The grammar of the French language contains an indispensable indication of the tense category, which in practice is expressed through certain forms of verb units. We are talking here about the need to correlate statements with any specific time: past, present or future in general or with a specific moment in a designated time period.

Related grammar resources:

Thus, one of the modalities of the temporal category is the future tense in French, which describes actions or events that have not yet occurred, but should only take place after the designated moment of speech. At the same time, in the French language there are six forms that fix the category of the future tense, the use of which is determined by the framework of the exclusively indicative or indicative mood, denoting real actions that will take place. In practice, the future tense in French, both within oral and written speech communication, is most often used in its three main forms: Futur simple (future simple), Futur antérieur (future complex) and Futur immédiat or proche (future near), the rest of its forms (Futur immédiat dans le passé - the nearest future in the past, Futur dans le passé - the future in the past, Futur antérieur dans le passé - a complex future in the past), as a rule, are used in subordinate clauses in order to carry out the tense coordination procedure . At the same time, the forms Futur simple and Futur dans le passé are simple, formed inflectively by adding the corresponding final affixes to verbal infinitives, while the formation of the rest is analytical in nature and represents a mandatory combination of forms of units of the auxiliary and semantic type (or participles formed from them) .

Let us consider the features of the formation and use of verbs in the future tense of the French language in more detail.

Simple forms

Futur simple form FormFut. dans le passé

Features of shaping

infinite (undefined) f-ma gl-la + indif. inflections –ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. infinite (undefined) f-ma gl-la + indif. inflections –ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.

Row verb. units from the third group, the conjugation can change its basis.

Features of use

designation def. action in a future time period. Designation action of the future plan in relation to the past. time period, used in the process of agreement. times
designation polite. request
designation a persistent request or command.
designation an action expressed by the verbs être and avoir, perceived as possible (possibly, probably..)
Examples of use in speech Ils se rencontreront après-demain. (They will meet the day after tomorrow). Il supposa habiter Moscou et il vivrait dans l’aisance. (He thought to live in Moscow and he would live comfortably)
Je vous implorerai la grace. (I beg you for mercy)
Vous serez en alerte! (Be on the lookout!)
Où sont-ils maintenant? - Ils seront dans le jardin. (Where are they now? - Probably in the garden).

Complex shapes

Form Futur immediat FormFut. Immed. dans le passe Futur antérieur form FormFutur anter. dans le passe

Features of shaping

Rec. g-l aller in f-me present. vr-ni + infin. (undefined) f-ma of the main or meaningful chapter. Rec. gl aller in f-me imparfait + infin. (undefined) f-ma of the main or meaningful chapter. Rec. verbs être or avoir in f-me futur simple + partic. passé (past participle) of the main or meaningful verb. Rec. the words être or avoir in the form fut. dans le pas. + partic. passé (past participle) of the main or meaningful verb.

Features of use

Designation an action that is expected to take place in the near future. (just about, soon, now...) Designation an action that was expected to take place in the near future in relation to the past tense. (soon, was about to...), used with the purpose of agreement. times designation action, done earlier than another future action (together with the prepositions quand, sitôt que, dès que, lorsque, etc.) designation future an action that was planned to take place before another future action. actions regarding to last time segment, used in the process of agreement. times
designation an action positioned as possible, related to the past.
designation persuasive advice or command
Designation characteristic of letters. past speeches an action that has been evaluated in the future.
Examples of use in speech Je vais terminer l'école supérieure dans un an. (I will graduate from college in (already) a year) Lucas allait me telephoner, lorsque son sœur a rebroussé chemin. (Lucas was about to call me when his sister came back) Tu accompagneras un enfant à l’école, lorsque tout aura tassé. (Take your child to school when everything is settled). Elle a dit qu'elle venait, dès que auraient terminé l'étude. (She said that (she) would come as soon as they completed the study.)
J'aurai laiss é mon parapluie dans le wagon. (I probably left my (=my) umbrella in the carriage (car)).
Tu vas accompagner un enfant à l’école. (You will take (take) the child to school.)
Rarement un dictateur aura vis é dévouement inconditionnel...(A dictator rarely achieved boundless devotion...) Rarement un dictateur aura é té visé. (The dictator rarely took criticism personally)

Conjugation Features French verbs different groups in the future tense can also be considered using specific examples:

