One of the main indicators of a normally functioning organism is arterial blood oxygen saturation. This parameter is reflected in the number of red blood cells, and pulse oximetry (pulse oximetry) helps determine it.

The inhaled air enters the lungs, where there is a powerful network of capillaries that absorb oxygen, which is so necessary to ensure numerous biochemical processes. As you know, oxygen is not sent “free floating”, otherwise the cells would not be able to receive it in sufficient quantities. To deliver this element to tissues, nature provides carriers - erythrocytes.

Each hemoglobin molecule found in a red blood cell is capable of binding 4 oxygen molecules, and the average percentage of red blood cell saturation with oxygen is called saturation. This term is well known to anesthesiologists who use the saturation parameter to assess the patient’s condition during anesthesia.

If hemoglobin, using all its reserves, has bound all four oxygen molecules, then the saturation will be 100%. It is absolutely not necessary for this indicator to be maximum, for normal life it is enough to have it at the level of 95-98%. This percentage of saturation fully ensures the respiratory function of tissues.

It happens that saturation drops, and this is always a sign of pathology, so the indicator cannot be ignored, especially in case of lung diseases, during surgical interventions, certain types treatment. A pulse oximeter device is used to monitor blood oxygen saturation., and we will further understand how it works and what are the indications for its use.

Principle of pulse oximetry

Depending on how saturated hemoglobin is with oxygen, the wavelength of light that it can absorb changes. The operation of a pulse oximeter, consisting of a light source, sensors, a detector and an analyzing processor, is based on this principle.

The light source emits waves in the red and infrared spectrum, and the blood absorbs them depending on the number of oxygen molecules bound by hemoglobin. Bound hemoglobin picks up infrared light, while unoxygenated hemoglobin picks up red light. The unabsorbed light is registered by the detector, the device calculates the saturation and displays the result on the monitor. The method is non-invasive, painless, and takes only 10-20 seconds.

Today, two methods of pulse oximetry are used:

  1. Transmission.
  2. Reflected.

At transmission pulse oximetry the light flux penetrates through the tissue, therefore, to obtain saturation indicators, the emitter and the receiving sensor must be placed on opposite sides, with the tissue between them. To make the study easier, sensors are placed on small areas of the body - finger, nose, ear.

Reflected pulse oximetry involves recording light waves that are not absorbed by oxygenated hemoglobin and are reflected from the tissue. This method is convenient for use on a variety of areas of the body where it is technically impossible to place sensors opposite each other or the distance between them is too large to record light fluxes - stomach, face, shoulder, forearm. The ability to choose the study site gives a great advantage to reflected pulse oximetry, although the accuracy and information content of both methods is approximately the same.

Non-invasive pulse oximetry has some disadvantages, including changes in operation in conditions of bright light, moving objects, the presence of dyes (nail polish), and the need for precise positioning of the sensors. Errors in readings may be due to improper application of the device, shock, or hypovolemia in the patient when the device cannot detect the pulse wave. Carbon monoxide poisoning can even show one hundred percent saturation, while hemoglobin is saturated not with oxygen, but with CO.

Applications and indications for pulse oximetry

The human body has “reserves” of food and water, but oxygen is not stored in it, so within a few minutes from the moment its supply ceases, irreversible processes begin that lead to death. All organs suffer, and to a greater extent the vital ones.

Chronic oxygenation disorders contribute to profound trophic disorders, which affects well-being. Headaches, dizziness, drowsiness appear, memory and mental activity are weakened, preconditions for arrhythmias, heart attacks, and hypertension appear.

A doctor at an appointment or when examining a patient at home is always “armed” with a stethoscope and a tonometer, but it would be nice to have a portable pulse oximeter with him, because determining saturation is of great importance for a wide range of patients with pathologies of the heart, lungs, and blood system. In developed countries, these devices are used not only in clinics: general practitioners, cardiologists, and pulmonologists actively use them in their daily work.

Unfortunately, in Russia and other post-Soviet countries, pulse oximetry is performed exclusively in intensive care units, when treating patients who are one step away from death. This is due not only to the high cost of the devices, but also to the lack of awareness among doctors about the importance of measuring saturation.

Determination of blood oxygenation serves as an important criterion for the patient’s condition during anesthesia, transportation of seriously ill patients, and during surgical operations, therefore it is widely used in the practice of anesthesiologists and resuscitators.

Premature newborns, who have a high risk of damage to the retina and lungs due to hypoxia, also need pulse oximetry and constant monitoring of blood saturation.

