Gemini Traits

Versatile and easy to adapt;

Sociable and witty;

Intelligent and eloquent;

Active and hardworking.

On the dark side...

Nervous and tense;

Superficial and inconsistent;

Cunning and persistent.

All about astrology: http://site/ezoterika/astrologiya.html

Twins! About your sign...

The sign of Gemini is dualistic by nature, elusive, complex and contradictory. On the one hand, this gives it versatility. The sign is associated with Mercury, the planet of childhood and youth. His subjects, as a rule, have grace. When they are in a good mood, they are very attractive; when they are in a bad mood, they look worse than they really are. They know how to rejoice like children, cheerful and happy - if circumstances contribute to this. They engage in new activities with enthusiasm, but are not assiduous, so they constantly need new hobbies. They flutter from project to project, like a butterfly from flower to flower. For them, life is a game that should always be full of fresh moves and constant entertainment, free from work and life. They are not inclined to fight to the end, believing that the fight has already been lost. Their good qualities are attractive and come easily to them. They are affectionate, polite, kind, generous, always ready to help the poor. They easily know how to use their external attractiveness in order to get what they need and get closer to their own goal. To satisfy their needs, they will use any weapon in their arsenal - shameless deception, cunning and evasion. They strive to be honest and direct in their thoughts, but self-interest almost always wins out. If things don't go the way they would like, they will sulk like children. In addition, they are like children, demanding attention and admiration. They also require a waste of time, energy and money. If they don't get what they want, they get hysterical. They reflect all changes in their environment like chameleons and can become pessimistic, gloomy, irritable and materialistically self-centered. If living conditions become truly unfavorable, their willpower may completely desert. At one point they can become self-confident or withdrawn. And also nervously excitable warriors, gloomily dissatisfied, tough and irritable. On the other hand, versatility can make them very flexible. They easily adapt to control the world around them using their ingenuity and intelligence. They have keen intuition and brilliant intellect. But their concentration cannot last too long. Mental agility and energy give them an insatiable appetite for knowledge, although they do not enjoy learning. They quickly master almost everything that requires intelligence and ingenuity. Their mind is very analytical and gives the ability to see both sides of an issue, so they often hesitate and have difficulty making decisions. But intelligence helps them a lot in making management decisions, and combining duality by its nature gives a double effect. When faced with difficulties, they consider the problem from all sides with subtlety until they find a solution. In their intellectual pursuits, as in other areas of life, they sometimes risk becoming amateurs - they waste themselves in many projects that captivate them until they begin to tire them. In love, Geminis are fickle. But not intentionally, but because of its emotional nature, which has an immoral aspect. On the one hand, they can be deeply emotional, but on the other, they are hostile to sentimentality, which is far from romantic. When they analyze this, they can judge themselves and praise themselves for it, depending on the situation. Geminis may not take anything seriously. Therefore, in love, deep feelings are only temporary for them - while they are new. They are superficial, carefree, cool, flirtatious and do not realize the depth of hurt and pain they can cause to others. They love intrigue and the excitement of the chase. But as soon as they catch the prey, they lose interest in it and begin searching for something new. They are witty, entertaining companions, good acquaintances, but not friends. It’s never boring with them, even in a bad mood they are never boring, they have a lot of humor. They can be brilliant conversationalists, but at the same time they can be brawlers, liars and deceivers. Geminis can be successful in many areas of life, although their overall characteristic tends to make them unreliable. They are eloquent and write competently. They can become good diplomats (although in politics they are more interested in theory than in practice). Geminis are wonderful speakers, preachers, teachers, writers, poets, journalists or lawyers. In business, any job that combines ingenuity and expands the range of business relationships suits them. They are also suitable for the professions of a salesperson, a broker, and others related to communicating with people. They have a logical, rational and analytical mind. They make good scientists, especially in the fields of medicine and astronomy. They can also make excellent soldiers because they do not take danger seriously and easily earn a reputation for devotion to duty and are capable of heroic deeds. Geminis can excel in the arts: music, painting and architecture. They are wonderful psychologists, they can be fraudulent fortune tellers, but they can also become adepts of black magic.

