(preface to the third edition)

From the very first days of the publication of the first edition of this book, the editors were literally bombarded with calls, and subsequently the publishing house, one might say, was inundated with letters.

Readers wanted to meet with the author, asked for Valentina Travinka’s address and phone number, and begged to organize a meeting with her. Of course, the editorial staff tried to protect Valentina Mikhailovna from most of the reader’s claims, since she was working on new books - “The Path to Health” and “Correct Your Destiny!” However, we still failed to provide the author with complete peace. As soon as one day she gave in to the most persistent readers, telling them the “coordinates” of V. Travinka, after some time Valentina Mikhailovna complained that working at home was becoming more and more difficult every day. Being a sympathetic person who does not know how to refuse help to anyone, she fell, albeit voluntarily, into the captivity of admirers of her book.

People expressed their gratitude in different ways. Here are just a few statements:

“I just revel in your book”, “I don’t leave it all day long, I read and re-read the pages in transport and in line”, “You instilled joy in me, I became confident and cheerful.”

“You saved me yesterday. A regular heart attack began (I have angina). I went to the kitchen to get some medicine, but your voice - I think I hear it - stopped me. I returned, took the book and began to read lines about how you can “persuad” your heart. And a miracle happened: the heart stopped hurting, the attack never happened!”

“I have a separate apartment with a telephone, I want to give it to you so that you can receive people and help them. I'll bring you the clay, I have a car. When I read your book, I immediately realized that we should work together.”

And not so long ago, our publishing house in the name of Valentina Mikhailovna began to receive proposals from entire organizations about whether she could hold her talks and lectures for their employees; The Red Cross Society also contacted her.

Many people asked for help in purchasing five, ten, or a hundred more copies of the book. When all the copies ran out, it was decided to repeat the circulation, then again... We are confident that this wonderful book will restore health and the ability to enjoy every moment lived to thousands more people.


Dear reader!

The book you are now holding in your hands is written in simple and warm words. This book, like its author, radiates love for people and encourages us to do good. In fact, it can become a guide for you on the path to health.

The book is distinguished from numerous publications by its simplicity of presentation of rather complex material. Of course, I cannot entirely agree with the author’s approach to solving some problems using non-traditional methods of treatment, but overall this work deserves recognition.

I met Valentina Mikhailovna as a patient who attended my sessions. Studying the history of her illness, I saw a very courageous person, steadfastly enduring a serious illness, and most importantly, not succumbing to it.

She tried and, one might say, worked on numerous techniques traditional medicine. She has met with various prominent representatives of alternative medicine and, undoubtedly, has a wealth of experience in this sense. Moreover, by mastering these techniques, she helped not only herself, but also many acquaintances and strangers.

I called her and heard a young, full vital energy voice. Our sessions had a positive impact and proceeded at a fairly fast pace.

I received an offer to become the editor of this book. I was interested in the material primarily because the day before I had read poems by Valentina Mikhailovna. The rhythm and sound gave me a feeling of spaciousness, beauty and harmony of life.

After reading the chapters of the book, I realized that people would really need it. And here is the book in front of you, our dear reader. Take it in your hands and you will understand that you were not mistaken. May the book, which this amazing woman suffered through, bring you health too!

Doctor S. Konovalov Resurrectionist my drooping soul, Sofya Markovna Lyubinskaya I dedicate

About myself


Once upon a time there lived a cheerful old lady,
She walked barefoot in the snow,
And despite the shrinkage of old age,

In love I was looking for alpha and omega.
However, do not be preconceived:
She was supposedly sexy.
She took bee bribes
I dreamed of only ideal love.

I wanted to sow kindness everywhere,
I didn’t want to reap its fruits,
I tried to dispel sorrows,
She knew how to wait a long time for something good.

To tell the truth, many men
We would like to have her as a wife,
But every time I found reasons
So that you don’t feel bad about anyone.

The old lady is already running on needles,
And also barefoot, just like in the snow.
She lives alone in her hut,
In my dreams, having found both alpha and omega...




You will learn about how, while having fun in the morning, you can simultaneously get rid of or protect yourself from sclerosis, how to look prettier without makeup, about a wonderful free cream, get to know Madame Lenya better, learn to distance yourself from bad people and noisy bosses, master energy harvesting and much more, what will help you live joyfully, without worries that hurt your soul and body, until the evening and sleep sweetly...