In therapeutic practice, pulse oximetry is used for pathology of the respiratory organs with their insufficiency, sleep disorders with respiratory arrest, suspected cyanosis of various etiologies, in order to control the treatment of chronic pathology.

Indications for performing pulse oximetry are:

  • Respiratory failure, regardless of its cause;
  • Oxygen therapy;
  • Anesthetic care during operations;
  • Postoperative period, especially in vascular surgery and orthopedics;
  • Deep hypoxia in pathology internal organs, blood system, congenital anomalies of red blood cells, etc.;
  • Possible sleep apnea syndrome (stopping breathing), chronic nocturnal sleep apnea.

Overnight pulse oximetry

In some cases, it becomes necessary to measure saturation at night. Some conditions are accompanied by respiratory arrest while the patient is sleeping, which is very dangerous and even threatens death. Such nocturnal attacks of apnea are not uncommon in individuals with a high degree of obesity, pathology of the thyroid gland, lungs, and hypertension.

Patients suffering from sleep-disordered breathing complain of snoring at night, poor sleep, daytime drowsiness and a feeling of lack of sleep, irregular heartbeat, and headache. These symptoms suggest probable hypoxia during sleep, which can only be confirmed with the help of a special study.

Computer pulse oximetry, performed at night, takes many hours, during which saturation, pulse, and pulse wave pattern are monitored. The device determines the oxygen concentration overnight up to 30 thousand times, storing each indicator in memory. It is absolutely not necessary for the patient to be in the hospital at this time, although his condition often requires this. If there is no risk to life from the underlying disease, pulse oximetry is performed at home.

The sleep pulse oximetry algorithm includes:

  1. Fixing the sensor on the finger and the sensing device on the wrist of one of the hands. The device turns on automatically.
  2. The pulse oximeter remains on the arm throughout the night, and every time the patient wakes up, this is recorded in a special diary.
  3. In the morning, upon waking up, the patient removes the device and gives the diary to the attending physician to analyze the data obtained.

The analysis of the results is carried out for the period from ten o'clock in the evening to eight in the morning. At this time, the patient should sleep in comfortable conditions, with an air temperature of about 20-23 degrees. Before going to bed, avoid taking sleeping pills, coffee and tea. Any action - waking up, taking medication, having a headache - is recorded in the diary. If during sleep a decrease in saturation to 88% or lower is established, then the patient needs long-term oxygen therapy at night.

Indications for overnight pulse oximetry:

  • Obesity, starting from the second degree;
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases with respiratory failure;
  • Hypertension and, starting from the second degree;
  • Myxedema.

If a specific diagnosis has not yet been established, then signs indicating possible hypoxia, and, therefore, being a reason for pulse oximetry, will be: night snoring and breathing pauses during sleep, shortness of breath at night, sweating, sleep disturbances with frequent awakenings, headaches and feeling fatigue.

Video: pulse oximetry in the diagnosis of sleep apnea (lecture)

Saturation norms and deviations

Pulse oximetry is aimed at establishing the oxygen concentration in hemoglobin and pulse rate. The saturation rate is the same for adults and children and is 95-98% , in venous blood - usually within 75% . A decrease in this indicator indicates developing hypoxia; an increase is usually observed during oxygen therapy.

When the figure reaches 94%, the doctor must take urgent measures to combat hypoxia, and Saturation 90% and below is considered critical, when the patient requires emergency assistance. Most pulse oximeters beep when readings are abnormal. They respond to a decrease in oxygen saturation below 90%, disappearance or slowing of the pulse, and tachycardia.

The measurement of saturation concerns arterial blood, because it is the blood that carries oxygen to the tissues, so analysis of the venous bed from this position does not seem diagnostically valuable or appropriate. With a decrease in total blood volume and arterial spasm, pulse oximetry readings may change, not always showing actual saturation numbers.

The resting heart rate in an adult varies between 60 and 90 beats per minute; in children, the heart rate depends on age, so the values ​​​​will be different for each age category. In newborn babies it reaches 140 beats per minute, gradually decreasing as they grow older. adolescence to adult norm.

Depending on the intended location of pulse oximetry, the devices can be stationary, with sensors on the hands, for night monitoring, or belt-mounted. Stationary pulse oximeters are used in clinics, have many different sensors and store a huge amount of information.

The most popular portable devices are those with sensors attached to the finger. They are easy to use, do not take up much space, and can be used at home.

