (length of service), accepted for calculating pensions, using the following coefficients:

(see text in the previous edition)

1) in relation to a disabled person of group I - 1;

2) in relation to a disabled person of group II - 0.5;

3) in relation to a disabled person of group III - 0.3.

(see text in the previous edition)

7. The amount of monthly monetary compensation paid in accordance with Part 6 of this article is subject to recalculation taking into account the increase (increase) in the salaries of police officers, made in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Damage caused to property belonging to a police officer or his close relatives in connection with the performance of official duties shall be compensated in full at the expense of federal budget allocations, with subsequent recovery of the paid amount of compensation from the perpetrators.

LLC IC "VTB Insurance" concluded government contracts:

  • with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 31/25 Civil Code dated March 26, 2012 and No. 31/28 Civil Code dated March 5, 2013. The subject of the contracts was insurance in 2012-2015 of the life and health of military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, citizens called up for military training in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, starting from January 1, 2012.
  • with the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia on the implementation in 2012-2016 of compulsory state life and health insurance for employees of agencies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, starting from January 1, 2012.

Payment of insurance amounts is made in accordance with the following legislative and regulatory documents:

  • “On compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, employees of the National Guard of the Russian Federation”;
  • “On measures to implement the Federal Law “On compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding officers of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, military personnel National Guard of the Russian Federation";
  • “On approval of the Instruction on the organization of work on compulsory state life and health insurance of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, citizens called up for military training in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.”

In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 52-FZ “On compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, employees institutions and bodies of the penal system, employees of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, employees of the compulsory enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation" the amount of insurance amounts increases annually (indexed) taking into account the level of inflation in accordance with the federal law on federal budget for the next financial year and planning period. The decision to increase (indexate) the specified insurance amounts is made by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specified insurance amounts are paid in the amounts established on the day of payment of the insurance amount.

In 2019, the indexation of insurance amounts was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2019 No. 435 “On the indexation in 2019 of the amounts of individual payments to military personnel, employees of some federal executive bodies, citizens dismissed from military service (service), and citizens undergoing military training."

In 2020, the indexation of insurance amounts was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2020 No. 49 “On the indexation in 2020 of the amounts of individual payments to military personnel, employees of some federal executive bodies, citizens dismissed from military service (service), and citizens undergoing military training."

Beneficiaries who received insurance payments without taking into account the indexation established by the specified resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to contact the insurance company regarding the additional payment of the corresponding indexation amount with a personal statement, to which you must attach a copy of your identity document and current bank details.

The Department of Compulsory State Insurance is responsible for the direct organization and payment of insurance amounts.

Hotline phone number: 8-800-100-44-40. Insurance documents must be sent to the Company at the address: 101000, Moscow, Chistoprudny Boulevard, 8, building 1.

How the “team” of ministry official Olga Solenova took on a semi-bankrupt insurer as a contractor

Dmitry Vasilchuk

Traditional life and health insurance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs suddenly aroused scandalous interest this time. For several years, Olga Solenova, head of the Department of Logistics and Medical Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and her subordinates, insuring the lives of their colleagues, relied on reliable and proven insurance companies in the market. This time, their choice fell on a little-known, almost bankrupt man, who valued the lives of police officers at the lowest price of all.

Understanding the history of life and health insurance for police officers in recent years, one might think that Solenova was simply tired of the whims of the market “whales” who demanded to raise the cost of insurance. But “selling” the health of colleagues to a former bankrupt at dumping prices? This is more reminiscent of a corrupt deal with the withdrawal of funds through an insurance company, which is quite often done in the market, than an honest competition. It seems that on the eve of the elections, and perhaps in preparation for the upcoming resignations, the organizers of the competition decided to make a demobilization chord and earn money for a comfortable old age in European resorts.

Olga Solenova and her subordinates were responsible for holding an open competition for life and health insurance for Ministry of Internal Affairs employees. And for some reason it turned out that now the risks of police officers are insured in an unprofitable company, which only a year ago said goodbye to the temporary administration, and received a license to insure civil servants just 3 days before the tender. In this situation, the concern is not only whether Ministry employees or their relatives will be able to receive due payments for insurance cases. But much more, is whether the Ministry of Internal Affairs, holding such competitions, can generally fight to restore order in the financial sector, and in insurance, in particular.

Toxic look

According to federal law dated March 28, 1998 No. 52-F3, the life and health of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are subject to compulsory insurance. According to the law, the life of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is insured for 2 million rubles in the event of his death, and he will receive from 0.5 million to 1.5 million rubles for a disability acquired in the service, or if it is established within a year after dismissal. Over the years, this type of insurance “mixed” from one insurance company to another - Rosgosstrakh, VTB Insurance, and many others were engaged in this insurance. This type of insurance is unprofitable and costly for insurers because it requires the construction of serious infrastructure to serve hundreds of thousands of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees throughout the country. And the payments you have to make are not small.