In the morning a person is most often sad... Why? Because the transition from sleep to wakefulness is not easy for many. There are days when you don't even want to get up. Everything seems uninteresting and boring to you, although there is clear sun outside the window. And you are not even able to do exercises...

A short “why?” spins around in your head, like a word that can’t get over a hole in an old record. For what? For what? FOR WHAT?! And each time the answers get longer. Sad thoughts simply overcome you, they lead you to distant and near troubles and sorrows, you remember the most insignificant troubles, which seem to have made a bet with someone to suppress any bright spot that has arisen in your heart. And now you are sure that there was no have a nice day throughout your life...

Valentina Travinka

Grandmother Travinka's recipes


I have lived for almost seventy years and have experienced a lot in my life. It contained the bitterness of parting, and betrayal, and illnesses that had haunted me since childhood, bodily pain and fear. There was love and family, fleeting joys, short-lived happiness, even fame the Lord gave me at the end of my life (although I was completely indifferent to fame). But still, the main thing that I have found in my life is the amazing warmth, love, tenderness and friendship of my readers. There is no greater happiness in the world than reading your letters, but there is also no greater sadness and grief when I learn from you about troubles, illnesses and misfortunes... And how, my dears, I want to help everyone, heal, warm, ward off misfortunes and dispel sadness.

I try to answer all your letters. I even started special folders in which I organize your news by topic. I put questions related to specific cases of diseases in this folder. Here I have more and more about the problems of geopathogenic zones and with a request to explain in more detail about the nut: how to use it and how to learn to “talk” with it. And how many people with damage and the evil eye brought upon them! Of course, there are many questions about how to extend your days, make yourself more cheerful, happier...

I answer some letters, others I pass on to traditional healers I know (if I know that they can help better than me), but, to my great regret, some of your messages remain unanswered. Grandma Travinka doesn't have enough time. After all, in addition to answering letters, I have to give lectures, hold meetings with readers, and go to the sick... Early in the morning, your nimble grandmother gets up and only late, late in the evening, completely exhausted and broken, returns home. And I have to sit down at my old, old typewriter “Moscow”: I need to hand in a few pages of a manuscript to the editor by the next morning or finish an article for the newspaper... That’s because some of your letters remain unanswered, and I conceived my book “Grandma’s Recipes Blades of grass." After all, the questions you ask me are often very similar. Yes, this is understandable - we live in the same country, we experience the same difficulties, so the problems that beset us are so similar to each other.

So I decided to write a book where I could answer many, many letters at once. And just as I was about to take on this, I met on the path of life amazing woman– Nonna Kolokolchik, who also receives letters from women from all corners of our vast country. Therefore, I immediately saw in her my comrade-in-arms, because it was with such a person, for whom the main business of life is correspondence with women of difficult fate, that I was able to fulfill my cherished desire: to write this book.

I clearly see that Nonna has an unusually strong biofield that attracts people to her. That’s why, by the way, I suggested to Nonna Vladimirovna that she create a correspondence club “Salvation”, where people who find themselves in difficult situations life situation, could always count on the support and advice of those who have coped with similar difficulties. Maybe we’ll write another book - called “The Keys to Women’s Happiness”, in which we’ll tell you how to overcome the most difficult moments in life: illness, old age - and how to gain and maintain health and happiness...

Don’t be surprised if suddenly you recognize yourself or someone close to you in someone we’re going to talk about. No, of course, this is unlikely to be about you, but we also read your letter, and your story, your life events flowed into the energy flow of this book. After all, I have known for a long time that my books are filled with information and energy flow. That is why they have a healing effect.

That is why this book is completely special: it contains the power of many people who turned to me with questions, talked about their lives... Of course, my dears, you will find in this book my favorite recipes for dishes that I cook for myself (they very simple), and for friends (these are more complicated), but the main thing that unites them is that they are good for health.

Nutrition systems, which, no one will argue, form the basis of health, today have disappeared, apparently and invisibly. You go to a bookstore, look through the books where about healthy eating they say, and you wave your hand... In one, everything is so learned, so much theory that only an academician can figure it out; in the other everything is described in detail, but not a single recipe is given; and sometimes everything is fine, but only such products are described there that a person has not only never seen them, but cannot even name them out loud...