Chronic respiratory failure due to pathology of the lungs or heart appears in the diagnoses of many patients, but close attention is not paid to the problem of blood oxygenation. The patient is prescribed all kinds of medications to combat the underlying disease, and the issue of the need for long-term oxygen therapy remains outside of discussion.

The main method for diagnosing hypoxia in cases of severe respiratory failure is to determine the concentration of gases in the blood. These studies are usually not carried out at home or even in a clinic, not only because of the possible lack of laboratory conditions, but also because doctors do not prescribe them to “chronic patients” who are observed on an outpatient basis for a long time and maintain a stable condition.

On the other hand, having recorded the presence of hypoxemia using a simple pulse oximeter device, a therapist or cardiologist could well refer the patient to oxygen therapy. This is not a panacea for respiratory failure, but an opportunity to prolong life and reduce the risk of sleep apnea with death. The tonometer is known to everyone, and patients themselves actively use it, but if the prevalence of the tonometer were the same as the pulse oximeter, then the frequency of detection of hypertension would be many times lower.

Timely prescribed oxygen therapy improves the patient’s well-being and prognosis of the disease, prolongs life and reduces the risks of dangerous complications, therefore pulse oximetry is as necessary a procedure as measuring pressure or pulse rate.

Pulse oximetry occupies a special place in overweight subjects. Already at the second stage of the disease, when a person is still called “chubby” or simply very well-fed, serious breathing disorders are possible. Stopping it in a dream contributes to sudden death, and relatives will be perplexed, because the patient could be young, well-fed, rosy-cheeked and quite healthy. Determining sleep saturation in obesity is a common practice in foreign clinics, and timely administration of oxygen prevents the death of overweight people.

The development of modern medical technologies and the emergence of devices available to a wide range of patients help in the early diagnosis of many dangerous diseases, and the use of portable pulse oximeters is already a reality in developed countries, which is gradually coming to us, so I would like to hope that soon the pulse oximetry method will be the same common, such as using a blood pressure monitor, glucometer or thermometer.

Complete gas exchange underlies the normal functioning of everything human body. Gas exchange refers to the enrichment of blood with oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the pulmonary alveoli. If these processes are disrupted, hypercapnia occurs - excess carbon dioxide in the blood and hypoxemia - poor saturation of arterial blood with oxygen.

The main reason for changes in blood gas composition is respiratory failure. It is more of a syndrome than a specific disease. Respiratory dysfunction can occur in many diseases and is one of the clinical manifestations one or another pathology.

Types of respiratory failure

The human lungs are made up of large quantities blindly ending sacs (alveoli), into which atmospheric air enters when inhaling. It is through the wall of these alveoli that the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs between the body and environment.

Scheme of gas exchange in the lungs and tissues

From a physiological point of view, the act of breathing consists not only of the mechanical processes of inhalation and exhalation. It has 3 main components:

  1. Transport of oxygen through the alveoli of the lungs into the blood after inhalation.
  2. Movement of oxygen from the blood to tissues and organs.
  3. Elimination of carbon dioxide from the blood into the alveoli and then into the environment.

Violation of one of the above processes causes respiratory failure, the manifestations of which can be hypercapnia or hypoxemia.

There are 2 types of respiratory failure:

  1. Hypoxic. It is characterized by a decrease in oxygen tension in arterial blood (arterial hypoxemia) with normal or low (hypocapnia) carbon dioxide content. This is the most common type and implies almost all pulmonary pathology associated with the collapse (decrease) of the alveoli and the accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
  2. Hypercapnic: there is an increased content of carbon dioxide due to insufficient elimination (excretion). Arterial hypoxemia may also accompany. Respiratory disorders and hypercapnia are often associated with drug overdose, neuromuscular diseases (for example, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), severe bronchial asthma and other obstructive pathologies.

Long-term changes in the gas composition of the blood lead to disturbances in the acid-base state of the body (pH). For example, hypercapnia causes acidosis, that is, a shift in the reaction to the acidic side. This interferes with normal metabolism, which in untreated cases can cause life-threatening conditions.

Many diseases cause signs of respiratory failure.

