Proctology as a field of medicine is focused on diagnosis, research and treatment in combination with preventive measures regarding all possible diseases, relevant for the rectum, colon, as well as organs adjacent to them. The official definition of the name of this field of medicine is coloproctology, but proctology is more common in everyday life, despite some of its incorrectness - proctology itself is surgical medicine.

What does a proctologist treat?

Based on the above specifics of coloproctology, it can be understood that a proctologist (coloproctologist) is a specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases associated with the rectum, colon, and anus. Somewhat earlier, proctologists were defined as specialists of a narrow profile, whose activities are concentrated exclusively in the treatment of diseases associated exclusively with the rectum, while the activities of coloproctologists are broader. Their competence, in particular, implies the identification and treatment of any type of pathology affecting each of the departments concentrated in the large intestine, that is, both the rectum and colon.

To summarize, just a few years ago proctology was renamed from a narrow branch of medicine to coloproctology with a corresponding expansion of specialization. For this reason, today a proctologist, like a coloproctologist, is, in essence, the same specialist, despite the usual definition of them by our fellow citizens as a proctologist.

Proctology: main sections

  • Surgical proctology – focuses on resolving issues regarding emergency conditions caused by diseases of the rectum. For example, this may be bleeding resulting from a rupture of a hemorrhoid expanded under the influence of varicose veins.
  • Therapeutic proctology – in in this case cures are made for intestinal intoxications, infectious colitis, and helminthic infestations.

What organs does a proctologist treat?

From the above-mentioned features of this specialization, it becomes clear that treatment by a proctologist involves treatment of the following organs:

  • rectum;
  • colon;
  • anus.

How is an examination by a proctologist performed?

A visit to this specialist involves the following actions:

  • survey, including collection of medical history and current complaints;
  • digital rectal examination;
  • additional studies (instrumental, laboratory), if necessary - anoscopy, stool analysis, irrigography, colonoscopy.

What diseases does a proctologist treat?

To consider in a broader sense what a proctologist does, we should highlight a list of diseases with which he deals directly:

  • injuries;
  • polyps;
  • bowel prolapse;
  • foreign bodies;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • anal fissures;
  • paraproctitis;
  • proctitis;
  • colitis;
  • tumors.

Consultation with a proctologist: hemorrhoids

Surely you know that the main disease for which people consult a proctologist and, in fact, which a proctologist treats, is hemorrhoids. The course of this disease can occur in either a complicated or uncomplicated form. The appearance of the first symptoms of hemorrhoids requires an obligatory solution to the question of where to find a proctologist and, of course, visiting him. If the symptoms of hemorrhoids are ignored by the patient, he may subsequently face rectal cancer - it is this disease that gives rise to hemorrhoids.

How to prepare for an appointment with a proctologist?

Before visiting this specialist, you need to prepare your body accordingly. This preparation consists of manipulations that are simple in nature. So, you should empty your bowels on your own, using an enema or a laxative. It is also recommended to exclude from consumption foods that promote gas formation, including carbonated water and similar drinks, the evening before the intake.

When to go to a proctologist?

Now let’s dwell directly on those points that can become important manifestations for the subsequent need to visit a proctologist. In particular, situations requiring this are as follows:

  • regular diarrhea, constipation;
  • the appearance of pain in the anus, which is important during prolonged sitting or walking;
  • the appearance of pain during or after defecation;
  • the formation of lumps and swelling in the area around the anus;
  • the appearance of traces of blood on toilet paper, the appearance of traces of blood in stool, the color of which can be either scarlet or very dark;
  • the appearance of mucous discharge;
  • redness, swelling, itching in the anus or anus;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus;
  • excretion of feces through formed fistulas;
  • the hemorrhoid comes out after defecation.

Mandatory visit to the proctologist: when is it necessary?

Considering the fact that diseases of the rectal area are extremely common, the question regarding the need to visit a proctologist is no less common among adults. The occurrence of proctological diseases is accompanied by a number of physiological reasons, which, in turn, are provoked by certain states in which the body finds itself at one time or another. It is for this reason that a visit to a proctologist is mandatory in the following situations:

  • last trimester of pregnancy, recent childbirth (about 70% of the total number of pregnant women experience symptoms characteristic of hemorrhoids);
  • premenopausal period, as well as menopause;
  • overweight;
  • prolonged stay due to certain circumstances in a sitting position;
  • undergoing operations related to hemorrhoids;
  • reaching the age of forty if there are close relatives diagnosed with rectal cancer in this case.