Future forms vr-nor in French. language

French groups chapters by type of conjugation.
First group (parler – talk) Second group (chauvir – to lead (with ears)) Third group (lire – read)
Simple forms
Future simple i. je parleraiii. tu parleras

i. nous parlerons

ii. vous parlerez

iii. ils parleront

i. je chauviraii. tu chauviras

iii. il chauvira

i. nous chauvirons

ii. vous chauvirez

iii. ils chauviront

i. je liraii. tu liras
Futur dans le pas. i. je parleraisii. tu parlerais

iii. il parlerait

i. nous parlerions

ii. vous parleriez

iii. ils parleraient

i. Je chauviraisii. tu chauvirais

iii. il chauvirait

i. nous chauvirions

ii. vous chauviriez

iii. ils chauviraient

i. je liraisii. tu lirais

iii. ils liraient

Complex shapes
Futur immediat I. je vais parler II. tu vas parler

III. il va parler

i. nous allons parler

ii. vous allez parler

iii. ils vont parler

i. je vais chauvirii. tu vas chauvir

iii. il va chauvir

i. nous allons chauvir

ii. vous allez chauvir

iii. ils vont chauvir

i. je vais lireii. tu vas lire

i. nous allons lire

ii. vous allez lire

iii. ils vont lire

Future immed. dans le pas. i. j'allais parlerii. tu allais parler

iii. il allait parler

i. nous allions parler

ii. vous allies parler

iii. ils allaient parler

i. j'allais chauvirii. tu allais chauvir

iii. il allait chauvir

i. nous allions chauvir

ii. vous allies chauvir

iii. ils allaient chauvir

i. j'allais lireii. tu allais lire

iii. il allait lire

i. nous allions lire

ii. vous allies lire

iii. ils allaient lire

Futur antherieur i. j'aurai parléii. tu auras parlé

iii. il aura parlé

i. nous aurons parlé

ii. vous aurez parlé

iii. ils auront parlé

I. j'aurai chauviII. tu auras chauvi

III. il aura chauvi

i. nous aurons chauvi

ii. vous aurez chauvi

iii. ils auront chauvi

i. j'aurai luii. tu auras lu

i. nous aurons lu

ii. vous aurez lu

iii. ils auront lu

Futur anter. dans le pas. i. j'aurais parléii. tu aurais parlé

iii. il aurait parlé

i. nous aurions parlé

ii. vous auriez parlé

iii. ils auraient parlé

i. j'aurais chauviii. tu aurais chauvi

iii. il aurait chauvi

i. nous aurions chauvi

ii. vous auriez chauvi

iii. ils auraient chauvi

i. j'aurais luii. tu aurais lu

iii. il aurait lu

i. nous aurions lu

ii. vous auriez lu

iii. ils auraient lu

The future tense in French is divided into several types. Each of these types is very important in coordinating tenses in a sentence. Below we will consider in detail the conjugation and agreement of the future tense.

Le Futur Simple - the simplest future tense

LeFutureSimple is the most commonly used future tense in French. It is called simple because no auxiliary verbs are involved in its formation. FutureSimple is formed as follows: verb infinitive + special endings. These endings are suitable for all three groups of verbs. We conjugate one verb for example and highlight the endings so that you can understand:

J'entrer ai
Tu enterr as
Il/elle enterr a
Nous enterr ons
Vous enterr ez
Ils/elles entrer ont

Since verbs Avoir And Etre stand apart and have a special meaning in the French language, they are conjugated in the simple future tense in their own way:

Tu auras/seras
Il/elle aura/sera
Nous aurons/serons
Vous aurez/serez
Ils/elles auront/seront

  • Je parlerai avec Eugene demain. – I’ll talk to Evgeniy tomorrow.
  • Jean enverra sa lettre la semaine prochaine. — Jean will send his letter next week.
  • Nous les verrons après demain. - Wewe'll seetheirday after tomorrow.

A few more words are worth saying about the simple future tense. Verb envoyer in the future tense changes the stem: envoyer - enverr~ –j'enverrai etc. change by person.

Most verbs of group III form the future tense according to the rule. BUT: verbs ending in -re, lose the ending -e (attendre - j'attendrai).