Main causes of respiratory failure

The basis of the pathological process in type 1 respiratory failure is a violation of oxygen transport through the alveolar wall into the blood. This is due to inflammatory edema, fluid accumulation or collapse (collapse) of the alveoli. An approximate list of diseases for which hypoxemia is more typical (type 1 deficiency):

  1. Pneumonia - we're talking about about common, advanced inflammatory processes, when a large volume of lung tissue is involved in the disease.
  2. Pulmonary edema is the accumulation of fluid in the lumen of the alveoli. May occur due to heart failure, toxic substances, or excess fluid in the body.
  3. Pneumothorax is the penetration of air into the space between the layers of the pleura (the lining of the lungs). Causes compression and collapse of the lung. Causes: trauma, rib fracture, rupture of lung tissue.
  4. Pulmonary embolism is a blockage of blood vessels by blood clots, which disrupts the flow of blood for oxygen enrichment.
  5. Pulmonary fibrosis is a group of hereditary and acquired diseases in which the wall of the alveoli becomes very thick and overgrown with scar connective tissue. This prevents oxygen from entering the blood normally from the air, and hypoxemia develops.

Type 2 respiratory failure, the main pathological element of which is hypercapnia, can be caused by the following diseases:

  1. Severe bronchial asthma: severe spasm of the bronchi occurs, the process of exhalation is disrupted. This is followed by insufficient elimination of carbon dioxide from the body. The result is hypercapnia.
  2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – occurs in long-term smokers. Constrictions respiratory tract are irreversible, which also disrupts normal exhalation.
  3. An overdose of narcotic substances greatly depresses the respiratory center in the brain. In severe cases, it leads to respiratory arrest and death.
  4. Neuromuscular diseases, myasthenia gravis, polio, brain and spinal cord injuries. The basis of the pathological process is a violation of the transmission of motor impulses from nervous system to the muscles. When the respiratory muscles (diaphragm, intercostal muscles) are involved, problems with breathing occur.

This is far from full list diseases causing hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Many pathological processes in an advanced stage can cause breathing problems.

External manifestations

It is almost impossible to separately isolate the symptoms of hypercapnia or oxygen starvation. After all, these processes do not occur in isolation. Respiratory failure is a serious pathology that can develop very rapidly or, conversely, gradually lead to persistent health problems.

Gas movement pattern during hypercapnia

Respiratory failure clinic:

  1. Increased breathing - shortness of breath or its decrease (with neuromuscular pathology), a feeling of lack of air, anxiety, fear of death.
  2. Cyanosis - a bluish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes indicates oxygen starvation, hypoxemia occurs.
  3. Hypercapnia stimulates many receptors in the body and causes agitation and frequent breathing efforts.
  4. A forced semi-sitting position in bed also indicates breathing problems.

Symptoms are complemented by manifestations of the underlying disease. This may be fever with pneumonia, wheezing with bronchial asthma. If help is not provided in time, oxygen starvation and hypercapnia cause metabolic disorders, acidosis, and loss of consciousness. Brain cells (neurons) are able to function without oxygen for 6-10 minutes, then they die irreversibly. That is, the consequences of respiratory failure can be very serious and irreparable.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment should be aimed at combating the underlying disease. At the same time, measures are being taken to relieve manifestations of respiratory failure such as hypoxia and hypercapnia. Treatment is always inpatient; severe cases are treated in intensive care and intensive care units.

The only therapeutic option for severe respiratory problems is respiratory prosthetics using an artificial lung ventilation device (ventilator). If one of your relatives or friends undergoes this medical manipulation, you should not despair. This is often a temporary measure designed to help a person with breathing until the underlying condition stabilizes. For example, until pneumonia is cured or pulmonary edema goes away.

Modern ventilators have many modes, including intelligent ones. The resuscitator always has the opportunity to select the optimal regimen so that the symptoms are eliminated.

Breathing problems, unfortunately, are not uncommon nowadays. Healthy image life, quitting smoking, constant monitoring and treatment of existing diseases help to avoid this formidable complication.

Arterial hypoxemia- the most common condition requiring consultation with a pediatric cardiologist. The main symptom of arterial hypoxemia is cyanosis. It can be localized on the lips, mucous membranes, conjunctiva, tip of the nose, fingers and toes. To identify it, language research is useful, because blood circulation in it is quite intense, and temperature changes are minimal. Cyanosis occurs when reduced hemoglobin appears in the blood in an amount of at least 5 g/100 ml. This usually occurs at an S02 level of less than 85%, but in newborns with high hemoglobin, cyanosis may appear at an S02 level of 90%. In screening studies, S02 is considered to be less than 95% as a borderline level.