Possible health problems for Geminis...

Gemini's arms, shoulders, lungs and nervous system are vulnerable. They should beware of diseases related to the upper body and nervous system. As well as pulmonary diseases such as catarrh and bronchitis. High risk of accidents. They cannot tolerate heavy physical exertion. Taking unnecessary risks can harm you and others. Extreme sports can also be risky.

Problems that Geminis may encounter and their solutions.

Like every sign, Gemini has unique traits that make them stand out as individuals. When these qualities are suppressed without being realized, problems can arise. However, with astrology we can explore the problem and find the right solution based on the sun and sign characteristics. If you recognize yourself in the examples given below, then you are not yet able to mobilize all your positive qualities. Give these solutions a try and you'll likely be amazed at the results.
PROBLEM: Your superficiality can cause big problems in relationships with other people, as well as in your work team. This is the worst trait of all Geminis.
SOLUTION: If you are aware of this shortcoming, then a little effort is enough to control it. If you make a commitment to something or to someone, you must force yourself to always remember the responsibility. Undoubtedly, it will be difficult, but this sign can do it.
PROBLEM: You yourself create problems with your loved ones and enjoy the show that is happening.
SOLUTION: While this may relieve your boredom, you shouldn't let it happen. To prevent the situation from getting out of control, remember how dear the love of your family or companionship is to you. When you feel like a scandal might happen, it’s better to go for a walk. And the mood will change for the better.
PROBLEM: Boredom is one of your biggest problems. You can easily get into trouble if you cannot find ways to get rid of it.
SOLUTION: You must discover your creative talents to work for you as a hobby. And then you won't have time to be bored.
PROBLEM: You may have health problems caused by excessive eating, drinking or nocturnal lifestyle. All this gets worse with age.
SOLUTION: Train yourself to save your hobbies for the weekend, and then try not to overdo it.
PROBLEM: You may have problems starting a family and committing to faithful relationships. This is because you are constantly in pursuit of the opposite sex.
SOLUTION: Develop the habit of not flirting with everyone you are attracted to. Change your attitude towards the opposite sex. Live not only by emotions, but use your reason to be a true and loving spouse. Do not take hasty actions until you are completely sure of their correctness.

Some more interesting facts about your sign:

No animal is associated with your sign except the wolf, so Gemini is characterized by the cultivation of strength, fearlessness, perseverance, and a sense of “herddom.” It is important for Geminis, as a warning, to remember the story of Romulus and Remus - twin brothers who were fed with the milk of a she-wolf. In the place where the shepherd found them, over time they founded the city of Rome. Friendly before, they began to argue which of them would be king of the city. After much wrangling, the brothers decided to find out the will of the gods by reading the birds in the sky. Remus, from the top of the Aventine Hill, was the first to see six kites in the sky, and a moment later Romulus, from the top of the Palatine Hill, saw twelve. The dispute resumed. Remus believed that he should be king because he was the first to see the messengers of the divine will. And Romulus believed that the advantage was on his side, for twice as many birds appeared to him than to Remus. Neither brother was inferior to the other. Wanting to insist on his own, Romulus began to dig a ditch, which was supposed to outline the contours of the future city. Frustrated by his brother’s stubbornness, Rem began to mock him, easily jumping over the ditch and the rampart along it and mockingly saying that he had never seen such powerful fortifications. The enraged Romulus, not remembering himself from anger, dealt a terrible blow to his brother, from which he fell dead.

Gemini is distinguished from representatives of other signs by a special duality, inconstancy in many manifestations. They are able to assess the situation from two sides at the same time, experience love and hatred at the same moment, and sometimes they themselves do not even understand the complex nature of their feelings.

Gemini is much more changeable than the weather. They could be considered absolutely obnoxious if they weren't so charming. Geminis are sociable, having conversations with them is extremely pleasant, and also interesting - they have a lot of adventures. In addition, Geminis easily absorb knowledge that is practically useless to them, and willingly share it.