A number of verbs of group III in the future tense change the stem:

  • aller - ir~
  • apercevoir - apercevr~
  • avoir - aur~
  • courier - courr~
  • devoir - devr~
  • être - ser~
  • falloir - il faudra
  • faire - fer~
  • mourir - mourr~
  • pleuvoir - il pleuvra
  • pouvoir - pourr~
  • recevoir - recevr~
  • savoir - saur~
  • tenir - tiendr~
  • valoir - il vaudra
  • venir - viendr~
  • voir - verr~
  • vouloir - voodr~
Conjugation of verbs 1, 2,3 groups in Futur Simple

Le Futur Immédiat – near future tense

Le Futur Immédiat or, as it is also called, Proche, indicates an action that you will perform in the near future, soon, in a second, you are going to perform it now, in a moment.

It is formed using an auxiliary verb Aller(go) + infinitive of the conjugated verb:

Je vais chanter
Ty vas chanter
Il/elle va chanter
Nous allons chanter
Vous allez chanter
Ils/elles vont chanter

Verbs Avoir And Etre in the near future tense they are conjugated according to the same principle.

  • Je vais commencerà lire ce texte tout de suite. - II'll startreadthistextNowor.
  • Anne va te dire quelque-chose d'important. - Annawill sayyousome-Whatimportant.

There is also LeFutureImmédiatdanslePassé, which expresses an imminent future action in relation to the past (should have, soon, was about to, was about to do something). Used to coordinate tenses if the story is told in the past tense.

The education scheme is as follows: Aller V Imparfait+ infinitive of the semantic verb:

  • Maurice allait sortir lorsque son ami est venu. – Mauricewas going toget out, WhencamehisFriend.

Le Futur Antérieur – for writing

This future tense is used to express a future action that precedes another future action. It is not used in spoken language - only in written language. LeFutureAnterieur formed like this: verb Avoir or Etre(12 special verbs) in FutureSimple+ participepassé conjugated verb:

J'aurai réussi
Tu auras réussi
Il/elle aura réussi
Nous aurons réussi
Vous aurez réussi
Ils/elles auront réussi

Le Futur Antérieur used in a sentence after conjunctions quand- When, lorsque- When, après que- after, des que- as soon as aussitôt que- as soon as and after si in an indirect question:

  • Ilnousremercieraquandtout aura fini . - He'll thank us when it's all over.
  • Jean ne sait pas si Catherine aura réussià le convaincre. - JeanNotknows, it will be possiblewhetherCatherinehisconvince.

The so-called brother of this future tense - LeFutureAnterieurdanslePassé. Such a future tense expresses a future action that will take place before another future action from the past. Used to coordinate tenses.

The scheme is as follows: auxiliary verb (Avoir or Etre) V FuturedanslePassé +participepassé conjugated verb:

  • Armandaditqu'onauraitplusderenseignementsaussitotqu'on aurait fini l'enquete. – Arman said that he will have more information as soon as he finishes the survey.

What is Le Futur dans le Passé for?

This type of future tense is used to coordinate tenses in a sentence. If the main clause is constructed in the past plan, and the action of the subordinate clause needs to be expressed in the future plan, then it is used LeFuturedanslePassé.

LeFuturedanslePassé formed as follows: verb infinitive + endings Imparfait:

Je parler ais
Tu parler ais
Il/elle parler ait
Nous parler ions
Vous parler iez
Ils/elles parler aient

  • Je leur ai dit que je ne réussirais pas de terminer cet article. - Ithemsaid, WhatINotI'll have timefinishthisarticle.
  • Jeannousaannoncéqu'iln'yirraitpasavecnous. – Jean told us that he would not go there with us.

Verbs Avoir or Etre conjugated in FuturedanslePassé on the same principle.

As you can see, dear readers, the future tense in French has many aspects. Of course, not all of them are needed for speech, however, it is necessary to be familiar with them. See you again in the future, friends!

Futuredanslepassé - a special form of the future tense - replacesfuturesimple, V subordinate clause, if the verb of the main clause is in the past tense(Passé composé, Imparfait), i.e. expresses future action in relation to the past.

II disait (il a dit) qu"il lirait ce livre. - He said (said that he would read this book.

futur dans le passé is formed according to the following scheme:

Infinitif +

graduation Imparfait

parler(I gr.)

nous parlerions

ils parleraient

finir(II gr.)

dire(III gr.)

Special forms of verbs of group III§ 83

avoir– j'aurais etc.

être– je serais etc.

Replacing futur simple, futuredanslepassé translated into Russian by a verb in the future tense.