In the absence of obvious signs of any of the possible diseases in the area in question, it is recommended to visit the proctologist’s office for the purpose of prevention, which is important for the reason that initial stages hemorrhoids are characterized by the absence of severe symptoms.

Visiting a proctologist with a child: when should you go for an examination?

Some situations require a visit to the proctologist and the child. In particular, this is necessary when symptoms similar to those that occur in adults appear. In addition, a child needs to see a proctologist if there is frequent anxiety or crying that occurs during bowel movements.

Publication date: 26-11-2019

What does a proctologist specialize in treating?

Some people do not know what a proctologist treats for women and what diseases they should consult with this doctor. Proctology is a science that identifies and studies intestinal diseases. If we talk about it, then this is rather a surgical branch, and therapeutic and diagnostic procedures are carried out by a colonoproctologist. But for the convenience of people who are not involved in medicine, these two areas were combined into one. Therefore, a proctologist treats both men, women, and children the same thing - diseases of the intestines and organs that are adjacent to it.

Diseases treated by a specialist

Of course, a proctologist treats many different diseases, but there are a lot of them, so below are the most common ones:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • diarrhea;
  • ulcerative formations;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa;
  • any formations in the intestines;
  • paraproctitis;
  • malignant formations;
  • bowel prolapse.

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Not so long ago, such a doctor diagnosed and treated diseases of the rectum only, but now the scope of his activity has expanded, and at the moment the proctologist treats all parts of the intestine and organs that are adjacent to it.

Indications for examination

A visit to a proctologist is mandatory if:

  • the patient suffers for a long time due to diarrhea or constipation;
  • if there is discomfort in the anal area, especially if it is severe pain;
  • if the rectum has lost its elasticity and falls out of the anus;
  • if there is blood after defecation;
  • if there is discharge from the anus;
  • if there is redness of the soft tissues in the anus and the presence of a foreign body is felt in the anus;
  • if the patient feels that the intestinal mucosa is irritated.

In addition, pregnant women and young mothers may need the services of a proctologist in order to correct certain defects associated with physiological processes. During pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, problems with stool occur, which are characteristic of hemorrhoids.

Women who are entering menopause are also advised to consult a proctologist, due to the fact that the hormonal processes that take place during this period female body, can provoke diseases in this area.

A visit to a proctologist should be made periodically for people who are overweight and obese, as well as for those who, due to their profession, spend a lot of time in a sitting position. As for children, they need a consultation with a proctologist in the same cases as adults. If the act of defecation causes crying in a child, then he should also be examined by a proctologist.

Survey process

After talking with the patient and finding out the reasons for his concern, the doctor may ask the patient to sit on a special chair, then he examines the anus for the presence of hemorrhoids and other pathologies. With a superficial visual examination, the doctor can detect condylomas, papillomavirus, perianal dermatitis, external hemorrhoids, anal fissures, fistulas and formations on the outside of the anus.

After this, the doctor needs to determine the condition of the sphincter, for this he must palpate it. During a digital examination, he can reveal tumors in the rectum, internal hemorrhoids, weak sphincter muscles, ulcers, deposits on the walls of the lower intestine, as well as the condition of the ovaries and uterus.

If necessary, the doctor will examine the problem area using instruments. This could be an anoscopy or colonoscopy; these procedures require preparation, and it is hardly possible to do this at the first appointment.

The simplest examination using instruments is anoscopy, it is carried out using an anoscope. It is inserted into the rectum, and the doctor can see what is happening in it at a depth of up to 15 cm. If pain occurs, the patient is given local anesthesia. If there is inflammation in the anorectal area, then anoscopy cannot be performed, since apart from hypersensitivity mucous membrane, there will also be poor patency, which will negatively affect the process of inserting the anoscope. Using a sigmoidoscope, a doctor can examine the intestines to a depth of 40 cm. The device is a tube with illumination; it is inserted into the patient in a knee-elbow position without anesthesia.