Geminis are endowed with observation, but do not know how to benefit from it; worse, they often become suspicious, paying attention to little things and completely misinterpreting them. Geminis are prone to envy and, moreover, believe that they live among envious people, and sometimes even see enemies in their closest friends.

It is difficult to understand Gemini, and many suspect them of a tendency towards hypocrisy, not suspecting that Gemini, if they deceive, then first of all themselves.

Everything in the life of Gemini is ambivalent, even the attitude of the stars towards them: on the one hand, fate endows them with inconstancy in intentions, on the other hand, it tirelessly sends them trials in which Gemini finally gains perseverance and determination.

Gemini men usually develop their range of interests throughout their lives, but they do not go to their goal in a direct way, but in the easiest way - they do it by themselves. They can be interested in different things without being seriously interested in any of them, and they can also take risks without feeling afraid.

Gemini women are very smart and erudite. They learn easily and are also distinguished by their practical ingenuity. The Gemini lady rarely knows how to distinguish something truly important from the secondary; she seems absent-minded, but can instantly and without visible tension gather herself before a new breakthrough.


Peter I, Alexander Cagliostro, Rodriguez Velazquez, Alexander Pushkin, Carl Linnaeus, Alexander Nevsky, Arthur Conan Doyle, Vissarion Belinsky, Thomas Jung, Ernesto (Che) Guevara, Joseph Brodsky, Mikhail Sholokhov, Daria Dontsova, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Paul Gauguin, Robert Sheckley, Carl Faberge, Marilyn Monroe, Jacques Cousteau, John F. Kennedy, Robert Schumann, Richard Strauss, Edvard Grieg, Tony Curtis, James Belushi, Boy George, Prince, Malcolm McDowell, Paul McCartney, Isadora Duncan, Naomi Campbell, Bari Alibasov, Anatoly Chubais, Ilya Glazunov, Lyudmila Zykina, Kristina Orbakaite, Anzhelika Varum, Kylie Minogue, Nicole Kidman, Anna Kournikova, Steffi Graf, Alexander Strizhenov, Vyacheslav Polunin, Rinat Dasaev, Maxim Galkin.

Ruling planet:☿ Mercury. Element: Air.

Gemini character

“One foot here and one there” - this expression seems to be specially created for restless Geminis, who want to learn so much about life and who therefore cannot sit still. When communicating with someone born under this zodiac sign, you can temporarily forget about what is possible and what is not, and in general, whether it is day or night - Geminis do not accept restrictions and conventions, however, they do not expect such meaningless sacrifices from you either.

That is why, if you waited for your new friend the whole evening at the appointed place, and when you called him back you found out that he suddenly had urgent business in another city, you can be sure that according to the zodiac sign this friend of yours is Gemini. Punctuality is not his strong point; too many things, events and people can distract him on the way to you.

He is always late, although they are always in a hurry. Things that another person passing by would not even notice can suddenly cause an inquisitive Gemini to change his course. But Gemini also has an incredible number of friends and acquaintances (although, unfortunately, few friends), meeting whom along the way guarantees them something interesting - from exchanging news to promising plans for the evening... It is not surprising that in their fast-paced journey, Gemini Often they completely forget about why they left the house.

Such haste and impatience of Geminis manifest themselves in absolutely everything, but routine scares them. They run from it like fire and in this panicked flight they are able to change more than one place of residence in their lives, and even more so, their place of work. A permanent job can only become permanent for them if it guarantees them business trips, communication with new people and, in general, an ocean of impressions. Only then will Gemini’s talent be fully revealed, and their overflowing energy, sociability and eloquence will bring them solid results.

Indeed, when it comes to the gift of persuasion and the ability to infect people with their enthusiasm, Gemini truly has no equal. Their charm is difficult to resist - they are extremely emotional, and their innate eloquence gives them an invaluable ability to persuade. Possessing a quick and clear mind, the gift of words, dexterity and erudition, Geminis are able to succeed in many areas, becoming unrivaled speakers, reporters, politicians, and businessmen.

