(See interpretation: earth)

A field in a dream symbolizes your life. The larger and smoother the field in your dream, the longer and happier you will live your life. Walking across a field in a dream is a sign of freedom and independence, happiness and satisfaction. See the interpretation: cliff, road, stones and further by the names of grains.

Gullies and potholes in the field mean obstacles and misfortunes. A cultivated field in a dream foreshadows wealth and prosperity, while an abandoned one portends unexpected disappointment. Cultivating a field in a dream is a sign of good luck in a difficult task. Such a dream predicts that you will achieve wealth through honest and hard work.

A cultivated field (plowed) in a dream is a harbinger of great luck and wealth. Level harrows in the field mean that your life will return to normal, change for the better, and you will be able to put your home or business in order. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows that a lucrative offer of cooperation or matchmaking will not work out. Especially if you see someone harrowing your field.

Walking behind the plow yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. Another meaning of this dream is housework. Seeing the harvest or reapers in a dream is a sign of prosperity for the family. See interpretation: grain, bread.

Damaged harrows are a sign of impending confusion, confusion in business or personal matters. A devastated, burned field in a dream foreshadows losses, losses and deprivations. Measuring a field in a dream foretells disputes with relatives over ownership of property.

Sowing grain crops in a dream means good prospects for the future.

It is believed that sowing wheat in a dream is a sign of the birth of a son, and sowing rye in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent birth of a daughter. If you dream that birds in the field are pecking at seeds, then losses await you. If in a dream you can drive away the birds, then your losses will not be so noticeable.

If in a dream you see seeds sprouting, then great success awaits you thanks to your extraordinary abilities. Seeing or collecting a rich harvest in the field is a sign of prosperity and wealth. After such a dream, you should expect that all your troubles will soon end. To see a field sown with millet in a dream is a sign of easily acquired wealth and great joy.

If in a dream you see a huge field sown with rye, then the dream predicts that you will get rich from trade deals or will be able to sue someone for a large inheritance. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the conclusion of a profitable marriage, a cheerful feast and gifts. Seeing a plowman at work in a dream means that your business will go uphill.

If he is idle, then expect failures and disappointments. Seeing a mown, harvested field, especially in the rays of sunset, means that your business will soon become unprofitable or end in failure.

Seeing or loading sheaves of straw in a dream means that your work will be difficult and unproductive. A dream about her foreshadows the decline of your affairs and failures. If you dream that the floors of your house are covered with straw, then you should be wary of a trick or a trap set by your enemies.

Knitting sheaves of wheat or seeing them in a dream is a sign of profit, prosperity and happiness. Often such a dream predicts the assumption of responsibility or obligations that will tie you hand and foot. Feeding cattle with straw in a dream means that you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation. See interpretation: roof.

Burning straw in a dream means a wasted task. Sleeping on straw in a dream is a harbinger of poverty and need. Rearranging sheaves in a dream is a harbinger of bad changes. Seeing hay in a dream is a sign of great happiness, wealth and great profit. Often such a dream indicates that you will become the owner of a large fortune.

Raking hay in a dream foretells an increase in wealth. Resting or lying on the hay in a dream foretells peace and family happiness. Chewing hay in a dream means that you will get into debt and if you cannot pay it off, creditors will ruin you. After such a dream, expect hunger, deprivation, and a streak of failures. See interpretation: agricultural implements.

Interpretation of dreams from

Anchor points:

House with dirty floor

In the house- to a serious, protracted illness, the symptoms of which will be so strange and scattered that even doctors will not be able to immediately understand what kind of illness has struck you. That is why recovery will take a long time and with various difficulties. In this situation, you should not rely on the opinion of only one specialist; visit several more doctors to be able to more fully consider the problem and identify ways to solve it.

Dirty floors in the apartment

WITH dirty floorsto serious quarrels. Moreover, disagreements will occur with different people, both with loved ones and acquaintances, and with those whom you happen to see for the first time. This suggests that something is tormenting you and constantly keeping you in suspense, try to deal with this problem as quickly as possible and then life will return to its usual rut.

Paul at work

Dirty floor at work, means that you have accumulated large number tasks that you are too careless about, don’t want to do, or do them only so that no one will pester you. This position is fundamentally wrong and obviously losing. For this you can get a reprimand at work, in addition, you will be watched more closely and any mistake or omission will cause manager's dissatisfaction. The whole situation could lead to a dishonorable discharge.

Dirty corridor

Floor in the corridor- to a long wait for an answer to a question that occupies all your thoughts at the moment. You will be unhappy with such a delay, but being nervous, nothing can be changed; all that remains is to calmly wait for a decision from higher-ups.

Someone else's apartment

In someone else's apartment- to censure. Your unauthorized actions will not be approved; for them you may receive a severe reprimand or serious conversation with management, after which expect a biased attitude on the part of those people with whom you will have to work in the same territory.

To see on the floor is an inability to improve your life, submission to random circumstances.

Vanga's Dream Book

Clean smooth floor- this is peace of mind and confidence in the fullness of one’s contribution to the family (one’s half) and the basis of the family as a whole. A complete, beautiful, healthy family gives only positive emotions, mental stability and ease in solving problems.

Destroyed, littered or dismantled floor- this is destruction due to mental disorders of one half of the family. The remaining one will strive to balance herself, so a broken floor indicates the destruction of relationships and severance of ties. Sleep is unfavorable. This additional information should be attached to the favorable and unfavorable interpretation of the dream.

Wooden floor- the family is based more on emotional relationships than on economic ones.

Stone floor- economic relations in the family are more fundamental than emotional ones.