I have always said and will repeat that you need to follow the most important clue: your body, your subcortex (that is, your inner voice). By the way, this is why this book talks so much about the nut - an indicator that, in my deep conviction, connects us with the depths of our mind. Once upon a time, a lot of water has flown under the bridge since then, I was wondering whether I should fast according to Paul Bragg’s system or not. And after much hesitation, I decided: why starve yourself, tire your liver, stomach and other organs? Isn't it better to just not overeat and eat less?

And then my inner voices forbade me to go hungry. Three times my liver played such tricks that I almost gave up at the 47th hour of fasting. It's good that I heard those voices. And she obeyed them. It happens that a person hears a warning, but acts in his own way, because he believes that “he must endure it.”

There is no need to talk about diets: so many of them have been invented that life is not enough to try everything on yourself. And here I want to quote the words of a practicing doctor: give up all diets, remember one thing: don’t eat herring from head to tail, limit yourself to a piece or two! Great advice, isn't it? I can’t help but mention his last name, dear Doctor Volkov from the clinic. He allowed me to indulge in a piece of herring, which only led to an improvement in my health. For several years he supported a seriously ill war veteran (who had long been predicted to die soon) with a small glass of cognac. I completely stopped taking pills and injections and replaced them with a glass.

...Of course, having become acquainted with the teachings of the legendary Porfiry Ivanov, I immediately decided to “follow”. Early in the morning, on the advice of a friend, in a twenty-degree frost (it was on Epiphany days!) I ran seven stops almost in a swimsuit and, of course, barefoot! It’s good that at the finish line - in one of the Leningrad apartments - friends knew how to save a person from cold stress...

But with what pleasure I study Sebastian Kneipp’s book on cold water treatment! And with the greatest pleasure and benefit I follow his advice.

All books by Valentina Mikhailovna Travinka are extraordinary, and this one is no exception. Her culinary recipes are surprisingly combined with that attentive and kind outlook on life that is familiar to millions of readers. But the conversation in this book is not only about delicious and healthy food, it contains everything that “Grandma Travinka” tested on herself and her associates - exercises, baths, massages, prayers that soften the soul, methods of protection from “evil energy” that are accessible to everyone. “Granny Travinka’s Recipes” is a book about how to make life healthy and kind.

From the series: Path to health

* * *

by liters company.

The art of being young

It's never too late to start

Is there an art to being young or not? Judge for yourself: here is an old woman at ninety years old, cheerful and healthy, and another person at forty years old looks like sixty; one sits in front of the TV, and he is only thirty, while the other, even at seventy, is looked at by girls. The fact is that some people possess this art, and others do not. That’s why I dared to talk to you about this topic and offer some of my knowledge. Without false modesty, I can assure you, my dears, that I got quite good results, and most importantly... on myself!

I work 18 hours a day, dance at every opportunity, I must say, very quickly and deftly, and for a long time I have not paid attention to my spine, which has tormented and pestered me since childhood, and now sometimes it seems to me that I don’t even have one at all , and this, as you know, is a sign of the normal functioning of any organ. And what’s surprising is that under such loads I eat extremely little! I don’t complain about my complexion, or about sadness, and most importantly, about old age. But I’m approaching seventy. One well-known bioenergetics specialist determined my biological age to be 30–40 years old, in contrast to my chronological age (as indicated in my passport).

Of course, being young at a respectable age requires effort. And don’t think that I won’t succeed, it’s too late for me! No, I know for sure: you will succeed, my dears, and it’s not too late, but from today it’s time to take charge of yourself.

And one more thing. Some of you will decide that this chapter is intended for people of the so-called advanced age. These readers are wrong. Everyone needs to know about the rejuvenation of the soul and body: both those who are over... and those who are far over... and those who are up to... Read carefully and you will be convinced that everything that will be discussed is important and interesting for everyone!

Before I talk about how to get younger every day, I want to give you one piece of advice. I follow it religiously. Every evening and early in the morning, before you get up or have not yet fallen asleep, say to yourself or out loud: everything is fine with me, everything is wonderful with me and it will be even better. It must be said that such a simple attitude is actually extremely important in the matter that you and I, my dears, are now about to do: to be with you until your very last minutes. young . After all, in this way we tune our subcortex, throwing positive, bright things into it. In gratitude to us, when necessary, she will save us from trouble, and we won’t even notice it!

A very significant incident happened with an old friend of mine. One day she came to me, we had not met for six months, or even more. During this time, she took so many different courses and mastered yoga cleansing. So, despite such global knowledge, she was tormented by problems. She looked at herself in the mirror and sadly asked me:

– How to get rid of wrinkles and stop aging so quickly?