The other side of Gemini's restlessness is their inconstancy. Any obligations, be they friendly, love or business, frighten them, dooming Gemini to an eternal striving for some distant goal, for ideals unknown to them. For the sake of the “tit in the sky” looming ahead, they are ready to sacrifice even “crane in hand,” and when they realize their mistake, it is often too late. Their gaze is fixed on the horizon, and in their pursuit of novelty, Geminis often do not notice the treasures that lie right under their feet.

The element of Gemini is the ever-changing, mobile Air, and their planet is the restless Mercury, the mediator between heaven and earth. He endows this sign with sociability, dexterity and mental alertness.

Friendly and inquisitive, changeable and fickle, dexterous and energetic, with a great sense of humor, Geminis are capable of captivating and inspiring. Their life is a kaleidoscope of impressions, and they will not stop until they themselves are bored with its stormy, rapid rhythm.


There are always 2 people in this sign, and it is very interesting to follow the changes in his character. They can quickly change clothes, work, place of residence, their decisions and manners. They jump around all the time, even when reading a book, they can start from the end, from the last page. Geminis are good at debating. They are always surrounded by nervous energy. Most of them speak quickly and are poor listeners. These people are very impatient with conservative people. But they have some kind of friendliness towards others. They are fast and graceful. You should never try to convince them of anything. Geminis can easily get out of any situation. They think things through quickly, can be sharply satirical, and are smarter than other people. Many of them take pleasure in surprising slow-witted people with the speed of their mental processes. If only anyone can handle Gemini, it's Aquarius.

When a Gemini is in love, they can constantly surprise you, their main secret lies in their duality. They can do several things at once with less effort than other signs. Any routine and everyday life makes them feel like a bird in a cage. They hate monotony in everything. They are usually not punctual and are often late. They rarely write down the story of their life and do not like to write letters. The reason is that they do not have a permanent opinion. That’s why they often write under a pseudonym. They love and know languages, French is their favorite language.

Their tendency to easily give up their opinions can lead to dishonesty. But nevertheless, they are too great idealists to become criminals. These are the biggest spenders. No matter what project they take on, angels always smile on them. They are the greatest improvers in the world. At heart, every Gemini is a merchant. Geminis need to sleep twice as much as others to give rest to their constantly working brains. At the same time, they often suffer from insomnia and therefore rarely get complete rest, as a result of which they are at risk of nervous exhaustion. Only sun and fresh air can keep them away from the hospital. The most common diseases of Gemini are diseases of the shoulders, arms, fingers and palms. The lungs may also be weak, and they may also be at risk for rheumatism, migraines and arthritis. And another strange thing is that they more easily experience an emotional explosion from melancholy than from unnecessary activity.

Deep inside themselves they strive for the ideal. Their main problem is to understand what it is? Anything can be an ideal, because... his imagination knows no bounds. Money, fame, wealth, love - it is never enough for him. It will always seem to him that it is better where he is not. Perhaps they are looking for something unrevealed in themselves. Their eyes are sharp, their talents are numerous, they have a lot of diplomacy and subtlety, but they lack consistency and patience.

Geminis trust only themselves. They are strangers on earth.



Living with him, it may happen that if you send him to the store on Monday, you may not see him again until Tuesday. Do not try to look for him at the same time and do not hang on his neck if he is about to leave. Once you learn to understand his restless soul, only then will you be able to adapt to him. You will never be sure where or how far he has gone. This is what brings back all your doubts that love, it would seem, should melt away. When you are in love with a Gemini, you will never be alone, there will always be two people with you, and both of them are him. Remember that this sign combines a double personality, it is a dual nature... These are the favorites of any housewife, he adores the public, the more of them, the more fun he has. The rare Gemini is not a great conversationalist. He has refined taste, he is full of witty remarks, and his compliments are masterpieces of sincerity. Geminis have excellent manners and can direct society in the direction that interests them. This is the most intelligent sign.

But before you marry him, make sure that you are able to live with a person who will provide you with a completely uncertain future. His moods can usually change quickly, and his life goals can also change very sharply. He may confess his love to you today, but postpone the date until tomorrow, leaving you completely bewildered. And after a while he will begin to express doubts that you can be happy together. If you go through this, then in a few days he will propose to you again and you will forget the troubles. And now you are engaged to the mystery itself.