Based on data from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, one can roughly estimate the profitability of, for example, VTB Insurance for 2012-2015. received about 33 billion rubles from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and payments amounted to more than 32 billion rubles, taking into account infrastructure costs - this type of insurance turned out to be unprofitable for VTB Insurance. Naturally, this insurance company chose to refuse cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the ministry began to look for a new insurer. Consistently, in 2016, the insurance company Arsenal was responsible for this type, and in 2017, the company MAX. Also, from open sources, it can be estimated that IC Arsenal received from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about 7.5 billion rubles for a contract for a year, and its loss left about 1 billion rubles, the results of MAX are still difficult to assess, since payments continue, but it is easy to assume that this will also be a loss for this insurer, despite the fact that the contract amount has increased to 8.2 billion rubles.

But, first of all, we note that the experience of market giants shows that the cost of life and health of police officers costs an average of 8-10 billion rubles per year.

Strange choice

Repeatedly, insurers, with numbers in hand, demanded an increase in annual deductions. However, the Department of Logistics and Medical Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia found a more original solution - the last tender here was won by a little-known company, which became famous for the fact that shortly before the “victory” it almost went bankrupt.

At the tender for life and health insurance of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018–2019, which was traditionally carried out by Lyudmila Senyushkina, the “monsters” of corporate insurance, the country’s largest insurers, Sogaz, VTB Insurance and MAX, unexpectedly was surpassed by the company "Central Insurance Company" (CSO), which does not have a rating, with an authorized capital, as stated on its website - 855 million rubles, net assets as of December 31, 2016 - 773.7 million rubles, and losses for 2016 year - 98.7 million rubles.

A significant touch to the company’s characteristics is that just a year before participation in the tender, the temporary administration of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation worked in the Central Bank. Moreover, what is almost incredible, the introduction of the temporary administration did not end in bankruptcy and revocation of the license. The insurance market knows of only one such example with the Pomoshch insurance company, which has a powerful administrative resource behind it. Moreover, on December 14, 2017, the CSO immediately received a license to insure civil servants. Now the CSO will receive 13.7 billion rubles for the fact that, within the framework of a 2-year contract, it will insure 788.7 thousand ordinary and senior personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, including 97.2 thousand dismissed employees. In other words we're talking about about the lowest contract price over the past 6 years - less than 7 billion rubles per year. Taking into account the rising prices for medicines and tariffs for medical services, this is certainly not enough if we are really talking about insuring the lives of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who risk their lives every day, but it is enough so that the respectable ladies from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who held this intricate competition could spend their vacation on Maldives, and at the same time improve your living conditions.

As the MAKS company noted, even at the stage of forming applications, the tender had “very strange indicators” for identifying the winner. For example, experience, capital and the presence of a rating, according to which the CSO obviously lost to more deserved competitors, were of little importance in the tender criteria. But the auction organizers paid special attention to the “growth rate”, according to which no one can beat yesterday’s bankrupt, who increased contributions from 12.2 million rubles in 2013 to 679.1 million rubles in 2016, that is, ensuring almost 5500% of growth I couldn't. Indeed, no stable operating company can show such dynamics. Well, the fact that the CSO’s loss at the end of 2016 increased 2.5 times obviously did not matter to Senyushkina and Solenova. In the end, there is always a way to cover your eyes: a bribe or kickback from 13 billion can amount to a very decent amount. Here it arises reasonable suspicion that the terms of the tender were specially “tailored” in order to identify a clear winner.

Other tender participants also expressed doubts about the infrastructure readiness of the Central Security Service to serve the Ministry of Internal Affairs: this company does not have a developed regional network or adequately qualified personnel.

The proposed price for a two-year contract was also important. As examples show, a price of around 20 billion rubles for two years is economically justified - based on the examples of past years, and at a price of 13 billion this is unjustified dumping. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the starting price of the contract was actually 20 billion rubles, because since 2015 the department has not been able to conclude a stable contract for a period of more than a year, due to the fact that it offered a low contract price, but the CSO “outbid” » all offers at their own price.

Suspicious company

By the way, professionals are confused not only by the financial situation of the CSO, but also by the leapfrog with the change of owners of the CSO. For some reason, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not embarrassed by the fact that in 2017 the composition of the founders of almost the Central Social Security Service was completely changed twice!

On June 16, 2017, the organization CJSC Business Center Leningradsky (TIN: 7714746580) became one of the founders of TsSO LLC. In August 2017, the company was renamed JSC Favorit. The company is notable for the fact that all official founders - OJSC Mantikora (TIN: 7714671568), CJSC RUMB-T (TIN: 7707311557) and CJSC Business Bureau (TIN: 7713512646) were liquidated back in 2010-2012. Thus, it remains a mystery who is really behind the company that owns 32.98% of the shares authorized capital LLC "CSO"

Subsequent changes in the composition of the participants occur in the same summer of 2017. The largest founders of TsSO LLC with similar shares in the amount of 32.98% from 07/05/2017 are DESH.EX LLC (TIN: 7708765377) and SKP LLC (TIN: 7730698831). After DESH.EX LLC became one of the founders of CSO LLC, Sergey Anatolyevich Shut left the role of permanent founder and the position of general director. The company was taken over by Artem Valentinovich Paleev, co-founder and managing partner of the Korpus Prava legal center, who is a specialist in the field of audit, taxation and law.