And I answered her:

– You don’t have to think about old age every day, look at yourself in the mirror. It’s better to glance at your reflection in passing and say to yourself in a low voice: “And I’m still very, very…” Don’t forget to say these words!

And indeed, after some time she called me and said that she did not recognize herself: confidence and joy settled in her soul. And this caused fewer wrinkles! This is how the energetic power of the subcortex smoothed out wrinkles...

I’ve heard more than once from those who are terribly worried about the same thing as my guest: oh-oh-oh, you can’t laugh, wrinkles appear from laughter. But smart people have noticed: an hour of laughter is equal to a kilogram of health! And exactly, it’s all about your rosy mood, self-confidence, and the fact that every day will certainly bring joy.

Well, someone has already lost patience: when will the Blade of Grass begin to reveal her secrets? Don't worry, friends. Now we are just about to get down to such an interesting thing as talking about eternal youth. So…

Ode to the Garlic Sovereign

You have already learned one thing from me very firmly: Grandma Blavinka does not eat meat! I replaced it with my favorite garlic.

I already talked about a sandwich that I really like. Spread the piece rye bread butter, and on top - finely chopped garlic, even slightly mashed with a knife (two cloves, no more), spread it into the bread, and then cover the first piece with another, thicker one. A wonderful sandwich that protects you from any infection. You drink freshly brewed tea with it, maybe two cups, but it’s not just ordinary tea - herbal, according to Grandma Travinka’s recipe. Since ancient times, aromatic herbs have been brewed in Rus'. Currant leaves, wild rose petals, strawberry twigs, mint, thyme, oregano... Just listen to the word: du-shi-tsa... If you lie down on the hill where it grows on a sunny day, your head will spin from the wonderful smell her…

I don’t know about you, but I renounced the drink, which contains so much poisonous tannin, and switched to infusions made from our native herbs. I select them myself. According to taste and aroma. I rub the dried flowers and leaves with my hands, pass them through a colander and put them in a tea jar.

Well, yes, we are a little distracted from the topic: our sovereign garlic. Why did I start with him? You already guessed that I simply like him. But, of course, the main thing is its amazing properties. After all, many, not without reason, consider it the very magic remedy that helps us prolong youth. Recently, a German doctor made an amazing discovery. For many years, observing people aged 45 to 80 years, he discovered that regular consumption of garlic for at least 5 years significantly improves the elasticity of blood vessels. Such people are at least 15 years biologically younger than their peers who do not consume garlic! As they say, incredible, but true! It is also a fact that garlic fights against a whole regiment of illnesses, the most varied, including the incurable.

And what garlic is not used for is beyond comprehension! Your blood pressure has increased and doctors cannot cope? Well, the recipe is well known. Take a finely chopped clove of garlic with a cup of diluted apple cider vinegar every morning. In two to three weeks you will forget about your long-standing illness. Has radiation accumulated in your body? Of course! Televisions, computers and other inventions of civilization have filled the surrounding atmosphere with harmful rays. And again garlic will come to your aid. A little miracle juice a day - and start working on photocopying machines, X-ray machines... Even nuclear reactors are not scary for you. Just take garlic juice regularly. It is prepared in different ways. I prefer to do it this way. I squeeze a few cloves of garlic in a garlic press. I add the same amount of alcohol to the resulting juice (if there are 10 grams of juice, then I add 10 grams of alcohol). I fill the resulting mixture with distilled water: 10 parts of water for the amount received. Garlic juice prepared in this way is perfectly stored.

Garlic can do everything. It will cleanse the blood and begin to fight arthritis and atherosclerosis; it will stop the growth of cells that are not supposed to grow. It will calm your heart... And of course, it will make your food tasty and healing. You haven’t forgotten, my dears, that this is the first principle of Grandma Travinka’s Nutrition System.

Even the ancient Sumerians, who lived many millennia ago between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, wrote about garlic in their cuneiform tablets. Used this amazing plant Egyptians building the pyramids. They fed garlic to people working in construction to prevent epidemics (and they succeeded!). Now, if we all ate garlic during flu epidemics, there would be far fewer sick people! For prevention (especially in winter), before leaving the house, I always eat two cloves of garlic, and not a single microbe dares to come close to me. And in order to avoid the smell of garlic from me, I know the right remedy: I ​​drink clay water - a teaspoon of dry clay per glass - and the smell of garlic is gone!