There are two main varieties cyanosis. Central cyanosis is associated with a decrease in oxygen content in the arterial blood. The most common cause of this is congenital heart disease, but there may also be damage to the central nervous system and pulmonary diseases that lead to impaired oxygenation of blood in the lungs. Peripheral cyanosis occurs with shock, cold spasm of peripheral vessels, hypovolemia. At the same time, the oxygen content in the arterial blood flowing to the organs (determined by p02 or S02) is not disturbed, that is, there is no arterial hypoxemia.

Oxygenation disorders tissue in newborns can be aggravated by the presence of fetal hemoglobin, which has an increased affinity for O2 and releases oxygen into tissues with greater difficulty than in adults, which corresponds to a shift of the hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left. The partial pressure of oxygen at which 50% of hemoglobin is saturated (P50) averages 22 mm Hg. Art. for newborns and 27 mm Hg. Art. for adults. The curve acquires an “adult” type at approximately three months. Decreases in pH, temperature, or ATP concentration shift the curve to the left; an increase in these parameters results in a shift to the right. With cyanosis or anemia, the curve may also shift to the right.

Most Frequent causes of cyanosis in newborns are given below.
When analyzing causes of hypoxemia The hyperoxic test is valuable. The test results are assessed after 10-15 minutes of breathing with 100% oxygen, when the air in the alveoli is practically replaced by oxygen, and p02 in them becomes equal to ~600 mm Hg. Art.

At the same time pulmonary diseases in most cases, they do not interfere with the flow of a large volume of oxygen from the alveoli into the systemic circulation, which is reflected in an increase in the partial pressure of oxygen (p02) in the blood to 100-200 mm Hg. Art. In patients with “cardiac” cyanosis, the total volume of oxygen in the systemic circulation (a mixture of arterial and venous blood) remains low, and p02 increases by no more than 10-15 mm Hg. Art. However, there are exceptions: with large pulmonary blood flow (as with total anomalous drainage of the pulmonary veins), p02 may increase to 100 mm Hg. Art. and higher. On the other hand, a massive intrapulmonary shunt in the presence of pulmonary pathology (and the absence of heart disease) limits the increase in p02 during the test. It should be noted that S02 should not be used when evaluating test results.

If you suspect arterial hypoxemia Blood oxygen testing should be done at pre- and post-ductal levels: blood samples are taken from the right arm, as well as from the leg or umbilical artery. The difference between the “upper” and “lower” readings is more than 10-15 mmHg. Art. is significant and indicates a right-to-left shunt of blood through the PDA (as a consequence of persistent fetal circulation or obstructive lesions of the left heart - aortic stenosis, aortic coarctation, aortic arch interruption) (see the corresponding chapters).

With prolonged hypoxemia in tissues, the mechanisms of anaerobic glycolysis are activated, acidic metabolic products accumulate and metabolic acidosis develops. The compensation stage is characterized by a deficiency of only bases (the normal value of BE is from -4 to +4), and with decompensated acidosis, changes in blood pH also occur in the direction of its decrease (the normal value is from 7.35 to 7.44). Long-term decompensated acidosis is accompanied by the appearance of free radicals, depletion of the antioxidant system and leads to damage to various organs at the cellular level.

Hypoxemia level assessed by the value of p02, S02, the degree of metabolic acidosis, as well as the presence of secondary dysfunction of vital organs (kidneys, central nervous system, heart). It should be remembered that the severity of cyanosis itself in most cases does not reflect the degree of existing disorders, but the amount of reduced hemoglobin in the blood. To assess the severity of hypoxemia, you can use the following scheme:

1. Mild hypoxemia- p02 and S02 are reduced; BE is at the lower limit of normal, pH is not changed (no metabolic acidosis). Organ function is not affected.

2. Moderate degree of hypoxemia- p02, S02 and BE are reduced; The pH is not changed (there is compensated metabolic acidosis). Organ function is not affected. Therapeutic measures compensate for acidosis.

3. Severe hypoxemia- p02, S02, BE and pH are reduced (there is decompensated metabolic acidosis). Transient dysfunction of organs. Therapeutic measures only temporarily compensate for acidosis.

4. Hypoxic shock- severe organ dysfunction associated with decompensated metabolic acidosis, which is not relieved by therapeutic measures.

Normal functioning of the body is possible only with proper blood circulation, sufficiently saturated with oxygen. With oxygen deficiency, hypoxemia begins to develop, which is a consequence of both a serious illness and a malfunction of the body.

Timely treatment measures will help prevent multiple complications, and prevention will prevent the manifestation of pathology.