SKP LLC (TIN: 7730698831) quite recently, on January 21, 2018, also changed its founder - instead of Vadim Anatolyevich Kozeruk, Natalya Nikolaevna Paleeva became the sole founder.

The largest founders were replaced by new ones, the composition of the real ultimate beneficiaries was successfully hidden, the structure of owners was replenished with specialists in taxation and law, previously not associated with the insurance business. The experience of the insurance market suggests that the departure of the real owners from the company into the shadows, and their replacement with various kinds of executive chairmen, as a rule, means the imminent bankruptcy of the company, whose money will end up somewhere offshore.

Once the CSO almost went bankrupt. Nothing can stop the company's owners from doing it again, and this time disappearing with 13.7 billion rubles. After which Solenova will hold a new competition, spending another couple of tens of billions from the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the meantime, for some reason, no one in the Ministry of Internal Affairs notices anything strange in the activities of the Central Social Security Service, and in December 2017, the unprofitable company beats the market leaders in the fight for budget money, offering the minimum price for the life and health of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees - 40% lower than normal market supply from large insurers with profits and other types of insurance in stock.

And the composition of the shareholders somehow unexpectedly changes dramatically, “under the tender”, and the conditions seem to be written under the CSO. Such a turn cannot but raise questions. And it seems that the first to be puzzled by these questions should be the employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who are precisely supposed to investigate crimes, as in financial market, and fight corruption.

Are we waiting for the FAS team?

Complaints to the FAS are still awaiting their response. This is not the first time that antimonopoly officials will have to deal with collusion in the service of Olga Solenova. Last fall, the FAS found a cartel agreement between suppliers of products for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Blago LLC, Solomko LLC and DZSB LLC entered into a conspiracy to maintain prices at auctions. They also refused to fight for them, which is why the price of contracts did not fall below 2% of the initial one.

The main customer of all three companies was the Federal State Institution “North Caucasus District Directorate of Material and Technical Supply of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” (FKU “SKOUMTS MIA of the Russian Federation”), the head of which is Alan Kasaev.

And according to his subordinates, he was not only aware of the conspiracy, but also created all the conditions for the withdrawal of funds from the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, working in the “Solenova brigade.”

Another “Solenova brigade” is now apparently working in insurance for Ministry of Internal Affairs employees.

Ms. Solenova became the head of the Department for Logistics, Technical and Medical Support on March 29, 2017. And a couple of years before that, she was the head of the department financial security state defense order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, concluding deals with various defense industry enterprises, such as MP Rotor.

Actually, Rotor produces helicopters, but it repaired a boat for the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. And in 2014, just when Olga Solenova headed the defense order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the defense enterprise Rotor received a “random order” to support the software of the software and hardware complex of the integrated data bank of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region.

But the most interesting thing is that after Solenova’s appointment as head of the department, irreversible changes begin to occur at CSO, as a result of which her old acquaintance, the founder of MP Rotor and his ex, becomes the head of the company. general manager- Dmitry Makhotin. Isn't it an interesting coincidence? Such a chance meeting of old acquaintances, after which one receives an order from the other for 13.7 billion rubles. The second one, as we understand, will also not be a waste.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs strikes back

The reaction to the “confident” victory of a little-known company in the insurance community was unambiguous, the general mood is visible in the comments on the news on the website of the Insurance News Agency, the most typical: “don’t look for logic, tenders of security forces are always based on kickbacks, and payments are already the problem of the injured security officials …”, almost all comments leave no doubt that this is a blatant case of corruption and connivance.

However, as skeptics note, one cannot expect much zeal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in internal investigations, because it is quite possible that among the new shareholders of the Central Security Service there are people suitable for the Ministry, and the interests of ordinary employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be neglected; in extreme cases, one can turn to the state for financial assistance to save another financial institution. If banks can do it, then why can’t this be done in insurance? But, it would seem, when insuring their own lives, law enforcement officers must be confident in the reliability of the chosen insurance company and the efficiency of its insurance business. The Ministry of Internal Affairs should have long ago brought order to the insurance companies that are withdrawing billions of rubles from the market, both from the budgetary sector and from companies and citizens, but so far the ministry is actively interfering in the work of the Central Bank on insurance market. The CSO case may precisely explain the unexpected zeal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Rosgosstrakh case, where the ministry, in fact, questions the competence of the Central Bank. Market participants believe that in anticipation of the adoption of the law on the reorganization of insurance companies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is simply giving hardware signals to the Central Bank about its readiness to “master” billions of rubles in the central insurance company. state aid, since under the stated conditions the bankruptcy of this insurance company is inevitable.

There is an “exchange” of the immunity of the Central Bank insurer, which, in fact, has become Rosgosstrakh, to save the “rollback” tender of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the help of the reorganization of the Central Bank. In theory, now it’s the Central Bank’s turn, in response to the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ claims to participate in the fate of Rosgosstrakh, to propose that the Ministry of Internal Affairs jointly check their essentially “pocket” insurer. I wonder if anyone at the Central Bank will have the courage to make such a retaliatory move?