The Gemini man will not be tomorrow what he is today. He remembers yesterday poorly, not for long. It is constantly changing. These changes are possible for the better, he can strive for the better, but this is always associated with an element of surprise. If you are a gambler, you will make a good match. But all good players must understand the game well before placing a bet. And this you must remember. Their goals are always unstable and ambiguous. Often Gemini husbands hide their love under the guise of rudeness; they have a subconscious desire to hide their true intentions, covering them with completely opposite words and actions. Basically, they want to confuse you, and then they change 100 percent and become open and frank, so they win you over.

Loving a Gemini man can be easy and enjoyable if you don't try to get too close to him. He has an inner core that belongs only to him, which he will not share with anyone. Take this lightly and calmly, do not be too sensitive and practical, do not bother him. And in this case, your romance with him will be quite original. Don’t rebel against his changeability, change with him, be interested in life the same way he is interested, otherwise your romance is doomed. He needs, first of all, an intellectual partner, one who suits his mind or sometimes even surpasses it. He is a realist and loves an intellectual duel. The silent mouse does not suit him at all.

He has a tendency to leave old friends for new ones, but not because he is heartless. His own personality is constantly changing, so he is looking for new people who are interesting to him. He can feel at home everywhere and rarely gets attached to old things. During long periods of loneliness, he may shed sentimental tears, but these are caused solely by loneliness, and not by dreams about the past. He doesn't like, he's even afraid to be left alone for a long time. Many Geminis marry more than once, especially if he first married in his youth (this again reflects his duality). As for the financial side, he can be a very generous person at the beginning of his life, and then become simply greedy. He has no desire to accumulate money, as well as knowledge. He loves to consume everything. Its main function is to earn new ideas, while showing off its bright mental abilities.

Will he be faithful to you?! In my own way, yes. Since he loves to socialize and is attractive to women, there is always a lot of gossip around him. It's rare that a Gemini man will allow himself to be dishonest towards you if you truly trust him. He is always able to catch any of your secret experiences. However, you shouldn't expect him to shun all women just because he's wearing a wedding ring. He can have fun with women, drink with them, chat with them. This is a natural state for him. This does not mean that he is having affairs with these women. When trust is not justified, it deeply hurts him and puts him into a state of depression. In this case, he seeks to calm his emotions. There is no need to be afraid of his emotional or physical infidelity, this is his normal state.

He is a good father with children and is not strict with them. Relations with them are close, but somewhat free. They often spoil their children. He needs to learn to keep his promises, which he often breaks.

Jealousy is something you don't have to worry about with a Gemini husband. Possessiveness is not his character trait. He tries to get rid of suspicions. The physical side of love is not in first place for him.

He hears, sees and feels more than other people and his impressions are always very vivid. His love is somewhat airy and illusory in nature. Sometimes it seems that she lacks the earthly passions that other signs possess. He must feel a complete fusion of mental and spiritual qualities before he is overcome by physical passion. This is the only way to his heart.

You need to get used to the word "if". “If I loved...” (ignore these words, he says them as a precaution). Rough critical remarks and scenes will quickly cool the sensitive Gemini man. He must have two mistresses at the same time, there is an opinion. Yes, he needs two mistresses, but they don’t have to be two different women. That's the whole mystery. If you truly know your Gemini, you will know how to solve this riddle.



If you like a harem, marry a Gemini woman. In this case, you will have at least two women, and sometimes 3 or 4. Naturally, this comparison is conditional; she is distinguished by her lack of interest in earthly passions. It is very difficult to get her to sit down and do anything seriously. Her mind is constantly traveling. But look deeper. And you will see a romantic woman capable of strong passion. Moreover, it will be combined with mental, spiritual and physical qualities. How to preserve the changeable character and inner essence of a Gemini woman? This is the crux of the whole problem. Her age should be very important to you, because... Until she grows up, her novels will be just a game for her.