Garlic has virtually no contraindications for use. It is mentioned that people with low sugar levels need to be careful: garlic lowers blood sugar levels.

I want to tell you about an elixir that cleanses and rejuvenates the blood. To prepare it you will need 6 lemons and 100 grams of garlic. Crush the garlic, put it in a narrow-necked jar and add lemon juice. Tie the neck with a light cloth. Let it brew for 24 days. Before taking this delicious and healthy elixir, do not forget to shake it, then pour one teaspoon of it into half a glass of water, stir well. Now drink to your health! In two weeks you will feel much better.

Concluding my ode to the sovereign garlic, I want to tell you that it is from it that the “Elixir of Youth” is prepared. I see how some readers’ eyes lit up, so I want to warn you right away: it is used once every few years! I prepared it in 1992 and I can say one thing: it works!!! The “Elixir of Youth” is prepared as follows. 350 grams of garlic are finely chopped and thoroughly rubbed. Then they take 200 grams from the resulting mass from below (all the garlic juice accumulates there), put them in a glass vessel and fill them with 200 grams of medical alcohol. The jar is tightly closed and stored in a dark place for 10 days. Then the infused mass is filtered. After 2-3 days you can take the “Elixir of Youth”. Drink it 15–20 minutes before meals, dissolving a few drops in a quarter glass of cold milk. The number of drops of “Elixir of Youth” in milk is dissolved strictly according to the following scheme:

1st day . Breakfast 2 drops, lunch 2 drops, dinner 3 drops.

2nd day . Breakfast 4 drops, lunch 5 drops, dinner 6 drops.

3rd day . Breakfast 7 drops, lunch 8 drops, dinner 9 drops.

4th day . Breakfast 10 drops, lunch 11 drops, dinner 12 drops.

5th day . Breakfast 13 drops, lunch 14 drops, dinner 15 drops.

6th day . Breakfast 15 drops, lunch 14 drops, dinner 13 drops.

7th day . Breakfast 12 drops, lunch 11 drops, dinner 10 drops.

Day 8 . Breakfast 9 drops, lunch 8 drops, dinner 7 drops.

9th day. Breakfast 6 drops, lunch 5 drops, dinner 4 drops.

Yes, of course, you didn’t throw away those 150 grams of garlic that we set aside when preparing the “Elixir of Youth”? That's right, everything will come in handy on the farm. Let's prepare the garlic puree right away. We will need 2-3 heads of garlic (just our 150 grams of pureed garlic). Add a little salt and a few crushed walnuts. Now take half a kilo of black bread, cut into slices and soak in water. Squeeze and mix with garlic mass. It remains to beat the puree with a wooden spoon, adding a little vegetable oil(30 grams). Finally, add the juice of half a lemon and serve.

I must say that I try to cook everything with garlic. I’m not afraid of the garlic smell: you and I always have clay water ready.

Garlic recipes

Often I prepare for myself the simplest salad of garlic and carrots. I grate 2-3 medium carrots, mix with chopped garlic (usually I take 4-5 cloves of garlic for this), season with sour cream (you can also use mayonnaise), and you get a delicious, aromatic and healthy salad.

Here's another dish that you can cook at a quick fix: cottage cheese with garlic. Take 300 grams of cottage cheese, add four medium-sized cloves of chopped garlic, a little vegetable oil and sour cream, mix thoroughly. Add enough butter and sour cream so that the resulting mass can be spread on bread. When guests come to me, I make this dish more formal. I take the same amount of cottage cheese, one hundred grams of peeled walnuts, 3 cloves of garlic, fifty grams of butter. I grind the garlic with salt and crushed nuts, then mix it with cottage cheese and butter. This mixture can be served as sandwiches or served as a salad. In any case, it would be nice to sprinkle the whole thing with chopped parsley or my signature seasoning, which I wrote about in the chapter “Without meat - even tastier!”

Don't forget about my favorite garlic sandwich. I make different ones, they are all healthy, easy to make and very tasty.

Sandwich with parsley. I soften the butter, add some salt, mix it with finely chopped parsley and garlic (2 tablespoons of butter for 3 small sandwiches). I spread it on rye bread.

Here's another recipe. It turns out no worse than the famous French President cheese. The softened butter is thoroughly mixed with the same amount of processed cheese, for example “Druzhba”, crushed garlic (about one tablespoon) and one tablespoon of chopped herbs. Spread on slices of rye bread. Guests are sure that I am treating them to real French cheese!