Stone- the floor is stronger; it is more difficult to break, but also more difficult to repair: anger/wood dries up faster than thoughtfulness/metal and sadness/earth.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Floor- family relationships, position of stability or self-doubt; health.

Water pours in from below- danger.

Wash- argument; death.

Sweep- guests; losses; publicity; parting.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Wash the floor- death, separation; re-lay- illness, death.

Esoteric dream book

Floor- your support, rear.

Solid, beautiful- you have strong support, solid rear.

Flimsy, swaying- you can be betrayed by those on whom you rely most.

Change gender- exciting events that can change your views and ideas.

Ukrainian dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Gender in a dream symbolizes orderliness real life the dreamer and his relationships with people. If you want to know why you dream about a dirty floor, then it is important to pay attention to all the details of the dream.

If you tried your best to tidy up your dirty floor, you will soon be able to make a good profit. You should expect guests if you swept a not too dirty floor with a broom. This dream is favorable for married couples on the verge of divorce, as it promises them a quick reconciliation.

A dream in which you saw a dirty floor in your friends’ house warns that they may soon become seriously ill. It is also quite possible that your relationship with this person will deteriorate for a long time.

If your loved one's house had a dirty floor on which you got dirty, then, most likely, certain difficulties will arise in your relationship with his parents.

A dream in which you washed a dirty floor in the apartment of a deceased friend or relative is unfavorable. It looks like a serious illness is coming to your home, be careful with how you feel.

In your dreams, did you wash a dirty floor with unclean water? Most likely, you will be slandered, moreover, by a person who enters your home. Have you used a rag to clear away a large amount of debris from the floor? This means that your calm flow of life will be disrupted in the very near future. For protracted problems, you dream about how you smeared dirt on the floor. If you clearly saw your dirty hands at the same time, then you should take care of your health.

A dream in which you saw dirty footprints on the floor shows that in your family life everything is not as good as it seems at first glance. There is a possibility that your other half does not appreciate your achievements.

If you dreamed of a dirty floor in your workplace, then dramatic changes await you. The more garbage there was on it, the better for you. However, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to make enormous efforts to get a promotion and increase in salary. Did you see one of your colleagues cleaning the dirty floor? In real life you should be more careful with him. Most likely, he wants to hook you up.

If you washed some kind of stain from the floor, this means that you have some kind of secret. It seems that you are very afraid that someone will find out about it, so all your efforts are aimed at hiding it.

It is disappointing in real life to see dreams in which there was a feeling of disgust and disgust when washing a dirty floor. It is quite possible that the actions of your family will confuse you.

Blood on the floor promises random income, which will most likely come from relatives. If you could not wash away a stain, then an interesting acquaintance awaits you in real life.

Did you see a dirty floor in a hallway or entrance? This dream shows that all your thoughts are occupied with one issue. Unfortunately, you still have a long time to wait for his decision. It also symbolizes your tension and nervousness about this matter.

If you tried to clean dirty floors in a completely unfamiliar place, then be prepared for the fact that your actions will not be approved.

Why do you dream about a dirty floor? Such a symbol, according to the dream book, foreshadows deterioration in health, quarrels, and carelessness in business. However, if in a dream you try to sweep, wash away the dirt, or put things in order, the meaning of the dream changes and promises good changes, mutual understanding, career achievements, and help.

Problems with business, deteriorating health

Why do you dream about a dirty floor? The dream book explains: it indicates negligence in the conduct of business, neglect. Because of this, the dreamer's well-being can be seriously affected.

Seeing a very dirty floor in a dream means unsettled conditions, a feeling of impending danger. The dream signals an inability to improve one’s own life. The sleeper too often submits to circumstances instead of trying to change something.

Did you dream that the floor was very littered with something? Misunderstandings will slightly spoil the relationship with your lover. Please be as patient as possible to clarify the situation.

Did you sweep in a dream? The plot promises a deterioration in health, the onset of illness. You need to visit a doctor on time.

Favorable changes are ahead

Sweeping a dirty floor - according to the dream book, harmony and mutual understanding, your loved ones will love and respect you. There will be many responsibilities and chores around the house and at work, but your family will always help and provide support.

Taking revenge in your own apartment in a dream foreshadows significant life changes. The dreamer will organize not only the surrounding space, but also his own thoughts, and this will prevent attackers from confusing him.

Relationship difficulties

Why dream of seeing traces of dirt on a washed floor? The vision means: very soon you will learn about your partner’s betrayal, and the evidence will turn out to be reliable.

Wet footprints in a dream foreshadow minor difficulties that will cause a lot of trouble. You'll have to be nervous.

Traces of dirt, according to the dream book, indicate: not everything is as smooth in the dreamer’s relationship with his other half as it seems. Perhaps the husband (wife) does not appreciate his attention and contribution to the family.

Avoid excessive suspicion

Why dream of seeing that the linoleum or other covering in the house is very dirty? The dream book warns: you are showing excessive suspicion and distrust of those who provide support. We need to reconsider this attitude.

Dreaming of a dirty floor in a house promises a long-term serious illness, the symptoms of which will be incomprehensible, so the illness is not diagnosed immediately. You will have to visit several doctors.

Where was he?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account where it was:

  • in the house - you achieve results by any means, but you need to stop this practice;
  • in the apartment - disagreements with relatives, acquaintances, strangers;
  • in someone else's house - serious reprimand for your unauthorized actions;
  • at work - there are many things that you do too carelessly.

Collapse of hopes or good changes

Did you dream of washing it in a dream in an apartment, but not your own, but someone else’s? The dream book says: hopes of achieving the goal will be in vain. Wash with your hands in someone else's house - you will soon have to endure humiliation.