Her behavior can be incredibly unpredictable. At first she may admire you, and then she will begin to criticize everything about you with rare sarcasm and great intelligence. But don't let this put you off, because... it is always dual. She is not as heartless as she may seem at times. She's a dreamer. And a novel is the easiest way for her to express her fantasies. She transfers all her fantasies, all her dreams to her novels. This woman needs your pity, not your anger. It is difficult for her to devote herself to any one person. She may admire you, but at the same time calmly notes that you are not well versed in music or, for example, poetry. And when she finds a person who understands music or poetry, she will find some other shortcomings in him due to the duality of her character. Therefore, constant conflicts occur in her soul. But you have to give her credit. She usually keeps all the complexities of her character to herself without burdening you with them.

She is usually a cheerful and cheerful partner. Most of the time, she is bright, smart, individual, and a good conversationalist. She really likes all sorts of romantic and sentimental gestures. No other woman will captivate you with such original ways of love and charm as she does. She can blink her eyelashes very gracefully like a typical woman, but she is helpless to earn a living. She can be very different: at first she is a cheerful, easy-going woman, then she can be an adoring wife, a serious woman, and suddenly she can turn into a bundle of nerves, fears, etc. She's not the same! An example of this is Marilyn Monroe. A Gemini woman can be very different in different situations. She always dreams of falling in love for real. But she fails. She also strives for motherhood, but this also does not always work out. She can find several good qualities in every man, but she strives for perfection, which is always unattainable.

She can be your good friend. She can participate with you in any activity that interests you. At the same time, she always manages to look very soft and feminine, and also show her intelligence. Moreover, her sharp and quick mind manifests itself very clearly when she meets a new man. She is sincerely convinced that she is in love with you, but at the same time she may be passionate about another man too. If she is not by your side all the time, she may forget you faster than any other woman. This is her nature, striving for constant change and looking for it. If she does not learn to control her behavior, does not learn patience and stability, then she can ruin her entire life, and at the same time yours. Fortunately, for a man in love with such a woman, most Gemini women come to a deep understanding of their nature. Once she accepts your proposal, you can feel sorry for all the other men who are doomed to marry only one woman. You will have several wives if you marry her.

Wife number one. She can adapt to whatever you want in her, and if you need loyalty, she can be faithful, provided you are interesting enough to win her love. This refers to a combination of mental, spiritual and physical qualities. In this case, the physical side comes last, like the pepper we add to pizza. This wife will suit you in everything. She has good taste, loves to travel, and will not blame you for the fact that your future is not stable, because she is interested in everything new, even unstable. She will help you by expressing original thoughts. You can count on her in difficult times. And although outwardly she gives the impression of a frivolous woman, this is not true. This is a deep thinker.

Wife number two. May have a different mood, you can expect that too. There may be times when she will be sarcastic and cynical. She can challenge you in an intellectual debate. But a man needs to be stimulated, right? Come on, defeat her in this argument and, by the way, this is what she secretly wants from you. Life does not shock her, she has no prejudices. She can take part in a strike, a protest march. If you stay late, she won't ask questions about where you've been. But don’t ask her such questions either. They trust you, do the same towards her. This is a very independent person.

Wife number three. She will be tired and depressed from homework. The beds will not be made, the dishes will be dirty, while she dreams, reads, smokes. You may be served canned food for lunch without even opening the cans. But nevertheless, even in such moments you will find in her an excellent interlocutor. It will satisfy your emotional and intellectual impulses. He will listen to your opinion with curiosity and will admire new projects. In short, he will keep you pleasant company. She will also treat you with love because... you didn’t scold her for not dusting or preparing dinner. During such periods, she may spend money recklessly. And if you offer her a trip, she will happily start packing, without asking stupid questions about how to get tickets or what to do with the cat left at home.

Wife number four. She will be a cheerful, smiling mother. She will not want children to limit her activities and changeable nature; children will imitate her independence and will take care of themselves. She spends little time with children, although she gives them a lot of love. Teenagers love to talk with her, she will be their friend, because... her imagination is like that of a child.