My guests especially love it when I cook potatoes with garlic. I think these two products go amazingly together. They are completely compatible energetically, which is why dishes made from them turn out tasty and healthy.

I had to work as a cook when I went to a sponsored collective farm to harvest potatoes. My colleagues loved it very much fried potatoes with garlic. How do I cook it? I pour oil into a deep frying pan, heat it up and put small peeled and dried potato tubers into it (I cut large potatoes into several pieces). I fry the tubers until they become soft and golden brown. While the potatoes are frying, I prepare the garlic sauce: I grind a few cloves of garlic with salt, add a little vegetable oil and mix well. Well, now the simplest thing remains: pour garlic sauce over the finished potatoes - and off to the table!

But if you decide to please yourself or your guests with mashed potatoes, then I suggest you season it not just with oil, but with garlic oil! How tasty, and healthy at the same time! The oil must be prepared in advance. Crush a medium-sized head of garlic into a paste and place in a glass jar. Pour in a glass of unrefined sunflower oil (this kind of oil, in my opinion, is only made in our country) and place it in the refrigerator downwards so as not to freeze too much. The next day, pour out the required amount of oil, add a little lemon juice and stir into mashed potatoes.

Potatoes can be stewed with garlic. To do this, cut the potatoes into slices and place them in one layer in a saucepan, the walls of which are pre-lubricated with oil. A layer of potatoes is poured with oil, pepper, salt and crushed garlic, bay leaf, and chopped herbs are added. And so three layers. Then add hot water until it covers the potatoes and simmer until the liquid has evaporated. After this, brown the potatoes in a preheated oven. I serve it on the table, sprinkled with Grandma Travinka’s seasoning.

And here is a ceremonial salad, which I usually make if I’m waiting for someone or if I’m asked to cook something at a party. It’s not difficult to make, it takes very little time, and it turns out very tasty. For this salad we need half a kilogram of sweet pepper, 200 grams of walnut kernels, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 150 grams of sour cream, a teaspoon of lemon juice, a little sugar, salt, black pepper, parsley. Cut the baked and peeled pepper into thin strips; Mix crushed garlic and nuts with sugar, salt, ground black pepper, lemon juice and sour cream. Mix the resulting garlic-nut mass with pepper. Sprinkle the salad with green parsley.

You can make a simpler salad. Let's cut two hundred grams of cheese into small cubes, and just finely chop one hundred grams of onion. Crush half a small head of garlic; mix it all, add salt, pepper and season with one hundred grams of mayonnaise. Then, if you have time, put it in the refrigerator for a while.

I could probably fill this entire book with recipes that focus on garlic. Let's focus on the last dish: garlic lentil soup. Take a large saucepan, about five to six liters, and put in it 200 grams of well-washed lentils, one finely chopped onion, several small potatoes, diced, 2-3 carrots, cut into slices, one or two tablespoons of dried basil, a teaspoon marjoram (if these spices are not available, then I just add a little black pepper), 3 cloves of grated garlic. Pour it all with two liters of water and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and leave the soup to simmer slowly. Be sure to cover the pan with a lid. At this time, finely chop 3 medium-sized tomatoes and boil them. After about an hour, the lentils will become soft and the vegetables will be cooked through. It's time to add boiled tomatoes and half a glass of chopped spinach to the soup. Cook for another 15 minutes until done. All that remains is to add salt and a little lemon juice. If the soup turns out to be too thick, don't worry: add a little tomato juice or water. The soup turns out to be very satisfying, I managed to feed it to five very hungry people, and they didn’t want a second or a third.

In general, try to cook your food by seasoning it with garlic sauce. I want to give you another recipe for such a sauce. Pour half a glass of olive oil into a small saucepan (if you don’t have it, any vegetable oil will do), half a glass of lemon juice and add 3 cloves of garlic strung on a string into this mixture. Let sit at room temperature for about an hour. Before serving, the garlic is removed.

Well, at the very end there are 2 recipes that you simply cannot do without. Garlic mayonnaise. I love him very much. And it turns out much tastier than store-bought. One cup of sour cream (about 150 grams), 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 raw yolks, one medium head of grated garlic. I beat everything with a whisk, but if anyone has it, it’s probably faster in a mixer.