5. Traduisez en russe:

1. Louis a demandé quand Jacques irait à Moscow. 2. J"ai oublié qu'il ferait son rapport à ce congrès international. 3. Claude a annoncé qu"il reviendrait bientôt à Paris. 4. Il a dit qu"il me donnerait leur adresse. 5. Martine a décidé qu"elle se mettrait au régime dès lundi. 6. Patrick ne savait pas quand il verrait son ami. 7. J"ai déjà expliqué que je ne pourrais pas participer à cette table ronde. 8. Hélène a écrit qu"ils seraient ravis d"inviter les Rival à Genève.9. Jacques a dit qu'il aurait une bonne occasion de perfectionner son russe. 10. Nous étions que Jacques ferait des progrès remarquables.

6. Dans les propositions subordonnées (V subordinate clauses proposals) remplacez

je ↔ nous, tu ↔ vous, il ↔ ils, elle ↔ elles:

1. On a dit que tu participerais à une des tables rondes.2. Martine a expliqué qu"elle regarderait ce spectacle avec plaisir. 3. J"ai écrit à mes parents que j"irais en voyage d"affaires le 10 mai. 4. Jacques a pensé qu"ils seraient en retard. 5. Il savait que nous recevrions son invitation par courriel. 6. Qui a dit que vous y iriez avec eux? 7. Jacques a ajouté qu'il aurait l'occasion d' 8. J'ai appris que nous devrions préparer des rapports pour lundi. 9. Je ne savais pas que vous pourriez m'aider.

§93. Participle. Gerondif

Gé rondif corresponds to the Russian gerund.

En sortant de la maison j"ai vu mon ami. - Coming out from home, I saw my friend.

Gerondif is formed according to the following scheme:

I parler - nous parlons → en parlant- speaking

II finir - nous finissons → en finissant- finishing

III faire - nous faisons → en faisant- doing

Exceptions: avoirayant , ê treé tant , are usually used without particle en.

If there is no corresponding Russian gerund, Gé rondif can be translated in other ways:

en mangeant - during a meal, when... ate

en courant - running

Pronominal verbs have a pronoun se agrees with the subject:

En me reposant, je lis. - When I rest, I read.

En nous reposant, nous lisons. - While resting, we read.

7. Traduisez en russe:

1. Je prends mon petit déjeuner, en écoutant la radio. 2. En entrant au supermarché, Denise prend un chariot. 3. En sortant de l"école, Patrick a rencontré son copain. 4. En regardant cette comédie, nous avons beaucoup rigolé. 5. En m"approchant du bureau, j"ai vu mes collègues. 6. Nous avons rencontré Marie, en nous promenant dans le parc. 7. L "appétit vient en mangeant. 8. En faisant les achats par Internet, vous pouvez comparer la qualité et les prix.9. En suivant ce régime, vers la fin de la semaine Martine devra perdre 1 kilo. 10. En lisant les étiquettes sur les produits, on peut savoir leur composition et la date de leur fabrication.

8. Donnez le gérondif. Traduisez:

bavarder, visiter, s"adresser, monter, grandir, choisir, finir, lire, dire, faire, sortir, prendre, mettre, répondre, partir, écrire, voir, boire.

In French, there are simple future tenses: Futur Simple (simple future), most common in spoken and written speech. Futur dans le Passé (the so-called future in the past), used to convey the simple future in indirect speech. Among the complex ones there are: Futur Antérieur (pre-future tense), used to convey an action that will occur in the future earlier than any other future action or will be performed at a certain moment in the future. Futur Antérieur dans le Passé (pre-future tense in terms of the past), used to convey Futur Antérieur tense in indirect speech.

To convey a future action, the French language also has periphrastic forms: Futur Immédiat (in terms of the present) to express the action closest to the present moment of speech. It serves as a full-fledged replacement for the simple future and is widely used both in oral and written speech. Futur Immédiat dans le Passé (in terms of the past) is used to replace Futur Immédiat in indirect speech.

Future Simple
INFINITIF + ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont
1e groupe 2e groupe
je demanderai
tu demanderas
il, elle, on demandera
nous demanderons
vous demanderez
ils, elles demanderont je choisirai
tu choisiras
il choice
nous choices
vous choice
ils choice
Forme negative: Je ne demanderai pas, etc.
Forms interrogatives: Demanderai-je?
Demandera-t-il (elle,on)?
Demanderont-il (elles)?
Ne demanderai-je pas ? etc.
N. B. verbs of group 3 ending with -re lose the letter “e” - nous dirons.