Wife number five. She will be an excellent hostess, an excellent expert in table settings, placement of candles, etc. You can invite any person home, everyone will be fascinated by it. She loves the theater, exhibitions, and feels good everywhere. Everyone will look at you with envy. She can be romantic, hyper-feminine, or write you a poem for your birthday. You will want to buy her velvet dresses and expensive perfumes as her grace demands it.

Thus, you have many women at once. Her dreams and aspirations make her run all the time. Try to catch up with her, keep pace with her and slow down her running. Secretly, she dreams of relaxing. Try to help her with this, she needs you.

The astrological forecast is based on: June 30, 2019(Moscow, GMT +3:00)

It is difficult for you to make the right decision: your mind says one thing, but your heart says another. It is extremely dangerous to mix business and personal relationships; Work and personal life today need to be separated from each other as much as possible. It is undesirable to resolve financial and property issues or appear in court.

You will have a chance to restore some long-standing relationship, but you should do this only if you have no resentment, no anger, no resentment caused by what happened in the past; otherwise your attempts will not lead to anything good.

Zodiac sign Gemini: horoscope

The lives of people born under this zodiac sign pass at maximum speed. The element of air gives them a lot of creative energy. They always strive forward, rush somewhere, try to be on time everywhere in life, and worry about time delays.

It is not for nothing that the Gemini zodiac sign is depicted as two parts of one whole; this personality has two different sides that constantly interact, rush each other without pausing, which makes the life of this sign very dynamic and active. Of course, there is no need to talk about any constancy.

The characteristics of a Gemini as a colleague, friend, spouse are the same; it is difficult to get along with him and interact effectively, receiving benefits or pleasure. Constant changes in mood, changes in the course of thoughts and actions, unpredictability, fleeting connections, disputes and the search for truth make the Gemini horoscope quite repulsive.

But it is worth noting that activity allows these people to accomplish a lot of things in a short time; they can solve important problems while shopping and carry out many projects at the same time.

Therefore, if you have an emergency and need a flow of fresh, unstoppable energy, know that the best assistant is the one who is given strength by the Gemini zodiac sign.

According to the love horoscope, Geminis often remain single, since it is very difficult to find a partner who can coexist happily with him. Even signs belonging to the same element cannot get along with him; it is difficult to maintain harmony in relations with such a fickle person.

However, their lucky chance is the same unstoppable and energetic person with whom they can live at the same pace. In other cases, the Gemini horoscope influences such that a person forms an alliance with someone who has traits of a completely opposite character, but at the same time the partner is suppressed by the assertive Gemini.

First decade (May 22 - May 31)

In the first decade, people are born, the so-called “pure” Geminis, in whom all the features characteristic of this zodiac sign are clearly expressed. Regardless of age, they always strive for new sensations, so they are ready to experiment in all areas of life. This also applies to love relationships.

The desire for novelty forces them to sift through a lot of information, so these people are very smart and well-read. They often find themselves at the center of the craziest events.

Geminis of the first decade have good abilities in the exact sciences. They make excellent programmers and mathematicians.

Second decade (June 1 - June 10)

It is these representatives who are well influenced by Venus: almost all of them have musical or poetic talent. They have a keen sense of beauty and harmony, but at the same time they value order and discipline, which is often perceived by others as pedantry.

In addition, of all 12 signs of the Zodiac, these are the most loving signs. Therefore, first of all, they bring harmony to love relationships, and remain incorrigible romantics all their lives.

Throughout their lives, these people are ready to endlessly explore the world and sincerely enjoy new small discoveries.

Third decade (June 11 - June 21)

Of all Geminis, these representatives are strongly influenced by the planet Saturn, which gives them determination, strong-willed character and discipline. Thanks to these qualities, Geminis of the third decade can realize themselves in the political sphere and administrative structures. Therefore, they often gravitate toward career or power.

And observation and education, which are also inherent in them, will easily allow any representative of this sign in the third decade to become a true professional in their field. They do not tolerate quarrels and support their authority in every possible way, including in love relationships.

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