Garlic-lemon seasoning. It is very tasty with all kinds of salads. One hundred grams of vegetable oil, the juice of two medium-sized lemons, one head of crushed garlic, one tablespoon of mustard powder. I whisk all this together. It’s clear that if you are used to a mixer, use it.

By the way, if you don’t have clay water on hand to remove the smell of garlic, you can chew 2-3 coffee beans. The garlic smell won't be as strong.

To finally convince you that you need to eat as much garlic as possible, here is another important discovery. Scientists have discovered that garlic increases the body's resistance to stress. With regular use of garlic, we are less afraid of the cold, we get tired less, we sleep well, and all this together means that we have better mood! Now do you understand what's going on? Well of course good mood– one of the main sources of eternal youth! Therefore, my advice to you (it may seem too simple to you, but, I assure you, it is very important): drive away sad thoughts from yourself, drive them away with all your might, otherwise they will grab you with their iron paws of melancholy. And then diseases set in, the body ages at an extraordinary speed and you begin to look 10 years older. But how can you get rid of sad, sad thoughts if everything in life is going wrong, if your liver hurts, your husband has stopped loving you, your son is a fool... That’s about it How We'll talk to you now.

Banish sad thoughts

Sad thoughts make you remember the most insignificant troubles, which, as if in a bet with someone, undertook to suppress any bright spot that arose in your heart. And now you are already sure that there have been no good days in your entire life...

Everyone knows that one of the most important components of eternal youth is a good mood. No, don’t think that Grandma Travinka encourages you, my dears, to smile all the time, to try to look cheerful and cheerful all the time. Each of us has sad, tragic moments. Well, let them be only minutes! But to reduce sadness, there is one “secret”, and it helps me stay young. Anyone who has read my books knows it very well: always hurry to do good in everything! And there was never a case where the good did not respond.

Do good, and it will respond, you will immediately forget about the worries that troubled your soul a minute or two ago, they will seem not so catastrophic to you. This way the good will respond to your well-being, and now you are taking the next step more cheerfully. The good energy that you send to others boomerangs back to you.

For a long time as a girl I had to live with strangers, although they were close relatives. Out of pity, they sheltered a poor relative, but the piece wouldn’t go down her throat, and not only that... That’s what they said about me: no matter how much you feed her, she’s still skinny. That's right, because everything around me was filled with bad, evil energy. Of course, everything was of no use to me. Imagine, when I ended up with complete strangers who lived in those difficult times (it was during the war years) much poorer than my relatives, I blossomed, although they lived from hand to mouth. Why? But the good field with which these people surrounded me was passed on to me. And after many years they remained young at heart, they were happy, and, of course, they could not explain what was the matter. But everything is clear to me: the good they did in great abundance returned to them. I won’t say what happened to my close relatives, but I’ll admit: nothing good.

As you know, giving has been an indispensable ritual at all times and among all peoples. The very act of giving is a rare ability that the Lord gave us. Give, do not regret: your love, a warm look, a kind word, and maybe a gentle touch.

It is not for nothing that in the East a guest is always given a farewell gift, albeit sometimes modestly: fruit from the table, sweets... This is an ancient custom, but only now it becomes clear that it, among other things, contains something that today directly relates to achievements modern science. Yes, of course, I'm talking about energy. After all, these simple gifts contain part of your good field, which will definitely return to you in the form of something good... Try tomorrow to look around you, find the weak (and there are so many of them these days!) and rush to help. Good always returns a hundredfold, as written in the holy book - the Bible. And when you help an old man or an old woman, you will definitely hear: “Thank you, daughter, God bless you.” And from these kind words and because they called you “daughter”, everything inside will be illuminated with an amazing light, at such a moment sad thoughts will disappear from your subcortex.

And if you also feed this good energy with your inner attitude, then you can achieve a lot! Remember what I always say in the morning? Well, of course: that I even look pretty good, that I also like not only myself, that I will live 300 years, that I’m as healthy as an ox... And you can persuade not just yourself, but also your internal organs, so that they become younger and don’t bother you with their pain - ailments, but on the contrary, they functioned as they should.

It turns out that if we daily and persistently begin to direct our consciousness to a specific group of nerves (pick up an anatomical atlas in which everything is written out: which nerve goes where, goes, etc., etc.), then the latter (that is, those nerves that were in that group) begin... to develop, to rejuvenate. But this means that our entire body as a whole is getting younger! Wow!