Description of the disease

Hypoxemia is a condition that is manifested by insufficient oxygen in a person’s blood. As a result of a decrease in this indicator, all metabolic processes slow down both in cells and tissues.

The oxygen level is indicated by two values:

  • saturation;
  • tension.

The decrease in the second indicator is facilitated by the uneven functioning of different parts of the lungs, which can be observed with age. As a result, oxygen begins to flow poorly to the cells, which leads to the development of health problems.

A process such as a decrease in tension and oxygen saturation leads to the development of arterial hypoxemia.

Types, classification and characteristic symptoms

All symptoms of hypoxemia are divided into early and late.

The first group includes:

  • rapid breathing;
  • vasodilation;
  • general weakness;
  • low blood pressure;
  • pale skin;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid heartbeat.

The second group of signs of pathology is characterized by:

  • symptoms of cardiac and respiratory failure, such as swelling of the legs, tachycardia;
  • disorders in brain function, such as fainting, insomnia, memory impairment, anxiety and others.

There may be chronic or acute hypoxemia.

It should also be noted that the symptoms of the disease will largely depend on the mechanism of its development. Pathology resulting from lung disease may be accompanied by cough, fever, and intoxication. If oxygen deficiency manifests itself against the background of anemia, then lack of appetite, dry skin, and others are observed.

Main reasons

In medical practice, there are five main reasons that can provoke this disease. They can influence both individually and in combination with each other:

  1. Atypical blood shunting. With congenital or acquired heart defects, venous blood enters the aorta. Because of this, hemoglobin becomes unable to accept oxygen, resulting in a decrease in the level of the latter.
  2. Hypoventilation of lung tissue. With pathologies of this organ, the frequency of exhalation and inhalation slows down. This reduces the amount of oxygen supplied relative to that consumed.
  3. Anemia. As a result of a decrease in hemoglobin, the oxygen level index, which spreads through the tissues, also decreases.
  4. Reduced oxygen concentration in the air.
  5. Diffuse disorders. Increased physical activity helps blood circulate faster. As a result, the time required for hemoglobin to contact oxygen is significantly reduced.

In addition, there are several other factors that can cause hypoxemia:

  • excessive smoking;
  • heart disease;
  • pathologies of the bronchi and lungs;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • overweight leading to obesity;
  • anesthesia

Hypoxemia can often occur in newborns. This occurs as a result of a lack of oxygen in the mother's body during gestation.

How is the treatment carried out?

Therapeutic therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause that provoked this condition.

If moderate or severe pathology occurs, treatment is carried out inpatiently. Bed rest and quality sleep are required.

Medicines are also prescribed depending on the factors that contributed to the development of the pathology. Drug therapy may include the following medications and methods:

  • Anticoagulants - Heparin, Warfarin. Prescribed to prevent the formation of thromboembolism in the arteries of the lungs.
  • Antihypoxants - Actovegin, Cytochrome C. Their action is aimed at restoring oxidative processes. Drugs in this group are prescribed for any form of hypoxemia.
  • Papaverine and No-Shpa help reduce blood pressure and prevent pulmonary edema.
  • Vitamin complex used as a tonic that combats oxygen starvation.
  • Fluid therapy improves blood flow and prevents shock.

Oxygen therapy is used to increase oxygen levels in the blood. This method It is recommended to combine it with taking antihypoxants.

What could be the consequences?

Pathologies of mild and moderate severity are quite easy to treat. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the development of complications such as:

  • encephalopathy;
  • hypotension;
  • stroke;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • arrhythmia;
  • convulsions.

If hypoxemia is observed in the fetus, then the following are possible:

  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • death of the baby in the womb, during labor or immediately after he is born;
  • onset of labor prematurely or with severe complications;
  • lag in mental and physical development in the future.

Acute, fulminant hypoxemia can provoke the most unfavorable complications, since it contributes to hypoxemic coma of the body.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of a pathology such as hypoxemia, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations, which are as follows:

  • daily walks to fresh air;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • performing breathing exercises;
  • taking a vitamin-mineral complex, especially in autumn and winter;
  • consumption of vegetables and fruits;
  • timely diagnosis of pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Hypoxia can be prevented. The main thing is to adhere to the rules for preventing oxygen deficiency, and if signs of illness are detected, immediately seek help. medical care. If you do not start treating the pathology in time, then it is possible that irreversible consequences may develop in the lungs, brain and the body as a whole.