The most modern examination of the intestines is colonoscopy. This study allows you to identify any intestinal diseases along its entire length. Carried out at local anesthesia. In addition to a diagnostic examination, the procedure allows you to take some tests and perform minor surgical interventions, such as cauterization. In particularly severe and advanced cases, the patient is given general anesthesia.

How to prepare for a proctological examination?

Modern medicine can cure many diseases, and proctology is no exception. But a favorable prognosis for diseases largely depends on how timely the patient consulted a doctor and how adequate the treatment was. An appointment with a proctologist lasts no more than an hour, but preparation for the examination will take longer. The essence of preparation is complete and proper cleansing of the intestines.

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Before your first visit to the clinic, no special preparations are required, the main thing is to prepare mentally and make an appointment. You will tell the doctor what is bothering you, and he will explain to you what you need to do to prepare for the examination procedure. Most often this is the exclusion of certain foods from the diet and cleansing the intestines with laxatives or an enema. A few days before the examination, it is not advisable to drink carbonated drinks. If you are very afraid of going to the proctologist, take a sedative or read reviews of patients who have already undergone this procedure and did not find anything terrible in it.

For those who are very shy, there are special disposable panties for instrumental examination by a proctologist; they have a hole in the required place. It is important to understand that a proctological examination is a completely safe and at the same time very informative procedure. Patients tolerate it calmly, and the information obtained is necessary for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

– field of medicine, studies pathologies of the rectum, colon, and anal area. A doctor who deals with the elimination and prevention of such diseases is called a proctologist. The main reasons for visiting a specialist are itching, pain, neoplasms in the anus, and the appearance of foreign impurities in the stool.

A proctologist treats diseases of the rectum and anus

What does a proctologist treat?

Proctologist (coloproctologist)– a doctor of narrow specialization who selects effective methods therapy for diagnosing diseases of the final section of the colon and nearby organs. Planned or emergency operations are performed by a proctologist surgeon.

List of proctological diseases treated by the doctor:

  • haemorrhoids– varicose anal veins, accompanied by the formation of nodes;
  • anal fissures– rupture of the mucous membrane when damaged by hard feces, foreign objects, enema; pathology can occur in women after childbirth or anal sex;
  • benign tumors– polyps in the intestine are not dangerous, sometimes they transform into malignant neoplasms, especially in older people;
  • genital warts– warts in the anal area occur when infected with the human papillomavirus;
  • diverticulosis– colon hernia, the problem is congenital or acquired;
  • rectovaginal fistulas– formed between the vagina and rectum, the disease occurs against the background of chronic infections, injuries, treatment is carried out only surgically;
  • rectal prolapse– the disease is not considered dangerous, but is accompanied by fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, and bleeding;
  • paraproctitis– inflammatory process of fatty tissue;
  • weakening of the anal sphincter– the problem is accompanied by incontinence of feces or gases;
  • Crohn's disease– autoimmune pathology, in which ulcers and granulomas form in the small and large intestines;
  • ulcerative colitis of the large intestine;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • irritable bowel syndrome– dysfunction of the large intestine due to stress, poor nutrition, dysbacteriosis, while no structural changes are observed in the tissues;
  • congenital diseases.

A proctologist deals with the elimination of intestinal injuries, the removal of foreign bodies in the colon and rectum in adults and children, the treatment of helminthic infestations, and fungal infections of the anal area.

Contact a pediatric proctologist if the child strains heavily and knocks his legs during bowel movements - such symptoms may indicate intestinal obstruction, which is extremely dangerous. The specialist observes children with congenital pathologies - pilar cyst, Hirschsprung's disease, abnormal length of the colon.

When to contact a proctologist?

Most proctological problems have a pronounced clinical picture; it is quite difficult to ignore the symptoms.

Main manifestations:

  • pain of varying nature and intensity in the abdomen, anus;
  • regular constipation, diarrhea, bloating;
  • inclusions of blood and mucus in the stool;
  • traces of scarlet blood on toilet paper, underwear;
  • frequent itching in the anus;
  • discomfort during bowel movements;
  • fecal incontinence.