Many verbs of group 3 are an exception and are formed according to the following scheme: special verb stem + endings
avoir j"aurai être je serai envoyer j"enverrai
aller j"irai venir je viendrai courir je courrai
mourir je mourrai faire je ferai savoir je saurai
pouvoir je pourrai devoir je devrai recevoir je recevrai
voir je verrai cueillir je cueillerai vouloir je voudrai
s"asseoir j"assiérai falloir il faudra pleuvoir il pleuvra

Translated into Russian by the future tense of perfective/imperfective verbs (Je me promenerai I'll take a walk, I'll walk)
1. To express a future action (L "année prochaine, nous irons dans le Midi).
2. To replace the imperative in 2 l. units and many more h. (Vous viendrez demain à trois heures).
3. To convey a polite tone (Je vous ferai remarquer que... Let me point out to you that...)
4. When formulating religious commandments (Tu ne voleras point Thou shalt not steal)
5. In narration when describing the perspective of events (La qualité révolutionnnaire du caractère national français se manifestera dans toute son ampleur en 1789). This is the so-called Future Historique. It should be noted that the future tense in French contains the meaning of uncertainty and serves 6. to express an assumption, a hypothesis (Ce sera sa sœur aînée - This is probably his / her / older sister).

The hypothetical meaning of the verbs avoir, être is conveyed using Futur Simple,
For other verbs it is preferable to use Futur antérieur.
Le Futur Immédiat
Education: le présent de ALLER + INFINITIF
je vais écouter nous allons écouter
tu vas écouter vous allez écouter
il va écouter ils vont écouter
Forme negative: Je ne vais pas écouter etc.
Forms interrogatives: Vais-je écouter ? Ne vais-je pas écouter?
This tense is used to express the action closest to the moment of speech (Ne t"inquiète pas, je vais revenir Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon / I’ll be back soon), i.e. when translating, an indicator of the closest implementation of the action is required (now, soon). Also use lexical equivalents to gather, intend to do something (Quand allez-vous discuter ce problème? When do you intend /are going/ to discuss this issue?)

The future tense in French is not the most difficult category to study, however, it requires some attention due to ambiguous approaches to the interpretation of some of its forms. At the same time, here, as in a number of other languages, the use of the grammeme of the future tense, which is one of the temporal modalities, as such, indicates the fact that the described events or actions follow the moment of speech (after “now” - compare - I will die without any assistance. (in an-om. ya-ke); I will die without outside help (in a r-kom ya-ke); .).

At the same time, the future tense in French (unlike Russian I would have gone or English (I would have gone...)) is limited to expression only by forms of the indicative mood, where it forms an ambiguous complex structured system of three considered as the main ones - futur simple (future simple), futur antérieur (complex future) and futur immédiat (near future), and three additional ones - Futur dans le passé (future in the past), Futur antérieur dans le passé (complex future in past), Futur immédiat dans le passé (near future in the past), usually used in the process of temporary coordination, forms -.

Les beaux esprits se rencontreront. (Great minds will always find a common language) - action. as a given

Je le lui ferai savoir par telephone. (I will tell him this over the phone) - planned future. action

Vous serez prudents, peinture fraîche! ((Be careful) carefully, painted!) - please, warning

Ils seront dans le magasin d'alimentation. (They're probably at the grocery store). — possible action

Futur dans le pass é

Elle a regretté que son mari irait au bureau mardi. (She regretted that her husband would go to service on Tuesday.) - according to acc. vr-n for designation actions in the future in relation to the past

Futur imm ediat

Nous allonsadopter la religion chrétienne bientôt. (We are soon going to accept the Christian religion). - valid in the near future

Tu vas venir te joinedre à nous! (You will join us!) - command

Futur imm Edit dans le passe

Lucien a dit que vous alliezadopter la religion chrétienne bientôt. (Lucien said that you are going to convert to Christianity soon). - in accordance with vr-n for designation imminent future action in relation to the past

Future ant érieur

Tu me préviendras quand tous seront partis. (Alert me when everyone leaves). — prev. future actions to each other (at first - everyone will leave, and then - you warn me).