End of introductory fragment.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Grandma Travinka's recipes (Valentina Travinka, 2013) provided by our book partner -

Valentina Mikhailovna Petrova is a healer (psychotherapy), author of prose and poetry.

She wrote books under the pseudonym Travinka about traditional healers.

Killed in St. Petersburg.

Books (5)

Reader comments

Project Irony/ 06/07/2019 Why are these books still not on the list of extremist literature? - this question came to our radio station from the concerned daughter of an ardent admirer of Valentina Mikhailovna and her methods. Well, what can we tell you about this?.. Of course, everyone has the right to creative self-expression, and the fact that Travinka’s books once and for all ruined the life of you and your family is not yet a sufficient reason to withdraw all occult literature. After all, we live in a democratic and rich country, we have a lot of nuts and a lot of threads, and if they are produced, then we need to somehow learn how to use them. Well, we don’t know how to sew and tighten bolts yet, well, why not approach this creatively?.. After all, the problem of your family is not that there was such a sweet woman under a charming pseudonym who wrote wonderful books, and not even that , that in our state this has become possible and the cult of the pendulum famously emphasized the fact that we are all exhausted and must dig a grave for ourselves with our own hands, in which we will quietly lie down... In fact, the problem with your family is that you easily exchanged your values what society offered you, you did not wage an internal struggle against false teachings, you did not know how to love one another, which means you deserved to be deceived. And Valentina Mikhailovna Petrova now rests in peace, she is forgiven, God accepted her soul in exchange for yours. And to you, as life lesson sent a test that you will never pass: to atone for the sins of Blade of Grass. This is the highest wisdom of life hidden in every piece of shit that flies in your face. Remember this: no one gives a damn about your family and the misfortunes that you did not deserve, but will endure for the rest of your days.

Alla Vladimirovna/ 01/19/2019 At one time, I read all of Travinka’s books with great pleasure. There was a feeling that she was talking to you))) And when I found out that she was gone, there was a feeling of losing a loved one... I still use the pendulum, which I learned to use thanks to Travinka, and I also cook semolina using her method)) ) Alla Vladimirovna

Xenia/ 09.26.2017 I can’t find the book “White Clothes of Love” anywhere, I really want to read it. Who knows where I can find it, some kind of website, or maybe someone has electronic form?

Sergey/ 08/12/2017 I really need recordings of audio conversations with Valentina Travinka. Help me find it!!!

Lily/ 01/11/2017 Help me find Travinka’s books

Elena/ 12/22/2016 The poems are beautiful, I think, and the man was wonderful

Zinaida/ 02/17/2015 Thank you for the opportunity to remember and re-read Valentina Travinka’s books again. I once had almost all the books and gave them to friends to read to others. So a lot of people read it.

hope/ 07/24/2014 I’m not just re-reading, but talking with Valentina. My soul just brightens. Thank you so much for this joy.

Tamara/ 04/09/2014 The book “Find the joy in yourself” helped cure my cold back in 3 days, taking into account that the doctors upon discharge from the hospital said that I would have it for a very long time.

Lydia/ 02/27/2014 I read Ivan’s review
I’m very sorry for Travinka, I remember those 90s, then we were all really tossing around: to remain atheists or to return to Orthodoxy. They didn’t understand about sects and many of my friends couldn’t resist this AVALANCHE OF FALSE PROPHETS. But her book about improving vision, “How beautiful this world is, look,” is the best among all other authors read (except for the incomprehensible Bates and others).

Lydia/ 02/27/2014 I love Travinka’s book “How beautiful this world is - look.” Using this book, I not only stopped the sharp progressive deterioration of my vision, but also got rid of the diseases that tormented me, such as: tearing in the bright sun, headaches, slight squint... I did everything scrupulously. I was completely cured of lacrimation on the fourth day of class. A strong book. Norbekov is resting...

Ivan/ 12/18/2013
Read what happened in the end. good woman wandered through the labyrinth, and could not get out of it.

Lyudmila/ 11/27/2013 Thank you for the opportunity to download Travinka’s books! I once read them in paperback, gave it to friends. I like it!

Julia/ 07/19/2013 Thank you very much! We borrowed them from friends to read, and the book became a reference book. I want to buy some of Travinka's favorites - they are not on sale. Recopying with binding is very expensive (RUB 1,600 no). I just don’t know how to thank you! I just don’t see where to download volume 2.