Before visiting a doctor, you need to clean the rectum with an enema.

On the day of visiting the doctor in the morning, perform a colon cleansing procedure– insert the drug Microlax into the anus, it softens the stool well and begins to act after a quarter of an hour. After 40–60 minutes, do a regular cleansing enema.

Women need to schedule a visit 2-3 days before the start of their period or a few days after their end.

What diagnostic methods does it use?

After the examination, the doctor sends the patient for examination to clarify the diagnosis and assess the severity of the pathology.

Types of research:

  • clinical and biochemical blood test– allows you to see the presence of foci of inflammation, signs of anemia, and assess the condition of internal organs;
  • coprogram, stool analysis for occult blood, helminth eggs, dysbacteriosis -;
  • stool test for calprotectin– shows the degree of intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • histological examination of the material taken during biopsy;
  • serological test for syphilis, PCR diagnostics for sexually transmitted infections, HIV. HPV;
  • sigmoidoscopy– examine the sigmoid and rectum to a depth of 25 cm, at the same time taking samples of mucous membranes and neoplasms for biopsy;
  • colonoscopy– an endoscope with a camera is inserted into the rectum to study the condition of the organ in detail;
  • irrigoscopy– the patient is given an enema with a contrast agent, then an x-ray of the large intestine is taken;
  • rectal profilometry– a method for assessing the obturator functions of the rectum at rest and during straining;
  • survey x-ray using a contrast agent;
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • MRI, CT;
  • ECG.

Colonoscopy will reveal obvious abnormalities in the anus or intestines

In the presence of diverticula, intestinal obstruction, benign and malignant tumors of the colon and rectum, diagnostic laparoscopy is performed.

Proctological pathologies cause severe discomfort, are often accompanied by unbearable pain and itching, and require long-term medical and sometimes surgical treatment. To avoid the development of diseases, eliminate provoking factors.

How to prevent proctological diseases - expert advice:

  • control weight;
  • avoid a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle;
  • prevent constipation with diet and laxatives;
  • minimize the consumption of spicy, fatty, salty foods, baked goods and sweets, red meat, coffee and alcoholic beverages;
  • To reduce the risk of developing constipation, your daily diet should contain enough fiber foods; you should drink at least 2 liters of pure still water per day.

    Over the course of several years, proctological diseases have risen from 8th to 2nd place among oncological pathologies, this is due to a passion for junk food, addictions, lack of physical activity, and obesity. If you have problems with the anal area or rectum, do not delay a visit to the proctologist; most serious diseases respond well to treatment if they are diagnosed initial stages development.

The field of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, research and development of measures for the prevention of diseases of the rectum, all parts of the colon and adjacent parts is called proctology,

The specialist (doctor) who conducts these examinations and prescribes treatment is called a proctologist.

First of all, this is a doctor whose main specialization is the identification of various infectious and oncological pathologies of the intestine and their surgical treatment.

Diseases treated by a proctologist

The list of proctological diseases is quite extensive, let's look at the most common of them.

These are the following diseases:

In what cases is it necessary to be examined?

In this field of medicine, there is an urgent need for an educated and knowledgeable doctor who needs to be contacted, both for the purpose of prevention and for the treatment of any of the diseases.

An examination by a proctologist is necessary if you have:

  • diarrhea or, conversely, constipation has been observed for a long time;
  • discomfort or severe pain in or near the anal area;
  • intestinal incontinence (the organ has ceased to be elastic and sometimes simply “falls out”);
  • after you have gone “big” there are traces of excess blood;
  • various uncharacteristic discharges from the anus itself;
  • irritation, itching, excessive discharge of pus, discomfort (as if there is a foreign object in the anal area) or redness of soft tissues;
  • diarrhea;
  • irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

It is important to know: you may also need the services of this doctor to eliminate any defects related to physiology.

For example, regular examination by a proctologist is extremely necessary for pregnant women and new mothers. Since girls and women who are in a similar position very often develop so-called false symptoms and they are often characteristic of a disease such as hemorrhoids.

The services of a doctor in this specialty may be needed by people who suffer from obesity and overweight, as well as those who spend most of their lives in a sitting position.

Well, of course, a proctologist is necessary for those patients who have already undergone operations in this field of medicine (of course, solely for the purpose of prevention and prevention of further development of the disease).

Even if you completely lack the above symptoms, it is still recommended that you consult a proctologist for preventive measures.

Inspection step by step, centimeter by centimeter

How is an examination by a proctologist performed:

But, remember that before this procedure the patient is prepared so that the examination goes smoothly and as needed.

Examination by a proctologist, features of examination of women and men - about this and much more in the video:

How this very preparation takes place is described in detail below.

Preparation for inspection

The procedure is not as scary and painful as many people think (the study does not even require painkillers). All that is required of the patient is to clean the rectum and trust the doctor.

Several methods are often used for cleaning:

  • traditional enema;
  • special medical laxative;
  • microenemas with the addition of a laxative.

The enema is performed several times a day: in the morning on the day of the examination and three hours before the start of this examination. The rather popular and well-proven drug Fortrans is used as a laxative. It is taken according to the instructions on the day of the examination.

Remember, all these procedures take time. But, there are cases when there is no time, and the doctor’s examination is already on the nose.

Then they use microenemas with a laxative (the effect will not be long in coming and will begin approximately thirty to forty minutes after administration).

Also visit the doctor before the main examination so that he can prescribe you a special diet that includes light cereals, boiled meat, broths, bread in small quantities and excludes sweets and fatty foods, and it is not recommended to eat on the day of the examination.

If the patient is a woman

Examination by a proctologist for women is carried out in the following order:

  • after a row necessary tests and visual examination, the patient is placed on a special gynecological chair, and the doctor conducts an examination by touch;
  • If necessary, a woman may be prescribed additional procedures to obtain a more accurate picture of the disease. For example, this could be an ultrasound or anocopy;
  • After receiving the necessary additional data, the attending physician can more accurately and clearly see the cause of the disease and accordingly prescribe the correct treatment for you.

Features of examination in men

In general, a male proctological examination is not particularly different from a female one, but still has a number of differences.

So, during the examination, not only a doctor is present, but also a nurse for assistance and fixation. important points. The examination itself proceeds as follows:

  • first of all, the patient needs to undress and put on special disposable underwear;
  • After a visual examination, the man lies sideways on the couch, and the doctor begins examining the anal area using a finger.

For men, just like for women, a number of additional examinations (rectoscopy and anoscopy) may be prescribed.

An examination by a proctologist is not as scary as it seems to us at first glance. The most important thing that is required from the patient is complete trust in the attending physician and proper preparation before the appointment.

The first step is to go on a special diet for several days to cleanse the intestines, and on the day of admission in the morning and three hours before the examination, you need to thoroughly cleanse the intestines with an enema or special medications (laxative).

If necessary, to clarify the picture of the disease, you may be prescribed a series of simple tests (stool test, etc.), and the doctor will examine the women using an ultrasound. Well, in the end you will be prescribed treatment taking into account the characteristics of your body. Be healthy!

Coloproctologist (proctologist) is a doctor who treats, as well as diagnoses and prevents diseases of the perineum, colon, rectum, and anus.

People consult a specialist with hemorrhoids, fistulas in the rectum, anal fissures, genital warts, acute and chronic paraproctitis, and other ailments. When the first problems appear, you should immediately make an appointment.

What diseases does a coloproctologist treat?

The list of diseases treated by a coloproctologist is quite impressive.

You can learn more about hemorrhoids from the video:

Among all the listed diseases, coloproctologist most often encounters hemorrhoids. The pathology is characterized by a complicated course; mild forms of the disease are rarely detected. At the first symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should immediately make an appointment with a proctologist, since the advanced form is fraught with serious consequences, including intestinal cancer.

When to consult a coloproctologist?

It is not difficult to prepare for an appointment with a coloproctologist, but you should not take measures on your own (do enemas, drink laxatives) without a doctor’s prescription, since some actions can blur the picture of the pathological process. If specific instrumental diagnostics are needed, the coloproctologist will explain in detail how to prepare. At first, simple hygiene procedures are enough.

You urgently need to visit a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • bleeding from the anus, purulent discharge;
  • the presence of pain before, during, and after bowel cleansing;
  • stomach ache;
  • itching of the anus;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • chronic stool disorder;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines after visiting the bathroom;
  • pinching of the hemorrhoid, prolapse from the intestine.

Coloproctologists are divided into surgeons and therapists. Initially, they contact a general practitioner to clarify the diagnosis, and if necessary, a specialist will refer you to doctors of a narrow specialization.

Appointment with a coloproctologist

An appointment with a specialist can be made immediately or by referral - it all depends on the rules of the medical center where the patient goes. The appointment is carried out approximately according to the same scheme as with other specialists. The doctor listens to complaints, conducts a survey on the data of interest, makes a preliminary diagnosis, prescribes diagnostics:

  • CBC, including testing for worm eggs, occult blood;

  • OAM, specific urine problems as needed;
  • coprogram;
  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • anoscopy (examining the anus);
  • colonoscopy (the condition of the colon is assessed);
  • sigmoidoscopy (assessment of the condition of the rectum, sigmoid colon);
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneal organs;
  • gastroscopy (checking the gastric mucosa);
  • X-ray with contrast;
  • CT scan allows you to clearly see the condition of the intestinal walls.

Already during the examination, a coloproctologist can identify anal fissures and hemorrhoids. Some diseases are difficult to diagnose even after a series of studies; sometimes it is necessary to involve other doctors (oncologist, etc.).


Unlike a coloproctologist, a surgeon deals with surgical and neurosurgical treatment of diseases of the colon and rectum, including neoplasms of various types. The activities of a coloproctologist surgeon are as follows:

  • laser surgery;
  • emergency surgery;
  • oncoproctology;
  • coloproctology;
  • electrowave surgery;
  • surgery;
  • purulent surgery.

The doctor’s competence includes the treatment of purulent pathologies of soft tissues, surgical complications after intervention in the peritoneal organs. These are complications such as intestinal fistula, abscess, peritonitis.

The task of a coloproctologist is to treat patients with delicate problems. Many people put off visiting a specialist due to embarrassment, best results possible when it is possible to stop the disease initially. Advanced cases require surgical intervention.

Recommendations from coloproctologists cover the area of ​​prevention of various ailments. Unfortunately, most diseases in this area initially occur without symptoms, or manifest themselves so insignificantly that patients do not take the situation seriously. Over time, the signs increase, signaling the presence of pathology.

  1. Hemorrhoids are considered a common ailment in this area. They provoke stagnant processes. Coloproctologists do not recommend tolerating the need to go to the toilet. The intestines must be emptied regularly. The best time for this is morning. You can stimulate the process by drinking a glass of cold water in the morning, this will wake up the intestines. You shouldn’t be distracted when visiting the bathroom, and you shouldn’t rush either. The environment should be calm.
  2. You can improve your gut health with the right diet. The menu needs to be enriched with fiber. It is found in bran, wholemeal bread, vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs, and walnuts. If you suffer from constipation, you need to resort to natural laxatives - drink buckthorn grass. It is better not to use chemical laxatives. You need to drink enough liquid, do not forget about fermented milk products.
  3. To prevent hemorrhoids and intestinal problems, you need to do special exercises.

The following exercises will strengthen the abdominal muscles and normalize blood flow to the pelvic organs:

  • stand up, cross your legs, alternately squeeze/unclench your gluteal muscles, the same applies to the muscles of the anus. Repeat 20 times;
  • Lie face up, alternately pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest and lower them back to the floor. Repeat 20 times;
  • lying on your back, you need to alternately raise and lower your straightened legs. There is no need to rush, you need to control your breathing. Repeat 15 times;
  • lying face up, perform a leg movement, simulating cycling for 5-10 minutes;
  • lying face up, straightened legs raised at an angle of 90 degrees, perform the “scissors” exercise for about 5 minutes.

Horseback riding, cycling, and strength training will have to be canceled - they provoke.

A coloproctologist is a doctor who is ready to provide assistance in case of diseases in his specialty. If you follow doctors' recommendations and monitor your health, you can avoid a visit to the doctor. Prevention is the real salvation for all diseases.